tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN February 20, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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the head of the epa is headed back to east palestine, ohio tomorrow amid growing health concerns, this after a train carrying toxic chemicals derailed earlier this month. the epa said today water sample results show, quote, no water quality concerns. 530 homes have been screened for air quality. none exceed the limit for residential standards. a clinic operated by the state will open tomorrow. thanks for joining us.
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"ac 360" starts now. good evening. president biden is in poland tonight after making a surprise and history-making journey to kyiv on this president's day. after months of secret planning and elaborate preparation, the united states met with ukraine's president just four days short of a year since russian forces invaded. and with reminders of the continuing threat surrounding the two leaders. [ siren ] many american presidents have made dramatic trips before, nixon to china, kennedy, reagan to is the berlin wall, and presidents have visited u.s. troops in war zones, but never like this. this was the first trip ever by an american president would into a war zone without the protection of u.s. troops on the ground or american warplanes patrolling the space overhead. american air assets were active on ukraine's border and moscow
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was told about it in advance. as for the president's own message, here is some of what he had to say. >> it was one year ago in week that we spoke on the telephone, president. it was very late in washington, very early in the morning here in kyiv. russian planes were in the air and tanks were rolling across your border. you told me that you could hear the explosions in the ground. one year later, kyiv stands, and ukraine stands. democracy stands. america stands with you, and the world stands with you. >> in more concrete terms, the president announced another round of military aid to ukraine, but not the f-16 fighters and the longer range battlefield rockets kyiv was seeking. but still, a message that mr. biden certainly underscored. >> putin thought ukraine was
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weak and the west was divided. but he has just been plain wrong. plain wrong. and one year later, the evidence is right here in this room. >> his journey to that room began late last year when he organized a team of white house, pentagon, and secret service officials to plan for it. the actual trip started at 4:15 yesterday morning. using a small 757 as air force instead of the larger one normally used for overseas travel. with him just two reporters who had to hand over electronic devices after a fueling stop in germany, the president continued to poland where he boarded a train for a ten-hour overnight run to kyiv. this is a photo of the president and national security adviser jake sullivan. the entourage arrived to a city that had been locked down with no explanation, only hints and speculation that something important was about to happen. and it did. a little more than five hours later, president biden was back on the train. then later back on the smaller air force one headed to warsaw,
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where he'll meet tomorrow with the polish president and deliver remarks in the war's anniversary. and meet with leaders from all nine members of nato's eastern flank. cnn chief white house correspondent phil mattingly is in warsaw for us tonight. clarissa ward is in kyiv. phil, what is the white house saying tonight about the significance of this trip? . >> you know, anderson, the symbolism was carefully calibrated for maximum effect at a critical moment, an inflection point. some white house have framed this moment in the war the message you heard from president biden both intention a.m. and steadfast. but what's been most interesting is my conversation with white house officials have really been focused on the substance of the actual meetings between president zelenskyy and biden and their top advisers, underscoring that because this is such a critical moment in the war, the path ahead, understanding both what ukrainians are requesting, what they need, what u.s. officials believe the battle space looks like in the weeks and months ahead and what they believe they and the rest of their alliance
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can provide was a critical discussion to have that went deep into the details. now anderson, you alluded to some of the issues president zelenskyy has requested in terms of defense capabilities that the u.s. has not been willing to provide at this point. those came up on fighter jets and long-range missiles. no clear pathway forward, but also no red lines laid out, underscoring how significant this moment is in a war entering its second year. >> and clarissa, what has the war been like from ukraine? not only government officials, but just people on the street? >> it's been overwhelmingly positive, anderson. from the moment that videos started leaking out on social media of that enormous motorcade going through the center of town, a lot of ukrainians were stuck in traffic for hours. some of them forced to take the subway. but they were frankly very excited to see the u.s. president make a visit that has been a long time in the making, highly anticipated, several
