tv CNN This Morning CNN February 15, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PST
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says "burn after reading." now, so it went back and forth. the judge says i believe it is relevant and this case is proceeding to trial, all right? in florida. so the plaintiffs, the petitos will have a request to get that letter, but there will still be a battle. i want to tell you about this case. is intentional inflings of emotional distress ways. that time period when gabby was missing and the petitos were calling over and over and over again the laundries, texting them, do you know anything? they did not respond and they blocked them on facebook and they say that during that time that was intentional infliction of emotional distress. under florida law, it has to be outrageous behavior, beyond the norms of sissi. the laundries are saying we had no right -- we had no duty to you to have to respond to you. that is our right to stay silent at that moment in time. this case, if proceeding to
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trial, they tried to dismiss it, the laundries, several times. it has not happened. it will be fascinating. i think it's not for the money. it's for the principle involved and what may be discovered. >> fascinating to see if they actually get that letter and why the date would matter. >> the fbi had hit. patrick reilly has seen it. it's in the hands of the laundries' family attorney. >> let us know if they get that letter. and "cnn this morning" continues right now. some people look at america and see vulnerability. the socialist left sees an opportunity to rewrite history. china and russia are on the march. they all think we can be bullied. kicked around. you should know this about me. i don't put up with bullies and
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when you kick back it hurts them more if you're wearing heels. i'm nikki haley and i'm running for president. >> so, good morning, everyone. it is a big day for nikki haley. for 2024, for nikki haley. poppy is on assignment. nikki haley is donald trump's first major republican challenger for 2024. hours from now nikki haley is going to jump start a presidential race with her first campaign speech. will she call out trump by name? she didn't do it in the video there. does she stand a chance to, a big question we have. a political, what do we call them here? a force standing by to discuss all of this. also, what 2024 could look like with trump. his legal headache, is it getting worse over the diversity found at mar-a-lago because the justice department is now saying there could be evidence of a crime. the court, well, they forced trump's attorney to testify
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without attorney-client privilege and what does that mean for the former president's third run? plus, fish and animals are sick and dying after a toxic train wreck in ohio earlier this month. should all of the people living nearby be concerned? is the air safe to breathe? is the water safe to drink? we are going to ask ohio governor mike dewine in moments. he is going to join us on cnn. we are going to begin in south carolina where the battle to become the gop's presidential nominee is getting underway. nikki haley is about to give her first campaign speech. haley has said in the past that she would never run against her former boss, donald trump. notably, she did not call out trump by name in her announcement video yesterday, but she did point out that he lost two popular elections. there is still plenty of other big gop names, if you could fit them on the screen, at least the faces, that may be announcing a run coming up. but it could be weeks or even months before the republican
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field fully takes shape. >> as we wait to see what the republican field looks like, let's discuss with our panel charlotte alter, times senior corresp, also with us cnn political analyst and "new york times" national politics reporter and host of a great podcast and shapen fay has worked on various republican campaigns, representative lee zeldin. >> political powerhouses, i think. >> i think it's safe to say you guys have enough experience to talk about this. nikki haley is now in the race. she is the first one to get in, to challenge trump. what do you think it's going to look like? she made it through day one with no nickname. >> reorienting a whole republican party. that's a bio, a campaign announcement forward looking, optimistic, embracing a new
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generation of republican leadership. the energy driving the republican base that culminated in donald trump has been more grievance driven, more backwards looking. so nikki haley has a big task on her hands. not only needs to convince them that she is the person of the candidates to lead the party. convince the voters to have a complete hchange of heart about their driving political ideology. >> how does she do that, in the video says we are not going to let the socialists, whatever, that's harkening back to a donald trump message, ron desantis message. how do you reorient and move forward by still looking back and still having the albatros of donald trump hanging? >> i think that one of the things she said in her announcement video that stuck out to me she mentioned earlier that republicans have lost seven out of the eight -- out of the last eight popular votes and even just acknowledging that is a step away from where much of the party has been in trying to
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essentially argue they didn't lose these elections when they did. and so acknowledging that the republican party has a persuasion problem and has to work on actually persuading voters who have not been inclined to vote for them to consider voting for them rather than just beating these elections over the head and insisting they won when they didn't, even that is a major departure from where the republican party has been. >> and it's such a dig at trump. you know the idea of him losing the popular vote is something that drives him crazy. i wonder what you think of what -- basically like she is messaging to the republican base that doesn't exist, that she's got this message about a new generation of leadership. do you think that's effective? will she be a for middedable opponent? >> i think so. i agree with my colleagues. it's a narrow path to victory here. republican primaries have always skewed conservative, the conservative candidate always has an edge. recently they skewed trump. last cycle a lot of trump candidates won their primaries.
