tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN February 13, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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i am john berman in new york. this is a cnn special live coverage. we are following breaking news. at least three people are dead, five others injured in a shooting at michigan state university in east lansing, michigan. police say the first call came in at about 8:18 pm, local time. it's a little bit less than four hours ago at this point. officers were on the scene within minutes. they say they located several victims. the five people who were injured have been taken to the hospital. some of them, we are told, have life-threatening injuries. now, here's the thing. the suspect is still very much at large. there is a man hunt underway at this moment. this is video surveillance footage. two photos you could see here, released by the michigan state police. this, police say, is the suspect leaving the msu union building on foot. you can see the heavy denim bar and jacket there, the baseball
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cap, and notably, the red shoes. students say they got an email from the school warning them to shelter in place. soon after the shooting started. >> we were there, locked in the rooms. and the guys were telling us to run out of the back doors as quick as we can, run for our lives. i sprinted out there as fast as i can, and into the woods. and from there, i thought, you know, the campus would be safe, and then i got a text from my brother, saying that there are over -- and then eight acres, when i came to the acres, people start telling me to run that they came into the acres. so, just a terrifying experience. >> fired in multiple locations on campus. michigan state has canceled classes and all school activities for the next 48 hours. fbi agents are also responding to the incident to help local police. >> for parents, we understand, and i can only imagine the emotion that's involved right
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now. it's going to help us, and it's going to help our response, and it's gonna help us identify the shooter, the less people are on campus at this point. please, do not come to campus. we are doing everything we can to ensure that of our campus and all of our students. >> so, that news conference you just saw there was about one hour ago. there is another one expected in about 15 to 20 minutes. we, of course, we'll bring that to you live. joining me now, cnn senior crime and justice correspondent, shimon prokupecz. cnn senior law enforcement analyst andrew mccabe. national security analyst juliette cayenne. and also, our senior terrorism and the crime and justice analyst, john miller. thank you all so much for being with us. john, let me start just with you, first of all. again, one hour ago, we did hear from msu police.
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they told us at that point there had been five injured. since that news conference, we have learned three fatalities. they have also released these photos that we now see of the suspect. what are you expecting, or what are you hoping to learn at this next news conference? >> well, i believe what we are now learning is that at approximately 11:56, 11:54 pm, a michigan state police unit on patrol spotted a suspect, fitting this description, walking on lake lansing road. they asked for the description to be repeated. it was a male with black pants, blue jean jacket, red shoes, wearing a backpack. they approached the mail. the male took out a weapon and according to police, conducted one, shot himself in the head. and then, they call for backup. right now, as we are following
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this emergency medical personnel are on the scene, conducting cpr, trying to render aid. and initial search of the suspect turned up the gun that he had on him. a second gun in a backpack and numerous loading magazines for those weapons. so, it appears at this moment that this may be coming to a close. >> that would be a major development, john miller, if as you say, police have come up on someone who matched the description in the photos they released. and then, the process of encountering this individual, as you say, the individual may have taken his own life. again, this information, just coming in from our john miller there. shimon prokupecz, you are with this as well. anything you are picking up on this front? >> no, so there are some police activity in the area. and so, police did respond. we're just waiting for
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confirmation, obviously, from them. maybe there will be a delay here now in the press conference as a result of that. so, we have no -- police have not issued a statement yet to confirm any of that. but certainly, there was significant activity. and so, now, we're trying to piece it altogether. but we know, we're going on almost four hours since this -- since those first shots were fired. still, students are inside classrooms, inside rooms, as the police are still continuing to go through that building. some have been released. you know, i have been hearing from friends whose kids go there, we have colleagues here who went to this school. so, we are hearing from many people, telling us about the campus. and, of course, concerned about their loved ones who are there. so, it seems like things have kind of calm down at the school. and now, we're just waiting word on what this activity was definitively from police. they are supposed to have this
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press conference. but obviously, we are going on about four hours since this happened. and police releasing that photo of the shooter. and, you know, the description of what he is wearing, kind of those red sneakers, certainly would stand out to anyone who would've seen him or approached him. so now, we're just waiting here for police, you know, the sad news obviously is you have three dead, five at the hospital. police, saying that the three dead, and plus those five that are still at the hospital with life-threatening injuries. so, you know, the numbers here can certainly go up. and for many family members who have not been able to get in contact with your kids, it's gonna be a long night there. >> no question about that. and as you say, shimon, three confirmed fatalities at this point, five additional people we have been told injured. some of them, we were told, with life-threatening injuries. andrew mccabe, the information from john miller that perhaps there was an encounter with
