tv CNN Newsroom CNN January 27, 2023 10:00am-11:00am PST
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but if -- ? take your time. take your time. >> i really don't know what else to say right now. i've said so many things in the last few days and really i want to say i've never seen the video. but what i've heard is very horrific. very horrific. and any of you who have children, please don't let them see it. >> ask for prayer and that'll be good. >> i just want to ask for prayer for my family, for this whole community and i want to say to the five police officers that murdered my son, you also
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disgraced your own families when you did this. but you know what, i'm going to pay for you and your families because at the end of the day this shouldn't have happened. this just shouldn't have happened. and we want justice for my son. justice for my son. >> justice for tyre. >> >> justice for tyre. >> justice for tyre. >> justice for tyre. >> justice for tyre. >> i just want to thank everybody again for coming. i don't have -- i have a lot of words that i want to say but they're just not coming out right. >> no, you're fine. >> and i still haven't had time to grieve yet. i'm still dealing with the death
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of my son. this is -- this was not supposed to happen. my son was supposed to be with me today. i'm always know that i'll be with him because he has a tattoo of my name on his arm. my son loved me to death and i loved him to death. and so this is very difficult for me. i'm sorry if i'm not articulating myself a little bit better. >> no, you're doing fine. [ applause ] >> but -- no mother, no mother, no mother should go through what i'm going through right now. no mother. to lose their child to the violent way that i lost my child.
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thank you. thank you. [ applause ] >> i love you, you did fine. >> okay, we will try to take your questions and then we will have a prayer for peace from bishop williamson. yes, sir and attorney romanucci. >> needs to be achieved, why does a -- when we hear your son called for you in the final moments, what do you feel? >> my heart just breaks, sir.
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for a mother to know their child was calling them in their need and i wasn't there for him, do you -- do you know how i feel right now because i wasn't there for my son? i told -- i had -- i was telling someone that i had this really bad pain in my stomach earlier, not knowing what had happened but once i found out what happened, that was my son's pain that i was feeling. and i didn't even know. but for me to find out that my son was calling my name and i was only feet away, i did not even hear him, you have no clue how i feel right now. no clue. >> thank you. thank you. okay. we'll try to limit the questions for miss wells and we'll try to
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take all of them. you asked why hasn't it changed? well, you know, we have been dealing with racism and discrimination in america and, you know, racism across the world for hundreds of years and it's going to have to be intentional being able to disseminate -- deconstruct racism and bias and as i said, it is the institutionalized police culture, it's not just the police culture, it's the justice system. we have bias in every aspect of society and so you don't see officers doing this to white citizens because our court system has said that they value
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white life more than any other life and so we finally have to speak truth to power on these issues to say, the reason why we keep seeing it happen to black and brown people is because it is the culture in this society that we can marginalize brown and black people, we can trample on the constitutional rights of black and brown people and that's why we have to continue to say, no, it's not equal justice for some, it's equal justice for all. >> amen. >> any comment on the fact that the officers are out on bond now? >> yes, they have a right as any american citizen to have a reasonable bail because they are presumed innocent until proven guilty. we don't want to change any of the standards because they are black police officers. whatever has been done for other
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officers who were not black, who committed these crimes on video, well, it should be equal justice, everybody is presumed innocent until proven guilty in america. >> attorney crump, i understand this is not the first time that this has happened in the city of memphis. going forward how would you think the police department can -- >> you know, i'm going to ask my co-counsel, attorney romanucci and attorney turner to speak to those matters. tony from national stand the preponderance about these specialized units then attorney turner about here in memphis. >> sir, your question was how do we clean this up? >> going forward, how do you clean up the police department moving forward? >> you have to start with swift activity. and the swift activity is to call out to stop and disband this unit and then from there,
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going in and restoring trust. well, how do you restore trust? how about community, real community policing as opposed to suppression and racist policing? that's where you have to start. but let me tell you how your question matches the gentleman's question in the front row. why do we see this continuing to happen? i'll give you two reasons, it's a two-way street. the community wants it but the other side doesn't want it. the unions don't want it. this is like a carnival. you see the strong man trying to hit the target and make -- and ring the bell and it's a rigged game. we tried to ring the bell but we can't because it's rigged. until we start reform with municipalities and the union contracts where real reform is baked in, that's when you'll start seeing real changes.
