tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN February 16, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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coming from his family, who says willis, who is 67, is now living with a form of dementia. his loved ones, including his ex-wife demi moore shared the news on instagram. she wrote, "unfortunately, challenges with communication are just one symptom of the disease bruce faces. while this is painful, it is a relief to finely have a clear diagnosis." willis stepped back from acting last year after the initial diagnosis, which was aphasia. it can impact speech and language. but now this new -- they're saying they found out he has dementia, and it's called ftd for short, the time hazy. an umbrella term for a group of disorders generally associated with personality, behavior, and language. our thoughts are with him and all of his family. thank you so much for joining us. "ac 360" starts now. good evening. for the second time in a matter of weeks, authorities have released video of someone's
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deadly encounter with police. the footage shows the last seconds before 43-year-old alonzo bagley is fatally shot by a member of the shreveport, louisiana police department. the sequence starts towards the end of what was a very short chase after police responded to a domestic disturbance complaint. >> hey, he went that way. >> now just two seconds later, officer alexander tyler fired once, killing mr. bagley. this was on the 3rd of this month. today officer tyler was charged with negligent homicide. and again, as in the fatal police beating of tyre nichols,
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there are questions being asked about police training and the use of deadly force. ryan young is outside shreveport for us tonight. he starts us off. ryan? >> anderson, another tough night in america. people trying to process exactly what happened here. the state is investigating. they took several days before releasing this video. but you have a community asking so many questions about the video you're about to see. and i have to warn everyone, it is tough to watch. and even tough to listen to, because you can hear the officer crying after the shot is fired. the entire incident took less than two minutes. two officers arrive at the home of alonzo bagley just before 11:00 p.m. in response to a 911 call. his wife made complaints he was threatening her and her daughter. >> hi, what's your name? >> alonzo. >> can you step out for me? >> no. >> come on, sir. you disturb the peace. >> sit done.
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sit down. >> that's right. >> hey, come here. come here. she can put the dog up. >> reporter: the first officer follows bagley down the hallway after he says he's going to put his dogs away, as his wife continues to yell in the background. >> hey, hey! >> reporter: the officer realizes bagley is heading out the door of a balcony and sees him jump from the second floor to the ground below. he turns back to run through and out of the apartment down stairs to chase after bagley. once outside, you hear one officer yell to the other. >> he went that way, ty. >> reporter: about five seconds later, you hear a single gunshot. [ gunshot ] it's been 1:20 since officers first knocked on the door. >> shots fired, shots fired. >> reporter: for the next two minutes, we hear the officers distraught and pleading with bagley to keep breathing and see the two officers administer cpr.
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>> tyler, you -- >> hey, hey, hey. >> no, no. no. >> come on, come on. come on. >> no, no, no, man. no! no. >> come on. >> no, man. no! >> you're good. you're good. >> no, man. come on, dude. >> dispatch, sending ems right now, 1018, 1018. >> come on, dude, stay with me. stay with me. stay with me. >> pressure. put pressure. >> stay with me, man. stay with me. >> come on, you're good. >> you're good. >> stay with -- >> you're good. keep breathing. keep breathing. >> stay with me, man, stay with me. [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> you're good. keep breathing. keep breathing, dude. keep breathing. keep breathing.
