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tv   CNN Tonight  CNN  March 24, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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characters from our show and all different ways. it's a hoot halloween outfit a couple of real solid we worked hard on that when you won your second emmy, were you like i didn't believe it. i was shocked as hell. you still yeah. i mean, yeah. no it's you know, it's touched something with people that really has. i mean us as well. like it. it it is. it is. it is. i mean, i've said it and i'll say it again because i truly believe it. and i'm being cute is not to lasso is not show. it's not just character. it is a it is a vibe and the fact that people have picked up on that vibe, and it brought that vibe to their own. you know, schools and teams and communities and home and you know, and again themselves, as has been flattering because it's i can speak towards the spoils of it, and it's not necessarily you know the awards, but the rewards that have come from it for sure. thanks so much, jason. absolutely. thanks for having me. you can catch the new season of ted lasso on apple tv. plus i'll see you sunday morning at nine a.m. eastern for state of the union here on cnn, and sunday night joined cnn for a special night of laughter. the
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kennedy center presents the mark twain prize for american humor celebrating adam sandler. that's at eight p.m. eastern on cnn. cnn tonight with alison camerata is next. and don't forget over time with bill maher airs tonight at 11:30 p.m. eastern. right? good evening, everyone. i'm alison camerata. welcome to cnn tonight. donald trump is sometimes called teflon. don is that changing? today the former president's attorney was forced to testify before the grand jury investigating those classified documents found at mara lago. meanwhile a laundry list of trump's advisers have now been ordered to testify before the grand jury that's investigating january 6th. that includes mark meadows, donald trump's chief of staff. we've got much more on that. plus we paltrow taking the stand today she's being sued over a ski accident, which she described in graphic terms. i
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was skiing and two skis came between my skis, forcing my legs apart. and then there was a body pressing against me. and there was a very strange grunting noise, so my brain was trying to make sense of what was happening. we'll talk about that. also how many scientists does it take to unscrew an oreo? scientists at mit unscrewed more than 1000 oreos in their quest to get a cookie with delicious, creamy filling on both sides. they even built an oreo meter to help tonight, these scientists will share their earth shattering findings and explain why we need to know this and also stick around for the end of the show. we've got our friday night news quiz for you and for our guests, okay, but let me bring in our panel. let's get started with what happened in the trump investigations today. here with me we have axios is jennifer kingston, former new york congressman max rose, former senate candidate joe pinyon and former federal
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prosecutor jim walden. welcome all of you. thanks so much for being here on a friday. hey, great to have you okay? put up for you right now the list of trump aides who are now ordered to testify in this january 6th investigation. um here are the names and this is there's a lot of them, as you can see, these are familiar names to a lot of people. mark meadows, stephen miller, ken cuccinelli. so jim, let me start with you as our former federal prosecutor. why aren't they covered by executive privilege as former president trump had tried to do so executive privilege, uh, protects the communications and the president has to be the one to decide whether to do it. and so what the judge ruled today was that a former president does not have the ability to invoke it. but he was president during january. 6th isn't he saying that they were privileged communications at that time they are, but it's like the ceo of a big company right if the ceo gets ousted, it's the new ceo that decides whether or not the
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company should keep the attorney client privilege or waive it. so with the executive privilege. it's kind of the same thing. is it the current president? or is it the past president? that question is actually fascinating , but it hasn't been completely resolved by the supreme court yet, and brett kavanaugh, in a recent decision from last year signaled that there may be a number of supreme court justices that are willing to recognize some privilege of the old president, and we'll see go ahead, joe. i mean, i'm not a lawyer. so let's just start by saying that, but it would seem counterintuitive that a president could declare privilege and then subsequently that somebody else could waive the privilege on his behalf. so at the end of the day, this process is going to go through the courts. as all of this has done. it is the premise of many on the left that president trump has taken a crime syndicate and lets it onto the executive branch that he is, in many ways. al capone reincarnate with presidential powers and yet somehow now, the indictments in many ways have yet to actually proceed that so we are all
