tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN January 27, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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talking, so people are going to have to bear with us as they put this together as don, you're saying, there's going to be multiple clips. so there will be different, you know, some will have sound. some will not. as we hear and watch this all together. the breaking news, of course now is that the city of memphis is releasing the video of 29-year-old tyre nichols' arrest. we're going to watch it together y with you. it is graphic and brutal and you should know that if you choose to watch it. the memphis police chief who has viewed it calls what we are all about to see together heinous and inhumane, but we've decided and we believe that it is important to get there because we've been told this video shows a man pulled over for a traffic stop beaten to death and five police officers have been charged with second degree murder in the case. we do believe this is of great public porimportance. the family and the police chief want the world to see this video. here it is in its entirety.
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okay. as we were saying, you're going to have some parts where you hear, some parts where you don't. it begins in this first clip. it is silent. this is the police officer's body cam who approached the traffic stop, which is already in progress. so in a little bit, the audio will start, and you will see him pull up to the actual traffic stop, and that's in about 15 or 20 seconds. i want everyone to understand your tv's working fine if you're not hearing because there isn't audio. that audio is going to begin here in just a few seconds, and we're going to sit all back together and watch it as these officers pulled up.
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>> get out of the car -- >> all right, all right. >> you don't do that, okay? listen to me! get on the ground! >> tase your! >> on the ground -- >> tase you, get on the ground now. >> okay. all right. okay. >> put your hands up. >> you guys are really -- >> lay down. >> i'm just trying to go home. >> i am on the ground. >> get on your stomach. >> i am, please.
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>> all right. we are watching this traffic stop unfold. what you just saw there is the very first of several was the initial part of the traffic stop right after it had started, and then tyre nichols runs away. one of the officers attempts to hit him by taser and fails. you then hear the chase play out in the radio. now let's get to the second part of the video released by the city of memphis. this one is from an elevated camera mounted to a street -- all right, i'm sorry, this is all coming in. we're doing this together. this is actually going to be from another body cam, so let me just play this video again. this is another body cam from one of the officers on scene .
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so everyone understands here, audio will start in just a bit but generally what's about to happen again, police body cam. this is from one of the officers. we do believe what you'll see here when the audio begins is where the actual beating of tyre nichols took place. you should be aware that that's what you're about to see if you want to see this. we're watching this all together. we have not seen it, and the audio is going to start in just a few seconds. so this is an officer driving up to the scene. as you know, tyre nichols had run away, a police officer tried to hit him, failed to do so. he ran and a chase ensued. this is the most disturbing one we are told thatt we are going o see of all this footage. so let's listen in now. >> southbound on ross.
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>> okay. that was the second clip of four that we are going to get. what you just saw there of course was part of the horrible beating of tyre nichols, one of the police saying i'm going to baton the eff out of you. pepper spray also deployed. now we're going to play another clip from an officer's body cam. what you're about to see here is an officer who's going to run to the scene where police are struggling with nichols. this is crucial because you're going to see the paramedics respond as well. what you're antbout to see is graphic and difficult to watch. it starts silently. then you'll hear the audio owe. what did they do and didn't do. two of the firemen who responded to this have also been fired. we don't know their role. we don't know much about what happened at this crucial moment when the paramedics arrived. after this there is still another clip where you're going to see the skycam footage from
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above, and you will also see, we understand the beating of tyre nichols in detail from a different angle. that's going to give us a lot more information. but what this is going to be is more of that actual incident itself and the paramedics arriving. so let's listen again into this. it will be quiet for a little bit more here at the beginning, and let's listen as the audio begins . >> give me your fucking hands. >> hey. give me your hands. >> hey. >> watch out, watch out, watch
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>> my leg, my knee. >> he took off running, so i seen him wiping his face. >> where'd you all see him? >> right here. >> i couldn't see. >> we went through there. >> you all said a bald head. >> he started running. >> he wiped his face. >> you came right on time. >> i know. >> my leg riding off in the field. >> when i see that boy running.