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[ bleep ]. >> hey, go to the front of the building, go to the front building, wave them down, wave them down with your flashlight, come on. run, run, run, run, run! hey, you're going to be all right, you're going to be all right. look at me, look at me, look at me! look at me, hey! wake up, way up! look at me! look at me! hey! respond! come on! come on! come on! wake up, respond! >> reporter: but he doesn't wake up. bagley is later pronounced dead at a local hospital. alexander tyler, the officer who fired that shot was arrested today on a charge of negligent homicide. his lawyer says he hopes the body cam footage is thoroughly reviewed for the facts and evidence. >> officers are always faced on a day-to-day basis with dangerous situations like that,
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and at times where they have to make split-second decisions, where they're in a potential life-threatening situation. the mere fact that an argument is being made by the investigator in court that he was unarmed does not necessarily mean he is not a threat to the officer. >> reporter: bagley's brother, who also viewed the video today said it wasn't an easy thing to watch. >> it took me back to being a little brother watching my older brother take his last breath. and that struck everybody in that room. >> and that video, it's just horrific to see. what's the reaction been like from the community? >> anderson, it is tough. when you think about hearing a man take his last breath. because if you watch that video, you can pretty much hear him do that. that has been difficult. i think it really hit this community hard, in more than one
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way, anderson. this community is dealing with a rising crime rate. but then at the same time, they want better policing. and they also felt like it took too long for the video to be released. the video did get released today by the lsg. people are cheering that part on. but so many difficult questions, also whether the officer followed policy by running with his finger possibly on that trigger and not having time to react. there is also some fallout from the mayor because he didn't reach out to the family right after this shooting happened. and today he apologized for that. it's a republican mayor in a democratic city. and he said he pretty much got that part wrong, and he needs to be better about it. but so many questions in this community that's clearly hurting, especially after watching that video. and from many different angles, which makes it so hard when you watch how it went down. >> the another chase ended with a man dead and officers charged in his killing, tyre nichols. some perspective now from cnn senior law enforcement analyst
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and former fbi director andrew mccabe. obviously very different than the noyichols case, but what do you make of what that body cam shows? >> well, i mean, it's absolutely excruciating to watch. i can't imagine to watch that as family member or a friend of mr. bagley. it's hard to watch as a member of law enforcement as well. you know, there is a couple of things that jump out at you right away. obviously, any fleeing suspect does not -- does not immediately qualify as someone who presents a mortal threat to you as an officer or to any other folk, individuals that might be in the area. so it highlights the incredible -- how incredibly hard it is to make these life-and-death decisions very quickly, and maybe highlights why it is so important to effectively train officers to de-escalate in situations, maybe make decisions not to pursue fleeing suspects when they're
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not known to be armed or seeking a position of cover to return fire or something like that, because it leads you down a path into a situation where you have basically no time to think, no time to assess, and you're relying on gut reactions in an incredibly intensive moment. and i think that's what you see on the video. >> it was a domestic disturbance call, and on a call like that, would there be information about whether or not the person was armed? i assume that only come through if the person who made the call stayed on the line to talk with an operator. >> yeah, so every single one of these situations is different, anderson. and that's why police officers are at such a state of heightened alert when they go into any general domestic call. but if you listen to this tape, you can hear that the 911 operator asks the complainant,
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who is presumably the wife in this situation whether or not he is armed. and she says -- she basically says she doesn't know, that he had been some place else earlier that evening, and she doesn't know what he did there. so it's -- i don't believe at any time he is ever identified as having a weapon or alleged to have had a weapon. however, as a police officer showing up, you don't know. and let's be honest. the fact that there are so many guns in this country, one of the very deadly implications of that fact is that a police officer never knows. any time you assess or begin to interact with someone, whether it's a domestic call or a traffic stop, it's always hovering in the back of your mind that that person might be armed because in this country, that's a pretty good chance. >> we also -- we don't see this from another angle. so it's not clear, at least from this recording about how distant
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the officer was who fired the shot, i mean, is it possible to tell from this video what the correct level of force or perhaps some other action might have been in this situation? >> you know, you really have to -- they will have to do some very careful analysis of the video. it's from the view we see it appears that the officer crosses a doorway. it looks like mr. bagley comes out or appears in that doorway. and then the officer turns and shoots him. it has been reported that mr. bagley was -- we know that he wasn't armed. there was no firearm recovered from the scene. and it's also been reported that he has had his hands in the air at the time he was shot. i didn't see that on the video. maybe that's possible with closer analysis. but these are exactly the facts that the officer will have to articulate in the consideration of whether or not qualified immunity applies in this case,
