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tv   CNN Tonight  CNN  January 11, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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tonight, more classified documents from biden's time as vice president found at a second location. first telling cnn, the president's legal team discovered this batch during a search conducted after the other classified documents were found back in november. it's just adding to the chaos and maybe the delight of some in washington d.c. tonight. if you look down pennsylvania avenue from the white house to congress, investigations are
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brewing. you can argue that some are absolutely warranted. you can argue some are absolutely not. but this is president biden's new reality, as he navigates the next two years with republicans controlling the house. i want to bring in former republican congressman, joe walsh, cnn political commentator, ashley allison, and téa mitchell, washington correspondent for the atlanta journal constitution. look, biden does not have the smoothest of paths ahead of him. we can say that with a straight face and perhaps a little bit of a smile or a friend. ashley, republicans have said as much, they are-bent on being, not just a thorn in his side, but maybe even taking him down and making sure are republicans in the oval office come 2024. how does the white house keep its eyes on the promised prize of even their own campaign? >> they have to continue to
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look to deliver, and they need to draw the contrast of republicans trying to take one men down, rather than delivering for the people. and continue either putting legislation forward, maybe knowing that it's not going to pass in the house, and not get to his bill, but calling those votes and make each elected official stand by what they believe policy related. i also think we have opportunities on administrative action. they can take different positions with issues that really care about. we know from this last midterm, the american people were not satisfied in the direction the country was going. it was not just about the economy, it was about protecting our democracy, cutting out this nonsense and getting an improving the lives of american people. and that's what i would do if i was the biden administration. i wouldn't take the bait of the republicans, they are going to throw out red meat, let them pander to that portion of the base. if they do and do these investigations on hunter biden
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and whatnot, i think it backfires on republicans in the long run. and the biden administration needs to focus on governing. >> téa, she makes really strong point about the idea, if the focus is bringing one person down as opposed to lifting maybe millions up, especially in the economy that were in and beyond, the focus has been, and they have not been shy on the campaign trail, and frankly, republicans have reclaimed the majority in the house, and their platforms were not hidden about investigating the investigators. the origins of covid-19, the withdrawal from afghanistan, hunter biden, the biden finances more broadly. this seems to be a lot about the political optics. because they can't really focus anything legislatively, right? >> we don't expect substantial legislation to come out of congress for the next two years, because the house is being moved further towards the right, meanwhile, not now not only on the senate republicans more moderate. we know democrats are in control of the senate, of course, democrats are in control in the white house.
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so, absent of that substantial legislation and quite frankly gridlock that we expect in the house just among republicans in the house, that does get the white house opportunity to focus on things like implementing the infrastructure bill. implementing the chips and science act. the white house can say, we'll let them fight it out, we've got work to do. because they did have a successful last two years, so they've got a lot of things on their plate that they can build off of. now, things like the confidential documents found in president biden's private office, he's gonna have to deal with that. it is a distraction. it is a way that his critics can say, see, he's just as bad as the things he's, you know, the democrats say president trump has done. to actually point, the white house can say, we're not gonna let that distract us from the work. >> it's clear, there's going to be the argument that people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. but others who have been in the white house have had to deal
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with something similar, not perfectly analogous, but obama had to contend with benghazi, george w. bush had the identity of the cia agent and beyond. presidents don't always have the ability to have their own party in the majority in both houses and chambers of congress. is this something different about this time that you think this might play differently? >> yeah, i think it plays to biden's benefit. if done right, this is an enormous opportunity for president biden. as you said, laura, the next two years are going to be investigations on steroids. it's going to be utter chaos in the house. biden got elected in 2020, because trump was so chaotic. and biden was this calm in the storm. he can do the same thing with these next two years, and just kind of defensively respond. to all the chaos that's going on in the house, which legislatively, won't do anything for the american people. i think it's an opportunity. >> what do you think, actually,
