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tv   CNN Tonight  CNN  February 17, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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it your local xfinity store today. - [announcer] do you have an invention idea but don't know what to do next? call invent help today. they can help you get started with your idea. call now 800-710-0020. -- captions by vitac -- good evening, everyone. i'm alisyn alisyn camerota.
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welcome to "cnn tonight." is it possible the u.s. shot down a hobby balloon or that the u.s. new something and said nothing. plus trains have become less safe. tonight we'll talk about the rollback of regulations that allow them to carry more hazardous material through all of our neighborhoods, just as they did through east palatine, ohio, causing that toxic spill. >> very hard to believe there is a particular path that can cause harm -- small community. >> and with smart home technology, are you the boss of your home, or is your home the boss of you? tonight i'll speak to one man
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whose smart home locked him inside without the code to get out. you might think you control your own heat and lights and ring cameras, but think again. we have natasha alford, l.v. granderson, josh barrow, and -- thanks so much for spending friday night with me. great to have you guys here. okay. let's start. the northern illinois bottle cap balloon brigade is missing a balloon tonight. it is missing their balloon tonight. they last saw it on february 11th over the yukon. is it possible, l.t., that the pentagon scrambled fighter jets and used a $400,000 side winder missile to shoot down an amateur balloon club's balloon? >> it is possible. before we go in and have complete joy at how crazy that sounds, let's back up like a couple of weeks, right? there was a spy balloon from
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china, right? and that spy balloon from china freaked us out a little bit. why? because the year before, china and russia said before the world, our bond is unbreakable. couple months after that, they're doing military exercises together. so, i do not fault the administration, after the chinese spy balloon, for blowing up a toy balloon. >> chapin, your thoughts on this? what was the alternative? if this is n fact, true, and it was this balloon club from illinois, what should the pentagon have done? >> well, where to start? there's nothing about this that's not troubling, right? but i think we've learned -- the entire world has learned two things over the past couple of weeks. one, they know there's some real significant vulnerabilities in our national security in america. and two, that there are hobby balloon groups across america flying balloons. what i think the american public would have appreciated from the biden administration is for him to immediately have said, we don't know what it is, but we
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are on it. we are looking into this and just showed up -- >> i know you want him to have done it. but didn't his press person do that? didn't john kirby do that? they were communicating. >> they were communicating, but it took a while. this communication, i think, is worse than no communication. just admitting we don't know over and over and over again. the world is watching. china now knows we don't know what happened. >> well, what do you want them to do? lie? >> no. >> a politician, lie? never. >> what were they supposed to say? >> well, president biden or his people, top level people, should have said immediately, you know, we shot this balloon down. we're not sure what these other aircraft are. we are on it. rather than every single day, one of his press people saying, we don't know, we don't know, we don't know. >> it's just another way of saying you don't know if you say it that way. >> it's true. it's true. i think the commentary has driven me crazy because necessarily thr things we don't know here. we don't know what the
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administration knew the extent to which this device that flew over the country was gathering information. >> the first one, the real chinese spy balloon. >> the first one depending on informations that tun known to me. which doesn't mean they made the right decision. sometimes the intelligence the wrong. they thought kabul wasn't going to fall for months. peep are looking at this and guessing based on whether they like joe biden. and they assume whatever decision they made was the best decision possible based on whatever decision they made. looking at it from the outside, the frustrating thing is we can't really tell whether these were good decisions. similarly with a hobby balloon, it's an unmanned device, we didn't need to shioot it down. what is the balloon worth? >> 12 bucks. >> we can make them whole for that. i know the missile is more than that. you don't know which things you
