tv CNN Newsroom CNN January 30, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm PST
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(vo) at wells fargo, direct deposits come up to two days early with early pay day. what if everything came two days early? (hero) have a good weekend! alright now... have a good weekend. (co-worker) but it's wednesday... (co-worker 2) see you monday! (co-worker 3) am i missing something? (hero) it's the weekend baby... see you later. (vo) like getting things two days early? when it comes to payday, you can with wells fargo. (co-worker 4) what are you doing this weekend? it's the top of the hour on "cnn newsroom."
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ail alisyn camerota. >> i'm victor blackwell. a sixth officer has been let go. they won't say if preston hemphill will face charges. that footage was released with the other video. >> we have a warning because the body cam clip we are about to show is disturbing. in this video from hemphill's camera he is seen unufiring a t. >> they found him. >> martin and all them are over there chasing him. i hope they stomp his ass. i hope they stomp his ass. smith is calling for other cars. >> his lawyer says hemphill was on scene and they say he was a member of the s.c.o.r.p.i.o.n. unit.
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the five former memphis officers charged with second degree murder also belong to that anti-crime unit. over the weekend it was deactivated permanently. with us is john miller, chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst. so, the sixth officer now has been relieved of duty. do we expect more charges to come? >> well, he was relieved of duty, we understand, at the same time all the others were. the difference with detective hemphill as opposed to everybody else, he wasn't charged criminally and wasn't fired. he may be facing administrative charges that they're looking into now. >> so this s.c.o.r.p.i.o.n. unit, there are similar units and police departments in big and medium-sized cities, different acronym, different names. do those have to stay because of the work they're doing is necessary? i mean, they changed this one because of the obvious pr problem. what does it mean for the other departments? >> a lot of those departments are in the same position that memphis was in, which is they're being overrun by violent crime
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and these units properly managed can be critical in helping to stem that effort, but as you point out, victor, you know, every mayor in a major city is looking over their shoulder at the chief and every chief is looking over their shoulder at the deputy saying this unit, they're in plainclothes or uniform. should they be in uniform? marked or unmarked cars? how much training did they get? did they get the de-escalation training? did they get the active bystander training so you stop something if it's gone too far? i can bet you donuts to dollars that all of that is happening in cities large and small across the country while they review because at this point predictable is preventable. >> do you know why we're only learning about officer hemphill now? >> i don't know why we're just hearing about it now. but what we did get after that
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came out and follow that with the district attorney which is will there be charges? we're looking at everybody who was at the scene says the district attorney and i think the police department and now we've learned the sheriff's office is doing the same thing, which is they've got the main actors who are charged criminally and fired from the police department. now this is triage which is they're going through everybody else. what was their role there? what did they do or in hemphill's case where he fired a taser at a fleeing suspect, procedurally that may be appropriate but his meants may not be. >> ramifications in the department. four departments across the country. thank you. we're going to ask questions right now. steve mulroy is the district attorney. mr. mulroy, thanks for being here. so, will your office be charging preston hemphill with a crime? >> well, that's not the kind of question i can answer right now.
