tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN February 3, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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memphis police officer fired related to tyre nichols' death. the police department says that it terminated preston hemp hill for violating multiple department policies, including personal conduct and truthfulness. he's now the sixth officer fired. hemp hill was on the scene of the initial traffic stop. his body cam footage shows him firing his taser at nichols. it also captures him saying this. >> i hope they stomp his ass. >> i remember hearing that as it happened. at that time, we didn't know had who said it, but it was him. as of tonight, he is not among the police officers phasing criminal charges at all or for second degree murder. thanks for joining us. anderson starts now. good evening. we begin tonight with breaking news. the pentagon now saying a second
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chinese spy balloon is clurntly crossing latin america. something so unexpected to be what it is, where it is, that it left people asking questions like this. >> what planet is that? >> actually, that's a good question. it's not mars or venus. the balloon is the size of three buses. and surveillance equipment spotted yesterday over montana, drifted across nebraska and then into the midwest today. floating at about 60,000 feet apparently following the prevailing winds. in a moment, we'll take a look at where it could be heading next. today, china said it was, quote, civilian airship, a vehicle gone astray, and secretary blinken postponed his upcoming trip to beijing. >> any country that has its air
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space violated in this way would respond similarly, and i can only imagine what the reaction would be in china if they were on the other end. >> in the meantime, the pentagon is not ruling anything out when it comes to shooting it down. >> at this stage, what i can tell you is again, we're reviewing options. i'm not going to go into more specificing than that. >> a number of republican lawmakers weighed in today, so did the president and former vice-president demanding the balloon be shot down. in a moment, we'll talk to senator john tester, but first alex with more on what are now both balloons. so what's the latest from the administration about both of these chinese spy balloons? >> we just learned moments ago from an on the record statement from the pentagon that there is this second balloon. they're not specifying which country in latin america. they do say it's another chinese balloon but it's not on track to
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come to the united states. this does highlight what the pentagon has been saying that there have been several instances of these spy balloons over the past several years. what's different here, the administration said today, is this one was caught on the eve of secretary blinken's trip to beijing. a trip long in the works, it was supposed to take place next week. understandably, the u.s. is frustrated. blinken saying today the trip could no longer be constructive. this undermines the purpose of the trip. here's a little more of what he had to say to his chinese counterpart. >> in my call today, i made clear the presence of the surveillance balloon is a clear violation of u.s. sovereignty and international law, that it's an irresponsible act, and the decision to take this action on the eve of my visit is detrimental to the subject of
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discussions we were to have. >> biden's white house secretary is saying they back up blinken's decision to postpone the trip. they also say that despite china saying they regret what happened and this is a civilian aircraft, of course, that is something they do not believe. biden, we understand, got his first briefing on tuesday, and during that meeting, he asked for military options. we know now he has been counselled by his top military advisers to not shoot down this balloon. >> why not? >> they believe it's simply too dangerous. they're not ruling it out, but they say it's too dangerous for people on the ground, and in the sky, it does not pose any danger. it has all that surveillance equipment on board and solar panels. getting shot down from that height would mean a very wide debris field. all this metal clinging to earth at a very high speed. as unu.s. official put it, this
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is not like top gun where it just explodes and doesn't go anywhere. it's large and metal, it would put tons of americans at risks. so for now it floats on in the skies above the u.s. the pentagon saying it could stay up there for several more days. it's subject to the winds, so that could change with high winds. we are watching very closely where this balloon is spotted. >> now the question is where next because it appears to be drifting with the high-altitude wind. where may this spy balloon go next? >> well, it's interesting because the way it has been flying from basically north to south, first spotted in montana and then all the way down in missouri most recently as of today. it looks to be following the winds. we've had all of these cold fronts come through, so the winds are very strong from north to south currently. it does make sense if you overlay where it's traveled, you
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can track those winds all the way down. over the next couple of days, the -- or the next 24 hours, the winds do turn more west to east, so that would make you they it would sort of drift in that direction. now, you have to take all this with a little grain of salt because winds can dramatically change speed with height. they can also change direction. based just on the knowledge we know right now, assuming it's just drifting with the wind, you would expect for it to take more of a trajectory like this over the next 24 hours or so and maybe come off the coast around the carolinas or so or maybe virginia. hard to tell. this is what it would look like as of right now. >> this is surreal that i'm talking to you. usually you're doing like a weather system, and we're tracking a chinese spy balloon. so could it drift -- i mean, it could drift out past washington, d.c., past new york city and go
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out into the ocean. >> right. it's hard to say where it could go because of the change of winds and speeds. i think it would be hard for it to end up across the northeast, major cities if it's solely drifted by the winds because the winds will be north to south. we have this extreme cold blast in the northeast right now driving the winds from north to south, so i think it would hold on to that trajectory aas of right now. so many things to consider. super weird i'm talking to you about this. based on the weather knowledge and things we know, this is it right now. >> here's the storm chaser who spotted the balloon not far from whiteman air force base. matthew, appreciate you joining us. again, we are talking to a storm chaser chasing a chinese spy balloon. can you walk us through how you spotted the balloon?
