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tv   CNN Tonight  CNN  January 26, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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in a matter of hours, memphis officials will release a video of what happened when police pulled over 29 year old tyre nichols. just last hour i spoke to nichols family attorney ben crump who has seen the video and told us what to expect. >> you see the escalation from the very beginning when they encounter tyre and they're shouting all kind of profanities out him, and grabbing him. he says, what did i do? you get to see is humanity doing the whole brutal attack. he is asking him, do you have
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to really do all of this and they just keep escalating and it is so difficult to watch because, at one point he says . it's gs. assaulted, battered, punched, kick, tased, pepper sprayed. it is very troubling when you think about tyre, as his family says ways at most 150 pounds. so it is hard to watch, alison, and especially at the end of the video when he is calling for his mother. he yells out to her three times and then you never hear tyre nichols say another word anymore on that video. >> tyre died three days later.
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and tonight's mother is calling for a peaceful protest tomorrow. i want to bring in democratic congressman steve -- of tennessee, and michael thomas of the memphis city council. thank you both for being here. councilwoman, i want to start with you, what is the mood in memphis tonight? >> the mood is pretty ominous, alison and i will be real and transparent that there is a lot of things that are unknown as a leader. we are wanting and encouraging and supporting peace and a pass towards justice. but we really are just bracing ourselves for the unknown in the. city >> council what are you doing to brace yourselves for the unknown? are you doing outreach to the community? what is the plan? >> personally i've been doing outreach with different community groups and advocacy groups. as collaborators, but also institutions in our city have
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been issuing statements of safety and precaution. so i think that it is always the right way to go about things, just to make sure that folks are able to sit in the emotions that they have while we are also prioritizing the people. >> congressman, it is possible that things will be okay tomorrow even with the trauma of seeing the video, because this is so different from the situation with george floyd or rodney king or so many others. these five police officers were pretty quickly fired and today arrested and charged with second degree murder. so there is some level of justice on the way. so what are your thoughts? >> i think that the police chief, davis, who has only been on the job in memphis about a year and a half, did the right thing. unquestionably by firing the individuals and then district
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attorney mulroy did the same thing by having them charged with murder to. as the top charge today. i know u.s. attorney kevin ritz, also new on the job, is looking into this with the justice department and the fbi. mantises had three new leaders in the last year or year and a half with the director, the dna, and that u.s. attorney and they are all outstanding individuals and they have done a great job in working on this case with -- they are involved with their top people and they're working at a speed that has been unknown i think in other cases like this and it has been important to do that. >> for sure, councilman, have you seen this video? >> we have not seen the video yet. we are scheduled to see it tomorrow. >> you're going to see up before it publicly released? >> yes. >> councilman out of curiosity
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do you know what the delivery system is for this video, it's gonna be put on a website for the district attorney, how are people get access? as >> we have not been informed of that information, and that's been a question of mine alison, in what ways and manners will we get out to the public. >> congressman, they've decided to release it at 6 pm local time, 7 pm east coast time, that is a curious time for some of us here on the east coast because it is a friday night and that seems as though it might be ripe for trouble instead of doing it on a work night or a school night. do you have any thoughts on that? >> well i wondered about it when it happened, several people contacted me about that. people will be off their jobs and mostly out of the downtown area, maybe they were thinking in terms of that. but a lot of mischief happens at night and have people on the
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weekend and night, some of the groups get together and maybe people are drinking or whatever and things could happen. i think it is more likely to happen at night and that is a time of mistrust, and i really wished it was done during the daytime, but they made the decision. >> councilwoman you have any insight into that? why is it this timing? >> we didn't get any insight into that as well, but i agree with the congressman, i thought it would've been better during the daytime. but i assume our leaders are making the best decision on when to release the video. >> councilman, what does this say about the memphis police department? we have heard so many different, things john miller was on the fort saying that they have seen as a leader in innovative practices and yet they have this scorpion unit that sounds a little bit -- they are the ones that go into the high crime areas, obviously they need to have those
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characteristics. maybe that could be classified some as cowboys. what do you think about the relationship between the police department and the community? >> i think that this is yet another time in which we are obligated to really evaluate. in 2020 the world saw so many examples of unrest across cities and communities, and the same in memphis. we had plenty of protests and we passed so many legislative resolutions that we thought would prevent a murder such as tyre nichols. it's our obligation now to make sure that we are assuring the community that we still are supporting our first responders to protect and serve, but we are also going to hold them accountable and make sure that we have laws and policies in place so that this never happens again.