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waiting with bated breath to see the perp walk that many people thought would happen long before we even took the oath of office. and uh, he predicted what happened by the way on the tuesday. i mean, he said it was going to happen on tuesday. still waiting cast is piling up. that's for sure. no he has been fundraising on this. at last count. it was 1.5 million. but that's probably gone up because that was a few days ago, congressman what do you think of this week? as you've watched all these developments great donald trump hustle. it's interesting hearing your comments. that you actually merged two separate trials in criminal proceedings associated with donald trump. that list of former administration officials, all of whom have objected to testifying and appearing before any hearing associated with january 6th for a very simple reason, and that is that one that day was disgraceful, but their actions and their colleagues actions that day. we're also disgraceful and they are running for the hills. very simple, straightforward rule in washington, d c. and in politics
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when you have a strong argument , you talk about it when you don't you run away from it, and that's what they're doing. and that's what the republican party has been doing now for years, and that's why across the country, many of them lost elections that you know midterm that they thought it was going to be a republican sweep. well i mean, it's still and yet the poll suggests that former president trump is still popular with the republican base, and he's about to have his first. rally tomorrow. so we'll see what how much power he still has jennifer your thoughts as you watch all the developments in the investigations. the supreme court last really weighed in on executive privilege in 1974. when president nixon tried to invoke it to keep the watergate tapes away from the public. he lost that 16 days after the supreme court ruled on that he resigned three years later, when he was out of office, he again tried to invoke executive privilege as a former president and well the supreme court ruled that former presidents did have that right to continue it. they ruled against him in terms of
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keeping his materials private. interestingly the events of this week that you just outlined amount to a real political rorschach test. just this week monmouth university came out with its latest poll showing donald trump moving ahead of governor rhonda santos in a theoretical matchup between the two ah 41% of potential republican voters said that they would pick donald trump as their nominee versus 27% for rhonda santos, and that's up from a statistical heat in february. and by the way, not all of this is academic. there are real things happening. um in terms of threats and threats of violence connected to all of this, so, as you know, donald trump has been , um, posting today on his own social media about, um, well, things that could be interpreted as threats or predictions of violence. he says he sees quote, death and destruction if he's indicted. i assume this is this is because he's scared of what's
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going to happen. but yet um people are taking it seriously. and the manhattan d a s office has received ominous white powder as well as they have been bomb threats called into the court. so there's a feeling of things percolating. it's i'm gonna stay in my lawyers lane for a minute and leave the politics to other people. but what what's happening with donald trump at this moment is that the walls are closing in on him. uh there are three investigations. at least one of those investigations have at least three different strands to it. and this news going back to meadows is terrible news for the president because those were really the architects. of the january 16th insurrection and for donald trump in the face of all of this to triple down, not double down triple down by essentially trying to create this toxic environment where people are called to arms. what did it result in it resulted in the d a today receiving a death threat in an envelope with white
