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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  March 17, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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- [announcer] do you have an invention idea but don't know what to do next? call invent help today. they can help you get started with your idea. call now 800-710-0020. held le and welcome to all of you watching here in the
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united states, canada and around the world. i'm kim brunbrunhuber. three more arrests following the death of this black man in a virginia state hospital. that brings the total number of second-degree murder charges in the case to ten. a tornado in texas. that's not all. severe weather hits parts of the u.s. >> live from cnn center, this is cnn newsroom, with kim brunhuber. the u.s. treasury secretary janet yellen will be back on capitol hill hoping to assure lawmakers there's no crisis for u.s. banks. she pulled together a deal to give an infusion of first republic, the major bank on the verge of failing. >> i can reassure the members of our committee that the banking system is sound.
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and americans can feel confident their deposits will be there when they need them. this week's actions demonstrate our commitment to ensure our financial system remains strong and the savings remain safe. >> the turmoil has sent stock prices on a wild ride for the last week. and the need for a $53 billion loan for credit suisse has rattled international markets. you can see, they're up right now. michael is a business columneis from los angeles. how worries should bebe about a systemic meltdown here? >> i think the chance of a systemic meltdown has passed. the fact that the banks have
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stepped up to rescue first republic. banks realize this has come from oh banks. they need help to get through this moment of chaos. >> i've boneen following your columns. you write about what brought us here. svb's problems were hiding in plain sight. why is that? what does that say about the current oversight of our banking system? >> it's not a good sign for the oversight in our system. and i think the fed, which was the primary regulator is going to come under scrutiny. the question will be why wasn't
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the fed kscrutinizing more bank? banks were holding lon-dated securities, treasures, securities. we all know when interesting rates are on the rise, the value of those securities declines. this is something that the fed should have been on top of. and they should have been managing the banks to ask what they would do about the changing trend. >> the talk is how to prevent this from happening again. part of the conversation was the deregulation of banks during the last administration. what more needs to be done?
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and is there the political will to do it? >> there's political will to do something. the question is what. making sure the fed takes its responsibility for the banking system, that's topic "a" on capitol hill, no doubt. trading gets under way next hour in european markets, after the european banks rose interest rates half a point to fight inflation. >> reporter: despite the turmoil in the financial markets and this decision coming on the same day a major european bank, credit swiss, was having to borrow from the european central bank, it stuck to its guns with the rate raise it talked about last month. inflation at 8.5% in the euro area is too high.
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they're not seeing progress in bringing it down. they are monitoring the financial markets, keeping a close eye on lending. they have policy tools to tackle that while fighting inflation at the same time. >> i believe there's no trade-off between price stability and financial stability. with this decision, we're demonstrating this. we're addressing the price stability issue, by raising the interest rate by 50 basis points. while inflation is projected to remain above our target too long. we stand ready to provide additional facilities if needed. >> reporter: stocks closed higher. credit suisse gained 19%,
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reversing most of the losses. asking questions if it's enough or might take over. investors here in europe, just as in the u.s., worried that more problems could come to light. cnn, london. the u.s. military is assessing its drone operations in the black sea region after the encounter with russian fighter jets earlier this week. officials tell cnn russia has recovered some of the damage of the drone. it has video that says the russians are lying about forcing down the aircraft. this is the moment before a russian fighter jet collided with a drone over the black sea. plumes of smoke and jet fuel as
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it passes. we don't see the moment of impact. but here's the propeller of the reaper drone undamaged and here hit is later, damaged. >> there had to be an impact. and while the fuel spill on top of the aircraft would have been as significant, it would have been damage. the footage contradicts russia's claim that the aircraft did not make contact. >> there was no collision. >> the russians have been just flatout lying. flatout lying about their accounts. >> reporter: the u.s. has not determined if the fighters planned to hit the drone. >> we know the intercept was intentional. we know it was unsafe. the contact of the fixed wing
