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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  March 11, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PST

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hello and welcome to our viewers joining us from the united states and all around the
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world. i'm laila harrak. thousands of people ordered to evacuate their homes in california as the storm-battered state endures another round of heavy rain and flooding. donald trump facing new legal woes. the former u.s. president now weighing whether to testify before a grand jury about his alleged role in a hush money scheme. plus, a major step for the middle east as iran and saudi arabia strike a deal to restore diplomatic ties. the surprise agreement helped along by beijing. we'll break down what it all means. >> announcer: from cnn center, this is "cnn newsroom" with laila harrak. we start this hour in california, where residents are getting battered by more storms, the result of yet another atmospheric river. at least two people are dead and nearly 10,000 people are under
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evacuation orders. more than 40,000 homes and businesses currently without power according to the central coast has been the hardest hit with creeks being turned into raging rivers and roads being swept apart. the highest level risk warning has been issued for the region, and governor gavin newsom's request for a presidential emergency declaration has been approved by president biden. cnn's nick watt is in central california with more on how these storms are impacting residents. >> reporter: water everywhere, causing chaos across central california. some 25 million are under flood warnings. the kern usually runs at about 6 feet. it's up over 17. snow is the issue up at
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altitude. in socal, they're rushing to rebuild some sort of road for 450 households. this is their only way out. springville's pleasant valley road now anything but. in my 40 years, never seen it like that, said the man who shot these images. a major artery in oakland closed at rush hour. nearby, a peet's coffee warehouse roof collapsed, killing one. >> a longtime employee, beloved by everyone. >> reporter: around 25 times the volume of water that flows in the mississippi is flowing through the air, and this is the tenth so-called atmospheric river to hit california this winter. low pressure from the north meets moist air near hawaii. they call it a pineapple express. sounds fun. it's not. essentially a fire hose aimed at this state, usually famed for its sunshine. throw in a couple of other winter storms that dumped a couple of years' worth of snow
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on some upland areas, and this is the result. today's storm is a warm one, so along with all this rain, some of that snow is melting. the residents of felton flooded in january, once more told to evacuate. here and elsewhere, yet more upheaval. >> now we have to go home, pack our stuff, and leave once again when we were just able to come back a couple weeks ago. >> reporter: good news, all the water this winter is significantly rolling back the years-long drought suffered in the west. bad news, yet another atmospheric river is forecast to hit this state early next week. some places in california have had more than a foot of rain dumped by just this system alone. this little farming town, about six inches so far, and look what has happened. and it's not over. here, this town, it's not going to stop raining until the middle of next week.
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nick watt, watsonville, california. >> let's go to the scene in weather center now where meteorologist derek van dam has more on what to expect in the days ahead. >> we knew this was coming. this has been a well-advertised storm system for the state of california. but we cannot underscore the dangers to life that are still ongoing across much of the central and coastal areas of the state. look at this from the weather prediction center. still on friday, throughout the course of the day, they have had their highest alert level for flash flooding, anywhere from monterey county towards ventura county. keep in mind the last time they issued such a warning was back in 2010. so it's been over a decade. that puts the storm in contextual perspective. it is significant, and it continues to pound the state with heavy rain and snow for the highest elevations. speaking of rain, there have been some locations in monterey county that have topped over
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13 1/2 inches of precipitation, liquid precipitation. no wonder there are flood watches valid right through the weekend and lasting all the way to sunday hmmorning for the san francisco bay region. some of those flood watches extend inland as well as this tropical connection, this pineapple express where it's originating just south of hawaii, extends that plume of moisture right into the state. in fact, you can follow the cloud cover from l.a. to honolulu. just incredible to see this amount of clouds stretching hundreds and thousands of miles across the pacific ocean, bringing that constant what we call a river in the sky, the atmospheric river, right? so the precipitation is not done although it is lessened somewhat. it continues to oscillate north and south throughout the state. we still have some residual runoff from saturday into sunday. hence the flash flood threat that is ongoing. but we have another storm system waiting in the wings. i'll show you that in just one
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moment. here is the projected future rainfall and snowfall going forward on top of what's already taken place. we could see another two to four inches of rain across the central valley, lesser amounts towards the coast. the highest of elevations could see snowfall measured in feet once again. here is our slight risk of flash flooding for the day on saturday, extending northward into the day on sunday as that fire hose of water oscillates northward. the good news out of this is that we have eradicated so much of our drought, at least for now, throughout the state. this is a comparison from december of 2022 to current conditions. you can see exceptional and extreme drought conditions have been all removed throughout california. great news there, but perhaps a little bit too much, too quick. that's why we've seen the pictures of flooding. as i've mentioned before, another wet atmospheric river coming into play for monday and tuesday of next week. back to you. a source tells cnn that former president donald trump