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need to do at a time. >> agreed. i think there's a steep learn curve that's been visible to all of us. here's john kirby talking about it. >> when you're making decisions as commander in chief -- and of course the most core principle of all is safety and security of the american people and our interests. i say to you, the short answer to that is, no. and frankly, given the circumstances in light of what happened with this spy balloon, wouldn't that be a better outcome, if it turns out they were in fact civilian or recreational use and therefore benign, which is what the intelligence community thinks. isn't that a better outcome rather than to think a greater possibility of greater threats to our national security? >> i think he poses a greater question. is so much of the outrage about what is best for the american people, or is it about a moment to make the biden administration
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look weak, look incapable of handling the situation. it's funny to watch ted cruz criticize for not moving quickly enough to shoot down the spy balloon and then to mock him over the hobby balloon. but it does raise a question of, you know, whether this really is something for the american people to be concerned about. and i think the biden team should take some lessons for how weaknesses were exposed in communication, if anything. >> what is the lesson here because apparently now that we've tweaked our radar to be able to see these, we're going to see them a lot, apparently. they're flying all over the place. so, what is it? >> i guess at the end of this week, i'm not sure what we're going to do in the future. how will we monitor it without scrambling fighter jets in the future? >> i'm going to assume that we're going to be focused in on what these objects are and have a better way of determining which ones are threats and which
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ones are not. >> i hope so. >> this is new for everyone. we're going to continue to discover new things as technology evolves. >> it's interesting to see the sausage being made in this way. i know you're saying they have peeled back the curtain too much, but this has been an interesting exercise to watch them get their hands around this. >> it is. and it's not the biden administration's fault we're not monitoring the aerospace or the slow moving objects. that's something we can certainly ekt kr. you know, i'm just talking about, i would rather see some concrete plans or something, some information. information makes people feel more comfortable. to be fair, they may not have it. >> that's true. this is something information. this is from "the wall street journal." say they now it appears some officials at the pentagon were aware of incidents and harbored concerns they belonged to china, believing beijing was using
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these ones to test radar jamming systems. the data collected about the trump era incidents was limited to a basic assessment and therefore was not shaured more broadly within the government at the time. in other words, they were concerned during the trump administration. they didn't know exactly what was happening and didn't share it the way they have now. >> there's the question of who they is. i've seen various trump officials saying, i didn't know about this. not everybody in government knew about this. it's similar to after 9/11. you can always point back toward intelligence assessments you could have picked up. there's so much paper that's produced and so much information out there, lite of which is going to lead you down dead ends. it's hard to tell the extent to which that was an error or whether it was bad luck. >> do any of you have any theories on what we're going to do now, now that these things are floating around and possibly in u.s. airspace, what we're supposed to do? >> i assume we'll keep shooting
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some of them down. again, unmanned objects. it's just the cost of the -- you know, is it half a million dollars for a missile to shoot the thing down? >> yes. >> the question of, you know, what are the odds that this is something that poses a significant risk. that's worth doing if there's some percentage out there. next, we have to talk about that. we've learned a lot about that toxic train derailment in ohio. it turns out that trains have gotten less safe over the past decade. we're going to explain why and how the next accident could happen in any of our neighborhoods. feel the difference with downy. when it comes to reducing sugar in your family's diet, the more choices, the better. that's why america's beverage companieare working together to deliver more great tasting optis or no sugar at all. in fact, today, nearly 60% of beverages sold contain zero sugar.
