tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN February 1, 2023 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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hunter biden's reported laptop also featured word of another search for classified documents that president biden biden might have kept improperly, kept or headed his possession after his time as vice president. this time was at his home on the delaware shore. evan perez joins us now from. what do we know about the search, evan? >> this is a search of about three and a half hours, the fbi agents were there today, conducting the search, this is the third property that is associated with president biden, that the fbi has visited. we know that beyond the one, today a couple of fridays, ago they also searched his home in wilmington, and we learned just yesterday that it they had previously also gone to the penn biden center, which is where those initial batch of documents have been found, and started all this drama. we know from the search today that no classified documents were found, according to the president's personal attorney 's. >> is there any sense that there are more searches coming,
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of properties owned by or associate with president biden? i don't know how many properties there are. >> look, that's a question all reporters are trying to get to the white house and his personal lawyers to answer. it is not clear, they're not answering that question. it's in part because, i think there is the possibility that perhaps might be some storage facilities or other properties or offices that he may have used that may still be on that list. we don't know whether there are additional searches to be done. >> and is the white house reacting to the news tonight any way? >> of course they're stressing the cooperation that they say is going on with the justice department is in this investigation. keep in mind, anderson, that rob hur, the new special counsel that is investigating all this. he just started work today, according to the justice department, which means this it's an investigation that's going to stretch for a long time. that's bad news for the white house of course, once those throughout vote soon as possible. >> evan perez, much appreciated. thanks so much. now to senior law enforcement analyst andrew mccabe, cnn
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political correspondent, dana bash, and cnn chief law enforcement analysis john miller, former nypd department commissioner of intelligence and counterterrorism. >> so there's now this third search, john. how many more searches do you think there will be? >> i think, as evan said, if there's a storage area somewhere, they want to keep the door open to that. i think these are the primary searches. which is, that if you were joe, biden and you came home with a bunch of stuff from work, and a classified document might be in the middle of that somewhere, where that end up? home, the weekend home, the office he had in the interim between the vice president -- >> the garage by the corvette. >> the garage by the corvette. the most secure location. but i think what we're developing here is interesting and, and part of this is ice, because we're hammering awaited every day's political drama. but i guarantee you, anderson -- i guarantee you -- somewhere in george bush's house, there is a classified
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document. somewhere in bill clinton's properties and offices, there's more classified documents. somewhere in the former secretaries of defense and other cabinet officials, and secretaries of state -- when you are traveling around with lots of papers and files, these things can -- especially when you're moving quickly and the last day and people are throwing things in boxes, these things can happen. the national archives need to say, we're having a clearance sale. if you've ever had a clearance, look through your stuff, find what is classified, we will pick it up, we have a process for this, so that not everyone is burning these things near barbecue pit or afraid they are going to be the subject of a criminal investigation. >> take us inside the room, what does the search look like? what happens? >> yeah, it's really interesting. it's what we refer to as a consent search. so, by the terms of the search, and how it's conducted a really up to the two parties to agree to. so they can be very different. some consent searchers i have been on, you are allowed into
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the residents, and they say, okay, you can only look in these particular rooms, and somebody's gonna look over your shoulder the whole time. from what we've heard about how the first search was done at the wilmington residents, it sounds like the presidents team basically gave the fbi free reign, at least in that search, and you can guess probably into days as well, if you go any place in the white house they wanted, any room, bedroom, bathroom, storage area, whatever, and look in any container that might have a document it. so that's typically a very thorough -- it takes a long time. and you have to sort through quite of bit of material. but i guess the good news at the end of this one is that they didn't find anything classified. >> and it dana, as the investigation continues to unfold, do you think of it 70 and effect on president biden's decision on whether to run for reelection, plan anything? >> no. no. there's no indication this as any impact on his decision, for seeking another term. it's for lots of reasons, not the least of which is what
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we've seen over the past couple, weeks just last week, i think it was, that his successor in the vice president's, office mike pence, also had issues. and what this is brought to light is that, there is a perhaps an overclassification of documents, perhaps people don't deal with classified documents as gingerly and carefully as they should. it's all of the above. but this is, again, something that we've talked about so many times, anderson. we are so focused on this for one big reason, and that because of what we saw in mar-a-lago. and the difference, is what we saw mar-a-lago, was not the kind of search that andrew just described, it was a search that was done only after a search warrant, only after a lots of foot-dragging, so that is the big political reason, why this is so much attention.