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invitations from president volodymyr zelenskyy. and zelenskyy himself said today this conversation brought us closer to victory. i think he is speaking there largely in terms of the symbolism of it, the importance in this moment when ukrainian forces have been taking a bruising in eastern ukraine, when the ukrainian people have suffered a very grim and bleak winter, and to have biden visit, to have that kind of strong signal of support, it really was a much needed boon for morale, and it speaks to a future partnership that the ukrainians i think understand they cannot win this war without. >> phil, was the white house concerned about russia's attempt to frame this conflict as a proxy war with the west? >> anderson, i posed this question to a u.s. official earlier today around the time we figured out what was happening. the response i got was how would this be a new development? i think this underscores a lot that we talked a lot about the
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evolution, the progression in terms of what the u.s. is willing to provide in terms of weapon systems, the scale of the defense support and how much that's ramped up over the course of the last 11 1/2 months. but so too has the comfort level on the u.s. side with how they're able to assess risks, how they're able to walk through what they believe a russian response will be, and how far they feel they can push things without eliciting the kind of response that would bring this into a much, much more dangerous territory. one thing i would note is a driving force behind that is lines of communication that have been opened up between officials and their counterparts over the course of the last several months. one of the lines was utilized when the u.s. officials informed the russian president the u.s. president would be making this trip several hours in advance. it was considered a deconfliction call, not some type of a diplomatic effort. they haven't categorized how the russians responded, but it underscored there is communication going back and forth and perhaps that's given assurances to the u.s. in terms of how they operate. >> it's interesting, clarissa.
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there is nothing new here, obviously. a big package of more aid announced today. and yet the types of weapons, the fighter jets, attack helicopters, longer range artillery, those are things the u.s. is still unwilling to send. >> right. i think the most immediate short-term need for the ukrainians was ammunition. i mean, according to a number of reports, including cnn's own reporting, they have been burning through ammunition faster than nato and the u.s. can resupply it. so that was a much needed sort of injection, or shot in the arm, if you will, for ukrainians. but to the bigger picture, as fill discussed, there hasn't been any kind of a concrete sort of confirmation of aid forth coming in that way. we did hear from president zelenskyy's chief of staff andre
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yermak who said some of these issues had been resolved, and others which had been stuck would now be sped up. we don't know if he is precisely talking about something like the fighter jets, for example. the uk had agreed that they would start to train ukrainian forces to use uk fighter jets, then went back and qualified it, saying it would take years to actually go about that training. and so this is the frustration that ukrainian officials have here is that once they do finally extract the promise of really substantive weaponry or aid that is so desperately needed, it then takes a much longer process to go about actually implementing that on the ground. we saw that with the patriot missile as well. i think ukrainians are hoping that we will hear more about a commitment to supply some of that heavier weaponry, but nothing concrete that we heard today. >> clarissa ward, phil
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mattingly, appreciate it. i want to go next to fred pleitgen. >> it's interesting. the kremlin itself hasn't saidnition yet. one of the things for that vladimir putin in a couple of hours is set to give a fundamental speech here in moscow. it seems as though kremlin officials didn't want to take away from that. however, of course, the messaging itself is there on kremlin controlled media. and also from some other russian officials as well. and one of the things that they keep playing on was what phil said, that the white house informed the russians that president biden would be going to ukraine. and there is some officials who are saying, look, it shows that he had to ask vladimir putin for permission to come to ukraine, that he needed security guarantees, as dmitry medvedev as the former president of the country said. however, there are some very prominent military bloggers. they are very, very hard line, and they've become very important here in this country as this war as dragged on who clearly see this as a sign of weakness on the part of vladimir putin essentially saying, look,
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russia can allegedly strike ukraine anywhere, at any point. there you have the u.s. president in kyiv visiting volodymyr zelenskyy. that certainly is something that is seen as very critical but a lot of these hard-liners. but in general, you can really see this all over the place on all russian media throughout the entire course of the day. obviously the russian versus critical of that visit, anderson. >> and do you know if there will be any changes made to vladimir putin's speech tomorrow as a result of the trip? will he talk than? >> so that's the big question that a lot of people are asking. there are some who believe that at least some of the contours might be a little different, or at least that vladimir putin was watching and might change a few details. one of the things that we heard from the kremlin earlier today is that vladimir putin was putting the finishing touches, the final touches on that speech throughout the better part of the day. and so he will obviously have seen that president biden was in kyiv. but i think one of the things that the kremlin sort of has been trying to put throughout as a narrative will be reinforced by this visit is that the russians are essentially saying that they're not just fighting