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the reasonableness standard. >> let's look at that moment, i think, because -- we have it from another angle. let's just see. because you mention the hands. that is mr. bagley there. it's hard to tell. i believe his family has said that his hands were partial. okay. this is the video in slow motion. we can show. yeah. >> it's really hard to see there if his hands are up before he's shot, which would be the key moment. he's standing there. >> and we don't have audio on this angle. so we can't tell when the shot took place. >> that's right. that's right. you know. at the end of the day, from the legal perspective, the issue of qualified immunity, which has been discussed a lot lately in terms -- in the context of these
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police use of force issues, at the end of the day, it's a very high standard to be able to pierce that qualified immunity and hold someone criminally responsible or civilly responsible for the use of an act of force. it guess back to the standard in the grand standard from 1989 supreme court case. and it is basically an analysis that's conducted from the perspective of a reasonable police officer who under the same circumstances and the exact same place, would the actions taken by this officer have been considered reasonable. and police officers are given enormous deference and leeway in assessing whether or not they felt that they were in mortal danger in that moment. >> andrew mccabe, i appreciate it. thank you. alonzo bagley's family has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the officer, alexander tyler. in federal court, ronald hailly is an attorney for the family. xavier suggs is alonzo bagley's
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brother. i spoke to them both just before airtime. >> mr. suggs, can you share with us, seeing this body camera video that you've been waiting for, what stuck out to you? >> what stuck out to me was probably just how everything went. my initial response to the body cam footage was confusion followed by anger and that's just from not understanding why did a domestic call turn deadly, not understanding that everyone tied on with pain. but i prepared myself for that as much as i could. but you can't compare -- you can't prepare yourself for something like that, when you see that. >> did it answer questions for
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you? it all happens it seems in the video so fast. did you get answers from it? >> i did get answers that had a question. i think at this point, the only thing i'm wondering is just the procedure, the procedure, why did it happen like it happened. but, yes, i did get the answers that i wanted, and it was tough. it's still tough. it still is painful. again, it's not easy. none of this has been easy. but in all of it, i am learning as i go, and i'm building and to stay strong in this entire process. >>halely, from a legal standpoint, how critical is this body camera footage?
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>> oh, this body camera footage, if we don't have this body camera footage, we just had this officer's word. and we likely do not have an arrest today. and that family will be burying their loved one with the cloud of uncertainty. i am very pleased with the transparency from the louisiana state police. sure, would i have wanted the family to view the footage earlier so they could have gone through that earlier? absolutely. but anderson, as you know, we represent the family of ronald green, aaron bowman. both cases were covered by your station. and those cases took years before the body cam footage turned up and any level of accountability was had. so the fact that two weeks or less than two weeks since this incident, he will say that i'm pleased with the changes that were made by the louisiana state police. and listen, i have to give them their due. they said they would make changes after ronald green, and that is an opportunity to show that, and they did. >> mr. suggs, what is your response to the charge of
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negligent homicide against the officer involved in your brother's death? >> my immediate response is okay, that's fine. but it doesn't stop there. it can't stop there. we have to make sure that my brother's death is not in vain. we have to make sure transparency, to make sure that we have justice. i am -- to double back what he said, they did work pretty fast. and that was a major plus. but it don't stop there. we don't stop to applaud that until the job is done for my family and for me and for my mom and my brother. but i understand from a civilian point, i understand that that's the charges that they came up with. again, until we get that justice, until the citizen, i'm still looking like okay, what's
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next. >> xavier sudds, i'm so sorry for your loss. and i appreciate talking to you as well, ronald haley. thank you so much. >> thank you, anderson. >> thank you. coming up next, a michigan state professor talks about the moment a gunman opened fire on his class. what he did to try and save lives, and what he is going through after seeing two of his students murdered. and later, even as he is recovering from a serious stroke, a new health challenge for pennsylvania governor john fetterman. we'll tell you about that. and doctors deliver the news after president biden's latest medical exam. we'll talk to our own dr. sanjay gupta about both those stories. call 1-800-directv to g guarantee your price for 2 years. heading on a family trip? nah, sorry son, prices are crazy, [son deflates] awh, use priceline. they have package deals no o else has. [son inflates] we c do it! ♪go to your happy price♪ ♪priceline♪
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three days after the shootings at michigan state university, students and teachers are still grappling with what happened. this weekend, funerals will be held for two of the three students shot and killed on campus on monday. an msu assistant professor named marco diaz-munoz talked with our miguel marquez about what happened. it was his class the gunman came into. seven of his students were shot, two of whom alexandria verner and arielle anderson died. miguel joins us off campus. what did you talk about? what did he tell you unfolded in the classroom? >> these are just ordinary people in these unbelievable, extraordinary situation. this is a guy that they certainly didn't know. he was most of the way through a late class. it was a little after 8:15. they had 45 minutes left in the class. 45 kids in this classroom. this is a classroom he loved.
