tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN January 30, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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i definitely feel privileged to be in that position. ♪ very busy night in the wake of the police killing of tyre nichols. we learned late today that three memphis fire department personnel have been fired, two emts and a lieutenant. the police department revealed a total of seven officers were relieved of duty the day after the incident. five have also been fired and charged with second degree murder. mr. nichols' funeral is on wednesday. we'll talk in a moment on how this latest incident has become a national conversation and not just a local story. nick valencia brings us up to date. what more are you learning? >> they were part of the first responders who were there on the scene and they include the two emts who we learned about last week that were put on administrative leave. a third was a driver of the fire
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engine that showed up at the scene but reportedly did not get out of the engine. according to the fire department's investigation, these individuals were initially told that they were responding to an individual who had been pepper sprayed. we know after watching the video that it was much, much worse than that, but according to their investigation they found that these individuals did not give adequate patient assessment of tyree anichols and their actions do not meet the expectations of the memphis fired, so they were terminated as a result. >> two other members of the police department had been relieved of duty according to the authorities. is it clear what relieved of duty means? it it expected they will be charged? they wouldn't say because it's an ongoing investigation. >> in this case it means administrative leave. the memphis police department has not confirmed it's paid administrative leave. we did reach out to them, and they did not identify one of the officers. we don't know exactly their involvement or lack thereof. the second officer, though, was identified as officer preston hemphill, who's been with the
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memphis police department since 2018, and we confirm that one of the videos we saw last week released by the city of memphis was his body camera. in this video that we're about to show you, which we should warn you is graphic, you could hear officer hemphill deploy his ta taser. tyre nichols ran away from the first incident. listen to what he had to say about what he hopes happens when officers eventually catch up with nichols. >> southbound. >> they found him. >> got him. >> huh? >> got him. >> martin and all them are over there chase him. i hope they stomp his ass. i hope they stomp his ass. smith is calling for other cars because shim and martin are chasing him. >> now hemphill was not at the second scene according to his attorney and the police department. we did reach out to the police department when we found out about hemphill being relieved of duty and asked them why did it take so long if he was relieved weeks ago. they didn't directly respond to
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that question but did release a statement saying they are committed to transparency and that we should expect more personnel decisions and actions in the coming days and just very quickly you mentioned the district attorney. we reached out to him as well to see if they're expecting to charge hemphill, they did not respond to that but did say they are looking at everyone who was on the scene that day. anderson. >> nick valencia, a lot to talk about. joining us former illinois republican congressman adam kinz kinzinger, former new york democratic congressman monodare jones and cnn intelligence analyst john miller who's never been elected to anything. that's true. >> always p been a number two. >> god bless you. >> i mane, obviously we've watched this video. it is sickening, what do you make of what has been done up to now? >> clearly not enough. because this is just the latest iteration of police brutality that we are seeing, whether it is in memphis, tennessee, or somewhere in california, or
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multiple places in minnesota or elsewhere, and it just -- it brings to mind the summer of 2020 for me, the summer following the brutal murder of another black man, george floyd, and it was described as the largest protest movement in this country since the original civil rights movement, and there was so much momentum around real tangible policing reforms that eventually took the form of the george floyd justice in policing act, which we did end up getting through the house, but which stalled in the senate. and you know, you wonder how you can give people the faith that things will get better given what they've seen in the previous years. >> john, i mean, the police, what do you make of how fast or the district attorney has acted in terms of actually bringing charges. >> well, i think the district attorney acted with lightning speed. i think that was led by the chief. there's two really important things here, which is, one, the
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chief conducted the internal information through her own office very quickly and then fired the officers. the district attorney followed with the criminal piece and then charged the offices, but what the chief didn't do is what we see so often, which is the prosecutors say, well, please hold off on any administrative action until we do the criminal piece, and then you have officers on the payroll literally for years. we went through that with eric garner and the nypd at the request of the attorney general of the united states so this was swift and efficient and so far effective. >> i want to tell you something that tim scott said on the floor just this evening tonight urging colleagues to act. let's watch this. >> i take the issue of policing in america seriously. i want our body to see it not as an issue of republicans versus democrats but as good people standing in the gap elected to
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do a job that we all ran to do. let's do our jobs. we can make a difference in this nation, have a duty to intervene, bend law of the land on the federal level, it could have made a difference in memphis, tennessee. >> so there was an effort, there were two police reform bills that never got anywhere, didn't get -- got through the house. didn't get through the senate. is anything going to change now? is he -- >> i don't think so. i think it's possible -- so what tim says there is the absolute right thing. he's the best for republicans person to lead this. i think he's exactly the right person. >> but he was leading it on the george floyd act and it didn't go anywhere. >> and this is the problem is right now there is a vested interest. everybody's kind of quiet right now and open to things. i can tell you what's going on in the house of representatives. it's like let's stay a little quiet. let's kind of see what this is.
