tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN March 27, 2023 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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ever ingredients to help you lose fat get lean, absolutely free, rugged 321321. i'm rachel solomon in new york. and this is cnn. closed captioning brought to you by meso book .com. we proudly help veterans with mesothelioma. call for a free book 1 808 220400 or go to miso book .com. good evening. i want to start with the video clip that says far too much about being a kid today. these are young children, single file holding hands. they're being taken not on a field trip to see the dinosaurs but out of harm's way from the scene of a school, shooting another one, this time in nashville at the covenant school, a private christian school for kids from pre k age to sixth grade. reading from its web page. the beauty of a preschool six school is in its simplicity and innocence. students are free to be children , the website says. celebrating
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childhood says at the top of the homepage, two girls and a boy reportedly all nine were murdered there today by 28 year old former student who also murdered three adults before being killed by police. the children were evelyn dick house . william kinney, halle scruggs and how his dad is senior pastor of covenant presbyterian church , which runs the school to the adults murdered cynthia peak and mike hill were both 61. mike hill's friend posted this photo of him online said mr hill was the last employee hired when he ran the school and church kitchen said he was the kind of person who would sacrifice for others. katherine coons was also murdered. she was 60, head of the covenant school. her daughter is also a teacher. there. police say her killer who they say was transgender, was carrying a handgun into assault style rifles. president biden today called on congress to do what it showed no willingness to do since the federal ban on such weapons expired in 2004. so i call on congress again to pass
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my assault weapons ban. it's about time that we began to make some more progress, but there's more to learn, but i just wanted to send my concerned hearts out to so many parents out there for lawmakers. texas republican senator john cornyn, who helped pass a more limited gun safety package during the last congress , says he doesn't believe anymore. legislation will move on the issue in the next two years. senator cornyn telling cnn's manu raju that an assault weapons ban would affect quote law abiding citizens. but later we'll be joined by his democratic counterpart from connecticut senator chris murphy . right now i want to go to nashville and cnn's carla suarez . so what more do we know now about how the attack unfolded, carlos well, anderson we know that at least according to police, the 28 year old was ready for a confrontation with officers were told that the gunman had to a r style weapons as well as a handgun and that two of those weapons were legally obtained. according to
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the chief of police out here, the 28 year old had several rounds of ammunition and had detailed the plan of the attack . we're told that this was a targeted attack. the 28 year old had a map of the school. she had noted several entry points into the building and we're told she was able to get inside of the school by shooting through a door. we're told anderson that there was a second location, another site that the gunman was going to visit. however it appears that because she felt that there had been a additional security at that location the gunman did not end up going there, anderson and what are police saying about a possible motive. yes so while police out here, the chief of police says that they're hoping to detail some of this in the coming days, but we're told that they have in possession of a manifesto as well as some other writings that detail exactly what this shooter wanted to do. we're told that
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she identified as transgender and that she was a former student at this christian school , and it appears that there may have been some sort of resentment about the fact that the gunman came to the school. that's at least according to an interview that the chief of police gave to nbc nightly news earlier tonight. now, anderson, we're told that the gunman's father has been interviewed and that again, police are hoping to release some additional information on that manifesto as well as the writings in the coming days and just be clear. you said that the shooter may have resented attending the christian school is that it? yeah that's our understanding. so the police chief says that they're looking into the possibility that there may have been some sort of resentment over the fact that the 28 year old gunman at one point i was a student at this school. however as you can imagine the investigation into this is in its early stages. carla suarez. i appreciate it. thank you for our next two guests tonight. every detail of the story brought back memories of fear
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and loss. tell brooks his son was murdered in 2018 in the mass shooting at an area waffle house all day in brooks lost his brother when this latest shooting happened, all danes high school about a mile and a half away went on lockdown. as you might imagine. this has not been an easy day for either of them or the rest of their family all day and sean del brooks joins us now they appreciate both of you joining us. i'm sorry we're talking under these circumstances. can you explain what happened when you were in lockdown today? um basically at first, it was just a at first i thought it was just a regular lockdown. ah previously we had had a fire drill and do so weird smell that was going around in our school, and i thought that's what that i thought that was the cause to our lockdown, but as mean and our class and my friends had began to look into
