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tv   CNN Tonight  CNN  January 25, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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. i'm at the white house and this is cnn. > . good evening i'm laura coates this is cnn tonight frankly it's expected any day i'm talking about the release of video that even before any members of the public had seen
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it led to the firing of five memphis police officers and two fire department employees. question is there it finally show us what happened when 29-year-old tyre nichols was pulled over by police and three day later was dead after what an independent autopsy calls extensive bleeding caused by a severe beating. and will anybody face any charges? plus. some teachers in florida locking down every book in their classroom libraries. why? out of fear they could face criminal charges if get this, they let kids read books. it hasn't been preapproved some new state law. that's right. how books in a classroom could suddenly just break the law. and there was a speech on house floor tonight like nothing ever happened before. it was written by an artificial intelligence program, we told you about that last night. it's called chat gp t.
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and tonight, congressman jake will be here to tell us how he used it to write this speech on the floor. a lot to cover tonight i want to begin with the concerns and the anticipation over the release of the video of tyre nichols encounter with police that ended three days later in his death and the firing of five officers and two firemen. that video might come out any day now. it's expected in fact, to come out any day now. i want you to bring in memphis city councilman jb smiley to the conversation, councilman thank you for joining us, i say with a bit of labored breathing thinking about this video coming out. as described at the press conference by the family and attorneys what we are likely to see is a sustained three-minute long beating of man following a traffic stop. i wonder if you have any sense
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of when this video might really be released and will it be released in full? >> first of all thank you for having me, and you said it right. any day now. i know the council members, we're slated to view the video footage in the next day or so but we expect that the video footage to come out some time real soon. >> in terms of you being able to see it. do you believe that the police officers or the union in particular might also be doing it before the public sees it or will it be you at the same time likely as the general public or a short lead time? . >> well, i believe that the council along with our co counsel and our attorney will be reviewing it at the same time to get a sense of what to expect. we've heard from bancroft, we heard from his co counsel as well about what we should
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expects is it relates to the film. but it will be tough. it will be tough. especially when you consider the city of memphis, prominently black folk who don't suspect or expect to be subjected to this type of scrutiny. it's going to be a tough video for us to watch. >> i spent some time in memphis. it is a beautiful place, the people warm, the idea this is happening in your hometown now is devastating i'm sure for the community but for the greater nation watching as well to think of what might come. unfortunately we have become acostumesed collectively in this country to an altercation with officers ending in the death of an unarmed person prominently black and brown people, is the city doing anything to prepare for what the rack might be to the devastating viewing of the final moments of a human being? >> absolutely. so we're preparing preparing as it relates to what we can do to
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prevent this from happening ever again, we're drafting legislation to require more transparency so that we can have information related to excessive use complaints going forward and any officer associated with excessive abuse complaints in addition. we're trying to, you know, do what we can, we want people to protest. they should be angry but we want them to do it peacefully as possible. but to make sure that, you know, property and people in the city of memphis as we wait for the body cam to be released to the general public. >> excuse me, councilman i didn't mean to cut you off are you getting a sense that there's outside agitators. i remember my own hometown of st. minnesota with the death of george floyd there were people
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who attempted to hijack an otherwise peaceful protest or tried to use it as a reason to advance their own agenda are you hearing anything about outside agitators that might be in the city of memphis preparing to have their own version of a protest? >> well, not necessarily outsider protesters but if you paid attention to the last council meeting we had dozens of community members who said at the end of council meeting and voiced their frustration with the process demanding immediate release of film. i hope we essentially comply with the public's request. i think this type of information is public and we should do everything we can to give the people what they want but also to make sure that the people living in the city of memos are safe in their homes. >> we have sound from that very public hearing let's play a little bit of it from the audience of perspective as well. >> we pay for these cameras. we want to see what is going on.
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>> we want the footage now. we want to know are we really employing people that think it's together beat the -- out of us? city councilman, people are angry and i understand the reason why you are planning to introduce, i understand a motion that would require memphis police to collect data regard traffic stops, arrests use of force and complaints, obviously, in the interest of transparency and in response to what constituents would like to need have to feel safe why would that make a difference do you believe especially in this instance. >> if you know who the bad terrors are you can weed them out before they ever find themselves in a situation that perpetuates such a violent crime as this, my goal and the people of memphis is to figure out what we can do to stop these things going forward and transparency to is the top of the list.