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>> do you think the doj would ask president biden to sit down for an interview at the stage? >> now that this stage. if you're in a criminal investigation, the person who is a potential target is usually the last person you want to interview, because we want to know everything you're gonna know before that interview. but it could be proper end appropriate to ask, him okay, these documents you found, if you recognize these? did you bring them home intentionally? or personally? are they mixed in with other things -- remember, anderson -- senate foreign relations committee. so i think an interview for the president on a case like, this is not out of the question. >> all right, john miller. -- i guess we will wrap it up there. andrew mccabe, john miller, thanks so much as well. -- when nikki haley plans to declare and how her back and forth relationship may
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complicate her run against them. and meanwhile, the daughter of alexei navalny where her dad he's already, in one of the harshest prisons in russia is now being moved to even tougher solitary conditions. when it does, aspen dental is here for you. we offer the custom dental treatments you need, all under one roof, right nearby. so we can bring more life to your smile... and more smile to your life... affordably. new patients without insurance can get a free complete exam and x-rays, and 20 percent off treatment plans. schedule your appointment today. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. ♪things are getting clearer♪ ♪i feel free to bare my skin♪ ♪yeah, that's all me♪ ♪nothing and me go hand in hand♪ ♪nothing on my skin♪ ♪that's my new plan♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ achieve clearer skin with skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ get it with gurus. cargurus. >> southern february 15th, former president will have his first rival for the 2024 presidential nomination. it is one time you when ambassador, former south carolina governor nikki haley. according to a source familiar with her plans, the invitations have already gotten out, and the questions have already begun about how she plans to set herself apart from the man
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she once criticized and work fast worked for then broke with. more on her evolution from cnn kylie atwood. >> we need to go in a new direction. can i be that leader? yes, i think i can be that leader. >> nikki haley clearly ending that she was ready to launch her presidential campaign in a recent interview. >> i've never lost a race. i said that that, i still say that now. >> the former governor of south carolina is posed to be the first republican to challenge donald trump, who launched his campaign last year. >> usa! usa! >> so far, freezing out others from declaring their candidacy. >> we're gonna win, and we're gonna win very big. >> making it for now a one-on-one match between two competitive politicians. their relationship has had many twists and turns. >> it's been an honor of a lifetime. >> that was in the oval office in 2019. haley was stepping down after serving for nearly two years as trump's ambassador to the united nations. but during the run up to his 2016 campaign, she was an
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outspoken critic. >> it can be tempting to follow the siren call. of the angriest voices. we must resist that temptation. >> haley was especially critical of trump's proposal to put a temporary ban on muslims entering the u.s.. >> it defies everything this country was based on end -- >> she ultimately chose to endorse marker rubio in the primary. >> i wanted someone who had conviction to do the right thing. >> when trump became the nominee, haley's tuned shifted. >> the best person based on the policies and dealing with things like obamacare still is donald trump. that doesn't mean it's an easy vote. >> i did vote for him. and i was absolutely thrilled to see him win. get excited, because i am just giddy. >> her skills were on display when she exited before trump's term was over, without provoking him to chastise her. >> you've been fantastic, my
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friend. >> nikki haley shied away from rebuking from when he refused to concede the 2020 election. but eventually, she criticized him after january 6th, telling politico, quote, we need to acknowledge he let us down. he went down a path he shouldn't have. and we shouldn't followed him and we should not have listened to him. we can't let that ever happen again. then, she appeared to try to repair any rift after the republican party signaled that january 6th wasn't gonna be the political and of trump. >> i would not run if president trump ran. and i would talk to him about it. that's something that we'll have a conversation about at some point, if that decision is something that has to be made. >> and trump says, she has now made that call. >> look, go by your heart if you want to run. >> kylie atwood joins us now. what's the strategy behind the timing of her announcement? is there a reason this month? >> when you talk to republican operatives, they say this is her opportunity for a moment in the spotlight, anderson. obviously she's going to be
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sharing that moment in the spotlight with former president trump, but it's going to give her an opportunity to get some sustained and focused attention from the media. we're doing stories on right now. and of course, from voters who are paying attention this far out. when we talk to people close to nikki haley it says that she's got, see that she's determined, that she's not scared to challenge trump. that she's confident in herself. but there are drawbacks to. you talk to republican operatives, some of whom planned to work for other folks or are planning on getting a race, and they say getting in this early could be detrimental because it means you are the only one who is the official punching bag for trump. and it gives him some sustained time to develop his critiques of nikki haley while it's this one-on-one race, as we wait to see who else hops in. >> kylie atwood, appreciate it. kaitlan dotson is the former -- he supporting nikki haley. he joins us now, as well as political commentator alyssa farah griffin. she served as white house communications director in the previous administration.
