tv CNN Newsroom CNN January 16, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm PST
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highlighted what his administration has done to try to bring americans together and ensure racial equality, but his call for unity comes as he faces growing questions about the classified documents that were found at his home and his washington office. this weekend, the white house announced five additional pages of classified material that were found at president biden's house in delaware. that brings the number of classified documents in total found at his home and private office to about 20. let's bring in cnn's legal affairs correspondent paula reid. let's talk more about these five pages, what the president's attorneys are saying. >> well, victor, these five pages were among previously disclosed material located at the president's wilmington residence. initially his attorneys said this was one single page and it was found in what was described as an adjacent room. now they are saying this is six pages and it comprises multiple documents. as you just said, we're now at a total of approximately 20 documents with classified markings, and these include top
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secret documents. ten of these we know were found at the president's former office here in d.c. the rest at his wilmington home, and the question many people have right now is, well, is this it? i can definitively say, we don't know because multiple sources are told cnn that there are other locations that they still could potentially search. after that initial discovery at his office, the president's lawyers decided to look specifically at locations where they knew documents were shipped during the 2017 transition. now there are other locations that could potentially be searched. the u.s. attorney in chicago didn't want to wait for an exhaustive search of every location before recommending this to a special counsel, but now that robert hur is overseeing this, who would do other searches? they are moving at what appears to be a slow pace. would this be federal investigators and hire outside investigators? these are all big questions now, victor, that are being mulled as
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we speak. >> paula reid, thank you. congressional republicans, they want the visitor logs from biden's home in wilmington, delaware. cnn's white house correspondent arlette saenz is with us now. there was a problem though with responding to that request. explain. >> reporter: well, victor, house republicans are eager to launch investigations into president biden's handling of classified documents, and one thing that house oversight chairman james comber has been asking for is he wants more information including logs of who exactly came and went from that home in wilm wilmington, delaware, but the white house and both secret service also says those logs simply don't exist. the white house counsel saying in a statement, quote, like every president across decades of modern history, his personal residence is personal. the counsel added, but upon taking office, the president restored the norm of tradition by keeping visitor logs and publishing them regularly after the administration ended them.
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the secret service also noted that while they cleared people to go into the home, they are not keeping a long-term record of who exactly went into that wilmington residence, but this all comes as the administration has been facing mounting questions over their handling of the situation involving classified documents and more questions about their eagerness or uneagerness to share some of this information publicly. bob bauer, the president's personal attorney has said they are limited in what they can share because they don't want to compromise the integrity of the investigation. these are all questions the special counsel will be pursuing as this investigation gets under way, but for president biden's part even as the questions swirl, he is trying to keep businesses a usual, moving forward with their messaging, yesterday spending the day down in atlanta, speaking at ebenezer baptist church and today attending an event honoring dr. martin luther king jr., and he
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talked about his legacy as well as the vision of unity he's hoping to project to the country. >> we face another inflection point in our nation's history, one that's going to determine what this country looks like several decades from now. you know, this is a time for choosing. will we choose democracy over autocracy or community over chaos, love over hate? these are the questions of our time, but i ran for president trying to answer them, and dr. king's life and legacy in my view shows the way forward. >> reporter: challenges going forward for the white house in the coming months is trying to get these types of mentssages across, especially as the president could launch a re-election bid in the coming months, but certainly this conversation about the classified documents is really what has dominated so much of the news over the past few days. the white house is hoping at some point, they will be able to turn the page on that. >> arlette saenz for us at the
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white house. arl arlette, thank you. house republicans are stopping just short of calling for new york congressman george santos to resign. you know him. he's the one who lied about his education and his work history, and his family history, so much. over the weekend, in an interview, house oversight committee chairman republican james comber called santos a bad guy. cnn national politics reporter eva mckend is with us now. so republicans now, i guess bad mouthing him, but they're not actually doing anything more than that, at least not yet. what can you tell us? >> they aren't, victor. what i can tell you is the democrats are taking this fight right to his district. new york congressman ricky torres will be meeting are residents. torres and goldman have been leading the charge here. they sent a note to republicans asking who knew what and when? a superpac expressed concerns
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about santos prior to the election. as for house republicans, they are clearly trying to keep their distance. take a listen to congressman comber. >> look. he's a -- he's a bad guy. this is something that, you know, it's really bad. he's not the first politician unfortunately to make it to congress to lie. you know, it's pretty despicable, the lies that he told, but at the end of the day, it's not up to me or any other member of congress to determine whether he can be kicked out for ly lying. if he broke campaign finance laws, then he will be removed from congress. >> you heard there from a powerful member of the conference. he chairs the house oversight committee and he said he hasn't even introduced himself to santos. so even those lawmakers like comer who aren't explicitly calling for santos to resign suggest they have very little appetite to work with him, which of course, can make things difficult on political.
