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tv   CNN Tonight  CNN  March 10, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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but he was the father of the country. also the willingness to only do two terms. keeping the country alive. he only fought when he was the general in the revolution and then he got in battles and he only won three. he understood he wouldn't be that british army, he just had to keep the army existing. he just had to keep him alive so he was always running away and also yes, dave up the crown when he could've gone the other way and also he was so prissy and. he is the one who said political party will be the death of us. once we get into that kind of factional thinking and look at all these years later and that's really how it turned out. >> even catch more of bill during real time with bill maher every friday night at 10:00 p.m. on hbo and his post-show segment, "overtime," which airs at 11:30 here eastern.
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happy friday evening when. you just watched bill maher in a one-on-one with jake tapper. stick around until 11:30 eastern time and we will bring you in even more unplugged bill maher. we will see what he and his guests talk about after the show. until then we have a lot to talk about so we will show you this new video. taken by one of the americans kidnapped in mexico and it showed what was happening in the car right after they crossed over the border. then there is a two hour gap of time before they are surrounded by the cartel. we will tell you what we know about where they went. george santos accused of running a credit card skimming operation in seattle. >> i'm in the right, i'm innocent.
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>> oscar ceremony brought us the flap heard round the world so what's in door for this broadcast? our panel brings us a preview. my this week look, -- anderson. also maunder jones, former congressman with the most infectious laugh. and joining us, and when i don't well enough retired nypd detective mark saxton. detective thanks so much for being here with us and thanks to all of you. detective i do want to start with you with the new information we have about the americans who were kidnapped in mexico because it turns out that one of them in the car was life-threatening part of their road trip to mexico and so they crossed over the bridge from brownsville into matamoros and let me play you a portion .
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basically he is just keeping what they are seeing and saying you all don't know what it's like in mexico to his friends or whoever's watching, and then what happens is that's at 9:18 in the morning because there's a timestamp and cnn has been able to locate that. that's at 9:18 a.m. , then there is a two hour break in the time period when it looks like authorities don't know what was happening with them except that they were not going in the right direction of the doctor's office and then we pick up again at 1112 a.m. that's when a gray volkswagen begins following their van and then half an hour later they are surrounded by the cartel.
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so, plunder detective hat and put that out and tell us what it means to you. >> it means we should be in for a lot of contradictory stories about some of the events surrounding what has occurred down there in mexico because a large part we are out side of control of the investigation and much of the information that's coming forward, there will be a lot of -- you can count on contradictory information coming forward and we sitting here in the united dates have to really rely heavily on mexican authorities who have notoriously been subjected to corruption allegations through our time so to challenge that investigation we will have until the state department and perhaps the dea with its access and it's bilateral range it has and customs enforcement can have
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them individuals embedded into the investigation itself so we can of course trust and verify the information coming out of mexico. >> and what about that two hour break in time? can't eps capture where they were? >> they should be based on the phone and pretty much be able to detail their travels for that two hour period of time and that's what is possible as we move forward all of a sudden you will get more information about their whereabouts. what's part of the frustration because this investigation is outside of u.s. control at this time. >> congressman, do we trust the mexican authorities to tell us the truth? >> we can't trust the mexican parties to control their own
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people in the country of mexico. this is a place where the cartels have control over the country which is an issue and an indication of a failed state. let me be the first to say i don't support sending in ground troops but i do think there should be intelligence sharing. we certainly help with other countries. >> isn't there intelligence? >> i would hope so but i think mexican authorities now have an interest in appearing they did everything properly leading up to this point. >> joe, what do you see? >> there's a two hour gap in what the whereabouts of those pro poor victims were. now you see the suspicion and rumor mill if the people were
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engaged in nefarious behavior but what we do know is it's quite clear that we have not secure the border and that we have surrendered vast portions of the mexico border to the cartels and we have not interrupted that flow. i think that has to be the focus until this administration and country takes that threat of the cartels off and all the intricacies related to that threat, nothing will matter and people like those four rooms will continue to die. >> on the fentanyl front this week michigan made the biggest bust in their state history of fentanyl and i will give you perspective if. the michigan state police say this is the largest seizure in michigan -- this was routine traffic stop -- one kilo, so they found -- one kilo can
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produce 5000 fentanyl pills with a street value of one point 5 million. in total this seizure will undoubtedly save lives as it disrupted the distribution of around 3 million fentanyl-laced pills with a total street value of $9 million. just incredible the amount of a routine traffic stop. >> yes, but the good thing is it was stopped. i know our mind wants to wonder but i think it's good that we can say hey, we are doing something and we can prep and build on this. i want to go back to this motion of what lindsey graham said about possibly sending in troops. don't we occupy enough countries? we have to find other ways besides military to negotiate and work with our neighbors and as soon as i read that i thought holy cow, what country are we not going to invade?