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chairman dawson, it's good to have you on. the former president is already knocking ambassador haley, posting on social media that she's following her quote heart not her honor. not sure what that means. he's also posting an old clip of her saying she would not run if he ran in 2024. what changed in her political calculus, do we think? >> well you've gotta understand nikki haley. not much scares her. she's the most under estimated political candidate you'd ever see. if she has won races no one thought she would win, she was the governor of the state of south carolina, very popular. and i don't think donald trump scares nikki haley. i think she's been writing in talking about this next generation is time to serve. right now you look at joe biden will be 82 years old if he is reelected and donald trump will be 78 years old. and there is going to be a contest for the presidency. nikki haley -- she's prepared herself. she's ready to get in. she's ready to take it to joe
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biden and the administration, and where the countries failed us. and she's ready to give donald trump a contest. as to the rest of them -- jump in, the water is fine. but nikki haley is in. and she's going to run. and i think she's going to be very successful. >> alyssa, how do you think she'll fare as a candidate? >> i'm a huge nikki haley fan. i think she's got the qualifications. she's a formidable candidate. but she needs not just run on a forward-looking next generation vision. she has to run directly against donald trump. and that's the open question. it's how willing she is to directly challenge the by and large front runner right now. does she have the capability and the strength to do? it yes. the verdict is out on whether she's willing to. i think she's arguably the strongest candidate -- against him, if she directly challenges him. the one caution i have -- and this is my cynical political take. there's some school of thought that she's gonna get out early to ultimately -- run to be his vice president. i hope that's not the case. she has a record ever owned her
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own to run on. to be president tomorrow and be ready. >> the test of that, i suppose, would be whether she does take him on early on. >> the next couple months will tell if that is her plan or if this is true run from the presidency. >> chairman dawson -- do you expect her to -- we played in that clip that, she did in after january 6th, i we should've followed him you know we should never do it again -- do you think she will continue? and then she kind of seemed to walk it back a little bit, saying the things she said about never running unless -- if he was running. do you think she would take on the former president directly? >> i know she will. and she will be successful doing it. nikki haley comes out of south carolina. and anderson, you have been here before. this is a rough place. it's a place that this race is gonna end up in the gutter. and we're gonna have people in it. and the first one to come out
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and take a shower is gonna be the winner. that's probably gonna be nikki haley. donald trump, right now, i think has hit a ceiling. we'll find out. he did a good small rally in south carolina last week. i would say, he's trying to clear the field. but i think this is gonna be a contest. i think what alyssa farah griffin is hitting on is, how many people are gonna be in on it? because you know, these primaries are the winner takes all. so 31 to 33 to 34% makes your winner. the question is, are we gonna have a jungle primary with 16 people in it? i don't think so. the question is, who's built the infrastructure has the financial wherewithal to take on donald trump? nikki haley is one of those. she's prepared, and we're excited about it. and we're gonna have a contest. you know the democrats maybe won't have a contest. but boy, there's a lot going on in both parties right now about the generational shift that we see in the electoral village that we live in now. i think people are looking for the next generation to -- come clean up what my