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plans to huddle with his legal team at mar-a-lago this weekend after he was invited to appear next week before the grand jury investigating hush money allegedly paid to adult film star stormy daniels. well, the source says the team will be weighing options and deciding whether trump will actually appear. meantime, former trump personal attorney michael cohen met with the manhattan district attorney's office on friday. he's set to meet with them again on monday. cnn justice correspondent jessica schneider is in washington with more on the story. >> plain and simple -- >> reporter: in what would be an historic case, manhattan district attorney alvin bragg one step closer to bringing criminal charges against former president donald trump in a long-running investigation. >> we're going to look at the facts and the law and let the investigation and justice and what justice requires, you know, will dictate how much time we take. >> mr. president! >> reporter: prosecutors are now
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giving trump the chance to testify before a grand jury investigating his alleged role in that $130,000 hush money payout to adult film star stormy daniels days before the 2016 election to cover up their alleged affair a decade earlier. since potential defendants in new york are required by law to be invited to appear in front of a grand jury, it all indicates a decision on whether to charge trump could come soon. >> it's one thing to turn around and to lie on your untruth social. it's another thing to turn around and lie before a grand jury. i don't suspect that he's going to be coming. >> reporter: trump's former attorney, michael cohen, meeting with prosecutors again friday. he was sentenced to three years in prison in part for his role paying off stormy daniels and then getting reimbursed by the trump organization. that reimbursement would be at the heart of any case brought against trump. prosecutors could charge trump with falsifying business records, for improperly recording his payment to cohen. that would be a misdemeanor. prosecutors could also charge trump with a felony for
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falsifying business records in connection with violating campaign finance laws. it could be a risky case to proceed with. >> if the prosecutor's plan is to rest their case on michael cohen, that's a pretty big gamble. >> reporter: though some argue it's straightforward. >> it's pretty simple. he paid money to keep her quiet. they took the money. they laundered it and hid it in the papers of the trump organization, and ultimately it meant that the trump organization paid tax on something and filed an income tax return that was false. under new york state law, that's a felony. >> reporter: several key people have already testified before the grand jury, including former top white house aides kellyanne conway and hope hicks. trump has repeatedly denied any affair with stormy daniels or any involvement in the payoff. >> mr. president, did you know about the $130,000 payment to stormy daniels? >> no. no. >> reporter: and a spokesman blasted the d.a.'s investigation, saying the manhattan district attorney's
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threat to indict president trump is simply insane. for the past five years, the d.a.'s office has been on a witch hunt, investigating every aspect of president trump's life, and they've come up empty at every turn, and now this. trump has already said he will not leave the race if he's indicted, and legally he wouldn't have to since there's nothing barring presidential candidates from running if they're charged or even convicted. but trump, of course, would be the first former president ever indicted, and this isn't the only case that trump is facing. he's also under investigation in georgia for allegedly working to overturn the 2020 election. and then there's special counsel jack smith who is investigating trump for trump's role in january 6th and also trump's handling of classified documents after he left office. jessica schneider, cnn, washington. all roads to the white house start in iowa, so it's no surprise that florida's governor showed up there on friday for the first time. ron desantis is widely expected to launch a bid for the
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republican nomination in the coming months. and iowa is a crucial place to test the waters. appearing before voters on friday, desantis hit on popular conservative talking points. have a listen. >> they let criminals roam the streets. we do need a border wall. probably wouldn't have happened with california's government or new york's government. i'm just saying. come on, joe. let us get it done. we'll do it. we're not going to teach our kids to hate our country or hate each other. we've done things like eliminate criminal race theory from our k-12 schools. >> many conservatives have been looking to desantis as the new face of the republican party after the turmoil of donald trump. the governor seemed aware of this as he spoke about his own leadership in florida. here he is. >> we made very clear people working in the administration, you know, you're not going to be leaking. if you have any other agenda but doing the business of the people of florida, pack your bags right
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now. and we did that. [ applause ] and the one thing i could say, if you talk to floridians, there's no drama in our administration. there's no palace intrigue. they basically just sit back and say, okay, what's the governor going to do next? and we roll out, and we execute. >> it will be very interesting to hear what former president trump has to say when he travels to iowa on monday. its collapse is now the second biggest financial failure in u.s. history. how tech start-up lender silicon valley bank was swiftly shut down. plus, rail company norfolk southern faces intense scrutiny after three derailments in five weeks. we'll have the latest update. t again the next day. so betty can be the... barcode beat c conductor. ♪ go betty! ♪ let's be morore than our allergies!