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if we know the police officer being constantly accused of excessive force complaints it's likely those are pertain at any raters for incidents like this. >> councilman thank you for your time. >> thank you with me in the studio, senior law enforcement analyst and fbi director drew mccabe, justin, an executive director of thurgood marshal civil rights center and rayshon ray a senior fellow is with us. i want you to get a sense, turn to you first, dr. ray about this because you in the work you've done as a sociologist and beyond you work with police officers and training. and for every instance where you have fourth amendment constitutional violations that have been alleged and excessive force and duty to intervene and not doing so, it becomes an opportunity for training as well.
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tell me when you hear about this case, what is your reaction? three minutes, allegedly, of a sustained beating following a traffic stop. >> i think the first thing people have to think about the length of that. as you were saying before, that is like the length of the time that a person would be in the ring and have five people beating on you people have to think about that. the research we've done at the university of maryland, one of the things we found black officers have similar attitudes and also similar behaviors as white officers, that's something very, very important for people. i think up to this point a lot of narratives we've seen and heard in the cases we've seen oftentimes white officers on black victims, we found in our research behavior becomes pretty similar, so the fact that there are effective black officers engaging in this i think that's one thing that unnerves people. but in the research that's soming is that's very common to look at. the other thing important is the
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fact they haven't released body worn camera footage we heard from individuals at the city council meeting there should be legislation in place that length of time that the city and police department have to release that information, other jurisdictions have that but i'll give memos credit that's part of a place i call home i went to the university of memphis i'm from tennessee be they fired the officers they showed the family the video. and they're about to release it publically. i think a lot of people think criminal charges will be forthcoming. >> on that point the idea of the pacing and the events we're seeing now, we are seeing some development in terms of the transparency that really had been traditionally not provided in other cases, remember how long people had to say this was not simply anecdotal part of a larger trend and dr. ray's before you trumps black, in terms of the potential criminal
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charges, walk me through your thinking, do you think that there could be charges forthcoming? and what might be some of the defenses that would be raised in case like this? >> i do think that there are likely to be charges forthcoming in part because of the swift firing of the officers, you don't see the traditional from the police union rallying behind the officers now. from one perspective you could look at the situation as a lit news test, looking at one of the first major national cases we've seen in many years where they're all black officers. so this is it not a situation where the traditional question of black versus white. we're looking at police violence being on trial as police violence itself not as solely a racial issue in terms of racial conflict but an issue that the power police have under the
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current legal structure whether some of those major supreme court cases tennessee v gardner, some cases allow police to have what professor paul butler call super powers the ability to feel like they can use deadly force in tease situation even in the context where police department procedures may not seem to call for it. there's a separate question between police department procedures which lead to firing, and criminal charges, which are going to be under the jurisdiction of the supreme court case law. which will be the question which the prosecutors will look at going forward. i anticipate that based on the statements both from the federal prosecutor and based on the fact that they were fired immediately, there seems to be an understanding based on the videos they've seen that this goes above and beyond regular
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procedure, there will likely be some sort of action in terms of what action, we're not sure. >> i want to note, andrew mccabe, the idea here within a month of the killing of george floyd memphis changed policies among law enforcement about the duty to render care and intervene, one of the things we've been talking about the professor noted the us attorney's office in tennessee is involved. you got the local memphis da. shelby county and you got the da and the u.s. attorney and that means the fbi is now involved in a case like this. he mentioned the idea of the color of the officers civil rights talk about the color of law, meaning the badge itself could be enough. what will the fbi be doing in a case like this to either support or buttress the local investigation. >> those investigations from your local prosecutors and detectives and the u.s. attorney supported by fbi agents go on at
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the same time in parallel tracks can result in very different results. you may see charges on local level for things like homicide or assault or other firsts. federal side they will be looking at color offenses any person who uses their official position to deny someone a constitutionally protected right can be guilty of a federal crime. those rights include fourth amendment violations unreasonable search and seizure, >> excessive force, obstructing or denying or delaying medical care to someone in obvious need of medical care. all of those factors could become central. >> is their role to be a back stop to local or are they working in tandem. >> they will work in tandem, you know, there is a convenient opportunity, if local charges for whatever reason are unsuccessful, that has no effect
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on the federal side. federal charges can proceed separate of researches there's obviously not a double jeopardy problem there but i expect they will coordinated to some degrees if the fbi agents come across evidence that might be of use in local prosecution, they will likely share that intelligence >> we have a lot to get to and learn about this very important issue the video is still not out. firings happen we talked to the da yesterday about wanting to withhold the video until they've had chance to decide on charges. may, very well be likely thank you so much. >> also we have teachers in florida and they are afraid they could face criminal charges. why? well, because a new law makes it a crime by the way a third degree felony for them to use books in their classrooms that don't adhere to the law. some parents approve. some are completely up in arms. we'll discuss it next. ♪. ♪. ♪.
