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tv   CNN Tonight  CNN  March 13, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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you by meso >> former president donald trump speaking tonight in iowa. his 1st trip to the crucial campaign state. he is announcing his 3rd white house run. rival candidate nikki haley and likely contenders ron desantis and mike pence also making trips to iowa. the base wants to move on from trump. here with me now karen, bob, mona, tia. i'm glad you're all here tonight. let's begin with what trump is saying about governor ron desantis. i know you're saying what is he saying? he is what he is had to say.
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>> ron desantis red sanctimonious. ron desantis strongly opposed ethanol do you know that? we don't even know if he is running. if he is not running i will say he was fine on ethanol. don't worry. he also fought against social security. he wanted to decimate it and vote against it 3 times. voting against social security that's a bad one. >> he is under his skin. he hasn't announced his run yet but he is focusing on him. >> he has no one else to focus on really because there aren't a whole lot of candidates number 1. and of those who pull, ron desantis is the one that kind of keeps pace with donald trump the most. i think it's interesting because ron desantis is taking the opposite approach. he doesn't talk about donald trump at all.
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if he does it's only to say he was an okay president. it's almost like he was acting like donald trump is not on his mind at all. meanwhile donald trump is on ron desantis. >> there will be more nicknames to.>> 'sgot a fine want to stick. >> you're not moved by it. he has taken the role that you can probably tell your kids when there's a bully. ignore him. whether it's effective or not in the long run is a different story. >> in his ideal universe he would be able to say i am the ideal successor to trump and so on. the problem with this strategy is that trump is standing there like a brick wall. he is going to have to deal with that. trump is going to attack and attack and attack and eventually ron desantis is going to have to take him on it directly. he cannot ignore him or go against them.
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if he does not respond directly he is going to look weak and ineffectual. at some point this confrontation is coming. >> the idea of the confrontation coming, you think about it. confronting him is one thing but the way he does it is very telling. we have seen that many have come up to the plate and struck out when it comes to trying to against donald trump in the tit-for-tat category. what should the approach be? >> you know who ignored trump in 2015 was job bush. that did not work out. trump even though he's got all of these problems and possibly could be indicted on a couple things. maybe 3 things. he still doing quite well in the polls. and he knows how to campaign. ron desantis had a great plan and the reelection but that is in florida. i think you are right that ron desantis is going to have to start jabbing back at him
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because right now, trump keeps poking him and i think it's effective. >> you know what ron desantis has the trump does not? that is and is higher legislative session that can take place while he is the governor of the state. the media focuses on him for all of his, woke culture. it might as well be click the for people who want to know what he has to say. he has this whole. of time before he might declare. do think that's part of the strategy? >> it certainly seems that way. it also seems the strategy is to not talk about trump directly for as long as he can. i agree it that they have to make the calculation when can you avoid him? >> can you throw a punch at donald trump? a lot of folks have failed. between the book tour in the legislative session. we are already seeing this. even over the weekend he said that the failure of the silicon valley bank was about woke
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ideology. he will say that as many times as you can because that's a part of his mantra. he does have many more opportunities to continue to get press on things that have nothing to do with trump. it will be, new hampshire and iowa where he will face more of those questions and it will be hard to ignore it. >> i want to bring in sheila who is a former head should fund analyst. trump as uno brought up the banks tonight saying our economy is in shambles. what is the reality though? can you fact check that? >> the economy is in a funny state right now. as a lot of people have pointed out. there has been a lot of complaining about inflation and the federal reserve has been raising interest rates to try and bring down inflation. at the same time, have this incredibly strong employment picture and unemployment is very low.
