tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN March 7, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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>> there were tears, there was that emotion but then to sit on that stage and watch the opposite of what we represented on display, there was no diversity. there was no color on that stage. there was no reflection of the broader sense of america. i cried for 30 minutes straight, uncontrollable sobbing. >> the former first lady also weighed in on the crowd size at the event. >> you get on marine one and you take your last flight off flying over the capitol where there weren't that many people there. [ laughter ] we saw it. by the way. >> and that statement, of course, surely hitting a nerve with the former president. thanks so much for joijing us. "a.c. 360" begins now. good evening, we begin keeping them honest with a simple and obvious point, i would think. what you see at one moment
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doesn't necessarily reflect another or the whole, footage of soldiers during a pause in battle doesn't mean there's to war. the zapruder film before jfk is shot doesn't make it a parade. pretending otherwise is conning people. pretending otherwise when you know better is something else and enabling that con when you're a high-ranking elected official accountable to the public directly in line to the presidency is hard to imagine. or so you might think because that's just what house speaker kevin mccarthy has done. he enabled this. >> the crowd was enormous. a small perjury of them were hooligans. they committed vandalism. you've seen their pictures again and again but the overwhelming majority weren't. they were peaceful. they were orderly and meek. these were not insurrectionist, they were sightseers. >> fox's tucker carlson cherry-picking from 40,000 hours of footage that speaker mccarthy released to him and only him of the january 6th attack. the fox host attempted to con
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his viewers into thinking it was something it was not, not mentioning that 140 members of law enforcement were assaulted that day, according to the justice department, that some were pepper sprayed, maimed, blinded or died as officer sicknick did which carlson said was unrelated nor did he focus on the fact that he broke into the house chamber where members were or saying "hang mike pence" or then mccarthy was so rattled by them that he called the former president demanding he call off the mob only to be told in many words to pound sand. this is what tucker carlson downplayed by suggesting that the existence of less violent looking video meant the violence was no big deal. in short conning people. here's what some republican senators who were there say about carlson's portrayal of what they experienced firsthand.
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>> i think it's bullshit. i was here. i was down there. and i saw maybe a future irs, a few people who got caught up in things but when you see police barricades breached and police officers assaulted, all of that, i thought it was insurrection at that time. i still think it was an insurrection today. >> i don't know how you want to describe it but it was an attack on the capitol. >> whether speaker mccarthy made a mistake in giving carlson the video republicans by and large avoided saying so largely today. talk to mitt romney who called his portrayal dangerous and disgusting did say speaker mccarthy made a mistake. carlson said this about vetting the video. >> we do take security seriously, so before airing any of this video we checked first with the capitol police. >> multiple sources on the had i will say otherwise. that carlson's show provided only a single clip to review, not all of them and in a letter to the department the chief of capitol police writes the opinion program never reached 0 out to the department to provide
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accurate context. contrast that and our reporting with speaker mccarthy's assurance just a week ago. >> they work with the capitol police as well so we'll make sure security is taken care of. we are consulting with the capitol police. >> now, if that happened the capitol police chief isn't saying so. he's apparently livid at the handling of this. as for speaker kevin mccarthy he spoke tonight to reporters including cnn's manu raju. he said he has no regrets about his decision to give carlson the footage arguing he did it in the name of transparency. which is similar to his justification last week when he said i think sunshine lets everybody make their own judgment. that's what he said then but this was really never about sunshine. it was about appealing to the former president and his most extreme supporters in congress, the ones who helped him become speaker. and if that meant sowing doubts about police that day and downplaying an attempt to overthrow a democratic and fair election, so be it.
