tv CNN Newsroom CNN March 10, 2023 10:00am-11:00am PST
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feel comfortable sharing a restroom with me? >> what's most important is that we try very hard to accommodate students. that's why i have said many, many times we just need extra bathrooms in schools. we need gender neutral bathrooms so people can use a bathroom that they in fact are comfortable with. >> on a lighter note, a winner-take-all of one-on-one basketball between the governors of maryland and virginia. the prize, the next fbi headquarters. wes moore challenging virginia's youngkin who happens to be a former college basketball player. young kin says game on, accepting the challenge. thanks for your time. have a safe and wonderful weekend. kristen fisher picks up our coverage right now. i'm kristen fisher in washington. could former president trump soon face criminal charges? cnn has learned that manhattan
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prosecutors have invited trump to testify next week before a grand jury. it's a move that typically indicates an investigation is nearing its end and that an indictment could be mimminent. the former president is at the center of many criminal investigations but this grand jury is looking into the hush money payments to adult film star stormy damages during the 2016 presidential campaign. while president mr. trump was asked about the payment and he denied making it and directed questions to his then personal lawyer, michael cohen. less than a year later, cohen testified to congress. watch. >> did you know about the $130,000 payment to stormy daniels? >> no, no. >> why did michael cohen -- >> well, you'll have to ask michael cohen. michael is my attorney. you'll have to ask michael cohen. >> i am providing a copy of a
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$35,000 check that president trump personally signed from his personal bank account on august 1st of 2017, when he was president of the united states. the president of the united states thus wrote a personal check for the payment of hush money as part of a criminal scheme to violate campaign finance laws. >> with me now, cnn's senior legal affairs correspondent, paula reid. so, oming for the former president in this case? >> well, what we know based on what we're seeing happenin this investigation is it appears that they are likely nearing the end of this probe. it's been going on for approximately five years. and the fact that they have extended this invitation to the former president does suggest that an indictment is possible, if not likely. it's been interesting over the past few weeks, kristen, we've seen this sudden uptick in activity in this investigation. we've seen a series of
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high-profile witnesses, close allies of the former president like kellyanne conway going in to testify. if there is an indictment here, prosecutors could face some challenges. you have the fact that this is conduct that is approximately seven years old. this is a pretty novel legal theory that they would be pursuing as well. at the heart of this, there is a potential crime but it is ultimate low a paperwork crime. michael cohen, who you just heard there, he would be a key witness. some defense attorneys may seize on the fact that he is a convicted liar and has made many repeated public comments about his ill feelings towards his former boss. so prosecutors if they choose to bring this, it would be an unprecedented indictment of a former president. but there are a lot of open questions, kristen, about whether they could be successful in any possible trial. >> sure. and it's so interesting that of all the cases that the former president is embroiled in that
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this one seems to have the most traction, at least for the moment. paula reid, thank you so much. so let's bring in cnn legal analyst carrie cordero. carrie, the fact that the former president was invited to testify, what does that indicate to you? >> well, as paula was describing, what it really indicates is that the investigation is nearing its conclusion, at least the use of the grand jury. my understanding of new york law is that they provide that opportunity. he's not going to do it. there's no real good reason for the former president in this case especially given all of the other investigations that are out there and the potential of him saying anything that potentially would not be in his interests. so i think there's really no likelihood that he actually will take them up on that offer, but it is part of their process. >> so if charges are brought against a former president and a
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current presidential candidate, how difficult of a case will this be for the manhattan d.a. to prove? >> well, the interesting thing about this particular case is that so much time has passed and the facts haven't changed at all. so the facts in this case are what they always have been since the conduct that paula described about seven years ago. it is the payment of information. it really would come down to michael cohen's word and whether or not a potential trial adjudication would find that he is credible in what he's saying. he is the main witness. he's the individual who fa facilitated the payment and he has been a witness himself. there has time that has gone by and different prosecutors that have passed on this case so i have some skepticism about the new york decision if they really