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and suddenly, just as he was introducing a new topic during class, comes walking in this gunman into classroom 114 at msu's berkey hall. >> so he entered the classroom from the back door. where a lot of the students that don't sit in the front, they sit by that back door. and at that moment, we all kind of froze. i think somebody said something about, you know, a shooter, and one of my students, and everybody panicked. some froze. i think a lot of them stood up. some of them froze in place. some of them, i don't know if i screamed just you know find cover, go under the desks. a lot of them went under.
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curled up in a ball under their chairs. and others run. the guy stepped in about a foot inside the classroom, not completely, just like a foot. and then -- or even less than a foot. enough that i could see this figure. and it was so horrible, because it -- you know, when you see someone who is totally masked, you don't see their face. you don't see their hands. you don't see. it's like seeing a robot. it was like seeing something not human standing there. and all i could see was this silvery kind of a steel shiny weapon. i don't think it was a pistol. it was something larger than that. and then i could hear then the shots. and they're just as loud as the ones in the hallway.
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and it was just a nightmare. i think everybody under adrenaline did whateve could. i don't know how long he stood there, probably -- i mean, he shot at least 15 shots, one after the other, one after the other. >> bang, bang, bang, bang. >> bang, bang. he stepped out. and at that moment, i don't recall what i did between his starting to shoot and what i'm going to do now. my intuition told me he is going to walk down the hall and enter through the door i'm closest to. so i threw myself at that door, and i squatted, and i held the door like this so that my weight would keep it from -- and i was putting my foot on the wall and holding like this so that he couldn't open it. all the time aware that he could just shoot the door handle and open it. but the only thing i thought i
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could do was that. at least i'll attempt to stop it. and that lasted for about ten minutes. it was an eternity, or 12 minutes. in the meantime, i told my students, and that i remember, i told the students just escape through the windows. kick the windows open and escape through the windows. and the first line of windows closer to the rows of seats are -- couldn't be kicked. i mean couldn't be broken. they're made out of very hard glass, probably for insulation. so they attempted. they couldn't open those. but then the second set of windows higher up, they were open, and there was big enough an opening so they started escaping that way. in the meantime, the rest, there were quite a few on the floor wounded. and i had some kids that were very heroic.
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and we were helping those that were wounded. and some of them -- i don't know much about how to what paramedics do or what you do in a situation like that. but my students kind of knew what to do. so they were trying to cover the wounds with their hands so they didn't bleed to death. i think i'll be haunted by it. i definitely don't want to go to berkey hall because i couldn't go into that classroom after what i saw. i think the administration is going to move my class to a different building. same time, but a different building. i don't know if i'll be nervous every time i teach. i don't know if i will -- i don't know what the university is going to do. they're going to put locks in rooms so that you can lock the room from the inside? i think that's one of the things that might happen. i don't know. that means we're going have to
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use gate cards to enter into a building and leave. but what does that say about our society? >> i mean, it's incredible to hear just the recitation of sort of the second-by-second account. how is he doing? >> it's hard to tell, to be honest. he feels a lot of guilt right now because he feels like he could have done more and is replaying it in his head. he feels fear, because of clearly what happened. he feels confusion still. it doesn't feel -- still, it didn't feel real at the time. it doesn't feel real right now. and he is starting to feel real anger as well. this is somebody who -- he was aware of all the gun violence in this country. he was concerned about it. but it has put such a fine point on it for him. he wants to see his students again. he wants to start this healing process. he wants to reach out to them. he has been drafting a letter to
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the students in that class trying to figure out what to say. but for a professor who has -- this is a guy who has all the answers, is very, very intelligent, but he is really struggling to write that letter and figure out what to say to his students and where they go from here. anderson? >> i know there is more to the interview. you can see miguel's full interview on the next hour on "erin burnett out front." an american aid worker killed while selflessly working in ukraine. we'll tell you how he came to be there. it's a remarkable story of dedication andnd his wife who joins us in a a moment. und, and scent. it's the electric that recharges you. the all new, all electric eqe sedan from mercedes-benz. see your dealer for exceptional offers on mercedes-benz electric vehicles.