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>> councilwoman, congressman, thank you both for your time tonight, we really appreciate talking to you. >> you're welcome alison. >> i want to turn to cnn political commentator cori sellers and the washington post staff writer rob byrd clam go as loathed retired lapd sergeant -- sergeant i want to start with you because these officers, as you know sergeant, or black. and that is counter intuitive for some people when they see a crime like this. what do you think was going on there? was this more something about herd mentality, mob mentality? what would allow these five separate police officers to behave the way that we have heard described in this statement? >> well, these are young officers who are drunk with power. they seem to be very much caught up in police culture and what we have heard, they have
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done on this videotape is what happens over and over across these 18,000 deplete pleas departments. at the end for foot pursuit, one officer catches, they punish you and they punished mr. nichols for three minutes. these are what we call hot shot officers, i call them elephant hunters. these are the guys that go out and do that proactive, pretext stop, probably very minimal supervision. most of them probably would just be on probation, should not be really working won't get let alone together. so that's why with the five of them they could not figure out, not one of them, to pull the others off and say that is enough. somebody should manage their use of force, but because they're young on the job and having a good time and it was fun until it wasn't, now they are arrested, we have this. >> robert you've been covering cases like this, stories like this, what do you see? >> i see a lot of complicated
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factors here, we will not know as much as we need to until we see the video but you mentioned this patrol, the scorpion group. when these groups are at their best they are flooding a neighborhood and making criminals feel like they are constantly under surveillance. when they are at their worst they are defending on constitutional rights in order to create crime prevention. you know, the classic example is the trace task force in baltimore. this unit in memphis is relatively new, i think it's only about a year and a half old. so they're really have not been many complaints or controversies surrounding it yet and we will not know until there is much more reporting done if this was a rogue group of officers or an entire unit that had gone bad. >> cory, obviously you have been on when we have covered so many cases of police excessive force. what is this one state you?
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>> there are a few things, one this style of policing is trash. growing up in black communities we have what is called jumped out boys, or you have these officers who pulled up in communities that are not really laden with police regalia. you do not really know who their, many times they abused -- their interaction with the community is not what it should be. in atlanta they were called the red dogs and their wretched legendary rap songs about the red dogs. this was a legendary police group that came, in brutalized communities, brutalized individuals. i'm not sure that much good comes out of this style of policing particularly, as we said earlier, when there are not enough protocols in place to help keep them in check.
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to answer your question earlier, and i think we're gonna have this discussion over the next three, four, five days. to me it does not matter if the officers were black, white, purple. it really does not matter. this is about systemic racism, let's be extremely clear. this is about systems in this country which perpetuate violence and oppression against people of color, so whether or not you are black, white, or other, within the systems we have to deconstruct the systems and imagine what they look like. the officers happened to be black and they were perpetuating the system of injustice whereby black folks are not given the benefit of their humanity. until we actually tackle the systems, because let me just say that a lot of people think racism is only one somebody calls you -- and that is not what we're talking about. we're talking about systems that perpetuate this type of violence, and type of lack of dignity towards black bodies. >> i appreciate this conversation, cory, robert clam
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go, sergeant dorsey, thank you all for being here. we will be right back.
