tv Smerconish CNN February 18, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PST
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program that he was not timely in notifying the public about his stroke when it occurred just before the primary. nor was he forthcoming about his cardiomite yop thi. and i said he was refusing to debate his opponent in an effort to run out the clock by not agreeing to a debate until many pennsylvanians had already voted. i also defended an nbc reporter criticized noting he had trouble understanding her small talk. basically, i thought the coverage of fetterman was being determined by empathy alone, not objectivity when the facts demanded both. so now comes the news that the junior senator from pennsylvania admitted himself to walter reid medical center on wednesday night for treatment of clinical depression. his office released a statement while saying he experienced depression without tlout his life, it only became severe in recent weeks.
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he's receiving treatment on a voluntary basis after examining him, the doctors told us that john is getting the care he needs and will soon be back to himself. this is husband second hospital stay he was admitted to george washington hospital after feeling light headed. thankfully, tests ruled out a second stroke. the more recent hospitalization is fetterman's public acknowledgment of a mental health issue. his wife tweeted this. after what he's been through in the past year, there's probably no one who wanted to talk about his own health less than john. i'm so proud of him for asking for help and getting the care he needs. "the new york times" provided this useful insight that after his stroke, he soon jumped back into campaigning in the tight senate race and now the possibility that he may have missed out on a recovery period has become a source of pain and frustration for fetterman and people close to him who fear he may suffer long-term and potentially permanent repercussions. his schedule as a senator has
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meant he's continued to push himself in ways people close to him worry are detriment the. a senior aid said heath likely to have a few weeks of inpatient care and the doctors are trying determine medications and dose aages. i say more power to him. we need mental health role models right now. here's hoping that he fills that bill. consider this. fetterman's hospital admission came the seek saim week as the release of a report documenting a mental health crisis mongs adolescents, particularly girls. they surveyed 17,000 teenagers in 2021 the percentage of high school students who experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness was 42%. that's up from 28% a decade earlier. when you break it down by
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gender, 42% female. the high school who considered attempted and 22%. just stop and contemplate that. more than 1 in 5 american teens has seriously considered attempting suicide. and among girls, the number is 30%. the numbers of depression and suicidal thoughts are even higher in the lgbtq plus community. these issues are not the sort that anyone relishes discussing. because the fact is society doesn't treat brain and physical health the same. there remains a stigma attached to the former, which causes those afflicted too often to remain in the shadows. schools, workplaces, health care plans, american society in general still don't treat those with mental illness the same as those with a physical atlix. think about it. god forbid someone in your orbit
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gets kcancer. people rush to raise gofundme money and take care of their children. but if the affliction is anxiety or depression, many will shun even those they know and that's if the illness is made public at all. insurance coverage is not often equitable. many mental health providers refuse the paperwork of participation leaving people in need to scramble for scarce treatment resources. too many go untreated. maybe john fetterman can change that, perhaps he can become the face of an epidemic that we are all one degree of separation. 50 years ago, senator thomas was dropped from the democratic ticket head bid george mcgovern a after it was revealed he was hospitalized for depression. that would never have happened if he had suffered a physical ailment. fetterman is so high profile due to the attention given to his stroke and his flipping pennsylvania to give the dems
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the slim majority that perhaps he will finally elevate awareness in a water shed way. and help our culture rethink the way we treat brain health. a psychiatrist on staff at tufts university wrote a book that stands out. a first rate madness is the title. and drawing on medical records of abraham lincoln, john f. kennedy, among others, he makes the case that some of our best leaders have battled mental illness. he argues that the best crisis leaders are either mentally ill or abnormal. the worst crisis leaders are often those who are mentally healthy. >> people who have mild manic symptoms are the idea that you're sped up in your thinking, movement and thinking. people with symptoms are more creative and resilient to stress than normal mentally healthy people. so these four traits of
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creativity, resilience, em papa thi and realism, which occur in manic depressive illness are seen in some of our best crisis leaders. who had had these conditions, had these traits as part of their psychological makeup and also showed those traits as benefits of their leadership in times of crisis is, i should say, not always, but in times of crisis when you need them the most. >> but this isn't just about public figures or whether they can survive politically. hopefully this will help others who are suffering and need help be it our family, our friends or our neighbors. we can all benefit. so thank you, john fetterman. now to discuss the troubling cdc study about american teens own growing mental health issues. i'm joined by kathleen, the director of the division offed a let sent and school health. this report from the cdc for
