tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN February 8, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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- [announcer] do you have an invention idea but don't know what to do next? call invent help today. they can help you get started with your idea. call now 800-710-0020. president biden picks a fight with republicans at the state union tonight he showed that it's a fight he's happy to have. and it was a trap, he made republicans into the show last night there just as happy to step right in. both sides, for reasons of their, own appear to want. this the president, to show voters the gop is in his eyes in the sway of extremism. it certainly resonated during
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the midterm election. i use directly won control of the house. they amplify that effort so last night with house republican susan potential default on the budget up for the administration. president biden for him but they frame the way he wanted. >> instead making the wealthy pay their fair share, some republicans want social security sunset. i'm not saying it's majority. let me give you, i do but who doubts it, contact my office. i'll give you a copy. i'll give you a copy of the basil. van meets congress doesn't vote. i'm glad to see, i'll tell you, i enjoy conversion. it means if congress doesn't keep the programs where they are the way other public and
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say. >> what's being proposed by an individual. i'm not politely naming them but is being proposed by some individuals. look. looks very. the ideas vow were not going to be moved into being threatened to default on the debt we don't respond. >> that, of course, when in the white for was congresswoman marjorie taylor greene. shouting liar, and you lie. here's what the president was alluding to a proposed by rick scott. senate leadership act to pay income tax about little they earn. all federal legislation sunsets in five years. the law is worth keeping congressman pass again. that will keep taxes on half of americans and potentially sunset programs like medicare, medicaid, and social security.
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why i would you propose something like that in an election year? >> that's the plan. >> no one i know of wants to sunset medicare or social security. but what we are doing, we don't even talk about it. medicare goes bankrupt them for years. social security goes bankrupt employees. i think we ought to figure out how to preserve those programs. >> and it's not protesting nobody wants to sunset medicare or social security. in a statement today said quote, i will not be intimidated by joe biden twisting my words. but his proposal certainly would make each program vulnerable after five years. he clearly pushed for it. and was slapped down by in the senate. >> let me tell you what would not be a part of our agenda. >> we will not have as part of our agenda, a bill that raises taxes on half of the american people. and sunsets social security.
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and medicare, within five years. that will not be part of the republican senate majority agenda. >> that was mitch mcconnell, republican minority leader mcconnell. he clearly knew the political implications of democrats being able to campaign against senator scott's plan and he ran away from it. i was back in march. marjorie taylor greene ran towards and in an interview with our melanie zanona late this afternoon, did not dispute that this was actually something somebody in the party. a leader in the party proposed. >> i know that was one of the moments when you said you lie to president biden. when he said rahel guns want to get those things. but there's a plan from senator rick scott that would sunset those federal programs. so it is not necessarily a lie that republicans have talked about that in the past. meetings in our conference, talking about cutting social security and medicare. we are the ones in charge of the budget, we are in charge of the appropriation bills. so yes, we've been attack
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repeatedly. my image, my pictures of me, my name. kevin mccarthy's name. so no, we are not planning to cut social security. and because i called him a liar on the house floor, we settled that issue right there at the state of the union. >> by her account, calling somebody a liar settles the matter once and for all. keep in mind. , neither she nor anyone else know what rick scott would do or how he would vote if medicare and social security were, as according to what he would like to see. in fact come up for debate every five years. president biden last night clearly suggested the worst. painting with a broad brush. democrats seems to think favors them. not least because it brings out what we saw last night. which the top republican in congress, as speaker kevin mccarthy clearly knew. warning fellow republicans against exactly what they did. perspective now, cnn political commentator alyssa griffin. served as well as concussions director in communication. seen in political analyst. correspondent meg hagan and van jones cnn political commentator and former special adviser to
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president obama. why did rick scott propose this? >> this is what the party has been asking himself and him for months since he put the plan out. he is probably the most frustrating person in the party because he gave the golden moment to joe biden. >> i am not sure what went into to the planning of released. at the time, was thinking about challenging mitch mcconnell for senate leadership. we didn't even get to majority so never want to. that and he was running the nra seat. so that put the entire party to be tied to this very bad plan. for mainstream republicans, it has been a rule that we do not touch these. >> it's rich for republicans, joe biden is lying about this and they've been saying democrats want to fun place. when i think maybe cori bush in the house has talked about defunding police. i think that's it among democrats. >> i think we put it is correct, president biden is painted with a broad brush.