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. teacher to say in at least one florida district say they're closing up class libraries or covering actually covering books out of fear they could face felony charges. because of a new florida law taking effect. cnn has the story. >> reporter: behind the covered wall of paper in this manatee
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county classroom, book, teacher don falls tells us he covered the book shelves out of concern for a state law that concerns all libraries to be approved or vetted by a media specialist or librarian trained by the state. >> we were instructed last week we essentially had three choices as far as personal libraries in our classrooms we could remove them box them up, we could cover them up with paper or some sort of something. or they could be entered into a database where the school district has all of the library books and all the other kinds of books. and if the book was in the system, then it could remain on the shelf open >> falls, who's part of a lawsuit against governor ron desantis regarding his stop woke act says it caused him and other teachers much fear but the district says it never instructed teachers to shut down
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classroom libraries, according to the school district, volunteers will be helping to catalogue book that is classroom libraries if a book already has the green light it can go back on shelf for students but not preapproved it must be vetted before student can have access to it. >> we're going to make sure that parent have a seat at the table and that we protect their rights. because nobody is more invested in the proper well-being of kids than the parents themselves. >> according to florida's department of education, selection of library materials which includes classroom libraries must be free of porn knowinggraphy and material prohibited under state statute suited to student needs and their ability to comprehend the material presented appropriate for the grade level and age group for which the materials are used and made available. violations can result in a third degree felony. >> this is us protecting the teachers not saying we're banning books. >> the school board meeting this
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week, school officials acknowledged how long it will take to verify all the books meantime student have access to books in their school's main library but the process sparked confusion and high emotion. >> i would not suggest banning books. it's a slippery slope. this is good literature with value. please do not ban books. >> during a school board meet school officials confirm they too are working to align policies with state requirements, officials say a group of library media specialists reviewed 94 book titles over the summer. >> and that team recommended ten titles to be weeded out of collections or moved to our adult only resource library. >> there's appropriateness and there's inappropriateness where books are concerned we have to keep the minors in mind. you cannot substitute adult
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supervision. you cannot. adult supervision, parents, a guardian, grandparent have to be aware of what the child is being taught. >> while some parent praise what they call parents rights at work, others worry it's a slippery slope. >> any time you restrict access to information to knowledge, it's censor ship. i don't think there's any other way to categorize it. >> also part of the conversation in that school board meeting they talked about how there could be additional titles removed as part of this process and school officials made it clear they will air on the side of caution. school board members also brought up another challenge, how to define age appropriate when vetting these reading materials. i reached out to the governor's office and the florida department of education but haven't received a response to that question.
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>> thank you so much. and how big will the impact of this policy actually be? not just on teachers but of course on the children. well, we have two educators in florida joining me to discuss next. ♪. ♪.