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a lot of them were close. but i think that she did what she had to do. in politics, you want to be first. she is out first. it will be difficult to persuade the republican base she is the candidate. the good news about running for president, it's a big platform, she will have a voice, a voice at least until it gets messy or chaotic when more candidates get in and she did what she had to do right now she is a personality candidate, a moderate woman of color who has a pretty good resumé. she has to make that case that that's the way forward. i agree it's going to be a tough -- d. >> a couple things. she does a have good resumé. there are other issues that we will talk about and that people are going to ask, more people than just me, right? you said she is appealing to a republican base that doesn't exist? did you say that? >> i believe my colleague said that. >> why do you say that? >> this is the challenge with a consensus candidate, i think she is trying to have a foot in all
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lanes. she has the history with donald trump. she has the kind of forward lacking nature. there is a thin line between creating a consensus between all the wings and the wings feeling like you are not really a part of them. and to his point, the primary really excuse about authenticity, it excuse conservative and it really prioritizes people who speak the language of the base. i am just saying she is not a natural fit for that. that does not mean she can't convince the base other things like electability and beating donald trump matter more. >> a party that wants to broaden the tent, you have a woman of color in the republican party who has a good resumé, she was ambassador to the u.n., whatever, governor of south carolina. okay . down she said
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it was of heritage for some people, but yet she took it down. how is she going to square those circles? >> that's my point. often seen to be following where the political winds are going, it has created a sense of questions among a base who has seen her compromised in some instances and also among some that see her play to a donald trump base in some instances. when you are asking in a republican primary who is going to be able to siphon off the right amount of voters and what could be a very crowded race, she not only has -- she has a play for a lot of folks, but is she going to be top of any of those groups' list is going to be the difficult part. >> one more thing. she was not an election denier, but yet she said she wouldn't support election deniers but then campaigned for don bald i can and supported herschel
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walker. >> that cuts both ways. she is going to have to answer questions. we know in politics, that's never good. also she is a candidate who can go into like a trump supported room and talk about thousand she was in the trump administration, for example. then she can go to a moderate room and talk about how she is the moderate way forward, woman. she made that a big deal the other day inner announcement which is smart. the only woman, republican woman currently mentioned. the other point, all non-trump presidential candidates benefit from more candidates being in. her path is going to be moderates, which is going to be difficult. if ron desantis and president trump are fighting for the same conservative trumpian base that, may -- this never really works. i take about this all the time. i don't know if it works in reality. she may be able to slide up the middle that way. >> that remains to be seen because trump has a pretty firm
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grip on that part of it. y what you mentioned about nikki haley this her announcement, she is a woman, the first woman of color. not very many women have sought the republican nomination. the other thing i am thinking about is trump's response. he was referring to her as overly ambitious. reminded me on the attacks against hilary clinton. he is talking about her as a female candidate, not just a candidate against him. >> one of the things we know about donald trump is he loves to attack and belittle anybody who challenges him. one of the things that we know about women in politics is that because just the latent sexism in our society a lot of those attacks tend to stick to women better than they stick to men. so do think that trump has had a lot of success in attacking and belittling women who run against him and i guess to remains to be seen whether that's going to stick here. one think i want to say to chapin's point i am not sure i
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agree. one of the things we saw in the midterms is that, you know, when there were primaries where there was one candidate that was endorsed by trump and then one opponent, typically that opponent had, you know, did a little better. but when there were multiple candidates who split the anti-trump vote, then the trump endorsed candidate normally came out on top. >> that's a really good point. i guess the question is when trump is going after nikki haley, you know, you're a republican advisor to his campaign, what do you say to him about that? >> i think the reality is -- maybe i'm being optimistic or hope. . i think those tactics are waning slower than we would like. it didn't work in 2020. it worked to great effect in 2016 to our surprise, right, to some no surprise. i think it's waning. i would advise him -- and it seemed like he did it in his response. i saw his response a little reserved. campaign official response -- >> said it was sherlock?
