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tv   CNN Tonight  CNN  January 26, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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good evening everyone. i'm alisyn camerota. this is "cnn tonight." memphis is holding its breath waiting for the release of the video showing exactly what happened to 29-year-old tyre nichols after he was pulled over by police on january 7th. three days later he was dead. an independent autopsy blamed his death on, quote, extensive bleeding caused by severe beating. and tonight tyre nichols' mother pleads for peace. >> when that tape comes out tomorrow, it is going to be horrific. >> my lord. >> i didn't see it. but from what i hear, it is going to be horrific. but i want each and every one of
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you to protest in peace. i don't want us burning up our cities, tearing up the streets, because that is not what my son stood for. >> people who have seen this police body cam video call it shocking, secening, and appalling. >> i've seen the video. as stated you will, too. in a word, it is absolutely appalling. let me be clear. what happened here does not at all reflect proper policing. this was wrong. this was criminal. >> so tomorrow night the public will see this video. and then what? that is one of the questions we'll be asking tonight. unlike the rodney king video or george floyd video this time the
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police officers were quickly fired and today arrested and charged with second-degree murder, assault, and kidnapping. will that be enough to calm the community that is demanding justice? and what does seeing violent videos like this do to our national psyche? we have a lot to talk about and also a lot of news tonight. let's begin with what is happening tonight in memphis. joining me now is cnn's senior crime and justice correspondent in memphis. also a chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst john miller here in studio. tell us what you learned on the ground there tonight. >> reporter: so we are all waiting for this video. we expect to see it tomorrow. but, also, i think some new details we got from the da today in the press conference that i thought were important. we've been pressing trying to get answers, timeline. there's a lot of gaps in exactly what happened. we heard for the first time from the da about some of the, what happened in the initial encounter with the officers.
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take a listen to what the da talked to us about today. >> the initial traffic stop. we won't comment on the presence or leelt of the stop but there was a traffic stop and initial altercation involving several officers and mr. nichols. pepper spray was deployed. the suspect or not the suspect, mr. nichols, fled on foot. there was another altercation at a nearby location at which the serious injuries were experienced by mr. nichols. after some period of time, of waiting around afterwards, he was taken away by ambulance. beyond that i don't really think we should go into any further details. >> so what are those further details? and the officials here, the da certainly said he is going to let the video speak for itself. we just haven't had those
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details, the specifics of what happened. i thought it was also significant for him to talk about how it took some time for the medics to arrive, for the victim here to get the proper treatment. so we are starting to learn more but really authorities here are saying, look. we don't really want to talk about what exactly happened here and they really want to just allow the video to speak for itself. >> okay. well, obviously we are all bracing for that. in the meantime, john, we do have some police scanner audio. so this is right before we're told that the police beat tyre nichols. this is them when i think they're first pulling him over. let's listen to that. >> got one male running. >> pull over. one running on foot. >> running. . set up a perimeter.
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>> what do you hear there, john? >> so i hear they've made the stop but we don't hear that part and then he is running. then he comes on and says run that tag and see where it comes back to. so he has gotten away. they're trying to figure out, well, if he is running home where is that because it could be nearby. and of course it is, about a half mile away. >> that is standard police stuff. >> right. that is what they should be doing. then the next person you hear on the air has caught up to him and is fighting and calls out the street that it's happening on, which is his street. he is about 80 yards from his home. then he is calling for backup. so there's a whole bunch of questions that still need to be answered. let's go through a couple of them. what was the stop for? this is a missing piece. they said reckless driving originally but what was the reckless driving? no one has articulated that. what was the first altercation about that resulted in him being
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pepper sprayed and running away? what was the second altercation about? all of these are still blanks. what we've been told, is that when the tape is released you'll see the incident end to end and some if not all of these questions will be answered. >> one of the things the police were charged with was aggravated kidnapping. that got people's attention because what does that mean? i know you asked that question. we were told it meant he was sort of unlawfully detained or contained somehow. do you have any more information on that? >> reporter: yeah. that was one of those charges that really caught many of us by surprise because you certainly never see this in these kinds of cases. we don't have any clarity. the way the da explained it is you may have had an initial, proper stop and they may have, that may have been legal let's say. as you go through the encounter and you go into the second encounter then that is where
