tv CNN Newsroom CNN February 2, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm PST
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to see. i mean, think about this. this is a visitor from the icy, outer reaches of our solar system. it only comes here every 50,000 years or so. the last time during the stone age. i mean, just think how much has happened to this planet and this world in the time since it last made its close approach. >> what time on the east coast should we look for it? >> reporter: any time it's dark out really. a lot of times they say -- it just matters that it's dark, as dark as possible. not when the sun is coming up or down. >> all right. if ever i buy a race horse, name that horse -- >> green comet. >> dirty snow ball. appreciate that. >> kristen fisher, thank you. president biden is delivering remarks at an event
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at the white house, marking the 30th anniversary of the family and medical leave act. let's listen. >> i had my brother and sister and chris knows them both well. i asked them to come into the incoming governor. we elected an incoming governor. we hadn't had a progressive senator in delaware for a while. it was very conservative. used to be a red state. we didn't call it that then. and so -- but a group of senators who were really so good to me, saved my sanity, starting with mike mansfield and the distinguished senator from south carolina fritz holings, they said come and stay six months. at the time i thought they -- they said you have to help us organize. we had 58 democratic senators.
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that shows you how smart i was. but the point was that i started commuting every day, 260 miles a day on the train to come home with my kids. that's because i was really, really lucky. i had a sister who is my best friend and a brother who's my buddy, five years younger. they gave up -- they lived and moved into where i was and helped me raise my kids. every morning i would drop my kids off when they were little at my mom's house, not far from ours. i thought to myself i was able to continue to work and continue to be paid because i had the option of being able to -- i had a family that was so supportive and a universal family around me taking care of everything.
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i swore that, since i was able to -- by the way, when you're a senator, you only have one -- you have 1,000 bosses, but you only have one, you. you make a decision if you're going to vote or not vote. sometimes when there was an important event, a teacher meeting, not a joke, or a baseball game or whatever, i would look and see what the votes of the day were. if they weren't consequential, they were going to pass overwhelmingly, i would stay with my kids and go to the teacher meeting. i thought if i could do that d -- i could do that. i was going to make sure that everyone in my office -- everyone that works for me gets a memo. the memo says if you ever need time, you never have to explain why. >> you've been listening to president biden on the 30th anniversary of the family and medical leave act, giving people
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up to 12 weeks paid leave for serious illness. we heard from former bill clinton. he signed that legislation into law. of course, we'll continue to watch what's happening there at the white house. >> it's interesting he's talking about what he had to do when his wife and daughter were killed in that car accident and how he was able to make it work because he had family close by. before the family medical leave act, that's what you had to do, pray you had family close by to help you. i think he's about to say what has changed because of the agent. we'll keep listening and bring you headlines. the fbi has another search site on its list. this time it's the home and office of former vice president mike pence. >> the feds are search his house in indiana, his office in washington, d.c. what's the pence team saying about this? >> reporter: they're trying to wrap this investigation up as
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soon as possible which is why over a period of days they've been having conversations with the fbi. jamie gangel and i were keeping an eye on this. we were told in the coming days you'll see the fbi do a search of the home in carmel, indiana, as well as his think tank office which is just across the street from the fbi building here in downtown washington. the idea is this, if they find -- if they don't find any additional documents that are marked classified, anything sensitive, possibly the fbi and the national security division here in washington at the justice department can wrap up this investigation as soon as possible. that certainly is the hope of the pence team. they do not want -- guys, they do not want a special counsel, which is what we have investigating the documents found with president biden's home and office. they don't want a special counsel like the one investigating donald trump. you know, obviously we all know
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that former vice president pence is considering a run for the presidency and so the idea is they can finish this up and then he can turn his mind or sights to that goal which is in the future. >> makes sense. evan, thank you for explaining. >> joining us now andrew mccabe, the former deputy director of the fbi. andrew, after the three biden fbi searches, how much does one investigation influence the other? was the pence search inevitable? >> absolutely, victor. the pence search was inevitable. we have to remember that for the government and for the fbi, the first principle issue in any one of these questions of the misplacement of classified material is to recover that material. they want to get out to that place and make sure they have everything that could potentially be there. the searches were certainly the right way to go. sounds like the pence team has