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we've got an ongoing investigation and pending prosecution. what we can say is that we are looking at everybody who had any kind of involvement in this incident and the first incident prior to the second incident where mr. nichols, you know, underwent those serious injuries to the people who arrived afterwards from the memphis police department and the 14e6r's department and fire department to the people who were, you know, filing paperwork afterwards. we're looking at everybody but as the commentator, you know, just said a moment ago this is a matter of triage. we're extraordinarily quick. within less than three weeks we went from the incident to filing charges against the five officers primarily responsible for the death of tyre nichols and on the scene. as to everybody else it will take time as we do that investigation but i assure you the investigation is ongoing. >> yes, understood. no one can argue that you all haven't acted with alacrity in
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this. one is the tasing he is involved with at the first stop of tyre nichols and then the other he says, i hope they stomp ace ass. are those crimes? >> well, it's not -- in and of itself -- a crime necessarily to tase a fleeing suspect depending on the circumstances, nor is it a crime in and of itself to make a statement like that. that might lead to disciplinary action but not necessarily a crime. now, would all of those facts plus other facts and circumstances taken together perhaps rise to the level of criminal conduct? yes, they could but that's going to depend on what we find as we continue our investigation, which i said we are doing it as quickly as we can. we want to make sure we're doing it thoroughly and fairly at the same time. >> do you think other people will be charged? i know you said you're looking at everything holistically. do you imagine there will be other charges? >> so this is precisely the
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kinds of question a prosecutor should not be answering until they are ready to answer it. i won't be able to give a preview or prediction because the investigation is ongoing. we've got a pending prosecution. what i can say is that we will be looking at everybody, we will be looking at it thoroughly, we'll be looking at it with the tennessee bureau of investigation who i called in immediately as soon as i heard of this incident so there would be an objective investigation. you know, the fbi is also involved with our federal partners and the u.s. attorney's office will all look at it. if a decision has to be made about charges, i will be bringing in my independent justice review unit who are designed to work separately and independently for precisely this kind of thing to render an objective opinion about whether charges are appropriate. they work separately from the rest of my department and for law enforcement. we'll be doing all those things. there are lots of moving parts but, you know, we need to make sure we're doing it in a thorough and fair manner that doesn't jeopardize a possible
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prosecution down the line. >> okay. next question, do you see any reason for the initial traffic stop? have you seen on any kind of pole cam video what tyre nichols was pulled over for? >> so, we're still looking into that as well and i think that's an important question. it's a valid question. i can tell you that the video that we have does not definitively answer that question because it doesn't pick up until the earliest chronologically the video we have doesn't pick up until after the traffic stop is is effectuated. that doesn't mean we can't find out the answer to that question from other sources and we are looking into it and that is as much as i can say right now. >> okay, about that s.c.o.r.p.i.o.n. unit that has now been disbanded, have you learned of any other victims that have come forward? >> well, our office is not to my knowledge doing an investigation
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as to any of that, but i have heard that now since this incident has become public, there have been citizens who have raised complaints that they too had been treated with, you know, roughly or inappropriately by s.c.o.r.p.i.o.n., i'm glad to hear that the unit has been disbanded. i think we should probably take a serious look at these specialized units, both in memphis and around the country. we know from experience that sometimes when you create these special units that are supposed to swarm deploy with, you know, great vigor on crime suppression, if they're not properly trained, not properly super sized sometimes that can lead to a culture that encourages excessive force and i think that's got to be part of our broader conversation of police reform here in memphis and around the country if any good at all is to come from this tragedy. >> some of our legal experts have wondered about these second degree murder charges because it's the knowing killing of another and they've said now having seen the video, yes, it's
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atrocious, it's deplorable but the knowing killing of another, is that, well, overreach for lack of a better word? so how -- >> i'm sorry. go ahead. finish your question. >> how can you prove that? >> okay, so under tennessee law, in order for one to prove that there is a knowing killing, the only thing one must prove is that one acted with a course of conduct whereas the defendant was reasonably certain that death may result and we believe that all of the evidence taken together will show that and we're confident that we have a strong case. >> any idea why we're just finding out about preston hemphill today if he was also relieved of duty back when the original officers were? >> no, actually i'm not sure i know about that except possibly that, you know, the video wasn't released until friday night, so maybe the public, you know, didn't know about that until sometime thereafter. >> got it.