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it's been two weeks since that train of toxic chemicals derailed in east palestine, ohio. adults and children are still getting sick, and people there are demanding answers. >> my kids say, people saying, the future of the community safe. >> why are people getting sick if there's nothing in the air or the water? >> i have concerns with dead fish. the smell of the water. >> we need help, we do. people are getting sick. >> you couldn't hear all that. i mean, they were just yelling there out of frustration, saying there are dead fish in all of the creeks and lakes and the air
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smell zps the water smells. so, who's to blame for this disaster? back with me, cnn political analyst, natasha alford, josh -- host of the "very serious" podcast. natasha, it turns out, having read now in the past two weeks about some of this, railroads have gotten less safe over the past decade. they have -- railroad companies have cut costs. to they have cut their work force. so, there are fewer people manning all of this. they have at the same time increased the train length, . the weight of the train has grown over the past decade. and they've filled them with more hazardous materials, all of which make them harder to stop. this didn't have to happen, but in some ways, it was pound to happen. >> that's right. and when president obama proposed safety measures, the trump administration met that with reversal. trump promoted himself as
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business friendly, industry friendly. while that worked well when you are campaigning and people love the sound of that, again, trump -- trusting donald trump as a business man, what that actually meant was a less safe environmental situation, right? and people are living this right now, the consequences of it. >> just to put a finer point on what natasha said, basically there was in 2015, president obama issued this safety rule -- i'll read it for you. safety rule issued in 2015 required electronically controlled brakes, which required braking simultaneously across a train rather than rail car by rail car over a span of seconds. he wanted it to be installed by 2023. the rule only applied to certain high hazard flammable trains. the trump administration repealed that three years later. if that train had that, experts have said it would have been able to stop before derailment. >> conservatives and
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republicans, ever since time immemorial, have talked about cutting regulations. in my mind, it doesn't mean safety regulations. it doesn't mean, exactly what you said, things that will make our transportation system safely. there is a lot of blame to go around. i'm sure we'll get to all of it. our train system is light years behind almost every other developed place in the world. you know, getting places in china takes, you know, a couple of hours, where, you know, you have to board a flight here in america to do the same thing. but, yes, you know, getting rid of safety regulations just for the sake of saying, i'm a regulation cutter, is a mistake. >> i was stunned to read that our nation's railway system is still stuck with post-civil war era technology. >> and yet railroads have actually significantly less common over the last 20 years. we have a third less per mile that these trains travel in terms of derailments. >> that's interesting that you
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say that, josh. what i read is that they're sort of crunching the numbers differently because now they have so many more cars on each train. they've added more cars. they've gotten longer. if you add 26 more cars on there, that can derail but it counts somehow different than the whole train derailing. i don't know how to explain it, but they were using different numbers. >> there was a decline in the number of train miles during the recession. as with a lot of things with the pandemic, things went haywire. there was a significant decline in train traffic initially. that has to do with higher quality of the tracks. that's separate from the braking issue. there's a lot of regulations, sa safety considerations, and a lot of things you can get wrong here. it's worth noting we've had certain improvements there. and the u.s. has high -- environmental benefits, benefits in terms of producing wear and tear and traffic on highways.
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i think the clear -- this was a regulatory mistake. they should have had this sort of braking system requirement on these trains. but there's also significant value having the reliance that we have on freight rail for transportation. it's the matter of finding the regulations for the frequent so i have derailments further. to especially focus on these trains would be hazardous if they did derail. this one horrible event happened. but you have the choices that we will make on regulation are not just about not repeating this one specific incident. it's about building a system that is safe overall. >> i just don't think it's about the train. i think it's about our attitudes about each other. i think it's about capitalism and morality butting heads. let's just string this together, right? so, jackson, mississippi, right, constantly having water issues. we know about flint. there's still neighborhoods that have lead pipes that we know the science behind that.
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we continually put money in front of people. we can talk about the deregulation. we can talk about the trump administration, the biden administration, and the obama administration for this one incident. but i think it's part of a larger systemic issue, which is we have a hard time putting people first. >> yeah. and by the way, these railroad companies have gotten very wealthy over the same time that these regulations have rolled back. in 2021, the chairman of the rail shippers' association at their big annual meeting said since 2010, the railroad owners have taken home more than an astounding $183 billion in buybacks and dividends, for more than the $138 billion spent on railroad infrastructure. well, i mean, i guess that's a proud moment for them. >> and a larger picture in terms of this moment and what it could mean for the biden administration is the emphasis on the infrastructure. the everyday person might not understand why that matters when president biden will be able to
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get through legislation focused on infrastructure -- >> unless you see a bridge. >> exactly. when bridges fall, when trains derail, this is an opportunity to tell the story, to own the story, and to say, this is why the accomplishment matters. this is why we have to finish the job. >> also significant money for replacing the lead pipes. it is something that is a focus for the administration. >> yeah, it's just not happening fast enough. >> at all. the biden administration has done nothing over the last two weeks. the president, the transportation secretary still have not been there. president trump is going to beat them do it. >> he did announce that he's going next week, right? >> yes. >> president trump. >> yes. >> is it important for secretary buttigieg and president biden to go there? the reason i ask that is because the e.p.a. is there at 2:00 a.m. the morning after it happened. is it important for the president to go and walk around? >> yes. people are nervous. all the biden administration is doing is saying, i don't know, to all these things. and the epa just said, trust us. trust the government.