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about the idea, you've got the quiet part thinks out loud, in terms it's obvious that politics is part of the retaliatory perception people have congress right now. but they promised this before they were elected, up top and republicans in november. it wasn't as if this was a shock to the voters. does that indicate that this is, there's an appetite for this? or even if there was one, does that mean it's not gonna be sustained? >> i don't think that appetite is as strong as some people might think. >> really? >> look at the outcome of the 2022 election. this red wave was like a drizzle. where was it? it didn't manifest because the voters, what is happening in washington d.c. in the republican party is disconnected to what is happening to every day americans across the country. and the republicans, by any stretch of the imagination,
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should've taken governors seats, not had many state legislatures flipped, secretaries of states should have been governors. the house did go to, excuse me, should republicans. the house did go to republicans. but not by the margins at all that we suspected. and then the senate stayed in control for the dems. it's because people don't want oversight, unnecessarily. they want our government to function properly. they want the three branches of our government to be checks and balances among them, they feel that there was some overreach on the judicial branch. i think the voters sent a message. i don't think it was investigations, investigations, investigations. >> and yet, to, i want you to respond to this as well, you do have this idea of the weaponization that you're talking about, the idea of allegations, that the former president was not weaponizing the federal government or doj, now the allegation is that biden is doing this very thing, the investigation of the investigation is to now look at the so-called weaponization of
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the federal government. i'm wondering, what the endgame is there? is there, on the one hand, obviously, to tarnish biden, but is it also to rehabilitate trump and could that work? >> i mean, i think that rehabilitating trump in giving talking points almost there talking to trump by having these investigations currying favor with trump, currying favor with trump supporters, those maga republicans, that a lot of rank and file republicans believe that's the kind of support they need to stay in office, to seek higher office. the risk is, will republicans in the house overplay their hand? they're playing to their base right now, not just with the special investigations that they're already setting up, but with the bills their passing, the antiabortion legislation and things like that. yes, it speaks to their base. it is a message that resounds in conservative media. but in a wider swath of voters,
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again, i don't think that's necessarily what voters want their members of congress to be focused on. in the question is, if they do this too much, and especially, if it starts leading to gridlock when it comes to things that matter more like the farm bill that needs to be reauthorized, like government spending, like the debt ceiling, will that turn voters off, and could that lead, you know, to some republican losses, the midterms is 2023. we're talking the next election in 2024. >> you think about the idea of us versus them political, world it comes down to is at him, or the rest of us? that will be -- welcome back to all of you don't worry, i'm sure you've been hearing a lot, lately, probably wondering why so much? people yelling, actually yelling, about gas stoves. not politics, but gas stoves lately. you're probably wondering, why that is? well, believe it or not, this kitchen appliance is the latest front in the culture wars. of course, politics is not far behind. i'm gonna tell you why, and give you the facts about gas
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stoves, next.
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have you been hearing a lot about gas stoves the past couple of days? i bet you have. that's because they become the latest political flash point, after comments from a consumer product safety commission interview with bloomberg. richard -- telling the outlet, gas stoves are a, quote, hidden hazard, and that any option, unquote, is on the table. including banning them. that's what everybody off. president biden even weighed in with the white house saying, quote, the president does not support banning gas stoves. this comment comes at a time when he is fending off attacks about classified documents, think about the priorities of how big an issue this has become. and the head of the cps sea, later clarifying trump -- comments on twitter saying, i want to set the record straight, contrary to recent media reports, i am not looking to
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ban gas stoves, and the u.s. cpsc has no proceeding to do so. more on the facts about the health hazards of gas stoves in just a moment, first, let's bring back joe walsh, ashley allison and téa mitchell. we all giggle about how this can be an issue, and how we talk about this. but replace some of the words for gas stove with other issues that happened, for example, lonnie jackson from texas tweeting, i'll never give up my gas stove if the maniacs in the white house come for my stove, they can pry it from a cold, dead hands. common take it. joe manchin saying, this is a recipe for disaster. federal government has no business telling american families how to cook their dinner. i can tell you, the last thing that would ever leave my house is the gas stove that we took on. i couldn't help but thinking as i read these tweets, i thought, i feel like i've heard similar arguments in every culture war, even about guns, the idea of the government coming in and take things away.