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but it's a brush works got handed. him and he is in the leadership, in a leadership position. rick scott is not a fringe member, he is not on the other two, here he is somebody who is a member of leadership. as alyssa, said running to replacements mcconnell. also made this an altar plan frankly. because republicans indeed have been divided before and have generally tried to stay away from it. i do not understand why he put it out and i don't understand why he keeps saying the plan doesn't say what it says. and until they added askar us saying that but not for these programs it's going to be put that way and i think that biden did something that was very clever as a pivot last night. >> it is interesting, making the argument democrats made about the defund the police things like nobody really wants that. i've not been in any meetings democrats talking to from the police. it's not marjorie taylor greene saying this. the fact that 24 hours later, you are just smiling, that they're having to defend themselves. >> just so happy tonight. this is awesome. joe biden just got him. he took this little thing, it
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was going to drive him nuts, rolled out there and we are talking about a 24 hours later. that is masterful politics. but there is a reason it resonates because the republican party has been a party that you actually believe might not care about these class programs. they've been attempts in the past to rollback these middle class programs. so there is just enough truth in it to get it going. and i think that joe biden did so well last night in that people thought maybe he had lost a step. he's old, he's slow, can he read the teleprompter. going back and forth. it was like the british parliament. he got the best of all of those republicans in realtime. i thought that it was awesome. >> in the gop response, sarah huckabee sanders repeatedly says it's time for new generation of republicans. she referred to the former president talking about a trip he took to visit the troops. which is interesting in and of itself. but never mentioned him by name.
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>> it was an interesting speech i thought for the reasons that you just said. didn't mention by name but to talk about a new generation of leadership. you know there were plenty of republicans today who were seeing that as a swipe at trump. she's not endorsed trump yet. she is clearly an ambitious person. looking at her own future with this. but it is a dicey move. and look, it's very described the party of. crazy she's the press secretary of the former white house. and she defended a lot of things. trump said that were often seen as crazy and called crazy. so i do not know quite who that speech made happy. other than someplace conservatives. i don't think i made the trump folks happy and i don't know that it got her anything more. >> it was certainly not a speech. reaching out to broaden the base of the republican party. >> listen, it was red meat. it was exactly what people on the base wanted to hear.
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going after critical race theory, going after the bullet left. something you would've expected to see on fox news. but what i thought was interesting, donald trump was live true thing the stately union last night. comments about sarah huckabee sanders speech. i do think she worked in the kind of interesting anecdote about visiting the troops as sort of a nod to him. a soft nod of, he was the president, i was by his side but going short of mentioning his name. which is a big deal. >> right, also she was the star of that story by the way. it was her relationship with a soldier and how emotional she wasn't who she was. that's the point ultimately of that story. >> i thought it was a big missed opportunity. sara is a very talented politician. for my family that is talented. she's actually a warm and decent person and realize. that speech was mean. that speech, i mean she
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insulted every democrat in the country. for no reason. if she wants to present herself as the champion of poor kids in arkansas, god bless you. you need to do that, they need help. but you can do that without calling every democrat crazy. basically last night what happened is, joe biden and the republicans reminded everybody of why we voted for joe biden. because joe biden was a unifier. even when he was being partisan, did it in a way to bring people together. even when he was going back and forth. goes if you guys are with me now. it was light hearted, good spirited. it was broad. you have balkans all night long. even sara. were negative and divisive. so i think it helps joe biden a lot. >> kind of, say on sarah sanders's response, it is indicative of the echo chamber we live in. because the right-wing was praising her. new king george said you know, this is the future star of the party. people loved it in the base of the republican party. i do not know that it would be as well received within the independents, moderate,
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mainstream of the country. it just goes to show how differently the two sides of our country see things. >> they were basically, it was if you are talking about two different countries. what biden was saying was a speech that was very different than what sanders was responding to in harm's. will, sort of all of these buzzwords. but they were very different visions of america which is what we've seen consistently over the last several years. >> senator romney obviously, george santos had an exchange of the state of the union. told santos that he doesn't belong in congress. that he should be looking around the aisle trying to shake hands of the president. service actually be sitting in the back of the room and staying quiet. santos responded today. i just want to play what he said. >> it's not the first time in history that i've been told to shut up and go to the back of the room. especially by people who come from a privileged background. and it is not going to be the last. and i'm never going to shut up and go to the back of the room. i think it's reprehensible that the senator would say such a thing today.