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>> yeah, so i think, you know, maybe his advisors are trying to get him to run a more traditional campaign this time. i agree with charlotte sort of counterintuitive to what i said before, multiple candidates helps donald trump being the frontrunner and if he consolidates all his support, they will be fighting for the same votes. that being said, i think a candidate like ron desantis is going to be fighting for the same votes that trump is. it's going to be interesting how this plays out. but, you know, i do -- you know, it looks like he may be headed towards a more traditional campaign, though he is donald trump and i don't know if he will be able -- >> famous last words said. >> mine, i think donald trump knows that nikki haley is not his chief problem in this race. donald trump -- >> are you sure about is that? >> ron desantis -- donald trump has other issues -- >> let me be the contrarian here. nikki haley -- but think about it. because i haven't talked to you about social issues and issues as it relates to race, right? you have a woman who is a person
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of color who might be able to appeal to a more moderate faction of the republican party. i think there is a lane for her if she plays it correctly. do you u you think she can, having worked in the trump administration, the confederate flag, whatever, do you think there is an appeal for minorities and independents and democrats for nikki haley? >> we have seen republicans recruit them in the midterms. there has been an embrace of women and people of color who can say that message. that's there is a problem for nikki haley. there is not just a choice of identity and trumpism. there is a growing class of republicans who reflect the more diverse communication of that same type of political message. that's going to be her issue, how she makes identity and the political message work at the same time. >> trumpism is identity politics w. he know that. >> traditionally, it doesn't work with the base at least.
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>> yeah. >> so it may be more difficult for her than anticipated. >> we'll find out. that's what we do. thank you all for being here. very smart analysis tharchlts is true. >> that was a morning cup of coffee right there. got us going. thank you, guys. all right. we are tracking acting administrator -- there is not someone leading the federal aviation administration, billy nolan announced a sweeping safety review after a string of scary incidents. and a commercial flight and a fedex cargo claim came as close as 100 feet in austin, texas, a few days ago. a pilot gets credit for averting disaster there. that delta flight was forced to abort takeoff when an american airlines jet crossed a runway in new york. they are investigating that. last month the faa was forced to cause that ground stop halting
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all departures across the nation because of the computer outage. that was the first since 9/11. the faa's review will identify other similar incidents. president biden's permanent pick to lead the agency has been stalled in congress. >> when you look at that animation, that is frighteningly close. >> i don't want to be on that plane. concerns about toxic contamination growing in ohio after a fiery train wreck earlier this month. some are complaining about headaches and feeling sick. more than 3,500 fish have died. ohio governor mike dewine, we will ask him what is being done to help the residents in east palestine. he is up next. yeah. i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad. try this robitussin honey. the real honey you love, plus the powerful l cough relief you need. mind if i i root through your trash? robitussin. the only brand with real honeyand eldlderberry.