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is that what this symbolizes? this is the next frontier of what the government is trying to take away? >> laura, as the only former republican and former right-wing radio talk show host at the table, let me just say, democrats, laura, better nip this gas stove thing in the bud right now, or it's gonna get him. three years ago, a couple of people on the left said, we need to defund the police. and republicans tagged the whole democratic party with that. they are doing it, and they will try to do the date same thing with this gas stove business. i know, because i used to do that. you paint the democrats as out of touch. with regular folk who depend upon these gas stoves. democrats need to fight this head on. >> really, even the president addressing it immediately, because obviously, the reason they had to address it is because it had gotten out there, that it was no longer about a connection possibly with asthma or conversations about the emissions, even if it was off in terms of the pilot being on, in some respects, it was, what
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the government's trying to do to get you, the common person, and attack these industries. is that what has to happen to nip it in the bud? is it already too late? >> i think it's a messaging issue, this is a good lesson, his remarks probably were the most precise, maybe not the most comprehensive in explaining it. but there is been journalism that has explained it more accurately, but then there are a lot of the conservative media sphere putting their own spin on it, that did not accurately portray what was going on. again, this at the core is about childhood asthma, which is not just a serious disease that causes a lot of money, and keeps kids sick, children die of asthma attacks every day. so, we're talking about the federal government looking at something to say, what can we do to make things better for children? ? could that possibly mean in the future not selling new gas stoves?
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but that's the conversation these to be had in a way that's much more delicate than the trump go roll out. that's a lesson for the biden administration. >> i don't mean to cut you off, but it's also already bans in different states about new development in new york, for example, not being able to have or trying to essentially age out all these different -- because of what you're talking about. but it also reminds me of the phrase that comes to mind, special interests, ashley. because it was seized upon. the idea of this comment, as you mentioned, in a bloomberg piece, talked about in the health risks, you had the american gas association, ashley, put out a statement against trump's comments. obviously they were not favorable about anyone trying to win anyway hinted that gas was not a good idea. ? ? >> this was so unfortunate and unnecessary. i think everyone, former republican, republican, democrat.
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progressive, would agree we don't have children to be suffering and dying from asthma attacks. i think that's a baseline. but we don't talk about issues like that. we talk about it like there to the government trying to take this from you. or you're gonna try and come into my private home. look, i grew up learning gas cooks better. that's how my grandmother taught me. >> cooking with gas was the phrase. >> she's to say, cooking with oil. but literally, it was like gas is -- cooked better. why are they talking about banning gas stoves? you do a little bit more research, it is about how you present information to people. if you talk about this through the lens of children we want to keep our children's healthy and safe, the first thing that comes to mind, to be honest, is not banning a gas stove. it's getting climate change or control. it's stopping pollution. it doesn't seem like you just jump to gas stoves. again, it feels like you're a little bit out of touch, with the everyday person, when you say, in order to stop childhood asthma, banned gas stoves. that's not a winning campaign line. i don't know any voter in any
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part who's gonna really side with that. but talk to people about the every day experiences they have, and the dems can get this back up. >> are we a little bit at fault in the sense, joe, the whole article it seems was trying to go hyperbolic. but the way it's been received, and the way it's seized upon is really the crux of so many issues. that statement, perhaps, was innocuous, perhaps it was benign, perhaps it wasn't. it was seized on to the president of the united states. has to weigh in that today, all of a sudden, you're losing your gas stove in your house. >> laura, it's just like defund the police. that was seized upon, because a couple of people on the left said that, and the republicans painted the whole party with that. in december, 20th congressional democrats asked the commission to consider banning gas stoves. you've got democrats in new york and california who are pushing this. i just think it is an issue where democrats look out of touch. that's a weakness of theirs. >> and republicans are talking about this with truth.
