tv CNN Newsroom CNN March 17, 2023 7:00am-8:00am PDT
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the top of the hour here on your friday morning. i'm erica hill. >> i'm jim sciutto. there are deep concerns as china's president xi jinping is preparing to meet with vladimir putin in moscow, and the summit is not a surprise, but washington is on edge to see if china makes any move in particular to provide weapons for the war in ukraine. >> and this st. patrick's day guest in washington, and it is ireland's prime minister. and also, the wild week on wall street comes to a close, and the major company that just filed for bankruptcy. we will get you caught up on that ahead, but we want to begin with the news with that meeting
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between xi jinping and vladimir putin. will ripley is joining us now with more on that and what is on the agenda for this face-to-face meeting? >> well, there is the official meeting, and also the agenda that the u.s. is concerned about which is lethal support from china to russia. vladimir putin needs chips can, ammo and all of the tools that he can get to try to help his struggling ground forces to turn the tide, and china and putin specifically, who just got the unprecedented third term has the power and the resources to do it, and these two say they have a no limit partnership, and the kremlin says they are going to be talking about signing important bilateral documents, and china says it is about urging peace and bilateral talks, and china has a important
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position to promote diplomacy, and not condemning russia for it, and suggesting that ukraine should give up some of the territory in order to stop the fighting that it did not start. and so, to look impartial by nato and the others is that china's public neutral stance could shift to direct lethal support for russia's war in ukraine, and perhaps some analysts then suggesting that china would expect that same support from russia if it decided to make a move on this island that it coveted for so many detads, taiwan. >> so much to look for and listen for ahead. thank you, will ripley. after the downing of the drone over the black sea, there is a assessment of the russia's harassment, and while the drone
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flights have not been stopped, the u.s. is looking at the routes and the deconfliction with russia closely. >> natasha bertrand and jim have been following the developments closely, and what are the officials revealing, natasha? >> well, erica, what we are told is that the u.s. is conducting an assessment with the drone and the russian fighter jets to see how they can deconflict in the future, and looking at the routes and the cost/benefit analysis of these flights, and waking the intelligence value here against the risk of potential escalation with the russians, because it was of course a major incident of the collision of a drone and russian jets since the beginning of the war. they are looking at it, and however, owe just seeing this morning yet another drone flying over the black sea showing that the u.s. is not deterred from
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conducting the missions since that happened. we are learning that the russians have collected some of the debris from the crash site. they have gotten to the crash site first, but the u.s. is saying that they are not overly concerned about what they can retrieve, because the wear is so deep, and the drone broke apart when it hit the water, that there is very little that the russians can glean anywhere on top that the u.s. wiped the memory of the drone when it crashed. this is what pat ryder told cnn this morning about it. >> we are confident that if they were able to recover anything, and we can't corroborate those press reports, but if they recovered anything, it would very likely have very little use. we took the precautions to ensure that information mas on the mq-9 was protected and oh, by the way, the drone landed in extremely deep water, and so, again, very unlikely they will
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get anything useful from it. >> so far what the russians are able to gather, we are told is small pieces of debris, and again, the u.s. does not have any naval access to retrieve the drone and again nothing valuable anyway. back to you. >> and to speak about what is this meaning is jill dougherty, and of course, former cnn bureau chief to moscow. jill, good to have you back on the program. >> thank you. >> and the sign of how close this relationship is, i am curious that china gets to portray itself as potential peacemaker on the world stage, and what does vladimir putin get to going to see xi in moscow for this visit? what is he expecting?