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that may have occurred where it was an illegal detainment of some kind and because of the nature of this and how this all unfolded and the aggravating circumstances that is why they charged this kidnapping. there are also the allegations here that the victim was handcuffed during this time, during some of this beating. certainly the da wouldn't talk about that and that is something we will likely see in the video so that could pertain to that as well. >> john, they're going to release this video we are told tomorrow night at 6:00 p.m. that is a friday night. at 6:00 p.m. does that make sense to you? is that sort of ripe for trouble? >> if this were in new york city and i was in the nypd and this came up i would want this on a tuesday. >> a school night. a work night. >> yeah. but i think what you're seeing in memphis is they have
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delivered the beginning of justice. they have brought a slew of serious charges against each officer. they arrested them. one made bail. others are trying to raise bond. they are now in the system. i think the way they are choreographing this is let's make sure that people see that justice is being done. that is the beginning of it. then we'll release the tape. because if they did them together, i think justice would have been largely drowned out by the shock over the tape. i think they wanted people to digest the system is working. and then see the tape and then they have all day today. they have tonight. they have all day tomorrow up until 5:00 when they're going to release this. >> 6:00 p.m. local time in memphis. 7:00 p.m. our time. >> to do that community outreach to say, if we're going to march let's march together. if we're going to protest let's protest peacefully. i think that memphis is
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confident that they have a handle on this. now the question is what does it mean in new york and chicago and l.a.? >> yeah. are they prepared? >> they've been preparing. you know, i think they are waiting and watching carefully and i think they'll all be watching this tape. >> thank you. thank you very much for being on the ground for us. tomorrow the public will finally see this video that shows why fave fired memphis police officers were charged with second-degree murder in the death of 29-year-old tyre nichols. it is a video described as vicious and heinous. joining me now is someone who has seen it for himself, ben crump, an attorney for the family of tyre nichols. ben, i always appreciate your time and seeing you even though it is in these horrible circumstances. can we talk about this video? you called it deplorable, appalling, and heinous. can you describe the specifics of what we're going to see tomorrow and give us some detail of what we need to brace for?
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>> alisyn, it is going to be heart breaking. you see the escalation from the very beginning when they encounter tyre and they are shouting all kind of profanities at him and i mean grabbing him and he says, what did i do? i mean, get to see his humanity during the whole brutal attack. he's asking them, do y'all really have to do all of this? they just keep escalating and it is so difficult to watch. because at one point he says, i just want to go home. and maybe that may explain the kidnapping charges. i don't know. the prosecutor can explain his thinking there. but you wanted just somebody, anybody there to say, hey. this isn't the criminal thug we thought it was. everybody calm down. just calm down.
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you never see that. it continues to escalate. >> one of your colleagues said he was treated like a pinata. does that mean they were hitting him with their clubs? >> no. it is going to remind you of rodney king in many regards. >> being kicked? >> being assaulted, battered, punched, kicked, tased, pepper sprayed. it is very troubling when you think about tyre only weighs as his family said at most 150 pounds. and so it is hard to watch, alisyn, and especially at the end of the video when he is calling for his mother. he yells out to her three times, and then you never hear tyre nichols say another word anymore on that video. you see him up against a car
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sitting down in handcuffs and you see his body fall to the right and after a minute or so they put him back upright. then you see his body fall to the left. and they pick him back up and it's obvious he is in distress. you know, he is moaning and nobody renders aid. that is what is so painful because you wanted some ounce of humanity, somebody to say, hey. we got to try to help him. and it never occurs. and that's what is so troubling about the video. >> so, ben, about that, they didn't call for help? they're not doing cpr? i mean, what was going on there? >> i think they did call for help because even firemen get on the scene and for several minutes they don't render aid neither. and it is mind boggling, alisyn,
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why somebody is not saying, hey. this kid is out of it. let's try to help him. we got to move. we got to do something. but you don't see that at all. and that is very troubling. i will say this, alisyn. the family is relieved that criminal charges have been brought against these officers for the killing oftree. them and many in our community want this to now be the precedent. when you have police officers whether black or white commit crimes and it is captured on video we know that you don't have to wait six months now. because a precedent has been set in memphis with these five black police officers. >> yeah. that is what makes it so different, ben. you and i have been together far too many times talking about some hideous case like this obviously george floyd springs to mind immediately.