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>> yes. >> if you actually talk to people who believe in defund the police, it's about police reform, it's about reinvesting in communities. it's about keeping black and brown people safe from police officers who unfortunately are stopped and killed by police. that's what the movement of defunding the police, whether you agree with it or not. but republicans take it and say, -- >> you're coming from a gas stoves. >> well, this just proves a point. who do we go from gas stoves to defunding the police, proves that politics always finds a common thread. and how we dealt with, i can imagine the headlines tomorrow about this very issue. i actually want to bring in joe allen, he's the director of the healthy buildings program. at harvard's t h chance school of public health. i'm hoping you can help set the record straight in some respect, because our politics gets involved, people have a whole different viewpoint of what was said, what the impact is, gaston being taken out, or they banned, what's the deal? we haven't talked about gas fireplaces in homes by the way, that's a separate issue. what is the real deal, it's
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december study said what? >> yeah, thanks for every man. i'm happy to talk, in step back about the science about what it says about health. what we're finding is really quite interesting. and stepping back from all the mixed messaging out there, it's not imminent were gonna rip out gas stoves. if you go back to the science, you see that gas stoves can emit toxic gases. like now trudged oxide or an 02. that we know irritates the airwaves. it can aggravate existing respiratory diseases, like asthma. it causes coughing, and wheezing. and if you're exposed to it long enough, it can lead to the development of asthma, in kids and adults. it can also influence cognitive performance of kids, it's bad for her health. so, take this all together, that's what driving the story. there's a concern that burning this toxic gas, in the homer in the having it in the home, leads to adverse health effects. here's surprising factory audience. the first is this, certainly, when you use a gas stove, the emissions are higher, and yet the exposure is higher. but they amid, they can amid,
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even when they're off. that surprises a lot of people. when they're not in use. the second one is this, this recent study, found that 12% of current asthma in kids is attributable to gas stoves, and in some states like california, illinois, new york, it's about 20%. one in five. one in five kids with asthma can have attributed to this toxic gas being used in the home. i think if you think about it under that lens, then this conversation makes a lot more sense, just on the science, it's a good idea to limit exposure to toxic gases in the home that can lead to and could contribute to asthma. >> as a mom, i'm concerned in particular, i'm wondering about the amount of times a gas stove is even on in the home, talk about even the limited, the cooking hours so the kids around in some respects around the parent cooking. that even that limited window would lead to the one in five result you're talking about is really stunning. but also, the cities you named, there are cities like san
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francisco, cities like new york, that have actually banned natural gas hookups and used a specialized safety of buildings and environmental concerns and whatnot. how much responsibility to cities actually have in their legislation to get ahead of this issue or to course correct? >> i think all of that being driven by the -- electrify everything movement, we have to get off fossil fuels because of climate change, that's limiting gas hookups. the conversation with our gas stoves is less focused i think on these bigger issues around climate change, and more about the immediate impacts. i'm a father of three kids. it's hard for people to think about the abstract seemingly abstract impacts of climate change. you talk about my kids health? yeah, then i start thinking about, i'm gonna do something about that gas stove. so, it's really important that we're having this conversation, but i also want to put it in the context of what we already know about things like nitrogen dioxide. one of these gases. it surprises me that there's so much focus on this, we've
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regulated an 02 as an outdoor air pollution for over 50 years. in fact, sometimes the gas stove can lead to an 02 levels in the home that would be illegal. if it was outside. so, i know this concern seems new, it's in the news, but we've been talking about no two exposures outdoors and regulated that for 50 years. and, now the attentions coming on these indoor exposures that are happening. now, something really important, what to do? what we do about this? i think it's practical, pragmatic, feasible, affordable to go out and rip out your gas stove right now. simple things you can do, when you're cooking, make sure your exhaust hood is on invented to the outdoors. if you don't have that, just crack the window open a little bit. that's when your exposures highest. then, when the time comes, next after make approaches, think about or definitely get an electric stove or an induction stove. until then, eventually to keep exposures low. >> i mean, is there an o to monitor? what can kevin their mom to detect a level they have right now? >> you could, but i think that's more on the scientific instrumentation side. i think every homeowner has to go out and do that, i don't think it'll be after you think about worrying about. every single night.