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five fired memphis police officers now facing second degree murder and other charges in the death of tyre nichols. why did none of them stop him what nichols family attorney calls three long minutes of beating. or for some of these former officers confirmed that they were part of the departments so-called scorpion unit, that is an lead crime suppression team. the nichols family attorney is blasting those units tonight, writing in a letter, quote, the behavior of these units can morph into wolf pack misconduct that takes away a person's liberty or freedom to move akin to a kidnapping. joining me now is cnn chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst john miller, as well as cnn legal analyst joey jackson, and retired and ypg --
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philippe rodriguez. so i'm interested in that, the mentality of these units. it is like crowd think, is that what the suggestion is? that it is a mob mentality? >> it's a mob mentality, what happens is that with these officers, we put them in the situations that they still do not have the qualification or experience to end up handling. what ends up happening is that it's a system overload. these officers and get into pursuits and they then get into the pursuit mentality or pursuit syndrome. at the end of the day they are faced with a violent situation, and they do turn into the wolf pack and they forget the sink as a team or even implement team tactics which would've helped. >> but pursuit syndrome, and i am sure that you know this you've been around police for so long, that is when you stop using your own personal moral compass? >> it is when you are in a high speed car chase and you catch the person and you are so angry
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and the adrenaline is up here and this guy made me drive 100 miles an hour, take that to something closer to this, a foot pursuit, you run half a mile, you catch, i'm you tackle him, why did you make me chase you? the adrenaline is up here. this is where the nypd has engaged in a lot of new training to try to address this with managing adrenaline, anger management with adrenaline. de-escalation, and on the idea that still recruit from the human race, not planted perfect. those people who get there after you have boasted the old one to jump in and say, okay, okay we have got this from here. that is missing in this incident. unfortunately when this video comes out and it is going to get played and play template, and probably the worst parts, there are going to be a time when in the minds of every american that does every cop. and it is not. there are many officers from these units who are getting guns, taking risks, reducing crime. but they need that higher level
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of training and they need that higher level of supervision both of those seem to be missing here. >> in other words the supervision, there is no supervisor as you rekindle in this group of five that could quell the adrenaline? >> right, so typically in new york you're going to have your most experienced officers here. i'm looking at these officers, they came out in 2020, 2018, 2017 is the one with the most experience. you want that supervisor who may have more time more experience riding with them. that seems to be missing here too. >> joey, the charges were interesting, obviously today. second degree murder and kidnapping. what does that mean? >> so it means a couple of things. the first thing is let me introduce everyone to a new concept, it is called humanity and kidnapping speaks to the lack of that. we can speak about a supervisor acting, they're a supervisor being there, whether they have
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on the force in 2018 or 2022, but at one point, forgetting about your pleas, training to you as a human being say that enough is enough? at what point do you say that i think we are over extending and were engaging in conduct and that is not only unlawful but inhumane, inappropriate, and should not occur. with respect to kidnapping let's address that. what that means is that at some point allison you are detaining, someone you're doing it unlawfully, and you're doing it against their will. so let's just say that we talk about the legitimacy of the stop. we're going to learn a lot about whether or not it was appropriate to stop him, mr. nichols, in the first instance. >> i hope that's on the video. >> let's say it was. it was appropriate to stop him. there comes a point where a law full stop trans seeds a law falls deep, transcends -- and when you are detaining someone against their will, that is kidnapping. you have a right to live your life free in liberty without the tension.
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so i find being detained unlawfully, that of course becomes a problem and to the extent that you do it in an abrogated nature, that becomes aggravated kidnapping. so there's a lot of unpack ear but it is sad, unfortunate, and it should not have occurred. >> felipe, i am interested in that adrenaline measure. who among us have not felt hopped up on anger, and it is hard to bring it down. but they are trained to do that, right? we have to assume that they have been trained to know how -- >> a lot of officers to get de-escalation training, but the biggest issues that we're seeing is that we're getting a lot of young officers. a lot of departments are losing officers to attrition and due to the fact that, because of other things that have occurred, we have seasoned veterans that are leaving the job. and this is now becoming the root issue. we do not have that supervision, we do not have that experience, so we're taking these very young guys who cannot make these decisions that time, and become overwhelmed. we could never give up that lack of experience, and we're
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seeing it here. by the time these experience had on the, job which is minimal. >> look at that in the memphis context, memphis is down 500 cops. memphis is doing things they have never done before. they're offering 15,000 dollar signing bonuses to get people to apply. they are saying that prior arrests or things like that are not automatic to squall of fires. the look at them individually. they're saying we're not lowering the bar, we are widening the aperture, but clearly when you have people in a unit like this who have two or three years on the job, if those are your most experienced officers here suffering a deficit of experience. >> it's a vicious cycle because it's just what you're talking about. the vast majority of police officers are good and doing, being heroes often out on the street. however, when guys like the behave like this, the whole department takes a reputation will hit and then it's harder to recruit people. >> it makes it harder every
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day. i was three years on the job one the rodney king incident -- to see this again, i was shocked, dismayed. it truly saddened me to see that this is the level and this is what happened. because without never again would i see this again in 31 years. >> and that is what they're looking at. >> i do not have the worst even express it. >> i don't blame you. gentlemen, thank you very much, i really appreciate you explaining all of this to us. okay, in news tonight, our congressman george santos, of course, the ex-boyfriend of the embattled republican congressman is speaking out tonight to cnn. you will tell us if he thinks if george santos will resign over his serial lying and when he started lying. we will hear what he has to say, next.
