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tv   CNN Primetime  CNN  March 3, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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wants to silence, fighting for his life tonight in a brutal russian penal colony. putin opposition leader alexei navalny was poisoned with a nerve agent and miraculously survived, an assassination attempt that cnn helped trace back to a russian intelligence unit. >> i understand that putin hates me, and i understand that these people who are sitting in the kremlin, they are ready to kill. >> i'll speak to his daughter, dasha, about what she's hearing from her father and why her family was ready for this fight. >> if he didn't go back, i would say, you need to go back and fight. >> plus, i'll be joined by christo grow excessive, an investigative journalist who helped crack the case on navalny's would-be assassins. and i'll alexei navalny is far from alone. wile have a special report on putin's other political enemies.
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>> good evening. i'm erin burnett. welcome to "navalny and the cost of standing up to putin." for top opposition leader alexei navalny, it nearly cost him his life, and he is still paying and dearly so. he's not the only one that dared to cross putin, and some have paid the ultimate price, like russia's most prominent investigative journalist that we're going to tell you about, gunned down in her own apartment building, or a vocal putin critic shot inside the kremlin. the kremlin claims they have nothing to do with it. alexei navalny's story prompting an outpouring of support around the world and documented in the award-winning, oscar-nominated film "navalny," that captures in vivid detail, his poisoning and the pursuit of his would-be assassins. >> it's impossible to believe it. it's kind of stupid.
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the whole idea of poisoning with a chemical weapon, this is why this is so smart. >> before i speak to alexei navalny's daughter, dascha, in an exclusive interview, i want to go to clarissa ward, who played a krush role in exposing the men behind the plot to kill navalny. navalny tonight is in solitary confinement. at least eight years of his sentence yet to serve. what can you tell us about his condition tonight? >> reporter: good evening, erin. navalny's lawyers are warning that his health has been steadily deteriorating since he's been in prison. they say he's lost more than 15 pounds, that he's having crippling stomach pains because he's being improperly prescribed very strong antibiotics. the u.s. and the eu have said he must be released and given immediate medical care. alexei navalny in 2017, taking
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on putin and exposing corruption among russia's elites. alexei navalny now, haggard and gaunt, in solitary confinement in one of russia's most brutal penal colonies. on valentine's day this year, he posted a message to his wife, yulia. i haven't seen you, yuliashka, for a terribly long time, but in my heart, there's a lot of you, it read. as a couple, they've endured much -- harassment, separation, death threats. but nothing prepared them for the attempt to kill navalny with a deadly toxin. august 20th, 2020, on a flight from siberia to moscow, a passenger captured navalny's anguish. >> i went to the flight attendant and said, i was poisoned, i'm going to die. then i lay down under his feet
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and to die. >> the flight diverted. two days later, a comatose navalny was flown to berlin. germany soon disclosed he'd been poisoned with a soviet-era nerve agent novichok. cnn joined an investigative group to find out who was behind it, leading us to this building in moscow. we're staying in the car because we don't want to attract any attention. but this compound is part of the institute of criminalistics of the fsb, russia's security service. and beyond that fence, an elite team of operatives has been tracking navalny's every move for more than three years. cnn examined phone records and flight manifests that revealed the communications and movements of the fsb group and discovered it was activated just days after navalny announced he would run for president in 2018.
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we presented the findings to navalny in germany as he recovered from the poisoning. >> would it surprise you to learn that some of these men went on more than 30 trips with you over the course of three years? >> this is absolutely terrifying. >> reporter: four months after navalny was poisoned, our search for the perpetrators took us to an apartment block on the edge of moscow. the home of operative oleg tayakin. my name is clarissa ward. i work for cnn. can i ask you a couple of questions? [ speaking non-english ] was it your team that poisoned navalny, please? do you have any comment? he doesn't seem to want to talk to us. as we visited tayakin, navalny
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himself was calling another member of the fsb team, pretending to be a senior official in putin's national security council. konstantin was hesitant at first but then revealed his job was to ensure there was no novichok left on navalny's clothes. >> reporter: in a 45-minute call, konstantin also acknowledged that the pilot diverting the flight that day likely saved navalny's life. an explosive confession days after president putin himself had denied any attempt to poison navalny. despite everything, navalny insisted to us he would return to russia.