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>> oh, it is huge for vladimir putin, because it is the biggest friend that russia has right now, and obviously the economic power and military power, and also china playing the careful game of balancing, at least rhetorically, between the west and russia saying that it wants peace, but on the other hand, as we have been noting, not saying anything directly against the war. but you will be able to see when xi arrives, it is a big deal. we will see them shaking hands everywhere. they are going to be talking about the economy, and deepening the relations, and also the value of having xi come to moscow is very big for putin. he needs it. >> yeah, there is the image of that, right, having him right there next to pewten in moscow is key. as you were saying the language being used here, as will pointed
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out, too, what they are putting in there and what they would like to see, it is important, too, the statements that we have heard and the comments from the foreign minister were parroting russia's language here in terms thef what this war is from the russian view, and not the view of the rest of the world of course who recognizes that russia invaded ukraine. >> yes, the chinese are saying that the united states is pouring oil on the fire so to speak, and this is obviously vladimir putin believes that it is an existential feegt for the survival of russia. and so, on many levels, this is playing well. with the economy in moscow, it is surviving, but real problems. they need china to buy their oil and gas and all of that, and then they also have military
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opera operations and cooperation and no bound levels. it is important for putin. >> we also heard warnings that china is considering supplying lethal assistance to russia against ukraine. and today, the u.k. administration says that the russian operations are slowing significantly in the east, because they are running out of manpower, and what would chinese support mean to russia? >> w it ell, it depends what kif support they get. they could supply technology, and russian technology is in a serious state. and a lot of the weapons used is technology, but would be long
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t term, but the problem for china is if you do that overtly or covertly, because if that is going to happen, then the united states is going to be faced with sanctioning china over that. >> and now, looking at poland and slovakia have now committed to the migs to send them to ukraine, and there is, i know, in some camps hoping that going to force some allies, including the u.s. to supply some air power to ukraine. do you see the pressure applied by this move? >> well, you have got, i think it is 12 from poland and these are the mig s migs migs 29 thate
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used quickly, and so you have probably about 25 of these, and they would not necessarily change the equation of the kremlin, and they are trying to downplay it, and demmitry pesko said that this is old technology. but it is a concern. >> and they have the ability to coordinate with the ground forces. we will see the impact. jill dougherty, thank you very much. >> thank you. so we are closely watching the markets this friday after a rough week of turmoil in the week, and rough week emotionally as they are wondering what is happening. matt egan is joining us. another u.s. bank was on the line, and they got a important
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help not from the government, but tell us about it. >> what a week. we have had bank failures and government rescue, and now this. this is the parent company of silicon bank filing for bankruptcy this morning. this does not include the silicon bang itself which is taken over by the significant step of the unwinding of the business. and now the u.s. markets are opening modestly and giving back the big gains. there was a modest enthusiasm over this u.s.-led bank was stabilize, but the regional banks are all down sharply this morning including the public
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bank down 17% giving back the yesterday's games, and pfitch bang said they could come down to downgrade first republic's credit rating despite this $30 million rescue. we should mark how remarkable this rescue is. 11 of the nation's biggest banks to team up to donate $30 million. >> look it is in their best interests, and it is not this big overall selfless move, pause they have skin in the move. and christine was saying that the investors are worried because the profits will be lower. >> yes. >> and now, as we are talking about this, we have new numbers and for the average person, what does it mean for my money the bank, and we do have consumer confidence numbers out, feelings on the state of the economy, and
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what are we seeing? >> the numbers from university of michigan, the numbers dropped, and the first decline in four months, and what is, and the interviews were done before this major bank failure is what silicon valley bank is saying. and also, that the bank failure was being started before the interest rates were going up. so it is one point about these two regional banks to know how much money they were making. and it is important to say that the stocks are coming down, but
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the money in the banks are safe. >> and it is important, and i am glad that you said that. it has been a long week for you, too, my friendo staffers to members of the inner circle, dozens of people are subpoenaed to testify over trump's handling of the classified documents. and plus a 20-year-old soldier at fort hood found dead. the military investigators say that there is no foul play, but the family members say that they have questions about the death. and in paris, anger erupted over the question of retirement age.
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>> this just into cnn. youtube has decided to restore president trump's channel in saying that the company carefully evaluated the risk of real world violence while let the voter hear equally from the candidates in a runup to an election. and just breaking the story and now joining us live, i am wondering what you are hearing about the decision-making, and what is behind this including the facts of the 2020 election as he continues to run for 2024? >> with, that is a very important question, and especially with nikki haley joining the card. because we have a race with donald trump, but also, there is a civic duty to hear from all
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accounts. so also, youtube is following meta and twitter under elon musk. >> interesting to see where this goes, too, and so, youtube is restoring the channel, that. and now, there there are some people in the inner circle of the former president's circle about his handling of the classified documents. >> and called include his housekeeper and former attorneys. and joining us is the former u.s. attorney in the southern district of new york. so it seems is that, hey, we will ask everybody, and is that a smart view in your move? >> yes, the prosecutors are
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obsessed with knowing everything, and trust me, because i was there for a long time. the prosecutor want to know if anyone saw these documents and moved them, and if so, on whose instr instructions, and if anybody happen to see anything or know anything, and you never know who is going to break a case for you. >> i cite this knowing conventional wisdom, but classified documents found in the offices or the residences of joe biden or mike pence made it less of it to show that this is wide open? >> i believe that to be true, and that is not the way it is supposed to work, because they are to take all of the facts and
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decide what is true, and there are keerly different set of circumstances between the biden world and the trump world. so it is unfair to see that he would charge president trump and not joe biden, because that would be a difficult thread for merrick garland. >> and now, here in new york, everybody is waiting to see if there are charges in man hat phan with the payments to stormy daniels, and it is fascinating with michael cohen and the importance of a prosecutor, and you represented those who have had less than upstanding reputations, i will put it that way. >> needless to say. >> and how have you navigated -- >> i have represented people who have done way worse things than
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michael cohen. and he is a difficult case, because he has a long case of lying, perjury, bank fraud, tax fraud, and the key with any cooperating face indisputable evidence is there that documents them up, and what other witness testimony that backs up the person with theness is another one where the grand jury heard not one, two, but three audio clips of trump trying to persuade the governor to open up a case, and does that present evidence to indict. >> there is no evidence better
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that on the video recording, because it is the defendant's own voice, and that lets the jury to hear and judge it by themselves. the fact that there is the third one involve ing a pattern. and one is a one-off, and two is a coincident, but three could be a pattern. so he can't say it was a venting day. and so in each of the calls, he is with the same m.o., to ask them to use their power to fold it over to them. >> as the d.a. and so now it is
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st. patrick's day, and mid-way through march, so what does imminent mean? >> it is not some legal word, but it means soon, and it means whatever the speaker wans et to be. the way that the grand jury is set up, they convene jury trial republicans that are mid-technical. so we are in the middle of the march or in the begin of may or july. >> we will see if she follows your calendar. thank you, elie honnig.