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ukraine, but that they're essentially fighting nato and the united states as well. it's something of a narrative that the kremlin has been increasingly putting out there, especially as things have been very difficult for the russians on the battlefield. and what they're saying is look, we're up against all of these nato weapons that are out there. but one thing that's very important for our viewers to understand, from having been here on the ground, from feeling the vibe, from speaking to officials, also in parliament, there is absolutely no sign that vladimir putin will be backing down. in fact, it seems as though russia is gearing up for a very, very long, very bloody war in ukraine, abdomen. fred pleitgen, appreciate it. joining us now mark hertling, and cnn law enforcement analyst. jonathan, when you were with the secret service, you prepared a lot of risky trips for presidents to a war zone to visit u.s. troops. this unprecedented? >> anderson, the only way i can describe this visit is that the
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secret service and the security partners really extracted the possible from the impossible. thousands of things could have gone wrong with this trip, but they only had one chance to get this visit right. as you said in the intro, it's not uncommon for presidents to enter hostile environments, to go to war zones. we see it all the time. however, the manner by which this visit was planned from the very beginning and executed earlier today appears at the surface level to deviate from the standard model that the secret service has applied toward these trips in the past. and what i mean by that is typically the secret service, when they're going to these high-risk environments, high risk trips utilizes a variety of military resources both on the ground and in the air to support that. in this case, the secret service did not have that. they could not rely on that military support, really making a very hard job even more difficult for the secret service, the white house staff and all the supporting agencies. >> general hertling, were you surprised that they informed
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moscow in advance? >> i was a bit, anderson. but when you think about the reasons why, and i'll push back a little bit on what jonathan just said there was some military support, but it was let's call it over the horizon in poland. you can bet that they were tracking that train. they had combat air patrols up and potentially ready to go across the border if anything would have attacked, they probably had emergency medical teams on helicopters and in aircraft. so i think there was a military element of this inside of poland. but as jonathan said, it wasn't on the ground. there wasn't an enclosed encasement, if you will, of military personnel that was protecting the president. i will bet that not only the secret service had some challenges on this, but the rsl, the regional security officer inside the embassy, the u.s. embassy in kyiv probably had some sleepless nights, as well as the very small number of people that knew about this trip in president zelenskyy's detail.
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but they were contributing to the security too. and the more people you tell, the morris:00 you take. so that circumference of people who know what's going on has to be as small as possible to mitigate the risk. >> jonathan, there are so many vulnerable points along the way. obviously not just being in kyiv itself. you heard air raid sirens going off. but that train ride, ten hours is a long time to be in a -- well, we're not in one spot, but one train compartment on a track that everybody knows which way it goes, and everybody knows which way you have to use to exit the country. >> yeah. i mean, listen, from the secret service standpoint, that train is one point of the deadly diamond. you know there is one way in and one way out that you're going bring these dignitaries. i want to bring up a point that the general had raised. the secret service worked with the u.s. intelligence and the u.s. state department services to coordinate support with trusted counterparts on the ground. and i think that's what's really
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unprecedented with this. typically, when we bring the president into a war zone, we've seen this time and time again. our trusted partners are the u.s. military assets on the ground, our direct counterparts. we didn't have that this time. we had to conduct a detailed threat assessment with ukrainian counterparts coordinated through our diplomatic and intelligence services, really to prioritize and manage the risk of this visit. but you're right. there were so many things that could have gone wrong. a ten-hour train ride, being in the middle of the nation's capital with the air raid sirens going off. yes, we did notify the russians in advance, but that could have also telegraphed to other russian proxies that this was the moment to strike. so there are so many things that could have gone wrong. thankfully everything went right and it was successful trip. >> general hertling, obviously ukraine wants more. they want aircraft. they want attack helicopters. longer range artillery. without that stuff, can they