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i would say a space to watch is an organizing strength of residents in the district. they continue to be fired up about this. >> we will certainly watch it. i know you will too, eva mckend there for us from washington. thank you. amy stoddard is the associate editor for politics, and scott jennings is with us, and harry litman is a former federal prosecutor. welcome to you all. scott, let me start with you. short of evidence of violation of campaign finance laws, is the republican response to george santos just going to be boo hiss for the rest of this congress? >> well, the democrats -- at least two democrats i think have already filed an ethics complaint with the ethics committee, and it would be my hope that the ethics committee would take that up and the republicans would support that. i think what the republicans want is some kind of a official proceeding here that laid out
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what he did. we know he lied. we know he's a despicable person. we know he's kind of a cha charlatan, but a lot of people are looking for, did this guy break actual laws? so if he did, and it's proven that he did or the ethics committee finds that he probably did, then all of a sudden, you can make the case for taking the next steps. short of that, the people who will deal with it next are the voters who now know everything they need to know about this person to turn him out of congress. that happens at a minimum, but it strikes me that given state and federal investigations going, probably an ethics committee investigation going, we'll find out what george santos did, and congress will have all it needs to get rid of him. >> there are about a half dozen or so new york republican congressmen who are saying we don't need to wait for the ethics investigation knowing that he's lied so much about his presentation to the voters of new york's third that he cannot serve them effectively, that
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they are calling for him to resign. what is the political cost for kevin mccarthy, or house republican leadership as he stays on capitol hill? >> well, it's interesting. they've definitely changed their message, victor, in the last few days. first, they wanted to avoid the question. mccarthy said george santos has a long way to go to earn trust and he's before the ethics committee, and you can tell that their language is getting more -- it's getting a little more desperate because they continue to come in every 36 hours. "the washington post" is reporting he has business ties to a russian oligarch. there are so many questions about where he has gotten his money, and how he funded his campaign. so these revelations seem like they're going to continue, and this will be untenable for republicans. that's why you are hearing them basically reject him now rhetorically. those investigations in the ethics committee, state and federal, they take a long time. so the interesting thing about
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calling for his resignation is that george santos is defiant. he has no interest in -- i don't know what it would take for them to convince him to step down. so for now, he remains an enormous distraction unless speaker mccarthy can find a way to get the ethics panel to accelerate their probe and make revelations sooner rather than later so they can try to push him out. >> more than losing his seat if he's found having violated these campaign finance laws, harry, what else does he potentially lose here? >> his liberty. so jail, for fraud. i agree with everything scott and a.b. have said, but i think the drum beat will get very strong if they have something concrete. it's unlikely to come from the ethics committee unfortunately because one of the things that republicans did was really weaken it, take a couple of people out. they seem in no hurry to put it
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up to full staffing, so that's not really an effective mechanism, but he certainly seems likely to have violate campaign finance laws. that's not again, a crime, but it could result in federal election commission proceedings and a finding against him. they go pretty slow, but as a.b. said, we have both state and federal authorities looking at him. you can lie a lot, it turns out to the public, but once forms come into play, you're in trouble, and the $70,000 he lent his campaign, when he didn't have a dime. he made up everything about his money, and that seems like ripe area for fraud including the russian oligarch angle "the washington post" reported this morning. when that happens, it's not automatic expulsion even if he's convicted, but i think the drum beat will get so strong they'll pull the rug out completely. could take a few months.