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wide lockdown was caused. there was no answers really. um we began trying to get information from people trying to get information from my teacher until um, my mom and her friend had called and said that they had got a call by the active shooter at my school. so eventually i went to go ask my teacher about if there is an active shooter in my school. it's time they had put fear into my heart and also my fellow students. hearts um, we didn't know if we were safe. we didn't know if somebody was coming to kill us or not. it was, it was traumatizing it. you know it. struck us. it was yeah. sean dell on dell. let me ask you when you heard this news. where were you and i can't imagine what went through your mind. man. um. it took me back to when
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, um you know, when i got the news that my son tequila that was killed in the mass shooting at the waffle house. it just took me right back to that. um, my heart dropped um, just to hear something like that and not knowing where and how and what's going on. it was devastating. and i understand you wanted to go. right away to all dale school. yes just like i did with the keel. i took off. i went to the school. um i told all day and i was coming to the school and he was like, mom. no, they're the active shooters still out there. um, it's not safe. but as a mother, you know , i just going to help it. i went over to the school. i circled the school like, you know, circle the area. um yeah. i mean, it's just it's
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unthinkable. you've had this tragedy already with kayla and now so close to this latest tragedy. from development. you must think about this. not only the loss of your your son every day, but these shootings every day. yeah. you know, here we are again another mass shooting. it's just oh, my god. it's an epidemic. it's something that i think about every day. you know, every time there is a mesh shooting, um. it's a lot. we're not safe anywhere. we're not safe in schools. we're not safe. when we go out to eat, we're not safe in church. we're not safe in the waffle house. you know? i
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think about it every day that i sent all the into school. you know all day. i know you and your mom have both worked since your brother was killed on on this issue. what message do you want to share with? with families of the victims in nashville tonight. i just want to say that the pain will forever be will be there. you just gotta you know you're not alone. you just gotta keep fighting through it and i promise you you're gonna get through it, but it's not gonna go away. but we're here for you. everybody is here for you to always help you. and shawn dale. that's. for you. that's important to the people know that they're not alone in this. yeah we want him to know they're not alone. i totally understand
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how you're feeling at this moment moment. um, devastation um. we're here for them. we understand this feeling firsthand. shot down sean, sean bell and all day and i'm so sorry for what you've gone through today and for the loss of your son, your brother. i appreciate you being with us tonight. thank you for having us want to get some perspective, now from cnn senior law enforcement analyst and former fbi deputy director andrew mccabe. andrew you know, please talk about this person had a so called manifesto that maybe sounds like a kind of glorifying word for was probably just a screed in a journal. it's pretty common these days, though, it's kind of a sign of the times that that we this word manifesto is being used now. so frequently shooters do this. yeah it's
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frustrating to interesting is you suggest that the word almost kind of legitimizes? what they're doing is if it's some sort of legitimate political stance or something, and what they are time and time again, and they're very common, um, is just a list of grievances and anger soaked objections to all sorts of perceived slights. things like that. the problem is they have outsized significance in this community of people who are drawn to these expressions of mass violence. so we've we've seen it. we've seen mass shooters literally copy the things that they've read from previous manifestos of previous mass shooters and their statements about why they've decided to strike out against innocent civilians. in their own communities. so um, it's not uncommon. it does give us some insight as to what this person's motivation may have been. but at the end of the day, um you know,
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i don't. i don't know that it really tells us that much. according to police, he was about 14 minutes between the first call, and when the shooter was killed, we don't really know the actual arrival time. the police. we're not sure about the response time. obviously you know, i have talked about this so often in these cases, response time is essential that the first minutes. that's when most people are killed. that's absolutely right. and you know this. this situation shows you i to me. it stands in stark contrast, many conversations you and i have had about you've all day, which was just an example of like, really poor response by law enforcement here. they were there very quickly. they exhibited. um um, well practiced well trained tactical techniques . they went in with five people. they covered both the first floor and the second floor. excuse me. they also had medical folks from the fire department deploy with them. and yet, despite that remarkably
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efficient and quick response, we still have we still have six innocent people dead, so it just proves the point that no matter how good law enforcement is, they'll never be in front of the shooter. they'll never be before the shooter. you're constantly trying to just limit damages and when those fatalities occur in the first minute of an encounter it very, very hard to stop that. even with the best response, authorities also say that this person had staked out this school or at least observed it had there were maps, apparently , according to law enforcement at this point again, this is very early stages with what they what they know, but they say that ah, the shooter may have had also another target, but decided it had better security than this location. you know again. i think this is very common. you typically see a high level of planning among these mass shooters, you know, you think back to you know, the