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continue to at the very least defend themselves in the way they have, even if they're not taking back more territory, especially if there is a new offensive? >> absolutely, yes, anderson. there is a new sign any object every day. f-16, and yes, it would be great to drop all that stuff on top of the ukraine military. but what many people don't understand is that is part of the american way of war. it is not the ukrainian way of war. so when you drop something like an f-16, you're not considering what are the jtac, the tactical controllers on the ground. are they trained to incorporate them in close air support? are there jammers in the air? are there refuelers? are there intelligence factors, the maintainers and the trainers and all of the things that go into that. and truthfully, anderson, my sources on the ground are telling me ukraine has been challenged with some of the equipment that we have given
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them. they have not set up the logistic supply and training aspects of this, even though they are fighting brave. and don't let me detract at all from the great fight that the ukrainian soldiers are doing. but we're trying -- they're wanting us -- they're wanting to see a desert storm. and you're not going get that if you're just incorporating things by throwing them into the stew and hoping they get it right. it's a lot tougher than that. and i think that's why the president is holding back on some of these things. >> general hertling, appreciate it. jonathan as well. how americans view this war and our series in it. and later, former president jimmy carter. his decision to end treatment and enter hospice at home and his condition. his remarkable life as the longest living ex-president. ♪
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democrats support it more than republicans or independents. democrats near 80% support. republicans and independents in the low to mid-50s. yes, there is bipartisan support, but there is very clearly some partisan lines developing. >> so interesting that the republican party is supporting it less than the democratic party. >> as somebody who grew up in the early 2000s, right, when year used to republicans being the ones who support war so much and supporting a broader u.s. policy, it's flipped 22 here, almost something like you'd see from the 1950s and bob taft. >> what has the shift been the last ten months or so? >> the other question to ask are we supporting them the right amount, too much or too little? republicans say we're supporting ukrainians a little too much. leaning gop. that's a 30% jump from months ago. you see that mirrors what republicans are doing, but still only a third of americans overall are saying that we're supporting the ukrainians too much at this point. >> is there a marker of what
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might make americans turn against supplying more weapons to ukraine? >> i think americans like winning that was something donald trump said, and that's something that we jean generall in the polling right now. what we see right now is americans, not a overwhelming majority, but 51% say they believe the ukrainians are winning the war right now. russia only about a third believe they're winning the war. what we see in the polling is correlation with republicans believing that russia by the slightest plurality believe that russia is winning the war right now versus democrats. overwhelmingly the ukrainians are winning the war. so i think there is sort of this feeling that all is lost, then i think support for supplying more gear and supplying to the ukrainians would in fact fall back. >> harry enten, appreciate it. >> much more on what vladimir putin might tell russians when he speaks tomorrow and how the visit potentially changed any perceptions in the region. joining us is norm eisen, he was u.s. ambassador to the czech republic and national security
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analyst and chief of russia operations steve hall. steve, what kind of impact do you think the president's visit to ukraine may have on vladimir putin or his reaction to it? >> well, first, this is a huge, huge deal for the ukrainians. i've never served in any place where the seniors in that particular government said hey, is there any way we can get the american president? this is political currency. it's political capitalist. for ukraine this is like if beyonce were playing at your high school prom. it's a huge deal for them. and it's a big boost. >> like beyonce playing at your high school prom if your high school prom was under attack. >> and that's the other side of it. first of all, it bolsters everybody's -- the morale in ukraine, not just the citizens, but the soldiers fighting it. and it's a huge blow to vladimir putin. he's got to be pretty upset about this on the verge of a big speech he is going to make tomorrow. so it will be interesting to see what putin comes octuplet with, and whether he even alludes to
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it. because there are pros and cons to that as well. ambassador eisen you know the region well. what do you think the biden visit means for the solidarity of western allies? >> it's very important, anderson. the russian military hollowed out by corruption has shown that it doesn't have what it takes to win this war. the greatest threat is that the nato allies, the other western allies, and here in the united states morale will falter, that we won't stay the course. we know historically we've been successful when we do that. so this visit, the speech tomorrow will have the effect of stiffening our spines. we already see, as you just highlighted, that in polls that republicans and independents support is softer. i'm look for that to go up. and then of course it gives tremendous morale boost to ukrainians and our nato allies in the region, including the czechs where i served.
