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tv   CNN Tonight  CNN  January 18, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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well, there is chilling new evidence tonight against brian walsh, the massachusetts man officially now charged with murdering his wife, anna. prosecutors are investigators -- found items in several trash bags with honors and brian's
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dna. they accuse him of dismembering his wife and disposing of her body. saying that surveillance video shows a man, fitting walsh's description, visiting various dumpsters. they also detailed more than a dozen disturbing internet searches that say walsh made after his wife disappearance, including ten ways to dispose of a dead body, if you really need to. i want to go right now to cnn national correspondent, bring jim grass, who's outside the courthouse in quincy, massachusetts. brynn, what is the latest on this case against brian walshe? >> yeah, laura, you bring up those internet searches, and if you look at the timeline, there was a frantic search that prosecutors laid out brian walshe had in the hours, minutes after they say he dismembered and killed his wife. now, i want to go and show you some of those searches. january 1st, in the early morning hours, that's when they began, according to prosecutors,
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he googled how long before a body starts to smell? and it was a long after that he asked, can you throw away body parts? going into the next day, january 2nd, can you be charged with murder without a body? on january 3rd, what happens to hair on a dead body? as you mentioned, more than a dozen google searches in minutes after, hours after, days after prosecutors say he killed his wife. and that wasn't the only searches, prosecutors are alleging here, laura, they also say, in the days prior to january 1st, actually, on december 27th, they say he was actually googling what's the best state to get a divorce? possibly here pointing to a motive, laura? >> what about the dna evidence out there? is there any? >> yeah, so they say there is dna evidence, if you remember, we have seen that video of investigators collecting evidence at that trash collection site, you mentioned to your viewers already, they
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have video surveillance allegedly of a man that fits the description of brian walsh, throwing away a number of trash bags, a different dumpsters, well at that collection site investigators say, they found ten trash bags with a number of items, some of them containing dna evidence, i want you to listen to what they collected. >> towels, rags, tape, -- cleaning agents, tablets, rugs. -- [inaudible] in the name of ana walshe. a hacksaw, a hatchet, in some cutting shears. was described as what -- last seen. >> laura, investigators say, there were traces of dna evidence on several of those items that both brian walsh and anna walsh as well. >> what is the defense saying about all of this?
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this is an unbelievable presentation by this prosecutor, again, there is a presumption of innocence, but what is the defense saying? >> certainly, he's pleaded not guilty to the charges that he faces, the defense saying, they're not gonna try this in the public. they're gonna take this to court. and releasing a statement of partly said this, it's easy to charge a crime and easier to say that a person committed that crime, it is a much more difficult thing to prove it, which we will see if the prosecution can do. we'll continue to follow this case as it plays out, brian walsh is expected back in court in february. >> we will follow this case, thank you so much, brian, i want to bring in cnn chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst, john miller, chronology east and behavioral analyst, casey jordan, and cnn legal analyst and criminal defense attorney, joey jackson. just, wow, in terms of the different google searches. i want to begin with you, joey, these google searches, the purported dna evidence, there is still nobody, but they have
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charged him with murder nonetheless. i wonder, from your perspective, just the searches alone, what goes through your mind as a defense council trying to defend against this? >> laura, that there is a significant, beyond significant, amount to overcome, as we look there at the specific nature. of exactly, the hacksaw, what happens to hair on a dead body, i mean, it's just incredible the specific nature of the search is. to indicate what he's going to do. you have a timeline with regard to when he was doing it, you have previous to that, what -- was describing, what is the best state to get a divorce? all of this gives the indication that prior to that, that could've been his motivation. that he wanted a divorce, but he didn't get a divorce, he allegedly did this. and not only do you have the google searches, of course, laura, but you have everything else in connection with the