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last night, we told you about pete reed, an american aid worker killed in a missile attack while trying to save the lives of others. his service continued after he left the military. he dedicated his life to saving others in war zones. in january he began working in ukraine with global outreach doctors. but two weeks ago, tonight on february 2nd, he was killed in bakhmut. a russian missile struck his ambulance. you see it there. as we mentioned last night, this is the split second before it explodes next to a team of aid workers, including pete reed, tending to a wounded civilian. the missile is flying parallel to the ground. it's said to be a precision guided anti-tank missile, which means somebody had eyes on the target, which is the vehicle driven by the aid workers. the vehicle they're standing right next to. reed's wife, alex potter says she believes the attack was intentional, and she joins me now. thanks so much for being with us. i am so sorry for your loss, and
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i know pete's memorial service was just yesterday. can you take us back to just how you met? because i've read this story, and i find it amazing. you both met -- you had gone both to iraq. you went to cover the battle for mosul. how did -- how did you meet each other in the midst of this? >> yeah, so i had worked around the middle east and had left yemen about a year prior to going to iraq. i went to cover the battle, but there were plenty of people more experienced already documenting it. but i'm also a trauma nurse. and there was a real shortage of frontline providers just because of the security situation. most ngos were further back than that golden hour or platinum ten minutes for trauma care. so i read an article in the post about pete and derek who also recently passed, and the other group of medics. and i facebook messaged them saying can i come help you guys. and i thought i'd stay for a couple of weeks, but we fell in
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love really quickly and formed this partnership and founded the nonprofit. and had been together ever since. >> what was it about him? >> pardon? >> what was it about him when you met him that you nell in love? what do you remember? >> yeah, i said this during the memorial service yesterday, and it was interesting to write down, he was just like a big guy in every sense of the word. he had a big personality, a big laugh. he gave really good hugs. and the command of a situation and how he could really lead people was also very attractive to me. but when you're in a war and in these battles, and there is a lot of heightened emotions, like both good and bad. i feel like people in those situations are able to form bonds really quickly. >> yeah. >> so we knew we were a good match for each other. >> you also see -- see each other in the most difficult trying of circumstances, and you know, you know, you know who the other person is. there is no bs, you know.
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it's real. >> yes. exactly. >> i know you would have celebrated your first wedding anniversary in just three days. did you -- why was it important for him to be in ukraine? >> he really found purpose in helping people. he is a problem solver. so if there is a problem out there and he's not able to solve it, it was -- it was very distressing to him. in particular, if that problem involves people being hurt. and that is everything from intimate relationships to friendships to family. like if someone is hurting and they needed advice on something, like he had to fix the problem all the way up to civilians suffering in a war. so he -- it was like a moral affront to him when people were hurting. and he just really wanted to be there helping. and he was incredibly good at it. like the medicine side, the medicine piece is one piece. he is a paramedic, ccc trained,
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et cetera. but what he was really good at was making connection was people and identifying other people's strengths so both in mosul and in ukraine, he brought together this coalition of, you know, half a dozen smoller ngos who were kind of going it alone and was able to bring everybody together to serve the greater good. >> do you want to continue doing this kind of work? >> oh, yes, absolutely necessary. and he wouldn't -- he would want everyone to be safe, you know. but the need is still there and the work never stops. but i hope if anything comes from this it helps other people be aware of the type of risks that they're facing, how they can mitigate those risks, and just honor each other and continuing to be safe while they're taking care of people who need it. >> does it -- i mean knowing
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that this it seems like was a targeted attack, does that -- does it change the way you see this? does it -- does it matter to you the details? >> no, it absolutely does. it's hard to say, because, you know, terrorists in particular have targeted medical workers for a long time. so it's a risk versus other type of risk scenario. if you mark your ambulance, isis might have targeted you in iraq. but if you don't mark it, you might be at risk for something like this. and their ambulance was marked, just in the other side and the back was covered with mud. but, you know, the russians could say oh, we mistook them for military, but it's been seen that russians have targeted medical workers in the past any way. so what you do to mitigate those risks is hard to say, but it's like, you know, that's why you have friends who know what's
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going on the ground and are in constant communication with them, because what you do one day might have to change the next day based on where you're going. and the decision might be, you know, we need to pull back or pull out, or change our tactics. but it's still necessary to do the work. >> alex, it's really lovely talking to you. and pete just sounds like such an extraordinary person, and i'm so glad you had each other and have each other. and i'm so sorry for your loss. >> yeah, thank you. i appreciate it. he really was. >> take care. >> thank you. coming up next, we'll talk to pennsylvania senator -- about pennsylvania senator john fetterman's latest medical challenge, hospitalization for depression, and the bipartisan support he is getting in his decision to seek help. and with president biden's checkup, perhaps the last before the election says and doesn't says about his fitness to run for office. ahead. this cheap stuff is too !