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and those countries will be meeting with biden. so it's to stiffen our spines above all. >> steve, ambassador eisen makes the point that the russian military has been hollowed out by decades of corruption and incompetence. that may be true. they can still throw 300,000 more bodies into the fight and probably even more than that. is there -- there is no offramp at this point, is there? steve? that's for you. >> sorry, you broke up there. could you repeat the question? >> i'm saying there is no offramp at this point in the war. ambassador eisen is saying the russian army is hollowed out by corruption. but can still throw 300,000 bodies into the fight. >> and that's the way of war for russia. we've heard about the ways of wars in the united states and how the russians do it. you look back to world war ii, for example, the tens of millions of russian soldiers
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that the russians, that stalin at the time was willing to sacrifice. putin is no different. it doesn't hurt him personally if he throws all of these people into the meat grinder. sanctions don't hurt him personally. the only thing he's got to be careful about is it going to cause enough disruption inside of russia that he is going have trouble controlling his own government and his own system there. so that will be very interesting to see as well. >> ambassador eisen, you don't see any offramps, do you? this could drag out for a long time, no? >> anderson, that's right. paradoxically, the desperation of putin, he has thrown those bodies at the ukrainians, and it's resulted in devastating carnage for russia. they're stalled now in bakhmut, in eastern ukraine. but paradoxically, that's forced putin to levee strikes against civilian targets, hospital, apartment buildings, crimes against humanity.
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the united states now accurate describes those efforts as being. and so that reduces the offramp. there is little room for compromise. that is why we need to maintain our morale, our conviction, as was successful in world war ii, the cold war, other long-term conflicts, and visits like this have r so important. >> northm eisen, steve hall, thk you so much. coming up next, we'll talk about jimmy carter and his decision at 98 to enter hospice care at home.
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during sunday school at the church this sunday, my faith demands i do whatever i can, wherever i am as long as i can with whatever i have to try to make a difference. her uncle jimmy is former president jimmy carter who led sunday school classes there for decades. he is 98 years old now and in failing health. on saturday, he decided to spend his remaining time at home with his family. what is the mood like there now? >> good evening, anderson. a mix of sadness and pride falls over the town of plains, georgia tonight as the residents here, about 500 in this tiny town digest the news that the former president that they hold so dear is receiving end-of-life care. we began the day, anderson, with miss bonita at her restaurant
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just down main street, having some grits and eggs. and she recalled to us how just a few years ago she took her own kids to see the former president during sunday school. that's because up until recently, he was conducting sunday school lessons at the church right here in this community. later on, we had the opportunity to meet michael dominic. he is a mail carrier in this town, and also a painter. and we saw him feverishly painting this iconic statue of a smiling peanut right at the edge of town. and he said it was so important to get this done, to refurbish that peanut because he knows that all eyes will be on this community of plains. that statue played an important role in the former president's 1976 presidential campaign. take a listen to what mr. dominic told us. >> he don't want any recognition for any of that, and i do the same thing in my life. i just do stuff because it needs
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done, like paint the peanut. you don't have to -- he didn't want to make a big news statement about everything that he did, you know. he was just a simple man. >> so, anderson, the former president well-known for his acts of service, including his work with habitat for humanity. but mr. dominic there, clearly there were some acts of service that he did not telegraph, that were not public and broadcasted. that is just who he is, anderson? >> appreciate it. thank you. cnn medical analyst dr. lena when joins us and dr. james fallows who served as speech writer during the carter administration. he writes for news on substack. can you talk a little about what hospice care is? my mom got hospice care the last two weeks of her life. it's an extraordinary thing, particularly to have it at home. >> that's right. my mother also had hospice care when she had end-stage cancer.
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it's something that i and my family will always be thankful for. hospice care is something that is a specialized medical care given to individuals who are near the end of their lives. people have to have incurrable medical conditions. generally it's end stage cancer, advanced dementia, heart failure, lung failure, et cetera. and also, the anticipated life expectancy is less than six months. but the focus of this care differently than other medical treatment is not on the cure, but rather it's on insuring quality of life, providing as much dignity and high quality days to the patient and the family, reducing pain and suffering, and tending to the other needs of the patient and family might have, including their spiritual needs, their psychological needs. it's a type of care that is really underutilized. so i hope that more people will consider looking into this option if they and their family are eligible to provide, again, that quality of care in the last days and weeks and months of someone's life. >> james, it's great to you on the program again.