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the ex-boyfriend of george santos is speaking out to cnn tonight. he says that despite repeated calls for the embattled congressman to resign over his serial lying, santos will not do that. >> his ego is too big, it's too high. he's not going to resign. if they do not find out something to get him off, they he's not going to do it. >> okay, back with us a cnn political commentator -- political analyst natasha albert, and cnn political analyst john avlon. it's our to know where to start. but i just want to be a little bit more about their relationship because it is fascinating. so that gentlemen says that he met santos in 2014 when, he incels, was 18 years ago.
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santos was 26 at the time and married to a woman. they moved in together shortly after he graduated high school. the relationship broke, down and he became increasingly suspicious of santos who said that he was going to take him to hawaii and propose. he says that santos eventually sold his phone. what a love story. >> listen, let's take the grieved ex-boyfriends account with a grain of salt. >> in fairness to mr. santos. >> i just feel like maybe not the best character witness, or maybe he is the best characters, i'm not sure. but without his account, there are 100 stories that this is bonkers. and you have to wonder if there's something wrong with them, i do not know that answer. but i'm pretty sure there's something wrong because it's not just all of the lies that
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you've had for most of your life, it is the indignant attitude that he walked around with when he's asked about. >> that's the pathological part. >> i think manu raju walked up to him in the hallway and says no, your line, the media has to stop line. -- >> i do not know how he deals with it george santos is clearly trying to ease learn from the best. i'm sorry, there are too many examples, he's not gonna be able to pull this one. >> off and everything the boyfriend is saying is consistent. ego driven, all about fame, no shame. that's really the theme, here is no shame whatsoever. >> this is one of the gifts that donald trump gave us his shamelessness is a superpower within the republican party. >> and lying. >> but this is sort of, you reap what you so, and this is what the republican party, if you're going to rediscover anything resembling its soul is going have to confront george santos if indictments come. down there are things you can
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lie about, and things eli about our criminal. but it's the sheer tonnage of lies. there is something profoundly pathetic about this human being, but the fact that he made it to congress is itself a cautionary tale entered wake us up. >> he's on the science committee. this is where you put this guy? science it's so rich. >> i want to play a different soundbite from the ex-boyfriend. the lies big and small, it we have that one, because he outlines when he began catching george santos in. lies so let me know if you have the lies -- >> i do not know, i think he's just out of his mind. it's one lie to the other. one everybody found out, they are finding out about the little stuff as well. i just think that he should not be in congress.
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there were so many things that i found out afterwards that i did not know, because i still believed that he actually went to a real college, like he used to say. i already knew about the citigroup where he used to work, and the investments. i already knew about that those relies, because i never saw him working. >> there you go, that is a telltale sign. >> the energy is not better, it seems like he's trying to do a public good by coming forward and saying be careful. >> i mean he's kind of rummaging through the past revelations ship and the surreal nature of it. i think he's out of his mind. >> the laughter at the end, like i cannot believe he's really in congress. >> but the jokes on us. >> absolutely he is clearly healed, i would say, and now can see a 30,000 foot view that -- and one of the soundbite he called him a psycho.
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>> we love a good call on, like we love a good con artist. we want to watch them fall -- >> i think that we are fascinated by them because of the shamelessness. there is something about watching it and you cannot believe that somebody is lying directly to your face, it is mesmerizing. >> i could not sleep with myself at night. >> it's like mr. ripley, not cannonball run. >> but that was a fascinating movie because when somebody does this, and he does it so consistently, but cannot keep track of it. >> one 99, he kept track of that number. >> that stuck. so let's talk about that, those the campaign contributions? >> this is what we should be talking about, the money. >> that's the one that could get him in trouble? >> look, as the north shore leader of a local paper pointed
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out before the election, i want to emphasize that, that when he ran for congress the first time i think he had the total assets of $5,000. around 18 months later his financial disclosure said that he had 11 million. he just admitted that he did not in fact closes campaign over half 1 million dollars. keep in mind your point is that the amount of money that you can spend without triggering but a reporting number. but it is the following the money -- that's going to sink this. there are serious implications if you're dealing with that kind of money in addition to the sheer amount of lies. the -- >> kevin mccarthy has said as much. he was elected by the people, the lies are not enough. >> but it's illegal. >> he defrauded the voters. >> the illegal thing is what -- back in 2015 when the republican party decided that they accept donald trump who headlight, who invented his resume, who is a con artist.
