tv CNN Newsroom CNN January 26, 2023 10:00am-11:00am PST
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cash. tha tha that's the benefit. >> whatever you want to do about social media and who is on facebook still, it drives significant campaign fund-raising. it drives significant campaign viral messaging, all of those things and nobody did it better than the trump team in '16 and '20. >> meta says he cannot criticize the 2024 election. he can still say 2020 was stolen from him. >> because a lot has to do with the fact he was kicked off for incitement. it wasn't -- the dangerous rhetoric and what could potentialitily come from that, so if he's trying to sow doubt about 2024 it has impact on the future election and what could happen. >> fascinating to watch as it plays out, we cherish the first amendment and see what happens to it in the months and days ahead. thanks for joining us "inside politics." we'll see you tomorrow. abby phillip picks up our coverage right now.
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hello, thank you for joining us today. i'm abby phillip in washington. a major announcement is coming two ours from now in memphis, tennessee, the shelby county district attorney will be giving an update on the tyre nichols investigation. tyre nichols died three days after a violent confrontation with police and a source tells cnn that charges will be announced today. we've now learned at least one of the former officers involved in the nichols arrest has been indicted and that's according to his attorney, the attorney for emmitt martin who says his client has already surrendered but it is not clear what charges he is facing just yet. and just in, we have new scanner audio of the incident. listen. >> we got one male black running. >> set up a perimeter. >> scorpion car come over.
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running on foot. >> run that tag and see what the address is. >> he's fighting at this time. >> by the time that incident ended nichols wound up in the hospital in critical condition. his family has released this disturbing image that you are about to see. and video of that arrest led to this and we are told it will be released on friday. the people who have seen the footage describe it as simply horrific. the memphis police chief is among them. take a listen to what she had to say. >> this is not just a professional failing. this is a failing of basic humanity. this incident was heinous, reckless and inhumane. >> so here's what we know. five police officers and two members of the city's fire department have been fired since nichols died and the attorney for the family is calling for murder charges for those officers. cnn's shimon prokopecz is
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leading us off on this really significant story. shimon, we are now expecting this video to come tomorrow. but today what do you know about this upcoming announcement that's coming in just two hours and the charges that these officers could be facing? >> reporter: we certainly expect that the charges will be significant against these officers, we're starting to now get some of the dockets from the documents from the court so we're still going through that. but it certainly seems these are going to be very significant charges against the officers, the officers are now we believe behind us at the jail here attached to the courthouse behind me and we're just waiting on word from the court and the jail on their next step, if they've been released and what exactly those charges are and it does appear at this point they are going to be significant charges. we expect to hear from the district attorney here in just a few hours where he's going to update us on the investigation
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and those charges. it'll be the first time that we really get to hear from investigators here on the evidence in this case, on hopefully what happened because investigators just have not said much and then hopefully we will get some idea of when this video and how it's going to come out. we know that the video is going to come out tomorrow. we've been told that officials here will be releasing it, how they will be releasing it, we don't know yet but these are all very important questions that need to be answered and hopefully we'll get those answers later. it will be a very significant day here for the city of memphis and certainly for this country as we see these officers charged following what everyone who has seen the video has seen what occurred that day has just described inhumane and horrific and just should not obviously have happened, just how they beat this individual and what they did afterwards is significant in the fact that they failed to render aid.