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the swift collapse of silicon valley bank is the second largest financial failure in u.s. history, and it took only 48 hours to unfold. the bank's downward spiral started on wednesday when it announced it needed to raise billions to shore up its balance sheet. well, that triggered a run on the bank, and on thursday the tech lender's stock price cratered. on friday, government regulators seized control after the bank failed to raise funds or secure a sale. u.s. officials are now trying to tamp down fears of other banks meeting a similar fate. here's what a senior treasury department official told cnn exclusively. >> federal regulators are paying attention to this particular financial institution. when we think about the broader financial system, we're very confident in the atresilience o the system. >> friday's u.s. jobs report is
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also acting as a calming factor. 311,000 positions were added in february, showing that hiring remains strong. cnn's phil mattingly has the view from the white house. >> reporter: president biden and top white house officials were quick to tout the newest jobs report. 311,000 jobs, beating analysts' expectations and seeming to underscore a white house view that the economy is much stronger than even some white house economists expected it to be at this moment in time. but also showing a level of durability amid continued high inflation and continued rapid increases in federal reserve rates. now, the president saying that this made very clear that the u.s. economy was in a very stable place. take a listen. >> while we still have more to do and there may be setbacks along the way, inflation is now down 30% from what it was this summer. gas prices are down more than $1.50 since their peak. at the same time, takehome pay for workers has gone up. >> reporter: this doesn't mean everything is in a great place.
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when you talk to white house officials, while they will not publicly comment on negative the fed is doing, those rate increases do draw very real concern from democrats around washington about what this could mean for what has been a rapid recovery in the labor market over the president's two-plus years in office. the reality is the federal reserve, if it continues to rapidly increase rates and certainly very positive jobs numbers are only going to accelerate that effort, that it could torpedo much of what the president has put into place in the labor market, in the broader economy on a macro scale over the last two years. it is a balancing act, but white house officials talk about looking for a goldilocks job report, not too hot, not too cold. in this month's report, one white house official told me, certainly better than the alternative, an alternative being losses of jobs or a dramatically poor economy heading into the months ahead. phil mattingly, cnn, the white house.
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in alabama, cleanup efforts are under way after another norfolk southern train derailed there earlier this week. the company says at least 37 cars, mostly carrying mixed freight, crashed on thursday. no hazardous materials were leaked. it's the third derailment involving norfolk southern in five weeks, putting the company under the micro scope. cnn's brian todd reports from washington. >> reporter: the derailment of a norfolk southern train in alabama occurred just as the railroad's ceo was defending the railroad's safety record at a hearing. >> norfolk southern runs a safe railroad. >> reporter: more than 30 cars jumped the tracks in alabama. >> it means it previously carried a hazardous material as described by the d.o.t. those were residue cars because they do not have a load in them. >> reporter: there were no injuries and norfolk southern says no hazardous material was leaked. but it came on the heels of two
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other derailments which caused concern. on march 4th, a train derailed in springfield, ohio, knocking out power in the area. 28 cars came off the tracks. four of them carried residue of a diesel exhaust fluid and an additive used in wastewater treatment. those cars were also empty and investigators determined that nothing spilled. but norfolk southern found loose wheels could have caused the derailment. and according to a memo from the association of american railroads obtained by cnn, railroad officials believe there are nearly 700 railcars across the u.s. with a similar loose wheel flaw. >> the idea of a manufacturing flaw is all too common. >> reporter: that's a slightly different problem from the one which may have caused the norfolk southern derailment in east palestine, ohio, in early february. an issue called wheel bearing overheat. surveillance video shows sparks coming from that train and that the engineers started to slow the train dramatically after they saw the first signs of wheel bearing overheat.