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>> unless he threw it on his way running, he ran so far. >> i don't know if he did that, man. >> man. >> right here. >> i seen him running, man. i got him right here. he was wiping his face and he just took off running. >> traffic stop? >> oncoming traffic. i'm talking about -- >> so we tried to get him to
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>> in that portion you're just seeing at the end there when paramedics came, obviously pretty excruciating just to watch everyone standing as tyre nichols is lying on the ground. you also heard him there yelling mom, mom, mom, and crying out in that as well as the officers sort of explaining to each other what they said had happened.
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now, we're going to play the final video for you now released by the city of memphis, and here's what this is going to be. this is from an elevated camera mounted to a street pole. so on this one there will be no audio. what you will see is nichols being thrown to the ground by police. a drive by police to a near car. all of this is going to be on the skycam video near where this happened. so you won't hear it. you will see it, though, and it is incredibly graphic so i warn you about that. i want you to know of course as you make a decision on whether to watch it that is what you will see here. here it is, and in this moment john miller is with me, of course formerly with the nypd. what we have seen so far and we're about to see now excruciatiingness of watching them standing around, so many of them, more than the five that were charged in each instance.
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>> at some point you see up to eight police officers on the scene at the second scene, but we're -- the story is starting to take shape and that you see the first scene when the officer who's got the body cam running arrives on that first scene. there's already screaming and yelling going on. they're already trying to drag him out of the car, so it's operating at a very high pitch. >> and a very high pitch now, this what we're looking at to be clear, this is not a body cam. this is a different camera. this is just a camera that any city would have, at a town. at the top of a light pole. this is a memphis pd camera. it's halfway up a light pole that's on the area of castle gate and ross where the second part of the incident after the half mile chase goes on. the half mile chase is inter inter interesting because -- it looks like we're getting into the incident now. >> let's watch here.
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as we watch this, the officers now pull tyre nichols over to the car. that was the angle from the skycam that showed the real horror of what occurred here, kick after kick, punch after -- crushed with a baton. >> i mean, what you're seeing is a fairly significant number of officers who are failing at arrest and control tactics and making up for it with brutality. from what everybody who has seen this has said, is it a shocking video? yes. >> darren porcher, former nypd
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lieutenant, and you've investigated many of these situations of police violence. you were in charge of investigating. what do you see here? >> i was a lieutenant in nypd's internal affairs bureau. so investigations of this magnitude would have come into my purview, and it's clearly excessive force, but the biggest problem that i have is there's a lack of supervision. there's no direction on the ground. a first line superpfrgz which i sergeant is a terminal component in policing. when we look at it from a micro perspective, that officer is under that direct supervision of a sergeant, and that sergeant did not take control of the situation. the macro perspective is the chief of police. the chief of police is not on the scene. it's that micro perspective that involves the police officer and the first line supervisor and that's where we see the void in supervision. >> and just what you're seeing here, police officer after police officer, that's what's incredibly painful to watch. after we have watched all these videos from the body camper
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spective, it's the static one from on high that shows the real magnitude of what happened here. are you shocked to see anything like this? you see the kick after kick, the guy's already weighing on the ground, he comes on with the baton and slams it into him again and again, and another officer just sucker punching him. >> we have something in policing we refer to as the force continuum, and that's where an officer starts with the lowest level of force, which is merely their presence. then it elevates to verbal commands, and then physical, and then it goes to pepper spray, a baton, and the worst-case scenario is deadly physical force with a firearm. i don't foresee the need for the elevation above, the physical force. i see a baton was used. i see officers kicked this individual in the head. it's clearly excessive. but what's even more troubling is no officer was willing to intervene and say stop. i mean, there's a point where you have to intercede and say either stop or physically step
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between the officer that's assaulting the person and that actual individual, and that didn't happen. >> no, not even an intimation of such a thing happening. charles ramsey also with us, the former philadelphia police commissioner and d.c. police chief. what do you see here, chief? >> well, the pole cam video is the damning video. the first video you could see how aggressive the officers were in taking him out of the car. obviously they used pepper spray. they not only sprayed him, they sprayed themselves because you could see them getting water flushed to flush their eyes and so forth. the second video i couldn't pick up a whole lot from there. i caught a little bit of it, but the pole cam video is the one that is really justifies the charges that have been placed. i mean, is it beyond anything in terms of policy training or anything else? nobody trains for that, and you know, i mean, these guys are
