tv CNN Newsroom CNN February 6, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm PST
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hello, and everyone, welcome to cnn newsroom. right now there is a desperate search and rescue operation under way across turkey and syria after a massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake ripped through the two countries before dawn. the death toll now tops 2,700 and will like will keep rising as crews dig through the rubble. more than 120 aftershocks hit after the earthquake, including one almost as powerful as the earthquake itself. buildings crumbled to the ground. people feared trapped inside. others having to run for their lives. rescuers having to reach those who are stuck under piles of concrete and debris, like this boy in northern syria. you can just make him out buried
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under the wreckage. thankfully he was pulled the safety. rescuers also pulling this little girl from the debris in another syrian city. the u.s. and other countries are offering whatever help they can. and president biden said he has directed his team to provide any and all assistance immediately. cnn's jumana is in turty. teams deployed throughout that city. what is the latest? you have been reporting all day for us. >> reporter: utter devastation stretching across ten provinces in southern turkey and across the border. in syria you've got impacted areas in government controlled parts of syria as well as the very vulnerable parts of syria that are under opposition control. these are parts of the country where you have more than 4 million people who have been displaced by war, people who had
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nothing. and now they are finding themselves in this situation, and they just don't have the resources and the capabilities to deal with this disaster. we are getting information every few minutes, this death toll that is continuing to rise, according to turkish officials, more than 1,600 people confirmed killed in turkey. more than a thousand also confirmed kill in the syria as well, and you've got the search and rescue operations continuing with thousands of buildings destroyed, damaged. and many, many building just completely flattened across this earthquake zone. it's a very, very complex and really challenging search and rescue operation. they're facing many challenges rights now. the aftershocks you mentioned, more than 100 aftershocks reported by turkish officials, making it were, very difficult
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for the rescue crews to rye and pull people from under the rubble. it is nighttime right now. also another challenge. and then you've got the weather conditions. there's a severe winter storm that is impacting that part of the country as well as many parts of turkey as well. also in syria. temperatures dropping to freezing, and then you've got snow, making it difficult for the crews to reach a lot of these areas. again, we're talking about a massive area that's impacted and they are trying to reach as many area as possible. and reports of roads block in the many areas. absolutely devastating situation as well. when you look at the millions of people who live in the earthquake zone both in syria and turkey, authorities are
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scrambling to set up shelters and awaiting the international response from countries in different organizations, including nato and the eu that will be supporting turkey through this disaster. >> such horrific to the best of my knowledge -- especially those images of the children there, just heartbreaking. thank you so much. joining me now is lucy jones. she's a seismologist studying earthquakes and the founder and chief scientist at the dr. lucy jones center. thank you so much for joining us. we know turkey sits between fault lines and small tremors do happen quite often there, but were you surprised by the magnitude of this particular earthquake? >> no. we know that earthquakes of this size have happened in the past in turkey and will continue to, because we can see the faults that are capable of it.
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the magnitude is determined by the fault, in this case 200 kilometers for the first and 100 for the second. we noever know what the time wil be, but the fact it's going to happen in sense will be a certainty. >> aftershocks can be just as devastating. and knowing the second came out at 7.5, can we expect more aftershocks? and what impact does this have on search and rescue crews? >> right, search and rescue crews really have to take this extra risk into account. we like to say, when you have a lot of earthquakes you tend to have a lot offers. when you have an active aftershock sequence, which is what we're seeing here, it will continue to be more active. i'm sure they're going to see more magnitude 6s. there's a possibility for a 7. the fault on which it happened is quite long, and there can be
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continued earthquakes on the next section over. the aftershocks are diagnose off. the first day will have most of them. the second day will have half. third day, will have a third. it's a one other time decay. it will be getting better. it will have to be taken into account in the search and rescue. >> you're saying the aftershocks will continue to be felt. i know this was the worst earthquake for turkey in some 80 years, but the country had strict building codes put into place some decades ago. clearly they weren't up to standards. how much of the fault lies with the government itself in terms of seismologists giving warnings this was to come, and certainly many of these builds weren't up to standard? >> depends on exactly why the buildings came down. building codes are not
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retroactive, so if these buildings were built before the current codes come into place, it just doesn't play. same thing is true everywhere else as well. we know we have buildings that are going to collapse, but that doesn't make them disappear. could be it's either too old a building, that something in the modern code didn't take something into advance. the engineers are going to be in there trying to understand that. there's also the possibility that the designs were not followed or the construction of sub standard, and that's going to require an investigation to determine why the buildings performed as badly as they did. >> turkey's a large countrying but last year the urban environment minister said 7 million homes were at risk of an earthquake. does that sound normal to you? >> yes. i mean, it's a dense country. they have a lot of earthquake faults. and the big issue, is how close are you to how big the earthquake is? if you're 100 miles away, it's
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not going to be that bad, but if you're right on top of it, it is. looks like 4.5 million people circumstantial evidence shaking strong must have to destroy an older building, which is called intensity 7. it's not magnitude, but an intensity scale. 4 hadn't 5 million people subjected to it just in the one earthquake. that's the sort of number. it's true in every seismic area -- we know that old buildings are a problem, and it doesn't make them disappear. >> this coming as the weather's in freezing temperature there is, and at 4:00 in the morning, not giving families much warning to leave their homes for safety. lucy jones, thanks so much for your time. we appreciate it. >> thank you. a law enforcement source says pieces of that suspected chinese spy balloon that the u.s. shot down saturday have reached the fbi's lab in quantico, virginia. the debris field is just off the coast of south carolina, where the air space is currently restricted today as navy crews work to recover the fragments.