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>> as you know senator graham leans towards -- he leans towards in believing that military might can make waves and we have not solved the fentanyl issue so what is the solution quick we are obviously not negotiating enough. >> i will solve it. >> i think what's scary is that this could turn into an international incident with our neighbors and the mexican president does not seem excited -- there's a lot of blame going around and i think that is ultimately could be the largely scarier implication. >> i think almost the opposite. the cartels have gone so far of sending a candy graham and the we shall not ever do this again in here the people that we are put forth are going to claim responsibility for the cartels
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don't want to break up the money chain. the president of mexico doesn't want to make sure that their economy which dirty secret is running in large part in conjunction with the cartels in the drug money broken up so again whether we are talking about baltimore, chicago, or the southern border, no one cares about the drugs. people care about the americans and the bodies piling up so i think that's what we need to focus on. >> is scary because they are our neighbors. the goal is to not have a military conflict. >> i don't he was talking about invading but like hey, do you guys need help? i'm not going to put it over the fact that someone from that party may be actually thinks along those lines because we had a candidate who was close to being governor saying send troops. >> kerry lake thinks she is governor right now. >> she does. >> is a weird paradigm where you can find caucus in the halls of congress to believe the democrats and somehow that their position and no one
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else's. >> there are individuals that are more apt if you want to escalate the situation but at the end of the day the one thing that we should all be able to agree on is it starts with an insecure border. every single month given a fentanyl coming in to kill every man, woman, and child -- >> policing the country in mexico is anterior and different him a border issue. we are talking about a government that gives approval to the cartels and who relies on it for economic growth and that kind of thing. i want to separate those issues. we do have to address the border but i don't think putting up a wall will solve -- >> to be clear, it's the money. it's always the money. the money is coming from the drugs and yes i believe that it different from how do you run a country and secure a border but there are many reasons why the
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fentanyl is coming in. it's the strain on the border in the various points of entry, it's not just the migrant it's also the drugs. >> thank you very much detective, thank you as well for your expertise. meanwhile a 48 hour break run lead to one of the largest failures of the financial touche and in american history. what this means for you and your bank next clearance
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silicone valley bank collapses after a 48 hour bank run. this is now the second largest failure of a u.s. institution in history. that caused panic among venture capital firms. the bank is a big lender to the tech industry. here to explain in english what all of this means is cnn economic -- catherine --. help us understand what caused this bank run? >> this was kind of a foreseeable consequence of rising interest rates. this bank happened to have bought a lot of assets that seem safe at the time, these are mortgage bank securities
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which i think most people think is risky but in this case not the problem was as interest rates went up this became an essentially less valuable thing to hold because they were long dated assets and thinking of a simple way to put this, the thing the bank invested in was worth less as time went on. as a result there was fear that the bank essentially wasn't worth and didn't have as much value and didn't have as much in assets as people would've liked. that became a self-fulfilling prophecy because people got nervous and it depositors got nervous and pulled their money and you get basically a classic bank run. if you have ever seen the movie, "it's a wonderful life," -- >> and so, what does this mean
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for the rest of us and our banks? >> to be clear this is not on the level of what we thought during the 2007 and 2008 crisis. this bank is not nearly as systemically important but still not a good thing. there are a lot of depositors, these big silicon valley startups which will have trouble making their payrolls this month as a result. there is now some contagion already to other banks. people say that happened over there, potentially it could happen at first republic or another bank. depositors get nervous. i don't think this is nearly as bad as had been the case over a decade ago. if you are one of the customers of this bank it is obviously very scary for you particularly if you had a positive that was not -- a deposit that was not
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fully insured. very bad news for you. if you are at another bank that is currently experiencing some of this financial contagion i understand your nervousness. >> a lot of confusing indicators are there in today so what do we need to know about inflation and the economy? >> the economy month after month has out performed expectations. for the last 11 months the job numbers have come in stronger than initially predict did and it has been a little bit of a puzzle why. similarly inflation numbers came in hotter than predicted. it sounded like the job numbers being more would be good, right? the problem is that that indicates that the economy
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might be overheating or maybe at least hotter than the fed is comfortable with in which case it would be much more difficult to get inflation down. the upside is the fed may need to raise interest rates more aggressively in order to get inflation down which in turn raises the risk of a recession because it's difficult to get interest rates just high enough to cool inflation, but not so high that it basically kills the economic recovery altogether. it's hard to calibrate. >> catherine, thank you. in other economic news connected to politics i want to talk about what nikki haley proposed today. >> i'm glad you guys are laughing. i look forward to your thoughts. she's running for president, the former governor. >> i'm looking forward to this conversation. she said something i think is a
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bold proposal. not many politicians would say this. >> then it's bad policy. >> basically raising the age of retirement and social security. listen to what she said. >> those that have invested in should keep what they have. we should not jeopardize those that are already expect something. this is about the new group. >> i'm sorry, what is the new group? are you telling those 50 and over you are safe? i use that arbitrary number but what group can you say that to? it's the new ones coming in? >> it's the new ones coming in. >> why is that not a real proposal? >> in france they are protesting.