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>> sure. first of all, thanks for inviting me to your show. last 24 hours, been watching the flight radar. then again, going off what you guys were just talking about, notice it's on a southeast trajectory over towards missouri with the last known reports around nebraska, decided to go outside about 12:15-12:30, just happened to look up. clear sky, only white thing in the sky except for a couple of military planes flying around it, and it was over warrensburg. >> so when you saw it, there were actually military planes flying nearby it? >> correct. there was at least one or two. you know, they weren't very far from it. just kind of keeping surveillance on it. from what i know, a refill plane, but there has been planes currently trying to track it as there is right now down in southeast missouri.
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>> when you took these photos, how far was the balloon -- do you have a sense of what altitude the balloon was at? >> well, of course you know being an avid photographer of planes, it was much higher than your standard planes, at least 50-60 thousand feet. even the size of it, you could barely make it out to the naked eye. >> the military said about 60,000 feet. so you could see it with the naked eye? >> correct. you could see the actual balloon, and if the sun was shining just bright enough, you could catch the glimpse of the solar panels, whatever it is that's flying on the bottom of the balloon glaring off it. >> and were other people around you? i mean, were people looking up? were people asking you what are you looking at? >> oh, yeah. for sure. i was actually out on my lunch break at work. of course i'm looking up at the sky and everyone is looking at me like i'm crazy.
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and i'm like, look up. there's that chinese balloon everyone's talking about. i'm not the only one that saw it. there were a lot of others that saw it as well. >> it's really fascinating. matthew smith, i appreciate it. thank you so much. >> thank you so much. >> our next guest, democratic senator john tester. senator tester, appreciate you joining us. you have been raising warnings about china and spying and the threat china poses to the united states. do you think the u.s. should shoot this thing down? >> so look, anderson, first of all, it's great to be on your show. secondly, montanaens and i think all americans appreciate our freedoms and privacy, and to have a chinese surveillance balloon flying over a state like montana which has our icbms and is critical to deterrence to any sort of conflict is disturbing
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to say the least. i also depend on our military officials to keep us safe. the folks i work with are sharp and good. they tend to analyze every situation that's out there. so i will go with what they're doing right now as being the right decision, but i will also tell you that the reason we're going to have this hearing as soon as possible is to find out what went into the thought process as to why they handled this situation the way they handled it and what the threat was. i think any time you have china, a country that wants to replace us as the economic leader and military leader in the world doing this kind of garbage, it requires some explanations and to make sure if this happens again, we are very confident that there will be no good things to come out of it for china. >> there have been extensive chinese spying efforts focused on the united states for a long time, both the u.s. government
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and companies in the united states, corporate secrets. the fact that there's now another chinese spy balloon transiting latin america, had you ever heard of this before? do you have a sense that this has happened a lot and this is the first time people are noticing it? >> i think this is the first time people are noticing it. i have never been informed that there have been balloons previously, and i'm chair of the defense committee on aappit. china needs to knock it off. >> you don't think it's a coincidence it was going over montana, home to underground military, intercontinental ballistic missile silos, do you? >> i do not think anything is a coincidence when it comes to surveillance. i think everything is very well-planned out. and i think there's no errors being made here.
