tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN February 22, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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>> good evening, president biden is expected back in washington after a three day european trip designed to strengthen support for ukraine a year into russia's invasion. we forgiving warsaw this, morning the president met with leaders from the eastern, frank and the joint commitment -- stand with ukrainian people, for as long as it takes. volodymyr putin for his part was also meeting with china's top envoy saying cooperation between their countries is very important for, quote, stabilizing the international situation. russia wants weapons from china, the pentagon spokeswoman today when it would, quote, certainly be a miscalculation of china to provide lethal aid to russia. president biden had a similar answer today when abc's david muir and asked about putin's announcement to say that moscow was suspending participation in the nuclear arms treaty with
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u.s.. >> what is your message to putin on that? >> it is a big mistake to do that. it's not very responsible. but i don't read into that that he's thinking of using nuclear weapons or anything like that. >> as for mr. putin, who cast the invasion in defensive terms yesterday, he signaled the opposite today, suggesting it's a war aimed at restoring a piece of the old russian and soviet empire. speaking at a concert, marking tours defender of the fatherland de, he said the battle is happening on, quote, our historical borders, meaning at the contemporary internationally recognized borders that russian forces crossed a year ago this week when they invaded ukraine. cnn chief white house correspondent phil mattingly is in warsaw for us tonight. cnn's fred pleitgen is in moscow. and in kyiv, cnn chief international correspondent clarissa ward. phil mattingly starts us off. what are the feelings among the white house officials about the trip, as it wrapped up? >> you know, anderson, in talking to white house officials over the course of the last several weeks about the broad outlines of their efforts related to the one year
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mark of this invasion, i am not sure at this moment you could say this could have scripted a better 72-hour period for their goals. there was the shock visit to ukraine, which is kind of a jolt to the collective system of the world as the president stood side by side with president zelenskyy. there was a speech that the president deeply wanted to deliver that was not just laying out the broader stakes here but also elevated them as well. then there were the myriad of meetings with key u.s. allies providing a personal commitment, a reiteration, of u.s. alliances and the value of them, but also the steadfast effort going forward on what is a war that shows no signs of ending anytime soon. and i think it's those meetings that will probably have the larger impact on this course of -- 80s three days. when you talk to officials,
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they make clear there were substantive and very detailed discussions with president zelenskyy behind closed doors, with president duda here in warsaw, and with those nin e leaders of the bucharest nine countries earlier today. those are not just grip and grab handshake type meetings, anderson. there's a tangible meetings about next epps about what is needed in this process ahead and about very complex and difficult decisions that need to be made. those decisions and how they bear out, will probably be the real test of how successful this trip was in the long term. but certainly, in the short
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term, this was what white house officials wanted to accomplish. >> they certainly should be a lot of concern about white house officials about vladimir putin's meeting with china's envoy and the potential for china supplying weapons to russia. >> anderson, there's no question about. it's been interesting, and asking u.s. officials on the course of the last couple of days with their thoughts were on the public statements, the speech, the rally from president putin -- there was not a lot of surprise, and not necessarily elevated concern, not a lot new, that they heard, even as referenced to suspending the new start treaty with somewhat dismissed. it was condemned. what it was dismissed as being more symbolic than actually tangible. it was the meetings that were
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happening at the same time, between president putin and wang yi, the top diplomat for china, and also president putin's top advisers, that you the most concern. you combine that with u.s. officials talking about the fact that they had seen intelligence that china is now considering providing legal aid to ukraine, and you get the sense that for all the issues that the u.s. is going to have to grapple with in the coming weeks and months related to this war in maintaining what to this point has been an extraordinarily durable coalition of western democracies, it's the potential for china's involvement or increased involvement, particularly on the lethal aid side that is drawing the most concern -- sharp condemnations and a very aggressive effort to head that off as it's become very clear