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individuals shot up. the fourth of july parade in illinois lasts last year, or the top supermarket shooter in buffalo, who had gone and conducted surveillance at that supermarket in the days or weeks prior, so the fact that they put in some time and planning and that this shooter mapped out where they would go and what they would do, and possibly indicated a second location in the same way that we saw in the monterey park shooter just a few months ago. this is very common planning and preparation activity requiring the weapons acquiring the ammunition so oftentimes special clothing, um and it's. it's shocking that while this is going on people around them and their families and their communities i don't see these things and bring them to law enforcement attention. that can certainly help andrew mccabe appreciate it tonight. thank you. next, the sheer number of recent mass shootings where the pandemic might have to do with it, and what americans say they want done about it or data reporter harry antin joins us so to senator chris murphy later how the former president's
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handling the possibility of one or more criminal in diamonds and one or more cases, all coming toward him soon, it seems rage is certainly part of the equation, both his and what his words in the subject could be stirring in his followers. what will you do? will you make something better? create something new. our dell technologies advisors can provide you with the tools and expertise. you need to bring out the innovator in you. what does it mean to be ever better? it's your customers getting what they ordered when they expected discover how rider e commerce makes your customers' experience ever better. double check that pretty good. yes not crying. are you taking that? what was that? that no, don't worry about that. here we go. question can greatly impact your future qualified to do this. what specially when it
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that's a huge 15 piece set with free shipping color. click now. to order call 1 800 to 116216 are going to buy hammered .com that's 1 800 to 116216. or you can order online at by hammer two .com. i have a surprise for you. i have a surprise for you. what let's say that the same time 321 cabin in vermont cancelation on most days .com booking done. start your day with nature made the number one pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. breaking news this hour. what we're learning about the nashville shooter's apparent resentment. police say it having had to attend the covenant school as a child. nashville's police chief says the 28 year old targeted random people at the school had a map identifying surveillance and
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entry points and left a so called manifesto journal, the chief index says, indicating the school was just one of several potential targets. so there's all of that. and as we discussed before the break, there's also the terrible reality that some families have now been touched by these incidents more than once with this now, if not to make sense of it all, then at least talk about the proportions of the problems. cnn senior data reporter harry antin. so what does the data show about the number of school shootings specifically since the pandemic? yes. so you know, we have obviously 2022 2023. we have 16 school shooting so far this year, we had 20 through this point in 2022. i should note that that's significantly higher. here than what we saw in the pre pandemic error, right where essentially we were averaging in the mid to high single digits at this point through the school year, so the fact is, it does seem like there's a clear pattern after the pandemic whereby the school shootings are definitely seem up about double. unfortunately what about mass shootings in general and i know in terms of data, i think that's what four or more people killed at one time. yeah
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that's exactly four or more people shot people victims. um and what we know again is we sort of have this prepaid. pandemic and then post pandemic sort of break in the numbers. we've had 130 mass shootings so far this year. that is the highest going back over the last six years, and more than that. what we see is it's even higher than we were last year or the year before, which were already well up from where we were prepared. emmick again. we were really averaging sort of in the mid double digit snow 50 60 mass shootings through this point in the year and what we're seeing since the pandemic as we're talking, you know, 100 and 10 111. we're talking hundreds 30 this year, so it's just significantly up and this is something we've seen across the board. we've seen it in cities as well where we've seen crime rates well up from pre pandemic norms, and it just seems like an all these different ways. the shootings are just up, anderson . and what about gun control? were the americans stand on that? you know, one of the things that i think is so you know, interesting as someone who
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studies the numbers is that democrats when it comes to gun control have basically stayed steady over the last 20 years or so, right? essentially, you know, the pew research center as this interesting question, which is? is it more important to protect the right to own guns are controlled gun ownership and when it comes to protecting the right to own guns, only about 20% of democrats thought it was more important than um, to protect the right to own guns, then can triangle control, gun ownership and 2000. that's about the same percentage now, but if you look at republicans, the number the percentage is way up. it was about you know, 40% back 22 years ago, and now it's close to 80% and so you know when we come to the issue of how are we supposed to deal with all of this? the fact is, the two parties are further apart than they've ever been. and i think part of the reason why we really haven't seen much movement is because it just doesn't seem like there's very much that can bring the two parties together. anderson on the fundamental question about the right to own guns versus controlling gun ownership, harry antin appreciate it. thank you. democratic senator chris murphy