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>> and there is the gaelic pronunciation of prime minister teshock. >> yes, that is correct. and it is going to be interesting if the irish prime minister will reveal anything about the president's visit to northern ireland. he had invited him, and the president said that he accepted that invitation and he wanted to visit the northern republic of ireland with the anniversary of the agreement that ended decades
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of sectarian violence in the region. there had been stress surrounding agreement as the u.k. had exited the european union, and president biden has taken a personal interest in this as particularly when it comes to trade. it had ordered both the british prime minister and sisters to take action on this. we are expecting the irish teshock to take some concerns about this, and many in the european union have been frustrated by the energy clean unions included in the bill. but this is a personal day for president biden as he talks about the irish ancestors as well, and quotes greek poets, and this is the first time that he has been able to host the st. patrick's day celebration here at the white house. first year it was because of the
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covid pandemic, and it was called off last year because the previous teshock had been in washington, d.c. for a previous event and then tested positive for covid. so we expect him to come to capitol hill before having a reception here at the white house, and short while ago he tweeted, as the son of kathryn eugenia o'finnegan biden, i wish you a happy good day. >> and so with the green fountain in front of the white house, good day to you, too, arlette seanez. and now, we are told that the mother of a daughter who died of suicide is questioning
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the statement, because she says that she was being harassed. >> and it is not the first time that we have seen a soldier's death at fort hood, and has the mother said any reason why there is any other background there? >> well, she says that she talks to her daughter every single day, and she says that her daughter was explaining some of the harassment allegations. this is something that she told both univision and telemundo, and she has done some very personal interviews with the spanish-speaking television. she questions what the army says about suicide, and she does believe her daughter about the sexual harassment allegation, but the army is saying that they do not believe foul play is involved here. they say they will investigate this case, and try to gather the
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facts and the details of the case, and also looking into the possible harassment. we also asked the army to let us know if the cause of death is suicide, and this is not something they are speaking about at the moment, but they say that they will continue to investigate this case. the information that we are getting is from the mother. i spoke to an attorney who just acquired them moving forward, but our team spoke to the mother in mexico at her home, and asked if her daughter wanted to leave the army at some point, and she said, yes. this is the rest of the answer. [ speaking non-english ] >> reporter: she says that her
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daughter wanted to be hugged the way she was hugged as little girl. and the family wanted to be here to receive her daughter's body. >> what a thing for the mother to hear. thank you. and now, after a spike of close calls on the runway, cnn goes to the cockpit with a walk through to see what can be done to avoid an incident.
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14 seconds -- just 14 seconds away from two jets crashing into each other in sarasota airport last month. >> and to be clear, the air canada jet was cleared for takeoff just as the american airlines jet was about to land. the american airlines pilot was able to clear before taking off, and crash would have been catastrophic. this is one of the seven incursions that have taken place this year of close calls. >> we go to pete muntean to explain what goes into the complications of the takeoff and landing. >> reporter: on any given day in the united states, airlines operate 45,000 commercial flights, taking off, landing and
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taxiing at some of the busiest airports in the world, delivering millions of passengers precisely and safely can be a delicate dance. one mistake can bring it all to a halt. >> runway incursions have been around since we have had more than one runway. >> reporter: former ntsb bill english recalls the tanner reef disaster when two boeing 747s slammed into each other, and more than 300 people died. bill and i met at pilot school, and we were taught about runway incursions almost immediately in the training. at the seat of his diamond twin engine trainer, we went over what goes into the runway incursion, and what is keeping the pilots from making mistakes
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and having things turn deadly. >> there are protections built in to prevent things to go catastrophic. the markers are to prevent taxi runways. the hold is to remind a pilot not to enter the runway, and the holy grail for traffic control. >> all short, sky venture, 362. >> all pulled back. >> why is that critical when it comes to runway incursions? >> well, first off, that it is heard and that you have to correct runway are big ones. >> communication is key. >> sky venture -- >> reporter: and this is what the faa is employing at larger airports, and lights employed and even new radar to track the planes on the ground. >> power back to 50%.