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>> don't we have to do something? don't we have to rethink this and maybe recalibrate? >> it's wildly unpopular so i think it's great that she will run on this. good luck to her. people love social security and medicare. they love it and they don't want anyone messing with it. that and obamacare. >> maybe it's unpopular, but it's also math. we are running out. >> we are but i think her version needs a lot more statistics and research. the thing i have a problem with is not the ideas, they just see the arbitrary numbers without the data. as you see the new group tells us nothing. >> she clarified that it was twentysomethings. >> yes but twentysomethings does not tell us anything. why not say when you start school or -- >> also, why not raise taxes on
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the wealthy? the elephant in the room here -- >> this is why democrats have not adopted it because it is bad policy. she is proposing a cut maybe not for people currently in their 60s but certainly for their children or grandchildren and this is what democrats mean when they say that republicans want to cut benefits and then like nikki haley say we don't want to do that and it turns out her version is to cut it for people who are younger who will eventually be beneficiaries god willing of social security and medicare when all you have to do is raise taxes on billionaires and millionaires so with respect to social security there is no longer a cap on that. >> specificity of language is important. political discourse a lot -- across the political spectrum like to change the definitions
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of words when it's useful. fdr enacted social security for the purpose of having people who had outlived the point when most people died not spending their final days in squalor. i don't think it's unreasonable for us to have a public discourse around of the fact that people are living longer. we should honor the obligations we currently have but also have a conversation with those who are younger about what does your retirement situation look like? that's not crazy. i would agree it's a terrible way to kick off a presidential campaign, but i also think -- >> we can agree on that. >> the reality is that you have to win and i don't know how you went on that. >> you are right.
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we should have a responsible conversation but the conversation needs to be started responsibly and this is someone who's darted off with an ageist attack which is less tab competency tests for people 75 and older. it's everybody but her generation needs to do something about these problems. >> i do think it stems from a very real political and industrial problem. you have a generation that proceeds generations that is hanging on longer than anyone thought possible. we are going to most likely have the trump and biden -- >> what do you think is the solution? i like the idea of raising taxes, but to be honest i think
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we need to talk about where we are spending and where we can make cuts and military to me is number one. >> you are talking about someone who very proudly identified waste in the defense budget, lobbyist giveaways and for that reason he was voted against wasting taxpayer dollars on areas that actually don't to secure our borders and protect our national security. we should not be cutting medicaid and food stamps which is what republicans are talking about. the vast majority of people on these programs actually have full-time jobs and are still unable to make ends meet. >> dies -- i like this, it's a spicy conversation, i do have to wrap it. there is a new allegation against congressman george santos and it's a whopper.
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truth challenge congressman strikes again, politico publishing a sworn statement from a former roommate of santos
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who told the fbi that santos oversaw an illegal credit card skimming operation. gustavo -- said that george santos cloned atm and credit cards in the two agreed to a 50- 50 split of the proceeds. -- pled guilty to access device fraud in 2017 and he was deported to brazil. let me read you more because this is from the foreigner statement, the sworn under oath statement to the fbi from the former roommate. he said in 2016 i meant santos and this is when i learned how to clone atm and credit cards. santos taught me hope how to skim card information. he taught me how to put
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skimming devices and cameras on atm machines. he would put a camera and read the card and it would also look at the pin number that you are typing in and according to this they would skim money out of the accounts. >> i had a roommate that i used to steal food from. i totally relate to this. he is the worst roommate. every role he plays, he chaff's whoever he's with. this is a terrible crime to do to take people's money. it's a serious crime and it creates all kinds of problems and of course he's allegedly involved with it george santos with his roommate who he went to visit and testify in good character for and now he sworn this against him. he is a gift for comedians and democrats. he is terrible for america and he should be in jail selling cigarettes pretty soon, but the guy is still there doing his job, it's crazy.