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case. the misrepresentation so that authorities, the items that were -- the bloody items found in the basement. the fact that he's seen, allegedly, throwing items out in trash. the connection of what those items could have or could be, they belong to her, in his possession. the dna will connect that. so, what goes through my mind is that this is going to be a herculean task for any defense attorney to defeat and overcome this case. >> i mean, casey, we've been watching in many respects, all these items investigators have secured in the list of what we learned about, but there's been a lot of focus and understandably so, when society wants to try and understand what's going through the mind of an accused person in a court in particular. and they've been zeroing in, and focusing in on his space. on whether you have it has any expressions. is he nodding. is he shaking his head. is he shocked. is he looking or appearing in a way devastated and grief stricken. all of those things are
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indications of something from the court of public opinion. and sometimes, the court, for the jury, i wouldn't go through your mind when you're watching and studying the face and demeanor of a suspect like this? >> and i was, laura, when this was happening, live this morning on the news, and i was watching for any of what we call the tells. was there something very specific that would show nervousness. he seemed very devoted to keeping his eyes straight ahead, not blinking, always looking for ice looking left or moving right. trying to see if he's thinking or inventing or going backwards with facts. we call this thin slicing to, taken the whole body language and micro expressions, at one point, he did a deep swallow. but some people, like robert durst, everybody talked about his tell, that he would start swallowing when he was nervous, when he was being asked questions about the murders of which he was accused. and i think this guy is a very practiced, he knew that this
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was coming. and i wouldn't be surprised if he has a defense ready that aligned with something like robert durst, where is going to say, if the evidence is overwhelming, as joey just really laid it out, that it was self-defense, that she acted in a fight, or even worse, she just died of accidental or natural causes and he panicked and got rid of the body. without a body, he could make an argument that you can't convict him. so, i think that his brain is just processing, that if he plays this cool as a cucumber, sumy again if he's factually a guilty, he could get over on the system. remember, -- father related to the white collar crimes of which is accused, has said that he was in an institution and was, this is again what they're saying, diagnosed as a sociopath. back in the day. so, you can't read a whole lot when somebody is having antisocial personality disorder, sometimes there manipulation really goes the full length and you can't find any expressions
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on their face. >> john, we'll have to wait and see, as you know, about the mental health assessment that might be coming, and what defense council says about even the allegations from the family friends, as casey alluded to, but there is a choice that we have to be made by this person or the defense team, the idea of self-defense and, oh, i don't kill nobody there's nobody. is there inconsistent notions, one has to be chosen, and i do wonder what ultimately happened based on what casey is talking about? but there's also the idea, john, with the court records show, obviously, that he's been charged with murder, there's another crime that not being lawfully authorized by the proper authorities to do willfully dig up, can fairway a human body or the remains thereof. it's potentially talking about transporting and removing a body away from where it is, not being authorized to do so. does this, to you, indicate that they know the whereabouts
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of ana walshe's body? >> laura, to me, it indicates the opposite. which is they know they're not getting that body back, but that they have enough to show that the person was killed, there are bone fragments, there is blood, there is dna. there are hacksaw's in hatchets anti vax suits, the kind that professionals wear at a crime scene. so, there's a lot there. i think that they are just adding that charge, and the murder charge is interesting, because we don't know if it's murder one, intentional murder, or murder too. which could involve negligence. so, the defense, you know, has some room there. but as joey pointed out, there's just an awful lot of circumstantial evidence that shows, after the murder, or after the death of his wife, he went to extraordinarily extraordinary lengths to
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attempt to cover that up, allegedly. so, that suggests that something happened that he couldn't explain, if you call the police or an ambulance at the time. and that suggests something intentional, in some view. >> after a might everyone, this is just us -- this woman with three children. three little kids. and it just is unbelievable to think of what they must be going through, if they're wondering where their mother is, what answers they're getting, or they altogether, at one point early on, they are in the custody of massachusetts, i believe. so, my heart does go out as a mom, wondering what will come of her children? and what they're dealing with ahead in their lives as well? thank you all for being a part of this conversation. >> great to be here. >> up next, there is brand new reporting from the washington post on a letter from the doj to president biden's personal attorney, back in november.