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kevin mccarthy was scared on january 6th and with good reasoning. the sad thing is how scared he still appears to be today. not just of the former president, his supporters who roamed the capitol huhs that day but some of the members in his own party, the one he serves with and is so beholden to today. joining us is michael fanone tasered several times in the neck, beaten and suffered a heart attack as a result of his work with the d.c. metro police department. i appreciate you being here. last night carlson called people who breached the capitol si sightseers instead of insurrectionists. you were there. what do you make of what carlson has done? >> yeah, i mean i heard the language that tucker carlson used to describe the individuals that were there. it's certainly not what i would have used to describe albuquerque head, the individual who pled guilty to placing me in a chokehold, ripping me off of a police line and pulling me out into a crowd of vie violent --
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>> his name was -- >> albuquerque head. it's not the language i would use to describe cal young who violently assaulted me, lunged for my firearm also pled guilty to the assault. it's not the language that i would use to describe thomas sibick who pled guilty to stripping my badge and my radio from my chest and then burying my badge in his backyard back in buffalo, new york, and it's certainly not the language i would use to describe daniel rodriguez, who admittedly struck me in the neck numerous times with a taser device all while i was out in the crowd defenseless and being assaulted from every direction. so, you know, what tucker carlson forgot to talk about like you said earlier is the 140 officers like myself that were severely injured as a result of this violent insurrection and attack on our capitol. >> you know, i mean, the idea of
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tucker carlson being in that mob that day and not wetting his pants is hard to imagine. i mean, i find it hard to understand somebody who has never put himself in harm's way in any capacity for anyone else or on reporting a story and yet has the audacity to try to rewrite history. i mean, that's what this is. it is an attempt to rewrite history on what is one of the most consequential, certainly one of the biggest events in american democracy and the biggest threats to american democracy. >> i agree. tucker carlson is, you know, by his own admission an entertainer, not a journalist. and on top of that he has just proven himself to be donald trump's chief propagandist and that's all this was and i think that, you know, most americans recognize that way before this segment aired, this this was
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propaganda and it was an attempt by tucker carlson to downplay and whitewash the events of january 6th. >> on speaker mccarthy, you in your book, you write about a meeting you had with him as well as with the family of officer sicknick. talk a little about what you saw in that meeting and so based on what you saw in that meeting i assume you're not surprised that with the speaker gave carlson exclusive access to this material. >> absolutely. i mean, the one takeaway that i had from my meeting with kevin mccarthy was that he said clearly that he could not control the fringe members of his party, which is strange because he's now seemingly aligned himself with the fringe members of his party. he knew ahead of time exactly what tucker carlson was going to do with this footage and yet he gave him the exclusive access to the footage, 40,000 hours of which there is no chain of
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command to discern what type of security protocols may have been revealed to whom at what time, which, you know, in and of itself is outrageous, and that being said, you know, this was all an attempt to appeal to or appease donald trump, who kevin mccarthy has become a useful idiot for. >> michael, i appreciate you being with us. >> thank you. we want to turn to breaking news, another batch of documents in dominion's lawsuit against fox news, more communications from inside the company, oliver darcy joins us with that. what's new in it. >> there are a lot of messages in this filing. it basically contains all the cribs that dominion has been using to make their case against fox news in the previous filings that we've seen and so we're basically just getting raw text messages, raw emails, deposition transcripts that again continue to show that behind the scenes fox news new exactly what they
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were doing. they knew these election lies they were pushing were nonsense but allowed these election lies to gain a foothold on their air. i want to read to you an email that rupert murdoch sent fox news ceo suzanne scott on january 21st, 2021. he concedes in here, he says, he's talking about election lies and he says, maybe sean hannity and laura ingraham went too far and goes on to say, oh, very well for sean hannity to tell you he was in despair about trump, but what did he tell his viewers? another exchange he was asked repeatedly about election lies that were about dominion and rejected them over and over and over and over again. i'll read part of it. they said, do you believe that dominion was engaged in a massive and coordinated effort to steal the 2020 presidency, no, murdoch replied. have you seen any evidence to suggest they were involved in a massive -- no, murdoch replied. do you believe they were engaged
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in -- no. you never believed they were involved in an effort to delegitimize and destroy votes for donald trump, correct? he says, i'm open to persuasion, but, no i've never seen it. >> dominion is seeking a summary judgment. what would that mean and what is fox's response? >> dominion wants the judge to rule on this. fox's response has been obviously against this motion and so we're going to see what happens later this month when the judge does rule on this. i think most legal experts would say that this is likely headed toward a trial, so we'll see what happens but fox is responding tonight basically saying this proves that this -- all of this is proof that dominion has been engaged in smearing and they say these raw transcripts do say that or prove their claim that they have been cherry-picking information out of them and making it in their filings. >> oliver, i want to bring in first amendment lawyer lee levine who has represented fox and cnn and many other outlets.