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cooperated from the very beginning, which is also good to see, and this is a necessary step. >> andrew, is it a necessary step because of fbi policy or politics? >> it's a necessary step because of the requirements of the investigation. i'm not sure there's a -- i'm pretty familiar with fbi policy. i'm not sure there's one about whether to or not search former presidential or vice presidential homes. i don't think that exists. in these cases -- there are many cases where people who have access to classified documents find they misplaced something, they've taken it out and they contact the authorities. you go out there and get it back. while you're doing that, you want to make sure you refecover everything there and there's nothing else remaining. i think it's -- i'm not going to say standard, but it's the right
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course in this case. >> let's talk about congressman george santos. he has been accused of taking money from gofundme that he raised for a veteran's sick dog. the dog eventually died. this is rich oshtoff, the owner of that dog. this is conversation with don lemon. >> he was going to pay me to bring the dog to his veterinarian. i was gullible enough to give him my bank account routing number. he said he was going to put that money directly into that account. santos took a piece of my heart when he did this. my opinion of humanity was extremely diminished, crashed into the floor. >> what's the federal nexus
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here? oshtoff said he spoke to two fbi agents yesterday. >> that's a lot about this that's emotionally appealing and provokes people. as a crime, it could be a federal criminal matter because if mr. santos convinced this gentleman to participate in establishing a gofundme site for the purpose of medical attention for his dog and then took those funds and never -- you know, never followed throw and kept them for himself, that could be fraud, wire fraud, mail fraud, depending on how the logistics work out. however, the amount is not an amount that would normally gather the attention of federal investigators and federal prosecutors. therefore, in this case i think the fact that fbi agents conducted this interview is a sign that they are likely looking at a broader scope of
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activity that mr. santos may have been involved in. we have all sorts of information that indicate he may have been involved in campaign finance fraud or other types of frauds connected to his alleged misrepresentations about himself. i think it's much more likely that the feds are looking at this as one part of a much broader fraud investigation. >> andrew, let's talk about hunter biden. hunter biden's laptop has been this kind of spector. and now hunt biden's attorneys are calling for an investigation into the people that looked at the laptop. what crime is that? >> there could be a number different crimes.
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it's a crime to access electronic information without authorization or exceed the authorization you do have. that's the part that might apply to the computer repairman. it can be a federal crime to steal electronic information and profit from it, use that information. it's like using stolen property. there are a number of different potential crimes here. i think what this really is is an effort by mr. biden and his attorneys to recast his role in this whole saga as a victim of a crime, rather than someone who, you know, the material on this laptop points to some sort of alleged malfeasance on his part. i'm surprised it's taken them this long to get around to it. it's a very calculated and effective strategy. it reframes the controversy around the laptop in a way that's potentially very beneficial for him. i think it's probably a smart
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move at this point and it's as effective as a public relations tool and as a tool managing his contentions with congress as much as it is likely to inspire an independent federal investigation. >> all right. andrew mccabe, thank you. >> thanks. now it's the northeast's turn to face the bitter cold and icy weather. >> forecasters say an incoming windchill could be the coldest the region has felt in decades. well below zero. cnn meteorologist jennifer grey is here. this could be a generational artic outbreak. how long? >> reporter: guys, we're talking windchills 60 below 0 in maine. new york city could be 20 to 25 degrees below zero as far as the windchill goes. we have windchill advisories for
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the northeast, new england. current feels like temperatures, not too bad across the eastern half of the country. the artic air will sink down by the time we get into friday and saturday morning will be the big morning we're talking about these dramatic temperatures. that's as low as the temperatures will go. the artic air will reach the northeast. this is thursday evening. friday morning here temperatures and windchill feeling around 1 degree or so in maine. burlington, 16 below. boston 26 below zero the windchill by saturday morning. new york city drops down to below zero windchills as well. here's a look at boston over the next couple days. friday we drop to 5 below zero. friday morning -- these are actual temperatures, not the windchills. you'll have strong winds across new england and new york city dropping into the single digits by saturday morning.