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in a demeaning way he said. that's what i can tell you. >> it's interesting. it's an interesting response. sort of playing into -- >> he's playing the woke card himself. look, this guy is terrible. and it is in fact the case that people are getting told to go back for legitimate reasons. if you are a lawyer who lies. being told to go to the back of the room when somebody is a moral champion in his party is not in a legitimate reason. and i think this guy is terrible and i can't wait for the ethics people to knock him out. >> we can't say enough, that he seems to gravitate towards every camera he can find. he loves the attention, he's relishing it. he's not doing the basic functions of being a congressman. not doing constituents or businesses. has not opened his district office. his constituents basically don't have representation right now. i would quickly note, he mentions his romney coming from a privileged background. this is somebody who is under
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investigation for allegedly wanting his campaign $700,000 that we are not even sure how he has or where he got it. so, i wouldn't go near that if our george santos. >> romney, whether is clearly a person of a strong religious beliefs and a dozen human being. >> romney gave a speech in 2016. we all forget it, because of everything that has happened since and she called donald trump a con man. so it's not surprising that somebody who is in some ways, the extension of the trump era. just in terms of saying all these things that are not true. it was very offensive to romney. >> it's stunning, the degree to which george santos seems to be enjoying this. and sort of the little crew of trolls he has around him also seem to be enjoying this little echo chamber. >> it's all about attention, that's what alyssa said. >> melissa griffin, appreciate it. maggie, as always, thank, you coming up, next a live report from the quake zone in turkey. my conversation with chef jose andreas who was there.
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about conditions on the ground. and later, as house republicans, former twitter executives with the company's handling of the hunter biden laptop. story sowing suspicions that the government might have helped suppress it. my conversation with a democrat on the committee who pushed back today. and is actually in a position to know a lot about all of this from his experience in the former president's first impeachment. >> let's talk about the so-called twitter files. which my republican colleagues seem to think are god's gift to journalism. moderate to severe eczema still disrupts my skin.
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in turkey and syria. now topping 12,000 in the worst earthquake the region has experienced in modern memory. authorities in both countries said the number injured is approaching 60,000. with thousands of buildings down, people are hungry and in the cold. in a moment, my conversation with chef jose andrés who's world central kitchen. cnn's nick paton walsh joining us from one turkey's hardest hit cities. racing right, now what have you seen throughout the day today? >> yes anderson, people here as though they haven't been hit with enough. today was what remains of hope here slowly disappeared. the silence behind me in particular. staggering given that 24 hours ago this would be the scene of intense activity. people slowly probing through the rubble to try to find any survivors. hope for that really is gone. the excavators falling silent. and you can see next to me the
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fire burning from the rubble here. simply put by people to keep themselves warm. to get through the night because we are dealing with a homelessness crisis here along with the tens of thousands of dead across turkey. here is what we saw today. so close to the epicenter. >> it's hard to imagine how this rubble gave anyone hope. yet, for 50 or so hours after the quake, it almost. and when it stop, when the chances of surviving. the bodies, so near the epicenter here kept coming. >> the paralysis of grief, when these two parents see their eight-year-old daughters red hair bloodstained. >> another four-year-old girl, with no parents here to bury her. another father, simply walking behind. >> constant and intense activity, desperately trying to save lives. we are sadly now into the window where so many of the
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ambulances that overall will likely be taking away people who have perished. >> up, i hope strongest. digging furiously by hand here. on the other side of the rubble medics rushed forward. throwing fury at how nothing here came soon. >> he stretches here too late. returning empty. another body pulled out. a syrian refugee in his 40s. as the excavations game pace. an audience of agony watches and waits.
