tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN February 21, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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. wnba brittney griner will be back on the basketball court quite soon, the phoenix mercury officially announced today they resigned her, griner of course spent ten months in a russian prison after found with vape containers of cannabis in her luggage at the moscow airport, tried and convicted. landed her in a russian people colony. today, griner celebrated her return to the court on the team's instagram page. look at this, she can't wait to see the xfactor which are phoenix fans once again and celebrating how much she loves the city. she last played with the mercury in 2021, her first home game is mid may and so many will be watching, thank you watching us
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tonight. ac 360 starts now. not since the cold war has the conflict since the russia and west has been to sharply drawn in dueling speeches three days before the anniversary of russian's invasion of ukraine, and a day after the president of surprise visit to kyiv. >> kiev >> one year ago the war was bracing for the fall of kiev, i just come from a visit to kiev and i can report kiev stands strong. kiev stands proud. it stands tall. and most importantly it stands free. >> speaking today in warsaw, the capitol, the president pledged unflagging support from nato which joined in 199 and commitment to ukraine >> one year into this war, putin no longer doubts the strength of our coalition. but he still doubts our conviction.
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he doubts our staying power. he doubts our continued support for ukraine. he doubts nato can remain unified, our support for ukraine will not waiver, nato will not be divided and we will not to tire. >> the president accused russia of creating crimes against humanity, vladimir putin gave his as his rational for the war during the annual address to the russian people. >> the west does not conceal their ambitions, which is to strategically defeat russia. it means to finish us off once and for all. and to make local they do that by making local conflicts into much wider and bigger ones. >> the russian leader also
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repeated standard about ukraine's quote and i yo nazi regime and announced russia would suspend participation and new start the lasting into my arms control treaty with u.s., it was followed by russia's foreign ministry saying it will limit the size of the nuclear ars arsenals, president biden boiled it down to one for ukraine. >> president putin chose this war. every day the war continues is his choice. he could end the war with a word. it's simple. if russia stopped invading ukraine, it would end the war. if ukraine stopped defending itself against russia it would be the end of ukraine. >> we're extensive reporting from cnn caitlin collins with the president in warsaw who spoke in moscow and of course in kiev, let's start with caitlin,
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how does the white house feel the president speech went over pretty good given president biden's speech. >> they seem to think he set out what he came to do. which is one warn that democracy is at stake at a global scale and two, to reiterate the support for ukraine that it is unwavering not going away and will be here for as long as it takes but he used this speech to push back on putin pretty forcefully especially just hours after we heard from the russian leader blaming the west for conflict happening in ukraine saying that's why that is happening, president biden saying that's obviously not the case, patently not true, if putin decided tomorrow to end the war, he could. but that's not what's happening, seemeded two speeches vastly different world views. only thing they seem to agree on is that this is not likely to end any time in the near future. >> what's been the reaction to
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putin's decision to suspend participation in the new start treaty >> i'm not sure totally surprised. they're not formally pulling out there weren't any spikeds happening anyway, state department announced russia was out of compliance because they stopped happening during covid, never rescheduled. russia come up with excuses of why they were not conducting those inspections and now the idea of actually letting an outside party come in and responsibility the nuclear sites is basically off the table. i think the white house is saying it raises questions about warms agreements going forward, it's is irresponsible that putin made the announcement that he did saying they're not going to participate but it does raise the question what happens when it's time to renegotiate a new one, because obviously there's basically little to no trust between these two sides here on a pretty important matter. >> also said the new security
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assistance package for ukraine, what's in it >> it was like the 30 seconds package going to ukraine, half a billion dollars, includes a lot of what you've seen before, ammunition, the two things it doesn't include is what zelenskyy has been most vocal about lately longer range missiles and the f16 fighter jets, president biden was here in warsaw, there was a sign saying to send those f16 fighter jets to ukraine that is something they're still discussing they have not made a final decision and don't seem to be at this point leaning toward doing so. the president did also announce today that in the coming days, the u.s. and other nato allies will be announcing new sanctions on russia but remains to be seen what those look likely even though putin was talking about how the russian economy he was arguing was more resilient than a lot in the west believed it would be at this point with the sangs put on russia so far. >> appreciate it next vladimir putin speech and view from
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russia, cnn is in moscow with more. >> fred we heard vladimir putin again frame the conflict in ukraine as self-defense protect russia from western aggression how was the speech received. >> vast majority are exactly line with what vladimir putin said it was interesting we spoke to a pollster who said that 80% of a russians are on board with the kind of messaging that vladimir putin is providing. those are his popularity ratings if you look at what he said today, he was essentially saying russia tried to prevent this conflict in the end no other chance, there's lot of russians do believe that, people on the streets we talked to who said exactly the same thing and believe that russia will see this through. i did speak with some people who were in russian politics, and a lot of them quite frankly seemed pretty relieved vladimir putin didn't go further than he did, however, also pretty prominent russian military bloggers felt
