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tv   CNN Tonight  CNN  February 2, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PST

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you know, we've been talking a lot about racism in this country and race relations more broadly. after the fatal police beating of tyre nichols, an unarmed black man, there's been conversations about race, policing and about power and its abuse for years. complicated, of course, by the fact that the five officers charged in nichols death are also black. that's about how we teach about the legacy of race and racism in this country. and why it's become, frankly, so controversial. especially in places like florida, where the republican governor, ron desantis, have been slamming a new a.p. african-american studies course. tonight, the college board is out with changing to the curriculum, raising questions about why they chose to remove certain topics.
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>> look at this traffic. for 42 years, not knowing this man was killed right here, from that moment, was never the same. >> reporter: the man was arthur mcduffie, a black father, beaten to death by white police officers in 1979. the officers were acquitted and riots followed. >> reporter: it happened right here? >> right here. >> reporter: it's places like that are essential to the teach the truth tours, to shed light on the history that many students don't learn about in the classroom. >> there's an effort in florida to cherry-pick history. when you start cherry picking history, you have to make sure you don't have somebody do that that hates cherries. >> reporter: the placement of an african-american study course, the nonprofit that oversees the program, has revised the coursework. it had rejected the initial proposal saying it was
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inexplicably contrary to florida law and significantly ly lacks educational value. ron desantis has been critical of the pilot program. >> we have history, a lot of different shapes and sizes. people that have participated to make the country great. people that have stood up when it wasn't easy. and they all deserve to be taught. but abolishing prisons being taught to high school kids as if that's a fact. that's not appropriate. >> reporter: last year, florida passed legislation known as the stop woke act championed by desantis. it barred instruction that suggests that anyone is privilege d or oppressed based n skin or race color. it was written for the pilot program. the department of education provided cnn with a copy of the curriculum they reviewed and a list of the state's objections, all related to unit 4, titled movements and debates. concerns included black queer
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studies, movements for black lives. black lit rist feminist thoughts. exciting concerns of the specific works of authors and scholars. >> this course on black history. what are one of the lessons about? queer theory. who would say that an important part of black history is queer theory? that's somebody pushing an agenda on our kids. >> reporter: but in the newly released official framework, unit four does not include any of the authors or scholars that the state listed as a concern. queer theory and black lives matter still mentioned in the course, but only as ideas for potential student project topics. we asked the co-chair of the development committee for the course if any changes were made because of the objections of the state of florida. >> no. that -- if that were the case, if the state of florida or any state itself could single-handedly alter the curriculum of african-american
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studies, the a.p. course, or any a.p. course, for that mat eter,t would undermine the integrity of the course we have in place. >> reporter: they have been waiting for a course like this. they all attended a teach the truth tour and say they wouldn't know as much about their own history if it weren't for the courses caught by dunn. >> we learn about the same people every year. george washington carver. martin luther king jr. rosa parks. i feel like it's just the same stuff being taught to us and it's like, okay, they can know this but that's it. >> i feel like if we don't learn this history, it might repeat itself and it's going to go on and on. we have to learn it in order to stop it. >> reporter: some parents welcome the scrutiny. one said she wouldn't mind if her daughter took the course. but some things are best taught at home. >> some things like the queer studies, that may or may not offend some of the children. make them feel uncomfortable.
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>> reporter: as for professor dunn, he's now part of a lawsuit against the state's stop woke law, being uncomfortable, he says, is part of learning and understanding the history that is often overlooked. >> this is what happened here. a man had been massacred at this spot. but every community in this country has spots like this. places where blacks have been abused, killed and forgotten about. this is not unique to miami. >> reporter: this morning when governor desantis was asked about the release of the new coursework, he said he hadn't read through it yet. his office tells me the florida department of education is reviewing the coursework to see if it complies with florida law. there in lies the big question, will florida accept this as with the revisions and allow it to be taught in florida classrooms? >> thank you so much. i want to turn to robert patterson, who you just heard from in the piece.