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powder in it. this is going to continue its disgraceful and he should stop. look, i think that we can all agree that the actions of january 6th were disgraceful that people use the flag of this nation to break glass at the people's house. and whenever the time capsule of the 21st century is opened those days or will be seared into the memory of this great nation. i think we can also recognize that at this juncture, we probably need less politics. not more when we talk about how do we get to the bottom of what occurred on that day and what has gone on or what? has not gone on with president trump, but i would argue that that has to be happening on both sides that we had a january 6th investigation into that day. that was highly partisan that the remedy by the left to investigate all manner of things related to president trump have injected more politics into this not less. so, yes, let us all agree that the rhetoric needs to be toned down that yes, president trump in his
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fervor to make sure that he can get through this primary, which people pretend hasn't actually started. get get done that, yes. these are being said that i would wish weren't being said, but i don't think that actually means that he is calling for violence. and i certainly don't think that we can have one litmus test for what republicans are allowed to say politically and then another litmus test for what democrats. let's say i don't want to. i don't want to suggest that he's calling for violence. i want to suggest that people hear things a certain way, so when he posts that there's going to be death and destruction if he's indicted his supporters here that i mean, we know this from january 6th because they said we were called here by the president will say this, um i think that again, you can say more about what the president didn't say on that day than what he did say on that day, and i think people who want to see this as a call to violence or people who already have a certain perspective of president trump. wait hold on a second death and destruction, joe, everything you said. i agree with you 100% right? i definitely agree as an independent that we need less
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politics. but the man is lighting a match and he did the same thing on january 6th, and not only has he not learned a lesson he's doubling down, so i don't really see it as a prediction. i see. i see it as a cold arms. it's not a call to arms and let me just be very clear. i can take out my phone on twitter right now. and it's maggie. extremist this and maggie extremists that and half the people of the republican party are all evil, and maga described at least five republicans or every publican, depending on what day apparently there's one person writing all the tweets for chuck schumer and akeem jeffrey. so i just think again if we're going to say that we need less heated rhetoric in our politics. i would agree with you. but the notion that we don't have this heated rhetoric coming from democrats on a regular basis, i just think feels, you know, strange equivalency is just stunning. but think about your comments reveal the crazy town that we live in. today a decade ago. if someone in the presidential primary have been indicted or on the verge of being indicted. his
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opponents are cheering for it now they are coming to his defense debase leaders in the republican party such as joe yourself are coming to his defense even after he incited a violent riot that left people dead. at what point will your party leave him behind? it's this is crazy. what does that taste so crazy? i think again. we live in a nation where you are innocent until proven guilty. everyone's talking about what happened. alvin bragg and to be clear any threats are made . the d a s office are disgraceful. but that doesn't change the fact that you are entitled to your day in court. so yes, at this point, president trump has been investigated for the better part of six years. there are cases that are potentially pending, but they have not come to fruition. and so, yes, you have come to your conclusion. democrats have come to that. vision but the notion that we just get back to this ends justify the means approach to all things related to donald trump and the republican party. to me, it's a little bit disingenuous. stick around everybody because we have a lot
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more to talk about. next. utah is banning anyone under 18 from using social media after 10 30. pm how are they going to enforce that? we'll talk about it. from friends cocoming over to mom's cocoming over. so many ways to save life ready, happy 3 6 by whole foods market the first time you connected your go daddy website in yourtore was also the first time u realized what we can do anything. cheesecake cookies, chuckie, your sales from one place with a partner that always puts you first start today at go. daddy .com. today grab your friends for a fun night end go tomlin, jane fonda, marina and sally field must see comedy of the year. i brought my strap on. don't think that's what it's called brady buying on digital today.