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i think when you are making better decisions, going forward, in new buildings talk, and i agree with these laws that are limiting the hookups, but in the interim, when you're gonna make a change, switch to a better product, an electric stove, or an induction stove, and before that, just ventilate a little bit better. every stove should have an exhaust hood over it, that's vented to the outside, you gotta turn it on when you cook. >> so important, joe, i'm also thinking about those who are renting or don't have the ability to make those purchases, and make those choices. i hope everyone is listening tonight as well. really important to hear your perspective, joe allen, thank you so much. >> throwing me on. >> there's a goodness report tonight, damar hamlin is out of the hospital today. but his terrifying collapse has player's all across the league, frankly many leagues, the nfl grappling with the realities of their own sport. stay with us to hear why.
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so, after now ten days in two separate hospitals, buffalo bills play, or damar him land, he's finally home tonight. he was discharged this very morning from a buffalo medical center. it's a remarkable feat, considering it was just last monday, he suffered cardiac arrest on the field. the bills coach says, it will be up to him when to decide when he returns to the team. >> we'll leave it up to him. his health is first and foremost on her mind. as far as his situation goes, when he feels ready, we welcome him back as he feels ready. >> joining me now, former nfl
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player, marcus smith, the second and cnn sports analyst, christine brennan. good have you both here. the last time we were both speaking, it was a very different set of circumstances, we were hoping he'd be able to go home, hoping he'd have a chance to recover. wondering a lot of things. but you heard the bills coach, marcus, talking about this. i was called your player, a turn to the bills coach. talking about the player. i'm wondering if you believe there really is this shift about prioritizing the players, about prioritizing it's his decision, because, so often the way the contracts are written, sometimes there isn't incentives for players to play hurt. >> right. yeah. i think there is a shift with the nfl, i think they're pushing for this mental health thing. and i really appreciate it's the work that you do as a life coach, but i really truly feel they're pushing more for mental health, because we as players
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feel that we need today as mental health today in the nfl. i really believe that we need that in the nfl. >> it's important, because talking about mental health as opposed to his physical health, the players who were on the field and many who are watching and are still reeling about what they saw, and it has impacted how they feel about the sport. about their own confidence in playing. you really can't play if you're reluctant or nervous about getting hurt. >> right. >> when you get hurt, you can't really play like you want to. and i think that most people, they think that players have this galaxy warrior type mentality. and we can't even have emotions. we can't even think about certain things, because we're always thinking about the next play. and that's what we always have been taught. so the next play, the next play up, we know this when you look
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at a football game, when a player gets hurts, they move the ball up, and they resume the game. so, when you look at all those things to as well, it's like, well, the emotional side of it, when are we gonna really tap into our emotions? from experience, tapping into my emotions is speaking about what i've seen and what i've been through. >> yeah. >> and that's how i think that we should continue to move forward as the nfl and we need to continue to speak that as players. so we can really tap into our emotions and be better and healthier. >> christine, if this had happened in 20 years ago, 30 years ago. sometimes you'd say even five years ago. would we be at a point where we're talking about even tapping into that emotion? or even addressing the priority of those players? >> absolutely not. absolutely not, laura. what marcus is saying, it is such a step forward. i think the nfl as we've talked about many times, is the behemoth. it is our most popular sport by far. and in this way, it is coming
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along with our culture. think back to the summer of 2021. the spring and summer. naomi osaka, obviously, was the first to really bring up the issue of mental health. and her struggles as she was leaving tournaments during the summer, the french open. michael phelps, the great swimmer, has talked about and written a book about had a documentary about his struggles with mental health. if the great, wonderful, all powerful, michael phelps can tell us that he's struggling, well, the nfl can also say, hey, we've got human beings here, as you said marcus, we need to address this. >> we had simone biles opted not to compete, which was really the next even horizon. >> you took the words right out of my mouth. and that same summer, phelps actually's been talking about this for a while, but you have naming on osaka, within a month or two a couple months, you have simone biles story, and the time that the world is watching. the tokyo olympics. and she says, i can't compete. it took these incredibly strong