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wages for median workers have held up very strongly. so, it's a little confusing to a lot of people. it doesn't fit into an easy category. i think the storyline that the economy is a popped bad. it does seem to play into the talking points of some of these candidates fairly regularly quick speaking of these talking points, the idea of ron desantis that these banks failed on friday and saturday as a matter of having too much focus on diversity and inclusion. the fact that i have to even ask this, you can actually answer the question. i'm asking rhetorically nonetheless. do diversity and inclusion have anything to do with why these banks failed? >> i've enjoyed watching them attempt to link these 2 things together it's sort of comical. the idea that woken us or
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diversity somehow led to these banks collapse is completely nonsensical. these banks were run by capitalists. they were run by businessmen who were trying to maximize their profits. and who did not carefully analyze the risk in different parts of their company and think about what might happen when interest rates went up grid very simple thing. it could have been avoided. it had nothing to do with their personal views about diversity or anything else for that matter. >> speaking of personal views, i want to remind the audience. a lot of conversation happening over the past weekend about we know who is running for the republican side at least one person. but, biden is presumably running right? he has not announced it yet for another term. the assumption would be in modern american history that the running mate would be
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incumbent vice president of the united states. were seeing article after article in conversation that is wondering if that is indeed the case. we have this brewing issue with senator warren who is speaking about vice president harris several months ago. this conversation she had on a radio. she was asked the question of whether vice president harris would in fact be the running mate or should be it yet again. will remind you what she said. listen to this. >> i really wanted to defer to what makes biden comfortable on his team. i have known kemal at for a long time. i like her. i knew her back when she was the attorney general and i was still teaching. andrew worked on the housing crisis together. we go way back. but, they have to be a team. my sense is that they are. it i don't think that there are any problems.
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>> what you think of the statement? a lot of flak towards her. reporting that she has since called the vice president twice to apologize and ghosted. >> look. there is a lot of feeling on the part of democratic party since that this is unfair to kamala harris. she was given a very difficult tasks by the biden administration. anyway, vice president's never really shine. they say look at mike pence. what did he really accomplish? and yet, some of these stories are disturbing. like the new york times one where they went to harris and they said who should we talk to to get good reports about you and she gave them a series of names. none of those people had anything good to say. which is not really what you want to hear. on the other hand, because of the nature of our politics, even though she would be a drag on the ticket, there is no way
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that he could replace her. she is a black female, 1st black female vice president. if you were to dump her even for another african-american, it would look terrible. and it would hurt him. the only way that he could even have another running mate as if she voluntarily stepped back. >> what should be dragged on the ticket? >> i think there are people that have been very critical of vice president harris. some of that is that it's hard to be that 2nd person. any vice president. what did joe biden do when he was vice president for 8 years? people cannot bus a whole long list. that being said, you're right. it's untenable to replace her. it also think there's also extra attention on vice president harris because our president is up there in age. the possibility that he could get sick or fall like mitch mcconnell did. she would need to step in as
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more of a reality than i think most vice president's have had to face. but real scrutiny of do we want this person to run the nation? that adds to what vice president harris is bearing in that role. >> obviously i am a supporter of the vice president. i think she has done an excellent job. most of these stories have not focused on the work it has focused on what she is wearing or what she said or how she said it. we see that with women elected officials. there is 20 years of data on this. elizabeth warren should have known better. she has tried to call twice. she also knows there are a lot of women in the party that are not happy that she did not have the answer ready to go in that question. number 2, we always hear the stories about this time. we have it around mike pence
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grade around dick cheney. around al gore and joe biden when he was vice president. there's always this conversation about should so and so change the ticket? they saw that america actually likes them as a team. i think we should also remember that she is very popular with the face of the democratic party. they are running together. >> morehead everyone. we come back and tell obama's advice for 20 something sasha and melia had what it is like to be on the other side of parenting. >> i just tell my kids, there are so many ways to be happy. there are so many ways to find joy in life. you are just starting the al. you'll love our formula for face, too.
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obama is opening up about her role as a mom. and how it's been changing doubt that the two obama daughters are out of the house and living together in los angeles. >> i am on the other side of parenting. i am moving from mom and chief to adviser and chief, and that's a lovely thing to be able to watch my girls fly and have the relief that, okay, i think i did not miss them up. >> back with me now, karen finney and bob cusack, we're joined also by legal analysts, -- and teen missed shows is also back with the snow. first of, all it is so refreshing to kind of get this inside perspective and hear what we're going through the mind, people who are all watching at this very moment in history of it. now but there is one that really stuck with me, and i want to play it. she's talking about how she's evolved to the point that she doesn't greet her daughter with a critical eye. listen to what she said.