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. teachers worried at the that the books in classroom shelves could cause them to run afoul of new florida laws they fear can face criminal charges, joining me now to discuss andrew spar president of the florida education association and pat barber president of manatee education association. i'm glad to have you both here to bring some further clarity to what's going on if it can be found, i want to begin with you andrew because i'm wondering who should get to decide the types of books that are in teachers' classrooms. >> you know, teachers are trained professionals. they know about reading, they know about what excites kids about reading, they understand the importance of kids seeing themselves in the books they're
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reading. of course, parents and teachers have a sacred bond we work together all the time i'm a parent, i'm a teacher. as a parent i go to open house at the beginning of the year, i know what curriculum is, i see classrooms i'm in regular communication with my daughters's teachers that's what we do. so i think this idea what we're seeing in florida right now quite honestly in a county near jacksonville clay county it was a parent -- no the parent, a citizen who's committed to getting 3200 books removed from the schools doesn't have any kids in school system. so this isn't about parents. this is about someone trying to impose i'd deiology in our school and politics in schools and it's interfering with the importance of reading for kids. >> i want to bring you in here it is striking to many to hear that it's not just parents even involved in the conversation but those who are not immediate stake holders obviously the greater community could certainly say by verge of being
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part of the community they have a stake hold but for the parent of kids in the school that have a direct connection i want to put up on the screen books under florida law what the requirements are now so the audience can see. books must be free of pornography and other materials prohibited under florida law, suited to student needs and ability to comprehend the material, and a appropriate for the grade level and age group. some of these seem obviously like a no-brainer the idea of free from pornography although the supreme court has trouble identifying it unless they see it but the idea here pat of where things stand is this just a very subjective notion that just is going to be classroom by classroom with no universal standard to guide? >> i don't think it's going to be classroom by classroom in manatee county but it is a subjective standard when it comes to a citizen of manatee
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county looking at books and imposing their viewpoint according to the standards that are in the law. teachers are trained professionals. they do know what's age appropriate. and teachers and parents work together all the time to determine what a parent finds acceptable for his or her own child. as far as reading material. >> i do wonder, pat, in the conversation about parental rights which obviously is coming up more and more and i'm a parent of school age children, elementary school to be specific, i certainly would like to be able to weigh in and be a part of and have a relationship with the school. i personally feel and i think many others do that parental rights is not exactly the same thing as parental dictation and determining and some parents would like to defer to teachers
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to decide for themes what would be appropriate in their classrooms, does this law remove that opportunity in your mind from teachers being able to decide even when parent want to defer to a teacher. >> it removes, it interrupts the conversation. i wouldn't say it necessarily removes it. but it definitely circumvents and interrupts that conversation because it inserts people other than the parents into that conversation, and it implies that parents didn't already have rights. >> it's a good point. certainly i didn't mean to cut you off that's a very astute point and andrew i want you to respond to it it's almost like this is novelty a parent finally has rights in a classroom and certainly we have the ability to
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speak up but i wonder about this issue of parental rights as a talking point as opposed to what actually happens in the classrooms to pat's point and really what it's doing for moral of teachers. teachers are being asked to do everything including sadly trying to copy students safe in a world of gun violence and it's horrible tragedy to even think about that and now the idea of being told they have to cover up books and they have to have, that scrutiny what is is that doing to moral. >> it's killing moral. let me tell you a story of a media specialist a librarian in clay county florida told he the other day how she had student with special needs coming into the library last year every other week to read books about cars, a high school student who struggles academically, has special needs, and was reading about cars. and she was told that she
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couldn't buy any new books for the media center until the state implemented this new law and did a training on it. and so this kid kept coming to the media center saying do we have a new book about cars every two weeks and she was almost in tears telling the story how she had to keep saying to the child, no, unfortunately i can't get new books. as a parent that breaks my heart. because as parent i want my kid to be excited about reading, to be excited about learning, to be a child in school you know, you talked about children in elementary schools, go to any elementary classroom they have hundreds of books they purchase themselves with their own money to create this library classroom library to make sure every kid can find a book they're excited about and read about for you we're hearing about people saying look at the books they're talking about they're talking about books that talk about families may be different from their own families that deal with race, and ethnicity, books from other that talk about other countries, books that so many
