tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN February 8, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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incredible recovery of buffalo bills safety da march hamlin. it has been nearly a month since he went into cardiac arrest. today, the league is getting ready for the super bowl. he accepted an award for his charity work. >> one of my favorite quotes, it's a blessing to be a blessing. with that being said, i plan to never take this position for granted and always have an urgent approach in making a difference in the community where i come from and also communities across the world. thank you. [ applause ] >> it's amazing to watch. he didn't say anything about list future. the medical director of the nfl players union predicted, in fact, even said it's a guarantee that hamlin will play pro football again.
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thanks for joining us. good evening. if president biden picked a fight with republicans last night, he showed today it's a fight he is happy to have. republicans showed they were just as happy to step in. both sides appear to want this. the president to show voters the gop is in the sway of extremism which res natured during the midterm election, republicans wanted to reinforce their credentials with the base and use their control of the house to amplify that effort. last night, president biden framed what they want the way he wanted. >> instead of making the wealthy pay their fair share, some republicans want medicare and social security to sunset. i'm not saying it's a majority.
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let me give you -- anybody who doubts it, contact my office. i will give you a copy -- i will give you a copy of the proposal. that means congress doesn't vote -- i'm glad to see -- i tell you, i enjoy conversion. it means if congress doesn't keep the programs the way they are, they would go away. others republicans -- i'm not saying it's a majority. i don't think it's a significant -- it's being proposed by individuals. i'm not -- politely not naming them. it's being proposed by some of you. look, folks -- the idea is that we're not going to be -- we're not going to be moved into being threatened to default on a debt if we don't respond. >> that, of course, the woman in the white fur was congresswoman marjorie taylor greene shouting
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liar and you lie again and again. here is what the president was alluding to. a proposal by senator scott calling for make all americans pay income tax regardless how little they earn and this. >> all federal legislation sunsets in five years. if a law is worth keeping, congress can pass it again. that would raise taxes on half of americans and potentially sunset medicare, medicaid and social security. why would you propose something like that in an election year? >> that's, of course, the democrat talking points. >> no. it's in the plan. it's in the plan. >> no one that i know of wants to sunset medicare or social security. what we're doing is we don't even talk about it. medicare goes bankrupt in four years. social security goes bankrupt in 12 years. i think we ought to figure out how we preserve those programs. >> you hear senator scott
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protesting nobody wants to sunset medicare and social security. in a statement today, he said, i will not be intimidated by joe biden twist mig words. his proposal would make each program vulnerable every five years. he was slapped down by his own leader in the senate. >> let me tell you what would not be a part of our agenda. we will not have as part of our agenda a bill that raises taxes on half the american people and sunsets social security and medicare within five years. that will not be part of the republican senate majority agenda. >> that was mitch mcconnell, republican minority leader mcconnell. he clearly knew the political implications of democrats being able to campaign against senator scott's plan and he ran away from it. that was in march. marjorie taylor greene ran toward it and in an interview late this afternoon didn't dispute this was actually something someone in her party, a leader in her party, proposed.
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>> i know that was one of the moments when you said, you lie, to president biden. when he said republicans want to cut those things. there's a plan from senator rick scott that would sunset those phot federal programs. it's not a lie that republicans talked about that. >> i haven't been in any meetings in our conference talking about cutting social security and medicare. we're the ones in charge of the budget. we're the ones in charge of the appropriation bills. yes, it's a lie. we have been attacked repeatedly. my image, my pictures of me, my name, kevin mccarthy's name. no we aren't planning to cut social security. because i called him a liar on the house floor, we settled that issue right there at the state of the union. >> by her account, calling someone a liar settles the matter once and for all. keep in mind, neither she nor anyone else know what rick scott would do or how he would vote if medicare and social security were, as according to what he would like to see, come up for a debate every five years. president biden last night