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>> a hospital volunteer told us that over 300 bodies here are an claimed. the numbers rising fast. along with tempers. it is chaos. and whether any government could move was the question dogging turkish president erdogan. when he flew into town briefly. this stadium, suddenly home to possibly thousands. who knows how long? many refugees from syria, now perhaps losing their homes for the third time. that is nearly as many years as some have been alive. they have nothing but the state generosity to rely on. which for now, means 12 people.
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>> [speaking non-english] >> [speaking non-english] >> for, now the question is what they could've done. for so many entombed here. too late. >> nick, just the agony of the two women. it is just so horrific. it seems like there is a lot of anger at the government response. >> yes, certainly. it's fair to say that it's building. often i think it takes the place of people not quite knowing where to put their fury at the situation there. but certainly when we arrived here. but 48 hours ago now. saying that there was minimal government presidents here. local rescuers doing everything they could. but a lot of the work being initially done by locals. but as of this morning, the army came in, large numbers of
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excavators cayman. to coincide with the arrival of the president, we don't know. but it has made a difference. what they've been able to do, and still now, as you are watching the report. just behind the rubble here. can't see what the camera. but there is another rescue team looking at some of the deeper recesses of the rubble here. in case there is somebody alive. have to say that anderson, you often get your, one of death slowly approaching. this part of qaraqosh. so entitled to the city, to turkey, it's utterly destroyed. has been staggering today to see how much of it is being completely swept away by the tremors on monday. the rebuilding here is almost impossible as a concept to some degree without all this rubble being moved first, and are thousands of people trying to deal right now with the awful cold here. and as well of course, with each family's own personal agony. the losses we have been seeing here in the sun. >> nick, i've just gotten word
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while you are speaking that the official death toll is now surpassed 15,000. given the number of people who are wounded. the number of people who are missing, it seems a little doubt that is going to just continue to go. >> look, there have been some educated speculations that it could grow far in excess of that as they slowly begin to get in to the rubble here. we have seen that in evidence of these buildings here. i want, point they were simply coming across what they can get the blankets to carry them away from here. but yes, that is a concern as we see the cold fight here. but also, the excavators get deeper and deeper into rubble. remember, people here were fast asleep at 4:00 in the morning. so many of the bodies brought out. survivors even of people simply lying where they slept. trapped by the rubble. around blankets. as they look for survivors. as they look for better clothing frankly. a sign that somebody might be somewhere. so yes, those numbers are
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certainly going to go. >> explain, what appreciate it. earlier tonight i spoke to somebody who's organization traces their routes back to the earthquake in haiti. founder of world central kitchen as people are now on the ground in turkey. >> what are you and your team seeing that in turkey so far? >> well, here myself for 24 hours. seeing the images. this destruction. destruction, the structure. even in places where we landed. and madonna. the capital, there you can see in some parts. the destruction. it's relatively in a very good shape. but in a neighborhood that were affected you can see all of the damage in the buildings. i was going south towards i die. and there we stopped in different cities. not only scouting but bringing with them to try to see the
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reality of the situation. and what we are seeing is on top of the destruction, people that still don't have a place to sleep. many families living in cars and buses. even in the back of trucks. trucks they use for work. and all the sudden they are becoming the only place that they can feel warm. >> in a place where there is widespread destruction, how do you go about getting kitchens up and running. getting food on two plates. and people? >> today we've been able to deliver meals. we are going to have to exponential grow. it's super cold. we need to understand that the night goes under two, three, 45 celsius. degrees so to provide food is important. but to provide hot food is even more important.
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so today, we are activating restaurants. they're open in normal times but in this crisis, restaurants that we are asking them please, we need you to be calm an emergency kitchen. and we need to start treating the different pockets of people. that sometimes in a very runway. in the middle of a parking lot becomes kind of a refugee situation. and this is what we are doing. how we are going to deliver tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of meals in the next days. because the food is there. but again it's only been 72 hours, and everybody is very much dedicated to making sure that they can rescue people. that they still might be alive under the rubble. that's priority number. one and in this situation, still kind of why organizations and many others right now. we see ships coming from all over turkey.