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you're aware of the risks of going back? >> yes, but i'm russian politician, and i would never give putin such a gift. >> reporter: on january 17th, 2021, he arrived in moscow and was immediately arrested. he's been behind bars ever since and has at least eight years of a jail term yet to serve. unable to see his wife, yulia, and children, dasha and zahar. even in prison, erin, navalny has refused to be silenced. he's been a very vocal critic of russia's invasion of ukraine. and just last week he put out a long thread on twitter basically saying he believes russia will be defeated in ukraine and outlining his vision for a post-war russia. and his family and his supporters are very much hoping that by keeping his story in the public eye, that might just offer him some increased protection. erin. >> all right, clarissa. thank you so much. and, dasha navalny is here with
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me tonight in an exclusive interview. dasha, as we were watching that, i know you have seen that many times. but you're watching your father, and you have been now waiting to see what's going to happen. what can you tell us about how he's doing right now? >> first of all, i want to say thank you so much for having me on the show. it's an amazing opportunity, and as clarissa said, it's incredibly important to keep his name in the news. currently my father is in a cell-type facility. it's a little bit better than a penal colony, and the main issue and the main problem that we're having is the limited access that we have to him. because the prison guards and the prison administration are completely taking away his right to attorney-client privilege,
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and the attorneys are only able to see him through a guarded veil, so we can't really know for sure his health circumstance, and he hasn't seen his family in over half a year. i haven't seen him in person in over a year, and it's quite concerning considering that his health is getting worse and worse. >> and, you know, i guess it was in september 2021. it was a long time ago when you saw him. and you just turned 21. so you were able to visit him, but, again, it was through glass and that veil. in early february, he tweeted. he's able to somehow get a message out. the main torment of imprisonment is the inability to see the faces of your family, to talk to your loved ones. i haven't had any visits for eight months, and yesterday i was told that i'd be transferred to a cell-type facility for the maximum possible term of six months. no visits are allowed there. this means more than a year
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without a visit. how hard is it just to even read that? >> well, it's incredibly difficult and hard, but i understand that since they're taking these such radical measures to take him away from his family, from his supporters, from making an effort to free his beloved country, then he must be doing something right. then we must be doing something right towards the goal. >> towards the goal of having a democratic, a free russia. i mean your father is -- obviously it's currently a nine-year sentence. i know you can put that in quotation marks, right? that's the big question. do you believe -- you know, your mother and your brother, do you, his family, believe that he will ever be free as long as putin is the ruler of russia? >> he's currently facing up to 35 years in separate different cases, so above those ten years that he is currently serving.
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i like to keep it light and positive and hopeful, and i think our family's approach is entirely like that. he's fighting for what's right, and i think that it's possible for him to get out. and i want him to. >> right. >> you know, as a daughter. >> to keep that hope alive. so what do you say to -- and i understand i'm not saying that he's going to listen to a reasonable argument. but what do you say to putin? >> i say -- i have a couple of things to say to him. that he should stop this incredibly unnecessary and terrible invasion of ukraine. that he should release my father and all of russia's political prisoners, who are just fighting for a better democratic, more
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prosperous country. >> mm-hmm. >> and that until those two primary goals, among others, are met, we will not stop fighting. >> and when you talk about that, obviously you grew up in russia. you spent your life there, right? you're obviously in the united states now. you're in school. do you have friends you still talk to that are there? >> mm-hmm. >> and how do they feel about all this? >> my parents are -- my friends in russia are incredibly supportive. i went -- up until college, i went to kindergarten and elementary school and middle school and high school in moscow, and all of my friends know me as not alexei navalny's daughter but as me, and they've seen this transformation of my father's political career, and they know how good and how passionate of a person he is from just this charismatic point of view. they know that he wants the best for the country, and they