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someone who matched the description with the photos that have been released about one hour ago. there was an encounter between police and an individual where this individual, it appears, may have taken his own life. if that did happen, in the matter describe their, andy, what, then, do authorities now need to do to secure that scene, and secure the overall situation, to know, in a way, that the threat is over? >> so, john, you know, in all likelihood, you are a lot enforcement authority. so, that is the michigan state police and all of their local and state counterparts, and their federal counterparts who have been drawn to this scene are likely going to continue to clear that -- all the locations
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are relevant to this crisis. so, in total, we have -- until they have absolutely clear confirmation that this is the person they've been looking for who's involved in all of the shootings that led up to this event tonight, they are gonna continue to have those tactical teams from state and local police agencies and the fbi and all the other federal colleagues that have contributed to this effort to keep going through there, basically, slow and clear process to enter every facility, every room, every space on all of the buildings that are considered to be at risk here. and then, ensure that there is no continued threat to this
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environment. you know, so we will see how that goes. this is obviously a huge piece of information coming from john and his sources. but i would expect that the tactical teams on scene are continuing to do their work. >> and juliet kayyem, once again, we are told that we will hear from michigan state authorities in about ten minutes. that news conference was supposed to be at midnight, eastern time. then, pushed back to 12:20. i don't know if it's gonna slide more, given the information that is coming in at this moment. what do you imagine is going on behind the scenes? >> this is -- i was texting with your producer, will know what's happening if it's a delayed. so, 12:20, 12:30, they were trying to confirm and have a story that, or have the accurate story of what in fact happened with the suspect. and they still have ongoing things that are happening. i want to make it clear. at 11:00, they say there is one
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fatality and five injuries, some of them severe, or in critical condition. and in that our, they found two more people. so, just to be clear, it's a large campus. of the two different buildings are far apart. these are not like you walked across the street. these large campuses are great distances apart. and so, they are looking everywhere to make sure that there weren't third, fourth, or you don't, fifth areas where there might have been shootings that they will then find others. because i think this gap in this hour where they now say there's two additional fatalities means that they are searching and they may be finding things that are horrifying, in the sense that it's increasing the fatality rate. and that was not in the first numbers. the second is of course, the response at the college, at the university.
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that is still ongoing. you have students, we have the police officer, rightfully saying, obviously, parents want to know where their kids are. they have to be separated. you can't just introduce a whole bunch of parents into this site. and so, this is why, you know, texts, phones, just making sure everyone is okay, and we're gonna just, you know, let time go until the kids are out. this is a large university with students who are older. so, we don't know, in terms of colleges are weird, because some parents are very involved. and some kids have their own lives. so, you know, being able to know, notify next of kin if there is an injury, or if they cannot find a student, it's more difficult in these kinds of colleges and universities, because people are coming in and out. it's not like a small residential college where residential, you know, person might know where the kids are. i just want to add one more thing, maybe as a mother, at 12:12 in the morning.
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it was also 30 degrees in michigan. these kids are now outside of their buildings. so, you are seeing now, it's an emergency management coming in. and you see them all in blankets. this is not over for them. and hopefully, it will be in the next ten or 20 minutes, and people can begin to go back to their rooms. but these kids were told to get out. they don't have time to get coats. they don't have time to get much. and so, that's what's going on on campus. >> we've actually heard from students telling us how cold they are, as they were waiting outside. >> yeah. >> trying to get around. juliette, and, drew shimon, john, please, standby if you can for a moment. again, we're waiting for this next news briefing, so much has happened just the last hour. number one, we are learning that three fatalities, five injuries, some of the may be life-threatening. that number, three fatalities, up from what we were told just about an hour ago. so, still unclear if that number still could rise. also, photos of the suspect released, and this information coming in from john miller of an encounter between police and
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someone matching that suspect, where it appears that that person may have taken his own life. police telling us they will speak to us shortly. stay with cnn for the very latest. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ get it with gurus. cargurus. science proves quality sleep is vital to your mental, emotional, and physical health.