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>> i like your title, worst roommate ever. >> i thought i was bad. >> your thoughts on this? >> look, anything he has been accused of thus far in a silo by itself is insane, the fact that we have to keep talking about the increasingly insane is insane. what we are not talking about is the people who live in ny 3 in the midst of the runaway inflation with half 1 million americans 60 days behind on their car payments now have to deal with the fact that the county executive is now working in conjunction with anthony esposito a whole district away to take care of the entirety because they refused to work with george santos. >> santos suggested taking those payments from his
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constituents themselves. >> again, the jokes write themselves. and this comes back -- this is the reality. we live in america. we live in a free society where you are innocent until proven guilty and much of this stuff is actually true, you set a crazy president when you say he probably did it so to heck with everything. >> he's guilty. >> there is a volume. >> i don't take any pleasure in saying this. >> i'm not disturbed by just the lies but the recklessness of the lies. it says something about his character and his ability to navigate through life and the reason why i feel that people don't want to work with him is not because he has lied as a politician because hello, he's a politician, it's the kind of lies. they are so fantastical.
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>> i also want to play for you what he said. his explanation or denial. >> are you sure? you have it? >> yes. >> i gave and did exactly as i was instructed at the time by law enforcement. i never did anything of criminal activity and no mastermind of anything. >> he said no mastermind of anything. i find that to be in interesting denial. i would say that's crazy, i would never do anything like that. i would not say i am no mastermind of anything. >> like saying this wasn't my idea but i might have known. >> if he were a democrat would nancy pelosi keep him in congress? i don't think she would. >> to be clear she would. >> when has she kept somebody who has this many crimes --
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>> we have never seen anybody living the secret life of walter mitty in congress before, again, i just think you set a dangerous president when you start tossing people out of congress who are duly -- >> i'm not his attorney. i am simply a spokesperson for the rights and liberties in the constitution of the united states. >> you are just highlighting the constant stream of accusations that somehow find hymns comes to him. >> republicans should want him to go away immediately because he is the brand. >> the entirety has effectively disavowed him. i feel like the entirety of new york state has disavowed him
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and he is still there because they have no power to make him go away without effectively breaking the -- >> they could vote to kick him out. >> there is an ethics investigation that is being conducted right now. >> they need and at next investigation into that sweater he keeps wearing. >> thank you all very much, stick around, the first oscar since the flap heard around the world and this state they have a crisis team. then i was like... why didn't i do this sooner? you can get cash back on a all the fashion... your fav beauty stores... what the... ...and on pretty much, whatever. who put that there?
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this is cnn. >> world war ii.
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>> exactly. all right, it's oscar weekend and everyone of course still has pts d from last year when will smith slapped chris rock on stage so how will it be handled this year? joining us is cnn entertainment reporter chloe -- and best selling author of the new book, "luck of the draw." if you were hosting the oscars and then you said no and jimmy kimmel said okay, how would you handle the addressing the flap? >> i would say never hit a comedian. i would make all kinds of jokes about that. this is what happens. chris rock did a great thing talking about how will smith is bigger and stronger than he is, but comedians, i relate completely to what he's saying. i got my butt kicked times in
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my life. one punch was thrown and then my knee because i ran my mouth but if i have an opportunity to go on stage, you make sure you take the alpha out so you say never mess with a comedian. if you are kimmel who was also a comedian, that's the whole thing, you sigh completely with the comedian, not with the guy who slaps the comedian. >> and for ratings you bring chris rock out for the academy, wouldn't that be neat if they had him come out. i think this year they will play it really safe. they picked jimmy kimmel because he's safe. he knows and the executive producer came out and said he knows how to handle crisis. he's good at live television and that's what we need. >> what does that even mean to have a crisis? >> they have prn people ready to release a statement. i read reports that maybe there's extra security. >> they have george santos as
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well i'm told. >> jimmy kimmel is no stranger to drama. there was the best picture mixup between laura lahn and moonlight so anything can happen on this night and i hope he does address it and makes it really funny. i've even pronounce crazy theories because you never know what's going to happen, right? we think it will be just like simple and we will be board, no, not really. what if jada shows up? >> jada is not going to show up. >> you don't know. >> the narrative sounds exciting. >> i am most excited for best picture. let's pull that up. best picture this is what in the running. i'm sure you can see this. top gun. and this could be the
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blockbuster winning. >> avatar, everything, everywhere, all at once, did you guys see that movie? >> it was traumatic. it's a heavy lift. >> i think this could be the year of the blockbusters. many have come out and praise top gun. this brought people back to the movies. >> you're supposed to give an oscar to the film that was quote unquote the best not someone that was most popular. >> what about titanic? >> the best film ever made sir. the stones were fantastic but i'm sorry, tom cruise be in tom cruise at this particular juncture of life just doesn't work for me. >> now who's being ageist? >> i'm being specific. one of the things that i thought that tom cruise was really good at was winking at the audience and i felt as if
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this particular version of top gun he didn't winked at us and i thought he was taking it too serious. >> who will win best actor? >> it's between austin butler and brendan fraser. brendan fraser had this incredible transformation. he plays this obese person who is going through a really tough time and people are giving him a lot of praise but austin butler who played elvis, i know you have opinions. >> he's telling kerrick there, i think. >> some people say that something is up with his vocal cords. he can't shake the elvis. >> would you if you play that role? >> i spoke with angela bassett last month and she told me it turned kearse hicks or seven months to lose tina turner and i think she was using her queen voice when she was telling me so she was still in character from black panther as well.