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president carter is not just the oldest living president in u.s. history, he is also, as you point out, had the longest post presidency in history. how are you thinking about him tonight? >> so, first, with the rest of the world, i'm sending my best thoughts to the former president. and i think it is in keeping with his plainspokenness through his life and career that he'd make sure the world knew about this, the decision that he made. and like you, anderson, and like dr. wen, i've had family members who have gone the hospice road and not. it's something that president carter, it's good that he is making that clear. i think it is in many ways profitial that he's had such a long time, 42 years as former president, ten times as long as he was the serving president. most americans today were not alive when he was in the white house. so they know him in the new role. he set a standard for what former presidents should do and a new identity he has created for himself through all the various charities and
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interventions he has done. he as survived long enough to see reassessment of his time in office, things like the human rights campaign around the world, the panama canal treaty bringing peace to israel and egypt, the camp david accaccord. thinking the four years in office and the 42 years since then will be assessed. if anybody, people may disagree with his politics or how he was as president, but just as a role model for living a decent life and a very -- the most human life you can possibly live, i mean, he is an extraordinary example of that. and certainly a north star should be for any former president about how to behave in their time after office. >> i agree with that. and he could not have planned on having this many years. nobody can. he is a man of deep faith. and he knew that his life was unforeseeable, one day to the
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next. but if he had planned it, the most valuable thing he could have done is set this marker for how people in general should serve and care, and particular, how former presidents should comport themselves, that their role was to use the influence they had in the country and around the world. and as a moral example, to do what they could, to keep dealing with the challenges they dealt with in office. so we admire them. i admire him tremendously. >> dr. wen, in terms of hospice care, it's really up to the family or whoever the person in charge is if it's not the patient themselves, but assuming he is competent and awake, he would be able to make decisions for himself. but there is somebody who is basically running the treatment, isn't there? >> right. and so this type of care, hospice care is very much patient and family centered. it's based on the needs of that individual patient and their family. and that's going to differ. and so some people, for example, will prefer to be at home.
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some people will prefer to be in another facility. there are specialized hospice facilities. you can get hospice care in a nursing home and a hospital. if it's done at home and any of these settings, there is an entire team of medical professionals who specialize in hospice and palliative care who attend to the patient that would be doctors, nurses, home health aids, other individuals will visit the home and give the patient what they need. it will depend on what type of physical systems. a lot of it is going to be pain relief or relieving anxiety or helping someone breathe if that's their difficulty. but it will be attending to the other needs of the family. and often there are various needs with caregivers. i think, again, this is a type of care very much centered on the individual. >> dr. wen, i appreciate. james fallows as well, thank you very much. >> thank you. still ahead, another major quake hits in turkey and syria two weeks of the devastating earthquake killed tens of thousands. we'll are the latest on that next.
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tonight, at least three people are dead, hundreds more injured in turkey and syria after a 6.3 magnitude earthquake and dozens of aftershocks struck southern turkey today. of course this comes just two weeks after the massive earthquake that killed more than 46,000 people in the region. cnn's jomana karadsheh is there now. what is the latest? it's unthinkable this happened again. >> it is, anderson.
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i mean, that 6.3 magnitude earthquake, our aftershock hitting this area. the city of antakya in hatay providence in and around antakya. and this area was absolutely devastated by that massive earthquake a couple of weeks ago. you could barely find a building here that hadn't been impacted. so when you have this powerful aftershock tonight, several buildings, we don't know how many yet, collapsed. and at least three people, as you mentioned have been killed. up to 300 are in hospital right now, 18 of them in serious condition. and you have several search-and-rescue operations, including this one behind me taking place. we've had rescuers working for nearly nine hours right now, trying to locate three people who are trapped inside this building. there were four people when the quake hit that was a house owner with three movers trying to get his belongings out of the house, something we have seen people doing here over the past couple of days.