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these are the words from officials here, the police chief came out last night and said that she was certainly troubled by what she saw. she used the words inhumane, disturbing and so what is happening also here, abby, is many officials are trying to keep things calm. they are trying as best they could to keep the community informed about the next steps and about the fact that this video was going to come out and that they should be prepared for it because it is going to be disturbing. this is a concern that law enforcement all across the country has is that a reaction to this video could be violent and just urging people to protest but protest peacefully and so these are the next steps. we have two significant moments here in this investigation in what happened here, you have the charges that are about to be announced here by the district attorney and then word on when exactly and how this video is going to be released here tomorrow, abby. >> yeah, shimon, this will be a really significant day but as
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you have been describing, the wheels of this process are moving very, very quickly. we already have one officer, emmitt martin, surrendered on charges that we don't know about yet but, shimon, we'll get back to you as soon as we get more detail about what those charges are in this case. but let's continue the conversation for now with cheryl dorsey, a retired sergeant with the los angeles police department. sergeant dorsey, i want to start with you about the charges that we could see today, the family attorney for nichols, the young man who died, says they want a murder charge. do you believe that those charges are coming for some or even all of these officers potentially? >> well, based on what's been reported not everyone was involved in the actual assault. on mr. nichols that resulted in his death. some officers stood by. what we call acquiescing misconduct. they did not intervene as
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they're required to do and now we know that they did not render aid and so i think we need to expect that this video is very bad based on the way they're prepping everyone, they've already charged one officer, my guess is that's the one that had hands on mr. nichols and we'll have to see what happens with the other four. >> all right, and sergeant dorsey, i want you to listen to this message from the police chief. you heard it as we played it earlier in the show. what did you think about how she directly answered this, really speaking directly to the camera and talking to the community? >> well, i think what she is trying to express is her discomfort, her disgust, if you will, with the way her officers conducted and comported themselves in the midst of whatever this was, trying to take mr. nichols into custody for what, pleaing from a driving infraction, it makes no sense and i believe she can relate to
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that black mother as i can being the mother of four black men and so she did the right thing and she acted swiftly. >> and i think we have bernarda with us. i want to ask about, you know, what these officers could be facing and what the prosecutors are weighing here. on the one hand there's a lot of public interest in this case. they are bracing potentially for really explosive reaction from the community. what are prosecutors weighing, if you were in their shoes, in terms of how to charge this case? >> abby, here we go again and i think this one will be one of the worst cases we've seen cyst rodney king so what the state prosecutors are weighing at this time, what type of homicide charge to charge these pfeiffer officers. as you know there are different count, could be murder in the first, second degree or manslaughter and what we're thinking about the different
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levels of those homicides it is a thing. what were in the minds of each of those officers when they decided to do their hands and feet as weapons and beat down that man. so that's what the prosecutor is weighing is which charges to what degree to present to arrest these five officers and that could definitely change and separate from apart any charges but the state prosecutor and county prosecutor will move first. >> what are the big unanswered questions in this case, what even really prompted this traffic stop to go from a traffic stop into a violent confrontation. sergeant dorsey, can you just take a listen to this statement from one of the attorneys for the nichols family describing the role that he understands the officers played in the police department. listen. >> let's take a step back and understand who these police officers were. they were all young police officers relatively
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inexperienced. two years to about five years of experience each. they were all part of the scorpion unit. what are they really trying to do? find guns and stolen cars but they wind up stopping innocent people and they wind up using brute force to do it. >> now, the police department has not said exactly what role these police officers played but what does that trigger in your mind? does it have any bearing on how this confrontation ended in someone's death? >> absolutely. listen, i can tell you what i know having spent 20 years in an lapd uniform. this scorpion team is probably very similar to a special unit that we would have on the lapd. these are the officers that i call the elephant hunters. these are the hard chargers. these are the guys that go out and kick "a" and take names and so they probably are unsupervised. we know they're young on the job so they're feeling themselves
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and we also know that one of the officers is reportedly having been previously sued for some sort of use of force and so these young officers and others on departments across these united states need to be looked at carefully and make sure they're not on these specialized units because they want to inflict pain and punishment on people when and if they catch them. >> and bernarda, we're expecting this video from what we understand based on everything that's been said publicly by people who have seen it, the video is incredibly illustrative about what transpired. what are you looking for when this video comes out? >> abby, i'm getting goosebumps just even thinking about imagining what could be in those videos and the reason i say that is because you haven't seen in the past a sergeant, a cleave come out before the release of a video and calling it heinous so that goes to show you the degree of how violently this man was beaten. what i'm looking for, i'm