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lee, in a previous appearance you said a similar filing was helpful but not a smoking gun. what would a smoking gun look like when the standard is actual malice? >> well, when i said that last time, anderson, i was talking about the testimony that murdoch gave when he said that various of the hosts on fox had endorsed election fraud and i said that was not a smoking gun, because it did not relate directly to dominion. it just talked generally about election fraud. but what oliver just read, i think, is a little bit closer to a smoking gun. here we've got murdoch saying that he, who had at least theoretical authority to stop powell and giuliani from appearing on fox's shows, in fact, never believed and has never seen any evidence of election fraud by dominion and that is pretty close to a smoking gun.
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>> so i just want to put those -- what rupert murdoch said on the screen and just read them out again because as you said, this is important. dominion lawyer said do you believe they were edge gauged in an effort to steal the presidential election. rupert murdoch said no. next question, have you ever seen any credible evidence to suggest that dominion was engaged in a massive and coordinated effort to steal the 2020 presidential elections, no. third, did you ever believe they were involved in an effort to steal the presidential elections? no. the fourth question you've never believed that douminion was involved in an effort to steal votes, no. why does that matter? >> because the standard that dominion has taken upon itself to meet is that those persons at fox responsible for broadcasting the information about dominion that has in many instances been acknowledged now by fox to be
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false at the time either knew it was false or believed it was probably false and at the top of the food chain, of course, is rupert murdoch, and dominion has made an effort to show that rupert murdoch was hands-on, that is, that he was aware of what people were saying on his air, that he had the ability to stop these guests from appearing and repeating these things that he apparently testified he's never believed to be true. and if dominion can convince a jury that murdoch, in fact, was responsible for those broadcasts, that testimony would satisfy the standard of actual malice or reckless disregard -- >> is there any doubt that he had the power at fox news to call into the control room and say, get giuliani off? >> there's no doubt. he's even testified he did have that power. he just didn't exercise it but
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at the end of the day over at fox news make no mistake whoever is ceo, it doesn't matter, rupert murdoch is the one that calls the shots. >> also the on air personalities at fox seem very -- like tucker carlson was talking to other anchors about the stock price of i guess -- i don't know what the stock price of the parent company of cnn s i don't know like it's fascinating to me that that was in their mind, that was like a talking point amongst them like, oh, we can't do this. the stock price is being hurt. >> this is because it was falling because viewers were rebelling against fox news. they were turning off fox news. >> because fox had told the truth about -- >> exactly. >> -- the results in arizona. >> they wanted to believe the fantasy that had been sold to them by donald trump and by people on fox news at times and so they were turning off the channel, they wanted to go to news max. trump was attacking the network. it was the wake of the 2020 election and, you know, you see in these emails where they talk
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about the stock price, about viewers rebelling and this is a very serious situation, everything that fox has been built on can be destroyed very quickly, trump is a destroyer, tucker carlson said but he won't destroy us. these emails shed a lot of light on it. >> is there any part of dominion's suit where they've overreached? >> no. >> wow. >> i think they, if anything, in the complaint which makes sense because they didn't have access to all of these materials then, they undersold what they will ultimately be able to prove now that they've had discovery and have gotten access to all these text messages and emails and have had the ability to take depositions. >> that's kind of amazing, isn't it? don't a lot of attorneys usually oversell something initially? >> well, they work off of what they know and what they have, but, yes, sometime, but these are -- i said this before. there are very good lawyers on both sides of this case and
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neither side is going to oversell anything. they're very good and they know what they're doing. >> leelah convenient and oliver darcy, thank you so much. en an update on the four americans kidnapped. later with covid and the origins back on page one a conversation with the recently retired dr. anthony fauci. we'vet for more than 100 years, putting ththe most advanced technology into people's hands. generation after generation.n. tool after tool. again and again. bringing you the broadest and most reliable network of service dealers. always moving forward. we lead. others follow. here's how tommy lost 30 lbs on noom weight. i'm tom. noom helped him use psychology to lose weight. the mindful aspect made me feel more conscious about what ias eating and y i was eating it. it's actually working.