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what exactly is that? >> there are bearings inside the axles of each of the wheel sets, and they need to be lubricated. they need to be maintained. and if the temperatures start to go up above a certain level, the engineer is required to stop the train. >> reporter: norfolk southern claims it spends a billion dollars a year on maintenance, new tracks, and repairs. but experts say the broader problem, and not just with norfolk southern, is that the railroad industry for decades has resisted new, tougher regulations on safety because they'd cost too much to implement. and one expert says congress is also to blame. >> we'd be safer if congress would stop watering down regulations, if the industry didn't fight every single common sense safety regulation tooth and nail with everything they've got. we can make it much safer. >> reporter: former ntsb official peter goal says he doesn't think there's an increased risk of a catastrophic multi-casualty rail accident in the near future, but he says the
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industry does have to step up safety measures, like putting more detectors along railways that measure hazardous materials and better isolating those hazardous materials on the t trains themselves, brian todd, cnn, washington. now to the americans killed in mexico. take a look at new video now cnn has obtained. it was taken by one of the four americans who were kidnapped. cnn geolocated it, and it shows them driving in the north of matamoros just after they crossed into the country. it confirms they were heading to a doctor there for a medical procedure. the fbi has set up a digital tip line for their investigation. mexican authorities have arrested six people in connection with the kidnappings. the mother of one of the survivors saying the arrests need to continue, quote, until they get them all. the bodies of the two americans killed are now in the u.s., and the two surviving victims are
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receiving hospital care. two middle east rivals agree to restore ties, and how it's expected to shake up the region. plus, a new oil-drilling project in the arctic could get a green light from the biden administration within days. critics and supporters are both speaking out. details are just ahead. ever leave your clothes in the dryer and find a wrinkled mess? try downy wrinkle guard fabric softener!
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welcome back to our viewers all around the world.
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i'm laila harrak, and you're watching "cnn newsroom." a historic agreement is changing the geopolitics of the middle east. saudi arabia and iran restoring diplomatic ties after a deal brokered by china. the bitter rivals will also re-establish trade and security pacts. nada bashir is following developments. why is this significant? >> reporter: laila, this is hugely significant. it has been a seven-year rift. saudi arabia first severed ties with iran back in 2016 ar iranian protesters stormed the kingdom's embassy in tehran following the execution of a shia cleric in saudi arabia. and it has taken multiple efforts to bring both nations to some sort of settlement. we've seen efforts back in 2021 and 2022 led by both iraq and oman to try and bring together
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some sort of reconciliation without success. this is the first time that we have seen this level of progress when it comes to bringing the two together in terms of repairing those diplomatic relations. but this agreement, this deal is so much more than just a reconciliation of diplomatic relations and diplomatic cooperation as you mentioned there. they both have now agreed on security cooperation as well. this is a deal which was arranged and coordinated back in 2001, and they are taking steps now to activate this deal. that will include efforts such as cooperating on counterterrorism, on drug trafficking and money laundering, but there will also be cooperation now between the two nations when it comes to trade and technology. this will be hugely significant, particularly for iran, which is finding itself increasingly isolated from the international community both in response to its human rights abuses against protesters in the country as we've seen since the death of mahsa amini, of course also its
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failure to adhere to its international commitments when it comes to the frozen efforts to revive the iran nuclear deal. >> what does this mean for regional security? >> reporter: look, we only have to look at the implications of the seven-year rift to see how significant this will be. the rift, the tensions between saudi arabia and iran over the last seven years have seen tensions in the gulf mounting. increasingly we've seen oil facilities in saudi arabia and even in the uae being attacked by actors and groups that have been backed by iran, namely the houthi rebels in yemen. we have seen the deepening of conflicts in the region, including in syria and of course in yemen, where since 2015 both iran and saudi arabia have backed opposing sides. we've seen those reiterated calls from saudi arabia to establish a more permanent cease-fire, more permanent peace in yemen. so this will certainly go some ways to pushing those talks forward with iran and with others involved in that conflict. so this will be a significant
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step, and of course we've also heard from iran's foreign minister speaking on the regional significance of this deal, saying this is a positive step forward not only for iran and saudi arabia but, in his words, for the entire region and for the muslim world. he also said that iran is now actively seeking to repair those diplomatic ties with its other regional neighbors. so we are going to see, it looksic llooks like on a more regional scale. >> nada, thank you so much. joining me, stephen a. cook is a senior fellow for middle east and africa studies at the council on foreign relations. thank you so much for joining us. there's so much to unpack here. diplomatic restoration of ties seems to have come out of nowhere. >> there have been conversations
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going on under the auspices of the iraqis of all people as well as the chinese, and the united states has also from time to time encouraged dialogue as a way of de-escalating tension in the region. but, in fact, people were surprised by this announcement earlier today. there was no expectation of it. in fact, when everybody on the east coast went to sleep last night, the buzz was that there was perhaps going to be a breakthrough between israelis and saudis, not iranians and saudis. >> so what does this tell you about u.s./saudi ties, this announcement, as you just said? it comes hot on the heels of reports that the kingdom was trying to get some very ambitious security guarantees from the u.s. in return for potentially normalizing ties with israel. so what's behind today's move? how is this being viewed in washington? >> i think people are looking at it quite cautiously. the spokesperson for the national security council reminded journalists that the iranians have a long history of
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not fulfilling their promises. i think there's a cautious skepticism in washington although everybody welcomes the idea of de-escalation in the gulf. i think the more interesting aspect is that the united states wasn't really directly involved in the plan to restore relations between iran and saudi arabia. but it was actually the work of chinese diplomacy. i think that this reflects somewhat of a shift in which the saudis clearly believe that this century is a chinese one, and it's also, i think, to some extent a poke in the eye to the biden administration, with which the saudi government has difficult relations. >> could the u.s. have brokered this detente? >> that's the thing. the united states could not have broken this detente because it doesn't speak with the iranians. the negotiations to restart the joint comprehensive plan of action, the iran nuclear deal, were all held one step removed. there were interlocutors between the united states and iran.