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republicans have been slamming president biden for not bringing the balloon down sooner. the president first learned about it last tuesday. the balloon coasted the continental u.s. before fighter planes took it down over the water this weekend. carlos suarez is in south carolina tracking the recovery effort, and oren lieberman is at the pentagon. oren, i know you've got breaking developments from a pentagon briefing that just happened. >> reporter: we just heard from the commander of general command and norad. when he was asked about the previous instances of balloons that flew over in the trump mr administration, there was a domain awareness gap and the u.s. was not able to detect the balloons in realtime at that time. he says it's something they're working on if i canning but balloons were not detected. in terms of the questions about this most recent balloon, why wasn't it shot down sooner.
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general vanherck said there were efforts and steps take ton minimize the ability of the chinese surveillance balloon to detect and gather intelligence and surveil key sites. the pentagon said it passed other a number of sensitive sites but now saying there were steps taken to make sure it wasn't able to gather intel on sensitive sites as it made its way across the united states. in addition, the pentagon able to observe the balloon itself, how it worked, what it was doing, and learned more about the chinese intelligence gathering efforts. meanwhile, china saying it reserves the right to do especially the same thing to u.s. surveillance balloons or other surveillance balloons that come over their own territory. the pentagon reacting angrily. i'll read you part of a statement from brigadier general pat rider. let's be clear, the balloon was in u.s. air space. with do not conduct operations in chinese air space, so there is no similar situation.
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a blunt perhaps angry statement from the pentagon. it's worth noting the u.s. has spy satellites over china, which is in international law. they conduct flights over international air space of international waters. the pentagon pointing to a clear and legal distinction. >> a difference between discrete spying, which most countries do, as opposed to the balloon. oren, thank you. ca carlos, what do we know about the status of the search and rover right now? >> reporter: well, that recovery effort is well under way. we are at a boat ramp about 21 miles from the main debris site out here in south carolina, where the navy has pre-positioned some equipment as well as personnel. we were here last night when teams were coming back in after a good day's work out here. what's taking place up here about 21 miles north of the main
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site is they're essentially having all of this staff and equipment ready to head out if it's necessary. we spotted a couple members out here wearing the navy's dive and salvage unit gear. those are the folks that would be called out to take a look at exactly what kind of debris is at the bottom of the ocean out here and how they might be able to free it up. now just earlier this afternoon, we were told it does seem the navy has been able to narrow the field down where this debris is sitting right now. it's about 10 to 15 miles off the coast of south carolina, and it seems they have been able to take it from about 7 miles in length to a lit at further down. we're told the navy is using one of its ships to scan the bottom of the ocean to get an idea of how much equipment is out there. yesterday at this very same location, this is where we're told some debris was possibly found by the army. we did reach out to them for
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confirmation after getting a piece of svideo showing what appeared to be something white material on board one of their boats. we did not hear back. >> carlos, thank you so much. joining me now, secretary of defense during the clinton administration. secretary, thank you so much for joining us. let me get to you respond to the administration's claim that in their view it was safer to bring this balloon down over the atlantic as opposed to when it was first detected, we now know, early last week over the alieutian islands. >> i take the department of defense at their word. they should have shot it down, but as they explained, they thought there would be a potential hazard the people below, even though it's sparsely populated. nonetheless, felt there was some danger. i also felt in my heart this was
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also an excuse to be used as a point to carry out our own intelligence operation against the chinese. in other words, taking the time which we decided -- this has to be presented to the congress -- we concluded it posed no physical threat to the united states and its people and that we would use that opportunity to analyze what they were dong is also to penetrate, if we could, to hack into those systems to determine what they were trying to accomplish with a fairly unsophisticated balloon type of vehicle. so i think we were using it as an opportunity to determine what the chinese were up to. were they simply trying to gather communications around those sites? were they trying to determine what psychological state of affairs of many of the people who go through some pretty trying moments of being on alert