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that, despite china's reticence to be deeply involved, the alliance between russia and china is only growing closer. of course, president putin signaled that xi jinping could be coming to moscow sometime soon. >> yeah, phil mattingly, i appreciate it. next, we go to moscow and cnn's frederik pleitgen. frederik pleitgen, what came out of the meeting today between putin and beijing? >> hi there, anderson. putin certainly signaled that relations with beijing are certainly important to him. in fact, that concert you were talking about, the really important patriotic concert, putin came substantially late to that concert because he was meeting with wang yi, the top might of the chinese. and there he said that, first of all, xi jinping would be
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coming to moscow very soon, but also that he increasingly wanted to deepen those relations with the chinese because the chinese have become so important for the russians with all the sanctions that have a lot of it on the russians by the u.s. and western partners. but of, course also, it's militarily as well. i want to listen to some of what biden and putin had to say. >> translator: russian chinese relations are developing just as we find in previous years. everything is moving forward and developing. we are reaching new milestones. >> new milestones there is why vladimir putin was talking
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about. now wang yi seemed to take a swipe at the biden administration and those concerns that the chinese might be thinking about providing weapons to the russians. he was saying that the relations between china and russia are in solid footing. that they are not aimed at third countries. but they would also not be the subject, as he put, it to interference and provocations from third countries either, anderson. >> we talked about this concert in moscow where he spoke today about russia's historical borders. what other messages did he have for the crowd? >> yeah, you know what? it was a massive event in the russians were saying that they believe up to 200,000 people might show up there. i'm not sure was quite that many. the speech that he gave their was fairly short. he was talking about russian unity. who is obviously talking about persevering in the current conflict there in ukraine, talking about how all russians could be a part of that. there was another video message, actually, that had been sent out tonight, where there was a lot more substance than that. he talked about new weapons for the fight in ukraine, for the russian troops that are fighting, they're talking about how they were fighting it's neo-nazism in ukraine. but he also talked about strengthening rushes nuclear forces. and that is certainly something
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right now vladimir putin is not only in no mood to back down in ukraine, but also, of course, in the conflict with the west and specifically with the united states as, well. anderson >> frederik pleitgen, appreciated. more now on china, russia and u.s. on the high stakes involved. i talked about it with cnn's fareed zakaria shortly before airtime. >> so, fareed zakaria, as we talked, about there will be
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consequences if china provides russia with lethal military aid. what kind of consequences? how do you see this playing out? >> it's not easy to see exactly what they mean by that. i think that the truth is, we're trying to start aiding russia in a significant way, it would be a game-changer. the russians are running out of supplies and they are running out of missiles. they are running out of high tech gear. china could fill many of those gaps. not all those gaps. and the state of u.s. china relations is so bad that it's not clear what the chinese have to fear. the biden administration has already continued the trump tariffs. they have blocked china's access to lots of high tech equipment and computer chips. they are putting in place more processes to do things like that, to deny china access to a number of the kind of key technologies they need. so, you could imagine from beijing's point of view they are asking themselves, what do we have to lose? the americans are already trying to thwart us and here we have our only major power ally in the world, russia, that is asking us for something. so, it's a real dilemma. >> but why would it be in china 's interest to deepen the relationship? i mean, considering how the war is going for vladimir putin, why deep in the relationship in that way? >> from china's point of view, what they end up with is a vassal state that is the largest exporter of energy in the world. and china needs enormous amounts of energy. before the war, russia was the largest exporter of -- if you added oil, natural gas and coal altogether, russia was number one. and china needs all of that.
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in addition, the chinese and the russians do have one common strategic interest, which is, a wo that û >> i think so. i think that if there is a victory for russia in ukraine, th tnoan is an absolutand >> president bides o n i >> andersonand the answerde, he europeans need chinao a annonot relatio do. it is not absolutely necess, as you, say for them is o it. world. that is is bi be o y >> yeah, defareed zakaria, apprt wh next, tonistunningand ukraine about volun tan? it's repissui jared this thing, it's making me get an ice bath again. what do you mean? these straps are mind-blowing! they collect hundreds of data points like hrv and rem sleep, so you know all you need for recovery. and you are? i'm an invesco qqq, a fund that gives me access to...