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>> sometimes, when my kids walk into the room, we greet them with what is called a critical eye. melia came in and she was wrinkled. whatever she had on was very wrinkly. and she was actually coming to my hotel room to find the steamer, she walks, in maybe the second time i saw her this morning and i was, like you are wrinkly. you are going to do something about this and she said, yes, mom i'm going to. and i thought i did it. i greeted her instead of what i felt which was, -- give me a kiss. i am fixing things. >> you, know part of me heard that and thought that they must of been very taxing to have been the first and be in that position and to think about how the world was looking at your children all the time. they all talk about how your prints would say, when you leave this house, you're representing your father, meet your reflection of how we are, and we're thinking what the
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weight must of been like in those moments. did you see that? >> it, did and just think about how remarkable it is that by every measure, for children, they're functional human beings now. think about being in that crucible. not just how amy carter is a older or the bush daughters are fairly young as well. but, my point is that these were children who grew up under that kind of i. and it could've ended much differently. let's put it that way. >> well, i was just about to say, it's always been a challenge where hillary clinton actually had a conversation with kennedy to ask about advice on how do you help your children when they're in an environment like this where you have to be able to make some mistakes. that's part of being a kid. but understanding that the cost of that. and this was in the 90s, think about where technology is with the obama daughters. >> social media in and of
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itself. >> any mistake you make is on the world stage. so, how do you find that balance in giving them the ability to fly, as she said. but protecting them a little bit. >> think about it as a parent. in just the way that you imagined this going. especially in the political space. first lady in particular. the role of a first lady has changed over time, right? it is not just the shrinking violet that it ever was. thinking about sitting, they're looking like an accessory to the person who is really in charge of things. i don't know if it was never really true, but it's all the perception. was, and having her now really come out more and more and talk about it and shine, and talk about her feelings on the issue, as a former first lady, her views on what it was like to lead the white house during the trump inoculation. in, fact she was asked, i think hoda copy was asking her the question. listen to her about what she had to say about how she quieted herself in the white house. listen to this.
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>> it was no accident that the administration was scandal free. it was no accident that -- [applause] our children had to show up right in the world. they carried a burden of making sure they weren't messy because it wouldn't have been left off, it would've been just, oh it's useful. it would've been some bigger statement about the soul of black folks. so, we didn't underestimate that. but that, that weight is exhausting when you're carrying that. >> what do you see is the impact of her being so candid? >> i think this is why her numbers are so good. and there still speculation that she might run for president biden does not. she is very real. when you look at comedians or movies or tv shows, you want to relate. i have a daughter in college, i have another one going to college next year. and, that is real. and that is what i think more
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politicians need to do, connect on real life situations and she opens up and she was better than they -- were very protective of the kids as far as the press and those type of things. and most of the press was kind of good. hey, we're hands off with that. and i think that also helped their development. but without a doubt, she was watching them like a hawk. and now i know she's advising them from afar. but she was advising them very intensively at the white house. >> are we going to see more of that? we often remember reports about different spouses who are almost propelling and kind of pulling their spouses who are running for office into a different light, to shape the narrative or the impression people have of that person, to make that maybe seem more relate-able, make them feel or have them conveyed in a real way. are we going to be seeing more? knowing that she is so open and transparent now, are we going to be seeing this more as a political trend? is it helpful? >> well, i think we have to remember, she's being
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transparent now. she wasn't during those eight years that her husband was president of the united states. when she played the role as she said that, understanding the weight as their position as the first black first family. but now she is taking those shackles. often along herself to be more transparent about a lot of things, about marriage, about the struggles they've had there. which, she would never have felt comfortable talking about their marriage issues when barack obama was an active politician. and the same, now that she is talking about parenting and, so many things. so, i think it's refreshing. but when we're on that big stage, when we're talking about national politics, most politicians are going to feel free to be this transparent because of the risk. anytime obama has talked about race, it was made a thing. remember, the beer summit. and so, a lot of the things that she is saying now, might
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have been a scandal if she had said them when they were still in the white house. but she's a little bit freer now. fascinating to think about that. what we'll see who's not going to be as free going forward. everyone say it with me, we're going to talk about text messages and emails that were freely sent between fox news host. will those actually be a part of evidence in next month's trial? we're gonna talk about it, next. [sniff] ew. gotta get rid of this. ♪tell me why!♪ because it stinks. ♪have you tried♪ ♪new downy rinse d refresh?♪
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texan emails are growing a true opinion of sums fox news host of the 2020 election was in fact not stolen.