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generation could not get fixed and -- to a new place. >> chairman dawson raised a good point. the more people who get in -- it's obviously good for the political debate. but, it does favor the former president. >> yeah. the worst thing for the gop would be to repeat 2016 where you have 16 people onstage and two separate debates because you can't even set them all up there. >> and the former president picks them off one by one. >> one by one, and cannibalize is them. right now, he has about 30% in most of the polling. i think it is a show of strength if she's willing to running to run against trump, to go out early. make someone like mike pompeo or a mike pence consider where their line is if nikki haley is taking off? i hope that's the case. this is a woman who's next generation. she's a female -- she's a person of color, which our party needs to make inroads back with. so she can be formidable, but time will tell. >> alyssa farah griffin, katon dawson, it was good having you on. vladimir putin's critic, alexei
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navalny, has put out a message to the world. his daughter is here to help spread the word about is worsening conditions in russian prisons. he was moved to solitary confinement. plus developments from ukraine a cnn goes into the trenches. with troops battling russian forces. that's next. humpty dumpty does it with a great fall. wonderful pistachios. get crackin'
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opposition leader, alexei navalny, had already been living in -- his wife said a few weeks ago his condition had been intentionally worsened. he has also been denied medical care. today, navalny's lawyer says he's been moved to an even harsher solitary confinement facility for a maximum period of six months. navalny himself tweeted about the tour of not being able to see his family for months, quote, even maniacs and serial killers receiving a life sentence have the right to receive a visit. but i don't. hardships make one tougher. but i don't understand why this should applied to my children to. tonight, one of his children are here. dasha, navalny. -- what goes through your mind? >> first of all, thank you so
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much for having me, anderson, again. to answer your question and tried, what went through my mind is that vladimir putin and the federal penalty service continue to practice their lawn listeners and they are slowly torturing and killing my father. last time you and i talked, we were asking for doctors see him because there was a big flu problem in the prison and there still is. since then, they deliberately deliberative lee infected him with the flu for intentionally placing a sick person in his cell. they prescribed my father with antibiotics, which may seem fine, but it was such a huge dose that he lost seven kilos -- or, in pounds, i think that's 15 or 16? we talked -- and losing 15 pounds in that time is incredibly concerning. they are not actually treating his flu or his back problems, and on top of that his health
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problems the -- prison words just moved him. as you said, they -- they -- supposed to release him from his penalty cell. and it was his 11th term and instead of moving him to the -- instead they moved him to a penalty cell type facility of maximum possible term of six months. there are no calls, no visits, no human conditions. he's allowed to write 35 minutes a day with a pen and paper. he's allowed to have two books. these actions are clearly an open strategy to destroy my father's physical health and maybe mental too. by all means. and the reason i called putin now is there is absolutely no way the colony would take these drastic measures without having a nudge from the moscow government.
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since he had 11 terms in the penal colony before, i can't be certain that they'll stick to the six month maximum term in the new facility. >> where is your family given any warning by the authorities that this was coming? or do these things just happen and you learn about them afterward? >> no. absolutely not. they never told us what was happening. they never told the lawyers what was happening. my dad -- was transferred three times in the past two years without absolutely any knowledge of where he is for the direction that he's going. there is absolutely no communication from the colony, from the government, about my father's conditions. >> so he is only allowed to write for 3 to 5 minutes a day -- >> 35 -- yes. >> wow. i mean, can he get through this?