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he's a professor of african-american studies at georgetown university and served as the co-chair of the committee of professors and teachers who developed the a.p. african-american studies course. thank you for being here today, professor. i'm intrigued. i want to take a step back for a moment. it sounds like a lot of the talk points that we heard from abover desantis up to this point had been based on proposed aspects not a final curriculum. is that true? >> yes. that's an important point to make a distinction on. in fact, the document that the state of florida got was not officially given to them from my understanding, by the college board. it was a very early document that was a collection, if you could think of, of a wish list of what over 100 college professors, based on the syllabus they used in the introductory courses say, i teach this. i teach this. these are major topics that need to be covered. that document was never intended to be the course framework for
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the course. so, it's interesting that they're actually using that. >> it is. of course, you know people run with it and think, this is the full breadth and the scope, which is probably politically advan advantageous, if not accurate, of course. you developed this new official a.p. african-americans curriculum. tell me how you decided what to include. >> right. absolutely. part of this was based on that the original document that they're using, we brought a bunch of professors and high school teachers to together, who went to that document and said, these are topics that you must keep, you could keep, or should not keep. based on that feedback, the development committee began to pear down the course into a workable course that could be implemented to high school students at a conceptual level that was appropriate. this summer, we spent time with the teachers at the a.p.
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institute. we got feedback from there. and with regards to issues about some of the readings that will be included, some of the topics, that was based on their expertise as a.p. teachers or as african-american studies teachers who were not an a.p. course but changing the courses they teach into that. from there, we continue to seek feedback and find -- and begin to finalize the course. some of the changes, just for your viewers to understand. some of the changes were in play before the state of florida released their response to a framework they should not have been responding to in january. in november, for example, we had decided that they would make -- on november 8th, we made a decision that we would begin using just primary sources. some of the secondary readings would not be in there. secondly, and more importantly, the project that the students have to do that is part of research, that is part of the exam score, used to be a week in the pilot. that was going to be three weeks in pilot 2.
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that requires the removal of some instructional days. and some of the topics, let's be clear about this, that are in the initial document from february of 2022, is currently not in the pilot that the teachers are teaching at the 60-plus schools across the united states. >> this is so important to get this clarity. i think there is the perception. this is the way the power of the narrative that's emerged from all of this. it's important to demystify the process but to clarify and fact-check what has been said. governor desantis spoke about the idea of not understanding the need to have a separate course material or coursework on african-american history because it's more of the umbrella term of american history. your expertise as the work you do in african-american studies and the work you've done, you recognize there's value in having a nuanced curriculum with
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respect to it. tell us why. >> a couple of reasons. we all know from the students who were in the interviews that your colleague conducted, that american history does not include african-american history largely. that's number one. this is a course of african-american studies. it's not just a history course but bringing together legislature, visual analysis, primary sources and other issues that are related to understand black life, black history and black thoughts. as importantly, okay, we know that white supremacy is a central part of american education. and part of what this course is doing is challenging white supremacy. it's challenging anti-black racism. and frankly, that seems to be what part of the issue is that the state of florida has taken with the course. it challenges some of the premises that seem to have political currency. and we might need to think more
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about. >> i don't know how you educate without challenging one's mind or misconceptions and preconceived notions. thanks for your time in explaining all you have tonight. i appreciate it. >> you're welcome. thank you, too. i want to turn to our panel. editor at the national review and ashley allison and political analyst, maura barone lopez is here with me, as well. going to begin with you on this point. you had a chance to speak with the college board in some respect about what the process looks like from here. tell us about it. >> yeah. "newshour" spoke with the ceo of the college board and he told us what professor patterson said. this final kcurriculum was developed as early as december. even before the steps were taken by florida governor desantis. if florida decides not to accept the final document they are not
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going to revise it further. that this would be something that they would have to talk to the entire college board about and at this point, they won't necessarily change it at all from this point. >> whatever happens down in florida, they would have the final say. >> he is saying, if florida decides to reject what right now the document is, they aren't going to appease florida by changing it further. and so, they're hoping that florida ultimately doesn't do that. they're not saying they would take a.p. classes out of florida because that's an issue that was raised about whether all a.p. classes would withdraw from florida. and the ceo said that's not something we're considering at this time. one thing that's important, in terms of the sourcing in that document, the certain readings or sources would potentially be distributed to the students. what the ceo of the college board said, in all of these a.p.