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do move forward with this particular prosecution of a former president. >> yeah. well, speaking of michael cohen, this morning he really cast doubt on the chances that trump will testify, echoing what you just said. listen to this and i'll get your take on the other side. >> i have to applaud district attorney bragg for giving donald the opportunity to come in and tell his story. knowing donald as well as i do, understand that he doesn't tell the truth. it's one thing to turn around and to lie on truth social. it's another thing to turn around and lie before a grand jury. so i don't suspect that he's going to be coming. >> so, carrie, you don't think that he would testify either. i'm assuming you would not advise him to testify if you were his attorney? >> i can't imagine that his lawyers would add vise hem thatt would be in his interests or anybody else similarly situated. any individual who was facing
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different federal and local down in georgia, a wide array of potential criminal exposure, i just can't imagine how his lawyers would give him the advice that it would be wise for him to testify. >> we will wait and see. carrie cordero, thank you so much. with trump's legal baggage on full display, his republican rivals are descending on that key primary battleground state of iowa. florida governor ron desantis making two stops there today, laying the groundwork for an expected white house run that would instantly become trump's biggest primary threat. official 2024 candidate nikki haley also in iowa today. as for the former president, he'll be there on monday. it's getting crowded there. cnn's jeff zeleny is in des moines. jeff, what kind of pitch to voters are we hearing from d desantis, and has he said anything about trump today? >> kristen, he has not mentioned the former president by name but that is the subtext for his
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appearance here. he is going to declare his candidacy, at least that's his intention, in either may or june after the florida legislative session ends. he is trying to sell his candidacy or the idea of it right now. and the only mention of the former president as he spoke this morning, he said his administration has had no drama. he describes himself as a doer, not a talker, but does not mention of course donald trump by name. but he does promote what he's done in from, his proposals, and and fighting against the woke crowd. >> we chose freedom over fauciism just like iowa, and we were right and they were wrong. >> reporter: so of course he touts his proposals about how he kept the state of florida largely open. the former president actually has been disagreeing with that. he points to the fact that during the early months of covid, the florida governor closed the state down, so that will be one of the differences that they hash out once this campaign is fully joined. kristen, i can tell you talking
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to republican voters here, you're in a couple different camps. you're either fully supportive of donald trump and want him to win back the white house or you're looking for an alternative. the florida governor is high on the top of the list of many republicans but they also want to see how he does on the ground actually campaigning. there are other candidates as you said, the former south carolina governor, nikki haley, she's been here for several days. other candidates also expected to get in. so this is the very beginning of the process here. but certainly a significant development that the florida governor is finally -- he says he's selling a book. he certainly is touting his idea of a run. kristen. >> a book or perhaps a candidacy. i think you said that he will likely announce in may if he does skindeed announce. is that what you said? any more on the timing of desantis make this official? >> the timing is largely because it's after the florida legislative session. he could even wait until june when he signs the florida budget into law. he's sending these signals now, a, to perhaps freeze the race of
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some other rifvals, and b, to gt everything in place. we do not expect a forma it. kristen. >> fair now. thank you so much, jeff zeleny live in des moines for us. let's bring in laura baron lopez. laura, even though donald trump and nikki haley are officially running, it feels as though the republican race is almost in a holding pattern until desantis officially enters the race. do you agree with that? >> i think that's a fair assessment because desantis is arguably the one candidate that many republican strategists, republican voters, are waiting to see when he jumps in. and when i was at cpac just last week, other than trump, the candidate that they mentioned the most, those voters talked about the most was ron desantis. it didn't mean that they necessarily were going to support him but they were eagerly trying to figure out if he was going to jump in.