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kids connect to and there are people outside the school system, i really want to under score that outside the school system saying we're not going to allow these books to be in our schools, they're taking away parents' rights. the rights for me as a parent for you as a parent to have our kid be excited about reading. >> and it's exposure of reading what it means and how it generates thoughts and i just think about with my kids how excited they are for the book fair every single semester are they going to walk in the library and it will be cloaked in curtains, i encourage avid readers, this is adis heartening notion, i wonder how this will end up. andrew spar, patricia thank you for your time. i appreciate it >> thanks for having us. a member of congress calling on lawmakers to address the challenges presented by artificial intelligence and did
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it by using the ai's own words. ♪. ♪. ♪. i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vovo: that's service that fits your schedule. go to >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite repeplace. ♪
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. congressman jake aucken made history when he delivered his speech on the house floor, can you guess who wrote it >> mr. speaker i stand here because i'm planning to reintroduce the united states israel artificial intelligence act a bipartisan that will cement a mutually partnership between united states and israel. a critical step forward in anner are where ai and implications are taking center stage in public discourse. >> sounds totally legit. what you heard was written entirely by chat gpt a text based artificial intelligence, congressman joins me now, it's interesting you chose to have
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that speech written by art r official intelligence, what was motivation. >> i worked in tech for a number of years one of the youngest parents in congress, this technology will be part of my career for decades and it could be a general purpose technology for my children meaning in any sector which they chose to work it would be a key tool they would need to use. i wanted to spotlight this for congress so we have a debate now about purposeful policy for ai and not be ten years behind the ball like i think a lot of policy was for social media. >> certainly when you think about the way in which you heard congressional hearings trying to grasp their arms the train left the station at this moment in time there is an opportunity to regulate or course correct before derailed, but are there
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legitimate concerns that it has the potential to be harmful. >> there are, i think two things to counteract this in the future. we need more competition, right now, the cutting edge of ai is happening in california through microsoft, first and foremost but meta have their internal ai because of the quality and quantity of data because of the engineers they are able to attract, they do the cutting each work. i think that this technology should be available to university, to nonprofits, to public officials, to small companies, so that everybody can have a hand in shaping this, so that it works for everybody of and that also we need to star having substantive conversations in congress and at the administration level which they are about to insure this is a tool, no the a master, this is meant to amplify human creativity and productivity, it
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should not be a substitute. we should not allow it to create economic and social conditions ten years we look back and say this isn't what we wanted i think a lot of people have that sense with social media, these companies started small and crappy and everyone looked around and warp a lot of what we valued >> we're in disinformation age so there's concerns about the potential for deep fakes the idea amplifying lies or extorting realities and it's been talked about as not being able to hypothesize on things but i asked it to model a hypothetical debate between president biden and the former president trump, who, of course, is running for office again on climate change, listen to what it said, this is what it generated president biden climate change is extent shall threat to planet and must take action to reduce greenhouse transition my administration is
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committed to rejoining the paris agreement and investing renew initial energy and decrease policy it quotes hypothetical president trump saying climate change is a hoax, perpetrated by china and other countries to harm the american economy the paris climate agreement is bad deal for america and would cripple our industries, we should focus on promoting american energy independence and protecting american jobs. it's an emulation but based on what it's pulled from the internet likely close to what it said before, i wonder if you're concerned about speech generation as sort of the next frontier and people knowing how much they value what's written and what's out there will take this as truth. >> speech generation and i should adenovirus generation as well. deep fake videos one example of that to complement you gave people can google a speech by richard nixon if the moon landing failed because they had
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to speech drafted in that eventuality, obviously it didn't they were able to take footage of president nixon giving other speeches and feed in that text and you got president nixon delivering a speech as though it crashed. the good news the same technology that can generate the deep fakes in speech or video can be used to discern and flag those deep fakes as being misinformation. i think another area where we have this pro and conarea is education, we see k through 12 worrying about plagiarism or students not doing their own work and clearly administrators will have to put in safeguards there's also the potential that, ai could do tutoring at scale. kids learn differently ahead or behind the curriculum give super powers to teachers, i find that
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exciting. but that pro and conwill require public debate and start now. >> photoly does glad to have it here. thank you, congressman. everyone, first it was a leopard, then it was the monkeys now apparently it's a vulture, several incidents involving animals at habitats at the dallas zoo and the zoo rightfully is suspicious. what is going on? what is going on? ♪ ♪ it's what sanctuary could look like... feel like... sound like... even smell like. more on that soon. ♪ ♪ the best part? the prequel is pretty sweet too. ♪ ♪
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you know how to use roll. go to and get your first three months free and unlimited payroll.