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courses, when they are finalized, they do not mandate secondary sourcing. they do not mandate that a student has to read a specific work -- a specific book or a specific document that was written by secondary sources at all. whether it's latin american history. whether it's asian-american history. mexican-american history. those are not in the courses. he was saying that eventually, that was not going to be something that was finalized in the a.p. coursework. >> the idea of why, and this idea, if you're working and the talk points around a document that was never intended to be more than an intellectual brainstorm and what to do next. why do you think there has been this focus on the range of issues that each state is facing, including florida. why do you think this continues to be top of mind and so close to the political surface? >> well, i think there are lots
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of reasons for this. and some of it has to do with the way parents have gotten mobilized on the issue of education over the last few years. some of it is a raising concern among conservatives that there's too much of a political slant, in too many of the public schools. the movements and debates, there wasn't much debates. and my own view is it's too bad we got rid of the case for reparations. as something that people are going to study. we should have just added to it. and had more of the debate on all sides. >> i always assume when i see a syllabus with a curriculum, if you're talking about one issue, my assumption would be any good
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curriculum would include the other side. would include the discussion about the counterpoints to strengthen one belief or the other. i want your perspective, knowing how prevalent this is. is this going to be something that will continue into 2024? it's not just florida. what happens next? >> i think it will go into 2024. i have to say, on the first day of black history month, i find myself exhausted as a black american in this country. we had to watch the funeral of tyre nichols who was murdered at the hands of black police, where we have to face this decision. and the reason why these courses and the depth of these courses are so important is, we don't actually need the counterargument to the case for why reparations aren't happening. it's our life. they never happened.
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they are -- the law today is the argument. what this course is to present an alternative option to how an america that could actually live up to its ideals. we find ourselves shooting after shooting, beating after beating, death after death, of black bodies, having the same argument because what is taught in our educational system does not provide the context to understand that police are the derivative of slave patrols. every course in history should talk about that. but it's absent in our academic system. the hope is, it's offensive on a day like this. i understand the process and i appreciate the explanation. but this is bigger than just this process on this course. this has political -- this is a political stunt by ron desantis. this is playing to his base. it is dangerous for our country. the students, the children will
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lead us. the child said in that excerpt that if we don't learn our history, we're destined to repeat us. another man at the hands of police feels like the history of my life. if we don't teach an appropriate history, we'll continue to do it. and lawmakers will fail to change policy. this is about changing the arc of our country, that many conservatives don't want to do. >> a lot of conservatives don't believe that the purpose of education in the public education system is to move u.s. policy to the left, to present contested views such as that policing is based on slave patrols, as it is the uncontested truth and the historical consensus. absolutely, a governor, who is a republican governor of a conservative state is going to take issue with that. is not going to want taxpayer dollars propagandizing in favor of a left-wing point of view.