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mexico. some possibly wounded or worse after being fired on and abducted by drug cartel gunmen. two are safe but two have been killed. more now from rosa flores. >> reporter: two of four missing americans are back in the united states and receiving medical treatment in texas after being kidnapped in mexico after what a u.s. official tells cnn was a case of mistaken identity. two members of the party were found dead and one of the survivors is severely injured with a bullet wound to his leg. according to u.s. and mexican officials, in the party of four, latavia washington mcgee and eric james williams survived. zindell brown and shaeed woodard were killed. >> we're providing all appropriate assistance to them and their families and extend our deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of the deceased. >> reporter: they crossed the border from brownsville, texas, into matamoros, mexico, on friday more mcgee to obtain a medical procedure according to a friend of mcgee's and drove a white minivan with north
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carolina plates across the border and got lost while trying to locate the clinic where they were headed. the friend told cnn this. before they were able to locate the clinic disturbing video shows the aftermath of the kidnapping as heavily armed men loaded them into a white truck and transported them to various locations to evade capture according to mexican officials. [ speaking non-english ] >> reporter: the mexican president says those responsible will be found and punished. a u.s. official familiar with the investigation told cnn they believe a mexican cartel kidnapped the group after mistaking them for haitian drug smugglers. the state department has issued its highest level 4 warning do not travel to tamaulipas state where the group was abducted due to heavy crime and kidnapping in the region. >> there are many people who cross over that border for these medical appointments. >> attacks on u.s. citizens is unacceptable no matter where. >> reporter: mcgee and williams
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are under the care of the fbi and u.s. officials are making arrangements to bring home the bodies of brown and woodard? we want to see accountability for the violence that has been inflicted on these americans. >> rosa joins me just across the border from where this happened. has anyone been arrested in connection? >> reporter: anderson, according to mexican officials one individual has been arrested. a 24-year-old from tamaulipas, mexico. according to mexican officials this man was somehow associated with doing surveillance on the americans, but here's the thing, mexican officials are not disclosing if this individual is connected to criminal organizations or the cartels or even if this individual had anything to do with the assaults, the kidnapping and also the killing of the americans. what mexican officials are saying they received a tip early this morning. they followed that tip. they found the americans in a wooden house outside of the city but didn't find, anderson, according to them were the people who were responsible for
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the kidnapping and the killings. >> rosa flores, appreciate it. a congressional hearing begins tomorrow that will probe the lab leak theory of the covid pandemic which found support from the fbi. dr. anthony fauci joins us next for an exclusive interview to discuss whether he will ever get complete answers to this question. this cough. [sfx: coughs] this'll help. vicks vaporub? vickvaporub's ...medicated vapors go straight to the source of your ugh... you can relieve your cough to breathe easier. vicks vaporub. fast-acting cough relief.
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a lab in wuhan, china. fbi director christopher wray said the fbi also believes the pandemic was likely the result of a lab incident in wuhan. other agencies aren't so sure. our next guest was the scie scientific voice of the prior administration, dr. anthony fauci. good to see you. are the fbi and energy department right about the lab leak? >> well, it's very tough to tell that, anderson, because they're talking about information that they have that we don't have privy to so we don't really know. they have made opinions on low confidence from the department of energy and moderate confidence, i believe, from the fbi so i don't think there's a really correct and verifiable answer to your question. it's just still remains unknown at this particular point. there are two theories as we're all familiar with now, one is a lab leak theory. the other is it was a natural
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occurrence from an animal spillover. we have to keep an open mind about this until there's definitive evidence. we know from study -- >> how important is it to figure out? >> well, it is, anderson, because you want to make sure whichever of those alternatives it is, that we do whatever we can to prevent it from happening in the future, because we have had outbreaks before. i mean we had sars which was proven to go from a cat to a bat to a human. we haven't ruled out that there was a lab leak. there are things you can do to prevent the recurrence of these. for example, the data showing that it might be a natural occurrence would make you want to be very careful about the animal/human interface and make sure that we have strict regulation of bringing animals into wet markets. if it turns out to be a lab leak you want to be very much more stringent in the controls of the
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experiments that you allow to be done. so it is relevant to understand. whether or not we will ever know i'm not sure but it certainly is important to know. >> this is obviously become very part sang, and house republicans are holding a covid hearing tomorrow. you're obviously someone they have been focusing on. would you testify if they asked you. >> of course. oh, without a doubt. if they asked me, i definitely will testify. >> you've had experience with antagonism from certain lawmakers over the past couple of year, specifically with rand paul. i want to play something for our viewers to give them a sense of the back and forth. >> for years dr. ralph barrick, a virologist in the u.s. has been collaborating with the doctor from the wuhan environmentology institute about how to create superviruses. this has been funded by the nih. dr. fauci, do you still support funding of the nih funding of