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which you played a critical role is really alarming. what data jump ed off the page o you? >> i think there's no question in the data that young people are telling us they are in crisis. we absolutely have to listen to what they are telling us. >> mugt it be a silver lining of sorts that they are telling us this where perhaps they were red sant to do so in the future, meaning the numbers haven't really spiked, but more an openness to talk about the sub subject. >> hope so. i hope we're doing a better job to describe what they are feeling. but let's remember this is ab anonymous survey is conducted in young people's classrooms. so part of the at stonishment that we're hearing from adults at the level of mental health issues that young people are expressing may actually be an
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indication that they are feeling things and describing their mental health, but they are not doing that to adults. and that's really a concern and speaks to what you're saying. not only have to give young people the lang twooj describe their mental held, we have to listen to them. we have to create environments that support mental health and provide them with ways to tell an adult when something is the not going right. >> like i said in untro introduction, 17,000 students from across the country. 24% of high school girls say they have gone so far to make a suicide plan. speak to that. >> it is just devastating to think that such a large proportion of the teenage girls in this country are getting to the point of planning not to be here anymore. i would imagine that any pa
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parents, any teachers or any school counsellors or just adults thinking a about that is frightening. and so i think what had that spurs us to do is to create those environments that support their mental health and provide opportunities for them to let adults know that something is wrong. >> i'd like to think that high school boys and girls, young men and women are watching my program, but more likely, it's their parents. it's their family hebs. what do you want to say to them? >> there are a variety of things that parents can do. and things they can look for among their kids. they can look for any changes in behavior, changes in sleep patterns, changes in eating patterns, staying aware of what's happening with their young people. they can also know where their kids are, who they are with, who
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they are spending time with, what they are doing and staying connected to the parents of their young people's friends. because that keeps them engaged. talk to your children about their mental health starting at early ages so you don't get to have teenagers who you haven't address ed those issues with. from a school perspective -- >> please finish. >> from a school perspective, we need to train teachers to be able to help manage the mental and behavioral issues that they are telling us they are seeing in their classrooms. and so we need to give them the skills not to burden them, but to take away the burden that they are already experiencing. and then there's a whole host of things that schools can do to create environments that support young people's health in terms of programs that get them involved and invested and making sure that they are safe for even the most vulnerable youth in a school. >> a quick final comment. i make the observation that it's hard not to look at the last
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decade and say what's changed in society. the rise of social media, everybody walking around with a smart phone in their pocket, that has to be an important cause driving these numbers. can you tell it to me in 30 seconds. >> tallahassee combination of factors. the isolation from the pandemic has not helped. there are positives and negatives to social media. and so we have to figure out how to keep the positives and protect young people from the negatives. and then i think we have to look at the conflict in our society. we would be naive to think that's not affecting young people and their mental health. so we have to learn to create environments that are more supportive and less conflicting. >> can i say that the report, as you presented it, is very approachable and i will put it many my social media again. i recommend that parents all concerned access this report and read it for themselves. thank you, really appreciate your time and expertise. hut me up on social media.
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i'll read some responses throughout the program. with so many young people facing this, it's inevitable this will be embraced and addressed when they are the ones in power hopefully that will happen sooner. eric swenson, this is such a ripe opportunity for a political leader to own the crisis of mental health among young adults. hi a private word that i will now make public with chris christie. i bumped into him. i said you really had a moment in 2016 when you talked about addiction in new hampshire. today it's mental health and our kids. i hope he or someone else is going to take the bull by the horns on this issue. ahead, after crashes and other mishaps, more than 360,000 of elon musk's teslas are being recalled to fix the self-driving software. do federal agencies test such features before the cars are shuped? you might be surprised by the
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answer. and sworn testimony shows fox news executives and hosts knew claims that the 2020 election were bogus, even as they aired stours saying otherwise. guess what, fox isn't covering the revelations. will that matter to their viewers? that's the explanation for the poll question. go vote. will fox news lose credibility with its viewers if those viewers learn that the network's host hosts and executives knew the theories were bs?