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>> you and i should work from home tomorrow. that's what i got out of that forecast. >> and me. >> and you, jennifer. thank you. let's go to california where the family of anthony lowe, a double amputee, is filing a wrongful death lawsuit after police fatally shot him last week. just moments ago they held a news conference calling for justice. >> my son broke down yesterday, asking god, you know, can he just get one more time, one more time with his dad. i said what do you want to happen? he said i just want the truth and justice. i want them to go to jail. i want them to go to jail for murder. he ain't never going to be able to see his daddy again. >> this incident occurred january 26th when police responded to reports of a stabbing. a bystander video shows the confrontation between officers and lowe and is raising questions about whether police
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used excessive force. stephanie elam is following the developments. what's the family saying? >> reporter: the family at this point wants justice for anthony lowe. they want to know the names of the officers involved and they want any video that may have been recorded from across the street from a surveillance camera outside a building. they want to see that too. they filed this complaint with the city of huntington park. let me take you back a second to let you know what happened. the police department, according to the statement they released, said they were responding to a stabbing call in the middle of the afternoon here in huntington park. they said the suspect dismounted the wheelchair, ran to the victim without provocation and stabbed him in the side of the chest with a 12-inch butcher knife. they say he fled the scene in the wheelchair and threatening to advance the knife at the officers. on social media there are videos
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from this incident. you can't see them completely play out. what you see is the officers following behind the man who is moving away. he's a double amputee. he's on his -- what's left of his legs and moving away. there appears to be something shiny in his hand, but he's moving away from the officer. they tried to tase him. they tried to tase him two times. he moves behind a car and you can no longer see lowe. the family confirming that is anthony lowe. at that point you see the officers pull out their weapons and begin to fire. there's a lot of questions about what happened behind the scene. i asked the attorneys here today, austin dove, i asked him specifically what they asked for from the police. listen to what he said. >> it's been the stall tactic as usual. what we hear is talking points, bullet points that don't cut to
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the meat of the matter, the substance of what this family deserves and needs to know. they already concluded the officers' force was reasonable. they concluded that anthony was a threat to them. when you do that within a few days of starting a process, you know where it's going to end up. >> reporter: you heard from the mother speaking about her son. she said he's 15 years. he's anthony lowe jr. he was distraught. he had a good relationship with his dad and he'll never be able to get that back again. allison and victor. >> stephanie elam, thank you. congresswoman ilhan omar said removing her from committees was revenge. we'll talk about that.
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democratic congresswoman ilhan omar said she's the target of gop revenge. the republican controlled house voted to remove her from the foreign affairs committee. last year kevin mccarthy said he would take this step after democrats removed two republicans from ecommittees. >> speaker mccarthy said it was not tit for tat but her comments about israel. >> we just don't believe when it comes to foreign affairs, especially the responsibility of that position around the world with the comments that she make, she shouldn't serve there. >> with us now is cnn political commentator alice stewart and ron brownstein. welcome to you both.
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alice, the threshold for removing people from committees is based on the comments that they make, although congresswoman omar has apologized for what she said. look at who is on the committees now. marjorie taylor greene is now on homeland security, oversight. is that the threshold? >> it's important to remember that kevin mccarthy is now the speaker of the house and he's in a position to put people on specific committees that he feels are the best fit. look, ilhan omar is not the victim here. she has a long history of saying things that are anti-semitic. just the tip of the iceberg is saying lawmakers who are sympathetic to israel are all about the benjamin. >> just to be clear -- i don't want to act as though that's present day.