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>> cnn has not confirmed that connection to the russian oligarch. i want to make that clear. let's turn to the biden documents drip, drip, drip here. now the house republicans, the request for visitor logs at the wilmington home that the white house counsel, the secret service, they say they don't exist. scott, is there an explanation beyond just partisan politics, why chairman comer is so interested in these visitor logs from the wilmington home, but didn't ask, isn't interested in any visitor logs from mar-a-lago? >> well, his explanation is that donald trump is being looked at seven ways from sunday on his documents, and joe biden really hasn't been looked at at his at all. that was the explanation. >> there's a special counsel investigation though. >> i'm sorry? >> there's a special counsel investigation now. so the explanation for not asking for them in the trump document case is the same explanation as one would expect for the biden case, but there is
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a request outstanding. >> here's the reality. what they ought do is request everything from both people at both sites. why did these documents leave either white house? who had access to them? how secured were they or unsecured as they were in both cases and play it right down the middle. there's nothing wrong with that because ultimately, the oversight committee shouldn't exist. it's just a punishment for the other party. at the end of this, we have to do something legislatively, and it strikes me that one of the things we're going to have to do is clamp down in the wall on how these documents are getting out of the white house when someone leaves the white house, and then, you know, if they do get out, what happens. there's clearly some cleanup. they ought to play it down the middle, victor, and request everything from both. as you pointed out, i don't know how those two things are going to play off of each other, but at the end of this, congress ought to act. >> a.b., we've heard from the
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senator of michigan. she said this is embarrassing. we've heard from congressman clyburn that says they should cooperate, and republicans investigate trump. how aggressively do you expect or are we seeing republican -- democrats rather will defend this president? >> well, the problem for democrats is you can hear in language like embarrassing is that joe biden has served in public office for most of his entire life, longer than most people we have in public service. he should have known better. he ran on his competency, and the competency of his team, and the idea that a former vice president would have classified documents surfacing at multiple locations is a huge political embarrassment for the white house, and that's why it's very hard for democrats to do anything but say they support
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this special counsel investigation because there's really no excuse for someone like joe biden to have turned up documents on the loose in different locations including his home. so while the department of justice has not found any evidence that the president knew that these things ended up in his possession and that obviously intent is directly tied to whether or not this is a crime, it is still easy for republicans to whatabout this, and say these things are the same thing, and everyone in the department of justice came down too hard on president trump. this is a really bad problem for the white house. not so much legally, be you in terms of the political optics and their shifting responses make it difficult for them. >> let's turn to the legal question. we just had paula reid on talking about this now headline question of, who should conduct searches moving forward? the special counsel at the white
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house went to the wilmington home to try to facilitate handing over the document that was found, five additional pages were found and now he's a witness potentially. so harry, to that question, who should lead the search? should it be the fbi? should it be the president's attorneys there at his home? >> at this point, it should be the special counsel, but two really important points here. first to scott's notion of playing it down the need to un have been there in these situations. you tend to think there's the white house or the executive branch. there are three different entities when something like this happens, and they retreat to their corners and they are at arm's length. the doj is one, the white house is one, and biden's personal lawyers are another. this has the, you know, unfortunate slow drip of a scandal, but that's because there often are no right answers. you think if we give this right now to the doj do we have to keep it quiet? if we don't, will the doj be mad
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at us? it's very complicated. that's one. and then second to a.b.'s point, it's true it started out, mistakes were made. that happens, and it did start out with this feel of, oh, is it a possible scandal, and these revelations come out and people begin to talk as if, oh, maybe he's 5% or 10% as guilty as trump. so important to remember not until we have evidence of any criminal against biden and copious evidence with trump, the solution does need to be the same. it's policy, but it's important to resist this notion of some false equality or comparison between the two. >> context is important. whataboutism is not helpful in this case. harry litman, a.b. stoddard, scott jennings, thank you. the sun is finally out in california. that's good news after days of mud slides, heavy rain,