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he didn't go far enough and wanted more moeshlgs and some wanted a declaration of war >> has there been reaction that president biden claimed it will never be a victory for russia. >> i got in touch with the kremlin spokesperson very late tonight, and he was essentially telling me that obviously the russians feel quite provoked by some things that president biden said. it was interesting because he said to me that you cannot speak about destroying russia as he put it without speaking of nuclear war. he said there would be no winners in a nuclear war but he once again reiterated what vladimir putin was essentially saying that the russians seemed to believe that the u.s. wants to weaken russia and also was an to disintegrate russia. strong words coming out on the kremlin in reaction to president biden's speech. >> and would be suspending the participation in new start nuclear arms treaty what are the
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potential implications from that from the russian side. >> i think there couple pretty big implications to that, because of course, a treaty like that involves inspections of nuclear sites for instance so the u.s. could verify how many they have in certain places, it's quite important and vladimir putin simply said that is something that is not going to be happening going forward. at least for the time that this treaty is suspended and he said that's happening because the russians blamed the ukrainians for hitting a military base where russia has strategic bombers last year, in the southwest of russia and he was claiming certainly without any sort of evidence that nato helped ukraine to that. that's why the russians are saying for now they're suspending the agreement, the russian foreign ministry said look they're suspending it the time being but can be reversed nevertheless there could be consequences we know anderson that the new start treaty was on
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ropes anyway, the u.s. was saying that it's russians weren't complying with the. certainly this could be another big blow to an important treaty. >> thanks. let's go to cnn chief international anchor in poland, you've been speaking with the leaders of eastern and central europe, how was president biden's message today, affirmed american support for nato is that what they wanted to hear? >> they absolutely did. and you're right. the you will munich conference part of the balance of power is shifting to the east and europe, because they have been absolutely rock solid in trying to get everyone now everybody is on board pretty much on the west but to understand putin's desire which he called imperialist. he was really. really pleased when i asked him about how he read president
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biden's trip to ukraine and also what he heard from him here today in warsaw. >> the very thought present travel to kiev that he was there, it sends and incredibly powerful signal that political and strategic signal it is a demonstration of strength of the united states indeed. it is like saying that the american leader who as a matter of fact is the leader of the free world is able to travel even when war is raging to a place where there is a punily danger he's not afraid because the united states is strong enough to protect him. >> and then he added that it also is a huge demonstration that biden, the president of the united states was able to make this speech here in poland, and what he said was it was really interesting he drew a line from president reagan alongside the polish pope, of course, john paul the 2nd way back in the 80's as being responsible for
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helping pull down that iron curtain, all the way for you to biden, he made the connection, facing off against democracy and dictatorer ship in that former soviet space, it was very historical for them who suffered of course, you know, russian aggression in the history. >> it's interesting. in the past there has been concern from a number of soviet countries that america and west have been slow to recognize a growing threat from russia, sounds like they feel those concerns are suddenly being addressed now. >> absolutely. it's very colorful when talking about he said frankly he said, in the west, maybe you have romantic ideas about things, for us, it's about being deported to siberia or having the soviet union take over our nations during the cold war, which became the warsaw packet and he explained that for them, freedom
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and independence and sovereignty is absolute key and particularly the test for them, especially on this country's border is ukraine. >> vladimir putin speech again framed this conflict as a confrontation between russia and the west blames the west. he said they started it, which is not the case. was this a purely for domestic audience in russia or do you think there's larger geo political message putin is sending to the west? >> you know, i was quite baffled by the speech. it wasn't as militant as i expected it to be in terms of laying out what putin saw as the future of this war, it was much tamer than when he came out on february 24th or whatever and warned the west not to get involved, there would be a mistake of historic proportions he started to rattle with the nukes, what he did do was play what russians constantly played
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the victim card and turning reality on its head saying that it was the west who started this war and the russians he had to get involved to stop them. of course, we henderson president biden address that in his speech saying at no point have we said we're looking for the struck of russia, the disintegration of russia, that's not what's happening here, we're here two defend a sovereign democratic state maintain territorial integrity and independence. >> appreciate it. much more on all of this, including more in kiev with more on how putin's words are being received in ukraine and the nato allied commander with mixed signals, will the former president be indicted in georgia, the grand jury forewoman heard all the evidence and speak, about the likelihood of that tonight ahead. ♪ ♪. ♪ ♪. ffortless and its customizable scacans with social sentiment help you find and unlock opportunities in the market