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let's say the things that we need to say on this. ultimately, it will end up being politicized. personally i think that lifting immunity is not necessarily the right thing to do. i'm willing to talk about it, though. but what ends up happening is there ends up being a back the blue at all cost caucus, if you will, or viewpoint, and then there's a let's just hamstring the police over here, which is kind of related to what you had with defund the police. >> the qualified immunity you're talking about lifting basically the people can sue officers in civil court for civil penalties which they currently can't do. >> the qualified immunity thing is nonsense. people have labeled qualified immunity as the police are immune from lawsuits. >> right. >> what it means is they have qualified immunity if they were doing their job and they were doing it the way a reasonable person who was well-trained would have carried it out. they can certainly be sued if they are negligent like anyone else to some unreasonable standard. it's just you can't ask people to go into those kinds of risks every day and then say, and by
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the way, if anything goes wrong, you're personally on the hook for it. that's what qualified immunity is, but it's been rewritten into this bullet proof -- >> people don't understand it. >> they don't understand it. but i just want to make one other point. this whole police reform argument as adam said is -- it's not one way or the other. if you want a more professional, more capable policing world among the 850,000 cops in the united states, you don't do that by defunding. in germany, the cops get two years of training. in finland, they get three years of training. these guys may get this many weeks or that many months, but that's it. they're paid here, not there. if you want to improve policing, you improve the quality of the candidates, the training they get. the supervision they have, and not just ripping away their authority and their money. >> and just really quickly, i had the privilege of speaking
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with tyre nichols' mom. full stop every american's heart breaks over this. it's a moment to set aside red, blue, right, left and come up with a solution. the george floyd policing bill the reality is there are many things i agree with in it. there are a lot of things that will never get enough votes to pass the senate. the justice act championed by tim scott and cory booker that became stalled in 2020 does a lot of good stuff. it probably does not do enough. but i think with something this brutal, this heartbreaking, this wrong to see in our society, an incremental change is a place to. i would encourage people of good faith to see what the small changes are we can make. >> a lot of folks are characterizing -- not necessarily here but in broader society, the george floyd justice in policing act to some radical departure from the status quo, and the fact is the international chiefs of police organization was supporting it. the fraternal organization of police -- >> it was a national registry of police misconduct to stop
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officers from getting jobs elsewhere, ban racial and religious pro fifiling, overall banning chokeholds, no knock warrants. went through the house twice, not through the senate. >> absolutely. this is not radical stuff here, and it's certainly not defunding to the police, which to my knowledge only one democrat has explicitly come out in support of. this is about making sure there's finally accountability and through that accountability hopefully changing the culture of policing. i mean, we have body cameras obviously and these officers still didn't think that that would -- that that would be enough to create some kind of accountability for them. thankfully there were other cameras present that showed us different angles of that brutality. >> we're going to take a quick break. we'll talk next about the former president's difficulty making the campaign about 2024, despite his promise to look forward and not back. cnn's harry enten is also going to join us with new numbers on what republicans think of him and his prospects and a real
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look ahead to wednesday's meeting between president biden and house speaker mccarthy. the white house vowing not to negotiate over paying the country's bills and mccarthy saying he would be irresponsible and childish and quote, not to. whoo! we gotta go agagain. only pay for what you need.. ♪liberty liberty liberty♪ ♪liberty♪ young lady who was, you know, mid 30s, couple of kids, recently went through a divorce. she had a lot of questions when she came in.