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shelby county district attorney steve mulroy, thank you very much for being here and for your time. >> thank you. okay, john miller is back with us. >> so he raised a very interesting point, which is as far as we can tell from our analysis of the video, officer hemphill is at the initial stop and then tases the suspect tyre nichols who is running away, but doesn't make it to the second place. this is the key. had he made it to the second location and he jumped in his car once they found him and drove up there and participated in the brutal beating of tyre nichols, that earlier statement about we should go up there and stomp him would actually play into a criminal charge as intent. he said it and then he did it. but he makes the statement, he doesn't as far as we know get to the second scene, which is probably why he's not in the criminal realm of this case. >> the family's attorney wonders if it was broadcast. if someone heard that who actually showed up at the second scene, what value would that
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have if they heard that through radio? >> it would certainly have some kind of factor although legally i'm not sure how significant it would be but it doesn't appear it was broadcast. that's the conversation between he and his partner. what's also interesting that picture, he is holding the certificate. the certificate is his graduation from the cit training which is crisis intervention team training. it's literally the training that memphis invented and perfected on how to deal with individuals in crisis without injuring or killing them. >> remarkable. john miller, thank you. >> thanks. all right, joining us now is marc morial, the president of the national urban league. thank you for your time. good to see you again. i want to talk in a moment about what there's a call for policing reform, what legislation can change potentially but your statement after you watched the
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video called what you saw violence for the sake of violence, a shocking disregard for humanity and decency, indefensible under any circumstances but especially egregious with officers entrusted with public safety. can you legislate away what we saw on those recordings? >> one thing you can do is make it very clear that officers who engage in that kind of conduct are going to be held accountable and the d.a. in shelby county has taken the right step. he didn't wait. he didn't delay. he didn't drag this out as prosecutors did in new york with the eric garner case. he acted swiftly. once he had the evidence he made the decision to prosecute. and the police department made the proper human resources decision. and that was to terminate and this is very different from what we've customarily seen in these instances where there is a delay, there is a battle,
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there's just obfuscation before a decision is made so having said that, i think there is a very important role with provisions of what was the george floyd justice in policing bill. that could, in fact, be the difference. victor, here's the thing, every mayor, every police chief, every county commissioner that has direct jurisdiction over a police department should see this as an absolute wake-up call that they need to examine, interrogate and make sure that their own department that's under their jurisdiction that they control isn't and hasn't and doesn't and won't engage in these types of practices, so there's a federal response which is a heavy responsibility on local electeds. >> let's talk about them. of course, you know how to do this. when you were mayor of new orleans in the '90s, the police department, the nopd was ripe with corruption more than 400
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homicideness a single year. then chief pennington came in, cut those homicides in half, got rid of a lot of the rot in the department. i mean, that was a structural change that you committed to, that the chief committed to. how does this happen now? >> it takes determination. it takes will. it takes leadership. it requires the mobilization of the people in a community. at some point enough is enough and you can't be intimidated by police unions, you can't be intimidated by the next election cycle. i can attest to the fact that a department that has integrity, that's honest and that has trust will be more effective in battling violence and crime. we hear a lot and there is a violence in crime problem in this country. but if people believe that crackdown policing is going to in effect address the crime problem, they have noverr thing coming to them.
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it is only a department that people trust where there is a relationship to both prevent, if you will, address crime that you can get a much safer community so in new orleans in the 1990s, we were determined. i was insistent. i didn't back up. i had a great police chief and the rest i think is history so it's a bit of a model for leadership, both from a chief and a mayor, that made the difference in new orleans in the 1990s. >> let's talk about potential legislation. so, in the last congress, the senate, senator scott for the republicans, senator booker representing the opposition couldn't come together. qualified immunity was a sticking point. if there is one thing that republicans and democrats can get together on, not a comprehensive package which most would like to see but one thing that could change or make what
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we saw less likely to happen, what would be that thing that you'd like to see? >> it's a good question, victor. what i'm afraid of and concerned about that there is no if you will silver bullet when it comes to police reform. that it's going to take a series of steps at the national level, also at the local level if we're going to treat this not as an exercise to place lipstick on a pig, but as an exercise to reform policing. and this is what's important. so if there's going to be discussions, it shouldn't be for some temporary political victory. it should be a true intentionality to address the problem so in memphis, there i believe is -- there are grounds for a pattern and practice investigation no doubt. i think that t-- let's not look for a single measure or a short list of things.
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this is much harder than that. >> fair. >> i think this is a point that we've got to address the problem we have. >> fair, i understand. at this point the alternative is if you go for the comprehensive package none of it gets done. marc morial with the national urban league, thanks very much. >> thank you. there is a manhunt in oregon for this man, benjamin foster, authorities say he's suspected of kidnapping and beating a woman until she was unconscious and may be using dating apps to find new victims. we have the details next. the former publish of "the national enquirer" is meeting with prosecutors about donald trump just as the former president kicks off his 2024 campaign blitz. i'd like to thank our sponsor liberty mutual. they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need.