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president biden did. perspective now from chief international correspondent in kiev. >> how have the speechs by biden and putin been received in kiev >> well, it's interesting, anderson. a lot of people here said they weren't going to bother to watch putin's speech, zelenskyy the president among them, although he did later issue a statement saying that quote, these people are communicating as terrorists, the only difference is that terrorists where masks. and these guys don't cover their faces. that was a view that was also put out there by one of his top advisors, who talked to about how confused putin seemed and how irrelevant so much of what he talked about was and his obsession as he said with what he called nazis, martians and conspiracy theories, clearly he ukrainians feeling strong that will essentially russia and president putin putting forward an alternate version of reality, which is in stark contrast to the response to biden's speech,
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which has been well received by those who saw it very well received by president zelenskyy took to twitter saying thank you for rallying support around the world, kiev stands tall and proud >> is there any sense of what ukrainians think or official there is think vladimir putin's next step may be? obviously they have been waiting for this major offensive. >> there's been a lot of concern understandably, because they understand that 150,000 russian troops have just finished training and are ready to be deployed into the battlefield and they're seeing the russians are pushing quited hard along several particularly in the cafe region, they've been making small incremental gains, and other areas ukrainian managed to take back are just being brought
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the shelled day in and out today, anderson, five people killed in shelling there, another 12 people injured in that attack. so a lot of concern really that there may be more provocations as well around the anniversary they've recommended to schools that all school goes into remote learning next three days in case provocation during this sensitive period. >> thanks so much. where the war stands, what vladimir putin said and did not say this morning, joining is retired army general lesley clark and nato supreme court allied commander, and cnn commentator adam kin singer. >> putin did not announce a new wave of russian civilians into the armed forces and hard line military bloggers wanted him to why do you think that is >> i think he wanted to duck
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that you because he has other means of bringing in troops, he mobilized quietly more than 300,000 he announced in october and he's putting out calls for college, university students to be pulled in, he has other means drawing this in. he doesn't want to take that burden on himself politically dealing with the russian people. >> what message do you think russia is trying to send here, the foreign ministry they continue to respect nuclear weapons cap and maybe it was reversible. >> i think that is as much for his own audience. look the new start has been kind of a problem for awhile in terms try going to around it and russia skirting some requirements, and i don't think this was a big surprise to us. i think it's important and i guess noteworthy they did say suspension instead of pulling out. if you trust the russians on
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these issues that's a whole another thing, it's for the domestic audience, vladimir putin doesn't have a lot to stand in front of his people and brag about, a lot he can stand up and talk about which probably spending an hour and 45 minutes and seem that way, this war is going on a long time he doesn't value human life and when you don't value human life you can put it in the matter grinder over and over. >> how solid do you think nato unit >> good in terms of saying we'll stay with ukraine, but i think there are certain different perspectives on how the war might end on how negotiations might unfold, whether there will be fire aircraft and additional tanks sent in long range images, that's sort of the noise underneath the nato unity.
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i think the president understands and certainly those worked with nato understand the nato unity is a key factor here, we've got to move forward together. got to get the different perspectives harmonized and make these decisions step-by-step. >> how unified do you think the american people are on this or at least the politicians? there have been polls the past few weeks shown softening support for sending more money and military equipment to ukraine, especially among republicans. anybody grew up with ronald reagan, it's kind of stunning to see the support among democrats versus republicans for u.s. involvement in the war in ukraine >> this is what happens when you lack leadership. so on foreign policy, american people generally are willing to either go to war or give aid or support our allies in war as long as somebody stands in front of them and makes the case for
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that, joe biden needs to do a better job of that, i think his trip was great and sends a strong message, but the republican side, who an elected republican politics is out there making the case for the war? there may be a few i haven't heard them. instead what you see is profit centers, blogs, other cable tv news hosts make a lot of money on creating fear on owning the lib's whatever it is of the day and that's what the war has become. the republicans, if they are given the reason and they are showed the reason for this, they would be supportive, there's no leadership in the republican party, it's mind blowing to me and by the way there's question a lot of folks think we're writing checks to ukraine and haven't been explained lot of this a value put on equipment much of it older we're sending to ukraine. >> there's lot of arguments
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about increased action in the east side, we haven't seen 150,000 new conscripts in the battle zone yet, what do you think about this new offensive when it might be >> i think they're having trouble massing the forces getting them up there. i think there's action taking place that we don't see. electronic warfare other things, maybe train derailments inside russia, we don't see these things, but i think if it had been up to putin, he would have launched by now or on the 24th of february, the anniversary, and we're hearing that this will slip away a week or two, they may get into the mud season on this. so this is still although ukraine is extremely concerned about the potential thus far, mr. putin and his generals haven't been able to bring that potential to bear in this. >> generals, thank you so much, appreciate it. coming up up new comments by
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the forewoman in the special grand jury in the election ference by the former president what she's saying about t wheth he may face charges next. ♪. ♪. ♪. can n provide you with the tools and expertise you need to bring out the innovator inin you. (psst psst) ahhhh... with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary spraying flonase daily gives you longasting, non-drowsy relief. (psst psst) flonase. all good.