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>> yeah. and you heard that pitch that jeff zeleny said desantis is making today, that he is the no drama candidate. how do you think that would play among the republican base that's going to be voting in these primaries? >> well, the republican base is still very much in line with trump. we've also seen the majority of the party is. even if they may not necessarily want the former president to be the gop nominee again for president, ron desantis is not that different from donald trump on policy. we're seeing that across his speeches, he is also very focused on anti-transgender, anti-lgbtq legislation. we've seen him pass it in florida. that's been a big part of his campaign. that's also something that former president trump has run on. another thing that a number of these candidates, whether it's desantis, nikki haley or other potential ones that could jump in are not doing is they are not distancing themself from the
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former president on january 6th. ron desantis right after 2020 was actually an election denier and he has not at all forcibly condemned the former president, whether it's on his repeated lies about the 2020 election or his lies about the 2022 election. >> something else we've been watching is several former trump staffers have launched pro desantis pacs. the latest from one of his top homeland security officials. do you think team trump should be worried about morale allies switching sides and the potential for that happening more and more as this race goes on? >> of course. right now those who are still in line with trump, trump's aides are trying to twist arms and make sure they're getting the same endorsements they got last time around, that people are sticking with him. we've already seen a number of house republicans take sides, whether it's saying that they would endorse a potential desantis run or saying that they're still standing behind donald trump. we saw the third ranking
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republican, elise stefanick in the say that she is behind president trump. >> at the top of the show we were talking about potential charges that the former president could now face. you know, obviously nobody wants to be indicted, but he could use this to his advantage, certainly wouldn't be the first time that he used something seemingly negative and tried to turn it into a good thing to rally his base. what do you think about that, him using it for his advantage. >> i think he certainly would use it to his advantage. trump has already said that if he were indicted, he would continue to run, that he would not pull out of the race. and when i was talking to a lot hifz base at cpac, they said over and over again even when presented with the facts about the -- with the facts about fox news and how fox hosts admitted that they did not believe the
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2020 election was stolen, that base for trump did not believe fox. even when they admitted privately and all this evidence was out there that they were not telling the truth about the 2020 election. and so even when faced with the facts and when trump is under attack, i think that you can see a rallying effect around him, particularly with the republican base. >> in addition to desantis, of course nikki haley, one of his republican challengers, although desantis has not officially entered the race yet, nikki haley has. she is now calling for raising the retirement age. it's getting some pushback from several prominent republicans. what do you think of that? what's her strategy here? >> former house speaker paul ryan has talked about in terms of cutting entitlements, making significant changes to social
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security and medicare. even ron desantis who we were talking about in the past has supported privatizing medicare and supported turning it into a voucher system. so nikki haley's proposal is very in line with traditional conservative proposals. but now because of the fact that president biden has been attacking republicans on this as well as former president trump has decided to make this a fault line in the potential gop primary. so this is something that you're seeing republicans start to split a little bit more on. we saw that desantis backtracked on his prior support of big changes to medicare and social security, particularly when he was in congress. and so you're seeing some republicans like haley as well as former vice president mike pence say, no, we still support big changes and cuts to entitlement programs and other republicans change their tune a bit on that in preparation for this big primary. >> all right, laura baron lopez,
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thank you so much. >> thank you. well, california, i mean it just can't seem to catch a break. another wild weather event called an atmospheric river is now dumping more rain on parts of the state that have already been inundated with deadly floods and snow. officials are urging some residents to evacuate and warning that some snow-packed roofs could collapse under all that extra weight. that's what happened at this store outside of sacramento. look at that. cnn national correspondent nick watt joins us live from felton, california. nick, you're standing beside what appears to be a raging river. what are you seeing there? >> reporter: kristen, we are seeing a lot of water. as you said, we're in felton and an evacuation order kicked in here and elsewhere just a little bit after midnight. at that time we were on the road from l.a. we had to drive because there were flights cancelled into san
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jose. and i've got to say the rain at that time felt like you needed three or four faster speeds on your windshield wipers just to keep up. we've just heard in the last hour or so the road that we took in from the main highway to the coast, that's now closed because of slides. now, felton has been hit before recently. in january, left behind a lot of this. as you mentioned, california cannot catch a break. this the tenth atmosphericeic rr to hit california this winter. they call it the pineapple express sans fun. it's when they basically aim a fire hose at this state. throw in winter storms and you've got two years worth of snow some places. the fear right now is that the weather that we're getting at the moment is a little bit warmer. so along with all the rain, we could see a lot of that snow melting. we are keeping an eye on a lot of places. there's a little town just
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further down river near santa cruz where the main street has been washed out. we're going to go check that out in a little bit. the entire city of fresno is under a flash flood watch. right now the river is lowering, but, but, california is going to get hit again by another atmospheric river early in the week. we were just talking to a fire department guy here. they are waiting to see, trying to forecast where might get hit next. the only silver lining to this cloud is all of these storms are putting a dent in the years-long drought that we have been suffering out in california. but for the people of felton and elsewhere who have been getting hit time and time and time again this winter, this is just another, another storm to face and they are wondering when will it stop. around this team of year the rains should be stopping in california. but as i say, one more atmospheric river forecast to hit early next week.