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others injured in a mass shooting at michigan state university in east lansing, michigan. we are waiting for a news conference from michigan state police, which should happen sometime in the next few minutes here. and they may have some new information for us. again, one hour ago, they released photos of a suspect. and now, we are getting some information about what may have happened to someone matching the description of that suspect. so, let's get right to john miller here in new york for the latest, john, on what you're hearing on that front. >> well, remember, john, they didn't know, as far as we know, who they were looking for. but they did have the photograph. it went out to all the police agencies. the michigan state police team was driving on lake lansing road, saw the individual with a long jean-jacques it, the dark pants, when they attempted to
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encounter him on the street, they say he pulled a weapon and shot himself. we do not know his condition. but we are told that they found that gun. a second gun in a backpack and numerous magazines loaded with additional ammunition. so, given the idea that they are saying he is wearing the dark bands, the jean jacket, and the red shoes, there is a significant possibility that they encountered the suspect in the photograph that they released to the public just an hour ago. and this could be taking a turn. what they don't know because they didn't know his identity when they were searching for him, they may be able to learn, depending on what they find on that individual, is he's a student? does he have a relationship with a student? does he work at the school? was this some particular grudge, if in fact he is the gunman? so, that is the developing part
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of the story, and hopefully, what will be illuminated on when the press conference and update comes up shortly. >> you say developing, and we should note, this is developing in the last few minutes. this encounter, you said it happened, john, right before midnight? >> that's right. it was about four minutes before midnight. and it was a unit rolling down the street who saw an individual on foot and decided to make the stop. >> again, that will be some 25 minutes ago, which itself was about some 50 minutes after police spoke, and only about 40 minutes after the photos of the suspect were released, showing that jean jacket, showing those red shoes. and now, someone matching that description has been in an encounter with police, where this person shot himself. the condition at this point, john, not clear? >> they were giving cpr to him on the scene.
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and that is something that was happening, again, just a few minutes ago. so, unknown at this time. >> again, we say a few minutes ago, we mean honestly a few minutes ago, if the encounter itself took place just four minutes before midnight. i want to bring in john turner, national security analyst who also happens to teach at michigan state university. sean, this has all happened so quickly, so quickly. we're talking about things that have only happened 20, 30 minutes ago at this point. are you catching any wind of this on campus? >> well, campus is on lockdown right now, john. but what i can tell you is, i'm living about a mile and a half away from the campus here at michigan state university. and lake lansing road, where john has reported that there has been an encounter, about half a mile away from my house. while i can't confirm the details that john has, but what i can tell you is that in the last laugh how or half hour or so, there have been a number of helicopters in the sky, in the area above my house, and in the
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area towards lake lansing road. so, that would seem probably that something is happening there. on campus right now, i know that we still have several students who are students, faculty members, staff who are in lockdown there. and what we are seeing happen on campus right now is information is going out internally to everyone who is connected, letting them know what police will say when they come to the door to get them out. we have people who are by themselves, in lock rooms, with the lights out. and they need to know how to validate that the person on the other side of that room is a lot enforcement official. so, we are sharing that information internally. obviously, i won't say that information on the air. but that's the effort that's underway right now on campus, get those people out, make sure they're all safe. but there's definitely something going on here again. we can just tell, just based on all the long forsman activity in the immediate vicinity here.