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there are new developments tonight in the investigation into president biden's handling of classified documents. the washington post in the reporting that in mid november, a senior official in the doj's national security division wrote a letter to biden's personal attorney asking for his cooperation with the departments inquiry. that official specifically wanted biden's legal team to secure the materials from the penn biden center and refrain from further reviewing them or other relevant documents that might be stored at different locations. this is according to a letter shared for the free first time with the post. i want to turn out a cofounder and ceo all in together, -- former rnc communications director, doug high, and cnn political analyst, alex burns. good to have all of you here,
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thinking about this, first of all, i'm going to you alex, this is been november. it's january. for everyone looking at their counters right now, it's still january. there have been a lot of problems since we first learn about this, just last week. this timeline, and now this letter, what does it say to you. it had a significant development in terms of changing how this is being handled? that there was a letter sent? >> look, you would know better with this with the legal implications of this. >> don't you put that off to me. >> i'll totally draw on actual expertise, which is the politics of it, which makes it even more puzzling that the administration has not been more prepared to answer questions in a consistent and forthright way over the last couple of weeks. this isn't something that is sprung upon them, over the holidays are after new year's, there clearly at least some people around the president had a lot more information then the people who speak for the administration people in the
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public seem to have over the collapse couple weeks. i just have to say, it flies in the face of all good political sense, to let the information come out in this way. rather than just putting your cards on the table to whatever extent you responsibly can, and letting the hand play. >> this seems to be, i mean, it ought to have been simpler. it feels like, from a pr perspective, the idea of perhaps when they were banking on the fact that -- there are very obvious differences between the fork in the road handling of trump administration to the prior trump administration, we're talking about as the mar-a-lago documents, and now, but how did this become this self wound? >> political crisis management one-on-one, you never allow the drip drip drip of more and more information overtime. which should have happened in november, they should have come out and said, we discovered this information, we are going to take the next x number of days, three weeks, whatever it is. we are going to search high and low, we want to make sure that
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we have done a complete search of all the residences, and we will report back anything that has been found, we're getting to the bottom of this were cooperating with the national archives and with the doj and other authorities. if they had done that, they still would've, obviously, been subject of the same level of criticism whataboutism which is really central to republican talking points on everything anyway. it is a whataboutism, he did have classified documents after years of this whole extended drama with trump, they're not the same. but it almost doesn't matter, because it continues to be a story that they have lost control of. and that is politically unforgivable. >> it sounds like, in some respects, it's if you do if you don't, they had the perfect pr -- and it's still problematic, but this notion of transparency in particular, i want to play for you what the white house press secretary kareen jean pierre had to say about this common
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accusation about an absence in transparency. listen to this. >> from this point on, are you going to be taking questions about the classified documents? >> i have been very clear, over an over again. we are going to be prudent here, we are going to be consistent. this particular matter is being looked at, there's a legal process, currently happening, at the department of justice. and i'm going to refer you to the department of justice in any specifics to this particular case. and anything that has to deal with our, what we're doing here, i will refer to the white house counsel's office. >> of course, they went with a win back to ask, would you have somebody available as the designate or designee like you have for admiral kirby and that was referred differently as well. let me ask you, i mean, it almost seems like, and i'm being facetious here, they might want to consider going back to the trump days of non transparency, and no white house briefings. because that was a time when that was an accusation that had, you know, and their perspective, much more meat on the bone, but
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the idea of transparency, a year or more a little bit more than a year from the presidential election. how is this gonna play out? >> look, it's a problem for biden, politically, obviously, but in a way that a lot of people don't fully account for. we focus on the back and forth and the day today on this. joe biden was elected on one central promise, especially by independent voters, and it was that he was going to be a president that we did have to think about every day. and that he and his team of pros were not gonna make the kind of mistakes that donald trump and his adams family cast of characters would make. and is this completely analogous to what trump has done? no, but it sure in that same neighborhood. and it violates that promise that biden has made to voters. so, they're looking at him, independent voters are, a little different. they're gonna say, wait a second, you said on 60 minutes that this was irresponsible, but you, and that just makes another washington post tishyn and not living up to that promise that voters wanted for him. they want to present you to think about after four years of that. >> what do you say? >> i totally agree. i think that that that's the
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problem with this. the talking point on the republican side are way too easy on this. it's always been this question of whether or not the facts we all understand that the facts are different. that biden white house has handled it totally differently than the trump white house, which basically did everything possible to conceal these documents. to fight the feds, to fight the archives and turning them over. it's not the same. but it doesn't matter. because the soundbite, we're gonna be hearing just like hillary's emails, all the way through 2016, we will now be hearing from now until the end of election in 2024 is that he did the same thing is trump. >> if he runs. >> if he runs. >> he's running, come on. >> you know i'm waiting for, it's one of the best instruments in the arsenal of any president who's facing an uncomfortable story, that's close to home, is to get out there in the country and show that they're doing work for the american people. that's the other part of the playbook. and we're not seeing the president out there, in a little bit, i would say if you're looking for a sign that he's serious about running for
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reelection, that would be something to watch for soon. >> -- >> look for the pancake breakfasts coming up soon, i guess. really serious about wearing running for office. stick around, we're gonna come back to this in more, everyone, including what's happening in illinois. they have a brand-new gun law, and the legal challenges, as you can imagine, they're already beginning. some law enforcement officers saying, they won't even enforce the law. so, what happens now?