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clearly suggested it, it's an issue democrats favors them because it brings out what we saw last night, the top republican in congress, kevin mccarthy, clearly knew warning fellow republicans against what they did. some perspective. joining us, alyssa griffin, also "new york times" senior political correspondent maggie haveran and van jones. why did rick scott propose this if -- >> this has been what the party has been asking itself and him for months since he put that plan out. he is probably the most frustrating person in the party to many people because he gave that golden moment to joe biden last night. i'm not sure what went into the planning of what he released at the time. he was thinking about challenging mitch mcconnell for leadership. we didn't get the majority. it never went to that. he was running the nrsc. that put the party to kind of be
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tied to this very bad plan that we have always -- for mainstream republicans, it's the rule that we do not touch these entitlements. >> it's rich for republicans to say joe biden is lying about this. they have been saying democrats want to de-fund police when i think maybe cori bush in the house has talked about de-funding police. i think that's about it among democrats. >> i think the way you put it is correct. president biden was painting with a broad brush. it is because it's the brush rick scott handed him. rick scott is not a fringe member. he is not on the outer tier. he is a member of leadership. he has tried running to replace mitch mcconnell. at the time he put this out, there was noise about him running for president, made this odder. republicans have been bitten by this before. generally have tried to stay away from it. i don't understand why he put it out. i don't understand why he keeps saying the plan doesn't say what it says. until they add an asterisk, it
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is put that way. >> marjorie taylor greene is making the argument democrats made about the de-fund police thing which is no one really wants that. i haven't been to any meetings were democrat talked about de-funding police. the fact that 24 hours later, you are smiling, that they are having to defend themselves. >> i'm so happy tonight. this is awesome. joe biden just got them. he got them. he took this little thing that he knew was going to drive them nuts. we are talking about it 24 hours later. that's masterful politics. there's a reason it resonates. the republican party has been a party you believe may not care about some of the programs. there have been attempts in the past to roll back some of the programs. there's just enough truth in it to get it going. i think that joe biden did so well last night in that people thought maybe he lost his step, he is old, he is slow.
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he can read the teleprompter? when he got there and started going back and forth, it was like the british parliament. he got the best of the republican flzs in real time. >> in the gop response, governor huckabee sanders of arkansas said it's time for a new generation of republicans. she referred to the former president. she talked about a trip he took to visit the troops which was interesting in and of itself. she never mentioned him by name. >> it was an interesting speech, i thought, for the reasons you just said. she didn't mention him by name but did talk about a new generation of leadership. there were plenty of republicans today who were seeing that as a swipe at trump. she has not endorsed trump yet. she's clearly an ambitious person. she's looking at her own future with this. it's a dicey move. also, it's very hard to -- i think she described the democrats as the party of crazy. there was some line to that effect. she was the press secretary in the former white house.
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>> she knows from crazy. >> she defended a lot of things. trump said that was crazy. i don't know quite who that speech made happy other than some base conservatives. i don't think it made the trump folks happy. i don't know it got her anything more than -- >> certainly was not a speech reaching out to broaden the base of the republican party. >> right. listen, it was red meat. it was exactly what people want the -- the base wants to hear, critical race theory, the woke left. it was something that you would have expected to see on fox news. what i thought was interesting was, donald trump was live truthing the state of the union last night. i don't know if anyone caught this. kevin mccarthy looks great. he was criticizing biden. he made no comments about sarah huckabee sanders. i think she worked in the kind of interesting anecdote about visiting the troops as a nod to him, a soft nod of he was the president, i was by his side. going short of mentioning his
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name, which that's a big deal. >> she was the star of that story. it was her relationship with a soldier and how emotional she was and moved she was by it. that was the point of that story. >> i thought it was a big missed opportunity. sarah huckabee is talented. she's actually a warm and decent person in real life. that speech was mean. that speech -- she insulted every democrat in the country for no reason. if she wants to present herself apparently as the champion of poor kids in arkansas, god bless you. they need help. do that without calling every democrat crazy. basically, last night what happened is, joe biden and the republicans reminded everybody why we voted for joe biden. joe biden was a unifier, even when he was being partisan. he did it to bring people together. even when he was going back and forth.