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and imagine if this is where you live. >> this is a stream near the site of the train derailment in east palestine, ohio. the state's department of narm resources says 3,500 small fish have died because of the derailment and release of toxic chemicals. residents are saying that they are getting headaches and sore throats and tonight the mayor will hold a town hall to, hopefully, answer their questions. remember, at this derailed train, it carried several dangerous chemicals, they are most concerned about the vinyl chloride. emergency workers had to vent the tankers, spill the vinyl chloride into the trench and burn it off. it that can cause dizziness, sleepiness and headaches. it has linked it increased risk of liver, brain, and lung cancer. some residents have been told to drink battled water until testing is complete. even the governor says that's
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what he would do. >> i think that i would be drinking the bottled water and i would be continuing to find out what the tests were showing as far as the air. i what be alert and concerned. but i think i would probably be back in my house. >> all right. there you see governor mike dewine there in our big wall this morning. thank you for joining us. governor -- >> thank you. >> first off, sorry you are having to deal with this, the residents are to deal with this. my question is can you say with absolute certainty that the residents of east palestine are safe? >> what we are trying to do is provide them every day with the information. and we started testing the air. the air has remained good. we will continue to test every single day. even when the controlled release
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was done, you know, we told people in a certain area they needed to leave. and outside that area, you know, we never saw really a significant change in the air at all. but we are going to continue to do that. as far as the water, you know, the fish that were killed were killed, you know, very soon after the initial train crash occurred. we continue to moniday the wate in different streams as it goes out. and we did get a test back late yesterday of the water in the village and the first well that we tested the water was fine. we expect to get the next results back today. we will make those available as well. out of an abundance of caution, we told people, you know, yes, use bottled water, you know, don't take a chance -- >> sounds like you are saying you are not sure if they are save, governor.
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>> look, what i said yesterday, i would be back there if i was living in the community. look, we are doing testing in the -- with the air. the air has been safe. it continues to be safe. you know, the drinking -- the drinking water that comes into the system, we think it's deep wells, we think it's safe. we told people out of an abundance of caution until we get the tests back drink bottled water. we are getting it those tests back. the first indicated the water was in fact safe. so, look, all we can do is give people the facts and give them the tests. we have had people on the scene from the ohio epa, the u.s. epa. we have had the health department there, local health department, state health department. we have been on the scene since the crash actually occurred and continue to tell people exactly what we know. >> governor, what would you say to residents who are saying, you
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know, if i'm told by my governor to drink bottled water is it really safe to go back? >> we are testing the air and the air continues to be safe. it has been safe all the way through. the water, what we told them is just what i said, which is that we think these deep wells are fine but they are not going to have a problem, but we can't tell them that until the tests come back. so waiting for the tests we advised drink bottled water. it's being supplied to people. we suggest they drink that. we got the first test back from the first well. that tested fine. we will get the tests back for the second, third, fourth well. but we don't know until we get that back. total transparency. we are testing as we test, we will tell people what we find. you know, we think it's been controlled, you know, in regard to the water. you know, again, anybody who has
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got a private well, you know, we have told them sign up, we'll test that. no charge. and we will be able to tell you very quickly whether that water is in fact okay. >> but some business owners in east palestine residents filed lawsuits saying the company was negligent and the company should provide court supervised testing. do you agree the company should be paying for those screenings? >> look, the company should pay for everything. and i talked to the ceo yesterday. i said, look, i said there is concern with some people in east palestine that you are going to leave before you get the cleanup done, you are going to leave before the problems are dealt with. he pledged to me we are gonna stay. we are going to hold them to what they said. we are going to hold them accountable. they are responsible for this. they are responsible for a very serious train wreck that
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occurred with some very toxic to the fire, make sure they pay for everything as we move forward. >> governor, thank you for joining us this morning. before we let you go on these important issues, recently in a news conference that you were hosting on this issue a news nation reporter evan lambert was arrested. i know you called for the attorney general to drop the charges against him, but can you make sure that no reporters are ever arrested at a press conference that you are holding again simply for reporting? >> yeah, sure. i mean, look, i have held over 500 press conferences since i have been governor of the state of ohio. we never had an incident, never had a problem. i am very, very accessible. this reporter who was reporting live from the back of the room never should have been asked to stop, never should have been told to be quiet. that was a big, big mistake. and, you know, the person who did that i have explained to them and i am sure that he will never do that again.