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we heard his name a lot. we definitely heard a lot about former president trump. and we definitely discussed him a lot in the room. and i will say that when this list comes out you wouldn't -- there are no major plot twists waiting for you >> kohrs also indicated that the grand jury recommended charges for multiple people. wouldn't give an exact number but probably at least a dozen, she said, quote, it wasn't a short list. now former assistant u.s. attorney the author of the new book untouchable how powerful people get away with us and chief political correspondent and co acre dana bash, first of all why this person is talking on tv, i do not understand she's clearly enjoying herself, is this responsible? she was the foreperson of this grand jury
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>> i guarantee you prosecutors are wining this >> i was wining. >> it's painful in that respect. that's a serious prospect here, we're talking about indicting any person, potentially taking away that person's liberty. talking about potentially a former president for the first time in this nation of history, she does not seem to be taking that seriously. >> there's no reason for her to be talking. >>, no it's a prosecutor's nightmare. mark my words, donald trump's team is going make a motion if there's an indictment to dismiss that indictment based on grand jury impropriety, she's not supposed to be talking about anything, but not supposed to be talking about the deliberations. she's talking about what specific witnesses they saw, what the grand jury thought of them. she said some of them we found credible, some we found funny. i don't know why that's relevant but she's been saying we found this guy funny or interesting. i think she's potentially crossing a line here that will be a problem for prosecutors. >> if the former president is included in these recommended indictments, this unprecedented and obviously on every level from former president current presidential candidate. what does that mean for the next year or two in american politics
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let alone this actual case >> you know, it's anything that has to do with donald trump is thought with so much and that's the political reality every single republican primary voter will have to deal with. i was talking to people in trump world today, one of whom reminded me that we're talking about georgia, but there's also new york. and there's also doj . he has a lot of things coming at him at once, historical, politically we're talking the last seven, eight years, donald trump has been able to turn all of this to his political favor and use it as a kind of look i'm just like you i have the institutions coming after me, the whoa is me and you've seen that with some statements today. but in this time when there's a
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lot of trump exhaustion in the republican electorate, not enough potential told mean he won't get the nomination but there's much more than has been since he's been on the scene, this kind of thing certainly won't help politically speaking. >> i want to play what the foreperson said about mark meadows, the former chief of staff. let's listen. >> mr. meadows didn't share very much at all. was not very willing to speak on much of anything, asserted his rights and under the fifth amendment and executive privilege, which he absolutely had the right to do. >> ok, again, i'm shocked. >> grand jury testimony is supposed to be secret only people in that room are the grand jurier, prosecutors and the witnesses, and here she's talking about the substance of mark meadows testimony and talked in other outlets about the substance of other people's testimony and what the grand
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juriers made of that. i will say this, it's entirely clear you don't have to be a legal expert you don't have to have a phg in psychology that grand jury recommended an indictment of donald trump >> it's up to the da >> it's a virtual certainty she will seek an indictment. they've not been over the top as this grand jurier i think it's quite clear that's where we're headed it's important to keep in mind, an indictment is just the start but we have a long way to go in that case >> you mentioned the former president reacting to some of this, what is he saying >> well, he's saying it's kind of the greatest hits of the kind of response that you hear from donald trump that we're all familiar with now about the partisan prosecutor calling reverse racism, whatever that means. i want to add one other thing to what elly was saying about what
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this foreman said i will be asked if nothing happens ashes the interview was going on, i was texting with a former trump attorney still very much plugged into trump world, who was saying what elly said. that this is like >> gold for them not only legally but also politically, and kind of laughing about the fact that yes, i mentioned that you have georgia, new york, doj, a lot coming at him. but this source said you know, this is a guy meaning donald trump, who is like three cats. he's got 27 lives. every time you see the brink coming for him, politically and legally, something else happens. and we don't know if this is the something else in this particular case. but it is a thing, no question. >> thanks so much, coming up we have an interesting cnn special report as uprising continue
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across iran, a cnn investigation found a network used by iran ukrainian authorities to torture protesters. cnn sat down with two survivors, details next. ♪ ♪. call 1-800-directv to guarantee your price for 2 years. ♪ gillette presents... the gillettelabs with exfoliating bar. the bar in the handle removes unen dirt and debris that gets in the way of the blades. for effortless shaving in one efficient stroke. all with a lifetime warran. and if you want to keep the beard, use king c. gillette. a lineup of products designed to cleanse, soften, trim, and style- for your best beard. gillette. the best a man can get. introducing the new sleep number climate360 smart bed. only smart bed in the world that actively cools, warms, and effortlessly responds to both of you. our smart sleepers get 28 minutes more restful sleep per night.