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>> i think i could hear the law enforcement activity. you know, bleeding through the audio here, again, aerial activity, helicopters there, you hear the police cars on the street. and as you say, a terrifying situation for the people, the students, still on campus, still hiding in certain cases. and juliette kayyem, i just wanna bring up this point with you very quickly. again, we are waiting for this news conference, which hopefully will take place in a few minutes. but then when i get the information right at this point. i know there is an imperative, if this is the suspect, and if this is over, they want people to know that. on the other hand, they need to be sure. >> yeah. absolutely. they have time on their side. the suspect is either dead or getting cpr. they have the campus under control. they've gotta get this right for a variety of reasons. of course, there are three dead, members of the university community.
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and they gotta notify next of kin. they got students all about the campus, either locked in. or as shawn was saying, out in the cold, waiting out there. running, leaving their stuff behind. so, they want to close this well. because of course, the students want to go back. the schools gonna be closed for two days, for up to two days, so the students have to find places to go. if they don't have places to go. and parents, of course, as we've been saying, parents are surging to the college and university. it's hard to say they should not do it. but it does cause and additional problem. so, if they're gonna close this, one hopes that certainly they want to close it right. and i will say that one thing that they may want to determine is watch for his connections, if any, to the university, to an individual who might have been harmed. we don't know if this was a random act, if it was, someone just wanted to do with, or it was a targeted individual.
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and then others happened to be in that room. that's what we saw, for example, in walmart in the most recent walmart shooting. >> and i want to bring in andrew mccabe, if he's still with us right now. andrew, john miller is saying that firearms, guns, two handguns, apprehended at the scene with the encounter, with this individual who matched the description of the person in the photos. two handguns and some magazines, some ammunition. what do you do with them now? how do you trace those guns? what can you find out from those? >> there is no question, john, that the atf becomes a key partner in the tracing of those firearms. so, you want to understand where those firearms were? how they were acquired? where they have been purchased? who was the purchaser -- >> they're talking right now. let's listen to what they're saying. >> chief of police here in michigan state university. tragic series of events have
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occurred here this evening. we've had a tremendous amount of support from our community, to include hour-long forsman partners who are here with me at the moment as well. standing at the far-right, we have county prosecutor john doing. with him, we have sheriff scott. special agent in charge of the fbi. and you have already met deputy chief chris rozman. i want to thank you for coming to share this update. our community, in regards tonight's event. we will get directly to the most recent update with that, and then we'll have comments and questions. [silence] >> thank you, chief. again, chris rozman, deputy chief with michigan state university, police of public safety. we started tonight by sharing an important update, and that update is the suspect in this
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incident was located outside of the msu campus. and it does appear that that suspect has died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. it is confirmed that he is deceased. this truly has been a nightmare that we are living tonight. but we have remained laser focused on the safety of our campus, our students, and the surrounding community. we are relieved to no longer have an active threat on campus. why do we realize that there was so much happening, we definitely needed to take action after this. again, to reiterate the update, there is no longer a threat to campus. we believe there is only one shooter in this incident. and there is no longer a need to shelter in place on campus.
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there is no longer a threat on campus. we are sad to report that there have been three confirmed fatalities. this is in addition to the five victims who were injured and transported to the hospital. some of those five victims still have life-threatening injuries. out of respect for the families, and while we continue our act of investigation, we cannot confirm any personal information about any of the victims at this time. again, we want to reiterate to everybody that we know there is a lot of information that is being shared on social media and being said on this banner. please, continue to get your
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information on from us. we are committed to share timely and transparent information. our hearts are with those who have been affected by the senseless act of violence. giving an update like this is never easy. as a father, i can only imagine how parents are feeling right now. this will be the beginning of a long healing process for everyone who has been affected. that is the initial information that we are able to share at this point. i will conclude by saying, again, this is still a fluid situation. there are several different crime scenes that we are processing with our state and federal partners. and there's a lot of work that still needs to be done. at this time, i'm gonna turn it over to special agent in charge,
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james diresta, from the fbi. >> thanks -- good evening. i am jim drasco, special agent in charge of the fbi of michigan. our hearts go out to the victims, their families, and the entire community. i like to thank chief lynch for your leadership tonight and your partnership. this evening, fbi agents and our response teams joint law enforcement partners to assist in investigating this horrific incident. we will continue to investigate until we are sore no further threat is posed to the public. up until this point, we are pretty clear it's not. additionally, we will provide victims services to all students impacted by this incident. we are asking the public, in
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addition to the other members, call for information. we have the one 800 call fbi number. please, feel free to use that. we've got tips. this is an ongoing investigation. we will continue investigating throughout the night, and likely, days. so, with that, chief, thank you. >> in addition to the fbi tip line, we have countless investigators from not only the msu police and public safety, but our local county, state, and federal partners, assisting us with this investigation. and there still is a lot to do. i'm gonna provide another 800 number and email address for anybody that may have any information that will help our investigators, as we put the pieces together for this incident. that phone number will also be shared on our social media, and it's 84499 msu pd.