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and watching that, those nine minutes with george floyd not getting help. it was a national trauma for all of us. you know, obviously to have to see that video. does the family want this video released? i mean, it is going to be another trauma for people. what do you think is going to happen, ben, with the community once it is released? are you afraid that there will be some sort of inflammatory response? >> the family wants the video released like the community because they believe transparency is paramount especially if we are going to have accountability and justice and trust. so for those reasons, they do want the video released so hopefully it will be a cautionary tale, alisyn camerota, for any other police officer out there. we thought after george floyd there would never be a police
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officer who would not try to render aid to some citizen in need. and i think this video, when it is released, is going to evoke strong emotions, very strong emotions. and so the family of tyre have asked that everybody if they are going to protest to protest peacefully because they talked about tyre being such a peaceful soul. everything about him. you know, his daily routines, skateboarding. going to take pictures of the sunset. going to starbucks for his regular crowd to drink coffee and talk and, you know, fraternize with one another. this was tyre. he was not that criminal or whomever the police thought they were encountering, this organized crime unit.
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this was a good kid, alisyn, who should not have been killed in this manner. it was so unnecessary how he was killed and that is what is so heart breaking. >> ben, i always appreciate your time. i always appreciate talking to you. we'll speak again obviously hopefully tomorrow when we're all processing what we're seeing on this video. >> yes, ma'am. thank you, alisyn. >> thanks for being here. john, you heard ben saying he has likened this the whole time to the rodney king. we all remember the hideous images of kicking, he said tasing, punching. etcetera. then he said that, and i hadn't heard this before, that tyre is up against i guess a police cruiser and falls over and they put him back upright and he falls over the other way and they put him back upright and they weren't rendering aid. >> so in memphis, they have a lot of the same rules major cities have, which is the duty
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to intervene. that means when things have gotten out of control with an officer or more than one officer, somebody behind them needs to step in and say, okay. okay. that's enough. that didn't happen here. the duty to render aid, that means if somebody that has been, even somebody fighting with you, is injured and they are as the attorney put it going out of it that you are supposed to render aid until professional medical help gets there. that didn't happen there. but the key to it all is, and this is another thing that memphis has been working on is deescalation, which is when an incident is spinning up, trained, experienced officers are supposed to be able to start to wind it back. that didn't happen. >> memphis has been working on that? >> memphis is pretty sophisticated in this regard. they invented back in the '80s the c.i.t., crisis intervention teams that found new ways to deal with mentally unhinged people in the streets that caused less injuries and less
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deaths. they've been looking at their own policies on use of force, pretty advanced on de-escalation, render aid. >> how do we explain it, john? tell us about this scorpion group. they called themselves the scorpion group. >> right. >> i'm not sure what it means except it is lethal. >> what it is supposed to mean is street crimes operations to bring, to return peace to our communities. >> that is what the acro nam stands for. >> scorpion group is 50 officers that had good records as street officers who made gun arrests and were aggressive out on the field. it was put together in really the beginning of 2021 because memphis had 346 murders. new york city that year had 419 murders. the difference is, new york city has 8.6 million people. and memphis has 630,000.
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>> wow. these guys were going to go into high crime areas and be like a strike force of some kind. >> they were going to be looking for crimes in progress, looking for criminals, looking for people with guns and you know they're operating in plain clothes but have vests that are clearly marked that say police. they're in unmarked cars and pickup trucks and are supposed to be able to spot crimes in progress. you pick your most aggressive cops for a job like that because you are looking for people who are going to go out there and gauge but that is also the kind of thing where you need this additional training and supervision. there is no supervisor among these five. >> we need to know more about that and obviously it went horribly wrong. thank you for all the expertise. really helpful to have you here. next as tyre nichols' mother pleads for peace tonight we'll speak to the pastors who led a candlelight vigil tonight. ed fir
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there was a vigil tonight in memphis where the family of tyre nichols remembered him and his mother had a message for the community to stay peaceful. joining me now are the pastors who led the vigil. thank you both so much for being here. tell me, tell me what the mood was if you can describe it at the vigil tonight.