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♪limu emu & doug♪ hey, man. nice pace! clearly, you're a safe driver. you could save hundreds for safe driving with liberty mutual. they customize your car insurance... you only pay for what you need! [squawks] whoo! we gotta go again. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty liberty liberty♪ ♪liberty♪ there's a mystery at the dallas zoo, a serious incident where someone may be tampering with the animals there. and well zoo officials in dallas police investigate, we're learning that an endangered vulture named -- was found dead in its habitat
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on saturday. officials say an unusual wound and injuries indicate that it did not die of natural causes. recall that nearly two weeks ago, a clouded leopard got out of its enclosure after someone apparently cut the fencing. unfortunately, it was recaptured and unharmed. so officials are also discovering that someone appears to have tampered with the monkey pen, but none of the monkeys got out. a lot to discuss tonight with wildlife biologist, jeff -- host of nation. jeff, i'm so glad you're here. man, this is getting stranger by the moment. now, there is an animal that apparently did not die of natural causes, is there any indication of what is going on at the dallas zoo? >> hey, good evening, laura. yes, it's a tragic no longer coincidental. and likely criminal mystery here. so, you're looking at a vulture right here, this is the
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photographs of the bird, it has to distinctions for me. first of all, as you can see, as vultures go, it is incredibly fetching. it's one of the most beautiful vultures species. also, as you highlighted, it's one of the most endangered. there's only about six, maybe 8000 of these vultures surviving on our planet. and the dallas zoo, along with the l.a. zoo, other members of the american zoological community, are critical in the future survival of the species. so, the lost of one of these vultures is incredibly tragic for the species. >> this is -- it was a 35-year-old vulture at that, as you note, when you think about the idea of some of the foundational purposes of zoos, it's about the conservation, it's about trying to ensure that they can get reintroduced or maintain and preserve species. and have the field of study. the idea here that this type of species has now been targeted,
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in connection with also the idea of the monkey, the idea of, of course, the clouded leopard. the pattern here is quite stunning. are the other animals that have been suspicious behavior surrounding them, are those equally endangered? >> well, we shall see. i know the dallas zoo is stamping out along with their partners with the police community in dallas to try to find out who is doing this. this vandalism, this criminal behavior, is it some sort of pat us that's driving this? is it some sort of messaging that's happening behind this? whatever is causing this, it's a really big deal in the zoological community. as far as i'm concerned, every enclosure, back to front, needs to have a camera on it. a digital cam that capturing images. security needs to be beefed up as much as it can, because the
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lives of these species are at stake. you're talking about the vulture, this is a creature that's not only critically endangered, but it's an animal that's long lived. they can live 50, 60 years. one of the most resilient and hardy species of birds on the planet. yet, it can't survive living in dallas. so, something is wrong here. they need to get to the bottom of who's doing this, and why. preventing it in the future. >> absolutely. i understand as well, as a result of what happened, these series of incidents, zoo officials are having to try to take precautionary measures to protect the different wildlife. which means they are going to have a different quality of life and the ability of freedom they might have to be outside of their enclosures at some point after hours. are we going to see, now the zoo officials having to take precautions that reduce the quality of life even more for these zoo animals? >> well, i don't think the zell
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any north americans who is a member of the aca is going to do anything to reduce the quality of existence for these animals. they do a lot of work in ensuring that they have environmental quality with lots of stimulation. to keep them thriving in this human care environment. that's not going to change. you're already dealing with the required tremendous amount of security. so, they have their enclosures, they have their entrances and exits. within their pens to ensure that the zookeepers can have access to these animals. in a safe manner, those protocols already exist. the problem is, someone is violating that protocol. you know, you have the concept of you can't prevent a thief, but you can keep an honest man honest. i think they're keeping the honest folks honest with the messaging, with the appropriate security. something outside of those lines is getting in. wreaking havoc on one of the
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greatest zoos in north america. so, i don't think it's gonna be a change in the quality of life of animals. but i think what will happen is an increase in security. we've noticed, laura, a lot of changes in the last ten years in social media. where people are pushing the boundaries, they're pushing the edges. we see that in national parks, with people approaching bison and other animals. you see that in zoos like this. where people want that moment, to take a risk for themselves and the animals for social media. getting the increase of likes. this is different. someone is being incredibly nefarious. and the zoo is gonna pay the price, or the animals are gonna pay the price for this. it needs to stop. >> absolutely. it was found dead, not appearing natural causes, suspicious type of wound. hope they get to the bottom of this before additional animals are endangered. >> yeah, eventually laura,
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folks like this, they fall prey to their hubris. and they get caught. unfortunately, we need to make sure that happens before we lose any more animals. >> hey, you talk to a prosecutor about that. let me tell you, -- >> oh i know. >> what will happen eventually. jeff corwin, thank you so much for bringing some better context to this. it's very important. >> thank you. >> there are more questions tonight for congressman george santos. now, it's about personal loans he said he made to his campaign. i'll bring in the details, next.
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