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neutrogena® this week sworn testimony internal e-mails, and text messages excerpted in a new court filing lay bear the hypocrisy of fox news talent and executives. as seen in the defamation suit against fox by dmominion voting systems, they knew the 2020 election conspiracy theories airing on their network were bogus. but despite notification and warning from dominion, a manufacturer of voting mama sheens being blaimed in some of those conspiracy, they kept give
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ing the stories oxygen. really craze us is stuff, wrote rupert murdoch. rudy giuliani was acting like an insane person, such an idiot. tucker carlson referred to donald trump as a demonic force. bret baier noted there's no evidence of fraud. lou dobbs was the worst offenders giving air to sidney powell, who even tucker carlson deemed a liar. the motion for summary judgment is chalked full of evidence of everything i have said here and on radio for years, namely that certain media are operating as the equivalent of pro wrestling. only fox hid that it was fake. a briefing when they began making unsubstantiated
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allegations of fraud, i can't in good countenance continue to show you this. a fox executive deemed him a brand threat. the fox motive, it was not ideology. it was not an allegiance to donald trump. it was greed. pure and simple. they create d an audience they could no longer control. an audience that believed the garbage they were putting on the air, and they feared they might lose that base to a kcompetitor like newsmax. in an e-mail to fox news ceo, murdoch wrote that newsmax needed to be watched that he didn't want to antagonize trump further and stressing everything at stake here. and what might he have meant by everything. despite the doomsdayers, the big three cable news networks earned a an estimated $5.7 billion in advertising revenue and license fees in 2022, up 3% from the previous year. when fox reporter jackie hines
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risk fact check ed a trump twee pointing out a lack of evidence, tucker carlson text to hannity, please get her fired. seriously, what the f. i'm actually shocked it needs to stop immediately, like tonight, it's measurably hurting the company. the stock price is down, not a joke. by the way, last week, that same tucker carlson had the highest rated show on cable news. a fox spokesperson has claimed that dominion mischaracterized the record in the court filing and cherry picked the quotes stripped of any key context. regardless of the ultimate outcome of the defamation action, the evidence is a stunning indictment of the fox brand. but here's a question. will their audience ever know this? it's a real issue where so many live in media silos and don't listen or watch all sides. these revelations were huge news
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everywhere yesterday. just look at all the headlines. except on fox. because they are not covering it. remember to vote. this week's poll question right now. i'm asking the following. will fox news lose credibility with viewers if those viewers learn the network's hosts and executives knew the 2020 conspiracy theories were bs. joining me now to discuss is brian rosenwald from the university of pennsylvania. he's the author of "america, how an industry took over a political party that took over the united states." brian, welcome back. thank you for being here. is tox news an outlier? or is this the norm in a polarized media world? >> michael, it's not an outliar at all. this is the norm for conservative immediate yap. as we have been telling people for years, this is a business. they care about the bottom line. the one thing that they are
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worried about is losing their audience. alienating their viewers. so here was a case where they really weren't ksh ed if they told the truth, their audience was going to find someone who told them what they wanted to hear. >> brian, this is not the 1990s. they don't have the strangle -- russia is no longer here. this was the two-year anniversary of hifz passing. fox doesn't have the strangle hold on conservatives they did at one time. there's a lot of competition in the marketplace. >> this is the key point. in the 1990s, somebody who watched or listened to rush or tox in its early years was probably also watching the nightly news or cnn or consuming media like yourself. so they were not living in this sealed world of conservative media. flash forward to now, and they have dozens of options in conservative media. what happens is every house is worried about getting out. every host is worried about
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hearing that what happened to you. you sold out. i can't trust you anymore. why? because even if they don't throw out the craziest theories themselves, they know their audience is getting this stuff from somewhere. it could just be a video someone posted on facebook. we also have social media today. or it could be from breitbart or newsmax or any show you can think of. so the end result here is that they are all worried about getting far enough to the right or not being far enough to hating democrats. and this explained why conservative media came around on donald trump. in 2016, there were plenty of hosts who either ripped him as unfit or were never trumpers and gradually they all came around. the reason they did was because they realized they were going to lose their audience if they didn't. the few hosts who didn't, they stop ped being on conservative media because their audience evaporated. >> i know that there's so much