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because it was fair and free. despite, by the way, publicly pushing those lies on the airwaves. well, they are all pretty riveting to read. you've probably been watching and combing through them, figuring out who said what went and what they talked about. and they've been released as part of dominion voting 1.6 billion-dollar defamation lawsuit against fox. but, the real question is, are they admissible? will they be admissible in a court of law? my panel is back with me, elliott, listen, all of these messages like a carlson says he hates trump passionate -- there's a whole host of them where people, go let's think about this person. but this is a defamation lawsuit which has its own standards and will these be admissible for relevance there? >> not everything will, many will some will not. think of these text messages into buckets. things that are bad for fox as a news organization may be
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embarrassing for an entity that sort of reports to tell the truth and legally that text messages or legally bad information. something that, something like talker carlson hates donald trump. it's sensational, it's sexy, whatever it is. but, at the end of the day it's hard to see how that's going to play to the detection of, number, one did fox news, however you defined it, knowingly publish false information that damaged dominion's bottom line? and, judge is just going to have to look at each individual text message and see if the legal term is relevant to the case. hence, a lot of those messages, even no matter how exciting they are they are just not quote on quote, relevant. >> relevant to prove the element in required for defamation law. >> or damages as well. so, some of the things that may not go straight to defamation may actually play into the damages question, how much if fox has to pay and how much they should pay. >> their messages, as, well about how lou dobbs's producer from november back in 2020,
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they were seeing the sydney powell's lawsuit was complete, bs privately dismissing election conspiracies that were promoted on air. is that more significant than say how i feel about somebody? >> absolutely, because again, you are going tough to broadly look at the question of knowledge, what did producers know and if they're looking away and saying that this person's crazy, but putting her on air and presenting the information she says as truth without correcting it. like if you were the host of a program -- >> for example -- >> i'm literally sitting right here. >> and were to accuse someone of being a sex offender, something like that, or accused someone of committing a crime, the network would responsibly have to come in and correct do after that. and if you're putting it forward as information without a check on it, that might actually play in the -- >> so, that's the legal aspect, and that's obviously extremely important. but how does this play politically? how does this play in terms of, not just the ratings, but the
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idea of how they are evaluated in the course of a pre-election year at this point. what do you think? >> i think it plays into the question about what is fox news is true intention? was it always to give its viewers in accurate perspective of what was going on or was it to play into conspiracy that fed into the political mindset of its leaders or perhaps what they felt the viewers wanted to hear. so, not necessarily about the truth or accuracy, but more about feeding into a very specific narrative. and i think that is really the pr problem that fox news is facing. these text messages and other evidence seem to indicate that they weren't always indicated in reporting the news. and we have to remember that for dominion specifically, they were very aggressive from a pr standpoint after the 2020 election when all of this misinformation about their voting machines. so they were very aggressive in,
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saying hey, let me fact check you, let me send you some sheets and information so you could have accurate information. and, what they're saying is fox just declined, he just refused to give that perspective despite having the truthful information. >> will it matter? >> i think it matters. i think it's a key moment for fox. there's no doubt about. it i think the remarkable thing is that the is a for profit company. like other journalism companies. but the business and the journalism was clashing. especially on the call about arizona. which, they were right. on but, they were so upset by the fact that ratings went down from that, it's just another reminder. be careful what to email. be careful what you tex. because i think some of these are remarkable. now, the first amendment, the court usually differed on the first amendment. but, at the same time, fox was giving a lot of airtime and not pushing back somewhere but not all. and that's what the court has to decide. >> what's your thought? >> i think it is also a reminder that conservative news
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bubble, particularly giving the closeness of trump administration officials with host, people on the business side, back and forth. and that we saw, the way we saw talking points move from the administration across trump, amid across fox and then maybe sean hannity's radio show. that is how that conservative news bubble works in keeping people in this cycle of misinformation. and, i think it shows that fox is a willing participant in that. >> we are weeks away from this trial happening in april. it's the 1.6 billion-dollar defamation suit. we're gonna stick with us everyone. up next, a real world case in post world america. no longer a theoretical one. a man filing a wrongful death suit against friends of his ex-wife, accusing them of helping her to obtain abortion pills.