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customer service representative . i'm sorry i didn't get that representatives try again. i'm sorry. funny. come here. you need a hug. oh, there you go. you also need consumer self talk to a real person every time it's nice as you much nicer. well. almost the exact same coverage as the nation's leading carriers and 100% us based customer support starting at $20 consumer cellular, introducing the new sleep number climate, 3 60 smart bet only smart but in the world that actively cools. warms and effortlessly responds to both of you are smart sleepers get 28 minutes more restful sleep per night. proven quality sleep only from sleep number. yo fight your tunnel. that's right, that the night's young a no. alright. meanwhile utah's governor signing a bill this week to protect young people on social media requires social media
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platforms to give parents access to their children's accounts. it also imposes a curfew. banning people under 18 from using their accounts between 10:30 p.m. and 6:30 a.m. a lot is not going to affect until next march. my panel is back with me. okay, let me just put up again. what this law would do it requires social platforms give parents access to their kids accounts. it bans all ads for minors. as i said it imposes that curfew from six pm to 6 30 for anyone under 18, and it requires social media platforms to conduct aged verification. for all utah residents. jennifer um, i'm i'm interested in this. i mean, lots of people decry the dangers of social media. it sounds like utah is really trying to do something about it. how will they police, the curfew and things like that. that's exactly the question that came to my mind. but it's interesting that the states are taking a lead on this, particularly in the context of lawmakers on capitol hill, drilling tiktok like a geopolitical chew toy. this week
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. washington state a few months ago, filed lawsuit against the major social media platforms, alleging that there's an epidemic of teen mental health problems that are linked to social media. i did some reporting around this at the time and found that studies have shown that there is in fact, there are direct links between depression and teenage girls and social media platforms, but there is also debate within the psychological community about whether social media use is truly an addiction. i recently interviewed the pediatrician who leads boston children's hospitals. digital wellness lab . his name is michael rich, and he calls himself the media attrition because he's the expert on these topics. he argues that heavy social media use isn't necessarily an addiction, but is rather a symptom of an underlying problem that a team may have such as a d h d or depression. to begin with . that's a different take on it . i mean, that's i have to get
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my mind around that possible model because it does seem like an addiction. it acts like an addiction where they just pick up the phone and you see them scrolling and you know they're sort of consumed with it. but as a former legislator, how how will this be policed? well first of all, anything that leads to people not seeing joe's tweets, i avidly support. just kidding, including joe. i'm just kidding. but but, you know, in all seriousness, though, 50 years from now. i believe that people will look at our use of social media in the same way that today we look at how people used to smoke around their children. this is a technology and a program that is designed with one explicit purpose, which is to make people addicted to it, and i believe it's particularly harmful for young people. you like this law? absolutely absolutely. and i think that the federal government should step in and do everything it can to protect young people from ms technology. remember, these
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algorithms are designed to push people towards that which they are interested in. it pushes people towards hateful, divisive content. your you have to look no further than the fact that the very inventors of this technology keep their children. away from it. so you need to think i think this is the right thing. one interesting aspect of the utah law. i think that was signed, actually instructs the social media platforms to deactivate features that are considered addictive for children. things that show you more, uh, tick talks about suicide, for example, if you start searching for that, and those are some of the things that have been the most harmful and have been the source of so many lawsuits by parents good for them platform. any downside ? you think to this law? i think that if there is any downside, which i would agree with the congressman that yes. this is a step in the right direction is the fact that once again from the politicians we see virtue, signaling that we have policies
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have been written on the back of a napkin without actually having a thoughtful expectation of how you're actually going to implement these laws. and so i think at the end of the day, yes, we recognize that screen time is addictive that people with means take great lengths to reduce the amount of screen time that their children have. and yet it's always the children that come from disadvantaged backgrounds that don't get those best practices, and i think again, we have to talk about the fact that there has been a reluctance on capitol hill to deal with anything from the antitrust legislation to the dangers that we know are emerging from this. you think that both republicans and democrats for virtue signaling when it comes to social media, i think not just social media in general. when you were talking about all the cultural issues. there's a lot of virtue, signaling legislation, people writing things down on paper. we can actually be implemented effectively, but they do it in order to prove a point, but i do think again. this is a step in the right direction to start crafting policies with the children to figure it out. i'm not sure that it's not going to work yet. they have a year until