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of wearing the head scarf incorrectly sharked official it's led to brutal crack-down, in december, cnn found a push to execute prosecutors using sham trials and forced confessions, at least 60 protesters were executed in january alone, a cnn investigation uncovered minor three dozen illegal detention centers or black sites used by the rannian regimes, cnn sat down with two survivors, we warn you the report contains graphic descriptions of torture and sexual violence. >> the last six weeks, he's been on the run, each night moves to a different safe house brutally tortured 21 days at the hands of iranian regime terrified he will find him his crime organizing
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medics to help wounded protesters, even with his fear of being tracked down somebody still wants to identify himself and show the regime they didn't break him. >> i set up a group of underground medics, treated around 700 people, the regime was committing war crimes, forbidding treatment of injured. i promised my friends to fight for them. >> his friends like so many iranians have been on the streets, protesting against the clerical regime that has for so long dictated their lives, a medical student was picked up by iranian security forces and brought to black site, a interrogation facilitate outside the rule of law. many survivors tell cnn forced confessions are extracted through the most brutal of torture methods, these confessions have at times been used in court to execute protesters for crimes against the state.
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he refused to sign what he believed would be his death warrant. >> why should i have sign some daying i hadn't he identify? i'm not a terrorist, not a murder. i only save lives, that's it my team and i did nothing more. >> unlike so many other victims of torture cnn interviewed, he was not blindfolded during do i he tension, got the following images to take you inside the or deal that he and so many other iranian protesters have been subjected to. >> i was forced into building hidden by trees. next to a bell school. on the first day, the two guards kicked me, i vomited blood, each day the torture was worse, there was a closet in the corner of the room filled with torture tools electric cattle prods, different cutter, some syringes, they drugged me, wanted me to stay alive longer to torture me more. the guards started kissing me
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and licking my neck. touched my genitals and buttocks on day 16 of my arrest, i descended into held. >> they tied my hands and shackled my legs. they wanted to break me, to destroy me. they pulled my trousers down. i thought they were going to give me an electric shock again, he took it and went behind me, shoved the baton into my anus and said this is what us soldiers of the revolution do to gay boys like you, i was shocked didn't know what to do. i couldn't scream. i was dumb struck and just cried in silence. >> i can see the dark circles
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around your eyes. do you sleep >> he buildings if he had signed the fools confession as the guards wanted him to they would have hanged him for treason, he doesn't know why his torturers released him, he thinks they wanted him two die on street -- a chilling warning. based on some detailed, cnn has been able to locate the black site where he said he was tortured in his home town. these are the trees that hide the unnamed building he was brought into and this is the school where he had children playing in the court yard. this is not the only black site. cross referencing testimony from over two dozens sources with satellite images cnn found dozenss of these black sites, which can be divided for a two types, undeclared illegal jails inside government facilities such as military bases an
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intelligence centers and makeshift jails that typically quadruple up temporarily near protest sites, for instance in this city known for the pilgrimage sites, been using mosques as detention centers, this can be seen in different cities across the country, we found at least six unofficial detention centers, and five and the capitol cnn was able to locate eight different pop-up torture sites, after speaking to dozens of eye witnesses tortured in these different unofficial detention centers the barbaric treatment was not unique, his experience tallies with other eye witness testimony >> robbed himself. >> hands tied >> no choice but to confess. >> in total, cnn located over three dozen jails across the country, paints a picture of
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torture on an industrial scale, an uprising posed the biggest existential threat to the regime in decades of these are photos of just some of the protesters that state hospital physician doctor and his colleagues treated in the city. a major flash point in the cracked of the uprising it was an illegal act according to the iranian regime for that he too was brought to black site and tortured. >> their power in and of themselveses don't follow human rights, there is no supervision, what kind of supervision do you have to have to when people are being raped. they don't have boundaries, they want to you confess to prosecute you. >> the doctor is also now in hiding. >> you risked so much to do your job.