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flooding. the road falling apart here. there are people, especially the officials who are worried about extreme weather. we'll talk about that next. and way too close for comfort at jfk airport. a delta pilot slams on the brakes during takeoff to avoid crashing into an american airlines plane. that's next. tomize your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need! whoo! we gotta go again.n. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty liberty liberty♪ ♪libeberty♪
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the latest storm to pummel california is slowly tapering off, but around 8 million people are still under flood watches. the threat of flooding and mud slides is much higher now because the ground is so saturated from the waves of storms. now the severe weather has killed at least 19 people over the past few weeks, and massive flooding has left several communities underwater. officials say heavy rain triggered at least 400 landslides. cnn's natasha chen is in california. a bit of relief in sight. that's good news, but some areas as we see are still feeling that
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impact. >> reporter: yeah, victor. the rain has stopped right now, but there's still some strong winds in various places, and we are standing near state route 37 here that had been closed for quite some time. just reopened, all lanes by one, and i'm told that's because that one lane is still flooded. not only did they get more rain overnight, but it was high tide. just one example of the issues the crews are dealing with throughout the state. dramatic helicopter rescues in california. emergency crews rescued this woman while fighting high winds and heavy rain. the unrelenting storms have left california reeling with deadly floodwaters, washed out roads, and mudslides. >> by some estimates, 22 trillion to 25 trillion gallons of water have fallen over the last 16, 17 days. >> reporter: in the state, around 8 million people are
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still under flood watches, and thousands have been forced to evacuate after atmospheric river events left whole neighborhoods looking like lake b, but some a choosing to ride out the storms. >> we just got our power back two days ago, and now it went out. we're firing back up the generators to keep our refrigerators and freezers cold. >> reporter: several rivers have overflowed including the salinas river. the large amounts of rain saturated the ground and caused roadways like this one to break away and slide down a cliff, and in los angeles, a downed tree crashed cars in a parking lot of a shopping mall. >> it came down, and then there were four cars over there and they got hit. four people were in one car. two of them were able to get out okay. the other two, we had to help them out, but no injuries. >> reporter: one community got inventive installing a zipline to cross the rushing waters
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after a bridge rushed out. >> we live in the woods. you got to be prepared. >> reporter: in belmont, part of a hillside came down into a neighborhood, and in fairfax, a mudslide displaced people. >> i heard thunder. it was not thunder. it was the hillside giving away behind the two flats behind us. trees went into their bathroom. it was coming down this broad about this deep. all mud flow. >> reporter: the sierra mountain region in northern california saw up to 3 feet of snow in some places. the heavy snowfall left highways treacherous. >> kind of wishing it would quit for awhile. i'm tired of it. >> reporter: and that feeling of being tired of it is certainly what we have been hearing from residents we've talked to all weekend, including one woman who lives here in nevada when she said she wakes up every morning, just crossing her fingers that a tree didn't just come down in her neighborhood, and that her house hasn't flooded, and so
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it's this constant worry because of storm after storm over the last three weeks, and they are looking forward to getting drier. >> natasha, thank you. you heard the man saying he wishes it would quit for awhile. well, it will. cnn meteorologist tom sater joins us now. when is this break coming? >> okay, victor. well, we have rain today. it is lightening up, but there was a terrible landslide in the berkeley area, and flooding in the san diego area. once this system today moves out into the four corners region, we'll get a break until maybe wednesday night, thursday. that's mainly for the pacific northwest. after that, we're high and dry. finally, our watches are slowly whittling away. there will be river flooding, but i really think that maybe by tonight or early tomorrow morning, we will not have to see these flash flood watches anymore. they're going to be lifted. since friday, we have had 8 1/2 to 15 1/2 inches.
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many sections of california have picked up a foot and a half of rainfall. in sierra nevada, 250% above their average. this system today kicks into the four corners. it's good to have snowfall, and they have had it in the rockies but let's get down to the southwest. however, this will blow up into the snowstorm, and i should mention there is severe weather in cedar rapids. we could see another round of severe weather as we get into wednesday. so the snow map up into the northern plains into the rockies, but here's the atmospheric river, and wednesday night into thursday, it's not going to be nearly as powerful as the last ones. after that, mother nature is finally shutting this off. since the day after christmas, we knew for three weeks we were going to have a problem, and look. from the 21st through the 25th, below average, west coast. what's been staggering is the number of tornadoes. since christmas we have had over 100 tornado reports.