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well, the trust in government has eroded. many copanelists here will say that's because of the trump investigation, but either way it's a fact. either way it's a fact. >> i didn't say anything about it's the trump administration. i said it's the country's attitude toward taking care of people first. >> why isn't the president there though, to the point of being k commiserator in chief. >> i have no idea why he decided to visit that site and why he visited the border. i guess there are a lot of things he does in terms of public eye, in term of maimage, that i do not approve of. but you ask yourself, do you want a photo op, or do you want him to get to work? >> maybe they can do both. >> president trump has announced he's going to go there. we'll see what the white house says. >> is he going to take hold of the 2018 rollback while he's there? there's a high school near los angeles that's ditching honors classes because those honors classes did not enroll
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enough black and latino students. so, this is an effort to achieve equity, but of course some parents are very upset about it. they say it's hurting high achieving students. we discussss all that next. i think i'm ready for this. heck ya! with e*trade you're ready for anything. marriage. kids. college. kids moving back in after college. ♪ finally we can eat. ♪ you know you make m♪ and then we looked around and said, wait a minute, this isn't even our stroller! (laughing) you live with your parents, but you own a house in the metaverse? mhm. cool...i don't get it. here's to getting financially ready for anything!
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culver city, california, is cutting all of its high school honors classes because they say there are not enough black and latino students enrolled. this week, parents lined up at a school board meeting to express their frustration. >> honors classes under the university of california system -- competitive advantage to students in the college submission process. >> give more students more opportunities, not less choices. >> provide an onramp for underrepresented groups to taking ap classes in the future. >> meanwhile, there were protests, as governor ron desantis hinted me might drop ap courses altogether after rejecting that course in african american studies.
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natasha, as you know, i turn to you. you taught in public school for three years. i can't believe how often during these conversations i do turn to you because there's so much happening in education right now. but is the answer to more inclusion getting rid of honors classes? >> i don't think it's the answer. and i'm going to put my student hat on right now and say that i lived this. i was in a gifted and talented program in a public city school district. and the program went away. and that was heartbreaking for me because that was the one time in the week where i actually felt challenged and excited to, you know, get out of my classroom. >> did it go away for the same reason? >> it went away for budgetary reasons. this is what i want to highlight. it's really an issue of access. so, the problem that they're responding to is real, but the way they decided to handle it i think the wrong. 15% of the population of high school students are black and latino, but only 9% are actually in ap classes. some of that is teacher bias,
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right, a lack of recruitment. so, why would you take the class away to supposedly create equity rather than say, are there black students who i'm not looking at as capable enough who really i need to raise my expectations for them and say that they can meet this bar. i think we can do better and i don't think this is the solution. >> i totally agree. lowering the bar is, you know, at the expense of high achieving students, all it does is bring the -- down. it runs contrary to everything america is all about. i think maybe a look at elementary school education in that area is warranted. the answer here is to figure out, maybe study, maybe it'll take cyears, maybe it'll be sooner. find out why black and latino students are enrolling in lower numbers or not at all.