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the lab in wuhan? >> senator paul, with all due respect, you are entirely and completely incorrect that the nih has not ever and does not now fund gain of function research in the wuhan institute. do they fund dr. barrick -- do you wish to retract your statement where you claim the nih never funded gain of function research in wuhan. >> senator paul, i have never lied before the congress and i do not retract that statement and if anybody is lying here, senator, it is you. >> senator paul just today on fox news accused of orchestrating a cover-up. do you have any reason to think the new congress will be any less contentious or do you think they're interested in seeking the truth? >> well, i don't know, anderson. i don't really want to comment on that. i mean the most important thing we've got to do is stick with
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data, stick with science, be transparent and be honest, which i have been very much so literally for the entire 50 years that i've been at the nih and the 38 years that i directed the institute. so that was an unfortunate interchange with dr. -- with senator paul, but that was senator paul being senator paul. >> are we ready for the next pandemic? i mean, there are a lot of folk, bill gates has warned about the next one coming and had a plan for, you know, said you could invest tens of billions of dollar, think in order to prevent these pandemics. are we ready for something else? >> you know, the answer was we're partially ready. there are some things that have gone right with the pandemic preparedness and response for covid-19 and some things that need to be substantially improved upon, anderson, the thing that went right was the investment over decades in the
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basic and clinical biomedical research that allowed us to make a vaccine in unprecedented time of less than a year that turned out to be safe and highly effective and according to the commonwealth fund has saved over 3 million lives and prevented 18 million hospitalizations and saved us about a trillion dollars. where we need to do better is in the public health preparedness. we need to have greater coordination, greater transparency, greater availability of data and to be able to analyze and get data in realtime. so you're asking me are we prepared? the answer is in some respects we are, but we certainly can do better and hopefully the lessons that we learned from this terribly tragic experience that we've been through would put us in better stead for the next inevitable outbreak, anderson. it may not occur in the next year or ten years or 15 years, but there will be another pandemic as history has taught
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us. >> yeah, dr. anthony fauci, i appreciate it. thank you. >> good to be with you, anderson. thank you for having me. coming up ahead a new cnn town hall i'm hosting on the fentanyl crisis starting at 9:00. we'll take to you philadelphia to examine why this deadly drug is now being mixed with a veterinary sedative. it's graphic and disturbing report but important to understand the full scope of the fentanyl crisis in america. of the performance line at the invitation toto lexus sales event. eva's about to learn her fear of missing out leads to overating. i totally eat stuff to not miss out. ♪ that's just a bit of psychology eva learned from noom weight sign unow at i think i'm ready for this. heck ya! with e*trade you're ready for anything. marriage. kids. college. kids moving back in after college. ♪
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minutes from now i'll host a new town hall on the fentanyl crisis in this country. lawmakers, medical professional, family members who will answer your questions and those in the grip of this drug will join us with their stories. because even as america fights this plague and makes seizure, fentanyl is still finding its way into our homes and on to our streets. it was discovered in philadelphia and it is being cut with a new substance to make its effects last longer but leaves users with open wounds that can last for months and even rotting flesh. we warn you what you're about to see contains graphic imagery and may be disturbing but think it's important to show to understand the scope of this crisis.
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>> it's bad. i didn't know i did this. i was one of the first victims with this. >> the opioid crisis has been going on for a long time but in philly the problem shifted. most of the street fentanyl supply is cut with an animal traffic lyzer called xylazine or tranq. >> i didn't notice the change, it was just heroin wasn't doing anything for me anymore. you build a tolerance for everything eventually. and then i tried tranq and heroin disappeared altogether and made it cheaper, easier to get. now it's just killing everybody. >> does tranq give you the fame feeling fentanyl would? >> no, you get warm and fuzzy from fentanyl. tranq puts you to sleep. >> tranq was found in over 90% of the dope samples tested in philadelphia and it's spreading to other cities on the east coast.
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in 2021 it was detected in 34% of overdose deaths in philadelphia. users did not want xylazine, but now they're addicted to it. okay, so someone told me you're a real og out there. what does that mean? >> original gangster, okay. yeah, i've been out here for a long time. a lot of people know me out here. >> so like you've been here when like tranq started being in the supply, right? >> actually, yeah. i saw the transition go from real heroin to tranq and it really changed a lot of people's habits, lifestyles. >> reporter: xylazine is a powerful sedative not approved for use in humans and can cause them to be motionless for hour, even days. >> knocks out elephants with it. that's why you see everybody like this. you know. >> reporter: it causes skin wounds that won't heal and that can become necrotic.