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looking to see first off the faces of the different officers and what each one of them were doing. we know for sure that the person was unarmed. we know he wasn't fighting back. we know he wasn't a threat so what other excuse is there? i think what needs to be happening and i hope is happening in order to drive some kind of peace to get through this, the prosecutor is starting off with we have arrested these five former police officers and are charging them with these charges and here's the video and this is why and we're looking for accountability to try to bring some kind of peace or calm to this country once this video is released. >> sergeant dorsey, there's been a lot of conversation about the race of the officers as well as the race of the victim, five of the officers involved here were black. as you think about the -- let me just pause here for just one second. we are getting new reporting out of memphis. i'll go straight to shimon prokopecz who is on the ground there. shimon, what can you tell us? >> right, so, abby, we're
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getting our first window into the charges against those ivers. we have charges for at least two of the officers, we know five have been charged. they are in the county jail here behind us as they await to be released on bond. but very significant charges on at least two of these officers. officer, the former officer demetrius haley and taddarius bean and they are facing at least these two officers are both facing murder charges. similar charges for both, i should say the same actually, second degree murder, aggravated assault, aggravated kidnapping, there are two counts of aggravated kidnapping and there are at least two counts of official misconduct. so six counts in all for these two officers, but it is significant because they are now facing second degree murder charges, the aggravated assault but also the aggravated kidnapping charges. so these are obviously some very
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serious charges as we've been reporting. we're waiting to hear from the district attorney, but right now from everything we are seeing at least two officers here charged with murder, this is what the families had asked for, they wanted. these officers charged with murder and it certainly seems that at the moment they are getting what they want. we are waiting obviously to hear more from officials but this is very significant nonetheless, of course, to see these officers now face these kinds of charges after what occurred here, some 20 days ago and, of course, we're waiting to see that video that has been just described to us as horrific and based on how officials have described this video, based on how they have come out really from the beginning telling us how disturbed they have been by what they have seen, i don't think it should be that surprising or shocking to people that
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authorities here have decided to pursue these murder charges, but it is significant any time police officers face these kinds of charges and it just tells you also how seriously the district attorney here and the authorities here are taking this case. >> all right, the headline here from shimon, shimon, thank you for that report, two of the officers, demetrius haley and taddarius bean, charged with a series of charges including second degree murder, aggravated assault, aggravated kidnapping and official misconduct. i want to get some reaction now from bernarda. what do you make of these charges that shimon just outlined? >> well, when we're talking about murder in the second degree in the state of tennessee we're talking about these two officers, they knowingly killed another individual. so that goes to the mindset that when they were acting they knew exactly what they were doing and they knew that their actions can cause the death of this man. so that's why they're being
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charged with murder in the second degree. i believe we'll see an upgrade as to the charges. you have to give the prosecutors more time to do more investigation and also got to see which one of these five officers are going to flip and that's if the prosecutor wants they to flip. if there is sufficient evidence in terms of video we don't need the cooperation from any of the five. >> sergeant dorsey, your reaction to these murder charges, kidnapping charges, aggravated assault charges as well coming for these officers. >> it clearly speaks to the violence that we're going to see when this video is ultimately released tomorrow and i think it also speaks to what i like to refer to as the wolfpack mentality when you have five officers and of those five not one of them had the presence of mind to manage that use of force and tell the others, stop, that's enough. >> and as we've -- we're going to go now back to shimon.
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more information coming in from memphis. shimon, what is the latest there? >> reporter: yeah, so now we have a third officer, desmond mills, also charged with murder. second degree murder, aggravated assault, aggravated kidnapping, two counts, official misconduct. official misconduct and official -- we're seeing three of the five officers who have been charged now being docketed on the court record being charged with murder, second degree murder and also the aggravated assault and the kidnapping charges so again we're seeing some very significant charges here, now at least for three of the five officers now we're waiting to get word, abby, on the other two officers, this is certainly developing into a very significant, significant day here in memphis from law enforcement all across the country that has been waiting for this, waiting for the decision from the district attorney as we wait for tomorrow for this video to come in.