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at all times for an attack? communications between the various communications agencies and whether they could intercept them if any kind of war broke out? there's a lot to be determined. i think the military should be given credit for saying, we look at this, determined it could not pose a threat physically. now we wanted to know what they were up to and prepare for the future. i give the president great credit and certainly chairman lloyd austin. >> we know that the gang of eight will be briefed more on this tomorrow. i'm just curious whether, given what you just said, which sounds like the u.s. had some ways of jamming this balloon when they said that it did not pose a national security threat as it was traveling across the continental united states over some highly sensitive areas -- us a know, military base housing, icbms, what have you. we're not privy as the public
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and even here at journalists to the information the gang of eight will be, but given what has transpired do you think the administration could have at least been a bit more transparent as to why they were so confident it didn't pose a national security threat? >> i think the administration has to be very transparent with the key members of congress. there's the so-called big eight or big ten, bring the leadership of the congress in, brief them as soon as possible. the longer it's delayed, the more speculation this is going to be, the more criticism. so i think congress has an absolute right to be briefed on this as quickly as possible. from a political point of view, the administration should do so quickly. a moment ago i mentioned chairman austin. i didn't mean to reduce it, secretary of defense lloyd austin, who i have an enormous amount of respect for. >> well, you mentioned secretary austin, and it's interesting because his views clearly are not on the same line with what
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former defense secretary leon panetta said, and what many republicans said that this should be shot down sooner. goes back to my first question, why it wasn't, and why is panetta wrong? >> we just have a difference of opinion. the important thing was, it wasn't unreasonable for the military to include something this large, three school buses long coming down from 60,000 feet. could it have injured many or any individuals below? if we doubt that then of course you could say they should have shot it down earlier. but my point is, i think it was an opportunity once we concluded -- and again, they've got prove this to the satisfaction of congress -- once he concluded it pose nod intelligence threat that we couldn't stop of take advantage of. then it made sense to go out and shoot it down so we could then
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recover it. so i think a difference of opinion. you may have others who may have a difference, but i think president biden acted responsibly presidentially. if i could just add a word of expressing my deep sorrow what's happened in turkey, syria. suffering is enormous. i want to add a postscript, our hearts go out, but this is being done to the people of ukraine every day. just as the buildings come down, they're being shelled every day by putin and forced to freeze every night without heat, electricity, water, and food, so hearts go out to the turkish and syrian people. got to remember what's going on in ukraine as well. >> yeah, the suffering is immense in all three countries -- syria, turkey, and of course ukraine. let me just quickly ask you before we go to respond to what we just heard from that pentagon briefing, which i guess helps explain why those three other chinese surveillance balloons that we now know passed the
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united states under the trump administration but hasn't been detected or officials weren't aware of them. the military had a, quote, domain awareness gap that allowed to balloons to go undetected. how worrisome is that? >> well, it is worrisome. a balloon doesn't have a high radar signature, obviously. no doubt that's one of the reasons it was used or they have been used. so when we find out we've got a gap, we can fill that. there's an ongoing process. the chinese and other countries are spying on us 24 and 7 in many nefarious ways from satellites to humans to technology. we're under assault from many countries every day, and that gets into another subject of why we need to devote so much to collecting our own intelligence and then protecting it so we don't leave it lying around in our homes or garages. >> all right, former defense secretary william cohen, thank
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you for your time. a chaotic and unstable situation is playing out right now in ohio after a train carrying hazardous materials derail there had. what officials plan to do next. that's ahead. and george santos says he 100% denies sexual harassment allegations made by a former prospective staffer. hear more from santos. that's up next too. and the bill payer, baker, and nightlight m maker? that's a lot. soso, adding “and student” might feel daunting. but what if a school could be there for all of you? career, family, finances and mental health. -happy birthday! -happy birthday buddy. well, it can. national university. supporting the whole you.