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number two, call out the lawmakers in washington who failed on the george floyd police reform act. call them out. you want change? we need federal change, not only state change. >> well said. [ applause ] >> well said, attorney romanucci. yes, sara. >> i have two question, one is for one of you about people who have talked about -- and i'm curious if you think that was personally said about black officers in certain areas because they can, quote, treat people any way when it won't be the same in white -- i wanted to hear about that. mrs. wells, can you tell us,
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and -- >> well -- let's let her answer. let's get you in front of the mic. >> this particular incident happened on the weekend. tyre and his dad, they work for fedex. they both work second shift and they come home for lunch every day at 7:00. i would have dinner cooked. they would eat, hang out and go back to work. well, now my husband is coming home every day but not my son. so -- >> was he on his way home? >> it was a saturday. he was coming from shelby farms about the time of the incident because he liked to go and watch the sun set and take pictures.
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that was his thing. my son loved the sunsets. that was his passion. he loved photography. he loved skateboarding. he was just his own person, you know. he didn't follow what everybody else was doing. i tried to buy him a pair of jordans one time, oh, momma, i don't want those. he wanted some vans, you know. so i'm just telling you guys, my sons was a beautiful soul. he was a good boy, no one's perfect. but he was damn near. he was close to the home. >> try to get anyone -- >> yes. he was scared for his life. and just what i thought like i said i didn't see the video, but everyone asks me what i thought
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happened. and i told them. the tv people and everybody and i told them, now you prove me wrong. >> and she said that before she knew about the video just from seeing the photograph that they took in the hospital seeing him in the hospital that next day with his head swelled up, they said beyond recognition and his neck swollen. >> broken. >> yeah. >> so -- >> thank you. >> uh-huh. >> i think briefly to try to respond to the first part of your question as attorney romanucci said, the police chief should disband the scorpion unit immediately. i am sad to even think that what you said is true that they would
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use african american officers to go berate african american citizens because they thought it would get less attention. we know that other citizens have now come forward to my office saying that their constitutional rights were violated by this scorpion unit and that they actually tried to report them and nothing happened, so, you know, we cannot give anybody a pass on our constitutional rights, on our dignity, on our humanity. it doesn't matter if it's a black police officer or white police officer and that's what hurts so bad because you want them to see the humanity in us and you keep thinking to yourself, these officers got to understand that, you know, that could have been your brother, your little brother, tyre could
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have been your little brother. would you want anybody do what you were doing to tyre to your little brother? that's how you have to think about it. what if this was my family member? hopefully every police officer in america would start thinking when -- with a citizen, what if this was my brother or my sister? or my child? that's what we want. we want compassion and respect. the same way you de-escalate with white citizens, de-escalate with black citizens too. we want to get home to our families. we want you to get home to your family and we want to get home to our momma. [ applause ] we'll take a few more, yes, let's go quick. >> my question to is you -- seeing this on the stage, what do you say to the activists?
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i know that you all are, you know, leaders and are here whenever we need you as far as a legal -- the activists is the one that are bringing attention to this. >> uh-huh. >> and myself personally in this field have been pushed off by, you know, legal team knowing that i'm standing for them and even talking to other activists, standing for these families and being warned out there, what do you tell them when they're out there fighting for the family and not to be heard? >> well, one of the first things i always try to do and a lot of people who are activists end up working for my law firm because when you have a commitment to justice, that's what we want to be about and i always want to thank the activists, every press conference, the first thing i do
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is come and thank the activists because without you all, we wouldn't be at this point. nobody was talking about justice for tyre like kareem ali and you all. there's something going on with this attorney crump and i want to applaud you all privately and publicly because without you all we wouldn't get justice for tyre, we wouldn't have got justice for george floyd. we couldn't have gotten justice for ahmaud arbery, we wouldn't get justice for breonna taylor without the activists. no way we can get justice so we thank all the activist community. [ applause ] all right. just two more. you two. >> your co-counsel, m mr. romanucci, referred to the actions of the officer and potential act -- these officers face -- is your office going to be possibly pursuing upgraded
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charges? >> well, i'll say this then i'll let tony speak. i think that the d.a. had the benefit of being able to slow down the tape and dissect the video and look at blow by blow, kick by kick, strike by strike with the police, you know, every aspect of it, so i want to believe that they tried to show respect to mr. and mrs. wells and charge them with the most they felt they could get a conviction on and make no mistake about it, the video, when you all see it, you all try to think to yourself what are the correct charges because we all don't -- we all got eyesight. we don't need anybody to interpret it for us. you look at that video for yourself and you say, were the actions intentional? i mean, when you -- you kicking