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that's, like, half the days of this year already have had a tornado. 11 states from colorado to illinois, it's just been tremendous this kind of activity from this surge of energy and moisture with this atmospheric river. hopefully we will not see another one this year. >> ewe got that warning in ceda rapids. and the break out west, tom sater, thank you. an american wrongfully detained in iran is on a hunger strike now, and he's written a letter to president biden pleading for help. we've got that story for you. they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. contestants s ready? go! only pay for what you need. jingle: liberty. liberty. liberty. libererty. this thing, it's making me get an ice bath again.
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there are now several investigations to find out how two jetsn a runway at new york's jfk airport nearly crashed into one another over the weekend. the quick action by an air traffic controller prevented the accident. cnn's pete montine is with us now. i was on a plane at jfk this weekend. what happened here? >> reporter: well, the good news here, victor, is that this disaster was avoided, but really only with seconds to spare thanks to the quick action of that air traffic controller, that keen eye, and also the quick action of the flight crew on board that delta airlines flight. i want you to look at the animation here from flight radar 24. it shows that delta airlines flight taking runway 4 left at jfk friday evening.
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when an american airlines 777 pulled out onto the runway in front of it. that delta was accelerating for takeoff. i want you to listen now to the air traffic control recording where you can hear the urgency in the air traffic controller's voice. listen. >> [ bleep ]. cancel takeoff plans. delta 1943, cancel takeoff plans. >> rejecting. >> reporter: a rejected takeoff, something pilots often only do in the flight simulator. they realized these planes came within about 1,000 feet of each other which is not all that big. these planes are hundreds of feet long. this is known as a runway incursion in technical terms and these happen hundreds of times a year according to the faa, although rarely ever this close. now the faa and the ntsb are investigating. they will, of course, want to hear the cockpit voice recorder, especially from the cockpit of that american airlines 777.
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they will also be paying very close attention to the radio calls here. was that american airlines 777 actually cleared to cross that runway? you need to get an explicit clearance from air traffic control to do so, or was it told to go someplace else? a lot of confusion here it seems, victor and the insult to injury here is it could have been so much worse. >> so the delta flight had the, you know, the aviation team terms. you're the pilot. they had the right of way, and it was the american flight that veered into the path, yes? >> reporter: this is something that investigators will have to figure out, and it's not up to us technically to say. although there was some radio chatter at the end there where the american pilots were, like, wait. were we cleared to cross that runway, and the air traffic controller said, we'll pull the tapes and go back to the recording and listen. there's going to be a lot of investigation here, and they'll want to talk to the pilots involved and also the cockpit voice recorder. were the pilots distracted?
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did they think they were going someplace they weren't? there were warning signs, but did they ignore them? >> scary. came too close. thank you, pete. just hours after celebrating their team's national title win, a uga football player and a staffer were killed in a car accident. what we're learning about what led to the crash and how the team is honoring them. can we even afford this house? maybe jacob can finally get a job. the house whperer! this houseays use to see homes in ur budget. to eh their home. she's feeling the power of listerine. he's feeling it. yep, them too. it's an invigorating rush... ...zapping millions of germs in seconds. for that one-of-a-kind whoa... ...which leaves you feeling...
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a dual american iranian citizen started a 17-day hunger strike today. it's in protest of america's failure to get freedom for him. siamak namazi is appealing to biden in an open letter to spend time each day thinking about him and detainees. kylie atwood joins us from the state department. chiky kylie, ghive us the story. >> reporter: namazi was detained seven years ago. the u.s. says on bogus claims, but he has been wrongfully detained in iran for more than seven years. he's been in evan prison. he has been interrogated and tortured by the iranians, and he is writing to president biden this week because this week marks seven years since there were five other americans who were wrongfully detained in the country that were returned to the united states, and at the
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time, siamak was in an iranian jail, and he wasn't part of that group. so he's reminding biden of that. biden was the vice president at the time during the obama administration, and here is his ask to biden at this time. in this letter saying, quote, in the past, i implored you to reach for your moral compass and find the resolve to bring the u.s. hostages in iran home. to no avail. not only did to we remain iran's prisoners, but you have not so much as granted our families a meeting. all i want, sir, is one minute of your day's time for the next seven days devoted to thinking about the tribulations of u.s. hostages in iran. now a national security council spokesperson called it outrageous that iran continues to detain americans for political leverage, said they are working tirelessly to bring siamak and two other americans who are currently wrongfully detained in iran right now, back
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home, but of course, the relations between u.s. and iran right now are quite hostile. efforts to revive the nuclear deal are on the back burner. those have been ongoing, but they haven't succeeded over the last year and a half over the biden administration, and we've seen very, very critical statements and actions from the biden administration against the iranian regime as they have violently cracked down on those protesters in the country. so not necessarily a good omen in terms of u.s./iran relations, but siamak's family is asking the biden administration to look beyond that and do whatever they can to get him home. >> all right. kylie atwood for us at the pentagon. thank you so much. state department, i should say. there at the state department. cincinnati bengals and the buffalo bills, they will face off again for another game in just a few weeks since the last time they were on the field, you know, when that happened. damar hamlin, he collapsed after a cardiac arrest. we'll have a preview of what is set to be an emotional matchup. that's next.