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again, 84499 msu pd. and our tip line is tips at police dot msu dot edu. our investigators will continue to work tonight and around the clock to process the crime scenes and start to put the pieces together to try to understand what happened here tonight. at this time, we will open it up for a couple of questions. i just want to say, please understand that we are sharing information as quick as we can. there's a lot that we don't know at this point. this is a still dynamic situation. it's still fluid. and we will do our best to answer your questions. i'll start right here in the front. >> is the suspect a faculty member, a student? what can you tell us about them? >> so, we are unsure of any
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affiliation that the suspect had to the university. our investigators and officers are still working to determine his identity. once his identity is determined, we will then look to what connection he may have had to our community here. but at this time, that is still part of our investigation. >> just a follow-up along the same lines, are the victims in this incident students? >> so, we continue to work to identify the victims in this case. out of respect for their families, as we work through the process, we are not gonna identify, or confirm, if any of the victims at this point are msu students. that is something that we are quickly working to determine. and that will be a priority for us. and the back? >> can you describe if they were, men or women? the victims? >> i actually don't have that information. all i can say at this point is
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three fatalities at the scene on campus. and five victims that were transported. that is all the information that we have. however, we will work to determine the specific identity of those victims and their affiliation to campus. >> over here? >> where the shootings limited to the union? and also, there were reports that the suspect had around of magazines and another gun -- >> so, the first question was the location of the shootings. we can't confirm that the first shooting occurred at berkey all, and a second subsequent shooting occurred at the msu union, which is adjacent to berkey haul. victims were located at both of those locations. there were no other scenes or the shooting did not take place at any other location.
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there were erroneous reports that there were additional shooting scenes, and that's not true. the question about what the suspect had in his position when he was contacted, i cannot confirm that right now. we didn't release some pictures of the suspect. i cannot confirm to you if he was possessing a back at that point. >> do we know what type of gun was used? >> we do not, at this point. we do not have that information. that will be part of this investigation, in terms of what type of weapon was used. we do not have that information at this time. our investigators are working as part of the investigation, putting the pieces together right now. over here? >> do you have any information about what the motive was for this? >> we have absolutely no information right now on what the motive is. and i can't even begin to imagine what that motive would be, that will obviously be part
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of our investigation. i know that that is going to be a question that lingers on everybody's mind. we will do our best to determine that. but at this time, we have no idea. >> how did law enforcement officers, agents, assisted you in this situation? >> the initial response to the initial shooting was overwhelming. every one of our law enforcement partners in the county responded to the scene. and additional counties in this area showed up along with our federal partners. i am comfortable saying in the hundreds. we had hundreds of law enforcement officers from the university, local, county, state, and federal, from the michigan area that descended on campus today and in a coordinated effort to resolve this incident and secure our campus. in the back?