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kristen. >> and so that -- nick, that would be the 11th atmospheric river to hit? >> reporter: that is right. it would be the 11th. don't forget those other winter storms thrown in. some people are saying they haven't seen weather like this in california for decades, maybe even half a century. this has been a very unusual winter here in california. >> no kidding. well, i like that you at least put some good news in saying that all this water is making a dent in the historic drought. >> reporter: crumbs of comfort. >> exactly. nick watt, thank you so much. so the february jobs report just crushed all expectations, but good news, it's not always good news these days. why it could give the fed more ammo to get even more aggressive on rate hikes. plus, why is russia sending u.s. weapons captured from the
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ukrainian battlefield to iran? and the vicious drug cartel bheend the kidnapping of americans in mexico would like the world to know they're sorry. their jaw-dropping apology, next. when covid h hit, we had some challenges. i heard about the payroll tax refund that allowed us to keep the people that have been here taking care of us. learn more at with 30 grams of protein. i brought in ensure max protein those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. uhhhh... here, i'll take that. [woo hoo!] ensure max protein, with 30 grams of protein, one gram of sugar and nutrients for immune health. i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps.
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that relationship with xi staying in power? >> well, there's certainly no surprise about xi staying in power. he's made this clear for a while, that he was not going to step down. of course the whole problem with china is that there's not a democracy, there's no checks and balances, so of course he was able to get this through their rubber stamped legislature. it heightens the danger because in the past both the sooefviet union and china -- there were some checks and balances on the whims of the leader but now in moscow and beijing, you essentially have one man ruling. we saw already with russia the dangers of having a dictator who can do anything he wants. what putin wanted to do last year was invade ukraine and i don't think there was huge support for that but it didn't matter because putin could do whatever he wants. i think there's similar danger with china because xi jinping
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can do whatever he wants and if tomorrow he wants to invade taiwan, he can do that. i think the lack of checks and balances, the lack of accountability and the lack of collective leadership, all of which is highlighted by xi jinping's unprecedented third term in power makes this a destabilizing and potentially concerning development. >> sure. so you describe it as this unprecedented third term. what about the possibility of a fourth term? i know a lot can happen between now and then, but is that a real possibility? >> well, of course. china has no functioning -- as i said, no functioning checks and balances. so if on the current trajectory if xi wants to become president for life, he probably can do it. that's a dangerous place to be with a supreme leader who doesn't have to listen to any other opinions. i think there was some evidence from last fall at least that
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when people in china was rising up against the zero covid policy, xi jinping did reverse himself and did take notice of that. so i think there is some limited room for feedback and to take account of popular sentiment, but it's very decidedly limited. >> and how would you describe the popular sentiment right now? china is dealing with an economic downturn, growing hostilities with the west, the aftermath of covid. how are chinese -- the chinese people feeling about this unprecedented third term for xi? >> well, it's hard to know how people actually feel because you can't do honest opinion polling in china. it's not a liberal democracy. so i wouldn't presume to surmise the views of most chinese people. clearly china is struggling with a lot of issues from falling population to the slowing economy, which two related phenomena, and is just trying to get back on its feet after the covid lockdown, after the zero
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covid policy. so, you know, i think in terms of the people of china, xi will be judged based on his ability to restore economic growth. but the danger always with a dictator in power is he will try to distract people's atenstenti from things at home to things internationally. so it's a dangerous volatile situation. there's also, you know, a lot of very strong anti-china sentiment in the u.s. so we have to be careful about avoiding a march to war. >> max, before you go, i want to ask you about one other topic. sources are telling cnn that russia is taking u.s. weapons that it captures in ukraine and sending them to iran. the u.s. believes that tehran will try to reverse engineer them. how big of a concern is that?
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>> it's a small concern. i mean the weapons that they're taking are not exactly the most sophisticated in the u.s. arsenal. i mean you're talking about things like stinger or jav leli missiles that we've had for deck a aids and it takes years to manufacture those. the i rranians already have a l of weaponry. it's a small price to pay supporting ukraine in their resistance against this unprovoked russian invasion. >> not a game-changer. max boot, thank you so much. >> thank you. so the jobs market continues to roar. numbers for february soaring past expectations. so why are people still talking about a potential recession? we'll talk about it next. experirience the capability of the complete line of suvs at the invitation n to lexus sales event.