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you have what it takes to be a care professional. home instead. apply now and begin your career in caring. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ with skyrizi, most people who achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months... had lasting clearance through 1 year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections, or a lower ability to fight them, may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. ♪nothing is everything♪ talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. former president's 2024 campaign, which is off to a roaring start and has promised to make it in his own words about the future. he also said this, decide for yourself how forward looking it
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sounds. >> we're going to restore election integrity. we have to. when you go to new york, nobody ever gets prosecuted. i'm the only one they go after. sending people that are killers, murderers, they're sending rapists, and they're sending, frankly, terrorists. we have a woke military that can't fight or win. and the wind turbines are all made in china. >> wow. sounds like a blast from the past. according to new reporting from cnn's kaitlan collins he struck this tone after many conversations over the last several months with multiple advisers who urged him to put his grievances behind him. they said he resisted that. the source telling kaitlan collins that three people who had been offered positions with his campaign have turned it down for now, suggesting they may join sometime later. joining the panel, harry enten. is this going to be just regurgitation of past grievances? >> i'm glad he's still on wind turbines. he did not mention the birds. it's already been just grievance peddling.
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one thing i was struck by over this weekend is he gave an interview where somebody kind of questioned the low energy campaign he rolled out, and he said i'm angrier than ever. and it struck me first as funny. actually, that is the worst thing you want from an elected official. you can be righteously angry if you're at war. he's talking about anger grievance directed at him because of the 2020 election that he wants to relitigate. he's the weakest he has been but don't sleep on him because there are -- harry can speak to this better than me. a number of polls that see him ticking up. he is outperforming desantis by double-digits. i still put this desantis is the future, you know, i have a hard time believing this at least at this juncture. >> desantis is unproven on a national level. >> yes, yeah. he's unproven. what he's shown is he can kind of be the -- if somebody wants to like go against trump but still be kind of cool with the base, desantis is the guy to go to, right? they're like, look, we've got to move past trump. i still want to own the libs and own the left.
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that's desantis's niche. when donald trump gets full in this, which he's raring to do, he misses the campaign trail. i certainly don't think it's a done deal like alyssa said that it's going to be ron desantis. plus, if you look at history, very rarely if ever at this point in an election has the front runner in a primary ended up being the person that gets it. ask, you know, fred thompson from 2008 or -- >> i remember fred thompson was supposedly the savior. >> and kotdscott walker, same t. >> all of this talk about how ron desantis is going to potentially defeat donald trump in a primary and then have a better shot at winning a general election, how do you do that reasonably by going to his right on every issue and then expecting voters in a general election to just accept the fact that you're trying to ban african american studies in the state of florida, right? that's weird stuff that most people would reject including a lot of white suburban voters, certainly in the district i represent. >> that's a challenge, by the way.