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support him. >> and how hard is it for them in russia right now? it's so hard for people to understand what really is going on, what people really think because, you know, polls don't show the reality. obviously you don't see it from the media there. what is your feeling? >> whenever i get to talk to my friends, they say that, you know, the economy is crumbling, and it's getting harder to live, and it's an incredibly police state. one of my friends told me that right now when you go into the subway station, it's filled with policemen trying to search for guys to just take and swift off to the army, to send off to ukraine, and it's terrifying. it's scary for my friends, for any other russian because, you know, you lose your job. you lose custody of your children. you lose a prospect of getting an education. people get killed over this, and
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it's incredibly scary to live in russia right now. >> and yet i know that you at some point want to go there. >> mm-hmm. >> because it's home. >> right. i was born and raised there. my grandparents are there. my best friends are there. i love moscow. i think that moscow is the greatest city on earth, and i want to go back. >> and what do you think your father will do? i mean i know it's hard to imagine what's happened to him, i mean just the mental anguish, right, that he's gone through. but yet the strength that we see anytime he tweets, the resiliency and the strength. what do you think he will do if he gets out? >> well, he will continue fi fighting until russia is a country that's able to have free and fair elections. that's -- that's the main goal of the anti-corruption foundation is for russia to become a free state, to have open elections, to have freedom
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of press, freedom of speech, and just, you know, to have the opportunity to become a part of the normal western democratized community in the world. >> dasha, please stay with me. next, the investigative journalist who uncovered the suspect behind these poisonings is going to join us. he's now on putin's wanted list. he'll talk about his own safety and how he fears for that. and the director behind the oscar nominated film "navalny." why he calls the experience of making this documentary lightning in a bottle. they're both going to join dasha and myself right after this. nd . ♪ visit your local cadillac dealer today. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi.
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when you come to room of a comatose patient, you start to tell him some news, tell him his story. alexi, don't worry. your poisoning was a murder attempt. putin tried to kill you with novichok. and he opened his, like, blue eyes wide and looked at me and said very clear -- [ speaking non-english ] >> come on. poisoned? i don't believe it. >> like he's back. this is alexi. >> putin's supposed to be not so stupid to use this novichok.
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>> his wording, his expletives, his intonation. >> if you want to kill someone, just shoot him. jesus christ. >> like real alexi. >> it's impossible to believe it. it's kind of stupid. >> the whole idea of poisoning with a chemical weapon, this is why this is so smart. because even reasonable people, they refuse to believe like, what? come on. poisoned? seriously? >> welcome back to a special edition of "cnn primetime." navalny and the cost of standing up to putin. the clip that you just saw is from the award winning oscar nominated cnn film "navalny." here with me now are christo grozev, daniel roher, the director, and dasha navalny. the daughter of alexei navalny is back with me as well. thanks to all of you.
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christo, watching that, as you had discovered this plot and what was in it, and now you're still learning, i understand, from your reporting even more now about what actually happened. what can you share with us? >> first, i need to correct you. i'm no longer executive director. i'm lead investigator on russia topics. that's what i love doing. what we find out in the meantime is there was much more effort by putin's thugs to actually prepare for the cleaning up of the evidence, of the traces of what they were doing. we found at least two more people who were sent to tomsk where the attempted murder was going to take place. they were sent in the middle of the night, just before the poisoning took place. these were people like the one from the film who had once specialization. they were cleaning up. they knew that night would be the night they would try to kill him, and they were sent there to clean him up. we found out essentially more people than we thought. so a total of about 12 people directly involved with this attempted assassination.
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>> 12 people and yet they failed although obviously he is paying the price for choosing to go back to russia. dasha, we hear that, 12 people. they found even more people. how do you even process that? >> i process it in a way that the whole system of putin's assassination attempts and killing -- assassination attempts is so flawed and so bad that even 12 people couldn't kill a person, a politician, which means that the fight that we're fighting right now with putin's regime is very -- we can win it. >> it's winnable. >> yeah. >> that's a really amazing way of seeing it. daniel, i have to say, if anyone hasn't seen it, they've got to see it. it's one of the most incredible films i've ever seen. >> thank you. >> it defies belief. >> yeah. >> it's like you're watching a spy novel, and you're thinking this is a reality show. but it's real.