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figure out when they get to the point of choosing those classes -- >> i think they have figured that out. the achievement gap does start in kindergarten. it does depend on access. >> there's a million things you could be doing, little things, big things. but just getting rid of things that challenges certain students for other students is the wrong approach completely, entirely. and the quality of the research on this is not as great as i would have hoped it was. basically, it seems to depend on how you do the tracking. you have some school districts where you have lower tracked courses, where the expectations are just very low and they don't put good resources in those. if they are adequately resourced, it doesn't appear tracking hurts them. i think it depends on how these districts execute on this. there's a lot of nuance. almost no school district is completely tracked or completely untracked. culver city will continue to have ap english. we will see whether --
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>> i thought they were getting rid of the ap -- >> they're getting rid of the honors. >> oh, there's two different things. there's ap, which is the college courses -- >> part -- culver city says they're doing this because they don't think enough hispanics are enrolling. we'll see did they achieve the thing they were looking to achieve. some of these moves more broadly, i'm concerned you have schools reacting to achievement gap by doing things to make it harder to even measure whether there is an achievement gap, where you're trying to move away from testing. you don't have tracking, you don't have statistics about who is getting put in the class. i think that's a significant mistake. >> is this about race or sit about socioeconomic status? because also there are -- we have a graph we can pull up in terms of honor students. the wealthiest kids, the richest kids, are in honors classes
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three times more than the honors classes are, socioeconomically. >> it's almost impossible to separate the two in this country. it's just a by-product of where the country was founded and where we are today. i think it's complete trash to get rid of the a.p. courses in part because students who graduate with a.p. courses are able to transfer them and be able to use them to help graduate from college. that's a money-saving measure as well. so, it isn't just about achievement in high school. it's about saving pennies on the other side. if you are going to get an associate's degree, taking a.p. courses can get you almost a fourth of the way there, depending on what time you start. i'm more concerned about how does this impact students financially on the opposite end that you get rid of the courses. and the race question concerned, especially when it comes to desantis, a founding member of the freedom caucus, the person who after the primaries said, let's not monkey up the budget in florida in regards to this
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candidate, his opponent, who happens to be black. i think when it comes to desantis specifically, he doesn't mind using these opportunities to blow a dog whistle. and i think holistically, in terms of the conversation as a whole, it's about resources. and i think the fact that kids who could be using this as a leg up for college are getting this leg taken away. >> here's what the superintendent says. parents say academic excellence should not be experimented with for the sake of social justice. but it was very jarring when teachers looked at their a.p. enrollment and realized black and brown kids were not there. they felt obligated to do something. >> we lack such nuance in these conversations, so all of a sudden it becomes about wokeness. when you try to -- when you take a principle of doing the right thing, what the execution is for, now you want to throw away the whole effort. that is a problem. our language has changed in this country for how we talk about race. so, segregated neighborhoods, right, created these systems where you can say, you know, my
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child lives in a better zip code, they have a better school, but i'm not racist for that. the system isn't racist. but it was based on the premise of separating black people and white people, not allowing them to live together, not allowing us to realize what integration would actually look like. so, people have found ways to get around talking about what this is really about. >> thank you all. great conversation. all right. now this. imagine moving into your new home when suddenly the doors lock. you can't get out. the smart devices in your home have turned against you. that happened to my next guest. we'll speak with him in just a moment. helping them achieve financial freedom. we're proud to serve people eveverywhere, in investing foror the retiremet they envision. from the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. and help communities thrive.
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ipad. but what if you could not change the temperature or the volume anymore? what if someone else can control your smart home? that's what happened when clint basinge basinger moved into his new home. his first night, as he was unpacking, all of a sudden, he heard a voice saying this -- >> good night. it's bedtime. >> then the doors and windows locked, the motion sensors went on, and he was trapped. clint joins me now. clint, that sounds really creep i approximate. what happened? >> yeah, just as you said, my first night in my new home, doing late-night unpacking. 11:30 rolls around and i hear a voice of some kind echoing through the hallway. and i wasn't sure at all what that could be. i was alone in the house, i thought. and i turned out that, yeah, the home said something like it was bedtime. the home is armed.