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>> just one quick thing before you go. nikki haley, what do you think? >> very attractive candidate. i think she is a very strong speaker, got a great resumé. but i think it's much too early. there is a going to be a lot of people running. and we will see how it plays out. >> yeah. well, that was a very sort of judicious way of putting it. all the people who could possibly throw their hats in the ring. thank you, governor. thanks, governor. >> thank you. all right. also this morning it's been nine days since that devastating earthquake in turkey and syria. somehow rescuers are still finding people alive. we will share some of their incredible stories next. r my small business. (vo) verizon has business internet solutions nationwide. (man) for our not-so-small business too. (vo) get internetet that keeps your business ready for anything. from verizon. ♪ this feels so right... ♪ adt systems now feature google products like the nest cam
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find more survivors. they are still finding some of them, like a 77-year-old woman there under rubble 212 hours. the turkish media just reported a short time ago a woman and two children have also been rescued after 228 hours in rubble after the quake hit. cnn's sara sidner is on the ground in southeastern turkey. you have been doing incredible reporting on this and in these stories that, amid the devastation, death toll, people are still being found somehow. >> reporter: it really is, kaitlin. we are standing in an area of survivors as well. they are in tents though because their homes have been destroyed. the department of emergency services here has been able to put these up for about 100 families and they are full families with children in tow who cannot go home to their representative apartments or homes. but we are seeing nine days on what i only call remarkable if
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not miraculous. people still being pulled from the rubble after thousands aftershocks and two major earthquakes. they are somehow surviving after that 72-hour timeframe where usually people cannot survive. they are pulling out the elderly and the very young and everything in between. >> firefighters scan the debris for signs of life. they ask him if there is anyone else with him and about his condition. it's okay, the 65-year-old syrian man tells them. it was the 208th hour, the i ninth day since the powerful earthquakes hit turkey and syria. six hours later, 77-year-old is pulled from under the rubble.
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as the death toll climbs at terrifying speeds, these are rare rescues and they have become the only source of hope. this has largely turned into a rec recovery operation. focus is shifting towards sheltering tens of thousands of people made homeless by the disaster. and burying tens of thousands of others. families don't wouldn't to leave the site of their collapsed homes, hoping and praying to find loved ones. clinging to news of miracles. brothers were pulled from under a collapsed 8 story building on the 198th hour. they stayed alive by eating protein powder. rescuers tunnelled through the debris to pulled out an 18-year-old.
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this is well beyond the critical first 72 hours when most rescues happen. now many calls for silence to hear the faint voices of trapped survivors are met with deafening silence. until -- >> another miracle happens. this 7-month-old baby was pulled from the rubble after 139 hours. after 167 hours under the suffocating debris, this man managed to pull himself out. >> joyous moments keep the spirits of exhausted rescuers. these brothers were pulled one after the other after more than a week with little or no water under entangled slabs of concrete and steel. many, though, will face a long
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recovery. ferris and fatma were pulled out on the 209th hour. their five children are still believed to be trapped underneath. the bitter realization that some people are the only surviving members of an extended family. but that does not stop the celebrations. or the hope for yet another miracle. and you will notice that we're talking in terms of hours and that's because with every hour that passes the chances of survival are less and less. especially as we are now going into the tenth day since the initial two major earthquakes hit this region. i will tell you that we, ourselves, witnessed an area for those people who have survived, there are hundreds more who have been killed. we witnessed a mass grave that took over basically half of a farm, a huge area where they were just digging grave after grave after grave because they
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know they will have a lot of people to bury. some who may never be identified. kaitlin. >> that's hard to fathom what that is like for those families. >> the kids behind her playing ball. did you notice that? trying to are have some degree of normalcy there. moments ago, the commerce department released the key january retail sales report. really surprising numbers straight ahead. and shark tank's kevin o'leary is going to be here to join us to tell us what he sees in the economy. mr. wonderful, as they know him. >> we'll see.
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so there it is. brussels, belgium, the defense secretary lloyd austinen at nato headquarters this morning. the u.s. pledges more military support to ukrainian forces. next friday will mark one year since russia invaded ukraine. as we track that and listen to secretary austin, we are also just into cnn getting it new numbers as the commerce department has released the retail sales report for january.