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athletes world renowned athletes, so now, the nfl is also dealing with this and saying, hey, the athletes the players union has been really strong on this. athletes like marcus, speaking about this, laura, and saying, we have to focus on the mental health of these giants who also, by the way, are human beings. >> marcus, on that point, this is also a business as much as it is a sport. and the phrase, are you not entertained? comes to my mind. and there's a big dollar sign attached to the priorities that a league will make to figure out how best to mark it it. and maybe that gladiator perception in persona is what sells tickets. but should there be a culture change to say, look, there is even a market on -- case for why it's good to focus on the whole player? >> when you think about the player, you want him to be successful in every which way possible. so, if the league and the nfl wants the players to be successful, mentally,
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physically, spiritually, they will do everything that it takes to get them the training, the life coaches, the mental health, that they so leaders are. and the work that i continue to do in the work that i continue to push for them is, when you have players, right, the players in the sense, by one player, i'm gonna say this, one player he was explaining why he was crying. he was explaining that, and as men, why do we have to explain why we weep? and so, for me, i truly believe that we have to get to a point where, we're not explaining that. and that's just us being men, and that's what a real man looks like. so, as players, we have to take our manhood, put it on the football field, but also, be human about it. and do it that way. i think if the nfl looks at it that way, i think it will be some changes.
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i think it's going that way. i really appreciate that, for them doing the. >> real quick christine, does the mighty dollar dictate more for this league what's gonna happen next? >> certainly, yes. i think there's also the public pressure. and when you saw those coaches saying, we can't keep playing this game. that's again, something as you pointed out earlier, has never been said two or three years ago, certainly not five or ten years ago. and this idea that the nfl players is much more than just this strong, physical player, i think that something that the nfl has to deal with. the nation, the world is saying, you have to deal with the mental health of these athletes. >> really important point, to all of you, thank you so much. also, we are learning about one state that is passing a sweeping gun control bill today. as legal challenges to another states law is playing right out in the courts. we'll tell you where things stand and what supreme court justices are saying about all of it, next. ack us and see exactly when we'll be there.
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the supreme court today allowing a new york state gun law that puts restrictions on carrying concealed firearms to remain in effect we'll legal challenge plays out in the appeals court. that as illinois governor signed legislation today introducing sweeping new measures that do everything from kept the sale of high capacity magazines, to expanding the power of state courts to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous individuals. joining me now, cnn national security analyst, juliette kayyem, cnn louis legal analyst, elliott williams. just a break this down for many
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people, last summer, the supreme court struck down the original new york conceal and carry law. now it's being changed again, house is gonna play out? >> look, they put a new law in place in effect following the supreme court's decision that, number one, it restricts for a few folks can have a firearms in sensitive locations, churches, schools, parks and so on. number two, sets up a permanent scheme in order to get a gun in the first place. these are the steps have to go through, these are both a little bit controversial only in so far as the supreme court cracked open the door last summer saying, these things might work in some ways, but we're not gonna tell you exactly what's going to be okay. this is going back to the supreme court, i think it's hard to see how there's not gonna be another >> from a law enforcement perspective, if there is a challenge of not being able to ascertain a threat and evaluate one, if everyone is able to,
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that poses a threat, right? >> law enforcement, the idea that law enforcement is sort of pro no gun restrictions is ridiculous. in other words, the assault rifle ban, all of them are supported by legit police organizations to understand that if you're in a restaurant, and you think one person has a gun, and another person as a gun and two people have concealed guns, and there is an argument over a tip, that that is going to elevate relatively faster than something in which people will use words and argue. the number of states with concealed weapon loss is historic, and the number it is or. now what you see in terms of the counter is that people are trying to figure out where the middle to elie was talking about, which is that the supreme court left bread comes in terms of what restrictions can be. what is the middle? but there's also political