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they knew it. once they accepted that they created a new floor and it's not just cartoon. >> but the floor had a basement >> and it's herschel walker who lied constantly on the campaign trail. compare spears he mares like marjorie taylor greene. >> it's just shock value after a while, it becomes more like an snl skit, and it's really like an actual problem for democracy. >> honesty and integrity are no longer on the ballot if your republican. >> we definitely have reached saturation with george santos. okay everyone stay with me will you, because up next president biden turning up the heat on republicans over their economic proposals, warning of possible chaos. we're gonna take a look at what he said. -surprise! -surprise! your dedicated fidelity advisor can help you o open those doo. for you, mama. through personalized money management that can evolve with new chapters. and they can proactively view your entire portfolio.
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president biden celebrating some good economic news today in slamming republicans for a proposal called the fair tax act that would replace the federal income tax with a 30% national sales tax. >> they want to pose a 30% national sales tax on everything from food, clothing, school supplies, housing, cars, the whole deal. 30%. they want to eliminate the income tax system because, guess what, that is the only way that millionaires and billionaires have to pay any taxes. i will not let it happen. not on my watch. i will veto everything. not after all the progress that leave made an all-how far we've
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come. >> with me now is se -- natasha albert, and john avlon. you know that president biden is serious when he starts whispering. that's a tell. when he starts whispering he's very serious. so, 30% sales tax, is not gonna have takers in congress? >> yeah it's got a sponsor, but it's been put forward. mike huckabee ran on this a couple of years ago, it's always got a small, i want to emphasize a small group of folks on the far-right to like it. because it is the fiscal version of owning the libs. we're going to take away the income tax and the irs. the problem is you are effectively giving people a 30% attacks on everything they buy and 90 president of americans, according to some analysis, will have their taxes effectively raised 10% will have a cut. guess where that temper scent is? it's the wealthiest folks who pay the income tax. so it's bad economic policy, it's actually bad politics, but it is an indication of how much
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the republican party, which used to be synonymous with fiscal responsibility, that train has sailed. >> let me play for you what senator jon tester had to say about this proposal. >> the truth is that what happens is it raises costs for every person across this country and in montana by 30%. that is huge. i will tell you it is not the right thing to do nothing quite frankly it's a silly idea and, like i said, over my dead body. we will fight every day until this thing goes down in defeat. >> no one's gonna have to die because it's not going anywhere. the senate and biden are not going to go for this, but can we take a minute and commend republicans. this is fiscal policy -- at >> least it's fiscal policy. >> i would much rather this then m&ms and -- you do not have to like the fiscal policy that they're
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proposing which is just as mike huckabee, it's as cold as george w. bush. remember in 2005 this was a discussion within the republican party. and bush rejected it because it would be too punitive on the middle class and lower income folks, because if your lower income spend most of your income on necessities. if your upper class, you're wealthy, you spend a fraction of your income on necessities. so it's punitive. but it's something substantive. i am always fascinated with the messaging, so in the way that inflation worked against joe biden, they beat him over the head again and again. people were terrified before midterms. this is just giving democrats a kind of gift and saying this is exactly what we told you they would do when they were elected. so fiscal policy, yes, we are finally having substantive policy conversations. there might be some benefits to it, but even the american public could not pinpoint why
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inflation was happening, they just blamed it on biden. so i worry that the reverse would happen. >> look at the irony is that we could have a much better fiscal policy conversations, republicans want to do tax simplification. that is actually winning political issue. or, graduated flag tax, how that conversation. this is the worst of all the options that they could have. >> it's like, this is bad it's a political this, is the first significant problem created with a russian party with -- who is coming no, but, the point of the tail lacking the, dog no one has an off ramp for this, and republicans don't even have demand. putting the full faith and credit of the united states at risk. and again, i just want to remind everybody, we are going
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to be dealing with this unfortunately for too long, it is about as fiscally responsible as not being a check after a meal. if you want to do the, budget to the budget. if you want to restrain your spending do it when the president of your party is in power, first of all. but this nonsense, and that is the real place with this danger, this is a distraction that is, basically a gifted to democrats because of the contest, because they this regressed of. >> got it. thank you all, really appreciate that. and just ahead, first responders take the stand in the murder trial of alec murdoch who's accused of murdering his wife, and his son, we are going to hear important testimony when we will be back. this dad were driving when they got a crack in theheir windshield. [smash] >> dad: it's okay. pull over. >> tech: he wouldn't take his car just a anywhere... ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> tech: he brought it to safelite. we replaced the windshield and recalibrated their car's advanced safety system, so features like automatic emergency braking will work properly. >> tech: alright, all finished. >> dad: wow, that's great. thanks. >> tech: stay safe with safelite. schedule now.
