tv CNN Tonight CNN February 6, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PST
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>> good evening everyone, thanks for tuning in, i'm alisyn camerota. welcome to cnn tonight. we have a lot to talk about. we are one night away from what will be the unofficial kickoff of joe biden's likely reelection run, also known as his state of the union address. what case will he make to the nation to elect him to a second term? a lot of political types think it's not just what he says, it's how he appears. president biden would be 82 if he wins reelection. he's already the oldest american president ever. is that why so many people are still on the fence? plus, lebron james is on his way to breaking the nba's all-time scoring record. remember when he was advised to just shut up and dribble? he did not take that advice. now he's 36 points shy of
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lakers legend gerard's record. we will talk about it. >> is it stressful at all? the chase? >> no, because it was never goal, it was never journey. the stress so far for me is competing every single day. >> also, nerve-racking moments in the sky. first was in your message of k when two planes packed the passengers nearly collided on the runway last month. that was a delta flight. it had to abort its takeoff as an american airlines flight cross the runway right in front of it. [bleep] >> cancel takeoff plans. >> 1943, cancel takeoff plans. >> rejecting. >> there was another near miss this weekend, a fedex plane and a southwest airline 7:37 came within 100 feet of each other. experts say it was the pilot of
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the fed plane, not air traffic controllers, who averted disaster at the last possible moment. >> rana roe. fedex is on the go. he >> turned right when able. >> negative. >> here in studio with me to talk about all of this, we have cnn's famous john berman. also political commentator as he cup and cultural critic corona mail. also joining us as former faa safety inspector david soucie. david, i want to start with you. what was that? 100? they came within 100 feet of each other. those two planes. what happened? how does that happen? >> that is so narrowly avoided. if the fedex person had not -- if the pilot had not been on the ball like he was, you've got understand when you're flying in like that and you're getting ready to land, you can't really see anything
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underneath you. he saw that as he was coming in and boarded his touchdown just at the last few minutes. 100 feet is not long. that airplane itself from ground to tail is only about 60 feet itself. so 100 feet is not a lot at. all they should not have happened. >> david, i don't understand. how did it happen? is this blood air traffic controllers are supposed to be avoiding? >> yes, they are. and they do have, in most airports, a 35 of the largest airports have ground surface device that tells them where the airplanes are and where they're moving and when they're not moving. this one, this airport, does not have that. so that would've helped them. but you can't rely on that. you still have to make your decisions. the only thing i think could've happened here is the air traffic controller as southwest to takeoff and southwest took a little longer than normal to actually hit the guns and go. that could've caused the timing to be off. but it should never have been that close on the first place.
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if that airplane hadn't taken -- made the go around, it would've landed right on top of that airplane. we would've had one of the worst aviation disasters on our hands. >> john berman, are you aware that i'm a nervous flier? how have we talked about this? >> i can imagine you would. when >> you look at this, all the joy and comfort has been sucked out of flying. you know, they don't give you leg room, they don't leave on time, and -- >> they don't give you peanuts anymore. >> no peanuts. the only thing that they could do is get you there in one piece, most of the time. but now when you see this, and you see what happened a few weeks ago, your wonder wing if they are losing the threat even there. >> yes, as? >> this is very unsettling. i'm also a nervous flier, and just the visual of being in a plane knowing that could've just happened. but the good news is, it is really safe time to fly. it's very -- >> it does feel as though these incidents we've just seen a few
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of them in the past few months, and they -- >> but they don't care about your feelings, alison. and it really is. i get that because we hear the stories but just because we're hearing them doesn't mean that it doesn't make it all that popular. in fact, it's a very safe time to fly. i talk to pilots, i talk to aviation experts. this is really hard for planes to crash these days. so take a little solace. take a little solace. >> that's a hard sell to a nervous flier. i'm very much. so very much. so >> you have to do it. we live in a world, we have to get around. but these things do not endear any kind of confidence. it makes you feel like i'm putting my life in these people's hands. and you are. >> and you. are >> granted, and every thing that s.e. is saying is accurate statistically. it's far more dangerous to get behind the wheel of car. however, the lack of control.