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doctors don't yet know why. >> they removed seven pounds of flesh and a liter of pus. it's been open for 21 months, that's how horrible it is. it doesn't let your body heal. >> slowly but surely it's killing us. it's eventually going to kill you if you keep going. i see it every day, death. every day right next to you. >> the main avenue runs under and on the side streets and in the park people without homes live and sleep and use illegal drugs. >> what's up? did you want to get on the list? >> reporter: a percocet prescription led to sara getting addicted to heroin and living on the street. when she got sober she created an organization that offers showers and nurses to treat people's wounds. >> everybody knows about kensington. it's a tourist location for drugs. >> a couple mentioned that
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people will come down here for the weekend and never leave. >> you just get stuck. why go home? >> this is mcpherson square park but we call it needle park. >> why? >> everybody shoots up here. there's a lot of syringes left around. >> reporter: one day in 2019 a friend drove jim to buy fentanyl and never came back to the car. he spent two years homeless, 18 months of them in this park. >> i got to kensington, this was like a disneyland for drug addicts. >> why? >> open air. >> reporter: people that have homes in kensington still have their own community with its own economy. >> i had two hustles. hitting people, people that are injecting if they're not good at themselves they need a hitter. my second one is what we call a runner. somebody comes down from the county and want to know where the good stuff is so people say, i want a bag of coke but i don't want bath salts or somebody would say i ask tranq but a little fentanyl in it and i
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would know it from being down here. i'll take you but you're going to have to look out for me. >> wow, kind of like a tourist guide. >> yes, 100% like a tourist guide. middleman of copping drugs for sure. >> what's the differentiator if tranq is in everything? >> which ones are heavier with the tranq and which ones are least tranqy. >> the nurses use their experience with addiction to care for people who come in. >> i use a lot. >> have people come in here where you're like, dude, you got to go to the hospital? >> all the time. >> it's hard. it's scary. you're going to the hospital like are you going to manage my withdrawal and my pain? are you going to treat me like someone who uses drugs and stigmatize me and throw me back out? >> it has made it difficult for patients to get into recovery. so fearful of the withdrawal and fearful that the doctors and nurses don't know what xylazine
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is. >> reporter: xylazine withdrawal lasts longer than opioid withdrawal and can cause intense anxiety. doctors don't know the best way to treat it. and they're trying to different drugs to see what works. but they warn cranking down on tranq pushes dealers to introduce other dangerous drugs. h how do you make access to care better? >> better medications so better ability to manage withdrawal, creating more housing access, house something a major issue in our community and i think that's something that we're not concentrating on is the prevention of this disorder. >> what would that be? more mental health scare. >> yes, absolutely. >> the same reason that that mom on the main line reaches for a martini glass at noon is the same reason that i reached for a rig and put a needle in my neck. i was in pain. that's it. i was hurting. the people that are out here
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numbing their pain with substances, whether it's heroin, alcohol, cocaine, we need to address the pain. we need to stop isolating the substance and look beyond it. >> and then you -- i'll give you narcan. >> you know, i'm a 5'1" purple haired recovery heroin addict. i don't have credentials. i don't have a degree and i had to come up with ways to convince people that we're worth saving. >> wow. i mean, what did you learn about the backgrounds of the people that you spoke to? >> most of them aren't from kensington. they come from all over, people from the suburb, people who had wealthy families. there are several people who had children, even teenagers. one woman i spoke to had been diagnosed with cancer at 40 and she got addicted to pain pills and now she's living in a
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shelter. >> it's so stunning to see up close, elle reeve, thanks. one-on-one with nfl player k.j. osbourne called a hero for helping to rescue a driver from a burning car with three others. he shares the details next. istut is proven to moisturizize dry skin all day. you'll love our formula for face, too. aveeno®
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can't argue with the facts. no wonder xfinity mobile is one of the fastest growing mobile services, now with over 5 million customers and counting. save hundreds a year over t-mobile, at&t and verizon. talk to our switch squad at your local xfinity store today. right place, right time. that's what minnesota vikings wide receiver osborne is saying about helping rescue a man from a burning car with his uber car driver and two other good samaritans sunday night in austin, texas. according to reports the car crashed under a bridge and burst into flames. thanks to the quick action of osborne and the others and the driver is expected to be okay. joining us with more on the rescue missions, kj osborne. thank you for being with us. this is amazing. can you walk us through what happened with your uber driver
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spotted the burning car? >> right. man, it was crazy. first of all, appreciate you for having me on, man. it was a crazy situation. my uber driver had my head down, i'm in the back of the uber. and initially, you know, he starts making a lot of noise. i'm asking, what's going on? i look at the street, there's nobody there. then look off to my right, there's a car, like you said, under a bridge. it had crashed. and it was in flames. and my uber driver, whose name is abdul, you know, we stopped and we said we got to call 911. and initially we both ran to the car. there was another group that stopped. her name is rita and arthur. they both stopped. we all seen this car up in flames. and the driver -- we seen that he was alive. it was initially my uber driver that had went out. abdul went down, opened up the passenger door. he seen this guy who is in the vehicle. he seen that he was still alive.