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>> it was thick. it was an atmosphere of pain and hope and love and community and you could feel it. it was visceral. >> what is going to happen tomorrow? you have your finger on the pulse of this community. obviously tyre's mother is calling for peace. what do you think is going to happen when people see this video? >> i really do think that people see this video they'll be mad, angry, upset. it is going to be a lot of hurt as was just mentioned. a lot of pain. it is going to be some mixed feelings. all in all we are going to stick together and stay together because we're standing with tyre's family. we're standing with each other. we will come through this. we do want to remind everybody there is still much, much work
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to do in reforms, asking for and pushing for and so we are going to stay together and be together in this community to do the work that we need to do in order to -- >> it has to be helpful i imagine for the community that the police department and the district attorney moved so quickly to try to begin the process of justice for the family unlike in so many prior tragic cases we've seen. so when you say that you're far from over, what are your demands now? so there are a couple demands. i want to start with a little bit of this language. mama ro absolutely called for a peaceful protest and the community and organizers and activists we call for the same
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call to the police. i've never heard the call to peaceful policing. if there is a peaceful protest there needs to be a call for peaceful policing. the demands put out by the family are this. they demand the release of the body cam footage, all footage of what may be both incidents to charge the officers, to name all officers and public personnel not just their roles or duties or stations but their names that were on the scene and to release the officers' files. this is the call from the family, the demands from the family. >> reverend johnson how is the family? i know the answer is grief-stricken but every time i've seen them they have been composed and strong enough to talk about peace for the community. >> the family as you can imagine, sad, anxious, worried,
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crest fallen. but tonight by the community they know the community stands with them and stands for them. they understand that this community is embracing them, loving them, loving on them. and just for a moment, they felt some sense of happiness and contentment even though it may have been brief. but they felt that from the community and the outpouring of love we shared in the skate park tonight and i am just so honored and privileged that they allowed us to take part in their, and share their grief and mourn with them as they mourn the loss of their son and loved one. and we are all in mourning right now because there could have been any one of us.
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we are so grateful they allowed us to share in that with them. >> thank you for sharing this with us. thank you very much. really appreciate it. >> thank you for having us. >> thank you. the video of tyre nichols' arrest is scheduled to be released tomorrow. it is the latest in a string of videos like this. the deaths of george floyd, dont'a wright, flande roe castile, rodney king, and so many in between. what does the video do to our national psyche? should we watch the video? that is next.
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once again a city bracing for the release of violent police body cam footage. five former memphis police officers now facing charges of second-degree murder in the death of tyre nichols. how will the community and the country react when this video is released? joining me now cnn political commentator essie kupp as well as my panel. great to see all of you. natasha, i admit even as a journalist who had to cover it
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innumerable times i never made it through the nine minutes of the george floyd video. i tried and i could not. i had to turn away. are you going to watch this video when it is released tomorrow? >> i've reached the point in my life where i don't want to see black people murdered anymore. it is essentially a digital lynching and i say lynching because there was a time in america where people would gather in groups and watch black people be killed for enjoyment but the message to other black people was don't cross that line and do whatever false thing this person was accused of. don't get outside of what you are supposed to do as a black person in this country so this feeling of fear is hanging over you. if you are a police officer with a body camera and you still do this you know you are being recorded. what does that mean for the rest of us? it is heart breaking. >> are you going to watch it? >> i come at this from a mental health place. like you you i've had to cover
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too many of these and school shootings and we see things that are so awful and graphic it doesn't make it to air but we have to filter it. i will watch to cover it and on one hand you think, gosh. we should have to reckon with the awful reality of police brutality, in this case, school shootings in this case, jgenocie in another case. when it comes to mental health i can speak personally these have had a horrible impact on my ability to navigate the real world and my small world. i would ask viewers at home who have the luxury of not watching if you're going to do so do it intentionally and not passively. know what you are in for. and know that especially, especially if you're seeing someone that looks like you or you can relate to, like every kid is my kid if you are in a community of color this will have a very acute, could have a
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very acute impact on you. i just want people to know that because you carry it around for years. >> that is excellent advice and brings us to you. there is a national trauma that se is getting to here. there is a national trauma that when we see it, it leaves its impact on you. >> well, it really does. and it reminds me, we talked about this a little bit off air. till, emmett till, the story. why did till's mom want him to be seen in the state that he was in? destroyed in that way? and that is the clear message that this is the reality still in the world and in america. so if you watch this don't watch it as a voyeur. watch it knowing what you need to know and that we cannot be desensitized to these things that are happening all the time. the school shootings, gun