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somebody and you -- it's not a reaction kick, you actually like stutter for a minute and make sure you get the kick in, that seems intentional as anything you can imagine. attorney romanucci. >> yes, i think -- >> hold. let him respond to this. >> i just want to confirm, lest anybody ever thought that there was an exaggeration for an overstatement as to what you will see, number one, look at the charges, read the charges and you will see that there has been none. secondly, our independent medical autopsy, our medical examiner and i'm allowed to give the quote, she said that these injuries are consistent with a severe beating. that is the quote. so when you take that quote and you understand what we've seen and what the charges are, those
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are maximum charges, murder requires a little bit more something and i agree with ben that the state's attorney looked at these charges and did whatever they could, whether or not there is any other charges out there, well, maybe the evidence will bear that out. but don't forget. this is what the charges bear out. when you look at the medical examiner and the charges, there's consistency. >> thank you, tony. and, remember on the video there's out quo so you will hear audio and that is very compelling because it kind of tells what your intent is when you say things. yes, sir. >> said at the top, she said they've been unable to verify about allegations. what can you tell us about contact they made about tyre? >> we look forward to getting
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the video transactions and any calls that were made because we don't know anything other than we got to see the video. so they said he was driving recklessly, you know. we have to see it. we certainly can't take their word for it. and if not then it goes to what attorney romanucci said a lot of these stops are pretext stops. you know. yes, ma'am. and then i'll come to you. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> this is to mr. and mrs. wells. and i offer my sincere sympathies to you. during the day my job, i work, i've been there for 26 years. people ask why i stay there and
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it's to ensure that it starts there and i ask for your -- >> in order to be treated. >> be treated. >> you want them to treat members of the family, treat them that way. make it home to your families and don't take any unnecessary risk and remember that people at home too. i'm sorry that whatever happened that evening that the message was received and -- >> thank you. >> and i will continue as a judge not to hide behind -- [ applause ] >> i can't stand -- [ applause ] >> a system that's justice for everyone.
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because i've been stopped for suspected burglary. i've been stopped for suspected shooting. a few weeks ago i -- police stopped -- and he was going to get mad and i explained to him, sir, your job is to get home. what are you fighting for? >> amen. >> i'm speaking for -- >> thank you. >> thank you. and i'm so sorry. >> thank you, judge. >> okay. last question. >> hi, it's for -- you discussed
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officials didn't -- scorpion unit, tyre also -- additional pattern perhaps -- prior to his death three other people were admittedly shot by memphis police officers in december. i'm curious if you -- your pursuit of justice -- things those victims worked. that you hear about that this case is closed. >> yes, ma'am, as a national civil rights attorney we go to many municipalities and communities and you often hear about other tragedies that happened before the high-profile case that's going on and what we
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try to do is try to lift all of the injustices up and speak to all of those and hopefully at future rallies for justice for tyre, we invite those families to stand with miss wells and mr. wells because none of these tragedies are any more important than any of the others. all of our children matter and we have to continue to say that. each and every one of our children have a right to live on this earth to breathe another breath. and so we have to continue to do that. i would hope that the city leadership, if the department of justice deems it appropriate to have a pattern and practice investigation of the memphis police department that they will
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welcome it, that they won't try to fight or object to it. hopefully that the city council members will say that we want to have an internal audit of ourself. let's just don't look outward and try to get resentment when crump and all us lawyers start saying that there's a problem with police culture, because, you know, the best way to solve the problems with police culture is for the police to work with the community and be transparent. accept accountability and build trust. that is how you can deal with this culture and they may attack us and try to say, oh, they
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continue to attack police. as we've often said, we are not anti-police. we're anti-bad police who killed tyre, who killed george floyd, who killed breonna taylor, who lie and killed alton sterling, all these people who -- green, i meant. >> jalen randall. >> jalen randall, absolutely. we are against those officers who skirt the rules to justify these unjustifiable killings of our children, judge chandler. that's who we're against and if you want to help us, if you want to take this argument away from us, then help us fix the police
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culture where we can go another month, two months, three months, four months, five months without the media rushing to the next city to report on the latest hashtag that becomes part of american society and y'all know the names. we don't even have to explain them to you. that's how bad it is when we say michael brown. when we say tamir rice. when we say alton sterling, when we say eric garner, when we say stephon clark, when we say laquan mcdonald. when we say philando castillo. when we say daunte wright, when we say amir locke, atatiana jefferson. is that not a systemic problem