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and i'm just wondering how you felt watching this happen as the cameras were rolling and saying, wow, this is real life unrolling in front of me. >> you know, it's this extraordinary thing when you're making a documentary. sometimes you find yourself in these unbelievable places, in these unbelievable situations. and i think this film especially embodies the spirit of that. here i was, a guy from toronto, canada, who had never really delved into foreign policy in any meaningful way, next to the leader of the russian opposition in the black forest of germany as he was recovering from an assassination attempt. he was with christo and dasha and the rest of our colleagues as they were trying to uncover the details of who tried to poison navalny. the sense of making the film is very similar to the sensibility of watching the film, the sort of jaw on the floor disbelief. i couldn't believe i was living through it, and it's still -- there's still a cognitive dissonance in my mind. i still can't believe that i made this film and this all
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happened. >> this is why i have watched it multiple times. >> yeah. >> because every time i watch it, i am stunned, and i think that's -- i mean it speaks to the film itself, and it speaks to what happened. in the film, dasha, we see you the night before your father called the men who poisoned him, right? when he impersonated sort of a boss in the fsb and called them. and you were helping him test the phone line as a younger person would need to do for an older person. so the next day he makes the phone call that you hear in the film, and someone involved in trying to kill your father is speaking very matter-of-factly about what went wrong and how they tried to put it in the underpants and the whole thing, and why your father survived. it's all very matter of fact. what kind of moemotions were yo experiencing when you heard that in real time? >> first, anger of course. then a sense of relief. back to the previous point that
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i made, it's incredible how flawed the system is and the fact that they're just, you know, saying this information out there, and they're so easily manipulated. it's just astonishing, and it's funny, and it's so stupid that i -- i -- you know, i'm here and i'm fighting for my dad, and it's cool, and i'm here with amazing people. and i'm very grateful that their system is so flawed that it makes our fight easier. >> and, you know, when you hear christo talk about how he's doing, found more people involved, what does that say to you and how you see this? >> i call it the economy of morons. you know, oftentimes people ask me am i afraid for my safety. having made this film that takes on the russian government, do i feel fear?
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and i tell them, watch the movie. these guys are such morons. how many -- how many guys does it take to assassinate one dude? they couldn't even get the job done. >> it's like a light bulb joke, right? >> exactly. how many russian morons does it take to assassinate one diss dissident. clearly more than 12 or 15 or whoever was on that specific kill team. you know, it's this concept that we explore in the film "moscow 4." christo once hacked the email of a high-ranking gru general, whose first email was moscow, and then moscow 2 and then moscow 3 and then christo cracked the last one, moscow 4. that joke has become our catch-all for the ineptitude of russian security services. and i think we see the exact same ineptitude, thank god, playing out in ukraine. these guys are doing a terrible job because they are such morons. >> now, dasha, i want to play the moment in the film when your father, knowing -- he knew what was going to happen to him. with 99% certainty, he knew if
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he went back to moscow, he was going to be arrested, and he was going to be put away for a very long time. and he chose to do it anyway because he believed the ultimate victory for putin would be that he give up and stay out and be an exiled opposition leader. he's on the plane. it's approaching moscow, starting to lose altitude, coming in to land. and here's the moment. let's play it. ♪ >> this is the plane, and this is moscow. and this is a plane, and this is moscow.
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>> you know, your father's incredible humor stands out in some of the darkest moments. look, you were very clear that you supported his decision to go back. you were wholehearted about that. what made him strong enough to do something that very few people alive would do? i have always tried to understand that. you know him better than anybody. >> i've been asking myself that question my entire life. he is an incredible dad, a loving husband, and a charismatic, very strong leader.