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>> we want to bring you a part of the war in ukraine you've likely never seen before. you are about to meet a man who is doing a job that provides comfort to families who have lost loved ones in the fight. he brings their loved ones home, driving back and forth across ukraine with the dead, bringing ten to their families for burial. cnn's clarissa ward joins us
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now from kyiv. i found, clarissa, this report that you did so moving. just talk about how you found out about this and how you did this. >> yeah, anderson, it's not everybody who can do this job. and we certainly had not realized, initially, that it really falls to volunteers to do this work. and it is a lot of work. we spoke yesterday with the head of this volunteer group, bulldozer, and they said that yesterday was a record day for the number of ukrainian dead that they were trying to get back to their family so that they could give them proper burials. it's easy to get kind of carried away with the excitement of president biden's visit and all the enthusiasm and support for ukraine that that generated. but underneath that, anderson, when you are spending time, here you really remember just how green and deadly this war really is. take a look. on most days, this man sets out before dawn.
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part of a volunteer group called bulldozer that transports the remains of ukraine's fallen soldiers back to their families. i had a more in the kyiv suburb of boryspil, a group of serviceman are waiting to meet the body of private alexei lipvanov. it's somber work in the men move quickly. the man hands over the soldiers personal effects. at the moment we have 18 bodies, he tells us. and each family wants to get them as soon as possible. so, why do you do this work? few people are willing to do this work for free, he says. and not everyone has the psyche for it. there that lonely, seemingly endless hours on the road, as he crisscrosses the country. emblazoned across the side of his truck is the number 200, a military term for the transport of dead bodies that dates back to soviet times. on occasion, four sessions of people line up on their knees to greet the truck out of respect for the dead.
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and a morgue in the city of dnipro, radnoi stops to pick up more bodies. overwhelmed by the number of casualties, the hospital has taken to storing them in a shipping container in a parking lot. as the man work, mourning relatives file past. ukraine is not release information on how many of its soldiers have been killed in action. but reponoi says his workload has soared in recent weeks, as fighting has raged in the sneak rain. do you have how how many bodies you have -- at this stage? >> -- in this van, he says, around 1000. and now we are at a stage in the war where more and more ukrainian soldiers are being killed. are you seeing that? at the moment, yes, he tells
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us. right now, it's a large amount. ♪ ♪ ♪ 36 after hours after reponoi i dropped off his body, private lipvanov is given a proper funeral injury spill. killed in the donbas region on february 11th, his mother marina can finally say goodbye to her son. how important to you was it to have his body returned? so that you could give him this beautiful funeral today? the main thing is to have him at home, not laying somewhere eaten by birds. you understand how awful it is when people just disappear, she says. we cannot change anything. but thank god he is here and i can come to visit him.
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this is the reason that reponoi does this work. but seeing the families grief is also incredibly painful. the hardest part is when you drop them off, he says, when their relatives president present to look them in the eye. it's very hard, he says. there's so much emotion, so many tales. but there's no time for tears tonight. reponoi still has more bodies to deliver. and across ukraine, many families are still waiting. >> it's just extraordinary. is ukraine taking any extra precautions ahead of friday's anniversary of the invasion? >> they are, anderson. because they have seen that russia, in the past, on kind of symbolic occasions like new year's eve, which is a huge holiday here, can fire off missile attacks just to make a statement or create a provocation.
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so, they have asked schools around the country to go into kind of remote learning mode, essentially, for the next couple of days, with kids studying online at home. they have also asked people in the city of kherson, which is a city in the south that was liberated a few months ago but has come under just constant shelling with the russians sort of have pulled back their forces but can still print it hit it pretty hard -- they've asked people they are, again to be mindful about going out, for businesses to stay closed, government workers to work from home, and for humanitarian aid groups not to be going out and distributing aid on those days. they don't know exactly what, if anything, is going to
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happen. but they want to be prepared for any possibility. because, especially in the aftermath of biden's visit and his speech, there is a sense that, potentially, there could be some kind of a provocation, whether that might be a missile attack, whether it might be artillery, whether it might be drones. we just don't know. anderson. >> clarissa ward, we appreciate it. beautiful report, thank you. ahead, the latest on the new report by the new york times, that the u.s. special counsel has subpoenaed ivanka trump and jared kushner. irectv i can get live tv and on demand together: football, housewives, football, housewives, football, housewives... whoops. oh no... the housewives are on the field. i repeat, the housewives are on the field. i just want to talk! yeah! who flips a table? alright, i get it. call 1-800-directv to guarantee your price for 2 years.