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we already realize that we have no control over in the airplane. can you keep us naive and ignorant? -- i can throw -- i can't go home. i could've hit that plane out the window. >> you know what i'm worried about as a flyer, i travel a lot to, i'm more worried, these days, about my fellow travelers. and the freak outs that we are seeing on tiktok and instagram. >> all right, let's not be fatalistic, but i'm more worried about the people sitting next to me these days which is awful, an awful thing to fear the passenger next to you. >> and i totally agree with you. but, david s.e. is right, of course, air travel is safe. it's much safer than driving. however, do you think these things are happening? are there more nervousness lately was that just my imagination? >> it depends on the scope and how you look at it. if you look back in 2016, there
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was maybe seven or eight of these in the entire year as we move forward, the real years of less, and there were years of more. when they happen closely together like this it tends to make people nervous. but you have to realize, the tens of thousands of people their entire job is trying to make this flight safe for you so this is tell you that there are. so many tours of safety including an air control monitors. but then again, each of the pilots is looking after the safety of passengers on board. so the fact that this was a safelite tells you that even when things go wrong, there's very little tears that something doesn't go deadly wrong. you have to make sure that you understand that to be able to get there and fly and understand how much safety and how many levels of safety there are to prevent these things from happening. and it is, it can worry you. i understand that. >> s.e., by the, way facts do care about my feelings.
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there we have it, i have a full screen of airplane issues in the last month. so one faa system outage holds -- back that's nerve wracking when the whole system goes down. >> not a safety issue but -- >> holder jets. january 17th, and your collision at jfk. united plane clips another plane. >> that wasn't your mess. >> that was an actual hit. february 5th, then your collusion we've been talking about in austin. and if that isn't enough for you guys, i wanted to show you the animation. that we did of how close they came to each other. okay? this is the fedex plane, trying to land, and this is the southwest air turn to take off. watch this. oops. that's what happened right there. it's terrifying! yes, that's terrifying! yes, i have to fly very soon. i am terrified of that happening now. >> let's keep playing it over, and over, and over again so that i don't sleep tonight. >> oh, i guess i will.
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here we go. but david, i know you talked about how there's no faa administrator. >> yes. >> does that really affect what's happening on the ground? does that -- that's a suit in washington, d.c.. that is that really trickle down to what happens on the runway? >> yeah, you know you think about these broad scope of things that might affect things. in this case, it actually does. because you look at this air surface detection system and it's only and 35 airports. why is it not in more? and you look at the fact that the systems went down, the air traffic control systems, the no time system went down. i really did that directly to the fact that there is more interim faa directors than there have been faa directors in the last 5 to 10 years. so it's something to look at. here's the reason that these systems take a long time to develop. they take 6 to 10 years to go through the life cycle, the development life cycle.
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and those times when you change administrators, the systems don't get the tension they need, they don't get the funding they need, it changes all the time. so it's hard to get a system completely redone and -- in current, so they put patches on old systems that were designed back in 60s and 70s. and they keep putting these patches on them to make them safe. they're still safe. but they could be improved, to be able to handle all the different changes and the complexity. this is a measurably complex as you can imagine. and i let people try to make it safe. again, it is the safest way to travel. there's no question. can be improved and would it be improved by an administrator who is in the seat for more than four years? absolutely. i've been touting that for many years as you know, alisyn. >> i don't want to think that this gap first tip a touch on my plane somewhere or even in the system. but i take your point, david. thank you for being voice of reason with all of this. that is, stick around everybody.
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he's our oldest sitting president ever and it looks like joe biden wants another four years. can he convince america? in this state of the union address tomorrow on why he should be reelected. even if you got ppppp and it only takes eight minutes to qualify. i went on their website, uploaded everything, and i was blown away by what they could do. has helped businesses get over a billion dollars and we can help your business too. qualify your business for a big refund in eight minutes. go to to get started. powered by innovation refunds. the first time your sales reached 100k was also the first time you hit this note... ( screams in joy) save0% with the lowest transaction fees and keep more of what you make. with a partner that always puts you first. godaddy. tools andupport for every small business first.