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>> if i cry, it's not because i fear this in public. it's not because of what i have lost. it's for the cruelty that people in iran are facing. >> reporter: even as evidence of torture on an industrial scale points to the desperation of regime it runs young protesters are equally defiant even in the face of the unimaginable. torture and death. >> such an incredible piece of reporting here. where is this strategy of suppression you think say about how the reach views the uprising. >> iranian authorities didn't respond to request for comment but the what the methodology we you uncovered is the regime is scared views the protest as an existential threat, so existential that their response to it, the architecture of suppression, that deploying is
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has to be denebul hidden from the eyes of the world, yet doesn't seem to be impacting the defiance of these protesters. >> i really appreciate incredible, thank you. still ahead, in the double murder trial of alex murdaugh, his only surviving son took the stand to defend his father, key developments next. ♪.. ♪. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on goldmine. well sheoesn't ow that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit
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the double murder trial of disgraced south carolina trial attorney alex murdaugh survived today. buster murdaugh recounted conversations he had with his father on the night of the murders and provided new details supporting his dad's defense. randi kaye has details. >> my name is buster, 26 years old. >> reporter: buster murdaugh, alex's only surviving son how he first heard his mother and brother had been killed. >> my dad called me. he asked me if i was sitting down. then he told me that my mom and brother had been shot. >> reporter: key for the defense, buster's testimony about how often his father showered, given the state has suggested that alex murdaugh washed up and changed his clothes after allegedly killing his wife and son. >> how frequently would your dad
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take a shower or bath? >> he could take them a lot. >> reporter: what about alex murdaugh's police interview, where one investigator testified he thought murdaugh said, i did him so bad, regarding his son paul. the defense has argued their client said, they did him so bad. buster weighed in in court after the video played. >> so bad, so bad -- >> what did your dad say. >> they did them so bad. >> reporter: given that paul murdaugh was shot with a shotgun, buck shot and a bird shot, the defense seemed to lean on buster to convince the jury that his father would never have loaded a shotgun like that. >> you ever seen any guns on your property loaded in that fashion? >> no, sir. >> buck shot with a bird shot right behind it? >> no, sir. >> reporter: after buster finished this forensic engineer testified for the defense. he told the jury based on his crime scene analysis a person shorter than alex murdaugh, who is about 6'4", likely killed
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both maggie and paul. >> it puts the shooter or whoever fired the weapon, if they were that tall, it puts them in an unrealistic shooting position. >> what, if any, opinion do you have as to whether that person could be alex murdaugh shooting into that quail pin? >> it can't be. >> reporter: this expert also testified about how the sound of gunfire travels. >> if you were in the house, even if you were walking around, you wouldn't hear that? >> that's key for the defense because if murdaugh didn't do this, and was napping in the main house at the time of the murders, as he said, it could explain why he didn't go and check on his family at the dog kennels. remember the state's witness a-gps expert who said murdaugh slowed his car down in the same area where maggie murdaugh's cell phone was later found, the state suggested murdaugh tossed the phone out of his car, but this witness disagreed with that. >> so he's speeding up from, you
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know, 42, 43, 44, 45 miles per hour as he goes through that area. >> any indication he stopped or slow down? >> no. >> randi joins me from zk smchk was buster murdaugh asked if his thought his dad was capable for something like that? >> no, anderson. we never heard him say in open court that he didn't think his father was capable of this or could do something like this. he did a good job of painting the picture of a very loving family, a family that golfed together. they went hunting together. there were birthday parties. they would call and text each other everyday, multiple times a day. but anderson, never that moment when buster murdaugh turned to the jury and said my mother loved maggie and paul so much he never could do something like this. >> we appreciate it. we'll be right back. and risk-res help make trading feel effortless and its customizizable scans with social sentiment help you find and unlock opportunities in the mararket
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quick programming note. national security officials from the biden administration for a cnn town hall, russia's invasion of ukraine, one year later. see it thursday night at 9:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. news continues with a special edition of "the situation room" with wolf blitzer. ♪ tonight, two
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