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watching, and i'll hear from them in the twitter verse, who say why are you talking about your own network? why aren't you talking about msnbc? i will be the first to acknowledge that polarization exists at both ends of the ideological spectrum. in this particular case, democracy was at stake. they were giving oxygen to conspiracy theories that led to an attempted coup. and they knew it was bull. that's the difference. >> i think you're 100% right. this is something that is toxic for democracy. you have this medium that has a huge political impact. these guys are willing to do or say anything to make money. that's the bottom line. there's no line they will not cross if they think it's good for the bottom line. and the problem is they have ab enormous political impact on worrying about the well being of
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the country. they worry about making money and yet they have a huge influence on the type of person who votes in a republican primary with 10% of people show up. which means all of the republican politicians are afraid of these guys. thr afraid of crossing them. as these guys go further and further to the right, they see democrats as evil. they play out the soap opera. they know it's a business. it's pro wrestling. but the politicians have to take them seriously. and that affects whether they are trying to address problems from the mental health type crisis that you're talking about in your first segment to anything else under the sun, politicians don't want to do anything they think is going to anger these hosts. >> brian, answer my poll question, what i'm essentially wondering is whether this would matter to the fox viewer if the fox viewer even knew it was the case. because in half the country,
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this has been the page one dominant story in the last two days in a very busy news week, but it doesn't get any airing at all in conservative media. would that base care? give me the quick answer. >> absolutely not. they will just say it's media bias and say we're biassed. we're distorting things and twisting things wauz we hate fox. >> i've got the document here. even if dominion loses the definiteamation action, it's a las case and a high standard. but the sworn deposition testimony is what it is. the texts are what they are. the e-mails are what they are. there's no getting around the fact that there is what happened. it's just a little frustrating that half the country probably doesn't even know that's the case. thank you for being here as always. i like to point out that dr. brian earned a ph.d. studying talk radio. he's the expert.
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what calmme in from social medi? no, people no longer watch news to be informed. they watch for personal -- it's true. it's like you want to appear smart with my friends and family. give me something that's going to reenforce the are views that i have. get that clicker out and change the channel. a mixed media diet is the way to remove us from a partisan ditch. i watch fox. i watch msnbc. i watch cnn. i want to see it all. it's the only way to be informed. before i get fired, let me quickly remind you, go to my website at will fox news lose credibility with its own viewers if they learn the network's hosts and executives knew that 2020 conspiracy theories were bogus? up ahead, tesla had to recall 360,000 cars because of
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dangerous cause by the self-driving software. i'll talk to the form navy pilot who warned the highway safety administration after she analyzed hundreds of crashes. and the prosecution rested in the trial of alex murdaugh. the disbarred lawyer accused of killing his wife and 22-year-old son and it's possible that its 61st website may have been the damning. i'll talk to a reporter that's been in the courtroom.
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hey, what's up? uh... houston... we have a situation. how did you get here? you're characters in our video game! video game? yeah, it's what we do with xfinity 10g. it's like, you know, the best network imaginable. what the heck is that? those are the bad guys. are they friendly? the 10g network, only from xfinity. one giant leap for mankind. my car has just been recalled. it's one of more than 360,000 teslas equipped with full-serve driving. in response elon musk tweeted, the word recall for an over the air software update is just flat
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wrong. the technology in my car allowed it to steer, brake and change lanes on its own. last fall my next guest sent a document to colleague cans at the national highway traffic safety administration noting when people use such technology and die or are injuried in a car crash, they are more likely to have been speeding than people driving cars on their own. joining me is one of the first female u.s. navy fighter pilots, a professor of robotics and autonomy at george mason university, and she spent more than a year as safety adviser to nut is a. how much government oversight was allowed in allowing my car to even get on the roadway? >> none. >> what do you mean? >> we have a rulebook. it's called the federal motor vehicle safety standards.