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there's a lot of folks that like ron desantis. he served our country in uniform, he's highly educated, he's done well in the economy on florida but he's decided to lean into these cultural wedge issues that are a death sentence in a general election. >> to get to a general election, you got to win a primary. if you look what ron desantis is doing it's working for him. we have a trend line going back si since the beginning of last year. ron desantis climbing higher and higher and donald trump dropping. january to june 2022. trump has dropped from 52% to 42%. a margin that was 37 points is now down to just ten points. now, you know, we've been talking a lot about donald trump and he seems low energy, right? not that interesting. >> like you. >> like me. i'm very low energy, anderson. that's what they -- harry low energy enten. if you look, americans are less
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interested in donald trump basically than they have been since the time he declared he was going to run for president in 2015. we can see that in google searches. what we essentially see is look here, the fewest google searches was this month for donald trump. that may be why he's on the campaign trail now saying i'm high energy. at this point voters aren't interested. >> who else is there in the republican party that -- you know, if there's a big field that helps him, and even if it's a small field and it's desantis, is that enough? >> i think for a non-trump winner, there basically can be three candidates. desantis, trump, and there has to be one person in that never trump lane but kind of that other lane. there's a lot of people in that lane now that say they're going to run for president. that's exactly what happened, by the way, in 2015. none of us actually took druona trump seriously. he was at 15% the whole time. but there were a thousand candidates and that's what's going to happen. those numbers say more to me about the need for this country
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to do things like rank choice voting and reforms in how we do a primary system that the only way to make it to a general election nowadays is to be more and more extreme. >> we just reelected ronna mcdaniel to run the rnc after consistently losing election cycles. you don't beat trump by trying to outtrump trump. it does not work. that to me is desantis's great weakness, i'd be looking to governors, folk who is did not serve in his administration, someone like a chris sununu who could -- a purple state governor who served on both sides, a glenn youngkin. there is a lane, but it's narrow, and it's not going to be a former trump official. >> i heard mitt rom ney the othr day being asked in an interview, he thought in the end the former president couldn't win re-election in a head to head matchup. do you think that's true? >> i think that's true. i think donald trump cannot win in a head to head against joe biden on the ballot as a democratic nominee.
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>> what gives you that confidence? >> with the ticket -- i think that's right. you talking about kamala as the vp? people look to the top of the ticket ultimately, and you know, i think he's got a strong record to run on, and frankly, there are enough people who just don't want donald trump that i think they'd go with joe biden the same way they went last tame. very accomplished president in his first tierm, but when you talk about the reasons people voted for joe biden in 2020, it wasn't out of excitement. it was because of the alternative being so terrible. >> i would just add this, and that is, you know, we're all talking about, okay, if it's not donald trump and it's not ron desantis, who could the resp republican nominee be? they're totaling well into the 70s, the two of them combined had in the republican field. that is the first time ever since the modern primary era began in 1972 where you had two candidates combining for over
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70% of the vote on the republican side and the first time ever in which there were two candidates polling above 30%. that's going to swallow up a lot of energy. this is not 2015 where you had basically, you know, a field of 10%, 5%, 6%. it's a field of two giants and it's a field of everybody else. >> melissa, does a nikki haley or mike pompeo excite everybody? >> keep an eye to some degree on nikki haley, the only lane for nikki haley is if she runs away from trump, which she's proven a capability to do but at times has gone back to him. you can't be sitting hear and flaking for what you did in his administration, you have to talk about what your forward looking vision is. >> that's the big problem all these candidates have right now. you either have to be all in with trump, up to be a complete sycophant for him to win the base over, or if you even explore running you're disloyal. all these want to be candidates are sitting around having a really tough time making a decision, i've lived that life,
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of what lane you want to pick. you can't pick the middle lane. >> we've got to take a quick break. harry's going to crunch some more numbers. >> good-bye, everybody. >> news of a key meeting on the calendar between house speaker mccarthy and president biden on america's debt limit, as fears grow that an agreement might not be reached to avoid the nation's first ever default. the latest from capitol hill next. will be big. try the new toasted baguettes s from paner. one dollar delivery fee on our app.
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conversation. >> show me your budget, i'll show you mine. >> okay. the white house said it's not going to negotiate with house republicans on future spending cuts in exchange for raising the country's debt ceiling, which is all about paying for things that congress has already spent. mccarthy says he doesn't think biden would ever want to be quote, irresponsible and childish and not sit and negotiate but he still hasn't specified what he wants. the latest now from cnn congressional correspondent jessica dean on capitol hill. what more do we know about this meeting? how is it going to go? >> obviously it's all going great, anderson. you just laid it all out there. i think what is important to remember is to kind of zoom out and remember this is just the first meeting in what is going to be a very long and very drawn out process. what we're hearing from democrats and especially from the white house is exactly what you heard from president biden, which is what they keep saying, same with senate democrats and that they want to see house republicans plans. they really want to force them to bring some proposal to the table. meantime, let's go to the house gop and speaker kevin mccarthy.