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with the culture when you have these many unarmed black people dying? we're not talking about people who got guns coming at the police. because we look at the data, attorney romanucci, you know, van turner, i mean, these are great lawyers. we don't just go willy-nilly. we look at statistics. we look at when the police have to use deadly force with white citizens, it's normally with a citizen has a deadly weapon. that's not true when we look at deadly encounters with black people and police. i mean, how many times do we have to hear another black man was shot in the back while he was running away from the police and that doesn't happen often. >> you're listening here to ben crump, the attorney for the
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family of tyre nichols and standing beside him were tyre nichols' parents, rowvaughn wells and his father, his stepfather, rodney wells. this is coming on a day that we are expecting that sometime after 7:00 p.m. eastern time tonight we will be seeing the video of that stop and arrest that led to a beating and that led to the death of 29-year-old tyre nichols. five now former officers are involved and are facing murder and kidnapping charges. seasoned officials who have seen this video have been absolutely shaken by the brutality of it all of the memphis police chief telling cnn's don lemon again it depicts acts that she said defy humanity. to break it all down i'm joined by former washington, d.c. police chief charles ramsey who advises police departments across the country as a consultant and also with us is criminal defense attorney joey jackson. chief ramsey, i want to start
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with you because we heard from the family over the course of the last hour, a clear determination that they don't want their son's death to be in vain and what they are asking for now is for accountability from this police department and the disbandment of a unit that seemed to have been involved in this stop. they're called the scorpion unit. they are saying these units are responsible for brutality, for a wolfpack mentality. what's your reaction to that? >> well, first of all, it was very powerful testimony and i mean you can just feel the -- and sense the pain that the family is going through and certainly they have my condolences on that. as far as the actions being requested i'm sure chief davis is going to take a very hard look at that unit and any other unit like it. you have to be able to screen the individuals that are going into a unit like that as well as the supervisors, specialized units are needed in policing, but they have to be well
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supervised. i am not talking about the scorpion unit, whether it should be disbanded or whatever should take place, that's going to be up to the police chief. but certainly when you look at specialized units and have to have some flexibility to deal with crime that is taking place in these neighborhoods, but the officers in it have to perform their duties in a constituticonstitutional way. if you see that, then you have to take the appropriate actions. so i think a lot of people are going to be taking a hard look at their units that are not tied to the radio, specialized unit. >> joey, we heard earlier from the police chief that they are now scouring the records of these officers, not just for things that might be in their file, but also looking at other stops that they might have made that perhaps didn't end in someone dying, but they're all now, five officers facing these
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murder charges and also these kidnapping charges but some of these attorneys for the accused officers are saying that their clients, maybe they didn't participate in the physical beating, my question to you, is do you think that matters from the perspective of the prosecutors wanting to sustain the charges against all five of these former officers? >> yeah, abby, so a lot to unpack. the first thin i'm struck by before pivoting to the question is the humanity of the mom. this is a mother who lost her child. whose child meant everything to her as any parent will tell you will give their life for their child talking about the bond that they shared, et cetera, but yet she gave those police officers what they did not give her son, prayer, right, forgiveness, the fact that, you know, she just holds no hate in her heart about them and i think that's remarkable testament to her spirituality and what she, you know, her belief and her faith which is incredible just had to say that.
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in terms of your question as it relates to the officers, abby, you know, there's a doctrine of law called mere presence and mere presence alone at any criminal event or activity is not enough. you have to establish that you were a participant. that you engaged in some kind of conduct that would lead to criminality. why is that relevant? it's relevant because with the charge, what these seasoned prosecutors and certainly law enforcement officials, they know this doctrine and so what it means to me if they charged everyone is that these officers were collective participants with respect to what happened here. now, obviously there's due process, we all should be big on due process as ben crump noted when he was asked a question concerning bail and certainly these officers will have their day in court. however to the extent they've all been charged with something similar what that means to me there is a theory that you are acting in concert, that each of you had some role which was significant as it related to the final outcome here and so i
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think as we wait for this video, abby, we'll be looking to dissect it to understand what was the immediate threat, if any, were their actions proportionate to whatever threat was posed and did they act reasonably, all indications that they did not. >> and i want to wrap up here where you began, joey, i mean, this is a family that's in profound pain right now but what we've seen all day and all week as this has transpired is incredible grace and determination. chief ramsey and joey jackson, please stand by for us. we'll get back to the nichols investigation in a moment and take a quick break.