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joins us now, as we mentioned before the break. he helped past last year's bipartisan gun safety bill in the wake of the shootings that rob elementary school in your body. senator murphy. you've obviously been working on gun safety for a long time. what is going through your mind tonight? well listen, obviously, um, in connecticut 10 years later, we are still reeling from the massacre in sandy hook elementary school. there's something uniquely cataclysmic when you lose a child when you lose a family member, but it's also important to remember that all the kids in that school all the adults in that school and never, ever going to be the same. that entire community is going to experienced trauma that's going to stay with him for a very, very long time. and so you know, i've stayed very close to the victims in connecticut, but i'm frankly equally as close to the victims of everyday gun violence , the suicides, the homicides, the accidental shootings. it also doesn't hurt any less. if your child dies on the streets of hartford or new orleans or baltimore than it does if your child dies in a mass shooting at
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a school, so it's important for us all to remember that this is happening every single day and every single night in america you worked with republican senator john cornyn in the last congress to pass bipartisan gun safety legislation to law, he said today and i'm quoting him, he said. i would say that we've gone about as far as we can go unless somebody identifies some area that we didn't address. how do you respond to that? well i mean, first let me just, you know, bring up the pole that that harry reference to have a great deal of respect for harry, but that's that poll, which sort of gets thrown out there all the time just infuriates me because it's asking people a question that doesn't actually exist. the question in that pew poll is do you think you should protect people from gun violence? or do you think we should respect the rights of gun hunters? in fact, you can do both at the same time , and so i'm never sure how relevant the answer to that. whole is other than republicans increasingly think that has republicans. they're supposed to answer one way and democrats
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increasingly think as democrats , they're supposed to answer the other way. the reality is most americans think you should do both. you should respect the second amendment. you shouldn't take guns away from law abiding citizens, but you should make sure the criminals and people who are seriously mentally ill. don't get their hands on guns and that we should take these military style assault weapons off the streets. i think we can still continue to work to find common ground. obviously, we made a breakthrough last year. the bill we passed the bipartisan safer communities act is the first significant anti gun violence legislation in 30 years. i understand that was a difficult vote for some republicans the first time they ever crossed the nra, but i think they've seen that the sky hasn't fallen, and i take john and his word that he's continuing to show interest in finding common ground where we can find it and maybe we'll be able to get there and build on the success of last year's bill. what might some of that common ground look like i mean, what? what is sort of the mean? what are some of the areas? yeah i
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think it's hard for me to, you know, negotiate with my republican colleagues on live tv will be not a good idea. try to find it. i think everybody yeah, i think everybody needs to remember that. you know, right before you've aldi people would have put the chances of a gun bill passing congress in 2022 at about 0 to 5. and then we worked hard at trying to figure out what our common denominator was . i think we can build on that. i do think folks in this country are just furious about the way in which these are fifteen's continue to be used in these mass shootings. i'm not saying that we have the votes in the house and the senate right now to ban assault weapons, but i do think there are some things that could get bipartisan support like, shouldn't you have some training on one of these weapons before you're able to pick it up and bring it out into public? i mean, we require you to get training to drive a boat to drive a car, but not to have a military style weapon that can
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kill 100 people in five minutes . i think you could find bipartisan support for something like that, and we'll work hard this year to try to find that common ground. i just spoke with two people handle and all. dane brooks, whose son and brother was killed in 2018 in the mass shooting at an area waffle house. um sean bell said that we're not safe anywhere. there's her words. i mean, what? what do you say to families who have lived through this already and are now having their children still in lockdowns nearby schools where there's been a shooting? well and think of all of the kids who live today in neighborhoods that are violent every single day. um i live, you know, in the south end of hartford neighborhood that has high rates of gun violence. i visited the local k through eight school in my neighborhood just a few months ago, and, you know, i talked to some of the kids, their 6th 7th graders. all they wanted to talk to me about was their walk to and from
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school every single day. they fear for their lives just by walking to school and walking home at the end of the day. frankly for them. school is a safe place. it's outside the school where they fear for their lives. i just i know that our cause is righteous. i know that eventually we're going to pass legislation that funds, anti gun violence programming in every neighborhood. i know we're going to take these dangerous weapons off the streets. i know we're going to have universal background checks. i hate that kids and parents and families have to join this movement in order to make that happen, but the anti gun violence movement is getting stronger every single day every single year and eventually we will get the laws to reflect. the morality and the values of this nation. chris murphy appreciate your time. thank you. thank you to continue to follow the story as it develops throughout the hour next to keep figure meeting with the new york grand jury today in the manhattan district attorney's criminal investigation to hush money allegations involving the former president will be right back.