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so there's no real dialogue there. the advantage that the chinese had is that they pursue a policy of strict neutrality, and they want to see two of their major oil producers de-escalate tensions in the gulf. >> what do you make of china's role here? you just spoke about it a little bit. is this part of a bigger scheme of beijing's ambitions to exert global influence, or is this more the result of the u.s. pivoting away from the region? >> i actually think it's a combination of those things. certainly china is a globally ambitious country, but i think when you boil it down to the fact that china has significant economic interests in both saudi arabia and iran, two major suppliers of chinese oil, which the chinese government needs to make sure that that huge economy runs. and de-escalating between those two countries is very, very important. but it is an important
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diplomatic breakthrough for the chinese as well as for the iranians and the saudis although it doesn't strike me that it's a geopolitical earthquake. there's not going to be an iranian/saudi alignment, and i don't subscribe to the idea that the chinese are trying to supplant the united states in the middle east. they just don't want to take on that kind of burden that the united states has taken on over many years to be the provider of security and stability in the region. >> now, time will tell if this will stick. for israel, arguably the u.s.'s most important ally in the region, what do these developments mean? >> well, any step to bring the iranians in from the cold is something that's going to worry the israelis. they can't be terribly happy right now with the saudis. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has made it a principal aim of his government is to secure a peace agreement with the saudis. and here the saudis are
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announcing that they will, in two months' time if all goes well, re-establish diplomatic negotiations with israel's arch enemy in the region. all that being said, i don't think it really changes much on the israel/u.s. front or the israel-saudi arabia front. >> steven a. cook, thank you so much for weighing in. great to have you. >> my pleasure. a highly controversial oil-drilling operation in alaska could get federal approval as early as next week. although the white house insists no final decision has been made. known as willow, the project is being sought by konoco phillips oil company inside a vast area of alaska's north slope. as cnn's rené marsh explains,
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willow has evoked strong emotions both for and against. >> reporter: at this point, the only way that this project can be stopped is if -- >> reporter: on tiktok and instagram, calls for president biden to stop willow project, an urgent call that's gone viral to block a controversial alaska oil-drilling project. the videos racking up tens of millions of views, spurring more than a million letters to the white house and more than 3 million signatures to a petition. >> in order to stop willow, people need to know about willow. >> reporter: 20-year-old elise, a senior at the university of california-berkeley is one of the social media activists. >> will not just impact alaska. it will not just impact this country. it will impact the world. but the amount of carbon emissions that it will emit, we will see an increase in frequency and intensity of natural disasters. >> reporter: conoco phillips willow project would be located in northwest alaska on the national petroleum reserve, federal land roughly the side of
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indiana. the project would tap as much as 600 million barrels of oil, but it would take years for it to make it to market. it's messy politics for president biden, pitting his climate promises against the desire to produce energy at home and lower gas prices. the project would release as much planet-warming carbon emissions per year as adding 2 million gas-powered cars to the road annually. this individual's family lives near the proposed site and she recently traveled to washington to protest outside the white house against the willow project, despite its economic benefits. >> we've been held in an economic hostage situation. we either choose our health, our children's health, our ways of life, or being able to have plumbing and infrastructure and running water. >> reporter: this vuj individual's family has also lived in the region for
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generations. he supports the project. his nonprofit represents two dozen native communities, corporations, and local governments, who say the project would be an economic boon and help the u.s. wean off of foreign oil. >> the economics that a project like this would bring into the region, maninly to the north slope borough in the form of taxes to maintain first-world conditions. >> reporter: meantime, the arctic is warming four times faster than anywhere else on the planet due to climate change. >> we cannot keep drilling for new fossil fuels if we want to address climate change. >> reporter: we expect a decision from the biden administration as soon as next week. and as for the proposed willow project, conoco phillips tells cnn it will create, quote, good union jobs and the project has undergone a comprehensive regulatory process for nearly five years with extensive public input. rené marsh, cnn, washington. we'll be right back with more news after this break.