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violence and so on. it becomes a story for a few minutes and then we move on to the next one. we should not be moving on from this because this is about the life of a person that is gone. horribly. >> that is what i struggle with. does watching it desensitize us because we've seen too many of these? or do we have to watch it to understand the full horror of it? i don't know the answer to that. >> it is a tension. for some people they never believed particularly with the black community what the black community was saying about what happened with police until they saw videos. we always knew what was happening. right? but for those of us who we know the truth, we know this happens too often, how are we supposed to believe that a video makes a difference when it keeps happening if there is no systemic change why are we sort of sitting back and watching this ritual? like only in america do we watch mass shootings, our kids getting killed, police brutality and we're like wow that is terrible
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app be it happens again and again. >> remember also that there are many places in the country where they talk about there shouldn't be black history, critical race theory and so on. i don't want us to become party of let's bury this. we know enough about it. we don't need to talk about it. we need to talk about it. we need to see the horror of it so that this is a call to arms for peaceful demonstrations so that people can express their horror and make some real changes when we have this systemic sort of racism. >> you two have just captured the conundrum right there. that is the conundrum. are we seeing too many of these? are we not seeing it enough? do we want to face the horror? what they're doing is in releasing it they say they are doing it for transparency. they've been quite transparent i think. they've arrested the police officers, charged them, described the appalling nature as they called it of this tape.
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i'm not sure i actually need to see it with my own eyes but i am going to. in terms of transparency i applaud them for that. >> they were quick, too, and i think they learned from maybe past mistakes about being quick and on it and not waiting for public outcry to demand it. >> that is right. if you have to demand it then it says you're trying to hide something so you better put it out there. >> that's right. >> friend, thank you very much. okay. so up next, in the world of politics there is a new battle tonight over who will take command of the culture wars. we'll discuss next. lincoln's witnessed a good bit of history. even made some themselves. makes you wonder... what will they do for an encore? ♪
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- addressing climate change requires effort from all of us, now and for generations to come. - join dylan and me as we get personal about the environment and how we can each do our part. - watch our conversation on peacock. more culture wars in the classroom. just days after potential presidential hopeful governor ron desantis announced he would reject an ap african american studies course former president trump is out with his own
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education proposals. back with me s.e. kupp and natasha alford. >> any program pushing critical race theory, gender ideology or other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on to our children as the saying goes personnel is policy and at the end of the day if we have pink haired communists teaching our kids we have a major problem. >> okay. now back with me is se kupp and natasha alford and also cnn's senior political analyst john avlon. wow. >> it is on some level funny but this has nothing to do with academics. what he is talking about. he has just gone full scale crt and kitty litter. >> and this isn't conservative either. this is wildly expanding the role of government in your education and the way public schools operate.
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that is just an aside. >> that train left the station a long time ago. >> but it is red meat for the base. i think trump is not wrong that parental rights issues have become issues for people like glenn youngkin and ron desantis, a major signature issue for ron desantis who might be facing trump for the republican nomination. i think he is trying to knee cap him a bit by taking on his signature issue and saying i'll go even crazier. >> ron desantis should sue for theft. this is straight out of the playbook. obviously, former president trump has been paying attention. his first go round he talked about when running for the president the first time, school choice, which was a conservative tenet. >> yeah. >> no longer. >> i think it is very telling he is just triple go down. this is an all opposition strategy. it plays well to the base.
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that shift i'm glad you pointed out, school choice is something that actually pulls well. the republicans can have an edge on it. look what governor kim reynolds of iowa just passed. controversial certainly among democrats but something that is substantive policy weis and you can use as a differentiator and maybe even pick up some independents and centers. this is all played to the base. it is all about demonization. some folks on the left won't maybe be aware why it resonates so much. there is a certain element that feeds into these narratives and may give in kind contribution to the rnc every day. it is largely a straw man and has nothing to do with education. >> why does it resonate so much? >> oh, well because i think people are furious at the idea there is ideology and partisanship impacting their kids' education in the classroom and this is why these issues be it crt which isn't taught in --
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>> you do have democrats saying parents don't have any rights in the classroom and we think politicians should make more decisions. some democrats really feed into this narrative and it doesn't help the policy argument on either side. >> it is a strategy that works when you frame it as a parent's issue. this goes back to busing. nothing new. just part of the playbook. get parents upset about their rights being taken away and create problems that aren't actual problems in education. i am a former teacher. >> right? >> middle school english. >> who knew? >> made lesson plans and all of that. i can tell you our struggles were poverty in the classroom, needing more help with mental health support. how about that? mass shootings in our schools. nothing was serious about this video. i think that is the insult to the teachers, students, and the parents. it wasn't a serious policy conversation. i will give you one thing though. teacher pay. he alluded to the idea of increasing teacher pay.