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but don't know what to do next? call invent help today. they can help you get started with your idea. call now 800-710-0020. hazmat treaeams in ohio are racing to contain a train derailment that's -- fear of -- chemicals housed inside canisters on board multiple train cars. people are being ordered to evacuate for their own safety. gabe cohen is here with more details about how officials plan to do this. gabe, what is the latest you're hearing there? >> reporter: well, this is a massive development coming in this afternoon. we now know that at 3:00 p.m. eastern in just over an hour, responders are going try to do this controlled release from five different unstable rail
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cars at this crash site in east palestine. they're going blast a small roughly three inch hole in each of the bottom of the rail cars to drain any vinyl chloride out of the cars and into trenches dug below and lined with flairs that hopefully will burn off those chemicals, and they're doing it now to prevent the potentially catastrophic explosion they have been warning about, which officials say have become more and more likely because of the intense heat from the fire as it heats up those unstable rail cars which have safety valves that have stopped working, preventing the cars from properly draining those chemicals. but officials are warning this hour that there is still really a serious concern of a massive explosion, what they have been warning about for hours, that possibility is still there, and it's not just an explosion, there could potentially be ra
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release of a lot of chemicals if this plan doesn't go according to plan. officials have expanded the evacuation zone two miles with governor mike dewine giving this warning at a press conference this afternoon. >> the new information should up everyone's sense of urgency and their sense of danger. when you listen to the description of if you're in the red zone, you're in likely possible death, and if you're in the yellow zone, certainly severe long-term injuries. >> reporter: now officials say they have gone door to door to warn people to get out of that evacuation zone, but again, they are urging people to stay clearle they are hoping this 3:30 clearing of these rail cars is going to go according to plank but they were prepared for the worst. >> let's hope everybody heeds those warnings from the governor and official there is. gabe cohen, keep us posted.
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house gop lawmakers are considering a resolution condemning the biden administration's response to the suspected chinese spy balloon. we're on capitol hill with more reaction. that's next. because it's powered by ththe most potent source of energy there is ... you. this is the lexus variety of electrification ... inspired by, created for and powered by you. ♪ my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... the burning, itching. the pain. emerge tremfyant®. with treya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 16 weeks. the majority of people saw 90% clearer skin even at 5 years. serious allergic reactions y occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to.
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the biden administration expects to brief a group of lawmakers known as the gang of eight as early as tomorrow on the suspected chinese spy balloon the u.s. military shot down saturday. republicans continue to slam the president for waits until the balloon crossed the country before shooting it down. sources tell cnn that house
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republicans are now weighing a vote as soon as tomorrow condemning the biden administration for its handling of this incident. manu raju joins us now from capitol hill them vote comes just ahead of the president's state of the union address. what implications could that have? >> reporter: it's uncertain if republicans will go that route. i am told that's an issue that's still under consideration. members have to see the language, there has to be an agreement, and remember, there's a narrow house republican majority, meaning more than four defections could scuttle any legislation, include this one, which is why it's not yet clear if they'll offer a symbolic rebuke to the president's actions. they plan to meet behind closed doors temple morning as they typically do. we'll see if anything comes of that. there's a number of questions that members have still, democrats and republicans, act what information it may have gotten, why the administration did not act sooner, what actions were taken as the administration learned about this and why the president did not speak out sooner. not just republicans, but
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democrats have those questions as well. we expect on the senate side the chairman of the defense committee plans to hold a hearing on this issue. he's from montana, one of the states it was head over some time last week. and also we expect the leaders of the house and the senate, the leaders of the intelligence committee and so-called gang of eight to get a briefing as soon as tomorrow. they're expected to get highly classified information about everything that happened here before the larger membership of the house and senate learn about what happens next week. so just a lot of questions as the members grapple about the implications and decide whether to formally rebuke the president over his handling of this issue. >> this as the debris continues to be collected and sent to quantico. joining me now is congresswoman ashley hinson, a member of the house committee on the chinese communist party. thanks so much for joining us. you tweeted this saturday in response to the balloon being shot down over the atlantic. you said, add this to the list