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but i don't think we can understate how significant these charges are against these officers and just how seriously this district attorney has been taking this case and what this really means for law enforcement all across the country and this case and just how serious these charges are and really what we're seeing here is as a result of this description that we've been getting from those who have seen the video how horrific it is, the actions, the allegations here against these officer, very, very serious and we will be hearing more here soon, abby. >> all right, shimon prokopecz, thank you for all of that reporting. three officers now, we have the charges against them including second degree murder for thrhre of the five officers arrested in this case in memphis. we will have much more on this breaking n news when we come ba. who are positiveve for acetylcholine receptor antibodies, it may feel like the world is moving without you. but the picture is changing, withyvgart. in a clinical trial,
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economy. the u.s. economy is stronger than expected and matt egan will break down the report. yet another number seeming to point to a very resilient economy. what do these numbers tell us? >> these numbers do point to a resilient american economy surprisingly resilient, 2.9% annual growth in the fourth quarter for gdp. that is pretty solid, especially given all the gloom and doom out there. it is a nice rebound from the negative growth that started the year. digging into the report, we can see consumer spending, business spending, that slowed down but it remained positive, government spending helped out too. the big negative here, of course, was housing but that is no surprise. that is a reflection of these
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spikes in mortgage rates. other numbers out today, talk to the strength of the jobs market, initial jobless claims unexpectedly dropped to the lowest level since april. this is a proxy for layoffs and this shows that despite all of these job cuts that we keep hearing about, the jobs market remains pretty strong. now, none of this means that risk of recession is out of the woods. but it does still remain a risk but there is still a good chance of a soft landing. i talked to the top economist at goldman sachs and he told me he thinks a soft landing is not just possible but it is likely but, abby, here's the one thing, he said all bets are off if washington ends up really messing up the debt ceiling fight because if there is a default or a near default he said that could actually cause a recession in the economy. so we do feed to keep an eye on what's happening with the debt ceiling negotiations. >> yeah, that is a huge if that is looming over washington right now. thank you, matt egan, for all of
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that reporting. and we also have new exclusive reporting and new details about the contents of the classified documents that were found at mike pence's indiana home. multiple sorts telling cnn that the roughly 12 classified materials found at the former vice president's residence included background materials, briefing memos for his foreign trips, cnn's paula reid is tracking all of this. so, paula, this fills in a bit of a gap in the details about what these documents really were, what else do we know? >> reporter: it's a great reporting, abby, from jamie gangel who learned that these classified documents were likely part of background briefing materials that the vice president had received in preparation for foreign trips. as you know, when you go on these trips you often get materials that include stuff like basic biographical information about the people you're meeting with but they can also include more sensitive information and it appears that's what happened here though there's no indication that any of these materials had the highest levels of
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classification. also we learned these materials were tucked in a binder and unless someone went through the binder page by page it's unlikely they would have been able to identify this material. but, abby, of course, all of this speaks to the larger questions about the handling and inadvertent retention of classified information, i know even former president trump's lawyers have suggested, look, part of his issue, part of the larger issue is what happens at the end of an administration, a lot of people left for new jobs and the packing process can be a little haphazard. >> yeah, there's clearly something wrong, something broken in how these documents are being tracked and kept out of the reach of people who shouldn't see them, paula, thank you for that update. we are staying on top of all the developments out of memphis, tennessee, so far. three officers have been charged in the death of tyre nichols, plus, we have a dramatic scene unfolding in court as s accused killer alex murdaugh breaks s dn in tears d during testimony fro the prosecution's first witness. we will take you outside of that courthouse as well. orest plac
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we're going to go right back to our breaking news out of memphis where now we know that at least four of the former memphis police officers have now been charged in the death of tyre nichols. cnn's sara sidner is in memphis. sara, can you walk us through what we know so far in these charged individuals?