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a texas man is suing his ex-wife's friends for a wrongful death after they allegedly helped her to obtain abortion pills. it's one of the first major test of loss cracking down on abortion ever since roe v. wade was overturned. cnn's wendy wild has more on the lawsuit. whitney? >> well, here are the details of this case. this man, marcus silva said these three women's helped his then wife obtain abortion medication to induce an abortion back in july of 2022. that was after texas senate bill eight past, and that was an effective ban on abortion after six weeks. so, here's a direct quote from the lawsuit in which he says,
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under the law of texas, a person who assisted pregnant women in obtaining a self managed abortion has committed the crime of murder and can be sued for wrongful death. in addition to these three women, that he's bringing the lawsuit against, this man says that he intends to file a lawsuit against the manufacture of the abortion medication. and all of this hinges on the details of texas senate bill eight. and here is how this law is set up. basically, what it does is make anybody liable who would perform or induce a performance in violation of this law, knowing it engages in conduct that needs or bets the performance or inducement of a abortion. intends to engage in the conduct described by senate bill eight. and, notably, the damages here can be significant. because there is a floor for the damages. they have to be at least $10,000. this man is seeking damages of more than 1 million dollars. and basically, what he's doing is looking at everybody along the timeline for manufacture to the women who helped, the says,
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his wife actually undergo this abortion. he says that they are all similarly liable under the texas law, this is certainly a case to watch because again it will solidify under the texas law, it's lease. how many people and the type of people, really, this web of liability. the type of people who would be civilly liable for an abortion in texas. laura? >> whitney wild. thank you so much. everyone back with the panel right now. elliott, it's no longer theoretical. this is one of the concerns that people had on legislation is now in effect. is it a good case? >> there is a lot going on here, laura. and a couple of things. starting with the fact that it's not just a lawsuit because somebody had an abortion. it's a wrongful death lawsuit. he cites the homicide statute which i think goes beyond, at least the state, which was just about abortion. they're bringing in this notion of homicide or murder or fetal life or whatever it might be which is a broader legal
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strategy, far beyond this morning case. the other thing is that the attorney bringing the case is the former state, i believe, solicitor general who helped craft the legal strategy behind it. this is not about two parties or three parties in texas. this is a nationwide issue. and they're trying to bring it beyond, i think, just go beyond texas. >> well, -- , what sort of the canary in the cold mind. because when we saw that the supreme court was not going to get involved in espy, which was really vigilantism, that's the piece that it adds. if you give someone a pill, if you drive someone to a hospital, you too can be criminally liable. and this is, again, part of the parade of horrors that many of us talked about when the decision came down in terms of the kinds of cases we're going to see, the kinds of horrible choices women are going to be faced with, the danger to women's lives. i mean, there's a whole story behind why this woman felt that she needed to have an abortion
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that we don't even know. and, as we learned, by the other cases in texas, those five women, horrendous stories. women whose lives were in danger. and this issue is not going away. reproductive freedom is going to be a hot issue in 2024 because we are seeing a number of other states that have these measures coming online, as we did last year. and it's going to continue to be top of mind for women. >> i mean the thought that the midterms referred to, in part, as remember. and, inflation was going on. as also, i want to know, the women who actually was the one who had the medication abortion cannot be sued under this particular law or prosecute the same respect. but it's the fact that others who were assisting in some way, or some way in general that's where the concern is. this is no longer hypothetical. you go from the campaign trail where everyone is saying, this could happen. and sounding the alarm to, this is actually happening. what is the impact going to be? it's texas. but texas really was, in many respects, the litmus test for
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how other states had operated. >> yes, and we're seeing, and whether it is court challenges, or legislation in florida knowing that there is a build of threshold in the six-week. so this is going to continue, as karen said. and, listen, the republicans running for president, they may even go further. they may say, well, the women should be liable. so, they are courting the base. and this is going to be a huge issue as it was in 2022 and next year it's going to be a bigger issue. >> they have to then go to a general. and, the polling says otherwise. >> right, i, mean we have the senate bill eight of texas is working the way it was intended. and so, in a case like this in texas, it might play well for republican primaries, for that far wide ultraconservative base. and, it's probably going to be fine in a solid red state like texas. but, is this the conversation republicans want us to be having as a nation when it
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comes to abortion? again, we're talking about a friend being sued who said, if you need to come to my house to have a place to take the medication and i'll take care of you, now she's being sued and charged with homicide. that's what the conversation is going to be about. and it's not going to play well, nationally. because we saw what happened in the mid term. we saw how abortion played out nationally. so it's not necessarily winning in places where this kind of thing is a toss-up. but, you know, in places where republicans are in control, this is the conversation they have been forcing. they want to have it. >> well, we'll see if it actually will happen in the long run. again, this is an active case right now, and as elliott mentioned, the man representing the husband is the former texas solicitor general who was an architect up legislation. so, we'll see what happens next. a murder case is casting a shadow over the seasons for the alabama men's basketball team. this as march madness begins.