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i think china knew exactly what they were doing, and we just have to make sure that they got no information from this balloon. >> so, i mean, at this point, do you know just on background, do you know details of when this thing entered u.s. air space, where it was launched from, anything like that? >> i don't know where it was launched from, but i do know the details of when it entered u.s. air space. but there's far more questions that need to be answered by the military, and we're going to get the right person in front of us to get those questions answered because i think this is a very serious matter that china has decided to do. like i said, we've seen things happen in the indo-pacific. we've seen things happen on the internet. we know there's a lot of stuff happening in space. now this is one more thing to add to china's list of bad behavior. >> what sort of questions would you like answered right away?
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>> i want to know what went into the process of whether they were going to shoot it down or any other procedure that might be out there to be able to capture that balloon. i want to know how many times this has happened in the past, how many times it's flown over montana because we are an icbm site, and there are a lot more questions that need to be answered as far as what happened. i'm not making any assertions at what the military decisions they've made are the wrong ones. i just want to know the thought process behind them so we can be assured this country remains safe. >> i know you're also concerned about chinese government or associated with the government buying out farm land in the united states. you have the pass act in congress. >> 100% correct, anderson. senator rounds and myself have a bill we're carrying to stop chinese in particular, but russia, north korea, and iran from buying farm land in this
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country. and that's something that people know about, that farmers know about that are on the ground in montana. we need to stop that from happening because it puts our national security and our food security at risk. they're both very much connected. >> senator tester, i appreciate your time tonight. thank you. >> you bet. thank you, anderson. >> joining us now, colonel adam k k k kinsinger. u.s. northern command are coordinating with nasa to determine the debris field if it were to be shot down. do you think it should be? >> i think the first thing is to make sure it doesn't get out of this country. i think it has to be brought down under control if at all possible, that the united states has to gather the information on that balloon, the equipment that was used and what its capability was.
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frankly, i think senator is absolutely correct. he's approaching it the right way. let's get some real answers here. when did the military first decide this did not pose a military threat or national security threat. and secondly, were we able to hack into whatever technology is on board of that so-called aircraft? and were we able to take advantage and obscure what it was seeing? so i think there are a lot of issues to be raised here, but the most important thing when people call, just shoot it down, i would do that from a military point of view, but the first thing i would ask is the intelligence committee, what information do you have about their capability? if you have a spy taking place or someone in this country that's a spy that's about to leave, do you shoot him down or shoot that aircraft down or do you capture it and interrogate it and find out what the facts are and what needs to be done to make sure it doesn't happen
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again. >> have you ever heard of a chinese spy balloon over the u.s. before? >> i haven't heard over the united states. although, there are reports they have flown over u.s. territory, particularly near china. this was not on my bingo card waking up this morning, but it's really serious. a lot of people saying, what's the difference between this and a satellite. a satellite doesn't have the potential to deliver weapons. a satellite can't necessarily do other things. some of the electronic gathering, some of the sniffing for nuclear materials, which is interesting as it goes over montana. i fully think the military has to respond to this. i hope the decision to not shoot it down was only because of concern of potential collateral damage. because first off, you're over montana, a pretty sparsely populated area. so you have to weigh, what's the national security risk to this. the last thing i'm concerned
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about is this isn't the first or last time. because if this balloon is allowed to float freely, how many more balloons are they allowed to launch. >> also, if china can do it, balloon technology is probably not that advanced, but there's probably a lot of other countries that could doit as well. >> certainly there could be. we could do something like this as well. but the violation of the air space is a serious deal. it's one thing if a balloon would fly over international waters off the coast of the united states. it's a completely other thing to have it flying over missouri and real, real concerns here. >> secretary cohen, if this was an iranian balloon or a north korean balloon, would we have reacted the same way? >> i think we would have because the first thing we need to do is number one, is the balloon a military or security threat, but number two, can we get information out of it before we destroy it? we didn't know, for example,
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could it have contained something within the balloon other than helium that could have posed a threat to us. do we know if it has any kind of biological component to it. so you want to ask those questions, and i think they were completely correct about this in terms of what the chinese may or may not do in the future. we need to find out as much information about this balloon we can to make sure we put chinese on notice, come again another time, and we know what to do. right here i think was really important to find out what kind of information were they gathering, were we able to intercept it, and i know we can take it down, and i think we can take it down in a fairly responsible fashion so it doesn't come crashing down. we have the capability to help move it down. if the chinese can move it from china, we can move it from here, and i'm confident we can take it down. >> how would one bringt down? it's not just a balloon that