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i heard "armed." i didn't know what that meant. so, i just continued unpacking and went to open the door and all of a sudden realized that the door was locked up. an alarming was sounding. i'm like, what happened? i had no idea what was going on in a place that i wasn't aware of. as the new homeowner, i thought i was aware of -- i had the keys. i had everything else going. i knew i had a smart thermostat, but i wasn't aware of all the other sensors. >> so, basically what happened was the previous owner had this smart system but hasn't shared it with you. >> yeah. there was another panel that i was not fully made aware of. i guess, i had seen it, but i thought it was just part of the thermostat system. i mean, you know, there were the controls for that. they showed me how that worked. it was very simple, to previous ones i used. it looked fine. but this other stuff, the voices. i didn't know what the voices
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were. i was never told about those. and i wasn't told about a routine that came on at 11:30, the bedtime routine. i went to look at the screen, the house was armed. you can't tell me to go to bed. you're my house. of course it was locked off. i didn't have the p.i.n. number or the account, and i really wasn't sure what to do that point expect i went to bed. there were motion sensors in the living room. every time i went to move in the living room, the alarm went off and there were lights going off. >> i guess the house can tell you when to go to bed. you called the previous owner to get access, and it's not that easy. >> i got in touch with my realtor and they gave me information to put in a p.i.n. number and put in my own account on this panel. so, i was able to put in a guest account, but the previous owner,
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since it was, i guess, this is all registered with their information and their name and the system itself was attached to them. i didn't have any of that information. and it doesn't make sense for them to hand all of that over. so, i got a guest account. i'm still technically a guest in my own home because the panel is set up that way. >> now you the owner, and the previous owner, both control your house. >> in theory. i haven't seen any evidence of there being tampering when i'm not there. but yeah, it's still under the previous owner's information. so, yeah, it's not fully mine so to speak. >> because you also found out that in order to get a new account, you would have to start all over. you would have to basically install an entire new smart system, at great cost.
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so, it's just easier to be a guest in your own home, in your own smart home with this. do you ever worry that the previous owner will do something to screw with you? >> no, i raeally -- i really don't, but the possibility is always there in the back of mind. this just doesn't feel quite as it should be. i would like to have been completely disabled and handed over or something. i went to go and check to see if it was able to just get it all switched over, and while it could be done, it was a bit of a hassle. and they're like, well, you should probably just get a whole nother system anyway because it's integrated into the hvac and the temperature sensors and these other sensors. so, the fact that it would be such a haasssle and the upgrade path is now different because the whole system used 3g and 3g is no longer a cell service available anymore. they're like, you should upgrade to the 4g version and you may as
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well get a new account that way. it's like, i don't know if i want to now. >> what happens with a light switch? did that really need to be improved upon? i miss them. clint, thank you very much for sharing that creepy and frustrating story. we really appreciate hearing about how your smart home went crazy. thanks so much for being here. >> thank you. >> guys, i mean, i have this very same problem. i can't control the thermostat in my own bedroom because it's like an ipad and you have to have a password. just how safe is our information with smart home technology listening in. we're going to talk to the group about all of this next.
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all right. you just heard from clint, the guy whose smart home went rogue. so, that was creepy. i mean, hearing from clint. basically, the night he moves in, he's unpacking his boxes. at midnight, he hears, good night, it's bedtime. and sudden i will the doors lock, the windows are armed. the motion detectors go on, and he doesn't know what's happening. >> it's terrifying. if you saw "the watcher" and you felt creeped out watching that show, this is like living it. i think we exchange a little bit of power and freedom every time we turn to smart technology to run aspect of our life. it usually outweighs a trade-off in our mind. i know i went on vacation once,
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and the battery died on one of our systems, and it was like, we just couldn't see what was happening around the house. that's a problem. we fixed it, by the way. >> i agree with you. we think it's freedom, but we're trapped in it. i was telling you guys before the commercial break. i can't control my temperature in my bedroom where it's not an old fashioned thermostat. it's complicated. you have to plug in a password, a user name. why? why are we making these better? weren't they good enough? >> i love this stuff. it drives my husband crazy. i put all this stuff in. i have a nest thermostat. if i'm coming i can turn it off from my phone. >> that does sound good. >> i lay in bed and want to turn the lights out, i yell out to alexa to turn off the lights and she does split she does it. >> even my oven connects to the wi-fi. >> now you're tripping. >> it's like i put something in the oven for dinner at 6:00 and