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willock, 20 years old, we know he was ejected during sunday's fatal single car crash. he was pronounced dead at the scene. a uga staff member, chandler mccroy was driving at approximately 2:45 in the morning. the vehicle went off the road, hit a couple of power poles, several trees, according to police. the two other passengers in the crash were identified as 25-year-old warren mcclendon who received minor injuries, and 26-year-old victoria bowls who had more serious injuries. declared for the nfl draft earlier that day on saturday. willock played for all 15 games. lacroy was a recruiting analyst. willock, he re-tweeted a tweet of a man who was with his grandson at the parade, and he
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had a picture of willock standing next to his grandson. he even let him wear his championship ring, and he said a big thanks to him. he didn't have to do that. he said you went out of your way to make him feel special, and you made his day. so that was the final hours before willock lost his life, along with lacroy. >> his grades were good, always had a smile, such a good person, a huge loss. let's turn now to college basketball, university of alabama, a player is off the team, charged with murder of a 23-year-old woman. tell us about that. >> police arrested darius miles, 21 years old, he is in custody charged with capital murder in connection with a shooting that took place around 1:45 in the area known as the strip. tuscaloosa authorities were called to a scene, found a young woman dead inside of a vehicle as a result of a gunshot wound. the tuscaloosa county sheriff's office said the only motive
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appears to be at this time a minor altercation, they called it. the driver says two suspects opened fire after some words were exchanged. driver fired back, police were able to identify two suspects, after talking to witnesses and checking video surveillance. one of the two suspects was reportedly hit but has nonlife threatening injuries. police identified the two suspects as darius miles and 20-year-old michael lynn davis. >> let's turn to something uplifting now. buffalo bills, they played the cincinnati bengals, coming up next week. of course the first time since damar hamlin suffered cardiac arrest on the field. and, listen, damar hamlin, the pictures we're seeing of him and his teammates are posting on social media. just fantastic that it has happened so soon after that tragedy. >> you know, and they have that huge nail biting victory over the miami dolphins in the wild card round of playoffs, and it looked like they were emotionally drained, you know, because the week prior they were riding high, getting the
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positive health updates, damar hamlin, seeing the big smile, holding up the heart hands, flexing, showing that he's coming back, but they did go through that emotional lull this past playoff game, and you mentioned now, in next week's divisional round, victor, they will play those cincinnati bengals again, and we heard tre-davious white for the buffalo bills who says he has images of his terrifying scene when he saw his teammate's heart being resuscitated on the field by the paramedics, when they look at the field and see the opposing helmet again when they meet in buffalo is going to be an emotional roller coaster of a journey before kickoff begins. >> coy wire, thank you so much. as we have been discuss, damar hamlin's remarkable recovery is largely credited to the medics quick reaction on the field. ahead, we're going to take you behind the scenes of the nfl where first responders can turn a tent into an emergency room in just a moment. at go
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1:00 pm
♪ >> you see the crowds there at the 16th annual mlk d.c. peace walk and parade, and martin luther king jr. memorial in d.c., a more somber scene there. ♪ we shall overcome we shall overcome ♪ >> the crowd singing "we shall overcome" as they remember dr. king's speeches and writings which are still very relevant today. events honoring dr. king. some have a tradition of volunteering at food banks or service organizations as a part of a tradition of helping others. "the lead" with jake tapper starts right now. if only there was a way to
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