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>> almost two weeks after a source told cnn that the january six special counsel had subpoenaed the former vice president, sources tell the new york times that jackson and has now done the same with his daughter ivanka and her husband jared kushner, who both worked closely with the former president in the white house. cnn political correspondent sara murray joins us now with details. so, what do prosecutors hope to learn from these to >> look, these are people who both had, basically, a front row seat on january six. ivanka trump was with her father when he allegedly called vice president mike pence and pressured him to block the certification of the election results. she was with her father when he spoke to that rally at the ellipse where people were chanting, hang mike pence. later in the day, jared kushner had returned from the middle east. and both of them were with the former president, then the president of the time, trying to convince him to call off the rioters. if you want to kind of check
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the box of what was donald trump doing, what was he saying, what was he potentially thinking on the day of january 6th, you need to talk to ivanka trump and jared. >> i was going to ask, is it unusual to move to subpoena the daughter and son-in-law of a former president. obviously, it is very unusual to even have a former president be investigated like. this so, this is unusual on top of unusual. >> the whole thing is unusual. i mean, think about also what ivanka trump and jared kushner 's roles were in the white house. that was unusual. that's part of the reason they had this sort of front row seat to this sort of infamous moment. and so it makes sense that special counsel jack smith is going to want to talk to them. remember, the january 6th house investigators also spoke to both ivanka trump and jared kushner. and they frankly came away with a pretty scathing assessment of ivanka trump's testimony, saying that she was not very forthcoming and saying that one of her aides happen to remember more about the events that were unfolding around january 6th then ivanka trump did. again, if you are jackson, if you are the special counsel and
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you are trying to do this fulsome investigation, of course you are going to check this box. this is a place that other investigators have gone before. it's not the same escalation as we saw, with him going after a vice president mike pence. but it is still, as you, said very unusual. >> yeah, sara murray appreciate it. i want to get some perspective now from cnn legal analyst elliott williams. what can they get from these two that the january 6th committee could not? >> certainly, anderson, the justice department cannon forces on subpoenas, which congress can. if congress which to go down the road of trying to compel anybody to testify, they would
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have to go to the justice department and take everything to court and it would just be a more sort of convoluted complex legal process. so, anything the justice department does is going to have more teeth than congress, both in the way of subpoenas and bringing anybody in to testify. >> so -- how likely is it that the former president would try to just invoke executive privilege? and how would that play out? >> certainly, he can. now, look, regardless of the fact that these individuals where the daughter and son-in-law of the president, they were still senior advisers to the president of the united states. some conversations that they would have had with the president are desperately going to be protected on account of the role. so many side why they were there and what people think about how they got appointed and so, on the right house senior staff -- now, look, not every conversation you have with an individual is going to be
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protected. think about. it if they were talking about that hang mike pence conversation, is that really within the scope of their duties as an aide to the president? or policy related decisions with regard to the president? no. it's a criminal investigation. and there's going to be a very gray area here, anderson, that the court is going to have a slice up and decide, was this within the scope of your duties as an aide? or were you serving a candidate who also, by the, way happen to be your father? >> if it was in the scope of their duties, and yet it is also jermaine to a criminal investigation, where does the? where does that? fall >> right. these are hard legal questions. like you were saying, with sara murray. they're unusual and i've never come up before. look, most of the time the executive branch would have been the need to the criminal process. this, we came and saw, there's
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40 or 50 years ago in the context of richard nixon -- so, necessarily, if there is a criminal investigation this is jermaine information. it ought to be provided to law enforcement. but again, it is a little bit blurry when you talking about white house staff who might have matters that sort of touch policy but also don't. but again, the big takeaway here is that merely working in the white house or, frankly, merely being the president of the united states, can't be a shield to ever being investigated or participating in an investigation into criminal conduct. >> the timeline of what it would take to go through a battle over executive privilege on this -- i mean, what is that? >> so, look. there is the practical timeline in the legal timeline, anderson. the legal timeline -- it's indefinite. jack smith, by virtue of being special counsel, can out-live the attorney general and stay on the job for years. now, look -- we live in the real world. and if at the end of the day there is a big political election coming up and the former president's himself may well be a candidate, and all of this becomes more complicated and use the words you and sarah said a moment ago, more unusual in about. here i think they have an
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interest in moving things along pretty quickly. >> obviously, the special counsel is not just investigating january 6th. also, it's the mar-a-lago documents case. it's not clear how much ivanka trump and jared kushner would know as witnesses related to documents. >> but, look, they clearly have proximity to the president. and the law, at least under federal law, does not create a privilege for merely being the daughter of somebody. conversationwith under o enforcement. nnforcement. somebody a and isbe violati doing. so >> all rig a > train with i ohio, deefforts, cnn's miguel -- has the latest on next. among my patients, i often see them have teeth sensitivity as well as gum issues. does it worry me? absolutely.