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it's off and go out to this bar and i'm there with my friends and half an hour before we come home, i can turn on the oven from my phone and put the temperature probe in the meat and look and see on my phone how the meat is doing. >> it measures the temperature of the meat for you? >> yes. >> i just want you to know you are not cooking, by the way. that's not a home cooked meal. >> yes, it is. it is a home cooked meal but remotely. >> by your home. >> actually cooking. >> literally. you don't want someone else to set up these systems for you. there was an issue i turned on alexa hunches and guesses but she was only following me but i would leave the house and like all the lights would turn off when my husband was there. some of these things need to be fixed. >> you're making it sound good but also a little too spacey. what if it goes wrong. >> then you fix it. the oven won't burn the house down. it might burn the chicken but we
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learn. we increment on these things but mostly it makes my life a little easier. >> arnold schwarzenegger warned us about this. i think we found it. it's in josh's apartment. when the robots come to get us because of ai we know exactly where to go destroy the center of it's, it is your apartment. >> what do you do when you have poor signal or when the internet goes out, for instance, like my husband is the tech guy, right? and the internet has gone out and we can't get in the garage because it won't connect because the phone and blah, blah, blah. we can't turn on the music. we can't turn on lights because the internet has gone out, what do you do? >> that turns my smarthome into a dumb home. i can still go up to the thermostat and change it even if the internet -- >> why can't it just be home. why does it have to be dumb. >> when the battery goes out,
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when the wi-fi goes out make sure you're not stranded because not to get too serious but with climate change and all these disasters happening i think we have to be ready for the technology to not be there. >> furthermore if you're sharing a home with somebody and that person controls it all and that person moves out they still control it all and there are all sorts of stories of people tormenting the previous person they were leaving with by turning on and off lights. we do give away a lot of control because we think it's freedom but, in fact, it can torment you. >> yes. >> we won't mention any names. >> i'm sure it's nobody on our floor crew whatsoever. this is serious but i mean when you look at the list, we have a smart home tech of all of the things that people have now surrendered their control to. you can barely see this. you need a microscope because there's so many things that -- i mean particularly the kitchen as
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you were saying. >> look at these conveniences. it's great. if someone leaves my porch door open, i know, it tells me. >> explain how does the smart home tech help you work out. the computer lifts for you. >> you have a peloton bike which is -- >> i have a peloton. >> i have a peloton. >> that's a very smart bike. >> it will start pedaling for you. you can sit on the couch. >> if only. i like that a lot. and then, yeah, basically just, you don't just have to go downstairs and ride a stationary bike but have bells and whistles. now you like it. >> i can't be all judgmental now. >> all right, you guys, stick around. we have an important segment coming up. fox news hosts are revealing the secret that they knew about trump's election lies but they didn't want to tell their viewers. we're going to go through the text exchanges. we're investing foror our cliens in the projects that power our economy.
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now to the court filing that pulls back the curtain on how fox misleads its viewers. the dominion voting systems, $1.6 billion lawsuit against fox, reveals that its hosts including tucker carlson, sean hannity and laura ingraham all knew that former president trump's claims of election fraud were complete nonsense and privately ridiculed them as ludicrous and, quote, off the rails but promoted those claims on the air to their viewers day after day. cnn's sunlen serfaty has more. >> reporter: it was seized from the hands of viewers.
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>> reporter: as the network repeatedly promoted former president trump's 2020 election fraud claims to millions of their viewers. >> every american should be angry, you should be outraged. you should be worried. you should be concerned at what has happened in the election and the lead-up to this election. >> reporter: privately top anchors and executives mocked trump's lies, calling them ludicrous, really crazy stuff and totally off the rails. the revelations coming from hundreds of pages of newly released evidence in the legal filing as part of the dominion voting's lawsuit against fox news. in this tex exchange two weeks after the elections tucker carlson texting other fox news hosts, sidney powell is lying, by the way, i caught her. it's insane he says about trump's lawyer sidney powell and rudy giuliani's unfounded claims. sidney is a complete nut, no one will work with her. ditto with rudy, laura ingraham wrote back. tucker responds, it's unbelievably offensive to me.


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