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it was light hearted. it was broad. the republicans all night long, even sarah huckabee, were negative and divisive. i think it helped joe biden a lot. >> can i say on sarah sanders, it's indicative of the echo chamber we live in. the right wing was praising her. this is the future star of the party. people loved it in the base of the republican party. i don't know that it was -- it would be as well received with independents, with moderates and just the mainstream of the country. it goes to show how differently the two sides of our country see things. >> yeah. they were basically -- it was as if you were talking about two different countries. what biden was saying was a speech that was different than what sanders was responding to in hers. woke, all of these buzzwords. they were very, very different visions of america, which is what we have seen over the last seven years. >> senator romney and congressman santos had an exchange at state of the union. he told santos he doesn't belong
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in congress, he shouldn't be lurking around the aisle trying to shake hands with the president, he should be sitting in the back of the room staying quiet. santos responded today. i want to play what he said. >> it's not the first time in history that i have been told to shut up and go to the back of the room. especially by people who come from a prifr lvileged backgroun. it's not the last. i'm never going to shut up and go to the back of the room. it'sreprehensible of him. it wasn't very mormon of him. [ laughter ] >> it's an interesting response. it's playing into -- >> the woke card. he is playing the woke card limbself. this guy is terrible. it is the case that there are people who get told to go to the back of the room for illegitimate season. if you lie, being told to go to the back of the room by somebody
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who is a moral champion in this party is not an illegitimate reason. i can't wait for them to knock him out of there. >> he is not -- he seems to gravitate toward every camera he can find. he is not doing the basic functions. he is not doing constituent services, opened his office yet. his constituents don't have representation right now. i would quickly note, he mentions his -- romney from a privileged background. he is under investigation for allegedly loaning his campaign $700,000 that we are not sure where he got it. i wouldn't go near that if i were george santos. >> romney, whatever his politics, clearly is a person of strong religious beliefs and a decent human being. he seems like a decent human being. >> romney gave a speech in 2016 in which he called donald trump a con man. it's not surprising that somebody who is in some ways the extension of the trump era just in terms of saying all of these
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things not true about limbself and his biography was very offensive to romney. >> it's stunning the degree to which george santos is enjoying this and the little crew of trolls he has around him also all seem to be enjoying this little echo chamber. >> that attention. it's all about attention right now. coming up next, a live report from the quake zone in turkey. my conversation with chef jose andres about conditions on the ground. as house executives grill people, my conversation with a democrat who pushed back today and is in a position to know a lot about all of this from his experience in the former president's first impeachment. >> let's talk about the twitter files which my republican colleagues think are god's gift to journalism.
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what have you seen today? >> reporter: anderson, as though the people haven't been hit enough, today is what was remained of hope slowly disappeared. the sign behind me is staggering. 24 hours ago it was intense activity. people trying to find any survivors. the hope for that really is gone. the excavators falling silent. you can see next to me the fires burning from the rubble here simply put by people to keep themselves warm, to get through the night. we are dealing with a homelessness crisis along with the tens of thousands of dead across turkey. we saw so close to the epicenter. it's hard to imagine how this rubble gave anyone hope. yet, for 50 or so hours after the quake, it almost did. when it stopped, when the chances of surviving ebbed, the
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bodies near the epicenter kept coming. the paralysis of grief. these two parents see their 8-year-old daughter's red hair blood stained. another 4-year-old girl with no parents here to bury her. another father simply walking behind. constant, intense activity trying to save lives. we are sadly now into the window where so many of the ambulances that arrive will likely be taking away people who have perished. up high, hope is strongest. digging furiously by hand here. on the other side of the rubble, medics rushed forward. nothing here came soon. the stretches here too late. another body pulled out of a
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syrian refugee in his 40s. the excavations gain pace. an audience of agony watches, waits. >> reporter: a hospital volunteer told us over 300 bodies here are unclaimed in the morgue. the numbers rising fast along with tempers. it's chaos. whether any government could have moved faster was the question dogging turkish president erdogan when he flew
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into town. this stadium home to thousands. who knows how long. many refugees from syria now perhaps losing their homes for the third time. that's nearly as many years as some have been alive. they have nothing but the state's generosity to rely on, which means 12 people in this opportunity. >> reporter: for now the question is what they could have done to not arrive for so many too late. >> the agony of those two women. it's so horrific.
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it seems like there is a lot of anger at the government's response. >> reporter: yeah. certainly it's fair to say that's building. it takes the place of people not quite knowing where to put their fur fury at the situation they are in. when we arrived, it's fair to say there was minimal government presence here. local rescuers doing they could. a lot of that work being initially done by locals. this morning, the army came in. large numbers of excavators to come in. it has made a difference. now as you were watching that report, behind the rubble over here, you can't see it with the camera, but there's another rescue team with a torch looking at some of the deeper recesses of the rubble here in case there's somebody alive. i have to say, the smell you get here is one of death slowly approaching. this part of the area so
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integral to turkey is utterly destroyed. it's staggering to see how much has been completely swept away by the tremors on monday. the rebuilding here is almost an impossible concept to some degree without all this rubble being moved first away. there are thousands of people trying to deal right now with the awful cold here as well as with each family's own personal agony at the losses. >> nick, hai have gotten the wod that the official death toll is past 15,000. given the next of people wounded, sftill missing, it see there's little doubt it will continue to grow. >> reporter: there have been speculations it could go in excess of that as they slowly begin to get into the rubble here. we have seen that in evidence of the buildings here. at one point they were coming across bodies faster than they could get blankets to carry them away electric here.