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multiple lawsuits by gun rights groups have been filed now in illinois that are challenging
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the recently signed law, which bans certain guns, including new assault style weapons and high capacity magazines. this law would also require current owners of assault-style semiautomatic weapons to register those firearms within a year. the courts now will decide whether or not to place a stay, meaning a hold, on the law. as soon as friday. cnn contributor, steven -- and jennifer -- thank you for being here today. a lot of questions people have about this, and what's happening right now, i'll begin with you, stephen, on this. the lawsuit is arguing that the ban on assault style guns infringe on constitutional rights. but illinois is actually not alone in these types of laws, they're the ninth state with an assault style weapons ban. so, had there been challenges similar to what we're seeing right now? and have those been successful? >> yes, there have been a
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number of challenges over the years of these types of bands. most recently, you've actually seen successful challenges of colorado's bands that a couple of cities had in place there, similar to the one that illinois just put in place. after the supreme court's ruling, you actually had a biden appointed judge and another appointed judge block those bands and that ruling from the supreme court really does put these sorts of laws on shake your footing. there hasn't been a case at the supreme court yet so it still undecided. ultimately, how they're gonna come out on this. but they did remand and vacate a lower court ruling on the maryland assault weapons banned they overturned the ruling that upheld that band soul have to see exactly where that goes, but it's on shaker grounds for sure. >> jennifer, i wanna bring you in here, because you often hear anytime there's conversations around gun legislation, the
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phrase, naturally emerges, they're gonna take her guns. they're gonna take everything away from you. for someone who's a current gun gun owner, they'll be thinking, some learn something similar perhaps based on the talking points or what's being put out there. but the fear that the law could lead the state to take weapons away, is that will founded? >> well, law enforcement officials, especially the atf, they'll just tell you, they simply don't have the personnel to ever go door to door and confiscate weapons. and in all the states that have assault weapons bans, there is an option that owners, you know, their weapons are grandfathered in. even during the federal assault weapons ban. those guns were grandfathered in, so those owners got to keep them. here, there's an option to register the guns, which of course, is being challenged. but the slippery slope argument, i understand why gun owners would fear that, but the truth is, even law enforcement officials who support the law,
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their interest is public safety. their interest is not infringing. they tend to not want to get involved in gun owners and their weapons. so, -- >> what happens if they don't register over a year? is there a penalty we know about? >> there is. again, this might not survive a court challenge. it is a completely new day, ever since the supreme court -- decision. that set completely new parameters to decide second amendment cases. now, you need an analog before an 18th or 19th century law. to uphold a gun law. so, there are a couple of exceptions to that analog, so today, we had our first federal challenge to this illinois law, which was justin acted last week, and they're saying that it doesn't -- this new tradition test on the basis that there's an exception that if guns are dangerous and unusual, so, if they're particularly full or if they're owned by millions of people,
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then they are subject to, they fall outside the scope of the second moment. the gun rights groups, who filed today suit in federal court, they're saying, these are widespread, they're in common use. there are about 24 million assault style rifles that have been produced in the last 30 years. therefore 400 million guns in circulation in america. so, we're talking about 6% maybe of the civilian firearms stop. so, it is debatable, now, those numbers may not matter to a court that is deciding this. >> sure. >> it's true, thinking about the hottest take into account all those points, just the sheer scope of the issue in particular. stephen, i will go back to you on this, we do know that dozens of law enforcement officials are already coming out and saying, they're not going to enforce the governor, his new law. they actually dressed him today. listen to what he had to say. >> it's a lot of political grandstanding by elected republican sheriffs. you're hearing from.