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>> do you know where the msu president's? do you know why we haven't heard from her? >> i don't have that information right now. my understanding is that she is returning to campus. and she's been briefed on this incident. and i can only imagine what she's feeling at this point. our focus up to this point has really been on the safety of our campus and the public safety operations at hand. and we have briefed not only our president about our executive leadership team every step of the way. in addition to that, we activated our emergency operation center, and put our plans in place that we have blamed for an incident similar to this. we initiated those plans. and in part, the reason why, it was one as smooth as it was, from our end, this tragic situation, because of the
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pre-propel ending, the emergency plans, and the training that we do, county wide, from responding to acts of violence. >> and the back. >> can you confirm how many fatalities were in each shooting location? and how many people were at those location when the shooting started? >> sure. the question was how many victims were at each shooting scene. i fortunately do not have that information out of an abundance of transparency, i can share that. two of the fatalities were at berkey hall, and one was at the msu union. the other five victims, i don't have the specific locations, where they were. we also don't have specific information and how many students or people were in those buildings when the shooting occurred. i do know that there were students in those buildings. i don't have a specific number. i want to commend the students and our community on how they reacted when we sent out our emergency messaging, instructing people to shelter
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in place, to run, hide, and our community listened. that's why a lot of focus on those buildings were able to escape, and that's because of following our instructions. over here in the back? >> you talked a lot about the collaboration in this massive response. what led to this cooperation? >> i actually don't have that information right now. the update that we provided about the contact that we had with a suspect off campus was very fluid and dynamic, and it occurred right before, before coming here today. so, unfortunately, i don't have that information on what led us to his location. he was contacted by law enforcement. he was contacted by law enforcement off campus. i cannot confirm that location right now it's. that scene is also being treated as a crime scene. and it's being investigated as we speak. we may have additional information to share relating
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to that in the future. over to you, go ahead. >> the five victims, are all of them in stable condition? what's the range of their conditions? >> so, we do not have a current update of the five victims that's at the hospital. i am aware that they experienced life-threatening injuries. we hope to have an update from the hospital, and i think at future briefings, we will have a representative from the hospital here that may be able to share additional information as well. sir? >> yes, thank you. the victims in berkey, really all in one location, where they in a classroom? >> i don't have that information right now. that will be part of an investigation, in terms of where the victims were located within the building. we don't have that information
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available to us right now. you? >> are there plans to close campus beyond the 48 hour limit? >> so, at this point, we are declaring that campus will be closed for 48 hours. that is the current status right now. that is subject to change as we evaluate our response to this incident, keeping the victims and the students of our community who have been impacted by this tragedy at the forefront. if we need to extend that, we will. and that appropriate conversations are occurring to make those determinations right now. sir? >> can you confirm that the suspect in the photos is the same person that was dead? >> i can confirm that the photograph that we pushed out immediately, as part of our transparent information sharing is the same suspect that was found deceased. yes. sir? >> i just wonder, can parents
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come to campus right now to pick up their students? and can students leave the campus? >> yes, so we have lifted the shelter in place. that communication was sent out during this conference. students are free to leave and go about their business, if they would like to be picked up, they may do that. we encourage any student that experienced any part of this incident, that may be a witness, to contact us. we have already been in touch with several of them. but if there are any students that witnessed any of the tragedy that occurred tonight, we would refer them to our tip line and email. we would like to have and investigators speak with them to understand what their experience was during the stretch tragic incident. and the back? >> your knowledge, whether anybody that confronted the shooter, either at berkey or the student union? >> we do not have any information on whether anybody
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confronted the shooter at either one of those buildings when we or the other. part of the investigation we will look at to see those kinds of events, and what occurred at each building. and that's why we encourage any students or witnesses to come forward to help us peace the sequence of events together. >> were any campus threats reported the last few days or a social media? and then, how did the police find the suspect? did he shoot himself prior to police intervention? >> so, we have not received any threats to campus in the last several days or before this incident. we have not received any threats to our knowledge. obviously, our state and federal partners are constantly monitoring different sources, to provide information to us, and to my knowledge right now. we are not aware of a threat before this. >> what was the second part of your question? >> how did you find the suspect?