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people were fast asleep at 4:00 in the morning. so many of the bodies brought out, survivors are people simply lying where they slept. trapped by the rubble around blankets as they look for survivors. they look for bed clothing, frankly, as a sign that somebody might be somewhere. those numbers are going to grow. >> nick paton walsh, appreciate it. i spoke to someone whose organization traces its roots back to the earthquake in haiti. chef jose is trying to help in turkey. what are you and your team seeing? >> well, i've been here myself 24 hours. you see the images. the he desdestruction, destruct.
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even where we landed, after a long trip here, the capital, there you can see in some parts destruction. it's relatively in a very good shape, but in neighborhoods affected, you can see all the damage in the buildings. i was going south. we stop in different cities. we have now different teams. not only scouting but bringing food with them to try to see the reality and the situation. we are seeing obviously on top of the destruction people that still don't have tents where to sleep. many families living in cars. even in the back of trucks. trucks that they use for work and all of a sudden they are becoming the only place they can feel somehow they can feel warm. >> in a place where there is widespread destruction, how do you go about getting kitchens up
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and running, getting food on plates and to people? >> today, able to deliver a few thousand meals. we will have to exponentially grow. it's super cold. we need to understand that the nights go under 2, 3, 4, 5 celsius degrees. to provide food is important. but to provide hot food is more important. today we have been able to be rich in activating restaurants. restaurants that they are open in normal times. in this crisis are restaurants we are asking them, please, we need you to be calm and emergency kitchen. we need to start feeding people that sometimes in a very random way in the middle of a parking lot becomes kind of a refugee situation. this is what we are doing. we will be delivering tens of
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thousands if not hundreds of thousands of meals in the next days because the food need is there. again, it's been only 72 hours. everybody is very much dedicated to make sure they can rescue people that still may be alive under the rubble. that's number one. food in this situation is still afterthought. we see chefs coming from all over turkey. sometimes they heat up soup and feed anybody that is hungry. sometimes emergencies, you cannot plan too much. you ha delivering the food. >> talk about the unity you have seen on the ground. it seems like not only international groups but chefs from around turkey just coming with what they can to try to help. people want to help. >> obviously, i was flying from
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madrid when i came in. in my flight were two research and rescue firefighter groups, one from valencia and the other that they were bringing with them dogs. super important with those dogs. they will not find so many people alive. today was fascinating. i got the phone of some of the firefighters. they were so happy because two different groups were able to recuse two people each under the rubble. we have people and countrying fro -- countries from all over the world. search and rescue is vital. at the same time, the humanitarian machine has to happen. people need to be taken care of not only with food but with medicine, with water.
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roads are damaged. traffic doesn't flow heasy. we try to get helicopters to fly them. it's no other way to access some places than by helicopter. >> chef, i appreciate it. thank you. >> thank you. >> for more information how you can help, go to coming up, house republicans use their oversight powers on capitol hill today to try to grill former twitter executives about claims that big tech is conspireing with the government against conservatives. a democratic member of the oversight committee who fact checked its republican chairman in real time joins us next. courageous performance. discover a new world of possibilities in the all-n-new lexus rx. never lose your edge. i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi.