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well, a high-profile murder case is casting a cloud over alabama crimson tide as march madness is beginning, the team is facing question after star player, brendan miller, was linked in court to the fatal shooting of 23 were -- former alabama player, darius miles has been arrested and charged in the case for allegedly aiding and abetting the shooting. another man, michalyn davis has been charged with actually firing the fatal shot. a law enforcement officer testified that he texted brandon miller, to bring miles's gun to the scene where the shooting happened.
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miller is not charged with any crime. and he continues to play for the crimson tide. joining me now, cnn sports analyst, christine brennan. i'm glad to hear. because, look, this is a complex case. i mean miller, as i mentioned, has not been charged. he has not considered a suspect and has been a cooperating witness to police. but, walk us through what we know. >> this is really a tough one because we are at the height of what should be -- it's one of the greatest times and sports of the year, march madness, men's and women basketball, laura. and instead, we're talking about the murder and the involvement of the alabama men's basketball players. what we know, from the police is that brendan miller was asked to bring that gun back to his buddy. he did do that. and that gun ended up being the murder weapon according to police in killing of this young woman. illegal weapon. legally owned, right? >> exactly, exactly. the lawyer for brendan miller
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said he didn't know what he was bringing back and he never touched the gun. and i guess he knew -- but he never touched the gun and just happened to be there. it gets really messy because alabama's basketball staff knew, on january 14th, right at that time that miller, who was one of the best players in the country, if not the best player in the country, a freshman, six foot, nine going to begin and be a lottery pick, a game change player. they knew he had been at the scene. it wasn't until february 1st that the rest of the nation found out. so they kept that a secret. he kept playing. they never said a word. when we finally found out, obviously, that he was involved the police said yes he had been at the scene and brought the gun back that it was not arrested. at that moment, it became a huge sports story in the sports world. and, everyone was asking why aren't you suspending him, why aren't you still playing? the coach said that wrong spot, wrong time. terrible thing to say.
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can't control these guys all the time. he had to apologize for that. so, damage control, mistakes, missteps, a huge controversy right in the midst of one of the best times in sports in the year. >> and her family, angered of course. she lost her life, right? there have been many people when he's on the card, or when alabama is going to be playing, let alone for march madness, there's been outrage from fans. they have been chanting, they shouldn't be there. >> lock him up. >> yes, lock him up. >> and fans will do that. fans will chant anything at anyone. we know that from students sections in all over the country. i think it's appalling that he's playing. now, i understand that he has not been charged with something. but here's the thing. kids have been suspended from teams and from fraternity, sororities for bad grades for missing classes, for being laid, for insubordination, for looking at your coach the wrong way, being disagreeable. and you are not suspending him
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for this? why don't you if you're the alabama men's basketball team, just say it. we want to win. we don't care. >> suspended for what, christine? >> suspend him, just indefinitely suspended -- because he was at the scene for murder. he represents alabama's men's basketball. you can, as a university, make decisions and say, you know, what this is unacceptable. you shouldn't have been there. what are you doing? >> even if -- even if he had just been a bystander who was at the scene of the crime. >> well, he did bring the gun. >> i, know it's because it's more than, that but the idea that there has been calls of him being suspended -- would've been satisfactory for people if they had come out immediately suspended him for a week or two before and still allowed him to play later on? i expect the same reaction. >> that would've been a great point, because at least there would've been punishment. and frankly, they would've been better off pr wise, what they're getting were thinking up the woman who is dead and her family. but, if you look at the pr part of, it's the sports part of, it if you suspend him in february, then guess what, you probably aren't getting asked these
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questions at this particular time. christine brandon, thank you very inside. >> a lot about this. it's a complex on everyone. and in the quick program, we have to tell you to tune in tonight for cnn's prime time, inside the madness, the new ncaa president, charlie baker joins chris wallace. can the former match it to cisa governor transformed basketball? well that's tomorrow night at nine eastern. everyone, thank you for watching. our coverage continues. . who can shape raw materials into s something meaningful. and whwho wants to serve in their own way. if you're out there. if you're looking for more. we're looking too. we're calling on a new generation of builders for navy's next-gen submarines.
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