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your car when it's built, if it meets all the rules in that rulebook, the auto manufacturers do not have to ask permission to put a car on the road. so no evaluation was ever done by anyone other than tesla or any other manufactureer. >> i think that's pretty stunning. i did not know until reading in on all the tesla and corresponding issues, but it's a system of self-certification that we have in this country. is that the way it is globally? >> no, we use self-certification here, but we have in the world there are preapproval processes, most notably in europe. so in europe, you can't get full self-driving in many countries because they have said, no, that's not preapproved because it's not safe enough. >> what do you think accounts for your finding in the crashes that you looked at where there was a likelihood that people were use ing the self-driving a
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speeding more so than you would see and people operating their own vehicle in a traditional sense. >> yeah, first i'd like to point out this is under the standing general order data. you can go to their website right now and download the data set and see for yourself. i do think what accounts for it is people are getting injured or killed more in those vehicles because they are speeding. we see the trend was very clear in the data. people are setting the speed limit to not speed up the car to 9 miles over the speed limit. i do it myself. i know that thinking but the difference between people in that car and myself, i'm still paying attention, even though i set the cruise control to 9 miles over the speed limit. people in those vehicles are relaxing. they are being told they can go hands free. even if it's just for 30 seconds and they will do other things in the car and put their feet
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somewhere else in the car. and something goes wrong and you're speeding. you're going too fast for the conditions. people tend to overcontrol the steering wheel and we see lots of crashes. >> it's not just a tesla thing. tesla takes all the oxygen out of the room because of the personality at the top. we're talking about a much more widespread issue. >> absolute lu. this is what i find more concerning. we're advocating for people to go hands free when car manufacturers are advertising for you, yes, buy our car because you can go hands free. the problem with that, can you go hands free for a couple seconds to pick up your coffee. we all know it because we have been there. but when you encourage people to go hands free, people will take extended periods of time and hands free equals mind free. and people will start paying attention to something else and looking down at their phone, playing with the radio, playing
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with the system, because they feel comfortable. so really what we're seeing is those cars are causing people to be tar more overtrusting of the technology than is probably safe. >> thank you so much for your expertise. i appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. checking in on more social media reaction. from the world of youtube. autonomous driving is coming. it's just a matter of time. i love my car. i want tesla to succeed and to thrive. i'm surprised. the reason i asked dr. cummings the first question i did, and i should know better as a trial lawyer, i'm surprised a vehicle gets on the roadway without government inspection and oversight. it's self-certification. we leave it to the auto manufacturers. the world will be a safer place when we're all using this technology. but the issue of human factors
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is away we're talking about. and that's still a part of the dynamic. still to come, the latest from the trial of lawyer alex murdaugh. i have been playing close attention to this 37 he's on trial for the murder of his wife and son. the prosecution has rested after a controversially being allowed to introduces information about his financial crimes. what's going to happen next? i'll talk to valerie, who has been in the courtroom every day. remember to answer the poll question. will fox news lose credibility with its own viewers if they learn the hosts and executives knew 2020 conspiracy theories were bs?
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murders as mur duh's desperation move to generate sympathy because his financial fraud was about to be exposed. witnesses included maggie's older sister, his law school roommate. the final witness was, to me, the most damaging. he coordinated suv and phone data to track murdaugh's movements on the night of murder. now it's the defense's turn before the case gets turned over to the jury. two jurors were disqualified after testing positive for covid sennarrowing the poll of alternatives to three. joining me is the national report for the "wall street journal," she's long been covering this case and has been in the courtroom every day. thank you so much for coming back. often unless a defendant takes the stand, jurors never get to hear his or her version. but valerie, in this case, they have heard a hell of a lot from alex. >> they have.
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they have heard three or four recorded interviews in husband own voice explaining what happened the night of the murders and what happened later on. so they have heard hours of testimony from alex himself effectively. >> do you agree with me that witness 61 with the try angulation of the phone records and the onstar data from general motors was probably the most compelling of the prosecution, maybe that's why they saved it for last? >> i tend to agree with you. it was a very effective testimony just to walk us through minute by minute, many times second by second, every of moment of alex's whereabouts that night and maggie's is and paul's. it was really revealing. our phone knows our every move. that was so compel ling. >> he's definitely a liar. doesn't make him a murder.