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this was 2019 and she apologized. there has been history there. >> exactly. there are other comments referring to 9/11 as someone did something. it's really important to consider the committee. this is the foreign affairs committee. she's dealing with foreign dignitaries across the world and israel is one of our greatest allies in this world. when they're looking at someone on the committee that has made some disparaging things about the israeli people, it's not appropriate. that's why kevin mccarthy made this move. she can serve on other committees. foreign affairs is not something someone with such a history of such comments -- it's not appropriate. >> ron, your thoughts? >> look, i mean, marjorie taylor greene has posted violent imagery of attacking members of congress, talked about putting a bullet in the head of nancy
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pelosi, described 9/11 as an inside job and they're on committees. there's not a standard here that's being used to say there's a level of rhetoric that makes it inappropriate for you to serve on committees. it's a general escalation of partisan conflict in congress where any tool that can be used must be used. the most interesting thing to me about this, allison, is ultimately the republicans from more competitive districts who raised concerns about doing this, who did fear what's happening is a tit for tat escalation, they fell in line. all the concessions kevin mccarthy made to the freedom caucus and the far right flank of his conference throughout, any one of the 18 republicans in the districts that biden carried, the 16 that trump won by 5 points or less, they can say no.
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he's betting they're going to be the ones who buckle and accept his concession to the right which includes removing her from this committee. so far that's paying off for him. >> we heard from president biden about his meeting with speaker mccarthy about the debt limit. we heard from the speaker. let's listen to the president and then the speaker. >> i don't know how we do that anymore. we have to. we have to start treating each other in ways different than we have in my humble opinion. >> i would like to sit down, find common ground and put us on a path to balance so we don't harm the future generation of america. >> they were both optimistic after coming out of that meeting. a little upbeat, cordial. ron, do republicans in the house want to hear a cordial, calm kevin mccarthy after this meeting? >> you know, there was polling
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yesterday that showed most republicans want their party to stand up and fight biden as opposed to democrats who want biden to find common ground. that's an asymmetry between the two parties. it's important to understand what is and isn't happening here. biden has explicitly said he understands he has to have a conversation with republicans about fiscal responsibility. he's perfectly willing to do that. what he's not willing to do is tie that conversation to a threat of defaulting on the nation's debt which could have catastrophic consequences. i wrote a detailed piece last week going through the thinking in the obama administration. obama did have the negotiation with john boehner that kevin mccarthy is demanding. that brought the country so close to the brink of default that obama said never again and
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in his second term took the position biden is taking now. he would negotiate, but not with the gun of default held to his head. that's the position biden is sticking to. we'll see whether republicans can come up with a plan that can get 218 votes. >> guys, we're out of time. alice, we owe you one. thank you both very much. some latino lawmakers want the word latinx banned. we'll speak to the bill's chief sponsor about that next.
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today in the ongoing double murder trial of alex murdaugh, the cfo of his former law firm testified she confronted him about a large sum of money that was missing on the morning of the murders. prosecutors allege murdaugh killed his wife and son to distract from his crimes. >> the jury was not present for the testimony as the judge weighed whether the evidence was admissible. randy kay is in south carolina with the story. the prosecution is honing in on some of the timing of the videos on paul's phone. what do we know? >> reporter: that's right. they're talking about this snapchat video in court. this was a video uploaded on to
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paul murdaugh's cell phone at 7:39 and was sent to a friend. you don't see paul murdaugh on it, but you see alex. what's significance is what he's wearing. he's wearing long pants and a blue shirt. there was a representative from snapchat who testified to this video's authenticity. listen to what she said. >> what is on the content of that cd? >> it's a video of a subject near a tree. it's a short video with some audio. >> did you determine from reviewing records whether that account sent out that particular video? >> yes. it was sent on the same day, june 7, 2021 at 7:56 hours eastern time. >> reporter: now that's significant because if you look at what he's wearing, it's long pants and a long sleeve shirt.