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>> it's not propaganda. it's truth. but the point is, that it's not propaganda that we buried tyre nichols. that's truth. that's a reality we watched today. it's not propaganda. >> that's not anything that anybody has disputed. >> yes. the reason why -- the reason why those deaths are allowed to happen is because we don't take the time to understand the systemic racism that is plaguing our country, that allows for a president like donald trump to say racist things and still be elected, to give this idea of fear that if we teach a comprehensive history, something will be taken away from me. i would argue that it's better. and i'm just saying that -- >> are you saying the killing is because of systemic racism? it's a point of view. there are other points of view. the public education system should not be putting its weight behind one contested,
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contestable point of view. >> the ceo of the college board, david coleman, said that's not what they're doing. what they're doing is reparations movement is something that will still be taught in the class, something that actually the students themselves can write their final research project on, if they want to. and there's no limitations on what sourcing they want to use for that research project. and that teachers and the coursework welcomes them to use whatever sourcing they want to use. they're not mandating what they can do when they're crafting that entire research project on whatever subject it is. and he was concerned about the chilling effect that laws like those in florida will have in classrooms and that teachers have already voiced the concern about the fact that they may not be able to teach the influence of black, gay leaders and their place in history, what they did in history, to their students, and the fact they may not be
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able to do research projects on that, if courses aren't taught. >> this conversation, i think it was a supreme court justice of education as a marketplace of ideas. we're talking a lot tonight about how policing in this country needs to change. and it's a conversation that's been going on across this country. when we come back, we'll look at new technology a new a.i. system that's designed to alert police departments to inappropriate interactions. can it work? e things you touch, nothing kills more viruses on more surfaces than lysol disinfectant spray. [girl coughs] and when it comes to your laundry, adding lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% of illness-causing bacteria detergents leave behind. lysol. what it takes to protect. (jennifer) the reason why golo customers have such long term success is because the golo plan takes a holistic approach
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as cities are looking for solutions to the spotlight of the police departments, some are adopting tools to promote better policing. like a new a.i. tool, that analyzes language on police body cams. it listens to officers and
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commends positive interactions and flags possible warning signs like violent language and the use of slurs. joining me now, seattle police chief adrian diaz, whose department has started using the technology, as well as cnn law enforcement intelligence analyst john miller. thank you to both of you dpr beinfor being here. i want to start with you, chief diaz. this is new technology. there are reporting that your department is upping a two-year contract. have you seen evidence that behavior is working? >> it's part of our equity accountability system. the software we're using is part of the quality. as you mentioned, it's about understanding if officers are escalating or de-escalating a situation, based on the language or tone. as i have with many friendships, you can say hi many different
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ways. and people can understand that based on how you say hi, it can actually just the tone of it can actually come across condescending or come across a lot more aggressive, even though many officers might say, i just said hello. i didn't think i was escalating a situation. using the technology to be able to do that, helps us be able to train officers in the right manner to actually make sure that we're providing a quality service. >> i know quite well. my tone is everything, chief. i think about things before using it. i understand that the company did issue a statement, i want to say. they told us in a statement they believe technology like this could have identified the deficiencies that led to the death of tyre nichols. i undewonder in particular, do think that's possible, given what you know about technology and the use of a.i. to alert and
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flag? >> well, we're not using it in the manner they probably were describing. what we're trying to do is take anni agate data set and train officers to provide professionalism and equity in how they are policing. based on language and how they de-escalate situations. overall, you're trying to change that culture of what you're providing at the level of service. i think that's our focus. if you're really changing that culture and infusing the level of de-escalation, be mindful how you train officers. it's going to improve policing. it's going to improve the quality of service you do. >> i want to bring you in here, john. there's a question of how it can be used and if it's used as a training, everything looked at in retrospect and everything has happened in real-time. we've seen officers saying things like, stop resisting. talking about memphis, their
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version of events, the narrative that's been crafted. if this is a language system, is it possible to then maybe game the system? >> i think what you're seeing is, a struggle that police departments are having to get more out of the body cameras. right now, if there's a critical incident, they can go back to the body cameras. they can rewind history and look at it in almost real-time. but what are you getting out of the 35,000 body cameras from new york city police officers? or the 9,000 in l.a.? or the 2,000 in memphis, when there isn't a critical incident? what are you learning about performance? it will flag ones of interest that will push those to the top to commend good behavior, look at critical behavior. there's another system called atlas, brought forward by jonathan parum, a new jersey
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police chief, that less technology-driven on the a.i. said and more clinical. and the atlas model says, if the police department is the patient, where are your problems? is it on domestic violence? is it pedestrian stops? are you getting civilian complaints from car stops? and they pull the incidents and they sit with the officer and play them the tapes with the department policy alongside it. and they say, this is you. this is the policy. are you doing it right? are you doing it wrong? and then, you learn two important things. number one, if lots of them are doing it outside of the policy, you have to ask yourself, what is wrong with the training that the officers don't get the policy? do we need to fix something on our end, as managers? or a smaller number of officers, we need to get them retrained. these cools tools are finding t way to police departments, using the technology for more than just recording the past.