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the new republican majority in the house oversight committee grilled former executives at twitter new york post hunter biden run-up. all denied accusations of a government-redirected conspiracy to sensor the story. democrats used the hearing as an opportunity to fact check. >> i notice you blew up the cover of the story, which i appreciate you doing that. i would like to dig into this article. the very first paragraph says hunter biden introduced his father to a top executive at a
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ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder biden pressured government officials in ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company. that is false. 100% false. >> is the gentleman sure about that? >> yes. in fact, i am sure about that. as the lead counsel in the first impeachment investigation, we proved he was actually fired because he was not prosecuting corruption. >> i'm joined by the congressman you saw there, daniel goldman of new york, who was democratic counsel dur counsel. how much of an affect do you think your push back will have? what you were saying -- what you went on to say is that what then viegs p vice president was doing is in
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line with policy and european nation efforts were to have that ukrainian prosecutor removed because he was not actually prosecuting corruption. >> yes. what is really dangerous about this is that the republicans have made it very clear that they are on a mission to destroy hunter biden in every way they can. hunter biden is a civilian. he is the son of a president. unless there's some link to president biden and any misconduct, then this is a gross abuse of power by this committee for political purposes. it's a waste of taxpayer dollars. it's outside of the jurisdiction of the committee. the point today that i was making is that there is no link, even if you give the republicans the benefit of the doubt, there's no link to joe biden. joe biden did everything by the book consistent with u.s. policy. in fact, his actions and the actions of our allies in europe and ultimately of ukraine were
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potentially hurtful to him because they wanted more corruption to be charged. it's yet another example of the i investigation that has reached a conclusion before they figured out the facts. what we want to do and what we did today is we brought out the facts. the facts are on our side. they are not on their side. >> i want to play something else you said about that today. >> you have said in your opening statement that joe biden lied to the american people. that is a bold, bold accusation. so far, we have seen no actual evidence of any lies or any support for joe biden being involved in anything having to do with ukraine other than promoting u.s. former policy. >> chairman comer said he had
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evidence and listed accusations against president biden. where is that evidence? do you have any sense of when he plans to make it public? it seems like they are just taking a shotgun approach today, bringing in -- they are going in a lot of directions without actually citing -- there's accusations, there's no evidence. >> yeah. remember that last congress the republicans talked on and on and on about how the january 6 committee had no legislative purpose. there is no oversight jurisdiction in congress unless there's a legislative purpose. investigating a civilian son of a president is not a legislative purpose before congress.just on
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indication -- it's overreaching and outside of the jurisdiction. it should be stopped immediately. >> do you think the type of hearing that we are seeing today is what we can expect from the oversight committee and the gop house for the next four years? two years, i should say. >> well, i don't know what we are going to see. i am confident that if they bring actual witnesses who have the firsthand knowledge and they testify -- that's what evidence is. evidence is not what the republicans sit there alleging and accusing and saying without any support. the evidence is what the witnesses say, what the documents say. they are not going to find the evidence to support their claims. we are all much better off if they don't waste the taxpayers' dollars, waste our time with these overreaching, purely political investigations. that's not what the american people want. that's not what the american people have sent us to congress to do.
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we should be legislating, trying to help families across the country, not attack the president's son who is a civilian. >> appreciate it. thank you. just ahead, breaking news on the chinese spy balloon that crossed over the u.s. details about what u.s. officials knew and when next. and effofortlessly responds to both of you. our smarart sleepers get 28 minutes more restful sleep per night. proven quality sleep. only from sleep number. ugh covid-19? and being overweight makes it more risky. i'm calling my doctor. if it's covid, paxlovid. authorized for emergency use, i'm calling my doctor. paxlovid is an oral treatment for people 12 d up... if it's covid, paxlovid. who have mild-to-moderate covid-19 and have a high-risk factor for it becoming severe. my symptoms are mild now, but i'm not waiting. if it's covid, paxlovid. having even one risk factor, like being over 50, diabetes, or smoking
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. there's breaking news on the chinese spy balloon. on the day we learned from the pentagon the balloon is part of a larger chinese surveillance program, intelligence sources tell us more on what u.s. officials knew and when about the balloon before it entered u.s. airspace. joined by alex march court. >> reporter: it was seen the day before. we are told on january 27th, the day before it entered u.s. airspace, the defense intelligence agency, the intelligence arm of the pentagon, they filed a report that known as a tipper, saying there was a foreign object heading towards the u.s. this is a common report. it's classified. it doesn't necessarily mean that it is widely read. it did say that this object was coming. there waesn't any alarm or
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urgency atacttaches to it. the next day, that's when the balloon did enter u.s. airspace over alaska. fighter jets were sent up to positively i.d. it. there was no real sense of alarm. no urgency because it did not appear to be a threat to the united states. it was seen as somewhat of an opportunity to study it, monitor it, to try to understand the intelligence that it was gathering. in fact, the trajectory it was expected to take was across alaska and continue over the northern part of the globe. that's when things changed. i'm told by u.s. officials that's when things got strange. it took a sharp turn toward the south. started heading through canada down towards the lower 48 states. that's when a senior u.s. official tells me the s discussions started whether to shoot it down. it was on january 31 that the balloon then did cross into the lower 48 states. it crossed into idaho. the first state. we are told that's the day that president biden got his first
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briefing about the balloon. they started to consider their options. eventually, as we know, they decided not to shoot it down not just because they wanted to protect people on the ground, but they wanted to observe it and gather intelligence. today the pentagon forcefully pushing back saying this was not an intelligence failure. it was an intelligence opportunity to learn about this small part of the chinese intelligence program. spy planes were sent up to watch the balloon. we are told that a pilot actually took a selfie of the pilot and the balloon. that picture has not been published. we are told it has attained somewhat of legendary status at the pentagon. >> interesting. appreciate it. thank you. president biden on the road in wisconsin after the state of the union address. the question is, will voters support him if he decides to run again in 2024? what they are saying to jeff zeleny next.