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and the reason why, as shown in the movie, they turn around the plane to go to another airport is because they don't want to see the russian and the international community to see how much of a support he has in the country. i admire him so much. i'm in awe of his strength, and i only can aspire to be as strong as he is. maybe his grandparents -- i mean my grandparents, they're probably the reason why he's like that. >> it's truly amazing, though, and daniel, as you did the film, did you ever get a feel, as you got to know him, and actually as an outsider, not knowing him personally, where did you see that core, that incredible strength that, again, i don't know how many people on this planet would have? >> well, it's a great question, erin. you know, something that i struggled with as a filmmaker wanting to make a sort of discerning, complex portrait of
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this guy, is just how likable he is. and that's something we had to factor in from the very first moment. i couldn't be seduced by his charm and his sense of humor if i wanted to have the critical lens necessary to make this film. and what it turned out to be is that navalny, i think, really respected and appreciated how much i wanted to make something that challenged him. >> and, you, christo, spent a lot of time with him. his positions on certain things changed. at one point, he thought crimea should be part of russia. there were positions in the past that you had a chance to spend time with him and see him evolve. >> first of all, i tried to understand him better because the public image of him has been also not only boosted by his charm but tarnished by efforts to create a false impression of who he is. and of course he did maybe certain unwise statements in his career when he was carving out a
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place on the political spectrum in russia. it was essentially looking for a niche, a market niche, and that led him to be at probably the wrong place at the wrong time. so of course i had to be critical and try to understand, is he different than that? and that image, that image was actually strongly -- the negative part of that image was strongly pushed by the kremlin propaganda. we actually saw that they plotted to present him as a nationalist, as an extreme right figure, and he made certain mistakes that allowed them to create that impression. so for me it was important to get to the core of who he is. i walked away after weeks and weeks and weeks of arguing with him on politics, with the belief that he's a strong believer in liberal democracy, and that he's maybe too honest for his own sake. so he says it outside as he thinks it, and that may make him politically incorrect from the point of view of at least the west. but i'm happy that some of his
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positions on issues that i disagreed with, for example, the crimea issue, has changed. and it hasn't changed radically because we're not that different, but he thought, for example, back then that now that russia has illegally annexed crimea, as he kept saying, it's very illegal, it's completely illegal, then at some point in the future we should give these people the chance to vote one way or another. now we saw from these 15 points, he's graduated beyond that. he believes the war changes everything. crimea is ukraine. >> things change. people's views change. >> and i believe that people like that are also a function of the people around them. and so many people young people were giving him their own view of the world, which is very much like what people anywhere in the world want. >> all please stay with me. next, a former fsb agent, a prominent ininvestigative journalist, even the former president of the country o of georgia, all putinin foes, all paying a high price for speakikg out.
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welcome back to our cnn prime time special, navalny and the cost of standing up to putin. while alexi navalny remains in solitary confinement tonight, serving a nine year prison sentence, so many of vladimir putin's other enemies have been threatened, imprisoned, and killed. here's our own matthew chance. >> reporter: it takes a certain type of bravery to stand up to
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the kremlin. across the country, police using arrests and beatings to crush dis dissent. some anti-war protesters even drafted into the army in a cruel punishment for pacifism. political opposition always a risky business in putin's russia, is now essentially outlawed. with prominent opposition leaders like ilya yashin recently sentenced to 8 1/2 years in jail for criticizing the conflict. this will all end soon, he shouts in defiance. but there's little real reason for optimism. this was vladimir kara, another opposition figure. in moscow back in 2015 after surviving a suspected poisoning
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at the hands of kremlin agents. he was allegedly poisoned again in 2017 and survived that too, only to be imprisoned last april on charges ranging from disobeying the police to treason. the price of silence, kar-muza wrote from jail, was simply unacceptable. the price of speaking out against putin's russia is extraordinarily high too. case in point, the former president of georgia, whose country lost a brief war with russia in 2008. >> my small nation will never give up freedom, will never give a square mile. >> reporter: two years ago, he was imprisoned in georgia on what his supporters say were trumped-up charges. now this onetime putin foe is at death's door, allegedly poisoned too, and accusing moscow of
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orchestrating his plight. the kremlin rejects the allegation, but his family are adamant. >> to put somebody in this state after just a year of imprisonment, that was unexpected. >> reporter: but for years, kremlin critics have been ruthlessly silenced. like annette poll scott ska, russia's most prominent investigative journalist, until she was gunned down in her moscow apartment building in 2006. or alexander litvinenko, a former russian fsb agent, poisoned in london in the same year with a radioactive isotope. 2018, a former russian spy, sergei skripal, and his daughter were poisoned in britain using a potent nerve agent. they survived. three years before, russia's leading opposition figure, boris