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russian fighter with our uav, the physical contact of those two. not sure yet. >> reporter: cnn is learning that the russian pilots did not go rogue. u.s. officials familiar with the intelligence say the pilots were ordered to harass the drone by senior officials and russia's defense ministry. for now, the drone's fate is unclear. the u.s. has no assets in the black sea to retrieve it. and the russians have reached the crash site and recovered debris. but the u.s. took steps to wipe the drone software, making it highly unlikely that moscow will glean anything helpful from its remnants. >> we're confident that whatever was of value, is no longer of value. >> reporter: the u.s. military is conduct a review of the drone operations over the black sea to better deal with the russian fighter jets operating in the same area. there's no longer a moratorium
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on drone flights in the region. the u.s. conducted a surveillance mission using roughly the same kind of drone in approximately the same area of the black sea, just hours after the collision took place between the russian fighter jets and the u.s. and q9 reaper drone. ukraine is about to receive fighter jets from a nato country for the first time on thursday, poland promised to deliver four of its mig 29 planes left over from the soviet era. we go to london. what is the impact it might have and whether it will spur other nato countries, the u.s., for example, to follow suit. >> a hugely significant move from poland. a country that feels like it's on the front line of this war. now promising to give in a matter of days, four mig fighter jets. these are soviet air jets about 30 years old. they were near the end of their
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life span, if you will. now, poland says they're sprucing them up and will send them to ukraine as quickly as possible. you can't really emphasize how much portland has been impacted by this war. it was poland that had to receive millions of refugees. millions of people displaced by russia's invasion of ukraine. it seems logical that poland is meeting the longstanding request for fighter jets. does this put more pressure on other allies, on other nato members? and particularly the united states? it was just a few weeks ago that president biden had to respond directly and publicly to president zelensky's repeated pleas for f-16 fighter jets. president biden said at the time, the u.s. military said it was not necessary that the fighter jets were not needed by
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kyiv's army at the time. now, top u.s. officials are emphasizing that is still the case, despite poland's move. i want to read you something that john kirby said to this announcement from poland. it doesn't change our calculus with respect to f-16s. these are sovereign decisions for any country and we respect those decisions. what's even bigger is how extraordinary this is. at the beginning of the conflicts, fighter jets would be es cla toir and concerning to nato and allies. it would be viewed as moscow seeing that as direct participation and would provoke the war. we're learning that what was seen as dangerous in the beginning is necessary and required on the front lines.
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you're seeing allies becoming more flexible as they meet the demands on the battlefields. >> it's shifting. thank you very much. the russian installed leader of the occupied parts of the region says there's no signs of ukrainian forces giving up on the city of bakhmut. he claims the only remaining supply line is coming under fire. >> reporter: this is the moment a ukrainian soldier downs a russian jet here bakhmut. as both sides are publicly confident in their battle to control the city. with fewer than 3,000 civilians remaining, bakhmut has been destroyed. but ukrainians are unwilling to let go, despite heavy losses. >> translator: there was a mission of the command.
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to destroy them to the maximum. >> reporter: ukraine needs equipment and ammunition. president zelensky has called for fighter jets. in a significant move, poland says it will supply mig planes in the coming days. >> translator: we will hand over four aircraft to ukraine. the machines are being repaired and serviced for handover. >> reporter: a move ukraine hopes will inspire others to speed up support. >> translator: lit's particularly important to quickly provide ukraine with the necessary ammunition. >> reporter: for both sides, the situation on the front line remains complicated. and troops from the private military group have made limited gains in the last week in bakhmut. gains that officials say are coming at enormous cost.
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>> there's intense fighting around bakhmut. and the russians are making small, tactical advances, but at great costs. >> reporter: according to the institute for the study of war, these small advancements at the great expense of manpower, artillery and equipment, may prohibit the ability to surround the city. its chief, who has recruited prisoners for this fight, according to a white house official, has criticized moscow over the lack of ammunition to supply fighters. mercenaries are holding firm, persisting with the offensive around bakhmut. and so are the ukrainian troops. >> the enemy constantly attempts to attack us. we defend our positions effectively. we've been here for long already. and our brigade hasn't given up any positions. >> reporter: a show of defiance.