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>> and it identifies what the culture of policing in that department may ultimately be. chief adrian diaz, john miller, thank you for joining us tonight. i appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. the road to 2024 in our republican party is about to get more crowded. the former south carolina governor, nikki haley, is expected to throw her hat into the ring, challenging former president trump for the gop nomination. we're going to talk about it next. ubrelvy helps u fight migraine attacks. u put it all on the line.
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governor nikki haley expected to announce her presidential run this month. according to someone familiar with their plans, she will make her announcement in charleston. she will be the first republican to jump into the race and challenge former president donald trump. haley gave her clearest indication she would run. >> you look at two things. you look at does the current situation push for new leadership? the second question is, am i that person that could be that new leader? yes. we need to go in a new direction? can i be that leader? yes. i think it's time for generational change. i don't any you need to be 80 years old to be a leader in d.c. >> back with me now on the points, as well. the idea she is playing immediately the generational c card. we know who she is talk about, given all of the comments about
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president biden and frankly, president trump, as well. is that a successful strategy? >> i think it's important to note, it is a way of attacking trump, while appearing to attack biden. but the question about whether it's effective strategy has to get to another point. voters can make their own conclusions. they don't need you as the candidate to point it out to them. >> if it's crude, it's been done thousands of times. on your point, there's been a lot of conversations about who will throw the hat into the ring. the first might be a sacrificial lamb. the one person in the race, former president donald trump, can have the sights fixated on this person. announcing this early, what do you think? >> how many announce behind her? or if she is left out there if
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it's just her and the former president going at each other. is she able to differentiate herself? for now, she has to explain how she was within the trump administration, supported a number of his policies, but beyond generation, how is she going to say she is different than the former president? right now, she hasn't explained any of that? >> a name that comes up is governor ron desantis. we talk about him a lot. and there's good reason for doing so. listen to what the former president had to say about a potential desantis run and issue of loyalty coming up. >> ron wouldn't have been governor if it wasn't for me. when i hear he might run, i consider that disloyal. for me, it's always about loyalty. but for a lot of people, it's not about loyalty. >> loyalty is a common refrain. i want to play what desantis said in response of that.
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>> not only did we win reelection, we won with the highest percentage of the vote that any republican governor candidate has in the history of the state of florida. we won by the largest raw vote margin of 1.5 million votes that any candidate has had in florida history. what i would say, is that verdict has been rendered by the people of the state of florida. >> what's your take on this? in part, laura's point is taken on the idea of she has to explain why now and her allegiance to the former president. and the issue of loyalty coming up. and you got the facts of what the election showed. is that younuance going to be appreciated? >> i don't know. i think they both are very closely aligned to donald trump on a policy note. i think desantis makes the points about the electorate
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speaking up in florida, about his election. he said, guess what i won and i didn't need you in this re-elect, to give a jab without saying donald trump's name. for donald trump, the more people that jump into the race, he doesn't want a desantis. desantis has a lot of money he can spend. nikki haley, not so much. he wants, former donald trump, wants more people in this race, to split the number of votes across the republican party and he can bank. what is interesting, as soon as nikki haley announces, and people don't fall, it's her running against donald trump. if she was smart, she would start running against joe biden also. donald trump lost to joe biden. the longer she's the person in the race, the better that fits for her. the more candidates in that republican field, i think the better it fares for donald trump.