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the truth is, there's nothing for them to enforce at this point. the fact is, right now, we have one year for people to register the serial numbers of their assault weapons that are in existence, of course, we've outlawed the purchase or sale of any of those types of weapons in illinois going forward. >> steven, when you hear this, the idea of, obviously, there is at times the political statements that are made. they correspond to what can or can't be done. the idea of -- to enforce the law, what's your take there? >> this is part of what's called the second amendment sanctuary, movement, which is obviously, as you point can tell from the name, model of the immigration sanctuary policies that have been put in place for the last decade or so. and this is really the first, i think, large scale test of this movement, because you've seen a number of states where you've had a lot of localities saying that the second amendment sanctuaries, they won't enforce laws that are unconstitutional.
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things like assault weapons ban, 's confiscation efforts, and this those statements have been really forward-looking. if you pass something, we don't think it's constitutional, we won't enforce it. now, you're at a point where you have a law that is passed that a lot of sheriffs, who are elected, themselves, their elected officials. say that these aren't constitutional, we will not enforce them. any of the governor saying, i don't how he's planning to try and make them enforce this law. but he seems to be pushing this idea that it's going to confront them. and i think that, you know, it will be very difficult if, not impossible, to enforce something like a registration scheme when you don't know who has these firearms to begin with. this is sort of, talk about gun owners fearing registration as part of an effort for confiscation, it's much harder confiscate guns if the government doesn't know exactly who has what guns.
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so, that's why you see a lot of this opposition, these sheriffs are i think reflecting the population that elected them in how they view this law, and it's going to be almost impossible to enforce it if it does survive a legal challenge, without the help of law and local law enforcement. because state police, as my colleague referred to, they only have so many resources. >> yet, the idea of the difficulty and enforcement doesn't change the fact that there is still a gun violence issue in this country, that people are grappling with. we'll see a this all pans out. thank you both. there's also a potential power struggle taking shape in the gop over who will be the standard bearer heading into, you guessed it, 2024. the question, will we see florida governor, ron desantis, take on trump?
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tensions are brewing in the gop over who is gonna carry the banner in 2024. with many republicans looking for alternatives to, well, the scandal plagued former president, after, frankly, a lackluster midterm elections. michigan lawmakers confirming to cnn, they sent a letter to florida governor, ron desantis, encouraging him to run. meanwhile, trump is making plans to hit the campaign trail later this month, in south carolina. back with me now, lauren leader and doug high, as well as alex burns. we've got this letter from michigan lawmakers, saying they will, quote, stand ready and willing to help desantis win
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michigan in 2024. so, the first question is, how does a desantis versus trump race fair? >> my prediction is that desantis is the jeb bush of the 2024 cycle. >> really? >> i think they like him because they don't know him yet. he has very, very low-key personality wise, he does not have charisma, he doesn't actually like campaigning. his own staff have trouble getting him to meet with donors, he's not personable, and i think, aside from the super mitchell -- >> he won reelection. >> he did win reelection, and for very good reasons in the state like florida, i do not believe that he has the kind of national appeal or charisma that is required for presidential campaign. but there is this big movement of trying to find the alternative. and he looks like an alternative. most americans really don't know yet the extent to which many of his policies, and many of his actions, are absolutely extreme. today, one of his covid advisers was on television's telling people to turn to jesus. instead of vaccines. that is the kind of stuff that
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does not fare well across the country. so, that is my 2024 prediction. >> what do you say? >> i don't think he was the alternative, those who are the alternatives? a lot of people running, mike pompeo, -- so forth. what interesting about this letter, is that next week is the rnc winter meeting, yes, will be electing a chair, whether it's anyone or not. but a lot of the focus of the hundred 68 members of the committee, who are going to be there, journalists, activists, party officials and so forth, are all about this question of, is it trump is it not trump? and who might it be if it's not trump? desantis is on that list, it's gonna be a long list. >> if he's on that list, and say it is desantis, say the likability most note notions in everything, favors him in some way. how about a general election? can he go against successfully, joe biden? >> we'll see if it is joe biden, on the other side of their ballot -- >> he says he intends to run. >> sure. >> everybody intends to run. >> we all intend to run until we don't.