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ukraine hopes it will get more military support in time for a possible counteroffense. david mckenzie, cnn, kyiv. the united states is pressuring russia for an extension of its green deal. moscow says it will extend the deal for 60 days. the u.n. says the original agreement requires a 120-day extension. moscow blamed u.n. incompetence for the different timelines. turkey, which helped broker the original agreement, says it's helping to help resolve the issue. much more to come on cnn newsroom. three virginia hospital employees are charged in second-degree murder in the death of a black man in custody. severe weather watches are in place across the u.s. we'll tell you about the wild weather and what friday has in store. grance infusesed with natural essential oils into a mist. air wick essential mist. connect to nature.
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more people have been arrested after a man died at a mental health facility in virginia. three hospital employees have been charged with second-degree murder in the death. seven sheriff's deputies are also charged. cnn's brian todd reports. >> reporter: three more people charged in second-degree murder in the death of the man in custody. all three are employees of the central state hospital mental health facility in virginia where he was taken on march 6th. that's in addition to seven sheriff's deputies charged with second-degree murder. >> he was my dad. they murdered my baby. >> reporter: his family has seen video of the fatal incident. >> at what point do we stop preserving life? at what point do we consider mental illness a crime. >> reporter: prosecutors say
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atati atie otieno died after being restrained for several minutes. >> the knee on his neck. the weight of seven individuals on his body. wheel he's facedown, handcuffed, with leg irons. >> reporter: otieno was arrested on march 3rd, when police say they responded to a burglary call next to his home. his mother says she pleaded with the police. >> they pulled him off treatment. took him to jail. didn't take him down with any medicine. >> reporter: after a weekend in jail, where prosecutors show otieno was pepper sprayed, punched and mistreated, he was brought to the facility on march 6th. he is not posing a threat to them.
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he's not violent or aggressive with them. in court, an early glimpse of the potential defense. >> the ongoing issues they had been having with this individual with regards to his disorderly conduct, with regards to his aggression, with regards to his raaz dance. >> reporter: his family says he needed help. what do you want to see happen to these deputies? >> justice. >> i would like them put away, if you ask me, for life. that they don't see the light of day again. what they did to my son was horrific. horrific. we've reached out to the mental health facility for their response. we've not heard back. we reached out to the attorneys for the seven deputies charged.
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we heard back from a lawyer of one of them. their client looks forward to being vindicated in court. brian todd, cnn, dinwiddie county, virginia. millions face severe weather on thursday night. tornado watches were issued for texas and oklahoma and arkansas and louisiana. one tornado was spotted near texas. sirens in nearby communities warned residents to take shelter. the manager at a local car dealership described what it was like. >> i look up. you can see it was coming from this way. and this was coming from this way. you can see circulation in it. i thought it would be best for everybody to get inside. at that time, it quadrupled in density with the storm. >> even the airport took precautions, moving passengers
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to the basement during a tornado warning. meteorologist derek van dam has more on the weather thursday and what's in store for the u.s. today. >> they say everything is bigger in texas. that includes the size of the hail that falls from the sky. get a load of this comparison picture. this is coming out of the dallas-ft. worth region. that's a clementine. that's a three-inch hailstone. these are the reports from the national weather service. really impressive hailstones from ft. worth to weatherford and mineral wells. there's 12 reports of wind damage. 49 reports of damage in particular. but the weather service highlights some of the large every hailstones that were reported. two inches or larger in diameter. there's nine reports of that and
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you saw a picture of that a moment ago. there's potential for this line to move eastward. heads up to shreveport and lake charles. this will move through the overnight hours and into materially morning hours of friday across the gulf coast region. there's the thunderstorms picking up moisture. maybe a little circulation from the gulf of mexico. they start to peter out as you get in the middle of the day on friday. really, we focus on the eastern seaboard. here's a chance for severe weather on friday. damaging winds. the risk is not as high as we experienced on thursday. panama city, mobile to new orleans. the 30a corridor has potential for strong to severe weather. rainfall totals, 1 to 3 inches locally. and anticipating snowfall across the great lakes. lake-enhanced snowfall into
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minnesota and wisconsin. look for 6 to 12 inches of snowfall across the region. back to you. donald trump is facing increasing legal jeopardy. more on the jurisdictions. and protests in france after the government forced through controversial pension reform. it's not going over well. we'll have the story after the break. stay with us.