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when we got the quote back from pie it was a sigh of relief. i'm grateful that there's company out there that's willing to insure us little guys because every dollar counts. ask your agent or get a quote at >> president biden getting ready for the state address tomorrow night. it's his chance to sell the voters on his second term.
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so, do voters want to hear about his many accomplishments or will they be focused on how he looks and sounds? back with me john berman, s.e. cupp, and kierna mayo. john, what's the answer to that? >> i think it's both. i think that it's no secret that joe biden is not a young man at this point. i think that's big into the cake, i think americans have come to accept that they have a much older president of the united states. but every time he does a big public thing like this, i think people are watching. by, large every time he's been doing something like this, where they're prompting a teleprompter speech, he said the mark. about his age. i think the question is, how does he approach? this does he approach this as a launch for his 2024 presidential campaign and if so, what is he running on? he's benefited i think largely, politically, for a few years now from instead of telling people what he's for, proving to people who he is not.
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he is sort of succeeded in opposition to things for years. and i'm curious if he continues to try to hit that mark saying, at least on that these guys. >> he does stand for unity, he talks about that a lot, he spurred building bridges, he talks about his accomplishments a lot. i don't think he only defines himself as not being trump. >> i'm not saying that he only defines himself by not being trump, i'm saying that a lot of his success has come from that. if you look at the midterms, where democrats did better than i think people expected they would, i think that success came from not being trump, not being some of the republicans. i don't think it came from the infrastructure bill that -- the bipartisan on the bus things they got through. >> messaging issues still the democrats not getting through. i beg to differ. i don't know that most of the people are paying much attention to any of the successes. i think they're just stuck on the fact that he's an old man. >> why could they do differently?
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>> yeah, you do with what you have. so we have joe biden, so we go with joe biden. but i think forever matters, timing matters. we're in an age of media. and things have to make sense, they have to click, they have to be pretty. all the things, i just feel -- i'm afraid that joe biden not just because of the age, but because of the messaging, or the lack thereof, that he's going to have an uphill battle. >> listen, i'm often on the air when joe biden is going to make a speech. so i am a captive audience. i listened to more of joe biden speeches and i think a lot of americans do. so it's not lack of messaging. i'm not sure where they're hitting the mark and why his phone numbers aren't higher because he does messages it many times a week about those accomplishments. but i take your point that is not resonating. >> a couple of points. i think one of the mistakes he made leading up to the midterms it was he didn't completely
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read the room. he talked about the strong economy and how great the country was doing. his numbers could've been right. but that's just not how a lot of people felt. so to feel peoples pain was a gift of clinton's. i'm not sure it's a gift of biden's. and tomorrow, i would hope that he would acknowledge that people are still feeling pinched at the pump and the grocery store. he doesn't have to pretend that doesn't exist. and lean into it and say, we have a lot of work to do. i would also, to john's point, keep making the contrast. because the threat is still inside the house. and i think it would be wise to talk about not just about what the republicans are gonna do, but the things they've already done, and the things they want to do more of. i would call out how crazy and extreme some of the things republicans want to do. and i make the case if i were joe biden. that i'm rational, common sense. i'm not going to blow the place down. i'm not here for the disruption or the destruction. i'm here to get us on the right
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track. that might be good enough. of a message for a relaunch if that's what tomorrow's partly about. >> we hope, we hope. i'm afraid the vice president has been aware -- >> layer. >> let's talk about that. is that part of what will go into people's calculation for his -- if they're reelected again? >> if you think about the coalition, the coalition, the reason biden is there is not because of a bunch of old white men. it's because -- it's everyone else. but everyone else is invisible in whatever is happening. positive or not. it's a problem for that core coalition saying, yes, i'll give your shot. i hate to say it but representation absolutely matters. obviously, the vice president is a very busy woman doing a lot of work. hard things that we're never going to know about. >> why aren't we gonna do about it? >> that's my question and going back to messaging, why don't we
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see her, why don't we feel her? why doesn't she have a platform in his administration where we can tangibly feel a black woman at work? >> can i take a guess and i don't know the answer. and i don't doubt that she's working hard. i'm that one of the people -- are who says that she's not doing anything. i think she's working very hard. it feels to me that talking too much about kamala, or putting kamala harris up front is somehow going to make joe biden look less capable, look older, look less fresh, less new. and i just think that sucks. because she is part of why i voted for him. i'm republican. i voted for joe biden because i thought, he's not crazy and he was to make america good again. but his vice president mattered. he could've picked people that i would not have voted for. he picked kamala, and i thought, she's smart, she's not to progressive, she's going to fix some problems, where has she been?