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and the driver was able to muster enough strength to kind of move his body way over to the passenger seat. and that's when we all went down. we helped pull him out of the car, but we were still close to the car because the whole time, you know, this car, we had no idea if it was going to blow up. obviously that would have been the worst. so, you know, i picked the guy up and we walked him 10, 15 yards away from the car. by then the firefighters had came and the police and everything. and we were able to rescue him. >> wow. >> but like you said, right place, right time. i think i said my tweet, god is real. i'm happy i was able to do it. >> had you ever -- i mean, seen anything like this before? done anything like this before? >> right. of course i've never seen anything like this before in person. you know, i joked about it in another interview. i'm currently getting my masters in criminal justice at the university of miami. i have an internship left to finish.
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in the football, i wanted to be in the fbi or secret service. i walk up to this burning car, i'm like, all right. this is live bullets. and you know, so of course i've never seen anything like that. but to be able to act on it again with the other three heroes that i was with was definitely a good deed and something that, of course, i've never imagined myself being a part of in a million years. >> yeah. awesome that four people randomly happened to all be in the same place at the same time and have the same, you know, drive to get involved and try to help and do something. it's kind of just an extraordinary story. do you know how the guy -- how the person is doing or how serious the person's injuries were? >> we do not yet. we've been waiting for police report. the police got all of our contact info. i've been in contact with arthur, rita and abdul waiting to hear back what's going on. initially when we pulled him out of the car, his mouth was bleeding. when i picked him up, he had a
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lot of blood on my shirt. i heard initially he had an ankle -- i don't know if it was broken or whatever. but all his limbs seem to be in in tact. he was speaking. we're waiting for a police report. i have my marketing team and things like that trying to reach out to police so i can get in contact with this guy and get a chance to shake hands or do something. >> i love that you're going to have this bond with these three other people for the rest of your life. it's this incredible -- i love this photo that you tweeted out of all of you. >> yeah. yeah. i think it's something important. and it happened obviously so fast and that night i asked them to take a photo because arthur and rita, i know arthur he had came from cameroon. he's been here -- i've been speaking to these people the last few days. he is a big soccer fan. so he doesn't know much about the nfl. and abdul, i don't think he watches much nfl football either. so they had no clue that i was an nfl player or anything like
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that because that wasn't important. we were trying to save a man's life and do a good deed, so football was not even in the question. but i told them, this is going to be a story. people are going to talk about this. and of course, they're going to say kj osborn, the nfl football, this was all of us. this was me. this was abdul, this was rita, this was arthur. i wanted to make sure they got love as well. i have something planned for them as well to, you know, show my appreciation for them because i know it's a little different obviously because i'm a football player. >> i love that you're -- that it's something you all did together and that you're celebrating them in that. thank you so much. >> of course, man. appreciate you having me. again, man, thank you. >> the cnn town hal "america addicted to fentanyl crisis" is next after a quick break. let me bring in my expert. mmm... so manany scratches... oh t those are from my car keys.
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in 1959, first approved in 1968 that went from a mainstay in hospital settings and god seasoned to people with severe chronic pain to illegally produced synthetic killer of americans. many of them young people who were not hard core drug users, not addicted, but handed a pill they thought was a xanax or percocet at a party by a friend. one pill that might have had a tiny amount of fentanyl the size of a pencil tip to kill them. i want you at home to take a look around the room that we're in right now tonight. every one of our guests and all of our studio audience has in some way been touched by this crisis. and again, we want to make it clear, that doesn't just mean by addiction. accidental poisoning by fentanyl is a major, major problem as well. according to the centers for disease control, more than 70,000 people in this country died in 2021 from fentanyl and other synthetic opioids. 70,000 americans a year, up from nearly none just
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