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arriving, of a soup. anybody that this. sometimes emergencies, you can't start planning too much. you have to start cooking. start delivering meals to the people. >> and you talk about the unity that you have seen on the ground. it seems like not only international groups coming in but as you said, chefs from around turkey just descending. coming with what they can to try to help. people want to help. >> obviously i was flying from madrid. and in my flight. there were two research and rescue firefighter groups. one from valencia. the other one from toggles that. they were bringing with them the dogs. super important. the dogs are not going to be finding so many people alive. today, was fascinating. i got the phones of some of the
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firefighters and they were so happy. because two different groups were able to rescue two people each. under the rubble. so yes, we have people and countries coming from all over the world. but again, the search and rescue is vital in the next few hours. next few days. at the same time, the entire humanitarian machine has to happen. people need to be taken care of. not only with food but with medicine. obviously with water. it's not, or at center. all of that makes a very complicated. because roads in some parts are damaged. the traffic doesn't flow easily. it's what we are trying to get one, two, three helicopters. permission in the next days to fly them. because the way to access place other than helicopter. >> chef jose from world central kitchen, appreciated, thank you. >> for more information about how you can help victims of the earthquake in turkey and syria, go to coming up.
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house republicans use their newly acquired oversight powers on capitol hill today to try to grill former twitter executives about claims that big tech is conspiring with the government against conservatives. democratic member of the oversight committee who fact-checked is republican chairman in realtime. joining us next. (♪ ♪) you inspired the lexus es to be, well ... more you. so thank you. we hope you like your work. (♪ ♪) ♪
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today as the vocal majority hours i-20 grilled former executive center in particular what the company's handling of the new york post hired by laptop story. in the run up to the 2020 election. one executive testifying that he believes twitter quote aired when it banned users from sharing the link to the story for about two days. but all denied republicans unfounded accusations about a government directed conspiracy to censor the stories well conservatives and general. democrats now the minority used to the hearing as an opportunity to fact check. >> chairman, i noticed that you blew up the cover of that new york post story which i appreciate you doing that. because i would like to dig into this article. the very first paragraph says hunter biden introduced his father to a top executive at a ukrainian energy firm. less than a year before the elder biden pressured government officials in ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company. that is false.
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100% false. >> is the gentleman sure about that? >> yes, in fact i am sure about that. and as the lead counsel. we proved that he was actually fired because he was not prosecuting corruption. >> i'm joined now by the congress when you saw there. democrat daniel goldman of new york. we also served as democratic counsel during the former president's first impeachment involving his dealings with ukraine. so congressman, how much of an effect if at all do you think your pushback on the chairman will actually have. because what you were saying, when you went on to say essentially. is that what then vice president biden was doing was completely in line with what u.s. policy and in fact european nations efforts were to have the iranian prosecutor removed because he was not actually prosecuting corruption. >> yes. and what is really dangerous about this is that the republicans have made it very clear that they are on a
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mission to destroy hundred biden and every way they can. but hunter biden is a civilian. he is the son of a president. but unless there is some link to president biden in any of his misconduct. then this is a gross abuse of power by this committee. for political purposes. and it is a waste of taxpayer dollars and is outside of the jurisdiction of the committee. and the point today that i was making is that there is no link. even if you give the republicans the benefit of the doubt. there is no link to joe biden. joe biden did everything guide the clock consistent with u.s. policy. and in fact, his actions and the actions of our allies in europe and ultimately of ukraine, were potentially hurtful to burisma. because they wanted more corruption to be charged. and so it is yet another example of the fallacious-ness of this investigation.
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that has clearly reached a conclusion before they figured out the facts and what we want to do, and what we did today. we brought out the facts. the facts are on our side, they are not on their side. >> want to play something else you said about that today. >> chairman, you have said in your opening statement that joe biden lied to the american people. that is a bold, bold accusation. so far, we've seen no actual evidence of any lies or any support for joe biden being involved in anything having to do with ukraine, other than promoting u.s. former policy. >> it's interesting, because chairman kumar certain press conference in november that he had evidence and then proceeded to list a series of accusations against president biden. where is that evidence? do you have any sense of when he plans to make it public? because it seems like they are just taking a shotgun approach.