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>> reporter: yes, we know that four of these individuals at least four of them have been booked. and we have seen the charges according to the shelby county court. taddarius bean, demetrius haley and desmond mills have each been charged with second-degree murder, aggravated assault, two charges of aggravated kidnapping, two charges of official misconduct and one charge of official oppression. that is according to the shelby county criminal courts, an attorney for the fourth former officer, being former because he was fired along with the others, emmitt martin iii said martin has also been charged but did not provide us with specifics and could not at the time. and so when you look at these charges, abby, they are extremely serious. they are not what the mother of tyre nichols had asked for, which is murder one, which is
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premeditated murder, but they are as serious as can be because second-degree murder in this state can be anywhere from 15 to 60 years in prison. it is the knowing killing of a human being, although it is not a premeditated killing of a human being. and then you look at these other charges, the aggravated assault charges tells you something about what happened in this altercation when they were beating tyre nichols after this traffic stop, which they initially reported was because they said that tyre nichols was driving recklessly, no one other than the family and the attorneys and, of course, the police and d.a. have seen the video, it's not been released publicly. we are expecting that to happen tomorrow. but you look down this and you when you see two charges of aggravated kidnapping of all the cases that i have covered when it comes to, you know, police
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brutality and the accusations in a police involved killing, i don't think i've ever seen that as one of the charges, so aggravated killing or sorry, aggravated kidnapping is a very interesting charge that tells you something about what went down on january the 7th when they pulled mr. nichols over. there are two charges of official misconduct and one charge of official oppression. official misconduct can be anything from, you know, lying to, you know, to many other things that go against policy and that are against obviously tennessee law. so this is really telling actually when you look at all of the charges here, you may start to see a differentiation potentially for each of them and if we start to see that differentiation, if we start to see that some of them, for example, aren't charged with second-degree murder and haven't heard about the fifth officer yet, and we haven't heard what
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the charges are for emmitt martin iii, the fourth former officer but if there's differentiation in charges it will give you some indication of who was, you know, involved in the beating and would was potentially standing by because one of the things the police chief said was that they had a duty to intervene and did not do their duty. they have a duty to serve and protect and anyone will tell you that is not what happened here. >> it's a really important point that these charges, what they are might tell us a little about what we might see in this video and also to keep in mind as i know you know, sara, the initial charges are not always what they end up being, sometimes these charges can be upgraded as these cases go on. there is much more to come in the story. we are waiting for word about two of the other officerers who could be or likely to be chahard in the coming hohours and minut,
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we'll get back to sara as soon as we have information and stay with us. we'll be right back after a quick break. with a one-second scan, i know my glucose numbers withoufingersticks. try it for free at hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick, her neighbor? sure, he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons, right? sadly, not anymore. wow. so sudden. um, we're not about to have the "we need life insurance" conversation again, are we? no, we're having the "we're getting coverage so we don't have to worry about it" conversation. so you're calling about the $9.95 a month plan -from colonial penn? -i am. we put it off long enough. we are getting that $9.95 plan, today. (jonathan) is it time for you to call about the $9.95 plan? i'm jonathan from colonial penn life insurance company.