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italy has launched more than a dozen rescue operations to save hundreds of migrants off its coast. the italian coast guard says they safely rescued a boat with 500 people on board just hours ago and escorted it to shore. well, it also says the italian navy was called in to assist with the rescue operations to reach more than 1,000 people on boats at sea. while this latest influx of migrants comes nearly two weeks after more than 70 migrants were killed when a boat broke up off
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the coast of calabria. for more, let's go to cnn contributor barbie nadeau who joins me live from rome. barbie, what more can you tell us? >> reporter: we're hearing more on these operations going on right now. there are around 1,800 migrants and refugees caught up in these rescue operations. the italian coast guard, as you mentioned, had to call in more backup from the navy to try to rescue some of these people, bringing these boats in to safety. this is a highly unusual for boats to be off the coast of calabria. >> why is there such an uptick in arrivals? >> reporter: yeah, you know, that is the big question right now. there have been about, as of thursday, 17,600 and some arrivals this year so far. that's almost four times more than last year or the year before at this time. usually these boats don't come
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across the mediterranean this time of year. they usually come when the weather is a little bit better. it's still winter seas out there. one of the things they're looking at are who are on these boats. we're hearing a lot of people from afghanistan are on these latest arrivals. a lot of people from the ivory coast are also from the boats. some are coming from turkey, some from libya. authorities are trying to make sure that no one dies as they try to bring them to safety. the terrible incident on february 26th when that boat broke up off of calabria, the death toll 73 after they pulled what they think was a 5-year-old boy from the water yesterday. >> barbie nadeau in rome, thank you so much. western military know-how could fall into the hands of iran thanks to the war in ukraine. that's according to four u.s. officials who spoke with cnn. they say russia is sending iran
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some of the u.s. and nato weapons it seized in ukraine. they include the javelin anti-tank missiles which you see here and stinger anti-craft systems. the officials are concerned tehran may reverse-engineer those weapons as it did with other military technologies in the past. meanwhile, ukraine is seeing a shift in russia's strategy in the fight for bakhmut. kyiv says russian army troops are starting to replace wagner mercenaries who have been leading the charge for months. the reason could be a public feud between wagner's boss and russia's top military brass. still ahead, the seemingly unstoppable american skiing star mikaela shiffrin could break a world record on saturday. details when "cnn newsroom" continues. ing what matters most? then get the all new w epson rapidreceipt smart organizer to scan, digitize and
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the international space station is a bit less crowded right now. nasa's spacex dragon capsule undocked from the iss a short time ago with four crew members who had been orbiting the earth since last october. well, taking their place is a new crew who arrived at the space station last weekend. splashdown off the florida coast is expected late saturday night local time. and a remarkable achievement by u.s. skiing legend mikaela shiffrin. the colorado resident won her 86th world cup race on friday, equaling the overall record set by the swede ingemar stenmark 34
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years ago. if shiffrin wins her slalom on saturday, she'll surpass stenmark. that would cap a remarkable season for the 27-year-old american. she competed in the 2022 winter olympics in beijing but did not win a single medal in five races. and finally, a tv reporter in wisconsin loves her job, but that's nothing compared to how much she loves, as in really loves, snow. >> i've been waiting all morning to do this. i'm going to sit right here, and i am going to make a snow angel. so you guys have fun covering this snow from in there, and i'll just be over here, making an angel. >> wtmj reporter elaine rojas castillo had been sent out to cover the wintry weather in racine, wisconsin.
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ten inches of snow had fallen at lockwood park. it brought out the kid in her, saying "i'm having a blast here." good for her. that wraps up this hour of "cnn newsroom." i'm laila harrak. kim brunhuber picks up our coverage after a quick break. stay with us. ich makes waking up at 5 a.m. to milk the cows a little easier. (moo) mabel says for y you, it's more like 5:15. man: mom, really?
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