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at least today. bringing in a lot of different directions. without actually citing. there's a lot of accusations, there's no evidence. >> yeah. remember, last congress, the republicans talked on and on about how the january 6th committee had no legislative purpose. because there's no oversight diverse dixon in congress. unless there's a legislative purpose. and investigating a civilian son of a president is not a legislative purpose. by congress. so the only justification for these attacks on hunter biden, is that it somehow linked to oversight of the president. but we've seen no evidence of that. if they have no evidence. and i suspect they don't. and this entire investigation is illegitimate. overreaching and outside of the jurisdiction and should be stopped immediately. >> do you think the type of hearing we are seeing today is what we can expect from the oversight committee and the gop has for the next four years?
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two years i should say? >> well, i don't know what we are going to see. but i'm confident that if they bring actual witnesses have got firsthand knowledge. and they testify. and that is what evidence is. evidence is not what the republicans sit there alleging and accusing and saying without any support. the evidence is what the witnesses say, with the documents say. they are not going to find the evidence to support their claims. and we are all much better off if they do not waste the taxpayer dollars, waste our time with these overreaching, purely political investigations. that's not what the american people want. that is not what the american people have sent us to congress to do. we should be legislating, we should be trying to help families across the country. not attack the presidents son who is a civilian. >> congressman, appreciate it tonight, thank you. >> just ahead, we have breaking
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for wherever business takes you. comcast business. powering possibilities. >> breaking news on the chinese spy balloon across from the u.s. last week. on the day we learned from the pentagon that the balloon is part of a larger chinese surveillance program. military and intelligence sources now telling cnn more on
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what u.s. officials knew and when. about the balloon. before entered u.s. airspace. joined now by cnn senior national security correspondent alex marquardt with the latest. what can you tell us about when this spy balloon was first spotted? >> anderson, we are learning a lot more about the timeline. that it didn't just show up in the u.s. airspace. that in fact it was seen the day before. we are told that on january 27th. the day before it entered this airspace. the intelligence arm of the pentagon filed a report that is commonly known as a tipper, saying that there is a foreign object heading towards u.s.. this is a fairly common report that is somewhat widely disseminated. it's classified, doesn't necessarily mean that it's why the red. but it did say that this object was coming. there was not a particularly alarm or urgency attached to it. the next day, on january 28th, that's when the blue bend and entered u.s. airspace over alaska. fighter jets were sent up to positively idea.
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again, there was no real sense of alarm. no urgency because it did not appear to be a threat to the united states. in, fact it was seen as somewhat of an opportunity to study it and to monitor and try to understand the intelligence he was gathering. in fact anderson, the trajectory it was expected to take was to across alaska. and continue over the northern part of the globe. that is when things change. and i'm told by a u.s. official, that's when things got strange. it took a sharp turn towards the south. started to head through canada, down towards the lower 48 states. and that is when a senior u.s. official tells me that the russians started about what to do. whether to shoot it down. and it was on january 31st that the balloon crossed into the lower 48 states. crossed into idaho. that was the first date we are told that is the day that president biden got his first briefing about the balloon. started to consider their options. a eventually as we know, they decided not to shoot it. not just because they wanted to protect people on the ground, but they also wanted to observe
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it and gather intelligence. today, the pentagon forcefully pushing back. saying that this was not an intelligence failure, in fact it was an intelligence opportunity to learn about this small part of the chinese intelligence program. in fact anderson, by planes were sent up to watch the balloon. in fact, we are told that a pilot actually took a selfie of the pilot and the balloon. that picture unfortunately has not been published. but we are told that it has attained somewhat of a legendary status. >> interesting, alex marquardt, appreciate. coming up, president biden on the road to wisconsin after the state of the union address in a crucial battleground state. the question is, will voters or support him if he decides to run again in 2024? what they're saying tonight are just eleni. t don't smell clean? what if your clothes could stay fresh for weeks? now they can. downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters keep your laundry smelling fresh waaaay longer than detergent alone. pour a cap of downy unstopables into your washing machine