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>> ever has a plan until you get punched in the face. >> there you go. >> he has a plan until the 40 members of the michigan legislator write a letter. >> this movement about desantis is really important moment in the republican politics, because you do see people on the ground level of the gop who do have something to lose from really taking off the base, feeling like it's actually safe to go there and say we want some buddy other than donald trump. but desantis has become kind of the safe space for those people to go, they don't see a lot of people go down and wait for a nikki haley or mike pompeo yet, they've got a steeper hill to climb. but that path -- it gives them permission to. the other side of the coin, laura, the fact that you have this movement to get past trump, coalescing around a guy who has not said that he's running, and who isn't doing a lot of the stuff that you would typically be doing right now if you were gonna run for president, get around the country, speak to an audience, outside of florida. maybe try some muscles in the
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media outside of those reliable fox news formats. look, he has a tremendous opportunity to get into this race as a front runner or a cold front runner. certainly, the strongest alternative to trump, but he has never been tested in the way that he would be tested in that context. >> michigan republicans have good reason to be worried, they just got shellacked in the midterms. democrats really swatted the -- at the state level. the state has been very purple sales been looking bluer all the time. the map shifted in favor of democrat in michigan. but that absolutely right, nobody really knows yet he, hasn't been tested and that's kind of the point i'm making, there is this sense that because he is popular in the state of florida, and florida's are politically important, that he has momentum, and everyone's talking about him. i think he winds up blood in his own momentum as soon as he starts running, which is why he's not just saying anything it. let the mystery continue, it's almost a political strategy on his part. they don't know him well enough to not like him.
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>> when trump announced in announced so crazily early, we thought was gonna really shift to the race. the reality is, it's caused people to say, i can take my time and see what happens here. there's not that rush, in part, because trump's walked in the gate instead of running the gates. we have to see what happens in south carolina, lindsey graham will be with him, is that a high energy event? sometimes, trump has been low energy lately. and that will help determine whether republicans announce in six weeks or six months or what have you. >> important, we'll think about what's happening next, of course, a lot of ifs happening right now. when we actually know the full answer to all of it. up next, everyone, tennis australia is announcing that fans will no longer be allowed to bring russian or belarusian flags to the site of the australian open. we'll tell you why, next. i'm bill lockwood, current caretaker and owner. whenen covid hit, we had some challenges like a lot of businesses did. i heard about the payroll tax refund, it allowed us to keep the amount of people
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ukraine are now spilling onto the tennis court. i will mention again, tennis australian outing that fans will no longer be allowed to bring the russian or the belarusian flag to the site of the australian open. this decision comes after ukrainian ambassador objected to seeing a russian flag during the first round australian open match between a russian and ukrainian player. the ambassador tweeting in part, quote, i strongly condemn the public display of the russian flag during the game. and i call on tennis australia to immediately enforce its neutral flag policy. i want to bring in former professional tennis player and espn tennis commentator, patrick back in row, patrick, i'm glad you're here. i'm glad to pick your brain on a night like this, especially, as you know, this is not the first time that politics and
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sports have intersected. perhaps to the chagrin of some. it was not that long ago that the tennis world, where you had djokovic, who is covid-19 vaccination status, was problematic. of course. and not be able to allow him to engage in the tournament. i'm wondering what your take is on all of this, knowing that we're seeing this issue similar, yet again. >> first of all, laura, it's great to see you and take travel beyond. not only were they displaying the russian flag during this particular match, but my sources telling me that they were actually displaying being quite rude to the ukrainian player. these russian fans. so, that didn't go over well at all with the tennis australian officials, i think they made the correct decision here, laura, to ban the russian and belarusian flakes were being displayed. the australian open is a very international tournament. fans come from all over the world, he's got a great vibe about it, people come from all over. and despite their flex for their favorite players. so, it's an unfortunate