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building certificate program today on coursera for free at coursera dot org. coursera learn without limits. i'm bill weir and antarctica. and this is cnn. closed captioning brought to you by meso book .com. we proudly help veterans with mesothelioma. call for a free book 1 808 220400 or go to meso book .com. we'll have much more on the tragedy of nashville as the story develops. right now we want to bring you the latest in a possible criminal indictment of the former president. late this afternoon, we learned the name of the witness who met with manhattan grand jury. if someone who knew the former president very well, you know, senior justice correspondent evan perez joins us now. so talk about the witness and why they're relevant. well, anderson, the witnesses, david pecker. he was he is the former chairman of
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american media, the parent company of national enquirer, and he was key as part of this effort to keep stormy daniels and story from becoming public back in 2016, and the days before the 2016 election. he allegedly brokered the payment $130,000 hush money, big money payment to stormy daniels. to try to make sure her story didn't come out and according to his version and version, from what we've heard from from michael cohen, the former president's fixer, he essentially got paid. i'm sorry he got paid from michael cohen $130,000 to make sure that that story never came out. the last known witness to appear before the grand jury was a former legal adviser, michael cohen's, um do we know how pecker fits into all this? i mean, it seems clearly that pecker was brought in to rebut some of what that attorney had said, right? exactly bob costello said that
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he appeared as a as a witness to undercut the credibility of michael cohen, who is, of course , the most important witness in this investigation. so far. anderson in the case of pecker is believed that he could be somebody who could rebut some of the testimony from bob costello. obviously he was involved in helping broker that payment to stormy daniels. and to make sure you know that that story didn't come out before the before the 2016 election, so presumably, he would be there to help at least underscore and help shore up the version of events that michael cohen has told, and despite the fact, obviously michael cohen has its own credibility problems . so what happens now? because this grand jury only meets a couple of days? you were there, right? they're scared. they were scheduled to meet today. um, and as far as we know there was no indictment returned today. they're scheduled to meet again on wednesday. they also may be able to meet on thursday. anderson what we don't know is when this case might be wrapped
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up whether there's going to be an indictment and whether it's going to happen anytime soon. we do know that obviously the fact that pecker who has appeared a couple of times times in this case, you know he is an important witness because of his central role in it. it does appear that the prosecutors are nearly at the end of their presentation on this case. anderson impressed, appreciated perspective now from cnn political commentator alyssa for griffin, who served as white house structural communications for the former president. and jessica roth, a former federal prosecutor, jessica clearly he was brought in. i mean, costello , uh, was casting doubt on michael cohen's testimony, michael cohen had said this was hush money payment was paid in order to not have some bad news come out that could damage trump in the election. costello saying , well, michael cohen told me it was, you know michael cohen's idea, and it was to avoid melanie trump being upset. so this testimony, i think was very important to shore up the credibility of michael cohen's testimony that the payments were
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related to the campaign. that's the most significant testimony and that david pecker has to offer. am i where he worked entered into a nonprosecution agreement with the federal government several years ago when they were initially investigating michael cohen for these payments, and in that nonprosecution agreement, and i agreed that these were campaign related expenditures. so as part of that agreement is that does he have to show up to testify. he has to be cooperative, and so it it. presumably the federal government is asking him to be cooperative with other prosecutors as well, as i mean, does indictment. over the weekend. people you know they're this rally, trump held it at waco were saying that an indictment would actually spur them on to support the former president. do you buy that? i don't buy that necessarily. i mean, listen, he's the front runner. at this point. he's pulling above 40% significantly higher than the next person behind him. i think it's very likely at this juncture he would get the nomination the elections far out, but this is what matters in this moment is donald trump chose to use specific