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pops, right? >> i've seen a lot of interesting theories. people wanting to take a giant claw and tear it. i'm like, i wish we had giant claws to do that. first of all, it won't pop. if you shoot it, it's not like a birthday balloon. it would create a hole in it which the air could escape from. so there's a way to maybe manage how many hoels you put in the balloon. i don't think it's going to be that easy. if you want to destroy it, destroy it. but i think when it finally does come down -- and the secretary is right, we cannot let this get away from us. hopefully we can exploit more from them than they did from us. this is a pretty tough operation to actually do. >> and secretary cohen, pentagon are saying there's a second chinese balloon crossing across latin america. >> i think all of us have to be concerned about this. is this a new technique being
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developed by the chinese, a low cost and low-risk as far as the capability is concerned? i think senator tester said something before about the people of montana worried about their privacy. the chinese have capability, the russians have capability, which certainly intrudes upon our privacy. that's gone for all practical purposes in terms of trying to hide things from them. the real question is what capabilities does this particular aircraft have that can loiter and linger for hours or days over a specific site gathering information. so we need to know what that capability is and to let the chinese know, if you're taking a new technique as opposed to putting satellites up there, you better be prepared to have all of them taken down. coming up, more on what china's intelligence services do when they are not sending balloons overhead. a look at the shape and size to
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gather all information on american soil. and one of the coldest and windiest spots as tens of millions of people are bracing for what could be the biggest coldld snap of the season. sensodyne toothpaste goes insiside the tooth and calms the nerve down. and my patents say: “you know doc, it really works." ♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪
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efforts. >> i think that would be wise to remember that they will say whatever needs to be said in order to cover what they're trying to do. >> security officials say there's been a dramatic escalation in brazen chinese spying on u.s. soil over the past decade. >> you look at china's track record of being deceitful, playing by a different set of rules, i have real certains. >> in 2017, a plan for china to build a chinese guard nn washington, d.c. complete with temples was scrapped after u.s. intelligence raised red flags. it would have been placed on one of the highest points in d.c., just two miles from the capitol. a perfect spot for signals intelligence collections. china also wanted to use materials shipped to the u.s. in diplomatic containers, which customs are banned from
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inspecting. >> we'll go to carriers if we have to. >> concern also rose in swan teen over cellular towers with chinese made hardware atop them near military bases in the midwest, and in the same area of montana where the balloon was spotted, over a military base that houses intercontinental ballistic missiles. this is a company that's drawn intense scrutiny, but the company has strongly denied any efforts on spy on the u.s. and said in a statement to cnn that its equipment is not capable of operating in any communications spectrum allocated to the defense department. in north dakota, a plan for a chinese company to build a corn mill was halted just days ago because of security concerns.
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>> we talked how interesting the timing was with what was going on with the corn mill here and that coming to an end. >> and now the balloon, which is only adding to already-tense relations between the u.s. and china. >> just, again, speaks volumes to the situation with respect to china. they are our greatest geopolitical threat. they are a threat economically and militarily, and we need to take it serious. >> we want to get some perspective now from intelligence analyst, john miller. a balloon is not the most high-tech thing. where does this balloon rank in terms of the range of ways that china is spying on the u.s.? >> not that high. both literally and if anfigurat. it's a collection platform. the chinese spokesman called it
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a force major. we couldn't help it. the wind blew it there. i think the definition of that is two things, one, the inability because of unforeseeable circumstance to stick to an agreement or contract, but the second definition which is an irresistible resource. it feels like number two because chinese intelligence collection in the united states is p pervasive. human intelligence. they're spending in people to research institutions. >> there's a huge data collection effort by china. >> it's an army. i mean, the people's republic of china has a giant building filled with military people to hack into government data bases, commercial data bases, steal political military economic developments but also trade secrets. >> this is so visible, it's not like -- they must have taken that into the calculation that it would be seen, and maybe