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they're now trying to grapple with what exactly are they going to ask for, and here's the state of play for mccarthy. he needs to appease the house gop and some of these hard-liners, right, that got him into the speakership position that he made a lot of promises too, but he's also got to make it palatable enough that democrats are going to go for t that the white house is going to agree to it without being seen as kaifg in on all of this, and then you add into that this one little wrinkle that when he was getting the speakership, he negotiated that just one member can call for his ouster if they're not pleased with how he is doing things. >> what could go wrong. >> reporter: right, what could go wrong. it's a recipe for quick success. that is where the state of play is tomorrow, and tomorrow is just kind of the opening, you know, the opening act of all of this. >> yeah, i mean, this is a very long dance it is going to be, certainly between them and a lot of other folks. the white house is refusing to negotiate. speaker mccarthy is prepared -- i mean, is he prepared to make demands at this point, or is this just kind of a first meet? >> right, that's a great
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question. at this point, no, they don't have specific demands. they're trying to figure out what that is. right now what we're understanding and what we're learning from talking to sources and listening to what they're telegraphing is they're looking into cuts and domestic spending, even cuts into military spending. they do not want to touch medicare and social security. the speaker made that very clear over the weekend on the sunday shows. you know, that is -- those entitlements can kind of be political suicide. they are very cognizant of that. they're trying to figure out exactly where they might be able to cut, and again, the tricky thing is it's got to pass 60 votes in the senate. it's got to pass the house, that's where it all is. >> appreciate it. let's talk to our panel, adam kinz kinzinger, you're concerned about this? >> i'm really concerned. look, in 2011 i came in with the majority making team. we dealt with the debt limit. we barely made it through that. we were a lot less crazy in
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2011, and we had a lot bigger majority. we still -- the stock market tanked. it was really -- actually, it was the first time america ever had a credit downgrade, which by the way, makes borrowing way more expensive, which is the most fiscally irresponsible thing to do. i'm worried. let me say this to the democrats, though, come to the table with some budget proposal that actually does cut spending. we have 31 trillion in debt. i don't think there's anybody with a straight face that can say that's sustainable. if the indicates actually can come forward with some reforms or cuts or whatever you want to call it, i think they can put republicans in a position to where they're going to be pressured to take that. more on democrats' terms, but you never should be playing this game if you're republicans with the debt limit. >> the onus should be on republicans here to present a proposal for what they want to cut, right? i mean, this should not even be a point of negotiation to begin with, just whether you will honor your commitments and pay your debts and so -- >> you're saying they have to
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make the first move? >> of course. whi why would you -- that's not to say democrats shouldn't respond with something. if it is republicans saying, oh, we want to cut spending even if they did a vote that would add to the deficit. if they want to cut spending as they say they do, but then they're also saying they don't want to cut social security and medicare, even in the same breath saying they want to strengthen the programs, which is obviously privatization, then they should come to the table with some proposals. >> well, listen, i was on the hill being the difficult conservative that made things very challenging when we did cut, cap, and balance. there's a way kevin mccarthy should do this, and then there's a way he will likely do it, which is be chaotic. he should create a working group of serious appropriators, some of the moderates who can work with moderate indidemocrats and what is palatable, these are
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some of our asks and start doing that week behind the scenes. unfortunately because he's got this june deadline, which is basically when extraordinary measures the treasury has to keep the debt limit from being raised, i think he's going to push it to the 11th hour and try to make concessions to his right most flank. they will never vote for raising the debt ceiling. i am for finding smart cuts, but they're not offering that tow yo. >> republicans weren't talking a lot about cuts and deficits when it was the former president in office. >> no, look, there are no sinless people. okay? no party is sinless in this. everybody's created this $31 trillion deficit. what i'm saying is at the moment we're at right now, it truly is unsustainable. we added 5 to $10 trillion during the pandemic. it was the right thing to do to keep the economy going. we have in uncharted territory, but now we have to get serious. i agree, this shouldn't be based on the debt limit. that's a dangerous place to play it. but on the broader spectrum we do have to have this discussion, and while, yes, it's the onus is on the republicans to bring those cuts forward on the debt