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>> tomorrow, the national transportation safety board is set to release its from 11 to report on the train wreck nine days ago in east palestine, ohio, that force a temporary evacuation in a control release of toxic fumes. transportation secretary pete buttigieg is scheduled to visit more. this comes as the epa threaded to the trained operator, norfolk southern, saying they
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can find them $75,000 a day if they fail to clean up and pay for the wreck. the incident is also become increasingly political. the former president visited the area today just ahead of secretary buttigieg's visit. in just a minute, cnn is going to host a town hall with residents of east palestine and their state's governor, mike dewine. but first, cnn's miguel marquez has the latest on the ground. >> a massive effort is underway to clean up creeks and water flowing in and around east palestine, ohio. >> it is decimating our businesses. >> it's dirty, difficult and slow going work. for those living here, building trust that the water and air is safe, and slow going is the cleanup itself. >> it took norfolk southern, three days, four days, for us to get a partial list. vinyl chloride, beautiful actor late and benzene -- with a heller combustible
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liquids? it could be anything. >> the makings of this disaster appears to have started somewhere between alliance, ohio, and the derailment in the east palestine. surveillance video of the train in alliance shows no signs of sparks coming from its wheels. there is a detector in sebring, ohio that would over kate indicate overheat, a so-called hot box attacker. it's unclear if it detected any overheat. but in salem, ohio, just 13 miles further along, a surveillance video clearly shows sparks in and bright lights coming from under a rail car and about the halfway point of the train. there is another hot box detector just down the track from where the surveillance video was taken. but it's not clear if it detected an overheat either. if it did, both the conductor and dispatcher would have been
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alerted to a heating issue, the ntsb said shortly before the derailment another detector alert to the crew to a mechanical issue. the derailment occurred around 8:55 pm shortly after the train passed market street on downtown east palestine. the epa now ordering norfolk southern to pay for and clean up the entire disaster zone. >> they have to put together a work plan that is going to be very prescriptive in terms of all of the cleanup, how they would do it, and the radius of that cleanup. we also have to explain to us how they will pay for it. >> all of this as former president trump visits east palestine, an area of ohio where he still enjoys enormous support. >> the community has shown the tough and resilient heart of america, that's what it is. this is really america right
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here. >> miguel joins me now from east palestine. so, what steps are being taken right now to ensure that they are in water are safe? >> yeah. in addition to that cleanup that you are seeing in the creeks that one through east palestine and any surrounding water as well, they are doing tons of testing, everywhere. they have done over 500 tests in homes and municipal water around the area. they have not found any significant contamination so far. but consider private wells and whether those private wells will remain free of any contaminants, so they are insisting or telling people that they have private well as they should get them tested and get them tested regularly. the governor here in ohio here says they will test every single week, the municipal water supply until they are short it is safe. anderson? >> have the political battles over this impacted the ability
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to move forward with the cleanup in some way? >> it certainly makes the population here less and less -- more and more distrustful of the federal government effort. the epa has really moved here in a big way to try to bring order to all of this and force norfolk southern to focus on the cleanup here. this is trump country. in a very hard-core way, the signs around here, the reception he got today, and all of that adds a layer of difficulty in an area that already distrusts the government, business is, the government at every level. it does not, certainly, make it easier. miguel, appreciate it. >> once again, residents of east palestine and governor mike dewine join jake tapper for a toxic -- we will have residents peak out about 20 minutes from now here on cnn. meanwhile, tonight, more than 1600 flights were canceled today as a powerful winter storm hit much of the country.