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tonight, democratic pennsylvania senator john fetterman is back in the hospital, this time receiving treatment for clinical depression. according to a statement from his office, fetterman checked himself into walter reed medical center and is receiving treatment on a voluntary basis. meanwhile, the results of president biden's annual physical exam have been released. according to his physician, the president remains healthy, vigorous, and, quote, fit to successfully execute the duties of the presidency.
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joining me now is cnn chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta. sanjay, let's talk about fetterman. how significant is he is going public with his battle against depression? >> anderson, that's significant when a public figure talks about depression, is going public with it. i think as you and i have talked about so many times over the years, there are so many people who simply don't. they don't seek treatment because of stigma. i think that's important for that reason. keep in mind, his history now, back in may is when he had this stroke. and it sounds like it was pretty significant. there are details about that that we were still not fully given. but we know that he had a pacemaker and a defibrillator placed at that time. it was last week that he was in the hospital again because he went into the hospital for light-headedness. there was no sort of additional stroke that was found at that point. he was discharged two days later, and now he is going in the hospital for depression.
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something we have heard, anderson, he has suffered from on and off for a long time. but the doctors that are talking to him at walter reed think he should do well, should make a recovery from this. >> the statement from him, from his office says that he's experienced it on and off throughout his whole life. but it became severe in recent weeks. do you think it's related to the stroke? >> you know, it could be. that's certainly something that is seen. if you look across the board, i think about a third of people who have had a stroke do suffer some sort of clinical depression, diagnosable depression. it could be for different reasons. one is it could be due directly to the impact on the brain. a stroke is a period of time when there is not enough oxygenated blood going to the brain. some brain cells could have died. that could be part of what's caused in a stroke. or it could be more of a psychological impact from dealing with the abilities you
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have lost as a result of the previous stroke. they could be tied together. it could be that he had previous depression that was then amplified by this. but nevertheless, i read the same statement, anderson. and his doctors are optimistic about his recovery here. >> as we mentioned, president biden had his regular physical today. his physician said he is, quote, healthy and vigorous. you've looked at the results. what do you see? obviously, there will be a lot of focus on neurological issues. >> yeah. so if you looked at his last physical when he was 78 and read the statement today now that he is 80, it's particular similar. healthy and vigorous is the term that they use to describe him. they talk about the various medications that he is on. the most notable ones being eliquis, which is an anti-quoing a coagulant. but it's a pretty similar readout to what we saw a year and a half ago. the biggest difference is he's
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had covid in the interim. we heard about the fact that he had covid. they described some of the findings at that point. his oxygenation had not dropped below 97% that was notable. the neurological exam, that's something the doctors did focus on quite a bit. it's interesting because what they're talking about is that he seems to have this stiffness of his walking. if you see him walking, they were wondering why his gait has become more stiff. and is this something due to parkinson's disease? is this something due to some sort of spinal issue? and at least according to the neurological exam as it was documented, he does not seem to have evidence of that. so those are some of the areas that they focused on specifically. he's had this history of having had brain operations in the past for aneurysms in his brain. that was a long time ago. the afib, the hyper cholesterol, the stiffness of gait are the main things they're focusing on now. >> and last night, obviously you're in turkey. i know you talked to a crew who
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rescued a 13-year-old boy. what did they tell you? >> this was an incredible story, anderson. keep in mind, again, we are ten days out. what crews are often getting called for is because to remove bodies. and so this was a new crew, a relatively new crew that had come on. they were told there were some bodies sadly in this one area of rubble. and when they got there, as the lead rescuer was telling me, and it was really interesting to see these guys so emotional talking about this. i mean, it's been emotional for everybody. but they saw a pair of eyes initially. and then heard a voice, a 13-year-old boy's voice. the boy's name is mustafa. and the boy was just shouting "brother, brother." and they all -- if you're look at the video now, anderson, they all went in there and started clearing the rubble. and they found this boy. and he was pinned in his left leg was essentially missing, anderson, as a result of ten
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days of basically being pinned. but they were able to essentially rescue this boy. it had been 228 hours. >> that's incredible. >> he had not had water. i still don't know. it's funny. i've been talking to my colleagues. i talked to the rescuers. how does someone go for nearly ten days without water. it hasn't even been raining necessarily in the area. it's not clear. they kept calling it mir lack lo miraculous. it sounds like he is going to recover. >> it's incredible, sanjay, appreciate it. thank you. coming up, the latest on the alex murdaugh double murder trial, including a tape played for jurors today where murdaugh discusses a $10 million involving a insurance plot with a man he says was his drugug dealer. can provide you wiwith the tools and expertise you need to bring outut the innovator in you.