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when he called 911 alex murdaugh greeted police and investigators in shorts and a white t-shirt. that was at 10:07 p.m. prosecutors are laying the groundwork for he killed his family, washed up, changed clothes and called police. where are those clothes right now? that's a good question. they didn't discover this snapchat for many months after the murders. they haven't collected that clothing that he was wearing. victor, allison? >> randy, thank you for all that background. let's discuss with criminal defense attorney bernardo. i want to ask you about something that happened outside of the earshot of the jury. the cfo from his law firm was -- had confronted alex murdaugh
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about some missing -- basically $800,000 from the law firm on the day of the murders. the prosecutors are basically alleging he knew he was in financial trouble and there were all these other financial crimes and that was his motivation to kill his family members. it would distract from that. make him look like a victim. the judge is deciding if that's admissible. why wouldn't that be admissible if that's the motive? >> when you're talking about another crime, prior bad acts -- just to be clear that other crime in terms of stealing from the firm, he's already been charged. he's facing charges for those counts. in terms of why the judge doesn't want to take a chance allowing it to the jury is because it goes to propensity. the jury can base their decision -- be like, wait, if
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you steal from your firm almost $800,000 and that's just on one occasion because we heard he stole more than $2 million, than you're capable of killing your wife, killing your son. the problem is the prosecutor has yet to make a link. what's the nexus between the financial crimes and killing his wife and son? the prosecutor is saying he didn't want to be discovered. he wanted to take the light away from him. it worked because they didn't approach him until months later, in september, where at that time he tried to kill himself. he staged it. >> do you think the state can make this case without the introduction of this element and also we know he's facing close to 100 charges related to financial troubles? can they make the link without that being admissible? >> i believe the prosecution can still prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt without putting
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forward the financial crimes. what the defense is doing is saying why would a man loves his family, hanging out with his family that day want to off them. the prosecution is trying to give them the why, the motive. motive is not an element of the crime to prove murder. the prosecution has strong evidence. they have destroyed his alibi. alex murdaugh was saying he was sleeping. we have him on the snapchat video. we have his voice in the background and you're hanging out at the dog kennels, which is where your wife and son was killed. you denied it. >> thank you so much. so the high cost at the pump for families pumped up the profits for shell. the gas company said it doubled its profit last year. details next.
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thanks for your time. explain why this term is offensive. >> thank you for the question. i'm one of the sponsors. i want to clarify there are six sponsors on the bill. repres representative rosario, gonzalez, santiago and myself all find the term offensive. it's a term that we believe is unnecessary because the spanish language which is 1,500 plus years old already identifies male, female and neutrality. we don't believe it's necessary. if you don't like the word latino and latina, you can use the word latin which is the proper term. >> here's what the act or john
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leguzamo says about the term. he says, i love it. i think it's about time. i i love it's latinx and it's all inclusive and i love that. he's saying using latino is gendered because it's the male adjective. >> that's correct. i represent john. i understand his brilliance and i respect his work. i will beg to differ with him on that particular segment as to whether it's -- in my term, by my thinking, it is offensive. i'll give you an example. i've had the opportunity to travel across these great united states to speak with many latino legislators. the majority of the legislators that are of latino descent are
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mexican and most find the term very offensive. we've had the discussion with people from texas, california, long island, new york, new jersey and obviously connecticut. my point is the majority, 96% of latinos find it offensive. there is a small percentage -- this is not to be divisive or put off anybody, it's just a term we don't want to see in the government and higher education. it's not a ban of the word. it's a ban using it related to government official business. >> you talked about the percentage of latinos you know who don't like the word. there's a pugh study that says most of latinos have not heard
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of it. only 3% according to the study use the term latinx. you have this legislation now. what's the possibility, the probability that it gets passed? >> thank you for the question. there's a process. we will have a public hearing. it's a general administrative committee right now. it's going through committee screening. what we are hoping to get is a public hearing very soon. we want the input of the public, number one. number two, it comes out of committee and goes to screening and has to pass screening both in the majority and the speaker's screening process on both aisles. then, when it passes that hurdle, it goes to -- it's a house bill. it goes to the house of representatives first. if it passes there, it goes to the senate. if it passes there, the governor
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can sign or veto. that's the process. >> represent reyes, thank you for explaining your perspective. >> thank you for having me. weekly jobless claims are at their lowest level since april. what does that mean for a potential recession? we'll discuss. and efeffortlessly responds to both of you. our smsmart sleepers get 28 minutes more restful sleep per night. proven quality sleep. only from sleep number.