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that's part of it. >> i think that's exactly it. i think the chinese figure if we keep throwing this massive effort all the time, u.s. -- when i worked in the director of national intelligence, we used to laugh because the chinese stuff was being uncovered all the time because it made a lot of noise. they were easy to find. but they were also pervasive, which means it's a game of whack a mole, and a lot of it gets through. >> in the event of data collection like this, maybe there's some sensors that sniff nuclear stuff, but what is the benefit of having images just low, high-resolution images from 60,000 feet of montana land? >> it's not in real time, but it gives them a high-resolution recording of large swaths of the united states from 66,000 feet, you can see miles and miles and record that and be able to rewind through it, zoom into it
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for planning purposes, for strategic purposes. if you were targeting for instance and you wanted to get a close look at how that place looked for planning, it's useful to have in a file. >> data collection. thanks so much, john. coming up, what you're looking at right here, we're about to show you is not the north pole or south pole, it is america tonight, and we are going to take you to this spot and introduce you to the weather observer you see here as a blast of winter cold now blankets the northeast. whoops. i just want to talk! call 1-80000-directv to guarantee your price for 2 years. welcome to the next level. this is the lexus nx with intuitive tech... (beeps) car: watch for traffic ...and our most advanced safety system ever. ♪
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we could potentially see numerous record low temperatures across the northeast by tomorrow morning. people are under advisories after a brutal blast of arctic air pushed into the area. take a look at what some of our affiliates have captured. >> as you can tell right now, my scarf, my hair, the inds with southern maine are really intense. >> on a nice day, you can usually see a beautiful view of the mountains in new york, but not today. this morning, we set a pair of sweat pants we found, and it took less than a half an hour for them to get frozen like this. >> we're also seeing little tornadoes out on the lake. those are called steam devils. >> the skin can get frostbite in as little as under a minute. >> if possible, stay inside. as you can tell, i'm getting blown by the wind right now. >> with the wind chill, and you
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can see it's very windy. temperatures are around negative 30 degrees. >> it only took minutes for the water on this paper towel to become solid ice. >> when the wind hits your face, it feels like needles. your teeth and eyes hurt, so make sure to stay inside this weekend, folks. >> i love the frozen sweat pant. if you're living in the northeast and hear the wind whipping around outside, it may be incredibly cold, but it is not mount washington in new hampshire cold. that's the highest peak in the northeast. earlier, i spoke to someone who is there at the peak. he's a weather observer and weather educationalist in mount washington observatory. thank you so much for doing this, francis. can you tell us about where you are right now and what it's like outside where you are right now? >> absolutely. of course i'm on the summit of mount washington, and outside, i can show you briefly our current conditions here.
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i hope that focuses. current conditions, wind speed right around 90 miles per hour. we've had 103 mile per hour wind gusts. 106 degrees below zero wind chill. >> what? >> yes. >> wow. so obviously you are not going outside. >> we still are. however, we're nice and bundled up here on the summit. we do have to do our hourly observations 24/7, 365 up here. >> it's a dumb question to ask what does it feel like to be in minus 106 degree fahrenheits, but what does it feel like? >> so i did have a tiny sliver of my wrist exposed today, and it felt like a continuous bee sting or a continuous severe sun burn reminding you, i shouldn't be exposed. >> how quickly would you get frostbite if you were very
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exposed out there? >> in under a minute. >> wow. that's incredible. do you ever -- are you ever like tempted -- sometimes when i'm on the air, in the back of my mind, i'm tempted to say something insane that would like derail my career. are you ever tempted to run out naked in negative 100? >> i think we joke about it. >> don't do it. just like i'm not going to do it, you shouldn't do it either. so there are predictions that you might beat all records tonight for the coldest temperatures ever recorded, even as cold as -- i mean, as -- what would the record be? >> sure. so the observatory's record goes back to 1932, and that would be 47 degrees below 0. so we're very close to that. we're actually at 46 degrees
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below zero. we're right here on the summit, the 6,280 feet mark. so we're about a degree away from doing that. the all time record is recorded by the u.s. signal service back in 1885, 50 degrees below zero. at this rate, we may surpass that as well. >> that's exciting. i know you're up there for a week shift. how much longer do you have in your shift? >> about four or five more days. pretty much just getting started. >> if you got to be there for a week, it's pretty cool to be there when the record might be broken. i understand there's a door that blew open earlier. can you show it to me and tell us what happened? >> sure. so i can take you into our hallway here. this door goes into our tower which goes another 50 feet or so above our heads. so this door was the culprit. there's another level up where there's another -- can you still hear me there? >> yeah, i hear you. >> awesome. so, yeah, this door had a steel
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pin like you see here. it completely snapped off. we had a wind gust around 127 miles per hour, so the door flew open, and it took three of us to close it back. for good measure, we have this 2 by 4 in place. pretty much this door is the only thing between me and the 100 degree below wind chills right now. >> is that ice on the lock i'm seeing right now? >> yes, it is. i can run my hand across. i think that's what contributed to the door failing as well. the metal was so bit l and worn out. >> that stairwell must be really cold. >> it is. it's cold enough to have snow on it. several hours after. and i'm going to show you this window as well. bit of frost accumulating on there. >> wow.