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it goes. i think trying to implement a curfew for social media and that's a bit ridiculous, but i think certainly we can start talking about the fact that we already have laws on the books that are supposed to prevent us from collecting data from children were not at sea, enforcing those laws in an effective manner and beyond. i can't say i was going to answer your original question. are they going to enforce it? right i have two answers to that number one they never will have to, because it's probably not going to survive constitutional scrutiny, but number two, even if it did, they're not going to enforce it. they're going to require the tech companies to and i wouldn't like to be the compliance officer of a tech company with 50 different states, passing 50 different laws. and this is where joe is absolutely right. the federal government needs to step in. this has to be controlled by an agency. there has to be one set of rules and i think that that is a sensible thing to deal with all the harms that jennifer talked about really interesting. thank you all for those perspectives. meanwhile donald trump is going to hold his 1st 2024 campaign rally tomorrow. in waco, texas. why there we discuss. so what do
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and seamlessly join your. expand your team with a fiber freelancer. can l in new york and this is cnn. 51 day standoff
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between the branch davidians and federal authorities just outside of waco, texas, was 30 years ago this month. the standoff began in february 1993 and ended in mid april with a deadly fire that consumed the compound. 76 people, including 25 children were killed. this is how cnn covered it at the time. as we've watched this m 60 vehicle this combat engineering vehicle. ah make a large holes in the side of this building and pump tear gas in there. this is a this is a roaring fire here. this, uh and i don't know if there are any fire trucks. even i haven't seen any fire trucks come up. um i don't. i don't know if there are any fire trucks. ah, at the compound. even this this fire is completely out of control. and, as the chief said, the obviously they won't be able to do much. um, except perhaps put out some smoldering embers. there it appears, and still no indication no sign that anybody is coming
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out. since then, the incidents become an enduring rallying cry for anti government extremists. and tomorrow former president trump will hold his first campaign rally for 2024 in waco, texas. back now with my panel, we're joined also by new york times reporter charles horman's charles, you've been covering this story. i mean about president trump's rally that he's going to be holding. so what's your telegraphing? well, i think the important thing to know here is that waco has attained in the 30 years since this happened a real sort of status, um, on the far right and the symbolism. you know, it's i think it's one of the texas newspapers in opinion made op ed today sort of denouncing trump for holding his rally there called it an alamo, which i think is right. i mean, it's a sort of pilgrimage site. for a lot of groups on the far right the oath great. the oath keepers, the proud boys, three percenters and you know trump when you talk to his campaign, of course, says that's not why they're holding it there. they say it's a nice central location
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in the middle of texas equidistant from a number of cities, but the you know, i think the symbolism of it to a lot of people is very apparent. and certainly his supporters get it. i mean, one of the people that you interviewed. here's a quote from them. waco was an overreach of the government. and today the new york district attorney is practicing an overreach. of the government again, said sharon anderson, a retiree from tennessee who is traveling to waco for saturday's event. her 33rd trump rally. joe. uh i really don't know where to begin here. look waco, texas is still part of america last i checked last i checked. the people of waco were not followers of david koresh even most of the branch davidians then and whatever remains of them, but politicians choose their backdrop for a reason they do they signal things. as you've said, let's just be very clear. we are now at b. 10 30 about 50 seconds. we still haven't talked about ron de santis. we're continuing to talk about president trump, which is what president trump wants. whether you agree with the virtue,
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signaling or not, he has achieved his overall endeavor. i don't think that president trump is trying to tell people that we should remember david koresh and following this, you think he's just perhaps they're signaling to the effect that we're dealing in times, but we do have government overreach. we also do know that whatever david caressed did, which was an abomination, those children that died in that for no. we also know that the federal government botched the raid and did many things. but i think that you've just agreed that that perhaps he's signaling government overreach. and i think that that was the point. i think the two. there's a correlation and also a distinction that has to be made when you actually deal with the fact that all of these things are not just one giant donald trump fire and doom death and destruction. bald pictures you're trying to paint. i mean, i just think that that that has to be said. we can't just keep bouncing around here, which is like it's the anniversary of waco and david karez. therefore donald trump is saying death and destruction. i just think that that's a disingenuous argument. i hear you, but you're