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the ability to take on the world. i feel so much better, and i think that that is the key. music (i swear) jaycee tried gain flings for the first time the other day...and forgot where she was. you can always spot a first timer. gain flings with oxi boost and febreze. think he's posting about all that ancient roman coinage? no. he's making real-time money moves with merrill. so no matter what the market's doing, he's ready. and that's... how you collect coins. your money never stops working for you with merrill, a bank of america company. police in oregon are searching to are a kidnapping suspect. he may be using dating apps to find his next victim. now, the search for benjamin foster started tuesday after
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officers found a woman bound and severely beaten into unconsciousness. the suspect fled the scene before officers arrived and the woman is in critical condition. >> lucy kafanov is following this story. what are police saying? >> well, actually just spoke to the police chief in grants pass, oregon. new details i can report including that the suspect in this case, 36-year-old benjamin obadiah foster apparently knew this female victim before this attack. now, the police chief did not specify the nature of their relationship. authorities accuse foster of torturing this woman trying to kill her while torturing her intentionally torturing her and secretly confining her in a place where she was not likely to be found. the reason that she was found and, again, this is new what we heard from the police chief is because another female friend of hers was concerned about her well-being, her whereabouts and went to the house and that is
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how this victim was discovered, bound, unconscious after being beaten as you point out in the intro. the suspect, foster h. fled before authorities arrived and authorities believe he had some help in fleeing. the victim was discovered tuesday. thursday evening authorities raided a different property 20 miles north of grants pass, oregon where they discovered a whole bunch of evidence including the vehicle that they were looking for that they believe belonged to the suspect. he was not there. they did arrest a 68-year-old woman who was -- 68-year-old woman accused of helping him hide and escape. she is now in jail. again, he is on the run and this is, of course, rattling the small community of 40,000 people. take a listen to the police chief from earlier. >> i'm always concerned about our community. this individual's behavior
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clearly shows that he is capable of doing anything to anyone within our community. we're working numerous leads currently. this is a fluid investigation. >> so he is being charged with attempted murder/kidnapping and assault and the scary thing, guys, this is not his first run-in with the law. he was charged with similar charges when living in nevada and las vegas, also attacks against other women. the police chief in oregon wondering why he's not behind bars in nevada. he was released early there. >> anybody knows anything call 911. they'll connect you to the authorities in oregon. lucy, thank you. a virginia grade school re-opened today nearly a month after a 6-year-old student shot a first grade teacher. >> significant new safety protocols are in place at richneck elementary and the school's principal and vice president are no longer there. cnn's brian todd joins us now from newport news. what's changed today as a result of that shooting?
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>> reporter: the school is really unlike anything we've ever seen. police were on campus to assist with the transition. we saw several police officers here earlier today. students here now required and provided with clear transparent backpacks to carry around school. not allowed to bring in their old backpacks, two state of the art metal detectors have been installed. visitors are limited during the first week of instruction and we can tell you that the school district has told us that if parents want to escort their children directly to their classroom they are subject to being searched. earlier today i caught up with the newport news police chief steve drew who was here for the return to school. asked him how that was going. here's what he had to say. >> it was a great morning, you know, to see the kids come back. we got to see some come back last wednesday and talk to their parents but saw them come in. there were a lot of smile, a lot of high-fives, fist bumps going
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on and i didn't want it to be overwhelming but wanted the kids to know we support them as well as the faculty and staff. >> i also asked chief drew about the state of the investigation right now. specifically if he believes as he earlier had said that it's possible that the mother of this child could face charges. today he told me he really couldn't go there, could not answer that. they're still conducting interviews and compiling information that they're going to present to the commonwealth's attorney later on this and that's basically all he had to say about the investigation. asked him whether the child has actually been speaking to investigators. he really couldn't talk about that either, guys. >> brian todd for us in newport news. thank you, brian. all right. the matchup is set for super bowl lvii. kansas city chiefs/philadelphia eagles and this year's game is taking a house divided to a new level. we'll explain ahead. my brain. so i choose neuriva plus. unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker
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affair with trump, it is alleged. >> remind us what prosecutors likely want to talk with him about? >> david pecker who was then the top guy overseeing "the national enquirer" worked with them on the catch and kill strategy to stop stories from going public and why prosecutors want to talk to him today is because he was involved in the deal to silence stormy daniels from going forward with her allegations of an affair with trump, just those days before the presidential election in 2016. we should note trump has denied they had ang affair. but pecker was at the center of this. what we saw from the federal investigation involving michael cohen and those documents, he was on the phone back and forth with michael cohen as the deal was coming together and that's why prosecutors want to talk to him. we are seeing an escalation in the number of witnesses the manhattan district attorney's office is meeting with. they talked with michael cohen two weeks ago for the first time in more than a year and seeing them pick up the pace on this investigation. they've also reached out to the lawyer for stormy daniel,
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obviously a key person involved in the structure of this deal and what they're looking at among other things, as you know, we've talked about, it's been a wide-ranging investigation for some time and refocused on the hush money payments and when the trump organization and former president himself falsified business records by treating the reimbursement to michael cohen as the legal expense when he wasn't rendering any legal services, this was just to cover the alleged payment to stormy dams. so that's why they want him in here again today, you know, we know some witnesses are expected to go back so we're really seeing this escalate follows on the heels of that conviction last month of the trump entities. >> keep us posted. >> thank you. all right, super bowl lvii is almost here. and it will pit the philadelphia eagles against the kansas city chiefs in arizona. >> the big game will be historic. it's the first time two black quarterbacks will start and also the first time two brothers will play against each other.