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welcome back to all of you watching us here in the united states, canada and around the world. i'm kim brunhuber.
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this is cnn newsroom. several investigations into former president donald trump are heating up with possible indictments in the works. paula reed has the story. >> reporter: former president trump facing legal jeopardy and criminal investigations in multiple jurisdictions. in washington, d.c., a former aide, margot martin, who followed trump to mar-a-lago, appeared as part of the investigation of classified documents in the florida estate. and his former fixer, michael cohen, appearing twice this week before a grand jury in nsew yor, investigating hush money payments to stormy daniels. >> it was like being on trial. >> reporter: cohen met with investigators 20 times to share what he knows. >> i can tell you, their questioning of me started at 35,000 feet. and by the time i hit the 20th interview, we were down to three
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feet ready to land. the grand jury was the takeoff back to accountabilityville. >> reporter: cohen facilitated payments to daniels before the 2016 election. daniels spoke with investigators on wednesday via zoom. the attorney general's office has allowed him to testify but he declined. if he is indicted, that would catapult him back to the white house. >> i think it will embolden his supporters and give him more strength. he will be troouchb to be wrongly accused. >> reporter: in georgia, five jurors served on the grand jury investigating trump's actions in the state after the 2020 election, revealing they had heard a previously undisclosed recording of a conversation between trump and the late
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former georgia house speaker. where trump pushed for him to call a legislative session to overturn joe biden's win in the state. the cosource confirmed the recording to cnn. he cut the president off telling trump, i will do everything in my power that i think is appropriate. ralston has since died and the recording is not public. it echoes the call to georgia's secretary of state around this same time. >> i just want to find 11,780 votes. that's one more than we have. we won the state. >> reporter: cnn has learned that special counsel jack smit has subpoenaed staffers in the m mishandling of classified
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documents. he's interviewed everyone from housekeepers and servers at the resort. they want to know if anyone has seen or heard anything related to classified documents or boxes that could have contained classified materials. paula reed, cnn, new york. another day of protests in israel. in tel aviv, jerusalem and cities across the country, crowds packed the streets and expressed their discontent. protesters said the reforms will weaken the courts and erode the judiciary's ability to check other branches. netanyahu defended the changes, while meeting with the german leader. netanyahu insists the reforms don't threaten democracy. germany is monitoring the situation with concern. after weeks of strikes and demonstrations across france, the macron government has pushed through an unpopular pension
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perform plan, igniting tremendous anger. take a look. new protests are under way in paris. these images appear to show union members blocking a road. workers are furious over the retirement age being raised from 62 to 64. on thursday, clashes erupted between demonstrators and riot police with fires in the streets. leaders are organizing a new strike for next week. >> translator: given the support from the vast majority of the population for weeks, the unions continue to independently demand the withdrawal of this reform, with calm and determined actions. they've decided to call for a new day of strikes and demonstrations on march 23rd. >> the reforms were supposed to be voted on by the national assembly, where they would be defeated. so, the macron government is using special powers to enact
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the ball. when lawmakers realized their vote was being skipped, they jeered the prime minister. some even sang the national anthem. the prime minister who delivered the news, came face-to-face with the backlash. have a look. >> translator: i wasn't angry. i was very shocked. it reflects the fact that a certain number of opposition groups do not respect our institutions. some said it clearly. they want chaos in allessembly in the street. >> the streets were filled over the tactics. jim bitterman has this report from paris. >> reporter: for weeks the protests and strikes have continued, trying to stop the government from enacting changes in the french retirement system. changes that would raise the retirement age from 62 to 64
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years old. thursday, the french parliament was meant to vote on the new law. before the vote in the lower house, the prime minister said the government counted votes and realized it would lose. the prime minister went before the assembly and announced that the law would be enacted by de decree. something that is allowed by the constitution but enraged the opposition. >> translator: we cannot bet on the future of our pensions. this reform is necessary. it's also because i'm acatched to our social model and i believe in parliamentary demo democracy. it's your reform on parliament text. free to compromise the two assemblies. a time to engage my
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responsibility. >> reporter: outside the chamber, where protesters had gathered, there was further outrage that went on for hours. the spontaneous demonstration that moved to central paris and was broken up by police using a water canon and tear gas. the grandprime minister and her government face the possibility of the no confidence vote that could bring down the government if it succeeds. the french joint union will keep up the pressure on the parl parliamentarians. north korea confirms it launched an intercontinental ballistic missile on thursday morning. and a critical moment for finland, as turkey decides on helsinki's nato bid. a live report from istanbul. stay with us.