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more than 65 million people all the way from california to maine are under winter weather alerts. senior meteorologist jennifer gray tracking it for us. so, where conditions are worse right now? and where is the storm headed? >> conditions are going to be the worst across portions of the midwest. places like western minnesota, south dakota, north dakota -- you can see that blizzard warning in effect. we are going to see blinding conditions with just driving snow, very strong winds. in fact, some of these winds will be anywhere from 50, maybe 55 miles per hour across the southwest. we could see winds of 60 to 70 miles per hour. so, you can see where the biggest impacts are going to be, these areas shaded in red. also, power outages are quickly
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piling up more than a quarter of 1 million power outages with very frigid temperatures. we are going to see very high impacts across the sierra as well as the snow piles up. so, here's the radar. you can see where the snow is now. but northern tier across the northern plains, midwest, the great lakes. that is going to continue to come down throughout the overnight hours. we are also seeing icing across these areas. and that is also going to make travel nearly impossible throughout the overnight and early tomorrow. this should be winding down, though, by the time we get to midday tomorrow and moving out. this is going to have a huge impact on northern new england as well, because we could see a foot to a foot and a half of snow there as far as the ice goes. we could see a quarter to a half inch of ice and here is the snow yet to come. we could see an additional eight inches of snow across the midwest. and as this moves into new england, and it's, and we could pick up, as i said, a foot to a foot and a half of snow. >> i also understand, i mean, despite all, this they were record-breaking temperatures today. >> yeah, it's actually remarkable. we had 100-degree span across the south and then the northern rockies today and look at all of these records broken. atlanta hit 81 degrees today.
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and facts, that's a monthly record and then corpus christi hit 95 today just shattering the previous record. and if you see, all of the previous records here, it really was in the last five years. it just goes to show that climate change, we are in this warming pattern. and we are going to see this more often. 135 possible record highs were broken through friday. and then 35 possible record lows. so, definitely yin and yang going on across the n f focnn's harry enten hthe numbers and we know 80% of couples sleep too hot or too cold. introducing the new sleep number climate360 smart bed. the only smart bed in the world that actively cools, warms, and effortlessly responds to both of you. our smart sleepers get 28 minutes more restful sleep per night. proven quality sleep. only from sleep number. ♪ ♪
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-hour trip to warsaw and keep. the president has not actually gotten off yet, as you can see there, the stairs, they are being brought to the plane. phil mattingly at the top of the hour, his sources at the white house, telling him that they are pleased with the presidents visit and what the president accomplish at these the anniversary of russia's invasion of ukraine approaches. meantime, the all but declared presidential candidacy of florida governor ron desantis took a big leap forward in the money primary this month with some seven figure checks from top republican donors. according to records reviewed by cnn, desantis is operating at the 2. 5 million dollar check from one donor and 1 million dollars apiece from two more. cnn also reports his total cash on hands puts him on equal footing with the former president. this comes on the heels of the presidents'day campaign style stops with new york, philadelphia and, chicago area police officers, and this weekend he scheduled to host a three-day don't retreat a few minutes drive from the former president's mar-a-lago estate. and then next week, another potential campaign --
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i new memoir comes out followed by a feature book tour. i'm joined now by senior data reporter, harry enten with more. does it surprise you that desantis is getting these big checks without even announcing? >> no, i'm not surprised at, all anderson. the reason i'm not surprised at all is, look how much money he razor in his 2022 reelection bid for florida governor. north of $200 million. it's north of $200 million. and look at how much trump raised. in actually the first month and a half of his campaign ending at the end of 2022. only about $10 million -- in fact, it's a little bit less than that. and money is not everything in politics. in a peasant eventual bid -- by you kind of a successful campaign without having money on hand. >> he's been viewed as a national candid or potential national candidate for quite awhile. >> that's exactly. right and that's why i think he raised so much in 2022, is because, to a lot of people, we are trying to get into the ground floor, right? and to me this is just an indication that trump is not necessarily going to have the easiest time sort of dispelling
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or disposing of ron desantis from the field. just in terms of polls he is also already on the former president feels, is empty? >> he very much so is on the former president feels. we had two pretty good high quality polls that were national polls that came out in the last few weeks, one from quinnipiac, one from monmouth. and what do you see right there? you see one with trump with just a five point lead, but desantis is all the way up to 36%. you see another one, monmouth, and look at haley and pence. way back. way back. and i think this is the thing -- there's all this thought, you know? all oh my god, these candidates are going to get in, it might split the anti trump vote. right? this is something we saw in 2016. but here's the thing i want to tell you, anderson. if you take one thing away from me, it is this. >> i don't want to take one thing away from -- you >> if you want to take one thing -- i hope you want to take two or three things from the, to be honest. but either way, if you are to take one thing away from me, the anti trump vote this year is not split as much as it was in 2016.