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"cnn sports" anchor coy wire sets the stage. >> reporter: the eagles and chiefs were the top two seeds in the playoffs and top two offenses led by phenomenal quarterbacks, 16 years after tony dungy and lovie smith were the first two black coaches to face off, jalen hurts and patrick mahomes become the first two starting quarterbacks to play in one. here's a look. with a trip to the super bowl on the line -- >> placement is down, butker's kick is high and it is good! good. good. >> reporter: a nail-biter in the afc championship. the chiefs who beat the bengals in a revenge rematch of last season's overtime afc title game during a frigid night at arrowhead stadium, the bad blood between these two teams boiling over till the very end. chiefs star quarterback patrick mahomes scrambling for field
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position on an injured angkle i the final seconds took a late hit. flags fly with the penalty putting the chiefs in range for butker's game-winning football and kansas city heads to the super bowl for the third time in four years and threw shade's bengals during the postgame celebration. >> burrowhead, my [ bleep ]. ooh, it's mahomes' house. >> i don't think we have cigars but we'll be ready to go at the super bowl. >> a philly thing a phrase coined by jalen hurts, the eagles annihilating the 49ers riding a 12-game win streak, san francisco's third string quarterback and rookie sensation brock purdy getting injured early then fourth stringer josh johnson leaving with injuries too. they didn't stand a chance. second year philadelphia head coach nick sirianni was effusive. >> this is something we all
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dream about and get to do it because we do it better than anybody else. fans were awesome. atmosphere was unbelievable. >> reporter: meanwhile, jalen hurts has gone from being benched at alabama in 2018 college football collapse game to transferring to oklahoma and says he uses the pain to strengthen him. he is now a pro-bowler in his third nfl season leading his team to the super bowl. >> i've been through a lot personally but i want to steer it from the direction of how good this team has been to playing together to have this opportunity in front of us, you know, we want to take advantage of it. the atmosphere tonight was amazing. the fans showed up. the energy, all of it. >> reporter: great story lines including the kelce brothers, both travis of the chiefs, jason of the eagles are going to become the first brothers to ever face each other as players in a super bowl. what in the world will mom and
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dad do? 13 days till the big game in arizona. >> coy wire, thank you. all right, so the world health organization says the covid pandemic has reached a transition period. what that means and how big of a threat the virus still poses. next. (dog barking) we love our pets. but we don't always love their hair. which is why we made bounce pet hair and lint guard with three times the pet hair fightingngredients. just one sheet helps remove pet hairrom your clothes! looking good srts in the dryer with bounce pet. ♪ i got into debt in college and, no matter how much i paid, it followed me everywhere. so i consolidated it into a low-rate personal loan from sofi. get a personal loan with no fees, low fixed rates, and borrow up to $100k. sofi. get your money right. when it comes to reducing sugar in your family's diet,
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>> a big ice storm is threatening parts of the south, cnn meteorologist derek van dam is here. so there are at least 15 states, we understand, in this possible path. >> yeah, that's right, allison and victor. this is turning into a headache for the dallas-fort worth region. last we checked there's been over 550 flights canceled because of this weather. not what we want to see especially coming out of texas so what we're starting with here is the arctic air and, you know, i just had my producer talk to me a moment ago. we have readings in the north dakota region negative 30 below, the prime heating of the day so you can call that heating, right? but this is setting the stage, the cold arctic air and look where it's settling, further and further south so we'll do a little physics or thermodynamicses. this is important. cold air is denser so yet it settles towards the surface of the earth so when we start to interact we have that warm air from the gulf of mexico overrunning the cold air that is
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settling in from the north and that sets us up for a recipe for potential problems, right? ice storm and that is what is unfolding across texas and into arkansas as well as western sections of tennessee. look at this. we see some lightning strikes, this is some impressive kind of precipitation that's moving through, perhaps some thunder sleet, thunder snow, that's a potential but filling in around the dallas region to austin, that interstate 20, 30, that is going to be very difficult to drive in the days to come and you can see computer models indicating of upwards of a half an inch of ice accumulation in this event and won't end till wednesday night. victor, allison. >> thunder sleet sounds terrible. >> i'm cold just thinking about it. >> new term. >> derek van dam, thank you. >> all right. the world health organization says the covid pandemic is still a global health emergency, but it's now at a transition point. an advisory committee warned there is little doubt the virus is here to stay for the