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limit, the democrats still have the most levers of government. they have the presidency. they have the senate, and frankly, they will be responsible for how this era is judged when it comes to debt and deficit. >> you know, look, where are these so-called moderates in the house of representatives on the republican side, five of them, to join with 213 democrats once the race in virginia's fourth district is resolved and say we're going to do a discharge petition because we're not going to agree that we should hold the economy hostage for this purpose. >> which is by the way, a possible scenario. >> do you actually think there could be enough republicans who would do that? >> in a sane world, there would be. the point i'm trying to make is there are no moderate republicans anymore, especially now that my friend adam kinzinger is no longer in the house. >> i kind of helped lead the last successful discharge petition, which prior to that had been 1980. it is not a short process .
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>> can you explain quickly -- >> a discharge position is a process where 218 people sign this petition literally at the front of the house, and then that forces a bill onto the floor. so nobody can stop it. the problem is once you get to 218, there's a time it has to rhine. ripen. it has to go through so many legislative days. once you hit that threshold it can be months before it comes to the floor. people won't sign that until we're in this 11th hour. even by then it's hard to move quickly. >> keep your eyes on the brian fitzp fitzpatrick, the pro-government house republicans who understand the dangers of defaulting on our debt. i think they're going to be looking for ways that we can find some things that are palpable for a couple dozen house republicans and be able to pass this in a traditional way. i don't think a discharge petition is feasible. >> what are nonstarters for the white house? >> look, i mean, i think that the position the white house has taken is that we're not going to negotiate with terrorists, right? we -- i think the white house
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would probably wait until kevin mccarthy were to offer a proposal as to where he wants to see cuts made. >> but i mean, if it ultimately has to go to get negotiated, why not just -- even if it's not the smartest negotiating move, why not just have the white house come out and say here's some stuff and get it going, like jump into it. >> so i actually disagree with adam. i don't think that the white house -- >> i know nothing about negotiations. >> look, i mean, we're all kind of -- this is in some ways unprecedented, right, i think we're probably going to be the closest we will have ever gotten to a default in the history of this country. as a direct function of how extreme the republican party has become. >> i've got to go. adam kinzinger, thank you. he was arrested, beaten, shot by iranian forces and he's a wanted man in hiding and speaking to cnn. how a protester managed to escape, it's an incredible story, and what he wants the world to know about the ongoing fight for freedom in iran.
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prig as protesters keep on with the fight for freedom in iran, the hard line government continues its crackdown. cnn spoke to one of thousands of brave demonstrators, a man who barely escaped death, barely managed to escape the country with bullet fragments still lodged inside him. yet, he is vowing to return and fight on. cnn's jomana kir ra chi has the
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exclusive. some of the images you're about to see are graphic. >> reporter: it was one of the most terrifying videos to emerge from iran, a protester surrounded by armed regime forces trying to fend them off with a knife. shots are fired before he falls to his knees. >> he appeared to intensive care barely conscious with his parents by his side. >> translator: i had a severed artery in my leg. i had around 200 shotgun pell let's in my body. i had serious wounds. even after i surrendered and they arrested me, they beat me around 100 times in my head and the rest of my body with batons. when they were transporting me to the hospital they shot me from a very close range with a shotgun. they thought i'd be dead. >> but ashkan survived and with him a tale of unmanageable
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horror. >> translator: i was a man who died and was brought back to life. as i am speaking with you, i still have 20 shotgun pellets still lodged in my body. >> he escaped iran, now a wanted man in hiding speaking exclusively to cnn for his safety, he won't say where he is. >> translator: i got out of the country through mountains and deserts while heavily bleeding and very, very bad condition. i died so many times before i got out of the country. >> reporter: as he lay in hospital hanging onto life by a thread, he was charged with waging war against god, a crime punishable by death in the islamic republic. regime agents raided the this hospital and dragged ashkan to jail. >> translator: when someone is taken from the icu straight to prison, this is kind of a death sentence. in prison is went through unbearable agony because all my wounds were open.