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>> you think they should put her out more, make her more a public phase of the administration? do you think that would be good politics at this point? >> i want to hear more from her and i think the reason they're not as to protect joe biden and i think i kind of sucks. >> i think that if that is a play, it's a bad play, because it doesn't protect him, it makes and not look like a partner. what we wanted and that was a partnership, so the partnership matters. >> yes. >> i'm not sure it's because of fear of how it will make him look, i get this ends up from the reporting that's been out there that they haven't been overwhelmed with joy in some of the things that she has been out in front of. whether it be immigration early on or other things. but you know, i certainly think that -- >> that you think she can withstand questioning from the press? questioning from members of congress on where she has been on these issues? hiding her does her no service
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or him. >> and again, the answer is yes, i think she could do very well for the press, but there is the perception in that big first sit-down interview that she did do, she didn't do as well as she -- >> he she didn't answer honestly and he pushed her on that. that was important relationship. >> we shall see how they choose to play it tomorrow night. all right, meanwhile, only 36 more to go. and with the lakers playing tomorrow, lebron james could be about to break the all-time scoring for the nba. as john knows, i'm a sports buff. so we're gonna be talking a lot about this. this is basketball, john. and we're gonna talk about his impact on and off the court, next.
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i screwed up. mhm. i got us t-mobile home internet. now cell phone users have priority over us. and your marriage survived that? you can almost feel the drag when people walk by with their phones. oh i can't hear you... you're froze-- ladies, please! you put it on airplane mode when you pass our house. i was trying to work. we're workin' it too. yeah! work it girl! woo! i want to hear you say it out loud. well, i could switch us to xfinity. those smiles. that's why i do what i do. that and the paycheck. >> lebron james is 36 points away from breaking the nba all-time scoring record. and tonight, the superstar who's being held as the g.o.a.t. is speaking out. >> has it been stressful at all?
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the chase? >> no. because it was never a goal, it was never journey. you know, the stressful part for me is competing every single day to try to bring home the [inaudible] >> the larry o'brien trophy, as i may tell, you if you don't know that reference, he's referencing the nba championship trophy. with me now john berman, also professional tennis player -- professional something! sportsman. patrick madden, roe and patrick -- it's all the same to me. so joke over. i don't know that much about sports, but i do know that lebron james is not -- beyond mortal. he's -- he's made a difference stop, i know that much, then any other athlete because this is a record, as you will know, grow up till ja'marr, he said in nearly 39 years ago in 1984 and
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that then commentators like yourself thought he could never be broken. and tomorrow night, it's probably gonna be broken. >> it's enough to get 37 points to break it. it's been amazing to watch him do what he's done for so many years, lebron james. and his commitment to being the best, to being the guy who he wants the ball in his hands when it matters. but i think what i love the most about him, and of course, he's always compared to michael jordan. if i had one game, john, i think i'm still going with mj to get the bucket. but lebron has been the ultimate team player. making guys around him better. wanting to be the guy who this is when he has 2, who passes the ball. he's actually now 4th all-time in assists. this is a guy who's 6 foot 9, who plays power forward. he has got the 4th more assists in all point guards in this group. and there's lebron james, not only going to be the greatest score, but one of the top assists. >> so why would you take michael jordan? >> for one, game jordan was the