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nemtsov was shot dead within sight of the kremlin. of course the kremlin denies any connection to any crime. but exiled, jailed, poisoned, or killed is how so many of putin's critics seem to end. matthew chance, cnn, london. >> that's sobering to watch that. christo, this is what you're living every single day, all of you. when navalny won the top film award at the baftas, you went. you were all going to be there, and you were turned away because the authorities there felt you were at risk of being assassinated while you were there. i understand you're characterizing it sort of that in you're in a race to find your killers before they find you. >> that is correct. it's unusual to be in this situation. it's unusual for somebody to be investigating their own potential would-be killers. it's as unusual as a doctor operating on their own appendicitis. that's what i have to do now, and i'm grateful that a lot of law enforcement agencies around
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the world have seen evidence of the risks and they're doing their own investigations at the same time. >> daniel, navalny had hoped his notoriety in a sense would keep him safe. you become so big that nothing can happen to you. it turned out to be true. how do you get your head around this? do you feel immune as a canadian who did this or no? >> when we think about the risk assessment, erin, i am convinced that i am not of interest to the russian security services by virtue of the fact that i am a f filmmaker. i am not a journalist. there's a very clear delineation of those two responsibilities. christo is the one, and his brave colleagues, who is contributing original investigative material about the war crimes unfolding in ukraine, about the murder plots that these thugs are trying to pull off, about the corruption of these oligarchs and the men and women who empower putin. and i think it's those intrepid
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investigative journalists like christo who are the real heroes, who are the ones who really need to be careful, not a filmmaker who was just bearing witness. >> right. perhaps being russian would change that. dasha, your family is so intimately familiar with putin's tactics. you have to live with these repercussions every day. how do you and your family live with these fears now? >> they're not particularly fears. it's sort of an everyday life approach that i've grown into. it's funny. my parents -- my parents taught my brother and i how to find spies in subway station. it's sort of this game we would play with each other when we would take the metro to go to the center of moscow for dinner on the weekends or go to the movies. we would look around the train and search out the guy who has the worst camouflage outfit and the black cap and the weird
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strappy bag on the side, and we would jump out of the -- not out of the train, but out of the subway cart before the doors closed. and the looks on their faces every single time because they would just be confused. now they lost their subjects. >> right. >> it's sort of, i think -- i think it's this optimistic approach that my parents taught my brother, zahar, and i, it creates a sense of, you know, we can work through it. we're going to fight through it, and we're going to have a fun time. and it's going to be difficult, but we're going to be there for each other, and we'll power through it. >> a pretty amazing thing. i think that puts it all in perspective for people to imagine that's a game you were playing and that it was not a game. i mean you actually found the person, and they were angry when you were able to get off the car. christo, is putin as powerful as he used to be in ordering people
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to be killed and assassinated? >> well, erin, i've said this on your show before. i think that with each day of not winning the war in ukraine and of losing face, losing face not only internationally but within his own circle of former -- well, subjects in the power circles, the chances of him ordering successfully an assassination gets lower because fewer and fewer people want to take those orders because they cannot be sure he will be there to protect them in six months, right? therefore, he has had to outsource to criminal groups and what we see recently is they're not using the same systems that they had before. they're outsourcing more to crime groups, and that is the danger now. >> all right. well, all stay with me. next, alexeiei navalny's call t action. >> my message for the situation when i'm killed is very simple. not give up. wny rinse and refresh!
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welcome back to our cnn primetime special, navalny and the cost of standing up to putin. around the world, supporters of alexei navalny are continuing to expose corruption inside russia. and they're motivate bid navalny's own words from the oscar nominated cnn film "navalny."
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>> my message for the situation when i'm killed is very simple. not give up. >> do me a favor. answer this one in russian. [ speaking non-english ] >> you can watch the cnn film
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rast time she hugged her father two years ago .
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covid-19, being overweight makes it more risky. i'm calling my doctor. if it's covid, pack slovid .
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all right, sasha joins me. with we replay that moment, it was the last time that you hugged him, getting on in los angeles. do you ever think about that when you'd be able to -- just to even touch him again, to hug him? >> yes. on my birthday, this last birthday, he wrote me a sweet letter saying that dasha is the word of associates with him, something small, something you pick up, throw around a little girl and now i'm all groin. but -- gone grown up. i love my dad.
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it was -- i don't think i quite understood it in the moment that it was the last time that i would hug him in the near future. but it was a big moment, and i really miss him. and i can't wait to hug him again. >> and i guess what was your message for him? i know he won't see this, but if he were to see you now? we're doing everything we can to get help and that i miss him and i want to extend the message to everyone else who's watching that fighting for what's right is going to be hard, but it's never long, and i encourage you to send -- fight for the better
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future of the world. >> thank you so much. thank you u for spending time wh me. i am grateful. > and thanks to all of you fr joining us. good night
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we see the world with the wonder of new eyes.
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