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connecting them. those were two separate. i hear you job. those were two separate segments. go ahead and play a game. what does donald trump have to do for you to criticize him? but the truth of the matter is that there is a overarching narrative. and point here. this is not the first time donald trump has done something like this. remember tulsa doing a rally on june 10th 19th. this is not the first time that the republican party has done something like this. think back to the ways in which reagan announced his campaign his presidential campaign in mississippi. uh why are they doing this? and i think so much of this goes back to a lesson that was learned from mitt romney's 2012 lost to barack obama, in which people like donald trump believed rightfully or otherwise that it was because of a depressed base turnout and they will never turn on this base that they believe exists, and that is why these rallies are continuing, and that is why they are continuing to stoke divisions and be as divisive as humanly possible. it is because
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not just that he's a sociopath, but also that he believes his politically expeditious people with him there. are they bad people is that your position seems to be your position. it seems to know it does because on some basic level if everything that donald trump does is evil, and that evil is a reflection on the people, then at some point, you're effectively. saying what joe biden hasn't seen. you waited with so many people on the left insinuated. there is some deficiency with the people . and so i think at some point we're going to have a real honest conversation about this. is that yes, there is the vision in politics. yes, people have to turn out their base. and yes, sometimes there are people that do things that the outside looking in my think is a bad thing. but i think overall if we just talking about how do we have an honest conversation about politics? it's disingenuous to keep acting like democrats at these beautiful people who only want good things, which is what early speaking, it seems logical to think that donald trump might like to connect, connect the dots between the dramatic conflagration at the branch davidian compound and his own
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travails at mara lago, where he feels besieged by federal prosecutors circling around him . uh don't forget the 51 days, uh, before the combination at david koresh's compound included 900 law enforcement officials standing outside live. there were armored tanks there. the fbi played a barrage the compound with unbearably loud music for days to try to get people out of there. they negotiated for 60 hours straight with david koresh. it was a really dramatic event that i'm sure he'd like to evoke. i just i just don't think the branch davidians i want to get charles . it is charles report. yes but i don't want to get the branston video ins wrapped up in what republicans are standing up for every single day. i think that's stretch, charles the people that you've interviewed about this, his supporters they get it right there. i mean, they understand what this symbolism is. certainly i think some people definitely told me that and i think it's worth remembering
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also that this was a very polarizing incident at the time it was the subject of congressional investigations, department of justice investigations and it was something that really factored heavily in the midterms in 1994. and you know when i spoke with new gingrich about this, who was a staunch critic of the you know the federal response at the time, he sort of mentioned that it was, you know, did have a broader symbolism on the right of the federal government run amok as he put it, and so i think that there's people who may not connect to the level of the oath keepers of the proud boys but do see it as sort of a resonance of what you know the way that donald trump has portrayed his sort of situation today. okay, thank you for your reporting. really appreciate you bringing that to us. thank you all for the discussion. and meanwhile, there's a florida principle out of a job. because 1/6 grade. well one of the reasons might be because 1/6 period class was shown this michelangelo's david. and that's when it paltrow right there. she's defending herself in court . is there a connection or we'll
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out how you can own an ex chair for only $20 a month. x chair dot com. good morning, everyone we do begin with breaking news this morning. get dressed. marge you've got to lead our protest against this abomination, but that's michelangelo's david. it's a masterpiece. filth graphically portrays parts of the human body which practical as they may be, are evil like that statue. is it a masterpiece or just some guy with his pants down? that's our topic tonight on smart line. once again, the simpsons predict the future that was their take on michelangelo's david and the battle over censorship. back in 1990. today the controversy is back. some florida parents are angry about the davids inclusion in 1/6 grade lesson, and the principal has been forced to resign. as a result, i'm back with my panel. okay so this is a spicy headline . i recognize because it's you