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language in the last couple of weeks leading up to this possible coming indictment that is once again calling for violence that echoes the language he used ahead of january 6th. i know the man you know him decently. well, like his intent. there is extremely clear. we know it from january 16th clearer than ever before, and it didn't materialize. what that signals to me is that he thought that there was a base there that was going to come out. they were going to storm new york wherever it might be. and people aren't turning out because this is a donald trump grievance. this is his wrongdoing catching up with him. it's not the same as lying about the election being stolen and people coming out to rallies. so i think it might be a sign that in some ways he is weakened, but at the same time, he's still the front runner to read. something he said reporter for nbc asked him over the weekend. the rally whether violence would be potentially justifiable if he were indicted, and he responded, quote. and this is so classic him. i don't like violence, and i'm not for violence at all. but a lot of people are upset and you know they rigged an election they stole an election they spied on my campaign. they did
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many bad things is doing the heavy lifting there. i mean, it's just it's classic. donald trump take him at his word. he's not being coy about what he wants to happen. but it's not materializing because this is a mess of his own making. that's catching up with him. and by the way, you know, from unsolicited breaching out that i get from trump world, they're nervous about this. they really are. they thought this was a case. it was dead up until a few months ago. they thought they were going to get buy. in. of all the investigations. it was what they were probably least worried about. now they're realizing this is the one that's gonna likely come true in terms of the law. does it matter if you know? the former president didn't want this news to come out because he was annoyed. he was upset. he was worried melania trump would be upset. he didn't want to embarrass. you know his kids. he wouldn't say he's felt a sense of shame, because i don't think he feels shame. does it does that and he cared about the affecting the election. if there were other reasons other than just the election. does that make him immune here for the
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purpose of affecting the campaign, right? that's what matters here, and there's lots of other there can be other issues involved, as well. as long as the campaign was involved. the question is, what would it have been made, but for the election that is with the legal test. and so it does matter if there were other reasons. but there's really good evidence that it was made because of the campaign. stormy daniels had come forward before and asked for payment and he refused to pay her and it was only as things were heating up with the 2016 campaign and in particular, right after the release of the access hollywood tape, which had done considerable damage to his campaign that he decided now was the time that he had to make sure that she didn't come forward. so i think there is very strong evidence that this was a campaign related expenditure, and that's also where pecker comes in so prominently because he's already tested. fied that this was coordinated with the trump campaign for the purpose of influencing the election. right it was david pecker, who was initially approached by representative for stormy daniels, right, and this is something that i mean, as you state trump could have dealt
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with sooner. he waited, too, and because of that, it's stepped into the legal market area of being a campaign finance violation. i think it's strange credulity to claim that he was doing it to protect his wife. we that's not something i think we've seen throughout the course of his public life. i think it's not it's i think we know what direction this indictment is going to go. i don't want to get ahead of it. but i also want to caution. i don't think this is the strongest case against donald trump of the many pending investigations. this is not what's going to keep him out of office again. how how difficult is this case to actually put in front of a jury is going to be very challenging case. i mean, there are a number of legal issues at the district attorney's office is going to have to overcome with respect to the charge that it seems that they are contemplating related to the campaign finance violation, which, of course, would be a matter of federal law incorporated essentially into a state prosecution, which is hasn't not been done. this is there's some precedent for it, but not that actually been tested all the way up through the courts. in other words, there have been pleased that reflected a similar charge but hasn't really been fully
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litigated. um and then, as a factual matter, they are going to be relying on michael cohen and he is a problematic witness, which is why it is so important that he be corroborated by other witnesses like david pecker and by the documents in the case and also kellyanne conway i believe from the campaign also has testified before the grand jury would be another important witness to corroborate that this was coordinated with the trump campaign. appreciate it. melissa for griffin, thanks so much. coming up in the next hour tune into erin burnett's interview with the attorney for the fox producer who's suing the network was just fired from the company is coming up on erin burnett outfront next for us our nic robertson in israel on this massive protests there and what comes next after israel's prime minister delayed controversial new job judicial reforms as a result. ever better disruption hits your supply chain and writer. make sure you're ever delivering freight brokerage to transportation management capacity and dedicated trucks and drivers. you know? there's