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can he survive six months in solitary confinement, in his cell? >> i mean, we have to say stay hopeful. i would say that for those who are watching right now thank -- and thank you for watching -- and wondering how he can help, there are two things. the first is the power of social media and spreading the word is incredibly impactful, even though some may not think so. follow me or my dad on social media, follow the anti-corruption foundation on social media to find out more about what's happening. watch and spread the documentary navalny and tell your friends about the situation. trade awareness. no person should be in prison for simply not agreeing with the government, especially authoritarian government. and it's a critical aspect for any democratic country or a system. and the second perhaps more
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politically effective's call or email your local officials and ask if they are imposing sanctions, and what are they doing to free alexei navalny? >> dasha navalnaya, i appreciate your time, and i am sorry under the circumstances. i wish you continued strength. thank you. >> thanks so much for having me. >> for more on the story of how alexei navalny ended up in prison after surviving an alleged assassination attempt by the kremlin, check out the oscar nominated cnn film that dasha navalnaya just mentioned, navalny. it's streaming now on hbo max and has been nominated for an oscar. in ukraine, russian forces are preparing for a, quote, maximum escalation of the war in the coming weeks, according to the top national security official in kyiv. cnn's fred pleitgen just went into the trenches with some resistance fighters in the east. >> all out winter warfare on the eastern front. we're in a trench with with ukrainian paratroopers -- >> [sound of gunfire]
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>> they fire on russian positions using aks and a u.s. supplied browning heavy machine gun. they searching for weeks spots in our positions, says the commander, called sign ghost. they want to see if we fight back. if we show strong resistance, though, they don't advance. and this is what strong resistance looks like. >> [speaking non-english] >> -- [sound of artillery] >> the russians are only about 400 yards away, hidden in the snow and fog, but constantly firing at the entrenched ukrainians. the enemy uses all kinds of weapons, bogdan says. it's small arms, heavy machine guns, artillery, mortars, rocket launchers, and aviation as well. [sound of gunfire] but so far, ukrainian say they haven't lost an inch of territory here. the ukrainians say the situation here is reminiscent of some of the worst times in world war ii. they are not only fighting a
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strong adversary but the elements as well. the snow, the mud and the cold make fighting here even tougher. and ukraine's leadership believes the russians will soon escalate even more after mobilizing hundreds of thousands of men for a likely spring offensive. but this gunner, who goes by the name deputy, says the paratroopers are ready. it will be hard, he says. it will be tough. but we will hold, because we stand here -- for our land. if we don't do it, nobody will. there is a visceral hatred towards moscow's leaders among these men. in russia, they have a terrorist dictatorial regime, bogdan says. so now, the civilized world is fighting against this wild, evil dissident leadership. as we prepare to leave, incoming grenades explode above. and this, the men say, it's a relatively quiet day. they expect much worse in the months to come, but their motto
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is, if not us, then who else? >> fred pleitgen joins me now. i understand that was just a missile strike on a residential building in kramatorsk. >> yeah. there certainly was, anderson. it seems as though there are a lot of casualties actually, in that missile strike. initially the ukrainians say that two people were killed in an seven people were injured. now that number continues to rise. we're hearing three people we're killed in at least 11 people who have been injured in that missile strike. and the ukrainians are still trying to piece together what exactly happened there. first, anderson, they said that they believe that the building was hit by a missile called the s-300. that's normally a missile that's used to take down airplanes. and if you shoot that in a ground to ground configuration, it's wildly inaccurate, of course especially if you shoot it into a residential area, terrible things could happen like for instance, what we're seeing tonight and the town of kramatorsk. the ukrainians have since then said that they believe it might be a miss gunder missile. that's one that's also very dangerous, but it's a lot more accurate. that could indicate that possibly the russians were
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indeed trying to target that residential area there. in kramatorsk -- and over the past two weeks we have been reporting a lot about myself strikes like this, when into dnipro. we were on a -- whole building almost got blown away there. almost 50 people were killed. now we're getting a strike like that. the ukrainian government it is absolutely irate. ukrainians president volodymyr zelenskyy called this an act of terror. >> fred pleitgen, appreciate it, thank you. coming -- up the princeton university senior who develop a way to use artificial intelligence to try to detect writing now being penned by artificial intelligence that seems as if a human wrote it. at adp, we use data-driven insights to design solutions to help you manage payroll, benefits, and hr today, so you can have more success tomorrow.
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>> last week, we brought you the story of a fascinating new technology called chatgpt, which basically can write anything you ask of it -- a sonnet, an essay, and even as we demonstrated, a pretty fair intro to a new segment about chatgpt. there are, of course, some of these concerns about the technology that could encourage cheating or help pass off a few seconds of the keyboard as hours of research and writing. that's where my next guest comes. in he's a senior princeton majoring in computer science
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and mine around in journalism. he's developed a program called gptzero that essentially uses a guy to check who wrote it -- human or bought? edward tian is his name. he joins me now. edward, thanks for joining us. this is so cool that you have done. can you explain the technology that you have -- gptzero -- how you came up with it and how it works? >> absolutely. thank so much for having me, anderson. i would say why i came up with it's -- the buzz around chatgpt has been crazy. i've been hearing it anywhere and it's an incredible innovation. at the same time, it's like opening a pandora's box. once we do there is no dialing back and we need to dial -- the technologies to adapt these exciting technologies responsibly. that's the motivation. in layman's terms, chatgpt ingests gigantic portions of the internet and regurgitate patterns. so, it's not coming up with anything original.