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sides to this, which is important. i don't people to think that bespeak a zulus in court, part of what this is about is to keep pushing so that those that they would defend or those who do not support reasonable gun legislation, for example, red flag laws, assault rifle ban or those things, are put on the defense, and that's what you want, because that's the only way we'll get movement. i'm not talking up tomorrow, next month or next year, i'll get movement five, ten or 15 years ago. this is the same strategy today with other social movements in this country, it's not going to happen tomorrow with this court. >> there is the expectation, to her point, that the court will be the panacea and putting, solve everything, and there will be a challenge. we'll have no more gun related accidents, deaths or violent crimes. this is a week where we had a six-year-old having access to a gun and shooting's first grade teacher. there is the pr component about this, also the expectation of what we expect of the supreme
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court. is this the right way to go about this? >> look, the devil in any of these things is the details. even when use the term like an assault weapons banned, like the case in illinois right now, how do you define what an assault weapon is? the supreme court will tell you what that is. illinois says if it is a rifle, it can be modified with eight thatch magazine and has a pistol, 58 different things that might define an assault weapon is. that might be legal, it might not, but the supreme court, even in folks wanting to paint them as overwhelmingly conservative, they left open a lot of ground as having to find all these things. it's actually a little chaotic right now as to what actually is going to survive and what is not. again, certainly, there is the ideological leanings of the current supreme court, won't weigh in on any of that, but this is an open area of law that has not been decided yet. i think it's not clear then it was six months ago. >> i think one way to look at
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this as someone who does not think of it in a legal context but in terms of public safety and keeping children safe or is part of this litigation, part of what you're seeing these governors do or mares or the kind of restrictions that you're seeing put into place is to also begin a conversation again about what it means to be a gun owner and reasonable gun ownership. at the same time that this is happening, we now have two cases against parents, who clearly knew that their children should not have access to guns and help their children get access to guns and ultimately resulted in death. that is good, right? in other words, that is the kind of behavior that you want to begin to concentrate on, that parents are responsible for the children, if you think that your neighbor's dangerous, report them, so it's not over. >> there are different avenues of deterrence, the idea that it can't just be one branch of government that is determining everything, that's putting the balance of power and how it splits. what are the next steps, and talking at the state level, as
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because without privacy in your vacation home... it's a full log cabin guys. isn't really a vacation... we can snuggle up by the fire. it? wow, oh my- [birds chirping] >> first lady doctor joe biden is back at the white house tonight at the spending most of the day at walter reed national medical center, where she had to cancerous lesions removed. it physician says doctor biden had successful surgery to remove a lesion above her right eye, which is recent discomfort during a routine skin cancer checkup. that lesion was confirmed to be -- but during a pre-operative consultation, doctors discovered an area of concern on the left side of the first lady's test.
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it was also successfully removed and confirmed to be basil cell carcinoma as well. the first lady is set to be feeling well tonight. thank you all for watching, our coverage continues.
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good evening, we begin tonight keeping them honest with a congressman who cannot do the same for himself. and the house leadership who so far won't do it for him the's own district and his own party were talking of course about george santos the freshman republican congressman from new york who lied about nearly all aspects of his life to help get
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himself elected, late today, in another house republican brand and williams join the call from the quid. as for santos, he said he's not going anywhere. >> will you resign? >> i will not. >> newer republicans are calling about disgrace. >> of course, as you know, it is going to have to go there to be far. he said he were to goldman sachs, which is a lie, citigroup, which he didn't. this is the same george santos who lied about the high school he went to new york to the, college you graduated from. he said it was college she got a degree in economic, and finance, and it was a star athlete in peru. >> i'm into sports a little bit, and he is a star on the team and, that he won the league championship. what can i tell you. >> santos can tell you a lot, the face-off congressman santos


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