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acting so far outside of bounds that, you know, you really can't explain it. now you see them standing around. you know, one officer kicked him so hard and so much that he's limping around. the other when nichols was handcuffed, i mean, he's -- he's throwing hook shots at him, pu punching him in the face. you know, i mean, it's -- it's as bad as it was described. i mean, there's no way of describing it any other way. i've not seen -- i was looking to see if i ever saw a sergeant or any supervisor at the scene. it's nighttime, so it was very difficult. i was looking for chevrons or something that would indicate a supervisor. i haven't seen that yet, but that's something that i guess the police chief would know
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whether or not there was a supervisor on the scene. but i haven't seen one yet. >> you and darin both mentioned the portion of that. joey, one thing that the chief just mentioned. you see the people standing around, and that is the other part that just stands out about this. they are standing around, even when the paramedics come -- and i want to clarify i earlier said the two fire -- the firemen were fired, they were put on administrative leave, so i want to clarify that, but that also stands out. you have a guy that they know they did this to, and he's just sitting here. we're just watching this. he's it's horrific, it's brutal. my dad was a police officer, may he rest in peace, and he always told me out of all the weapons he had, the most effective weapon he could ever use was interpersonal communication, speaking to someone, relating to someone, treating them like they were a hugh and they mattered. that would de-escalate everything. what do i see here? i see no personal communication at all. no immediately a threat that was
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posed to the officers that they would respond. no proportionality with respect to the force and the hitting. a and punching and kicking using everything that they used. and then, finally, i see summing that all up, erin, i see no reasonableness. last last point, you know, that is that you ask about them milling around and that they can do, you have a duty to act and to intervene, and a that did not happen. and that is problematic, it's troubling, and it's criminal and that's why this is being prosecuted to the degree and the expediency to which it is. >> and i should say here, right now, i just counted nine or ten people. we know that five has been charged with second-degree murder. there haven't been other charges yet. there's a lot here that we don't know. watching this, as we've all
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watched it together, when tyre nichols is screaming, mom, mom, mom, watching all of this, as we all have together, what has stood out to you the most seeing it? >> as long as we're being honest, all of it. from the officers' actions to their words to what has happened to this young man. i mean, the officers, listen to them, they sound like they're hanging out at a barbershop or outside of a bar talking hit. that's what they sound like. they don't sound professional. they're sound like, hey, man, making up excuses, yeah, he did this and he did that. i can't believe that these are professional police officers. and from the very beginning, the police chief is right. they started, they were amp ed up. and i believe your panelist, joey, all your guys are right,
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all they had to do was explain to them why they were stopping him. he said, why are you stopping me? you all are doing a lot. all they had to do was tell him why they were stopping him. and they didn't do it. they kept going. so what i -- i may have run, too, if i a bunch of people just ran up to my car and pulled me out and became aggressive. i might do the same thing. so he runs and then they find him. it is obvious, the man is trying to run home to his mom. that's when he's trying to do. so they get him in the neighborhood, and then they catch -- they put him on the ground and you hear them talking crap again, your mom, she can't hear you, as if your mom can hear you, and i'm gonna taze or pepper spray the shit out of you, i'm going to baton the f out of you. they're saying all of these things. why? what is need for that? and then they get him on the ground and this pole camera, you're right, it is the most damning. listen, i have to be honest. this is bad in that this young
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man is dead. is it rodney king? i don't believe -- i think this is tyre nichols. it's different. rodney king was beat with baton for minutes. if you go back and look at the rodney king video. rodney king was on pcp, that gives you this strength that police officers can tell you about. it is different. is it just as bad, it's worse, because this man was killed. rodney king wasn't killed. he ended up dying from something else. this is awful on its own. we don't need to do the comparisons to rodney king. this is different. but then, but then, when he is -- unconscious, on the ground, after they beat him and kick him, they prop -- they leave him there, prop him up against the car, he falls over, they prop him up against the car, he falls over, they prop him up against the car and he falls over and you have all of these people on the scene and they're not rendering help. this is awful. it's a failure not only in policing, but a failure in