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i had no idea how much i wamy case was worth. c call the barnes firm to find out what your case could be worth. we will help get you the best result possible. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ some encouraging economic news out today. the number of weekly jobless claims fell to a nine-month low. >> cnn's matt eagan is here. so, this took some economists by surprise. why? >> yeah, these numbers are surprising, because we keep hearing about layoffs, right?
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s.a.p., hasbro, ibm, paypal, those companies have announced thousands of job cuts. in january, job cuts quintupled from the year before. and yet, jobless claims, which are a proxy for layoffs, they keep going down, down to the lowest level since april. and this suggests that even though some tech and media companies are clearly cutting jobs, a lot of other companies, they are hoarding talent. they don't want to let go of the workers they have. just yesterday, a report showed the number of job openings in the united states went up to 11 million. that means that there are almost two available jobs for every one person looking. and that is despite all this pressure from the federal reserve, which is trying to slow the economy down. speaking of the fed and borrowing costs, new numbers out on mortgage rates today showed that mortgage rates, they came in at 6.1%, so, the bad news is it's still twice as high, almost
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twice as high as a year ago, but the good news is, they are inching lower for the fourth week in a row. they are well below that almost 20-year high that was set last fall of 7%. and hopefully the fact that they're settling in here just above 6% gives buyers and sellers some certainty. >> these oil company numbers are bananas. >> that's a technical term. >> there's a well-crafted question in the teleprompter, they're bananas. >> they are making a mountain of money, right? shell just reported earnings of $40 billion last year. they doubled their profits. now, it's not just shell. exxon, almost $60 billion, s chevron, $36.5 billion. you add it all up, $135 billion from just those companies. that is enough to buy every single nfl franchise. which is pretty amazing. >> it's bananas, that's what i said. >> it is worth noting, this is a notoriously boom to bust
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industry. when things are bad, they're really bad. i mean, these companies lost a lot of money in 2020, but clearly, they're making a lot right now and meanwhile, you're seeing gas prices tick higher, $3.50 a gallon. well below the peak from last year, but we need to keep an eye on gas prices. >> maybe they can spread some of the wealth. >> maybe. >> ever think of that? hmm. matt, thank you. all right, russian air strikes targeted kramatorsk today, destroying neighborhoods and killing several people. cnn was on the ground when the missiles hit. that's ahead. so to help you remember that liberty mutual customizes your home insurance, here's a little number you'll never forget. did yoyou know that liberty mutual custo— ♪liberty mutual♪ ♪ only pay for what you need♪ ♪only pay for what you need♪ ♪ custom home insurance created for you all♪ ♪now the song is done♪ ♪back to living in your wall♪ they're just gonna live in there? ♪yes♪ only pay for what you need. ♪liberty liberty liberty♪
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1:00 pm
time again for that annual rodent ritual in pennsylvania. >> pung tawny phil, ladies and gentlemen. >> sorry to report that phil woke up and saw his shadow, which means six more weeks of winter. >> according to the weather service noaa, though, phil has only been right about 40% of the time over the last decade. >> so, actually, it means there will not be six more weeks of winter. >> i always wanted to go to this, but i only remember the day that it happened. >> you have got to set your timer for this. >> looks like fun, i mean -- are there other black people in -- >> oh, no. again, you would make history going there. >> on this day in black history, victor blackwell became the first black person to attend. >> next year. >> black history month. "the lead with jake tapper" starts right now. republicans vote to kick
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