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that house owner was rescued alive. we don't know the condition of the three people inside, but we know they're family members, anderson, have been waiting out here. i mean, you can see the shock and the fear in their faces as they're waiting for the news of their loved ones in there. and all they can do right now is sit, wait, and pray that they make it out alive. >> and there has to be fear about additional aftershocks, obviously. >> absolutely. i mean, the emergency services here, the government has been warning people to stay away from buildings. there have been several after shocks. we felt several in the past few hours since we've been here. but, i mean, anderson, you've got hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people right now who are living out in the open. they're living in makeshift shelters, in tents, in the backs of their cars.
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people who have lost their family members, their loved ones, their homes, their everything after that devastating earthquake. and they were just starting to try and process what they have been through, to try and comprehend the loss. >> yeah. >> and this happened tonight. and i mean, we've been speaking with people who are just absolutely terrified right now. >> yeah. >> sleeping out in the open, don't know what's going to happen to them. and you can just imagine how they're reliving that trauma again, anderson. >> jomana karadsheh, i appreciate you being there. thank you. coming up, the alex murdaugh double murder. defense will continue its case tomorrow. a look at some of the mysteries that still remain a month into the trial. details next. engineered to elevatee the senses - touch, sight, sound, and scent. it's the electric that recharges you.
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so you have a report about who we might see on the stand tomorrow. >> reporter: that's right. we could see buster take the stand first thing. that is the only surviving son. he would be the first murdaugh to testify. he will speak to the family dynamic and his relationship to his wife and son. i'm told by the same source that we can expect to see an accident reconstructionist following that. this will be someone that can pick apart what happened at the murder scene that night and how that lines up with the state investigators and what they found as well. we are entering our fifth week of this trial and still so many unanswered questions. this is the snapchat video paul murdaugh sent to his friends less than an hour before prosecutors believe he is
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killed. when alex called 911 at 10:06 p.m. after he said he found his wife and son dead, he was wearing something else. >> did you have any guns on you at all? >> i was leaning up against the side of my car. >> body cam video recorded by the first investigators on the scene show murdaugh in shorts and a white t-shirt. the question is when did he change and why? prosecutors suggest he washed up and changed before calling 911. the housekeeper described him as wearing pants and a white shirt before he left for court the day of the murders. >> after june 7th of 2021 did you ever see that shirt again? >> no, sir. >> the clothing murdaugh was wearing in the snapchat video was never recovered. others have testified they didn't find blood in the house either. authorities didn't immediately
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search his mother's home where he went the night of the murders. >> you don't know what shoes he was wearing. you have no idea, correct? >> that is correct. >> at question, where are the murder weapons? the ballistics expert told the jury that some of the shell casings found at the murder scene and at the property were fired from weapons at alex's home. despite that, he could not say weapons seized from the home were used to kill maggie and paul. >> my result was inconclusive. >> how did the gunshot rez cue get on the blue rain jacket found at alex's mother house? >> ic confirmed 38 particles. in order to be consistent with transfer, an object with a high amount of gunshot residue would have had to transfer to it. >> an object like a firearm. prosecutors suggested that perhaps he used that to wrap up
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the murder weapons and dispose of them. >> you have no idea how gunshot primer residue ended up on that garment, correct? >> i cannot tell you how it got there. >> and since a rifle was used to kill maggie and a shotgun was used to kill paul, another question is could two means mean there were two shooters? >> is it a possibility that there are two shooters based on the data you collected? >> it indicates so to me. >> another unanswered question. if alex murdaugh touched his wife and son after he said he found them shot. >> i tried to take their pulse on both of them. >> why weren't any of alex murdoch's footprints or knee prints found near their bodies? >> did you see any footprints? >> no. >> did you see what appeared to be blood on his hands? >> i did not. >> are there other questions that stand out to you at this
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point? >> i think the biggest question was alex murdoch at the dog kennels at the murder scene around the time of the murders? earlier in the night he said he wasn't there until he found his wife and son dead, but at least eight witnesses testified they heard his voice on a recording extracted from his son's phone and the time stamp on that recording is 8:44 p.m., long before he called 911, anderson. >> thank you. just ahead, a big win for alex baldwin's defense team on the set of his film "rust." details on that next.
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