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generating this tech says machine generated text. and gptzero turns this around, use the a i against itself, and use the model to detect with something looks like chatgpt, whether it's with a fingerprint of a machine like written article -- almost asking chatgpt, is it chatgpt? >> there's this thing called burstiness. what is burstiness. >> burstiness is variance in almost human writing. humans have creativity. and because of our short term memory we have bursts in our creativity. versus these machines, over time, they are pretty constant. so that's an indicating we're looking for. >> this weekend i give a speech at my old college. i was speaking about crew, which i was on. but i never talked publicly really, about being on the crew team. so there's nothing online about me and crew. so i put in chatgpt just to see what it would come up, write a
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speech a 500 words speech by anderson cooper about yale crew and what it came up with was a very generic speech about crew that had nothing to do with me or any words that i've ever used. and i realized, it's because i've never spoken publicly about. there is no data out there that chatgpt would've used to make it sound like it was in my voice. >> absolutely. that's exactly right. it's great regurgitating these patterns or writing -- shakespeare, for example. but if you are asking it to write about a niche essay written in the voice of anderson cooper it's not gonna do a good job. and it's not coming up with anything original. >> so we actually tested your app ourselves. we copied some text from a cnn article on tom brady's retirement. this was an article written by somebody at cnn. we ran it through your app and it said, and it said, quote,
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your text -- may include parts written by a. and it gave the text what was called a perplexity score of 91. 250 and a burstiness score 100.828. what does that mean? because this was something i'm pretty sure that was written by a human, without any a i. what did those scores mean? >> those scores actually look a lot more like human. so in terms of perplexity if something has low perked like city like zero to ten, it means that the machine is very familiar with it. it's not perplexing the machine like chatgpt. chatgpt is more likely to write itself versus it has high perplexity score somewhere 90 or above, it's more likely to be human written because it's all over the place, maybe chatgpt hasn't really seen it. >> that's interesting. so, a teacher, hypothetically, could use you program, run a students paper through it, and based on the perplexity score and the burstiness score, if
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it's a very high score, a high number if there's a high likelihood that student rotate? >> yes. so what we're really doing with the perplexity are these indicators -- we want to transition away from hey, this is a i, hey, this is human. because that does not work, especially for an education use case. instead, we want to move towards more of an explanation -- this essay looks mostly human. there are portions that have these scores, and we want to explain to teachers now how to interpret them. so at the end of the day a human makes a decision. >> you are a senior in princeton, as we mentioned, majoring in computer science, mining in journalism. what are your thoughts on a generated news? do you think in the future we are going to see news programs on platforms that are completely a.i. generated? obviously there's a lot of concern about misinformation. >> absolutely. i would say chatgpt and chatgpt like programs are great at writing news that looks like
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real news. but they're never gonna be able to do the job of a journalist like yourself in terms of reporting news stories, reporting facts fact checking what comes up. because these large language models aren't coming up with anything original. they are ingesting what they have seen, which is a lot. they know a lot. and they are regurgitating these patterns. they are not reporting anything real or new. >> edward tian it's so fascinating this whole new world. and it's amazing already what you've done as a senior at princeton. i think we will all be working for you one day. thank you so much. >> thank you so much, anderson. >> all right. coming up and we did bite this ourselves, it was not written by chatgpt -- he's known as the greatest of all time in the nfl. the rest of the world knows him simply is that guy who used to be married to gisele bundchen. tom brady retired today for real this time. he says after seven super bowl ratings. two nfl junkies here at cnn will join us to discuss his impact on america's most popular game next. ♪
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time are, in -- for good. >> you only get one super emotional retirement essay and they -- my last year. i really thank you guys so much to every single one of you for supporting the. my family, my friends, teammates, my competitors. i could go on forever. there is too many. thank you guys for allowing me to live my absolute dream. i would not change a thing. i love you all. >> joining me now to talk rains, sports -- and goats -- john berman and john king, joining us from his man cave. so, john berman, first of all, i know everyone thinks i don't know about sports. i do know who tom brady, is mainly because i know he is -- his ex-wife's. why am a big fan of --