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ultimate in sports terms assassin. he would be to when he had to. lebron in some ways has almost been 2 nights sometimes. giving up the ball, that being said, he's won 4 nba championships and he's dominated for now 20 years which is 5 more years already than jordan's been in the league. >> this could happen on our watch tomorrow night because he's been averaging 0.2 games per game. so that would put him -- oh no, he needs 36. >> the next 2 games are in l.a.. >> it's not mapping. hopefully there will be -- here's the thing, lebron james is a generational talent he's on the proverbial mount rushmore of basketball, one of the greatest ever. but he himself described what this record means and it's a lot, but not everything. because in basketball it's really about the championships combined with the greatness. and jordan, in addition to being the assassin, has 6. lebron has 4. and --
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got 11. so you've got players who've had more rings than he has, and while he's no doubt the greatest player in the game today, if he's trying to be called the greatest ever, i don't think he is necessarily the g.o.a.t. and basketball. i think most people would still say michael jordan. >> you told me that you are sports official addo adjacent. >> the first thing that i'm thinking of, i just have to push back when you're saying he's not mortal. but i think the thing that special about him is that he's so human. tell me -- >> tummy what makes them so human. >> he knows so much but the game itself. this is a person who understands the magic of community. this is what we're talking about when we are talking about team dynamic. that he's always lifting up. so he does this on the court, he does it off the court, and he represents, i think what makes him the g.o.a.t.. is that his character is aligned with his promise. and really to see someone this
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dedicated and this clear about his identity, and is protective of his blackmail body. he knows the body that he's in, and he respects it, and he understands from a political place. and from a personal place how much his representation matters to so many. he's just beyond proud. >> he always speaks out on important issues, hugely important. but as a former athlete, but i also admire about him is his longevity, his commitment, to being in the best possible. he even said that when he was a teenager he stretch before he went to bed and when he woke up in the morning. this guy could do a little bit more for his running regimen. but that's why lebron is still playing at the highest level at 38. and i think you'll be able to do it for even a few more years. let's remember, he went back to cleveland, remember, he left cleveland his hometown where he has stood so much for the community. and then he decided to leave cleveland and go to miami to
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win a couple of rings where he went to there and you knew what he said? i'm going back to cleveland. he went back there and he brought them a championship which they were craving in all sports. >> it's great to hear all of this and i'm excited for tomorrow night and you just need to tune in because -- >> it's gonna be breaking news? >> play-by-play. >> this will be huge breaking news i think. >> thank you all, next, another allegation against congressman john h. santos. we're going to tell you about what he is being accused of this time. this. inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with the click of this remote. no mask, no hose, just sleep. learn n more and view important safefety information at
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i d d so my y quesonons eouout hicacase.y y son, ♪ call one eight hundred, cacalledhehe bars s fillion ♪ i d d soit was the best call eouout hii could've made. call the barnes firm and find out what your case all could be worth.uld've made. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ >> former perspective staffer is accusing congressman george santos accusing him of sexual assault assault.
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-- meyer says he declined santos's alleged offense. a few days later, he says santos questioned him about his past work as a reporter. meyers was charged last fall with wiretapping after publishing audio recorded by a source in the courtroom. the case is ongoing, the journalism advocacy groups have urged peters to drop the charge. meyer says his job offer, with the congressman, was withdrawn. on february 1st. although he had already been working in santos's office voluntarily. santos responded to the allegations on capitol hill today calling them comical. >> how about meyers and his alleging that you sexually harassed him. >> it's comical. >> did you deny the claim that you didn't -- >> of course i denied the claim. let me make a clear, if there was remote -- any part of that, that were true, he should've left with that. and not back for a job that we