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i was born here, i'm from here, and i'm never leaving here. i'm a new york hotel. yeah, i'm tall - 563 feet 2 inches. i'm on top of the world. i'm looking for someone who needs a weekend in the city, who likes being in the middle of it all. you hungry? i know a place, and a few others nearby. it's the city that never sleeps. but hey, if you need a last-minute spot, i got you covered. just in, brand-new video of the violent late night attack on paul pelosi. the husband of then house speaker nancy pelosi. starting from the moment the suspect broke into the coming's home last year, cnn's veronica miracle is joining us now. veronica, walk us through this
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brand-new video that's been released and what exactly it shows. >> reporter: we read about all this evidence when david depape was arrested, however, this is the first time we are hearing and seeing everything that happened. there's the 911 call made by paul pelosi from the bathroom when all of this was unfolding. there's surveillance video from the backyard which shows david depape entering the pelosi residence. there is that very disturbing body camera video which shows the attack on camera as police responded to the pelosi residence and then there's a more than 15-minute interview with police in which david depape pretty much admits to everything and goes step by step of what he did. so let's start with that surveillance video in the backyard. you can see david depape go and try to smash through the glass. it shows him trying to smash the doorknob and trying to break in and he admitted later to officers the glass was very difficult to break through. he eventually was able to climb in. now, we're going to go to the
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body camera video just released. i want to warn you it is very disturbing and we are showing it in its entirety. >> yeah. >> 2620, right? >> 2640. >> oh. >> yeah. how you doing? >> how are you? >> what's going on, man? >> everything is good. >> all right. >> drop the hammer. >> nope. >> hey, hey. >> what is going on right now? >> whoa.
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>> backup, code 3. >> very difficult video to watch, paul pelosi suffered a skull fracture from that injury and his wife nancy says he is still in recovery from that and it could take months, but that interview after his arrest, david depape's arrest, he lays out everything. it's an audio recording that i just listened to. i took a lot of notes so bear with me a little bit. i want to take you through some of the highlights and what led up to that moment. david depape admits to breaking in and he says that it was a very big house and he went there to find nancy and was thinking when he got inside because it was so empty maybe she's not here. he eventually was able to find paul pelosi who was sleeping in his bed, he said, and that's when they started talking, obviously he said that paul pelosi was very surprised to see him and he said that he told paul pelosi that he was going to hold nancy hostage and he wanted to talk to her, but paul pelosi said she's not here and it
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sounded like based on his conversation that david depape knew that paul pelosi was trying to keep things calm in order to not escalate the situation. david depape admitted to an investigator he wanted to tie him up so he could do what he needed to do but paul was able to get out of bed and eventually make his way to the bathroom where he made that 911 call which we've also listened to that audio and you can hear paul pelosi trying to subtly tell the 911 dispatcher that somebody has come into the house looking for nancy pelosi and it's around that time that david depape admitted to the investigator in his interview he started to get agitated because he was there for a purpose. he said he wanted to hold nancy pelosi hostage and talk to her and if she told the truth he would let her go. if not, he said he was going to break her kneecaps because it needed to be done. he repeatedly talked about in his interview about going to the pelosi residence to fight tyranny like the founding fathers, that he wasn't actually
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there for paul but that he would go through him if he had to and he didn't want to surrender because he wanted to fight evil and so paul pelosi got the punishment instead. all of this on camera on audio and it's incredibly telling, of course, we've heard about this in the motion to detain but seeing it for yourself is an entirely different story. abby. >> it very much is. it's incredibly disturbing, thank you, veronica, for all of that reporting and we have joey jackson back with us, criminal defense attorney. joey, charles ramsey is also with us. joey, i want to get your quick reaction to that extraordinary and quite graphic video we just saw? >> yeah, abby, it's very compelling. remember that trials are about bringing the jury in the event it goes that far to the location to have them get a sense of what occurred, right? that's why you bring forward witnesses and give them and have them proffer information so it could be evaluated by a jury if it goes forward to make an assessment as to whether the conduct is the conduct as
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they're being accused of and as is described. remember, he's facing, that is, paul pelosi's attacker both a state prosecution and federal prosecution. the state, of course, charging him with attempted murder, burglary, kidnapping and assorted charges and the federal government charging him rightfully and properly not only as it relates to paul pelosi because he's married to and immediate family member, the husband of nancy pelosi, but for his attempt to kidnap nancy pelosi so i think this goes a long way with respect to actually proving that those charges are correct. >> all right, chief ramsey and joey jackson, please stay with us. coming up ahead, police, the legal community, the entire memphis community is reeling from what we are seeing and hearing about that incident with tyre nichols. we'll have more when we come back.