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from pyongyang in less than a year. finland may be one step closer to joining nato. the finish president is in turkey. lawmakers of all 30 countries need to approve new members. turkey, along with hungary, have been two of the holdouts to finland's membership. donna bashyr joins us from is stan pull. will it happen? and if so, how soon? >> reporter: we've heard from the finish president and turkey's president. that was the sense we got yesterday from the finish president, what was visiting the province, one of the hardest hit in the epicenter of last month's earthquake. he said, according to turkish state media, that he believes
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president erdogan has important messages for today's meeting. the leaders are set to discuss bilateral relations. chief among the priorities to discuss, is going to be finland's bid to join nato pv we've seen turkey expressing reservations around the alliance and sweden's ascension to the alliance. turkey's president has accused sweden of being too lax that turkey claims to be terrorist organizations. we've seen intense negotiations, acknowledged by the turkish president. saying that finland has done everything expected when it comes to making that bid to join
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the nato alliance, including taking part in negotiations with turkey. and we've seen policy changes in helsinki and stockholm. we've said, we have heard some hints from erdogan and the finish president on wednesday. president erdogan told reporters that turkey will fulfill its promise and do as it's needed. we heard from the finish president according to his office, telling reporters it was understood that in the instance, that turkey should ratify finland's ascension to nato, there will be a meeting between the two leaders. this is expected to be a focus of today's talks. we will wait for a joint press conference between the two
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leaders. this may lead to turkey softening a position on sweden, too. >> we'll watch for developments today. still ahead, environmental and economic hazard is washing up on the beaches in the caribbean and the gulf of mexico. the culprit, a massive seaweed bloom. i will use rid-x monthly to help prevent a backup. because e rid-x is scientifically proven to b break down septic waste. guaranteed. ( sfx: toilet flush ) get your together wiwith rid-x.
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georgia football star jalen carter has been sentenced to 12 months probation over his involvement of a fatal car crash in january. he pled no contest to racing and reckless driving.
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bus drivers can sometimes be the last line of defense in human trafficking. in the documentary "fighting for me mercy" cnn travels to tanzania where they identify one driver's quick thinking to identify two children that may have been in a trafficking situation and bring them to safety. >> we have seen the impact of domestic servitude to children. that's why prevention is so important. we have ways to prevent human trafficking in the country. qassim is a bus agent. every morning, when the buses line up, when people starting to go different places in tanzania,
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qassim is there to inspect on the bus, to see if there is a young child under the age. >> qassim is trying to prevent children from ever being abused. when he was speaking to the boys, he was smiling. he was very kind. he was really friendly. he was doing everything to make the boys feel comfortable and safe. >> when he interviewed them, he found they were coming together with the police officers. they interviewed the boys. they went to migration, to the border. they had a meeting with border
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migration and decided to take them back to their families. >> tune in this weekend to watch the full documentary, "fighting for mercy." it's one group's battle against trafficking in tanzania. it could be the largest sargassum seaweed bloom in history. the seaweed is impacting beaches in barbados. it's hurting the tourism industry. it's so large, it can be seen from space. the bloom is on a path to florida. it's expected to reach beaches by july. news for all of you fans of "the crown." season six of the netflix series will document how prince harry
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and kate middleton met. the final episode of "the crown" is due to stream later this year. i'm kim brunhuber. cnn newsroom with max foster and bianca nobilo is next. adding lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% of illness-causing bacteria detergents leave behind. clean is good. sanititized is better. hi. i'm wolfgang puckck when i started my online store wolfgang puck home i knew there would be a lot of orders to fill and i wanted them to shiput fast that's why i chose shipstation shipstatn helps manage orders reduce shipping costs and print out shipping labels it's my secret ingredient shipstation the number 1 choice of online sellers and wolfgang puck go to and get 2 months free
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