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he based it around merit but that is something if you want to change the talent pipeline let's talk about that. everything else was a joke to me. >> but not for the pink-haired communist. who was that? what school is there a pink-haired communist teacher? >> it sounds fabulous. no. i mean, not real. >> on a different level does this mean he is taking a page from ron desantis because he is afraid ron desantis has gained a lot of ground on this? with the trump base. >> ron desantis can say i implemented this. you're talking about it but i've done it. preempting him he can say i want to do it too and i'm going to do it at a crazy cartoonish federal level he probably can't do it at but i'm going to out do him a little bit which is trump's thing. it's what he does. >> a little more charisma. the video was a little more charismatic than desantis but as you said, desantis is actually doing it and that is the scary part. >> john? >> the nonsense we're playing
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into to some extent. trump is trying to out do ron desantis and this is all about play the base and not about serious policy or helping kids or uniting the nation. here is what really pisses me off. we have been convinced we're deeply divided along party lines on things like education yes studies show there is a massive perception gap. we are not as divided. most conservatives are not nearly as far right as democrats think they are. >> that is true of every issue. >> yeah but particularly around american history and our education. that really matters because we are a nation that depends upon finding common ground on ideas and our national story. the good, the bad, and the ugly. teach the holistic picture. our country uniquely depend on that. when the cultural warriors inflame and artificially divide it makes us feel more divided than we are. >> if trump voters aren't afraid of something, and a bunch of things, then why are they going to vote for trump? he knows that.
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he knows they need to be afraid. he is the savior, the only one that can make them feel better at the end of the day. >> friends, thank you for all of that. now check this out if you would. a man steals a car with the owner's wife asleep in the back. i feel like this would happen to me. a car chase ensues. we have the video right after this. just sold the car to carvana. what? all i had d to do was answer a couple questions and got a real offer in seconds. then, they just picked up the cacar and paid me right on thehe spo. sesell your car at carvana dot com today.
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here is a scary story. imagine being asleep in the back seat of your car when a car thief jumps and steals it. that is what happened to a woman in wisconsin and it was all caught on police dash cam. please say that kyle my girl leg nurse stole a car at a gas station with the driver got out. but the driver's wife was still in the car asleep, and when
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wagner realized that he became agitated and started, quote, driving like crazy. the woman called 9-1-1 and kept the phone on while talking to wagner. listen to this. >> no, i'm not trying to do anything. no. you are not. -- >> gosh, please say wagner spread into the of such lane reaching 90 miles per hour and they had to use what is called a pit maneuver to stop the vehicle. fortunately the woman was rescued unharmed relief for the -- and they told police that he did not remember everything what happened because he was using fentanyl enough info medium. all right, we will be back with a lot more news in just a minute.
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my name is joshua florence, and one thing i learned being a firefighter is plan ahead. you don't know what you're getting into, but at the end of the day, you know youave a team behind you that can help you. t having to worry about the future makes it possible to make the present as best as it can be for everybody.
7:57 pm
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>> tech: he brought it to safelite. we replaced the windshield and recalibrated their car's advanced safety system, so features like automatic emergency braking will work properly. >> tech: alright, all finished. >> dad: wow, that's great. thanks. >> tech: stay safe with safelite. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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in a matter of hours, memphis officials will release a video of what happened when police pulled over 29 year old tyre nichols. just last hour i spoke to nichols family attorney ben crump who has seen the video and told us what to expect. >> you see the escalation from the very beginning when they encounter tyre and they're shouting all kind of profanities out him, and grabbing him. he says, what did i do? you get to see is humanity doing the whole brutal attack. he is asking him, do you


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