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we're going to take you to south carolina where right now the prosecution has started calling its first witnesses to the stand in the double murder trial of alex murdaugh, the disgraced former attorney charged with killing his wife and his youngest son and in a stunning moment this morning, the accused killer broke down in tears during testimony from the responding officer who says murdaugh was not crying when he arrived on the scene of the murder. >> as i approached toward him, i
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could see the male victim laying on the ground to my left as well as the female victim on the ground to my right. his immediate reaction was to start telling me about an incident that happened with his son with a boating accident. >> with a boating accident. >> yes, sir. >> had you asked anything about that. >> i did not. >> did you ever see any tears in your interactions with mr. murdaugh? >> he did not appear to be crying. he was upset but i did not see any visible tears. >> cnn's dianne gallagher is outside the courthouse in south carolina. dramatic scenes playing out there. what else is happening in the courthouse today? >> reporter: you know, abby, we're on a lunch break right now. we've had two witnesses so far, both of them, some of the initial first responders on scene the night that maggie and paul murdaugh were shot and killed at their home. i want to go back to something that you heard in that sound bite just a few moments ago, because the jury isn't just hearing testimony, the jury is
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seeing some of that body camera video and hearing what mr. murdaugh was saying on that video at the time. now, much of this video quite gruesome. they are preventing people from being able to see it outside of the jury, the judge and those attorneys because it does depict what happened but you heard him mention a boat crash and the very first person on scene was sergeant daniel greene with the sheriff's office and he says his initial interaction with alex murdaugh, he came up to him and he said this is a long story, my son was in a boat wreck, i know that's what this is, we've been getting threats. that goes back to a 2019 boat crash in which paul, his son who was killed was actually awaiting charges on to go to trial after a 19-year-old girl mallory beach was killed in that. the prosecution says that much of their motive theory rests dating back to that boat crash because the girl who was killed, mallory, her family sued alex
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murdaugh. they say that in the days after they were killed, both maggie and paul, they anticipated that his different financial allegations and fraud allegations that happened over the past were going to be uncovered because of that lawsuit, abby. >> fascinating case here that we'll continue to follow. dianne gallagher, thank you very much. i want to go back to memphis and the charges now being filed against at least four of the five officers who were fired following the arrest and death of tyre nichols. here's what we know so far. at least three of those officers have been charged with second-degree murder as well as aggravated kidnapping and a slew of other charges. i want to bring back in cheryl dorsey, the retired sergeant as well as bernarda villanova, the criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor. both of them back with plea on this. bernarda, i want to start with the charges, as we were discussing with sara sidner, the
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aggravated kidnapping charge is one that really sticks out. what do you think this means in the context of this case? >> and it definitely sticks out because this is a charge you normally do not see when it involves homicides with police officers so when you look at aggravated kidnapping from the state of tennessee they are saying it was a false imprisonment with an intent to cause bodily injury or serious bodily injury. it seems that the district attorney's office has already deemed that that stop, that detainment of mr. nichols was not correct. it was not right. it should not have happened and hence it was a false imprisonment. >> that's so interesting, sergeant dorsey, because we were just discussing the stop, the traffic stop. so many questions surrounding that and what bernarda is describing seems to skate that there are some questions here about why that stop occurred. and whether or not the reaction by police to the stop was
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warranted, as well. >> well, you know, like i said earlier these officers are assigned to a special unit, the scorpion unit according to reports and so what happens what they're charged with is being proactive, in other words, not responding to radio calls like a normal officer would do but be out there looking to see if you see anything that seems in your mind suspicious looking for a stolen vehicle and so they're running plates, and anything that would be a violation of the vehicle code would giver them a pretext reason to initiate a stop and then, of course, we hear according to the audio a foot pursuit pursues and officers trying to set up a perimeter and i know what happens at the end of a foot pursuit they punish you for running and that sounds like we're going to see. tour or five officers punishing mr. nichols because they couldn't contain him because he ran because he didn't what they like to say comply. all violation of lapd and probably their policy.
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>> and bernarda, one thing we will look closely at is whether there is any differentiation in the charges between these five officers, so far we know of three of the charges, a fourth officer is booked but we don't know the nature of his charges as well. what are you looking for? do you expect to see they might face different charges? >> well, we haven't seen the video so we're not sure but the question would be is the prosecutor charging each of them as acting individually or encompassing all five acting in concert as a conspiracy and for a penny and for a pound so i'm curious to see the theory the prosecution is seeking these charges against, each of these five officer, because it could be possible that it's only three officers that is doing the beating and two other officers are standing by or maybe hedging it but still even though you didn't put every punch, every kick or not as many punches and kicks as the other officer
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doesn't mean you're not guilty on these charges. so i'm waiting to see the video, but there's a lot to look into. this is a very sad case. >> it is a very sad case and there is so much more that will be coming on this case. both of you, please stay with us. this is a developing story and we'll be back with you as soon as we have more information. but now to southwest airlineses whose holiday travel nightmare leftft millions of people stranded and now the federal government is investigating. we'll have the latest on that case. wait! lemme get 'em all. i'm gonna get 'em all! earn big with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours.