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so, he is retiring. you are on for his last retirement -- i'm >> on for all his retirements. >> how do you feel about this one? >> i think this one is for real. you watch that video. first of all, he looked great. 2nd of all, he looked emotional. he looked like it was sinking in. was last time -- it did not seem like it had quite hit him. this time, i think he needs. it and i just think that it is a generational move. for people who have watched sports for an entire generation and a half he has been the guy. and now i think we are going to have to adjust -- >> john, he left your native massachusetts. and i see your fenway park sign there behind you a few years ago to play football in florida. do you even care about him at this point? what are your thoughts on this? >> of course i do. tom brady helped usher in this amazing generation of success new england sports. -- patriots fans like me and john berman something to cheer about. and the certainty that if your team was in the game --
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8 times out of 10 or 9 times out of 10, they would win because of tom brady. that's an amazing thing is a sports fan, especially a sports fan who grew up in the desert. the patriots were terrible. i could use stronger landing language. i won't. i'll be family friendly. -- sports excellence. yes, he moved on. i wish that never happen. but 6 of those 7 super bowl rings are for the new england patriots. and i will charge cherish that forever. i cherish the memories with my children, i cheer summaries myself after team that was horrible for years was suddenly amazing. i was asked the deflategate game in a cold, freezing rain. and it was crazy. look -- we love these memories. if you are a sports fan this is part of your blood and your life and you are breaking from special jobs, like we have. i love tom brady. i wish him the best. i think the sport will miss him. but john berman is. right you could see. it this was a tough season. when he came back only to win again it was a tough season -- he would have had to have changed teams. he would have had to go through all that -- he tortious his brand and he protects it and i think he
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thought it was time to go. >> john berman, you think he's ready for retirement? i know he reportedly signed a big deal for hundreds of millions of dollars. but a job is one thing but, actually, no longer playing the game you love is another. >> i think he's going to be okay. look, financially it's going to be. fine he's going to fox news -- >> reportedly it's like a 375 million dollar -- >> no one need to take out a collection for tom brady. >> he is -- i think he has been prepared for this for sometime. but who knows. it's funny you say this. he talks about retirement in the aarp magazine, which i had delivered at my house, ironically, today. but think about that >> you and i both were talking about this. the day i got sent an aarp card, i was like, what the what? what? there's an exclusive interview with tom interview -- it also tells us what we all are. when tom brady started in the nfl, i wasn't married, in my twenties.
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i was a tv producer. i was not even on tv. now i'm getting the aarp magazine at my house with the lead article, sex in your 50s, by the way. but also an interview with tom brady where he says, he's going to be slow in the morning, take slow mornings, but he wants to have a very active afternoon's. >> john king, do you think there is anyone playing in the nfl right now that could have a career like tom brady? 's >> no. i do not. i just think what he did, especially where he came from, a 6th round pick, who got into the game, by a freak accident to a -- blood cell. and then would not go away. the resilience, this over the generation, playing into his mid 40s -- other great young quarterbacks in the nfl? absolutely. do i see any of them winning 7 super bowls and playing into their -- i'm a fan of the sport. and so even if it happens in another city i will love it. but you look around all sports -- he's like david ortiz was to the red sox. he's like aaron judge might be for the yankees. it's just is not a superstar on
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the field by the talent of the. field he's an ambassador off the field and a great communicator and a great brand off the field. he's good for a city, good for a franchise because of the money on the fame and the attention that they bring in. i don't see anybody like him in any sport right now. it does not mean that person -- was it's also harder now in some ways because of all the pressures and because very few people -- he stayed in new england for 20 years. i know a lot of people in my native new england are still mad he left. he -- even that's remarkable. in the age of -- he never got paid what the market should have paid him. and he stayed in new england won 6 rings there -- i don't see it happening again. that's why he's the g.o.a.t.. that's why have the shirt -- but we will see. anderson, we watch. when the big one step to hide aside we, watch and see if this is an. excellent >> okay, this is embarrassing, i did not actually know why you are wearing a -- shirt and a 12 and a goat. but now, of course, i get it. john king, and john berman, things are. much the news continues. cnn tonight with laura coates is next right after a short break.
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