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that's really incredible. francis, i know you're starting to put on some gear. you're going to -- so what are you going to do? you're going to go outside to show us how windy it is? >> absolutely. my head lamp won't be able to see too much, but i think you'll be able to see the snow flying around. >> all right. cool. >> i'm going to step out into the temporary arctic. >> so right now, it's about 46 degrees below zero, you said? >> i don't know if you can hear that .
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yeah. of course it's quite dark out, so it's difficult to see much. >> yeah. i really appreciate it. so good talking to you. >> yeah. definitely. thanks for the opportunity. >> all right. well, i wish you the best. stay warm. >> thank you. you as well. >> i couldn't see a thing, but it looked really cold. coming up, we examine the group responsible for the bloody cost of the e results in easter ukraine. right? uhh...nope. intuit quickbooks helps you mamanage your payroll taxes, cheers! with 100% accurate tax calculatioions guaranteed. i'm managing my high blood pressure, but i'm still a target for chronic kidney disease. and my type 2 diabetes means i'm also a target. we are targets too. millions have chronic and kidney disseabetes means i'm also a target. and 90% don't know ty have it.
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number of important developments in the war in ukraine we want to tell you about. on the day president biden approved millions more in aid, we also learned the sad news that american volunteer aid worker pete reid was killed while helping ukrainian civilians. that city has become a focal point for attack in the east. earlier this week, we introduced you to a former fighter for wagner who spoke about the brutal tactics they used throwing wave f wave after wave of soldiers into a hail of fire all to secure grounds at a time. the head of wagner said it was
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a, quote, kpem employer organization. tonight, we have more on wagner's role in the war. >> ukrainian reenforcements on the move around the embattled city. while the russians have made gains here recently, kiev is now sending in some of its toughest combatants. ukraine's president vowing stiff resistance. we consider this our fortress, he said, we consider our soldiers who have fallen here heroes. if we get accelerated weapons, especially long range, we will also begin to deoccupy donbass. russia's gains here have come mostly because of this man, the private wagner company showing off heavier weapons.
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wagner has long styled itself as putin's most effective fighting force off using convicts straight out of jail for near suicidal assaults on ukrainian positions. the u.s. and ukraine say wagner troopers who refuse are often shot on the spot, a claim wagner has not denied. after taking a small village, these fighters even brag about the appalling conditions. the guys swam across the river, he says. their hands and feet froze, some lost their limbs, but they went ahead and did not ask for evacuation. while visiting a new wagner training center in an occupied part of ukraine, he admitted he wants more fighters, ruthless, brutal, and expendable. here, they finish their training, he said. first, they make them into baby eagles, and here they become
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cannibals. but those so-called cannibals appear to be dying buyy the thousands. this drone footage shows skors of wagner fighters nearing the hills. the drone commander tells me wagner's assault tactics are extremely wasteful. they mix in prisoners with no fighting experience, then they send their own special forces to attack our flank. wagner's rate might be so high, they can't even find enough convicts to use. russia behind bars that keeps in touch with those sent to ukraine by wagner. 77% is the number of combat and noncombat wagner losses in the current campaign, she says. that includes killed, wounded,
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deserted, and captured. and though ukrainian troops say they themselves are losing too many soldiers, they vow to outlast russia's mercenaries dying in their thousands on the eastern front. >> fred joins us now. what do ukrainian leaders say they need to not only hold off the wagner forces but also begin pushing russia back? >> hi, anderson. they say they need more of those longer distance weapons. what we hear from ukrainian officials but also battle commanders is when the u.s. first gave ukrainians the high mars, they started hitting the weapons and logistics supply lines, but russians have adapted and moved that further from the battlefields out of the range of the high w like for instance those small diameter bombs, those are going to be key for ukrainians to hit some supply lines again.