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disturbing testimony in the double murder trial of alex murdaugh. murdaugh's accused of killing his wife and youngest son in what prosecutors say were fraud schemes about to be revealed. the prosecution in the final days of making their case and jurors heard about how the gunshots traveled through the
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victims and a csi expert testified when maggie murdaugh, his wife, suffered the first fatal shot, she, quote, would have been on her knees and had at least one hand on the ground. jurors also heard a taped interview between murdaugh and investigators, something no one in the public had heard about a failed insurance plot involving the man he says dealt him drugs. randi kaye has details. >> are you talking to us willingly? >> yes, sir. >> reporter: september 13th, 2021, alex murdaugh is being interviewed over the phone by ryan kelly after being shot on the side of the road on september 4th. >> so, the 38 revolver, it was your revolver? >> yes, sir. >> do you know where it is now? >> no, sir. >> reporter: murdaugh's defense lawyers are with him as well as murdaugh tells it, the shooting was all part of a scheme so his only surviving son buster could get millions in insurance money. he tells the investigator he arranged for a man named curtis
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eddie smith to shoot him in the head and kill him. >> but you entered into a verbal agreement with him to set up a scheme where he would shoot you, it would be a suicide set up as a robbery/homicide and you doing so was in order for your son to get your life insurance policy? >> i don't know about a robbery, but everything else is true. >> earlier in the conversation, one of his lawyers asks murdaugh about his state of mind, remember, this was about three months after murdaugh's wife and son were murdered and his alleged financial schemes were coming to light. >> how would you describe your state of mind at that time? >> i thought it would make it easier on my family to be dead. i had a fair amount of life insurance. >> how much? >> like $12 million.
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>> okay and so you decided to end your life? >> that's correct. i called curtis eddie smith on the telephone. >> who is curtis eddie smith. >> curtis eddie smith is the pro person i purchased pills from for years. there would be 40, 50, $60,000. >> a as much as $60,000 a week on pills. he met smith on the side of the road and gave him the gun. he says smith gave him a knife which murdaugh says he used to slash his tire. the plan was for it to look like murdaugh was fixing his flat tire when he was shot. >> did you just stand there and wait for him to shoot you? >> yes, sir. >> smith has denied shooting murdaugh, though smith has been charged in the scheme. the gunshot, wherever it came from just grazed murdaugh's head. he called 911 but didn't say who shot him. >> i got a flat tire. and i stopped and somebody
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stopped to help me and when i turned my back, they tried to shoot me. >> reporter: alex murdaugh waited more than a week before telling investigators about the scheme and telling them who allegedly shot him. and, anderson, the reason the state played that recording today is because earlier the defense floated a theory that alex murdaugh had a drug addiction so perhaps it was some drug deal gone bad and a drug dealer killed maggie and paul murdaugh so the state wanted to make sure they put that theory to bed so they wanted the jury to hear him tell that investigator in that interview where he got his drugs from curtis eddie smith as they wrap up their case they want to make sure that the jury believes that only one man could have done this, and that would be alex murdaugh, anderson. >> randi kaye, bizarre, thank you. erin bururnett "outfront" is rit next after the break. we were blowown away.
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