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desantis at this point, you know, at 36, 33% vote -- if you look, at, essentially, this point, three months after trump declared during his 2016 bid, the top leading candidate was, in fact, been carson, who is only at about 17% of quinnipiac's poll. at this point, ron desantis at 36%, is much higher than the -- >> what happens when you look at trump versus ron desantis one-on-one? >> yeah. look at this. what do you see? you see ron desantis jumping out ahead. there you go. you see. it ron desantis at 53%, donald trump at 43%. i think the idea is, essentially, if in fact ron desantis gets into a one on which trump, that's major trouble for the former president. >> is there other evidence that trump is no longer, as popular as he was? >> yeah. look, we always said, trump has 80% approval rating. no one has a higher approval rating with the republican party than donald trump does. but look at the net favor billet-y ratings. it's favorable minus unfavorable. look at ron desantis on your screen right now. where is he? he's plus into the 70s. look at where donald trump is. he's below that. he's below that. so, the fact is, at this particular point, donald trump is not the most popular candidate -- >> although, a lot of people don't really know a lot about
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ron desantis. it's more of the idea of ron desantis. >> maybe it is the idea. and that, i think, is the one question. when ron desantis actually gets into this race, will be ideal of ron desantis matched the real-ism of ron desantis. yeah >>, harry enten well said. >> -- alex murdaugh -- crime. seen plus, new details on alec murdaugh potentially taking the stand. that's next. , where's your mask? i really tried sleeping with it, everybody. now i sleep with inspire. inspire? no mask? no hose? just sleep. learn more, and view important safety information at
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common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. >> tonight, there is new details in the double murder trial of alex murdaugh, he's accused of killing his wife and son and -- alleged financial crimes. now a source tells cnn that murdaugh wants to take the stand, or at least it appears that way in his own defense. three 60's randi kaye has the latest and joins us now. what more can you tell us about if alex murdaugh will take the stand. it seems like any defense attorney would not allow him to. >> anderson, a source familiar with the situation is telling me tonight that no decision has been made on whether or not alex murdaugh will take the stand. i'm told he is pondering that decision overnight in jail. of course, the sources saying that the lawyers would like to recommend one way or the other. but ultimately, as an every case, it is up to the client. but the source put it this way.
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the final decision is only certain when his hand hits the bible. but meanwhile the defense did call a few other witnesses today, including alex murdaugh was former law partner partner and here's some of that testimony. ? what >> was his demeanor? he >> was devastated. he was fine crying and just -- he just beside himself. alex murdaugh's fellow -- mark ball testifying for the defense in revealing how alex murdaugh appealed him -- defenses scene that the crime scene investigation was sloppy and he described what he saw in the feed from, where paul murdaugh was killed, after, he says, investigators had finished processing that scene. >> looking around the floor and all that, it was -- there was a piece of skull about the size of a baseball laying there. >> did that upset? you >> it did, very much. it just really infuriated me. --
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it's kind of like walking across a grave, it's one of the things you don't. two >>, still's defense witness also offered testimony that could help the prosecution. during cross examination, ball identified alex murdaugh's voice on the recording taken at the dog kennels around the time of the murders. >> is there any doubt in your mind that alex murdaugh, maggie, and paul, we're on -- the appreciate -- >> no doubt in your mind. >> no doubt. >> he also told the jury that murdaugh had repeatedly told him he was not out the candles earlier that night. >> now we know that's true. you see the camel video, right? >> -- >> that was not the only time you told him that, was it? >> no. >> it's at least three times. >> at least three times. >> ball also revealed that murdaugh had a couple different versions about how he allegedly checked his family after he said he found them dead. >> in his conversations with you, did he
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