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>> reporter: we are navigating to the dulles international airport and one of the nation's busiest with three runrunways, two of them side by side. and so we were pointed to the proper runway. i am approaching the runway and in the essence of time, we have edited out some of the direction for time. i have been cleared for the appr approach. >> over to the tower. >> and now i have been cleared to land. >> that is nice. >> you see it is lower than you think. >> so we are rolling and yankee 6 is the exit that we will use to find the runway and finding
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that on the ground is just as important as the command in the air. >> you can turn right at yankee 6 or 7. >> confirmation. >> reporter: bill points out the ipad app to track where we are on the ground. >> how important to be aware where you are in the airport and especially a busy airport like dulles. >> looking at where we are with the airplanes coming in and out of the terminal there, and both directions there at the time and at an airport like this, they are aligned at multiple airports, but it is more precarious with an airport with the crisscrossing runways. >> exactly. >> and when the things make the news like runway incursions, you have to be extra vigilant when you are flying. >> in an airport environment like this, you have to be very vigilant and everybody has their
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head on a swivel. >> we were taking off at dulles at runway 30 which crosses the runways that we just used to land. and the air control tells us to cross those to take off. >> cleared to take off. >> here we are, runway 30 is on the pavement and 30 is on the heading indicator and a down check up. powering to 20. rolling. you want to go quick for that guy to the center. >> my normal flying is typically from a small country airport and not as busy and no air traffic control tower, and what is to notice is that the incidents have not changed, but there is a new spotlight on safety. >> what we try to do with the safety aviation industry, we are trying to put a spotlight on it. >> and hold it right there.
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perfect. >> you have the hang of it on the second one. >> you got it. >> our thanks to pete for that. >> yes. and we want to update you on the train cleanup now in ohio, and they now say it is going to take approximately three months to clean it up. >> now, more than 5400 tons of solid waste and a lot of it soil have been transported. the administrator says that it believes that norfolk southern could be moving faster, and we have reached out to railroad for comment. and also, now, big protests in paris, france, as the government has raised the retirement age by two years. we will have more on that coming up. . but about two years ago, i realized she was overweight.. she was always out of breath. that's when i dedecided to introduce the farmer's dog to her diet.
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there were new protests overnight in paris after the french government made changes to the pension system, and more than 300 people were arrested after the anger erupted after the government changed the retirement age from 62 to 64. fires in the streets of paris, and the unions are planning another day of nationwide demonstrations. >> also a lot of garbage lit on fire, and outrage among the national assembly announced no vote, and it would be under decree allowed by the constitution, and that further enraging the opposition. and another country where we are seeing the outrage is in israel after benjamin
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netanyahu's major changes to the country's major judicial system. the left and right in israel say that the politicians will give netanyahu too much power over the courts. >> and netanyahu says that israel is a liberal balanced democracy and the changes comes as he is facing ongoing corruption charges and the critics are trying to accuse him of this overhaul efforts to have more power, and how likely that these changes do move forward, hadas? >> well, he is pushing through the reforms at record speed and they want them done, and keep in mind they were sworn in at the beginning of the year, and they want the reforms done before the passover holidays, and these are massive, and it is to overturn
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supreme court decision, but they are full speed ahead, and this is when isaac herzog is sitting out his own structural reform plan, and his judiciary plan is not as far as the netanyahu plan, and what is more informed is the impassioned plan of what he saying that the divisiveness is doing to the country, and that it could be on the brink of a civil war. >> translator: whoever thinks that a real civil war of human lives is a limit that we will not reach, he has no idea. in my life in the worst nightmares, i never thought that i would hear such words, even if it is from to a small minority of people. i heard startling rhetoric and real deep hatred and people from all of the harpies that the idea of blood in the streets no longer shocks them. >> and ett is not just the
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protesters in the street that is concerning, but that there should be consensus around the reforms. >> thank you for joining us. i'm erica hill. >> i'm jim sciutto and kate bolduan will join us after t th break. dicated trucks a and dri. chairs, gotta go... okay! i'm thinking couches... or loveseats? yeah, loveseats. something about loveats make me feel happy. ken...? i bought theeam! cash brothers! if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start... and move toward relief after the first dose...
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7:58 am
7:59 am
i screwed up. mhm. i got us t-mobile home internet. now cell phone users have priority over us. and your marriage survived that? you can almost feel the drag when people walk by with their phones. oh i can't hear you... you're froze-- ladies, please! you put it on airplane mode when you pass our house. i was trying to work. we're workin' it too. yeah! work it girl! woo! i want to hear you say it out loud. well, i could switch us to xfinity. those smiles. that's why i do what i do.
8:00 am
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