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this is incredibly insightful. cnn's chief business correspondent christine rowens is here to break it down. >> look, you cannot hold back the american consumer. the u.s. economy continues to defy gravity. retail sales surged, surged 3%. this is way more than economists thought. starting out the year with a strong job market, some minimum wage increases across the country and generally feeling good about things, we look at these polls where people say they are worried about a recession, they are worried about their financial future, but they continue to spend. also very big post-holiday discounts, looks like the discounts were enough to get people out there spending. auto sales, too. remember after a chill in the auto market because of high prices the past year or so, you have people out there buying cars again. when you look across the board, i see a consumer incredibly resilient. on the far right there, that 3% surge is the most since march
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2021. a strong consumer heading into the beginning of the year. the consumer is the main driver of the american economy. two-thirds of the american economy is driven by consumer spending. people say they feel lousy about the economy and they are doing a little bit of retail therapy apparently because they are spending money anyway. >> we will see how the fed chair thinks of this. >> this means the fed will be raising interest rates more. so i think you have more fed rate hikes in the pike here and it just shows you that despite all these stories about a recession, higher strinterest rates, the economy is doing pretty well. >> no one better to break it down. what we just heard from christine romans, kevin o'leary, mr. wonderful from "shark tank" and he is the chairman of o'leary ventures. thank you very much. the numbers that she reported, what do you think retail sales, 3%? >> 6%, that is absolutely stunning. that is -- you know, to be talking about a recession and
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have a print over 6% is almost unprecedented. and so something is really interesting here. we have full employment, decade -- it's been decades to have unemployment this low. remarkable. we are raising rates on the consumer. core inflation and food is really high, and yet somehow, because everybody's got a job, you get a print like that. this is a rip roaring economy. if i were president biden i would take advantage. these are good numbers. >> he is going to speak. >> what do you mean take advantage? >> it's very, very rare you get a situation, full employment, you are raising rates and you have retail sales numbers this strong. it's just rarely ever happens. you want to take credit for that if you ared administration. everybody is feeling good if numbers are up 6%. that's my point. how long can this last is what every small business in america is asking themselves because they are trying to make decisions every day about how much money they put into inventory because they are supposed to be seeing a
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slowdown. where is it? that's the debate. >> do we have the right sort of metrics to measure the economy coming out of covid? are we using old analytics to -- for something that is different? >> you are right about that. the fed is taking a lot of criticism specifically around housing. the housing data is 18-month-old as it goes into the cpi numbers. when you talk about inflation and keep fighting inflation with more hikes, it's because you are not taking into account that housing prices are flattening and some markets rolling over. a lot of people are criticizing the old way of measuring inflation saying let's get housing out of there and look at core inflation such as food and energy prices which are more current. but housing is a lag indicator. so maybe what's happening is the fed is fighting like con quixote a fight he doesn't have to fight any more. that's not going to -- we will have two more rate hikes, at least 25 basis points each. with that data, i guarantee the terminal rate, the rate where
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the fed stops, is 5%. >> that's remarkable. >> you know that's going to happen now. he is sitting it in his office saying, my goodness, where did this come from? >> every time you see a look on his face, he is like, what's next? could we talk about crypto? you were a spokesperson for ftx, sam bankman-fried's crypto company. we saw what happened to it. the larger question though about what is happening to crypto overall, do you think we are entering kind of the dodd-frank era of crypto where there will be legislation and regulation? >> if there is a silver lining to this catastrophic flaps of ftx which cost so many people so much, it's forced regulators to regulate. gensler really hammered kraken, said no more lending of crypto. it's not a law yet for everybody. he is saying read the room. i shut down one exchange and i am going to do it for everybody
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else. and then this morning we hear the regulator in new york has basically shut down the minting of binance tokens. there are $64 billion of binance tokens held in two wallets. well, i wonder who owns those? if one of those people wants to sell, that's binance down the drain. it's going to get very interesting. >> real quick, you said that you would do everything -- because you are a spokesman for the sam bankman-fried, ftx, do everything to track down the money. have you made any progress? >> it's the narrative on the situation for everybody is around recovery. we heard about 4.2 billion, another 400 million of cash. where is it? we need the regulatetory give us the data. >> you said you would work with him again? >> no, no. that was long before -- i have been known on "shark tank" for a decade i will give money to catastrophic money to experience for failure, not when you are involved in an alleged fraud. >> i want to talk about this tweet on saturday. you said you may lose your wife, lose your dog, your mother may