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of national security failures by biden. the administration knowingly allowed the ccp spy balloon to float across our entire country, including over military bases, a shameless violation of our sovereign air space in a clear provocation. the military said all along congresswoman this balloon led no security threat and that led the military to being capable of jamming the balloon in some form and enabling it from collecting any information. if that is the case, then what national security threat did it pose? >> well, to be frank, this is a brazen provocation by the communist party. it's why we need to be standing up as americans and waking up to the new cold war we're facing with the communist party. they've got 215 million weather balloons in the form of tiktok on americans' phones. it's high time we shut down the
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surveillance information they have on the ground and in the air. americans, certainly iowans are september cal that it was able to hover over air force bases and not gather any information and beam it back to communist china to be used against us. i think those are the questions we want serious answers to, but we have to make sure that there is a plan from the biden administration and our military to make sure this isn't allowed to happen again. >> what about the counterargument that during this time it was able to gather intelligence, that perhaps the balloon was transmitting back to china and thus being productive from an intelligence standpoint for the united states? >> i think it's highly concerning either way. we should not be allowing hem to execute an agenda across our country. the mission was allow to be completed going all the way to south carolina. you can't tell me with only a seven mile radius there wasn't a place they could have shot this down and continue to gatter the intelligence of what made thumb balloon be how it was being
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used. it's very clear this is a very sophisticated spy operation that's been in the works for many, many years we know this has been taking place over many administrations. so, again, this was a test. president biden failed that test by boyiallowing it to work its across our country, and americans deserve answers as to why that was made. >> do americans deserve answers -- looks like we're learning why three intelligence gathering balloons were able to cross long the united states undetected during the trump administration without top officials being aware, including defense secretary mark esper, the former president himself. we are just hearing that a domain awareness gap allowed them to go undetected. is that not a national security threat? how alarming is that in. >> absolutely, it's alarming. when you look at what's been able to be allowed by the chinese communist party through
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several administrations, we've seen them ramp up their surveillance on us. this is a sophisticated apparatus they have been able to execute for many, many years, and americans should absolutely be concerned about this threat. it's again why we have propped up in a bipartisan way the select committee on competition with the chinese communist p party. and i want to be clear here, the chinese party is a real threat to the americans. we have no beef with the chinese people. it's about the continued provocation by the military apparatus and the chinese communist party. that's what our committee is looking to challenge to make sure the chinese know we're taking these threats very seriously, and again, that's why you're hearing calls for questions about when we knew about devices coming across our country, why has the allowed to persist, and a plan going forward so it can't continue. >> appeared it was the biden administration that informed the trump administration of these three balloons that had gone
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und undetected. are you hoping to get more clarity, perhaps an investigation into how that was allowed to happen, this domain awareness gap? >> absolutely, we need to make sure our military has the resources and tools necessary to be able to detect. we're facing new threats every day, and we need to be nimble and weak to threats. this is very, very clear, about, again, making sure we have a path forward, get answers to the questions, but we can not allow this to happen again. >> congresswoman ashley hinson, thank you for your time. stunning claims from a former manhattan prosecutor who investigated donald trump. he said his probe turned up enough evidence to charge the former president. we'll take a look at this claim straight ahead. when covid hit, we had some challenges. i heard about the payroll tax refund that alwed us
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"national enquirer" has been sold after its parent company faced intense pressure to part ways with the outlet. it was known to catch and kill negative stories about high profile people, including former president donald trump. manhattan district attorney is pushing ahead with his investigation into trump's alleged role in a hush money payment made to adult film star stormy daniels. i know you have more information about another case against trump and the trump organization. fill us in. >> one of the former prosecutors investigating trump -- this was under the previous district attorney -- they were looking into the financial statements and the accuracy. that prosecutor mark pomeranz resign in the protest last year just about two months after the incoming d.a. alvin bragg because bragg would not authorize him to move forward with an indictment of the
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president. pomeranz was on "60 minutes" last night and said anyone other than donald trump could have been indicted. take a listen. >> if you take the exact same conduct and make it not about donald trump and not about a former president of the united states, would the case have been indicted? it could have been indict in the a flat second. >> so what ties donald trump directly to this? couldn't he say, my accountant said it's worth this, i signed it. >> there were many bits and pieces of evidence on which we could rely in making that case. >> that view was not shared by everyone on the prosecution team. a couple of attorneys resigned from the team and some career prosecutors there, sources toll me last year, said they didn't think they had enough evidence to prove that the former president had criminal intent. some of these bits and pieces of evidence that pomeranz is