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we are back with the breaking news out of memphis, tennessee, where we have learned that all five former memphis, tennessee, officers involved with the arrest of tyre nichols have been charged. we go to find out the charges? >> all five are serious charges, and the fifth one here, we are just getting the information here, and dustin smith is the fifth officer and we are waiting for the charges to be officially charged with the court, and what we are seeing is similar charges to the other four officers, and murder charges, and murder in the second degree, and the kidnapping charge, and official misconduct, aggravated assault and another aggravated kidnapping charges. so now we have all five officers charged, but all with similar charges. demetrious haley, tadarrius
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bean, emmitt martin and desmond mills and justin smith all charged here in connection with this case, and now all five are facing same charges, and murder charges and assault charges and kidnapping charges and certainly significant here as the case develops and this investigation develops, and we will be hearing from the d.a. shortly and other officials here. we are also expected to hear from two of the defense attorneys who represent two of the five officers later this afternoon. certainly, they say that they are going to be fighting these charges. so it is going to be interesting, abby, to see what they say. >> shimon, as you are there in memphis, what is the reaction so far from the community to the fact that charges are coming today ahead of the release of the video that we are expecting tomorrow. >> yeah, so far, we are not really, and it has been, people have not been coming to the courthouse to voice their opinion. so, it has been fairly quiet. it has been very normal here
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outside of the courthouse. earlier, i was by the jail, and everything seemed pretty regular, and the news is going to start to come out now to these family members certainly, and to the community and it is going to be, you know, it is something that the police are certainly concerned about as the reaction and not so much to the charges but the reaction to the video that we are going to see tomorrow. they are hoping that by announcing these charges and announcing that they are and continuing to investigate this that the department of justice and the fbi are continuing their federal civil rights investigation that, you know, the community just feels that the investigators are taking this seriously and that there are potentially federal charges to come in this as well, and that is something they want to remind the community that they are taking it very seriously. >> okay. shimon prokupiez, thank you for
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the report. and i want to bring in bernardo, here, with all of the five officers charged with almost identical charges, and what do you make of it? >> hmm. so as we can see, a penny for a pound, and the prosecution is seeking the same charges and will be probably seeking the same sentence for all five of the officers, but abby, i am waiting to see the release of the video and not just the video of the body-worn camera, but i want to see the other video, because the body-worn camera can only depending upon the camera itself give us a certain aspect, so i want to see the entire picture, but we need to brace for the worst. >> you are seeing now the mug shots for all five of the former officers booked into the shelby county jail. that is all of the time that we have for this, but we have much more to come on the story, and we are expecting it in about an hour an update on this case from the prosecutors in memphis,
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tennessee. we are going to be getting the latest information about these charges that face these officers in the death of tyre nichols, and that is going to do it for me here in the newsroom, and the news is going to continue here on cnn newsroom. ill work with u every step of f the way to help you achieve it. soso let us focus on the how. just telell us - what's your why? i'll remember that chapter of my life forever. we laughed. we cried. we protected that progressive home & auto bundle day and night. we left our blood, sweat, and tears on that yard. well...jamie did anyway. polly pratts wore many hats. they came from past jobs in fact. every time she experienced something new, her stack of hats grew. she even served turkey legs with what's on tap, all while wearing a viking hat. then she found a place. her many hats would be embraced, and she couldn't hide the excitement from her face.
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