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know, michelangelo's david and he's nude, but it's also it's a little bit more bureaucratic than we're making it sound. she didn't know. the principal didn't send out a notification to the parents, and she was supposed to send out a notification and that's why they say she was fired. what do you think is really going on? i think it's crazy that we live in a country where in some places you have to send a parental notification for a classic piece of sixth graders. do you think that they should have that david should have just been sprung on them? i think that there are circumstances where parents should probably just back off and let teachers do their jobs. and the thing that terrifies me about this is because there is a teacher who is probably a really good teacher. she's apparently in a evangelical christian ah, and now she doesn't have a job because she showed a statue that is an iconic piece of history because it shows his penis that seems crazy to me. jennifer can picture myself as a giggly sixth grader, but there are very big, important issues here. the head of the school board in tallahassee told the local paper
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that parents rights are supreme and that we can see spreading nationally where parents are flexing their muscles about what they do and don't want to see an curriculum. on thursday, the american library association came out with its latest research showing that a record number of books were banned last year, the most in its 20 year history. and this is a worrisome sign. i think it's interesting because the board the chair of the school board there in tallahassee, the classical school board chair was saying that 97% of the sixth grade parents were fine with this lesson, but there, they did receive a few complaints from others, but it is possible congressman that had she sent out the notification whether or not you believe the notification is just sort of an onerous piece of protocol that can be argued, but she might still have her job if she sent out that notification to parents. yeah well, i think one day she'll be happy that she's no longer teaching the children of a bunch of crazy people. i mean, this is
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percent didn't like it. 97% of the sixth grade parents were okay, you know, and i say this as a as a millennial myself. this is when this is what happens when millennials become parents. i mean, could you be more neurotic that, you know, it's fine with a six routine fine with my three year old seeing that that sculpture. i mean, this is this is absurd. this is absurd. i'm stunned by it, but i'm wondering if it is also representative of this interesting trend amongst many parents to so many of which are tilted to be more conservative. to say that educational institutions need to be safe spaces whereby they protect their children from anything that they deem either disagreeable or potentially a bit profane. it's a worse and trend. look it's art. i think we should all be able to agree on that. we've started this desk many times and said that the
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push back is always more extreme than the issue itself, particularly when other people marked the issue and then call you crazy. so look, i think at the end of the day this is on the fortunate reality brought to us by the fact that there seemed to be things happening in schools that people pretend aren't happening or people suggest aren't happening. and in the end, you end up with two parents out of 100 parents. crying foul and getting the poor innocent teacher fired, so i think that that's just an unfortunate state of affairs where we're at today and hopefully we can start listening to people on both sides saying, hey, i want to know what's going on with my children in the classroom and not treat them as if their concerns should be pushed aside more if there were just three. let's pretend there were three parents out of this class that didn't like it. their kids could have sat out that lesson. it didn't have to escalate to this their kids to the point. i also think that a teacher fired i mean, this is important. nobody should be fired. they are crazy. i'll say
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it again. i mean, this is they should have a job. they should have a life the teacher should be allowed to teach and the worst case scenario here, kid comes home and they have a conversation at home. that's yes , but again, i just have to say that the school board chair says she was not let go because of michelangelo's david's lessen the school is 2.5 years old. every year. we show that picture and it's taught to our six creditors because she didn't notify the parents, so let it stand right there. um we have to move on to this very important story. guys. i know you've been waiting for this mighty researchers conducting this very important experiment. trying to determine if there is a way to get that cream filling on both sides of the orio when you're twisting it off. i mean, it's the age old question. so we're going to speak with those scientists, and then we're gonna try it ourselves. let's get started. no where's your mask? really tried sleeping with it. everybody now i sleep with inspire inspire. no mask who
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your business may qualify to get refunds .com. alright everyone, let's get in our time machines and go back to my favorite decade. the eighties you're sitting on your couch watching tv and this commercial comes on. oh my best friend and an oreo cookie. crunchy chocolate. i like the creamy middle. been eating them this way, since we were very little. we'll always be friends with o r e o. that was fantastic. and do you remember trying to split open the oreo? well a group of mit researchers had the same challenge and they used the vast resources of mitt to put it to the test, dubbing the oreo. science, ori ology. and two of those mit researchers crystal owens and max van. join me now, guys, thank you very much for