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>> i hope she wins because no one gives a speech like angela bassett. she knows how to give the perfect speech and i think it's her time so i'm really excited. >> is that a pun because it's a line from the movie? >> is it? everything i do is intentional. >> you also wrote the fabulous new book you have republished your grandfather's story, is out now and everyone please check out -- >> i should just carry you with me everywhere. >> my story of the arrow or -- >> it really is wonderful. >> next, have you ever been called ma'am? >> no, i have not. >> have you been insulted? when did it turn from
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s here the burning question all women of a certain age wrestle with. even the ladies on the "sex and the city" reboot "just like that," the question is, when do you call someone ma'am? >> come on! >> sorry, ma'am. >> ma'am? >> i'm back with the panel.
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did you mind ma'am? >> i have been called worse? >> really, like what? >> not for cable television. i mean, i don't know. it is a little -- maybe a little bit hostile. i mean -- >> i don't think it's hostile. it's not that i'm offended. it's that i'm sad. >> why are you sad? >> there is a cut off. when you transition from miss to ma'am, as if you're old. >> yeah. >> you have earned respect. >> well, in the break, allison -- i called her mad dom, and that is where she draws the line. >> i like madame better than ma'am. >> yes. >> madame is exciting. >> if you drop something, and i see it, what am i supposed to say? excuse me, pardon me? >> you bring up something important. what is that region between miss and ma'am. at 45 years old, you're not miss. you don't want to be ma'am.
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>> lady, you dropped -- >> we have to check your i.d. before we engage in conversation? >> for me, it's the energy. carrie was given misenergy, and she was called ma'am. >> will i is a say men don't have an age cut off. >> you will be called sir from 30 to 80. >> we like sir. >> there is nothing you can say to us that is offensive. >> i don't think offensive -- >> but age -- >> the conversation is supposed to be how you internalize and process being called a word, and when you listen to men, i'm not sir that's my dad. they're reminding you that we're young as well. we have that same sort of dynamic. >> men are allowed to age in a
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way that society adores, and women, as you get older, people are aoppressed. >> no, there is a young bias. we like young men and woman. >> people used to think as a term of endearment. women who are trying to reclaim their time, no pun intended. but i think at the end of the day, look, for my perspective, do you say soda or pop or coke? >> i don't think any of those are insulted, if i recall? >> well, below the mason dixon line, you are free to use -- >> soda and a women's identity. >> let's leave it at that. >> yes, ma'am! >> i can't think of anything more profound. colin kaepernick speaking about being adopted with white paints. what the panel takes on it, next.
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moderate to severe eczema still disrupts my skin. despite treatment it disrupts my skin with itch.
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it disrupts my skin with rash. but now, i can disrupt eczema with rinvoq. rinvoq is not a steroid, topical, or injection. it's one pill, once a day. many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin while some saw up to 100% clear skin. and, they felt dramatic and fast itch relief some as early as 2 days. that's rinvoq relief. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal, cancers including lymphoma and skin cancer, death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq, as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. disrupt the itch and rash of eczema. talk to your doctor about rinvoq. learn how abbvie can help you save.
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colin kaepernick is speaking out about his childhood and exclaning how his white adoptive parents at times echoed racist ideas. his new graphic novel detailing his high school years. >> i know my parents love me. but there were still problem mattic things i went through. it was important to though that, no, it can happen in your own home and while we move forward collectively, addressing the racism.


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