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foreseeable future and urged countries to better prepare for future outbreaks. >> meantime, we're learning more about the grave impact the coronavirus has had on children and teenagers. cnn's senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen is here. i was so surprised to learn this new study finds covid was a leading cause of death for young people? >> it was, i know, a lot of people were surprised. i think, alisyn because we've trained our brains to think, oh, covid is really a problem for older people. it's not just a problem for children and relatively speaking that's true but still, it was a leading cause of death for children. let's take a look at what this study found. it was looking at children from birth to ages 19 and it was done from july of 2021 until -- sorry, august of 2021 till july of 2022 and found during that one-year period 821 children that age died. it was the eighth leading cause of death for children that age.
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it caused more deaths than influenza or pneumonia or any other respiratory or infectious disease and, again, you know, you might see 821 and think, well, that's so small compared to the number of adults. it doesn't really matter. 821 children who died is still too many and that's why vaccination is still so important for children against covid, alisyn, victor. >> there's now a report that supports the claim that children lost a significant amount of school learning because of the pandemic. tell us about it. >> right, so this report looked at studies done in 15 different countries, this is not just the united states, and what they found and this is sort of hard to quantify, but what they found was that children learned about 35% less than they would have during a normal school year and that they haven't made up for it yet and that children who are of lower socioeconomic backgrounds
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were the hardest hit so sort of yet another remind their children really did lose out during this time when schools were shut down to help stop the spread of covid. al alisyn, victor. >> thank you. the academy's board of governors set to meet to discuss accusations of campaigning for oscar nominations. the details on this controversy and what it could mean for current nominees next. but at the end of f the day, you know you have a team behind you thatat can help you. not having to worry about the future makes it possible to make the present as best as it can be for everybody. i'd like to thank our sponsor liberty mutual. they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need.
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governorers will meet to make sure no rules about campaigning were broken. some in the entertainment industry are asking about andrea's surprising nomination. >> this movie is about an alcoholic single mom that blows her lottery winnings on booze. it only made about $27,000 at the box office. but thanks to a robust grassroots campaign, several of holidays best stars raved about the film and her performance before the nominees were announced. explain what is sneaky here. >> we don't know if anything is sneaky. let me take a back a second. we don't know which category and which particular film the academy is talking about. they released a statement. i want you to see what they are saying. they are saying they are conducting a review of campaign procedures around this year's nominees to ensure that no
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tpwaoeud lines were violated, and to inform us and they want to preserve the integrity of the academy awards, which is really important. look at what happened with the golden globes, not for lobbying for films. when she was nominated in the best actress category last week, there were audible gasps in the room, including cheers. nobody is saying she's not incredible in this film, but there are notable people including former oscar winners who were promoting the film. if nobody has really seen this movie, how did they know about it? the academy has very strict rules when it comes to how you can contact academy voters, how often you can e-mail them. how you reach out to them. on the other hand, you see films
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like avatar , and it's not to sy that small films haven't made their way to the frontrunners of the oscars. look at "coda," and that was distributed by apple. kate winslet, jennifer anniston and many are wondering if there was lobbying going on that broke the rules. will we see a potential nomination be rescinded? it's not unprecedented. it has happened before, but many are saying unlikely because that could open pandora box into other lobbying for other individuals, so we will have to see what happens. >> this is fascinating that this is a potential that we could see some kind of consequence for this.
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now i want to see the film. >> me, too. >> it worked to drum up interest. >> some say there's a spike in searches for the movie and it's available on apple and amazon and places like that, so it's not like you can't find it, but the point is how did so many of the influential people see it at the time, and many were expecting other nominations, so i think people were upset and wondering how she squeezed in there. but we don't know if it was her. >> thank you. we'll be right back.
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