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being here and sharing your earth shattering findings with us crystal. i know this was your idea, so i'll begin with you how much marijuana was involved in you coming up with this idea? so the study was actually published on over 19 last year, so the timing was very good. so the day after it came out, everyone could celebrate. oh that's fantastic, max. how many cookies oreos did you eat in the name of research? i've lost track, honestly, probably like close to their need to 50 even as many as you think, because you get sick of them after awhile, crystal seriously, i did. this was born out of your childhood challenge right of trying to separate the oreo and figuring out which side was most delicious. yes, because it's so frustrating because you want to have a cookie that has a hard way for and some soft cream
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. you don't want to get one way for that's just bear and one that has a lot of cream. and so when you're trying to figure out fluid mechanics like that's what i'm studying for my phd, why not like apply that to like a real problem? um we have a congressman, a former congressman with us here tonight, and he was wondering how much taxpayer money was spent on this experiment. do you know um. i so this was kind of a side project. my main project. is mhm. yeah alright. obviously welcome. welcome we'll get the answer to that will research that. but in the meantime, i know that this also has some practical application. it's not just about oreos. so what else? i mean, what do we need to know? in our real lives that you found out about this? and so the physics that describes how oreos come apart described, like all sorts of soft materials. so if
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you're looking at like houses in landslides like sliding off the hill in california, that's like exactly the same physics as like a way for coming off on the cream on another way for okay. understanding how this works is very important. of course. and so, guys what? answer the age old question. what is better to twist it or to tug it? twist it. oh twist it. okay so that's what you found or twisted and see. i used to consider this perfect if you could twist it off perfectly, but you're saying that it would be better if it was half and half. hmm and what's the best way to get it to be half and half? so the points out it doesn't really matter what technique you use. you can twist it quickly. you can twist it slowly. you can compress it while you're twisting it. you can put one you're twisting. it
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doesn't really matter, um something that might happen if you put you might shatter the waiver, but it doesn't really matter. either way, you're most likely going again on one side. okay crystal max. thank you. stand by because our panel is trying this right now. i feel like, um you destroyed yours require you heard me cursed. you are a horrible scientist. you've destroyed win this god holdout yours up, jennifer. you were able to get some of the delicious cream on both sides. you've impressed our scientists . crystal and max, you have also done well, joe. i look at the world can't be like this. joe look, look at how well joe joe has done with these two here. but joe also is the person who, when we handed him, the oreo said, are we really doing this? whereas i feel that you were excited, jim. i used to actually take all of it often make like the quadruple stuff. because i
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love the i like them. i like the combination, but i want the whole thing that too, and if you take the empty wafers off and put them back in the package, it's really disappointing to the next person. wow didn't do that . wow that must have really been a good prank on your siblings or want to know if the gluten free ones have different physical properties. free ones are scientists. i'm sure no do the gluten free ones have different physical properties. crystal and max. just a little bit. they're actually pretty similar. hmm. alright so let's not get into the birthday cake. oreo pretty pretty sad. all right. thank you guys very much for sharing your research with us and for giving us a mid show snack. we really appreciate it. crystal owens and max fan. thank you. all right. meanwhile paltrow taking the stand in a ski collision trial today, what she's saying and why taylor swift came up. we'll show you that next alright. i can't eat this right now because i'll
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looks like 75 miles, the worst of it right through the town of rolling fork population about 1800 seen pictures on twitter and on the internet, and they're disturbing. this was a very large tornado, it continued on the ground moved through it a couple other towns, but rolling fork is the true center of the destruction at this hour crews are on their way. police are asking for as many ambulances and as we can get. this is the storm right here through rolling fork and then on up toward belzoni. it was on the ground as a likely an ef three or greater for a very long time. this is the color coded doppler velocities showing the circulation right over that town , and it may still be on the ground right now. it was about 10 minutes ago as the storm has moved 75 miles to the northeast . this is the area. we're watching this highlighted area here in orange. this is where most of the weather will be tonight. there will be


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