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hate you, none of those things matter. what matters is that you achiever success and become free, then you can do whatever you like. you are getting a lot of blowback for that. >> i stand behind that 100%. you know why? if you are an entrepreneur you know what i am talking about. you need to sacrifice. you have to work 25 hours a day, eight days a week because your competitors is in mumbai or shanghai and they want to kick your butt. when you are young and sacrifice everything, you have to win to achieve free tomorrow for your family later in life. if you think you don't have to work and take risks and have to have commitment, you are not an entrepreneur. just get a job and work for somebody else. those words for people that are motivated to sacrifice personally to achieve success and freedom in their lives. if you don't get it, don't worry about it because you don't fit the entrepreneurial mold. i have been saying that for 20 years. if you really want to succeed, you've got to work your you know
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what off. and then some. and then even more than that. and now even more because you are competing internationally. >> you can say assets on this show. >> okay. well, that's exactly what i mean. if you are not ready to work your ass off, you are not an entrepreneur. get over it. if that makes you uncomfortable, i couldn't care less. >> we have to ask you and tell me if i'm wrong, are you encouraging people away from the stock market? i am looking at your wrist and you say there are more tangible things in the moment that you would be investing in. >> yes. my watch collection over the last three years has outperformed the s&p by almost 11%. and so you notice this watch. there is only one in the world. this is a one-of-a-kind ap made for "shark tank" season 15. this has already appreciated 1,400%. i'd rather own watches and stocks right now if you can find them. >> you say collectibles. >> yeah, collectible watches. very rare, one of kinds. >> art as well? >> yes, art is doing very, well.
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there is alternative assets. wake up and look at the stuff besides stocks you can make money on. plus, you can wear it. looks great. >> no, no i was trying to get your watch. >> thank you, kevin. >> thank you very much. >> love having you on set. >> thanks a lot. so nikki haley kicking off her presidential campaign in hours, only the second republican to announce so far. why is this morning's number 16? we will explain that. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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when cold symptoms keep you up, try vicks nyquil severe. just one dose starts to relieve 9 of your worst cold and flu symptoms, to help take you from 9 to none. for max strength nighttime relief, nyquil severe: ♪ all right. former south carolina governor nikki haley is running for president, we found out that yesterday, she has her formal announcement today. she is the first major republican rival to take on former president trump in this 2024 race. both are ahead of the game, though, with early campaign announcements. trump was really early. so no one better to break it down than our cnn senior data reporter harry enten. when do people normally announce
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they're running for office? >> so this morning's number is 16 as don was hinting at. take a look at the median date presidential candidates announce, it's the 16th of march in the year before the general election. so we are still before that. of course, the question is would you rather be ahead of the game or behind the game? we can look back at when primary winners announced. okay. when did they announce in the race? before a cycle's median ten, compare that to after a cycle's median candidate, five. don looking a little confused. we will help don out. candidates -- the winners of primaries tend to be the earliest to announce, not, in fact, the latest to announce. you would rather be ahead of the game than behind the game. >> you mean typically. >> typically. >> when was the escalator? that was in june or july. >> he had an exploratory committee in march so he was technically running before he got down that escalator. >> what about for presidents?
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we are waiting for biden to see when he is going to announce. >> the median day for presidents to announce their reelection april 30th. we are still long before then. biden still has a lot of time and i should note, get this, ronald reagan didn't announce until october 17th of 1983 for the '84 cycle so we are still very early, biden has a lot of time and no competitors so why announce just quite yet. >> i think biden already did it. i think he did it at the state of the union. >> at least informally. >> informal, like your turtleneck. >> you are not wearing a tie. >> i'm informal, too, that's why we love each other. >> harry enten, those numbers, thank you, as always. >> that's it? we're done? >> that's it. thanks for joining us this morning. "cnn newsroom" starts right after this break. it's a perfect fit for my small business. (vo) verizon has business internet solutions nationwide. (man) for our not-so-small business too. (vo) get internet that keeps your business ready for anyththing. from verizon. [♪] if you have diabetes,
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