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were you contacted -- >> so i could have the details of the encounter that happened milan forsman confronted the suspect off-campus. that will be part of our investigation as well. but we don't have specific details about how that incident transpired. >> what was the first time -- one was the first call made? >> it was at 8:18 pm, the first call we received. we responded in force. we had officers on scene, not only from msu police and public safety, but east lansing police department, the michigan state police, the county sheriff's office, the township police department, they all initially responded to the scene within minutes. we had officers in the building following their active shooter protocols and going towards the threat. while officers were in berkey all, the suspect moved over to the union, and when the incident took place, their
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officers quickly move to the union. and that's when the suspect left out the north shore of the union, which is the point that he was last seen. >> [inaudible] >> we will provide an additional update at 1:30 a.m.. >> we'll take another question, and we are doing another update at 1:30, less an hour from now. >> i know that scene with the shooter is still ongoing. do you know did he live in an off campus apartment? was he in a car? what was the location in which you found the suspect? >> we're not gonna share any information right now about that specific location, where that occur. i can assure you that was an off campus location. it wasn't directly near campus. it was all in an off campus location. because that scene is still active as well, we're not gonna disclose that particular location right now. so, again, we really do appreciate everyone. go ahead -- >> i need to turn it back over to the vice president chief. >> i just wanted to continue
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the specific al comment. we can't describe and appreciate the response that we have in the community. the number of police officers and emergency medical services, fire department, that showed up, literally, within minutes, to support this effort is completely overwhelming with that. if you are on campus at the time, you saw it, with that. there's still, there is still there, still clearing buildings, and a very methodical way. we have the numbers. and it's only because of the relationships that we have here locally, and the ability to train and partner constantly. and the communication is always there. it is a situation that when one department receives a call, everybody does with that. we are extremely grateful for our relationships. it would not have been as thorough and as expedient and as efficient than it has been to this point. without those partnerships. i just wanted to take a moment
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to thank our partners for that as well as our community for being responsive to the messaging that was sent to them this evening. thank you, and we'll see you at 1:30. >> thank you. >> you have been listening to authorities for michigan state university, law enforcement they are reporting that the threat is over. the suspect, they say, is responsible for killing three people on campus several hours ago, and injuring five others. that suspect, they say, took his own life. they say that threat is over. the shelter in place order that had been fx in msu, that has been lifted. so, that will be a relief to that community there. the tragedy, however, still remains. three people killed. and different locations, to at
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one location in berkey hall, one at a nearby location at the student union. three fatalities in total right now, five others injured, transported to a local hospital. some of them are now with life-threatening conditions. but then you as you heard moments ago, this all develops so quickly. the threat is over. the suspect, they say, for whom they receive photos, just about an hour and a half ago, that suspect died in an encounter with police where he took his own life. my panel of experts and analysts back here now with me. shimon prokupecz, andrew mccabe, shawn turner, john miller, juliette kayyem, thank you all for being here. john, you are the first to alert us to this encounter, which happened not even one hour ago, just a few minutes before midnight, you heard the authorities from michigan state university tell us that the
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suspect were dead. any details around the margins for how this encounter took place? >> it was after the clear description went out. but more importantly, after the photographs went out to all of the police that weren't saturating that area, beyond those who were on campus, and then driving down that street michigan state police encountered a man wearing a jacket that was likely the jacket in the photo, the pants that was likely the pants in the photo, the backpack. and they then initiated a pedestrian stop. and as they approached, the twitchell pulled out a weapon, shot himself, took his own life. and then, they recovered evidence at the scene, including the gun he used to shoot himself, and and it national gun in the backpack, magazines, and additional ammunition. that tells us a lot. that tells us that this individual came prepared.