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decided to pull from him for being accused for is doing exactly what he did to us. >> just a follow-up, he categorically deny. >> 100 percent. >> back with me john berman, patrick mcenroe, and kierna mayo. so here in a, another day, another george santos allegation her story. it's hard to give george santos the benefit of the doubt. not that the accuser has offered any evidence but at this point, why would we believe george santos? >> the first, about the irony is that he said more about this than he said anything since the man has been elected to congress. but we are talking about a very sick puppy, alison. this is not someone who at any point, at least from what we can tell in his history, has been well. so i'm wondering if at this point his fellow congress folk are bullying him by allowing him to exist in this media. the fact that he's there, to me, at this point --
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what could they do? >> as you've heard, mccarthy and everyone has said that it's up to the voters, he's up for two years. >> if you are my friend and i were a person like this, i would hope you would pull my. cloak they're allowing him to exist, they're not even scripting his. been there giving his guilt. it's like his soul pace that this person told on him. it's almost like he's wearing the truth and his reaction. because he hasn't given this much reaction to anything. >> patrick, it's so distracting. it has nothing to do with laws, it has nothing to do with representing his constituency. >> you said that you felt like you were jumping in the sports talk, and -- to me, this is the the word that was used by the congressman, it's comical. this is, what are we become in this country. i guess it's sort of understood that to a certain extent politicians on both sides of the aisle, they fudge the truth
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a little bit -- >> this is a dying dog. he is wanted in brazil for check forgery, he's being accused of sexual harassment, he said that his mom was in 9/11, he said his grandparents were not the holocaust. this is -- >> the commission this guy has and he's been on the shades on the look, he's put this whole thing off. to me he wants it. >> he's in congress and he's somehow snowed kevin mccarthy that -- there's nothing he can do. the voters have no say in it now. but the only think that congress can do to push them out. they can expel and they've chosen not to. these allegations about him, the ethics committee will decide, they will stand on their own merits. i have no idea what's going on here. but how wherever, as you both said, you can't give this guy -- he's lied about almost
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everything. >> his finances are also curious, as you, know he's being investigated for. that but one thing that's come to light today is his campaign spending, and this actually respect. his campaign spending spent $22,000 at an italian restaurant. i've tried to spend $22, 000, it's really hard. you have to drink a lot for that. but he's got this wave spending but he couldn't pay his rent at times. he's so all over the map. as you pointed out, when you elect a serial liar to congress, what do you expect? >> we all know this guy from high school, don't we all have a friend who's like, is that real, did that really happen? and by senior year we've decided, enough with this guy. we're not gonna keep listening to this ridiculousness, he's a waste of all of our time, really. >> here is another person who has claimed that george santos has tried to get him invested
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in a ponzi scheme. here's christian lopez. >> we went into this restaurant, we were greeted very good. we were family. and i've never stepped foot in there in my life, neither my lawyer or my girlfriend. we go in there, we get treated. we go to the second floor, and then it's just a big room with one table, a butler, and george santos. and right there and then i was like, what? this is different. this is nice. wow. i've never been treated this nice before. >> that's the italian restaurant where he spent -- >> i just want to know more about the butler. >> you don't have a butler when you go to dinner? >> it's a natural follow-up question. >> it's also bizarre, but, again benefited with the same point i started with, we -- we deserve this. we've let this happen in our government, our congress. i grew up very close to congressional district three where george santos is from. we've all let this happen.