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i still am questioning whether all of the evidence of the financial crimes should have come in. >> there's a significant question about that. the defense said if convicted they will appeal on what we have had trials within trials. all this financial evidence about the long running fraud he's accused of, insurance fraud, we have essentially had three trials within one trial. . it has been dizzy ing at times, i'm sure for the jurors. but the lead prosecutor said this week, they have to know this is a case of unprecedented complexity. they have to understand that. they have to see how complex it is. >> here's the thing. if he didn't do it, someone else had a very narrow window to get on that property, take possession of the two family guns, kill both the wife and son and get off the property without leaving a trace. >> that's true. someone who you have had had a
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very narrow window to accomplish all that it cuts both ways. if alex did do it, to kill two people, clean up all the evidence and leave, that's where the prosecution is alleging. so either way, it's not clear how all this was done in such a short amount of time, whoever the guilty party is. >> final thought, prosecution not obligated to prove motive. but the jurors and the public, we want to know. why? how? why would he have done this? i don't see the consistency in the motive issue. i think they put on a very compelling case, but does it sennecessarily follow that you l your wife and your young son because the financial walls are closing in? >> that's where the defense has made that argument and said, look, we concede. the jury has heard from its own matt mouth. he acknowledges a lot of
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financial wrong doing. the defense has said, yes, set that aside. why does it follow that because he was getting ready to be revealed as a fraud, but why would he kill his wife and son who he loved. >> we'll see what happens this week with the defense presentation. thank you so much. i appreciate it. >> thank you. watch the three-part docuseries "low country." it starts tomorrow at 8:00 p.m. eastern on cnn. where randi kaye, i think, has turned in some great reporting on the trial. still to come, the final result of this week's poll question. will you please go to right now. consider subscribing to the daily newsletter while you're there. it's free and worthy. this is the poll question. will fox news lose credibility with its own viewers if those viewers find out, hey, the network hosts and executives, they knew all that 2020 stuff
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there it is, the result of this week's poll question. wow. look at that voting. 36,000 and change. will fox news lose credibility with their viewers if they learn, meaning the viewers, that the networks knew all that conspiracy talk was b.s. two-thirds of you are saying no, they won't lose credibility. that was brian rosenwald's answer. even -- i have posted on my
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website today the dominion motion for summary judgment. to look at the texts, to look at the deposition testimony, to look at the emails is pretty damn compelling. maybe it's been taken out of context, but this is what they were saying to one another. how do you get around that? how is that not the turnoff to the base? what do we have, katherine, from the world of social media? they probably won't even know it happened. they aren't going to talk about it. no, they haven't at all, right. they're not talking about it in conservative media. there's an outlet called ground news which shows you what's missing from the left and what's missing from the right in line with me saying you've got to read it all if you want to be on top of the news. what else came in? no, unfortunately it appears the majority of fox viewers are happy in their echo chamber. i find it hard to believe many people didn't know they were being lied to. okay, meral palmer, maybe they
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did no. maybe this is another manifestation of tribalism when we look at candidates running under our party's label. after all, as bad as they might be, they're not as bad as the opponent. i think there's a lot of that at play here as well. one more if i have time, and i think i do. social media is the biggest surge -- it is. unless it's reined in, youth suicide will continue to grow. i agree with that. to look at the cdc report and see the alarming news about boys and girls, particularly girls, what has changed in the last decade to bring about a spike like this? it's about the fact that in 2012 more than half the country had a smart phone. it was the advent of the selfie era and all that competition that we weren't subject to back in the day but they are in home room, et cetera, has got to be a driving factor on all of this.
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read the cdc report. follow me please on social media. if you don't, you're missing things like this, which is a video we tweeted out -- almost said treated out. who knew i was so nimber? gang, thank you for watching. see you next week. and a hunter. that's why you need versatile, durarable kubota equipment. what's the #1 retinol brand used most by dermatologists? it's neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair® smooths the look of fine lines in 1-week, deep wrinkles in 4. so you can kiss wrinkles goodbye! neutrogena® deep wrinkles in 4. my name is joshua florence, and one thing i learned being a firefighter is plan ahead. you don't know what you're getting into, but at the end of the day, you know you have a team behind you that can help you.
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