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i used salt to disinfect my wounds a little bit. they badly tormented me. they sent me to a hospital that was not equipped to treat me. i was there in that condition with both my hands and my feet chained to the bed. >> reporter: people of his kurdish town protested for his release, his family paid all they have to bail him out for medical treatment, and with the help of friends he made it out of iran. >> translator: was a professional boxer, a fighter. i was so eager about my future and had a plan to pursue this sport as a career, but because my leg and the rest of my body has been severely injured, i can't do that anymore. being away from my family and all the pressure that they have endured because of me is mentally tormenting me. i'm not feeling okay physically or mentally. >> reporter: what do you want the world to know about what is happening inside iran right now?
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>> translator: there are so many like me who sadly gave their life, but their voice didn't reach outside. there are so many brave girls and boys inside iran. our only crime is that we demand freedom and democracy and want our women to be equal to our men. we shouted woman, life, freedom, and their response to us is only bullets, only torching, raping prisoners. i saw many young people, 16, 17-year-olds get killed. they killed so many. they blinded so many. i swear to god i can't sleep at night thinking about those things. >> reporter: ashkan remains undeterred. once he recovers, he says he's ready to go back and continue the fight for a free iran. >> translator: i have no regrets, and i am proud of what i did. i will give my life for my people, for my iran, not one time, but 100,000 times.
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>> and jomana joins us live frommf frof from ishtanbul. >> reporter: we have to first mention we did reach out to the iranian government for comment on our report and ashkan's case. they did not respond to cnn's request for comments. the protests have subsided for the most part. we are still seeing sporadic demonstrations taking place mostly in parts of the country that are home to the country's sunni minority. tonight we're getting reports of protests in the kurdistan region. in other part of the country, the protest movement has been pushed underground and people tell you it's because of several factors, the weather being one. it's snowing. it's freezing. you've also got air pollution that has shut down several cities, but also the regime's ruthless response to these demonstrations, that brutal crackdown has had a chilling
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effect. you've got thousands who have been arrested, hundreds who have been killed including many children. at least four protesters have been executed. many others facing the death penalty after what rights groups say are these fast-tracked sham trials. that has had a chilling effect. but protesters in iran we have spoken to say this is not over. they say it's far from over. they are saying this is a pause. the grievances are still there, they say. the anger has increased, and it's a pamatter of time before these country-wide protests resume they say. some are describing the situation, anderson, as this raging fire under the ashes right now. donald trump's role in the 2016 hush money payment to stormy daniels is before a grand jury. we have a former federal prosecutor with information about what happened previously. ththat's next.