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they also say they want more of that and also missiles that allow them to hit the russians even further away. on top of that -- this was quite interesting -- the ukrainian defense minister today said they expect the russians are going to come with a lot of armor and lot of firepower. they also still need more artillery and especially artillery ammo to hold that off. ukrainians where saying they think the offensive may have already started, but they also think that the rest of february and march is going to get a lot worse, anderson. >> fred pleitgen, appreciate it. up next what shell casings found at the crime scene could be for alex murdaugh. question is will the jury hear about that. the latest from south carolina ahead. ere for you. we offer the custom dental treatmentsts you need, all under one roroof, right nearby. so we can bring morere life to your smile...
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alex murdaugh trial focused on two key areas but once again the jury was kept from hearing about possible financial crimes prosecutors point to as a motive. as you know murdaugh is a former disgraced south carolina lawyer charged in the shooting death of his wife and son back in 2021. the housekeeper died a few weeks an alleged fall at the murdaugh's home in 2018. our randy kaye shows us what the jury did hear today that prosecutors hope will rule out anyone other than alex murdaugh as the killer. >> this is the example of a 223 remington. this is the one you may be more familiar with. i will show you now side by side this is the 300. >> reporter: paul grier examines shell casings found at the murder scene and elsewhere
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around alex murdaugh's property. he said some of the casings found at the scene were fired by or projected from weapons used before at murdaugh's home. >> and all those items are of the same model and manufacturer, is that correct? >> yes, sir, they all appear to have the same head stamp information and information on the side of the shell, and their case construction seems to be consistent. >> reporter: prosecutors say maggie murdaugh was shot five times and their son paul was killed with a shutgun. >> this was determined to be a semiautomatic shotgun in 12 gauge. >> reporter: here's why this expert's testimony is key. by telling the jury that shell casings scattered around the property where the murdaugh's live and shell casings found at the murder scene match firearms from the home the state is
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making the case the guns used to kill maggie and paul were fired many times on the property and were owned by am murdaughs. remember this witness? john bettingfield said he built three 300 blackout rifles. and paul's good friend rogan gibson testified this week about shooting the blackout with paul just a couple months before the murders. >> when you and paul were together with that blackout did you usually have the gun and shoot it or paul have the gun and hoot it? >> it'd just depend. >> who had it more? >> probably paul. >> one guy is driving and the other is looking? >> that's correct. >> is something y'all did frequently? >> a good bit, yes, sir. >> reporter: the state's goal, convince the jury the murder weapon was familiar to the murdaugh property and eliminate the possibility that the killer could have come from the outside with a weapon that hadn't been used on the property before. the defense tried to pour water on his findings by pointing out the murder weapons have never been officially identified.
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>> you are not offering an opinion that item 22 shotgun was used to murder paul murdaugh, correct? >> my result was inconclusive. >> and you're not here to tell this jury in your opinion this 300 blackout laying on the floor here was used to murder maggie murdaugh, correct? >> the results of those cartridge cases items 2 through 7 with test fires from that item 33 rifle were also inconclusive. >> randy kaye is with us from south carolina. so does the state have the murder weapons? >> that's a good question, anderson. we know from testimony they seized rifles from the home. he can't say they are, and he can't say they aren't, so we know the weapons they seized from the home have similar
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charactertics to the murder weapons but they can't say for sure -- >> randy, we're losing you because of the siren. i appreciate it. thank you very much. there's much more ahead on this busy friday night. we'll get an update on that second chinese spy balloon and tracking the chinese balloon still over u.s. airspace right now. and what happens if the u.s. tries to shoot it down. a look at that. our coverage continueses. designed to balance growth and guaranteed income. because doors were meant toto be opened. overactive bladder, or oab, can change your world. like going hiking, just to hike to the bathroom. reaching for the bar, just to reach for pads waiting for the sunset, just to wait for the stall. discover gemtesa.
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