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he came prepared with multiple weapons and a large amount of ammunition to commit tremendous damage, which he did. so, as on campus, the fear ebbs into sorrow for those who are wounded and lost. but also, drama for the students who have gone through this tonight on lockdown, hiding in closets, under desks in classrooms. we still have a lot of questions about the individual behind this shooting. now that they have taken him into custody, now that he has taken his own life, that gives them a chance to go through that material. does he have i.d.? can they establish an association or a relationship with the school? was he a student? was he a former student? with the ever an employee? does he have a relationship with somebody at the school? all of those are gonna be open questions that will help them go towards what was the motive
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before, for this horrific event? i will tell you this, john, and you know this, from your own experience. what you find out what the motive is behind these shootings, if you find out, they never really add up to something that would make sense. given the carnage and the cost of these actions. and because the individual is now dead, learning that motive may not be a parent. it may be, when they get the search warrant for the house, when they go through the computers when they are able to enter his phone, and look for that reason. but again, this investigation now is defined, to find answers, not to move towards a prosecution. >> again, we don't know -- >> this one individual. >> we don't know the identity of the suspect. we do not know the suspect is connected with any way with the michigan state university. we do know, as you say, when they do find a motive. we know it won't make sense
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because by definition, its mask like this makes no sense. it can't make sense. shimon prokupecz, just very quickly, when you hear deaths in multiple locations, it gives you a sense of truly how terrifying this must have been, three and a half hours of terror, and what will now be days, months, you know, years of mourning. >> right, and we also don't know. some of the stuff that is kind of going through my head right now, listening to police their top, we don't know why he stopped, right? we don't know what happened. so, he gets into the union all, what happens there? we know there was a victim there, why did he stop -- and you can just walk in. so, did he know where he was
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going? and was he targeting certain locations? because he seemed to move through the area. so, that is certainly something that i think is going to be important for a law enforcement. because also someone asked wisely, was there any affiliation to the school? and that's gonna be the key thing right now for authorities, certainly to figure out that. >> we just don't know. sean turner, national security analyst and teacher at michigan state university. i imagine some sense of relief at this point. >> yes, john, when we consider the tragedy that the shooter brought to our campus tonight, it's really hard to see any positive and, in the outcome here. i will tell you that i have been in touch with colleagues all over campus, and there is a sense of relief that this shooter has been neutralized, and that our students, faculty, and staff are all safe. but as everyone has said, now comes all the questions. why did this individual come on to our campus? and why did he kill people and
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wreaked the havoc that they've reached? what was the motive? so, we're gonna turn to that now, but the really important thing for us is that everyone is safe. and, you know, tomorrow, you know, we are gonna look to understand the cause of factors. you know, i have been, i just wanna give you a sense, john, of this community. i have been in touch with professors this evening. it's almost 1 am in the morning. and they are still reaching out to the students to make sure that they are okay. it just gives you a sense of what this community is. >> and they're gonna need it either. you are all gonna need each other in the coming days. andrew mccabe and juliette kayyem, 30 seconds to each of you. andy, just first, what now? what's going on right now? >> sure, john. so, the fbi and their colleagues are going through the history of this person to try to understand what his motivations were, to try to understand what brought him to this moment in this community, and at this time. you know, michigan state, this
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community is struggling to understand why they are the latest in what is a uniquely american experience, and understanding and experiencing a mass shooting. but it is the job for lot forsman to understand, as much as they can, about what brought this person to this moment and this mass shooting tonight and we will hear more about that i think in the future. >> and, juliet, again, we have about 30 seconds left. and as this community mourns, you know, what was learned here, do you think? >> yes, that's gonna be a huge part of it. we are all rightfully applauding the transparency of the police department, what they know, what they did not know that the basing, how quickly they came out, telling us when they are next gonna come out. we know there is another press conference next hour. so, what's happening back on campuses's shelter, and as i've been saying to these kids, a lot of them have been out in the cold. they ran out. they want to get them
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comfortable as much as they can. and potentially, they are there are identified victims -- and there are also a lot of parents who by all accounts i'm talking to are standing outside the university. they want to see their kids. they should see their kids. so, you're gonna see a lot of family unification. maybe kids leaving campus for a couple of days while it's close to go home. so where the kids are from. that is essentially -- the school is going to be very active for the next couple of hours. >> yes, very active for the next couple of hours. yes, and the school at the community would be very much in pain for the next several months, if not years. thank you all for being here. i know many of you will be involved just after this next break. john vause picks up our breaking news coverage right after this. ♪ ♪ ♪ football, housewives, football, housewives... whoops. i justst want to talk! call 1-800-directv
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