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situation, it's certainly not the first time, as you noted, nor will it be the last time that politics comes into this sporting world, and particularly, the tennis world. which is such an international sport. and you've got also the fact that you've got individual players, now, they're not allowed to show their flag, if you're russian and belarusian, when you show the graphics of the players and we talk about their background and where they're from, so, that's not happening. they can't show that in the draws. as well for these players. this was the right move, again, international team events are not allowing russian and belarusian teams to play, the tennis world, with individual players are are allowed to play, although you may remember, laura, that they were banned from competing at wimbledon. the biggest tennis tournament in the world last year. so, it will be real interesting to see what happens later this year, as far as that goes. not to mention you mentioned novak djokovic, who's here by the way, trying to win his tenth australian open title. he's back, he's gotten a great
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reception from the australian fans, and of course, another big decision for the tennis world, will be will novak djokovic be allowed into the united states to compete? because as of now, he would not be allowed to compete because he can't get into the country as a non vaccinated, non-citizen of the usa. >> obviously, there are different circumstances in politics at play. in large respects, we're talking about the invasion into ukraine, versus, of course, covid vaccination status. these are worlds apart. and yet, the connective tissue really is the idea of how politics intersecting. but with respect to the ban on players, particular for wimbledon, where the russian athletes, the belarusian athletes, there was a lot of controversy and concern about whether it was fair. to attribute in a sign the behavior, policy, the actions of a leadership. with the actual players. but then there was this moment, if you remember, with the russian gymnast, -- who wore that pro war symbol in
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a competition against the ukrainian player. it wasn't just the idea of, hey, by virtue of your nationality, you will be banned. it was in part, behavior. is there a discussion going on right now about the tension between what the leaders of the country are doing? and what the players are punished for? >> i think that's a great point, laura, that to me is what this is all about. i don't believe that the ban of the russian and belarusian players at wimbledon served the ultimate purpose. which was to get this war to end. or to make a statement about it. i don't think it worked, to be perfectly honest. those players were allowed to play all other parts of the world, including in the usa at the u.s. open. okay. this passive temper. including the big tournaments all over the rest of europe, and europe certainly has strong feelings about the way this war is playing out. because it on their continent. so, i think, in a long run, it didn't serve the purpose, and
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it penalized individual players for something that they really have nothing to do with, what their own government is doing. there's no doubt it's the right decision to ban russian teams from competition, whether it's gymnastics, whether it's tennis, but there's hockey players playing in the national hockey league, russian hockey players. and they're playing all over the world and different sports. world soccer as well. so, i don't think the tennis players should be punished the way that they were last year, at the all england club in the wimbledon championships. >> i'll tell you, and there's a bill underscoring every one of your points for good reason about the point you raised, but the idea of attention to people wanting to, on the one hand, look at sports as a form of escapism, and being able to zone out, not focus on the world around you, or the ideas of what happens in different capitol hill's versions across the world. yet, it is the platform, they know everyone is watching, and it's a moment to express oneself and once grievances. so, we will see how this
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continues to play out, nice talking to you. thank you so much. >> laura, thank you having me. i appreciate it. >> everyone, thank you for watching. our coverage continues. our coverage continues. helplping them achieve financial freedom. we're investing for our clients in the p projects that power our economy. from the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. and help communities thrive. ♪ for skin as alive as you are... don't settle for silver. harness the power of 7 moisturize & 3 vitamins to smooth, heal, and moisturi your dry skin. gold bond. champion your skin. to finally lose 80 pounds and keep it off with golo is amazing. i've been maintaining. the weight is gone and it's never coming back.
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9:00 pm
>> good evening. on a day that brian walshe was arraigned, we learned in horrifying detail what prosecutors say he did her and the online research they say he did on how. this includes, in the space of less than one hour, searches for quote, how to stop a body from decomposing. how to embalm a body. ken ways to dispose of a dead body if you really need to. ana walshe is the mother of their three young children. she's been


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