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talking about did eventually become public in the negotiation attorney general civil investigation, and she filed that cut all over the accuracy of his financial statements, but a civil investigation has lower proof than a criminal investigation. >> i remember those resignations last year. a lot of people surprised by them. thank you. the justice department just charged two people who they say were planning to destroy energy facilities. these attacks are a growing trend in the country, particularly among extremist groups. we'll have new details on the attacks straight ahead. a thing. by relieving pressure points anand supporting your body in a way no other mattress can. experience the mattress ranked #1 in n customer satisfaction by j.d. power, four years in a row. we all have a purpose in life - a “why.” no matter your purpose, at pnc private bank we will work with you every step of the way to help you achieve it. so let us focus on t how. just tell us - what's your why? the first time you connected your website and your store
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just charged two people with conspiracy to damage energy facilities in maryland. court documents say a neo-nazi leader and female friend allegedly planned to attack electrical substations surrounding baltimore and wanted to, quote, completely sddestroy the entire city. the plans were thwarted thanks to online chatter. here is the field director. >> provided instructions and location information, he described attacking the power transformers as the greatest thing somebody can do. in her own words, daniels said that she was determined to do this. she added, it would lay this city to waste. >> john mailliller is our intelligence analyst. thank goodness this was th thwarted. tell us how the plan had been happened and how alarming it is in your view. >> well, first you have to stop
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fully and take a look at what is brandon russell. he is former head of a dedicated n neo-nazi group operating in the shadows in the united states for some time. but he just got out of jail from his last guilty plea for storing explosives in his home in tampa where he had his framed photograph of timothy mcveigh, the oklahoma city bomber, his own military uniform, weapons and so on. so one question is, what is he doing out of jail. we'll get to that. but second question, how was it supposed to work. we have seen much more this year, repeated calls to take down the power grid among neo-nazi and white supremacist groups and their plans involve what we've seen already. sniper attacks on key nodes within the substations. but this one also involved sending things into the plants carried by mylar balloons that were meant to cause these
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cascading blackouts. >> and you mentioned this has happened in other locations as well. what is the theory behind why we're seeing an increase in these types of planned attacks especially by extremists? >> so the white nationalists, the neo-nazis, the fall of the government to reorganize it in a white power government, they have become enamored because they think if they can to sustained blackouts and people go into panic mode, riots, lootings a race war, that they can accelerate the emergence of this new society. >> and we keep talking about the threat from other countries, but we haven't focused nearly enough in terms of domestic threats. and just a couple people happen a hatch a plan. >> last friday we did a big story on this underground movement and i think if you look at the story on, you can
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go back to that for the bigger picture. but this is a big emerging problem. >> john miller, thank you. right now in it turkey and syria, there is a desperate search for survivors under way following the catastrophic earthquake. we'll take you live to the ground, that is next. starting at just $79.95? the exam alone is worth... 59 bucks. i mean, people deserve breaks, right? yeah, brakes.....! [out of control] book a an exam today at [sfx: stomach gurgling] it's nothing... sounds like something. ♪ when you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion, ♪ ♪ upset stomach, diarrhea. ♪ pepto bism coats and soothes for fast relief... when you need most. three nights, esg... the broker will take your bonds. -diversification, futures, options. fiduciary. leverage. [whispering] -frothy markets. psst. virtual real estate is a lock. ♪ cold hard cash ♪ j.p. morgan wealth management knows the world is
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alleged that the lawmaker invited him to his home. when myers refused, he was denied the job as a staffer just a few days later. he also filed a house ethics complaint. cnn's melanie is on capitol hill for us. are we likely toe s see an investigation into this? >> reporter: we've confirmed that the house ethics committee has received the complaint but no word yet on whether this will launch a formal investigation. the committee is usually tight lipped about these things. but tderrick myers was working n a volunteer basis for the congressman and waiting for paperwork go through before he officially took a job with the congressman. and he also says that he has filed a police report. now, myers says that he does not have any corroborating evidence. he acknowledged that. but it is illegal to file a false report. and what is in that report according to myers, he says on january 5 he was alone with the congressman in his office when
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the congressman reached over towards his groin area. myers said that he she swatted hand away and promptly left the office. and about five days later that myers said he was called back to the office where he was questioned about his resume and his former work as a reporter. and then a few days after that, his job offer was officially's kr rescinded. santos weighed in a bit ago. >> you can talk to me about derrick myers and his alleg allegations? >> it is comical. m . >> do you deny it? >> of course i deny it. let me make it clear. let me make it clear. if there was remote any part of that that was true, he should have led with that and not biggebig begged for a job that we decided to pull from him for being accused of
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