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we put these types of people in congress and we are reaping they're -- not the rewards. >> he's a little more further on the continuum then was politicians. >> if we go in that direction, people continue to go down these kinds of paths. and as johnson rightly pointed, out it's not up to the voters and the merit, it's up to other members of congress. what are they going to? do >> they do want to wait two more years. congress needs to step in. and i think it reflects every time he walks through the doors, he it reflects on him. it's less about him than it's about them. >> you get vetted more to work at amazon, mcdonald's. there are places where you have to go through vetting just to get the job. >> if any of us did have the things heated we'd be -- out >> one of the things. >> thank you very much, fellas. stick around, we need to talk. others she got the most grammy wins of all-time. but what does beyoncé have to do to win album of the year? we are going to talk about that
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they started standing up, it was such a great moment. she is now the most awarded artist in the history of the grammys. 32 winds. that was the moment you made history with renaissance winning best dance electronic album. back with me is john berman, patrick mcenroe, and kierna mayo. so carolina, the general consensus is that she was robbed of best album of the year. it's not the first, time is the fourth time she's been robbed of best album of the year. and here's interesting thing, some of the academy voters who make this discussion explained in a variety magazine why they didn't vote for. and by the way, it had nothing to do with the music or the album. let me read to you what they said. here is one who said with the beyoncé, the fact that every time she does something new it's a big event and everyone supposed to quake in their shoes, it's a little too portentous -- he might've meant pretentious. i'm not sure. another one set, a okay, adel, beyoncé, they always win. it's the same people over and over so i went for another --
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one in other words, she's too good to win. >> she's penalized for being the goal. but before we get to the bad part, we have to just celebrate the win. come on? fiancée, 30 -- first of all, what it takes for 81. the body of work you have to have to get 32 grammys. let's just talk about that. the body of work. the woman's only 41 years old. so 32 grammys, she's 41 years old. it's pretty unbelievable. and there are so many beyoncé fans globally who have been waiting for her to be nominated in this way. that recognized as the g.o.a.t. but the robbery, it's real. the academy, the recording academy has long been known for having some issues. many along racial lines. as we're seeing in this variety
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article, where these guys? i want someone who's listening to the music every day make these kinds of calls then someone who is actually reacting to beyoncé's ability to win all the time. simply be great. >> i just wanna say, i know you know a lot of this from your reporting on the family. so does she feel slighted? >> i don't know. she didn't call me right after the -- i have no idea. she's so grateful that i don't think we'll ever know. but i know she thanked her mother and father. that to me, that was the whole story because you don't become a beyoncé without coming from a very rich place. and by rich, i don't mean momentarily. the culture and the love in the foundation. >> and this virtuality, and god. >> all of it i think it's just foundational to the moment. >> i was just surprised to hear the voters admit that she wants
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to much. that's why they're not gonna get. her >> when it's a dumb. think they just admitted it. to be honest, i don't understand and never understood all the categories in the grammys. there's best album, best record, best performance. which one is? at the one that she wants. whatever one of those is the most important to her, i want her to have it. >> to that point, maybe it's not so much that, i don't know if it's important to her, but so many people talked about how she was their inspiration and they thanked her. so let's listen to lizzo for a moment. >> beyoncé, my eyes are wet! you changed my life. you're saying that gossipy medley, and we made me feel. i thought, i want to make people feel this way front with my music. so thank you so much. you clearly are the artist of our lives. i love you, god bless you all!
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>> that's beautiful. we started with king james and that's queen bee. she's the queen, there's no doubt about that. you heard it from those, oh you heard that a couple of years ago when adele won the album -- record -- that's what she wants, by the way! that's what her fans want. the record, or the album of the. year she should've wanted for lemonade. and nadal wins it. she should've won it for a renaissance for how she's moving music forward as an artist, all that she's doing, and she didn't win it. but you know it? as you said, she is so gracious, she's so graceful, and she is the queen. that's just the way it's going to be. and i'll tell you, it was amazing to see her. sports is objective. we can be objective, we can talk about george got six, lebron's got. for a music in the arts, it's subjective. so it's hard to say
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definitively that this album this artist was the best this year, but i might be able to say it about queen bee. she deserved it. >> on that note, that was excellent. we don't have time to talk about ben affleck, i'm sorry. >> he was so unhappy. >> he was so miserable! >> he's gonna be unhappy that you're not talking about it. >> i don't know if he's so unhappy he's not talking about. it i think was too hot and tired. >> too hot like warm or too hot -- >> sweating. >> it was very cool in there but -- >> i don't. no thank you, all meanwhile, we do have some new details about that spy balloon that was floating across the united states. but those details are revealing new questions like has the balloon flown over the u.s. before? why did no one notice then. stay with us. the first time your sales reached 100k was also the first time you hit this note...
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>> tonight we have new details about other chinese spy balloons over the united states in the past. just like the one that was shot out of the sky by fighter jets over the weekend. >> they just shot it. see the smoke coming from it? >> cnn got an exclusive look at a u.s. military intelligence report from last year that focused on chinese spy balloon sightings during the trump administration. they founded in 2019. one balloon circa navigated the globe, drifting past hawaii, and came across florida and an altitude of 60,000 feet. here's what national security advisor jake sullivan told
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