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humanity. i'm uncomfortable actually watching it. and i know this is my job as a journalist, but this isn't comfortable. we're watching a man being beaten to death on live television right now. it is a tape, but we're live doing it. shimon has been sitting here, shimon prokupecz has been sitting here. both of us outraged and on the verge of tears. i cannot believe this actions or inactions of the police officers. >> you know what this reminds me of movies you watch, like thugs, they gang up on someone, they hold them back, they use their fists, they kick, they use sticks. it's just something you would see in like a gang movie, thugs, a bunch of thug jumping on someone and just attacking them. and i think everyone is making very valid points. the beginning, what was that about? why were the officers so angry and so amped up and so riled up that they had to pull him out of the car, throw him to the ground, he then escapes, because he's clearly fearful for his life. >> as we're talking about these
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officers, when they're discussing -- it sounds like, hey man, i was doing this and he was doing that. >> they're trying to make excuses almost for why that did. there's one officer that somehow mentions that maybe he tried to grab his gun. >> i didn't see -- well, right. and there's another officer that says, he's high, he's high. so they're already making excuses for some of their actions. what's really -- think about where we are now in this video. how many minutes are we into this and he's still laying there. and the emts -- >> laying on the ground. >> no one is giving him any kind of care. this man is brutally beaten at this point. >> stand by -- >> they had time to take him to a hospital and perhaps had they acted soorp. i don't know, we don't know medically. >> speaking of, let's bring in cnn's dr. sanjay gupta to help us do that. this man has been laying there for a long time. he's been kicked, punched, batoned. we saw in the video that he's been bleeding. obviously, he has injuries.
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take us through this, medically, what should have been done on the scene, and what is he suffering from? >> obviously, it's horrific to watch. and you know, as a trauma surgeon, trauma neurosurgeon myself, sometimes we'll see patients who are brought in, but we never really see this part of things. i was keeping very close track of things, both in terms of what was happening, but also the timing of things. and he was sort of dragged over to this car in handcuffs and laid up against the car. that happened around 8:33, according to the clock. it was about eight minutes later that you first saw a fire truck pull up. but nothing really happens at that point. that's what's sort of stunning. i guess what you and shimon are both sort of alluding to. 8:55 spop 15 minutes later, roughly, is when the first time he seems to be assessed, someone actually has a bag and is trying to assess him. but it's not until 9:00 -- i don't know if we've seen this in this video yet, i watched some
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of it earlier, when you finally see people starting to administer some sort of care. so it's about half an hour. and you know, when you watch this, there's all sorts of different injuries he may have suffered. so many of the injuries to the head. and you saw kicks to the head, you saw these blows to the head, punches to the head. that's obviously very concerning. and what can happen in that situation is that the brain may start to swell. and that's why this timing is so critical, because if the brain is swelling, he still seemed like he was talking at some point, but he's obviously getting worse. the sfwrarnts to swell, then you're not getting enough o oxygenated blood to the brain anymore and that's what's causes the problems and what can lead to death. we don't know. all we've been told from the pathologist so far, from benjamin crump's office, is that
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he had significant bleeding associated with the beating. we know that, we can see that. my concern is that so much of that happened inside of his skull, don. it was just really, really hard to watch. >> he should have been taken to a hospital immediately. am i wrong? >> no, absolutely. i mean, i count at least half an hour, probably. and that's after the fire truck or ems, i can't tell what vehicle that is, was there. so yes, he should have absolutely been taken. shimon made the point, do we know that would have made a difference? can't say that, but, yeah. he's just laying there, obviously in critical condition at this point. >> but there was a discussion with, you can hear on the transmissions about whether or not to bring him back to the scene. what i can't figure out, and i've been sort of still -- this is something that has -- i don't know, this, the fact that the emts did not take him, the fact that we had heard about this
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earlier has sort of stayed with me. and when you watch this, it's just, it's hard to believe that none of them would offer him any kind of aid at this point. and you see, he's handcuffed at this point. and shohe's seemingly unconscio he's falling in different directions. >> i think he's going in and out of consciousness, because there's a point where he sits down. >> so he's still talking, you are sort of lapsing in and out of consciousness, but the trajectory is that the brain will just continue to swell. and that's -- that's the real problem. and that's why timing is so critical. i mean, you have to render care. but he needed to be going to a hospital as quickly as possible, and the ems vehicle, as far as i can tell, is there. that's what's so, it's anxiety-provoking to watch that. >> yeah. well, sa
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