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trump's success in 2015, he was the insurgent. this is a classic accomplishment move. saying you owe me because i'm in charge of everything. it will be interesting if that can work for trump. >> it will be interesting if we see the president of the united states go from, i intend to run again, to the launching of the re-election campaign officially right now. we'll have to see. just ahead, russian opposition leader alexei navalny being taken to another con confi confinement. it's our most amazing, true-to-nature fragrance experience ever. new vibrant. from air wick. i'm lindsey vonn, and ever since i retired from skiing, i've had trouble falling asleep and staying asleep— you know, insomnia. before i found quviviq, an fda-approved insomnia medication for adults, you would not believe the
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russian opposition leader alexei navalny who was serving a sentence in a prison, he is being serving solitary containment. the family is begging the kremlin to provide the medical air he needs to get well. joining us is the president of the anti-corruption foundation ma alexei navalny started. tell me about his health right now. >> we're gravely concerned for his health. for the reason that, for example, in recent weeks, he lost 15 pounds. he is experiencing extreme pain in his stomach for the reason that he had been deliberately infected with the respiratory infection or a flu.
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they've been administering doses of medical doses and that caused pain and loss of weight. he is kept in unbearable conditions. this is a seven to eight foot concrete cell. 11 times he's been sent there. and now, he will be spending the six months in the cell just like that. it's called the cell type facility. you're not allowed to lay down during the daytime. your bed is fastened to the wall. the only thing you have is a small iron stool and what you can control, he's been poisoned with a nerve agent. and though he survived the
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poison and was able to recover, there's consequences to that. it takes a toll on your health. all that is happening to him was happening before. the severe back pain. and the cage is so small, he wasn't able to do his regular routine, like physical routine, that helps with his back pain. and now, he is losing this weight. and he is being -- he is experiencing sleep deprivation, that you know is a torture. the cell, where he's been kept, they put another person who is clinically insane. the medical definition of that, who is barking at night, who is crying at night. and he can hear it very clear. so, he can't sleep. put a bright lamp in his cell. so bright, that it hurts his
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eyes. all in all, everything they do, they do it to -- >> to break him. >> it's impossible. let's put it this way. he will die before he breaks. that's for sure. >> he's been tweeting or through his lawyers, able to get a tweet out. and in one of them, he says how important it is to do just about anything in order to low the yolk of the scoundrels off russia, and to be strong and do everything we can every day. he is talk about defiant and trying to make sure people realize the importance of him as a symbol and what it really means, even now. >> they are violating his rights, that are permanent. when it comes to navalny, there's no things as a flaw, even by the standards of the russian, what counts of rule of
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law other there. and he uses every hearing, while he protests against the war, to state his entire war position, to say to the russian people they need to fight it. not only fight for our country, but to fight against the law. this is why they are so severe to him. they can't silence him no matter what they do. no matter how unbearable they do it to him. and they really do it to make him suffer and to make him regret, that rereturns and stays with his country and states his positions. >> in reality, all they've done is strengthen the resolve of everyone watching. thank you so much. everyone for more on the story of how alexei navalny ended up in prison, after surviving an alleged assassination attempt by the kremlin, check out the film "navalny," streaming right now
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on hbo max. next, a moment of humanity of the hyperpartisanship in washington, d.c. a little easier. (moo) mabel says for you, it's more like 5:15. man: mom, really? and i'm the founder of the stay beautiful foundation when i started in 2016 i would go to the post office and literally fill out each person's name on a label and now with shipstation we are shipping 500 beauty boxes a month
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everyone, thank you for watching. before we go, a rare moment of encouragement in the midst of washington's dysfunction the other day. listen to that exchange between house oversight committee chairman, james comber, and jamie raskin, who is undergoing chemotherapy to treat lymphoma. >> the distinguished gentleman. and jamie rankin to introduce his members. we're all rooting for you. we know you're going to win this
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battle. you're in our thoughts and prayers. and it's good to see you here today. i yield to mr. raskin. >> thank you. it means a lot to me. and i've been gratified to hear encouragement and sympathy from both sides of the i'll. i hope the concessions will become friendship over the year. i plan on getting through this thing. and beating it. and i thank you for your patience and indulgence. above the gumline than floss. for a cleaner, healthier mouth. listerine. feel the whoa! ♪ this feels so right... ♪ adt systems now feature google products like the nest cam with floodlight, with intelligent alerts when a person or familiar face is detected. sam. sophie's not here tonight. so you have a home with no worries. brought to you by adt.
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