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my dad was a hard worker. he used to do side jobs installing windows, charging something like a hundred bucks a window when other guys were charging four to five-hundred bucks. he just didn't wanna do that. he was proud of the price he was charging. ♪ my dad instilled in me, always put the people before the money. be proud of offering a good product at a fair price. i think he'd be extremely proud of me, yeah. ♪ so, earlier we told you the news that the da's office when presenting evidence of the grand rapids donald trump's role in 2016 hush money payments to stormy daniels. now, that scandal is one of many that hadley only wrote about in-depth infested any book out tomorrow. it is called untouchable, how
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powerful people get away with it. it includes revelations about sleazy figures like jeffrey epstein, harvey weinstein, and how others like them have successfully eluded justice for decades. how is that possible? at the holiday, cnn senior denounced joins us now. he's also former assistant attorney with the southern district of new york. i don't if you time this book released to this news about stormy daniels in the district attorney's office, and started presenting evidence to a grand jury on it. you, in the book, have a behind the scenes look at how the justice department chose not to charge the former president. >> purely coincidence, a happy coincidence. we're learning that the manhattan da, which is a state of a prosecutor which is presenting -- about the hush money scheme. turns, out and i have the reporting on this. two years ago or learning for the first time the, feds right across the street. my former officer sudden district of new york. considered by the charges same conduct, federally. i get behind the, saints i get perspectives from all the
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different players. are we get not to charge donald trump on the hush money scheme. it's important to understand, why they chose not to. it was not because the evidence. prosecutors actually felt they had sufficient evidence to charge donald trump. opinions varied a bit, some photos close to the line, but enough, disposals are strong case. but ultimately, the reason they held off was partially political considerations. which i detailed in the book. that's because the seven district, this is in 2021. early window trapeze getaway to leave office believe that someone else is going to charge him for something bigger. weather is january six, which just happened. with the ukraine scandal, or the mueller obstruction. as a result, we have this unjust result where the only person who's on the charge for this is michael cohen who's just a pass through for these checks. we'll see if that changes now. >> here in organized crime prosecutor. and he right about the tactics were some very well-known and some wealthy people have used. and politicians have use to
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evade justice that are very similar. so, my mom has read this book now and she said to me i know your prosecutor, you do this crazy dangerous thing and change rather swap figures. as i said and look at the cases now. it's very possible figures. i kept saying parallels to what i learned from being an actual mob prosecutor. so many similarities in the tactics. used for example, smart bosses well otherwise limit who they talked. do they know to say just enough to make their message clear, that saying explicitly. >> very much the former presidents. mo >> ado percent. plenty of examples on that, another powerful losses say the same thing. they head to head, others have others do the dirty work for. you pay for the lawyers. that's a good way to keep you from flipping. i say that all the time. this would become trendy said donald trump remains of a mob boss. but i confirmed that in this. but >> they also had a lot of lawyers like roy cohen or very sort of flash lawyers seem to know how to game the system. >> obviously, people are
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powerful, and, wealthy can hire more powerful lawyers. i don't think more expensive lawyers always means better lawyers. but sometimes that can intimidate prosecutors, jefferson cases actually great example. where alexander acosta was the federal prosecutor who gave epstein a ridiculously softly, years later came out. and those trump out of the cabinet. i did some research, and i'm convinced that the case acosta did that is not because he was paid off, it's because he's intimidated. the legal team was islander show it, and can't, star and all this former federal prosecutors. i think it's a compelling case that acosta just straight-up limped out. president take out these powerhouse lawyers. >> it's also the points of equal justice under the law. the reality though, i mean it's clear, the more money you have more influence you have been power. the probably the more attachable you are. >> i think that's right, it's a function of a few. things are system itself as vulnerabilities, too smart bosses know how to explain to us. but i also am critical of
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prosecutors in this book. we prosecutors lavar clichés. whatever favorite is that we pursue everybody without fear, or favor. but actually think that's not quite true. we. have to say this firsthand, there are special provisions that applied to powerful people. for example, the justice department, the couple plans to all federal prosecution. country says if you have a powerful politician, or somebody who is likely to get media coverage. the case has to go per higher, and higher levels of review. and i get some examples on this book. where if it wasn't ordinary person, a blind prosecutor like i would cut of signed off. but because they involve power four people have to go higher, and higher up the food chain. get more more rigorous review, the fact of the matter is that favoring powerful people. >> it's a fascinating book, untouchable, a powerful people get way with it. elie honig, congratulations. >> we'll be right back, the news continues, cnn tonight with orchids is next after quick break. -severe eczema can make it hard. now i'm staying g ahead of it. dupixent helps heal your skin fromom within. soso you can have clearer skin
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