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one week after four americans were kidnapped in mexico, two of them killed, the cartel behind the deadly attack is apparently issued an apology. the notorious gulf cartel confirms its involvement in a letter and they say they're sorry to the families of the american victims and the mexico bystander who was killed. they handed over five members who they claim were responsible.
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cnn's carlos suarez joins us from south carolina where the victims are from. carlos, i imagine an apology from a cartel is probably pretty rare. what exactly does this letter say, and how are the victims' families reacting to it? >> reporter: yes, that's right, kristen. now we have gotten some reaction from at least one of the family members of the four that were in that van that crossed from texas into mexico. we spoke to a father and he said he had not heard about this letter that the mexican cartel released to the mexican government. he said he was not aware of it, he hadn't read it and did not have much of a reaction to it. let's go ahead and show you part of that letter that was sent by the cartel. in it, it says in part the gulf cartel apologizes to the society of mata moros where all of this happened. the relatives of the mexican woman who died during that
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kidnapping and the affected american people and families. the gulf cartel scorpion group strongly condemn the events of last friday. for this reason we decided to hand over those directly involved and responsible for the acts. now, just a few minutes ago it is our understanding that officials in mexico have announced that they have made the arrests -- they made an arrest, rather, in this investigation. they have arrested five people in connection with all of this. now, what is unclear at this moment is whether the five people that have been taken into custody were the five people that the cartel said they were going to turn over. again, in our conversation with woodard's father yesterday, he said he had not yet heard about this. the family is still trying to sort all of this out. they are still trying to come to grips with what happened here. they are still in the process of figuring out how they're going to get their son's body back here to south carolina. here's what he told us.
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>> i just been trying to make sense out of it for a whole week. just restless, couldn't sleep. couldn't eat. just crazy to see your own child taken from you in such a way. in a violent way like that. >> reporter: and so on the sincerity of that apology from the cartel, a source in the u.s. close to this investigation says that they don't -- they don't believe the sincerity of that apology. they're still, of course, taking a look at that letter. but late word at this hour is that it does appear that the mexican government has arrested five people in connection with this kidnapping. that brings the total number of folks taken into custody to six. one was detained shortly after all of this happened earlier this week. kristen. >> six people in custody and one apology. carlos suarez, thank you so much.
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a suspect is also in custody after allegedly driving onto the tarmac and then smashing into a terminal at a north carolina airport. authorities say the driver of that small white car broke through an airport fence and then drove around the tarmac at wilmington international airport. the car then crashed through the doors and windows of the terminal. the driver faces, as you can imagine, both state and federal charges. no bystanders, nobody in the public was injured, and the airport did remain open. but goodness, look at what happened to that car. well, the inflation fight apparently far from over after a hotter than expected jobs report for february. renewed fears that the fed is going to stick with aggressive rate hikes and what this means for all of us, next. ♪ experience the elevation of electrification at the invitatioion to lexus sales event.
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a new jobs report is out today and it's a big one. employers added 311,000 jobs in february, crushing expectations of 205,000. and that's normally always a good thing, right? but these are not normal times. so joining me now, economist diane swonk. diane, thanks for being with us. excellent job numbers, but we're in this weird world where good news isn't always good because it gives the fed more ammo to aggressively hike rates, which of course has its own consequences. so what do you make of this report that came out today? >> well, what we saw in the report, there was good news in terms of it slowed down on wage growth so that should be some cooling of inflation. the problem the fed has is just the sheer magnitude of demand.