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trial of -- who's accused of killing his 52 year old wife maggie, and 22 year old son paul in june of 2021. that is far from the only dark intrude surrounding, him prosecutors allege this once prominent attorney murdered his wife and son to distract attention from alleged illicit schemes he was running. today, the courtroom, murdoch was seen weeping, while watching the body cam footage officers arriving at the scene of the murder. he also became tense, listening to the 9-1-1 call he made that night. >> and i have -- calling us from 40 1:47 -- and child was shot, -- 41, 47, [crying] >> that they
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should yourself? >> oh no. -- no. >> okay, are they breathing? >> no ma'am. >> as that your wife and your son? >> wife, and my son. >> one of the first responders to the scene testified that his reaction and quart was a very different from the night of the crime. >> have you ever seen any serious and your interactions with mr. murdoch? >> he did not appear to be, crying he was upset, but i did not see any visible tears. >> he also testified when he arrived at the, scene murdoch mentioned his son boating accident. at the time of his death, paul was facing charges why 2019 a deadly boating accident. it killed a 19-year-old name -- >> his immediate reaction was to start telling me about an incident that have been with his son, with a boating accident. >> a boating accident?
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>> yes sir. >> how do testimony thing about? that >> i did not. >> the trial will convene tomorrow at 9:30 a.m.. let's bring in cnn's legal analyst joey jackson. joey, he sounded hysterical in the 9-1-1 call, obviously he sounded upset there, it is possible he mentioned the boating accident has the first thing to first responders in trying to plant the motive. for who else might have killed these -- as family members. one of the things i heard the defense attorney do that i thought was very effective, i want to know your professional opinion, was, he said you have to believe, you believe this man killed his wife and son, you have to believe this is a family man who is acting normally, texting his family, acting normal all day, he is acting normally every time people see, him blew their brains out with these guns? and, isn't that effective? i mean, he did not give away other telltale signs up until
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that point. >> you know, so trials are always your operating -- and it is a battle of the narratives, right? so when you are badly in these narratives, you want to put the spin on, it what you think is fair and appropriate. the prosecution and the tapes we, saw or trying to create the view that, you know, he was not upset, right? or he was not crying. well, how is someone supposed to react? is there a standard way in which someone reacts 20 family member -- or their wife or son would die? have you sir, have a wife or son that die? would you know what the standard way to react was? you indicated he was upset, because he was, crying that is an indication he is -- so the defense will play it out like it is ridiculous. because none of us have a pattern, there's no playbook on how to react. in, addition going back to the point he made with respect to is he laying the foundation for a motive? or is he putting that out there to say, you are in law enforcement, or you are part of the government, find out who did this?
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because i'm outraged, and i want to get it solved. there is a lot of issues with this particular case. >> there's so many turns. >> you know that. it is extreme. but even on the issues of this, and whether or not they get a conviction, you, know we are in a very deep and a oriented society, do you have the dna that connects him to the scene? do you have surveillance? >> and do? they >> know. they looked a, and we will see, i should, say right, the trial is just underway. but the early indications are, number one, that apparently police were in custody of a shirt that is no longer in existence. and, mr. murdoch, -- what does that mean in english? it means in the event that was incriminating, prosecutor, you would have had, it you would have introduced it to that jury, and you would have, said you know what, i'm using it against you. what other things you have there, you have eyewitnesses? do you have anything that brings him to the connection to
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establish that he did it, and in the absence of the, that is what we call reasonable doubt. >> interesting, joey, jackson thank you very much. we will be watching this case tomorrow. and, thank you so much for watching tonight, our coverage continues. having diabetes can raise a lot of questions. like my morning ride, will it help lower my glucose? with the freestyle libre 2 system you can know where your glucose level is and where it's headed without fingersticks. know what activities work for you. manage your diabetes with more confidence
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>> five men who once took an oath to uphold the law are no murderous. john berman here for anderson, take a, look here they, are both back with a -- uniforms and now in their booking photos. justin smith, but emmitt martin the third, desmond mills junior, justin smith, demetrius haley, and tadarrius bean. all five
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