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>> present buying testing out his potential reelection message during the state of the union address last night. and as we noted, a washington post poll out this week found 50% of democrats are democratic-leaning independents want somebody else to run. tonight, cnn's jeff zeleny is in the battleground state of wisconsin to try to see what
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the voters there think about a possible biden in 2024 bid. >> with any presidency, it's never all good. and it's never all bad. >> natasha voted for president biden and is applauded many of his achievements. but with another campaign looming she admits that she's eager for a fresh start. >> always feeling like we are trying to do a lesser of two evils. and it would be in my opinion lovely if we could have somebody who is not in their 70s and 80s running for president. >> when we first met low, and wisconsin's toy shop two years ago, she was grateful biden had turned the page. a >> tone down of the rhetoric. he not having to be glued to the tv or social media to find out what the latest is going on. it has been very refreshing. >> at the halfway mark of his first term, respect for the president runs deeper than a desire for him to run again. even among his admirers >> would like to see him run again. i'm >> on the fence, i'm not
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sure. i'm concerned about his age. not his brilliance or his competence but certainly his age. >> commanding biden for his commitment to diversity. the storm's ability and forgiving student loan debt. but waivers on the prospect of a second term. you can tell that the job has worn him down a little bit. which is where my concern is with him running again. but he is still there. that spark, the fire, the honest gentleman. he is still there. >> inside of his milwaukee brewery, tim i concur said that inflation and high interest rates have taken a toll. but he does not blame biden, and hopes that he runs again. >> if i was him, i was a heck yeah. i want to do this again. you know i've been doing this for a long time. i finally got my chance. things are moving forward. >> as the president came to wisconsin to sell his state of the union message. from ethan clark worked a few miles away at a custom printing shop. >> he still remembers biden's words from the last campaign. >> look, i view myself as a bridge not as anything else. there is an entire generation you saw standing behind me. >> back when clark viewed him
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as the right man for the job. while he praised biden's infrastructure law and other points of success, he said that 2024 should be a new moment. >> who's likely to run for reelection to, you think he should? >> no. i think that when he ran for office last time. it was talked about being a one term thing. and i know he did commit to that. but i think that a lot of people that support the party were hoping that would be the case. >> so this skepticism from democrats is hardly a surprise to the presidents advisors. strong majority of democrats say that they want a different choice in 2024. but anderson, talking to white house advisers, they believe that the speech last night and sales pitches like the ones the president gave here in wisconsin, tomorrow florida will win over some of these voters. that is very much an open question. but the bottom line, it's not a sense of when he's going to run, but rather is he the right man for the job and many democrats
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who we have talked to said, it depends on the republican nominee. and if it's not on trump, president biden might not be. >> just, elie appreciate, thank you so much. next, something we hope believes you smiling. see how one sheriff's deputy gesture goes a long way to help a driver in distress. ried gain flings for the first time the other day...and forgot where she was. you can always spot a first timer. gain flings with oxi boost and febreze.
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>> we leave you tonight with moments of compassion. recently, and michigan, a sheriff's deputy responded to a report of a man possibly passed out on this car, and turns out to be much different. >> what can i do for you today? do you say you don't want to hurt yourself, right? no? have you ever attempted suicide in the past? okay. is there anything i can do to help you? >> i could use a hug. >> i can give you a hug. >> it seems like you have a lot going on. it's okay. it's all right man. it seems like a lot to take on, you know? >> we can get you help. >> we can get you somebody to talk to. >> you heard a second deputy arrived on the scene, and for
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the next 20 minutes, the two military veteran sat with the man. they listened, they gave him words of encouragement, and they did what they promised. they gave the men in need of a hug the phone number to a local crisis center, and they went further. take a look. >> it's all right. it's all right. >> if you need to talk, or you can't talk to them -- >> call us. >> call that number. dude, all come out, on the issue. i'll sit down and talk with you. >> i appreciate it. >> if you ever need anything, just give us a call. >> it means a lot. thank you. >> that is a master class and compassion, and empathy. a reminder, if you are, somebody you know is facing a crisis, you call the national suicide prevention lifeline at 988. that is 24/7 again, at 988. news continues, erin burnett, out front, right now.
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