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we've generated 815,000 paychecks since the beginning of the year and that's great. but that's holding up aggregate demand at a time when inflation looks like it's becoming more sticky. setting too high of a floor on inflation with all this demand out there, and on top of it we also had very strong increase, which many people needed, in social security payments. it was the largest on record, 8.7% increases in january for 66 million people. what it's resulted in, which i think we'll see also next week, is somewhat hotter inflation and hotter spending. we saw retail sales surge in the month of january, and i think wee going to see another stronger than expected number in february, particularly in those areas that we saw strength in employment as well. and that was in the retail sector. it was actually retail workers didn't get laid off like they usually do, they're hoarding some workers, and in department
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stores which until recently have really been hit hard. people have returned to traditional department stores and big box discounters in the last couple of months, and that -- those things are helping to hold inflation up. this is at the same time that february was the second largest month on record for people on vacation. that's great news to see people on a vacation. more people are on vacation than were home and unable to work because they were sick. that's a major pivotal point in the pandemic and great news. but again, adding to inflation in the service sector. we know that people going through airports, the tsa throughput data showed that we also had many days during the month of february that exceeded 2019 levels. all these things are good news but at a price, and that price is inflation. >> diane, also hanging over the economy, the debt ceiling. today treasury secretary janet yellen called on congress to raise the debt ceiling without conditions, warning that a default would cause an economic
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and financial catastrophe. how concerned are you that congress is going to sometimes do what congress does and mess this up? >> it is really concerning. i think the issue of the debt ceiling should not be a political pinata. i'm very concerned about what is going on. i am a deficit hawk by nature. i've been worried about the deficit for a long time, especially in a world with rising interest rates. that said, you don't use the debt ceiling, which is obligations we've already spent and just owe people. the debt that the debt ceiling would affect, we've already made that spending. that doesn't change the spending trajectory going forward. i think it's very important for us to think at this stage of the game the bond market has gotten jittery already. we don't want to have some kind of additional shock to the bond market that affects it in a very different way in an inflationary environment that we're in that could cause the fed to stop and have to reverse course and then leave us with more residual
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inflation than we'd like for much longer. >> all right, diane swonk, thank you for helping us understand this report and the economy as it stands today. thanks so much. so this gives a whole new meaning to the term "model rocket." a company is preparing to launch the world's first 3-d printed rocket. yep. we'll talk to the man behind the project, next. for fast sore thr, try vicks vapocool drops with two times more menthol per drop*, and the powerful rush of vicks vapors for fast-acting relilief you can feel. vicks vavapocool drops. fast relief you can feel.
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10:50 am
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10:52 am
it could be a big milestone for the space industry. the launch of the world's first 3d printed rocket set for tomorrow. the company tried to launch the rocket wednesday, but it was scrubbed at the last minute. if it works, it will determine if 3d printing can be an alternative to rocket building. joining me now is the co-founder and ceo, tof the company. tim, i would like you to explain why you believe the world needs 3d presented rockets. you called it the holy grail for automation in aerospace. >> yeah, happy to share.
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i started my career as a propulsion engineer working for blue origin where i designed and developed rocket engines. as part of that process, i did the first model 3d printing at blue origin and then working to start the 3d division. when i started relative ty seven years ago, i realized instead of printing bits and pieces of a rocket, 3d printing could actually replace the factory, the design process and development process and result in rockets that have fewer parts and are much faster and cheaper to build. that's what we've been doing, this 3d printing approach. seven years later we have a rocket sitting on the launch pad, ready to go and be the
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first of many historic milestones for our industry. >> tim, when i think of 3d printing, a lot of people think of plastic and whatnot. this is 3d printed metals. can you explain how this is possible and how you do this? >> of course. we have two different printing technologies. one uses a laser that melts metal powder, layer and layer of metal powder and melting the image over the process of several days and that results in complex, detailed parts that are functional. then we have our own proprietary printing process that's very large scale. we've made the largest 3d printers in the world. it's 110 feet tall and these
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large-scale printers our team invented and they use an aluminum product to build the structure. >> they're so cool. sorry to cut you off. we're running out of time. i want to make sure we get to the launch. this thing is 110 feet tall, 8 feet wide. it's massive. the first launch attempt was scrubbed. break this down. what went wrong wednesday and are you confident you fixed it in time for the second attempt tomorrow? >> yeah, of course. winds on wednesday at the cape were blowing quite hard. that certainly caused some complications with weather. then the second piece is the liquid oxygen and liquid methane has to be cold enough to fly. they're both very cold already. they have to be cold enough. we're the first company in the u.s. to have an orbital launch attempt using liquid methane.
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we needed to tweak the temperatures. we made fixes to the ground system to load it for our test tomorrow. >> i have to leave it there. tim ellis, thank you so much. and thank you so much for watching. at the invitation n to lexus sales event. if your business kept on employees through the pandemic, can see if it may qualify for a payroll tax refund of up to $26,000 per employee. all it takes is eight minutes get started. en work with professionals to assist your business with its fms and submit the application. go to learn more. research shows people remember ads with a catchy song. so to help you remember that liberty mutual customizes your home insurance, here's a little number you'll never forget. did you know that liberty mutual custo— ♪ liberty mutual. ♪ ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ ♪ custom home insurance created for you all. ♪
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