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>> reporter: i have seen the video, at least i've seen the beginnings of it. i believe the video that will be released is about an hour long. it is as appalling as we have been led to believe. it is sickening, but i want to reassure everyone that the legal process is going to go forward and the accused are going to have their day in court. they are going to be charged as they have been and they are going to answer to these charges. this is not memphis. this is not indicative of the memphis police department. as i've said before, 1900 officers showed up yesterday, they showed up today, and they'll show up tomorrow. we're going to keep our city safe. >> councilman, can i ask you,
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when you saw the video, there are five officers charged. did you see evidence of all of the officers being involved in the beating, some of them being involved in the beating, what did you see there? can you walk us through it? >> i have to be slightly careful, because there are legal interests involved, and the images are rather challenging in terms of, if you see it just one time, trying to figure out who's who, which of the five is -- or who's doing what. but the actions are clear. >> and the chief has said that the officers involved in this were very aggressive from the very beginning. you said you were able to see the video, the beginning part. how would you characterize how this stopped, started, and how it escalated? >> what you will see in the video, at least the first part, because i have not seen all of
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it. i came down to get on with you here. you can see from the body cam of the first video where they're trying to put him in handcuffs, tyree, and that he runs and i believe they tased him and pepper sprayed him at that point. he ran, and then you'll see an image where i think it's through one of our sky cops of the police striking mr. nichols several times. >> was it clear to you from the stop why he was pulled over in the first place? >> we have been told, and i have not seen the officer's report, but we have been told, and i believe i read it in the media, that he was pulled over for reckless driving. and that's the reason for the stop. like i said, i have only seen two of the four videos, i believe it is.
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so all you really see is the police officer, the body cam, you see the blue lights come on and him getting out of the car and trying to apprehend tyree. so that's -- you know, that's why they stopped him is what has been said in the press. >> there's been a lot of talk about this unit that these officers were a part of. we discussed looking at the memphis police department more wholistically. the call now, though, is for this unit to be disbanded. it was formed back in november of 2021 by the current police chief. do you think that this unit should be disbanded? >> what i think we ought to do right now is let's all see the video for those that wish to see it, and let's process that. because a man was killed. a man that was killed who was in
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charge of the memphis police department. and i think we have to get through and process this, because abby, i'm a parent. yeah, it's hard to watch that, but what i think we ought to do, when we have had a chance to process this, is proceed with our top gun investigation of the police department, look into enhanced ways to look into the mental inventory of police recruits, but also, look, the scorpion team was -- as i understand it -- was designed to, for lack of a better word, through crime data, go into the higher crime datas that were experiencing higher crime at that point, and go after the criminals in search of them. if this is indicative of the sk scorpion unit, obviously it will be disbanded. what i think we ought to do is let's process about what we're about to see and then thoughtfully, logically evaluate
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all this, and what we need to do and go forward so that we keep memphis and the people of memphis safe. >> i want to give charles ramsey, who is still with us, the last word here. chief ramsey, what do you make of all of this? >> well, obviously, the chief is going to have to take a careful look at that unit, the members of the unit, their backgrounds, histories and so forth, whether or not it needs to be disbanded or not, that's a decision that will have to be made. there is value in specialized units, but it points to the need to make sure that you carefully screen the officers that are assigned, that you monitor very carefully. if you do receive any complaints that you thoroughly investigate to make sure you don't have people in there abusing people's rights, and make a determination based on that. but this is a tragedy no matter how you cut it. when you see it, it's going to be a bit -- i would imagine it's going to be a bit chaotic when we first see the video.
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it will be hard to determine who is doing what. obviously, the district attorney has had a chance to isolate each individual, based on the r charges. i'm wondering if there were other cops standing around watching and failed to intervene. that's a possibility. >> we will see it all for ourselves in just a few hours. but that does it for me here in the newsroom. the news will continue after this break. stay witith us. we will work witu every step of f the way to help you achieve it. soso let us focus on the how. just tell l us - what's your why? find your beat your moment of calm find your potential then own it support your immune system with a potent blend of nutrients anemerge your best every day with emergen-c sometimes you're so busy taking care of everyone else you don't do enough for yourself, or your mouth.
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