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union address last night, and as we noted, "the washington post," abc news poll found 58% of democrats want someone else to run. tonight cnn's jeff zeleny is in wisconsin to try to see what those voters there would think of a possible biden 2024 bid. >> with iany presidency, it's never all good and never all bd. >> reporter: natasha lows voted for president biden and has applauded many of his achievements, but with another campaign looming, she admits she's eager for a fresh start. >> it's always seeming like we're trying to do a lesser of two evils, and it would be -- in my opinion it would be lovely if we could have somebody who's not in their 70s and 80s running for president. >> reporter: when we first met her at her wisconsin toy shop two years ago she was grateful biden had turned the page. >> just the tone down of the rhetoric, the not having to be glued to the tv or social media to find out what the latest is going on has been very
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refreshing. >> reporter: at the halfway mark of his first term, respect for the president runs deeper than a desire for him to run again, even among his admirers. >> would you like to see him run again? >> i'm on the fence. i'm not sure. i'm concerned about his age, not his brilliance or his competence, but certainly his age. >> reporter: laverta commends him for restoring civility and forgiving student loan debt, but waivers on the prospect of a second term. >> you can tell the job has worn him down a little bit, which is where my concern is with him running again. he's still there, that spark, that fire, that honest, gentleman. he is still there. >> reporter: inside his milwaukee brewer, tim said inflation and high interest rates have taken a toll, but he doesn't blame biden and hopes he runs again. >> if i was him, i'd say hell, yeah, i'm going to do this again. i've been doing this for a long time. i finally have got my chance. things are moving forward. >> reporter: as the president came to wisconsin to sell his state of the union address, jonathan clark worked a few
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miles away at a custom printing shop. he still remembers biden's words from the last campaign. >> i view myself as a bridge, not as anything else. there's an entire generation of leaders you saw back behind me. >> reporter: back when clark viewed him as the right man for the job. while he praised his infrastructure law, he said 2024 should be a new moment. >> he's likely to run for re-election, do you think he should? >> no. i think when he -- when he ran for office last time it was talked about being a one-term thing, and i know he didn't commit to that, but i think a lot of people that support the party were hoping that would be the case. >> reporter: so this skepticism from democrats is hardly a surprise to the president's advisers. a strong majority of democrats say they want a different choice in 2024. talking to bhwhite house advise they believe that the speech last night and sales pitches
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like the one the president gave in wisconsin, tomorrow in florida will win over voters. that is very much an open question. the bottom line, it's not a sense of when he is going to run but rather is he the right man for the job, and many democrats we talked to said it depends on the republican nominee, and if it's not donald trump, president biden might not be. >> jeff zeleny, appreciate it, thanks so much. up next, something we hope leaves you smiling. see how one sheriff's deputy simple gesture goes a long way to help a driver in distress. and its customizable scans with social sesentiment help you find and unlockck opportunities in the market with powerful, easy-to-use tools power e*trade makes complex trading easier react to fast-moving markets with dynamic charting and a futures ladder that lets you place, flatten, or reverse orders so you won't miss an opportunity
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think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. we leave you tonight with moments of kcompassion. recently a sheriff's deputy responded to a report of man possibly passed out in his car. it turned out to be something much different. take a look. >> so what can i do for you today? you say you don't want to hurt yourself, right? no? have you ever attempted suicide or anything like that in the past? okay. is there anything i can do to help you? >> i could use a hug. >> i'll give you a hug. seems like you got a lot going on, man. that's all right. it's all right, man.
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it seems like a lot to take on, you know. >> we can get you some help. >> yeah, we can get you somebody to talk to and stuff. >> as you heard a second deputy arrived on the scene, and for the next 20 minutes, the two military veterans sat with the man. they listened, they gave him words of encouragement, and they did what they promised. they gave the man in need of a hug the phone number to the local crisis center, and they went even further. take a look. >> it's all right, man. it's all right. >> and if you need to talk, if you can't talk to them -- >> you can call us. call that number, dude, i'll come out and meet you. i'll sit down and talk with you. you can vent. >> all right. that's what i'll do. >> all right, brother. >> appreciate it. >> if you ever need anything, you just call, all right? >> means a lot. >> yeah, buddy. >> thank you. >> that is a master class in
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