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ingredients to help you lose fat get lean, absolutely free, rugged 321321. good morning, everyone we do begin with breaking news this morning. massive protests and labor strikes across israel have led the country's in battle. prime minister benjamin netanyahu to delay a controversial package of judicial reforms. the white house praised the news as a much welcome compromise to protests have been both widespread and historic the latest protests and essentially brought israel to a standstill. cnn international diplomatic editor nic robertson is in jerusalem. with the latest extraordinary scenes nick in israel over the last several days. explain what this is about. this is really came to a head earlier today when they had the biggest protests that the country has witnessed so far, and it was precipitated by the prime minister sacking the minister of defense because he
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spoke out against the judicial reforms. he told the prime minister that he wanted them the prime minister to pause those reforms. it was when he fired the defense chief that the protesters realized that they needed to move they needed to be heard. and that's precisely what happened. and it's very interesting that prime minister netanyahu has now actually called for a pause. he hasn't said. who's going to replace the defense minister, but he has said that anyone that takes that position or security position needs to be loyal to him. i am demanding from the military in the security to put an end to refusal to serve in the army. to stop it. that's the bottom line for netanyahu. but what we really haven't heard or any of the details of where despite the delay in these judicial reforms , where's the compromise that his talked about as well? he said that he's heard from opposition leaders who are
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willing to engage with him. but we don't know the details of what they'll engage in yet, anderson. it also seems like these protests have gone beyond just judicial reforms. the issues are larger than that. you know what i found fascinating today was talking to some of the pro government supporters. this the first time they've come out . they've come out because they have been urged to do so by some of the ministers and they use a narrative. that's the same narrative that the prime minister uses that it is a minority that didn't vote for the government that's supposed to the government. it's this minority that is trying to sunrail derail the government derail the reforms and this is not democratic. and speaking to some of those those pro government supporters today they again and talk about that minority that's trying to, you know, trying to steal democracy away. so there's this real divided logic and deep divisions within the country, and that's
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what caused the cause is here. the heartache if you will, that the country is so divided and so divided. on a schism that doesn't seem to have an easy fix in it. the anti netanyahu protesters, though, are saying that his government is too far to the right than than, and it's a coalition of the right as opposed to what would their perspective is. that's that's really true. and you know it again. one of the interesting things when you listen to those pro rights supporters of the government, they actually don't even want netanyahu to pause. he think they they think he is giving in to this minority. this minority that we've seen thousands upon thousands flocking to the streets all across the country, a lot of them intel aviv and that also shows you as well a little bit. i think that the divisions that exist between jerusalem and tel
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aviv these are not new divisions . but but but it's the narrative of division that is becoming stronger and although it is overdue judicial reforms. i was talking to ex servicemen today. every guy had been in the paratroopers. he told me for four years, and he said he absolutely hates seeing the military politicized in the way that is happening right now, so it touches a lot of core issues and you can really see none of this is going to be resolved easily. what's happened is the decision day has been delayed that the differences haven't been ameliorated at all. robertson appreciate it. thank you. next, a new round of powerful storms forecast for the south. after more than two dozen people were killed in tornadoes that hit mississippi, alabama and tennessee over the weekend. one town, mississippi, particularly hard hit the latest and the destruction ahead. what would you like? i think we
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court, and this is cnn. more in the deadly school shooting in nashville coming up but first a new round of severe weather hit the south today. this comes after tornadoes tore through mississippi and alabama over the weekend, killing 26 people in rolling fork, mississippi, entire neighborhoods are wiped away with the local officials, saying it looks like a war zone. it's not the only town left in ruins. cnn's isabel rizal is reports now from hard hit mississippi. okay you're looking at where? right here. what have you seen? and that, um, steps were right in front of the sidewalk right there. devastation after violent storms ripped through the southeastern part of the us over the weekend , demolishing homes and killing dozens. everything gone. you look around. i mean, we have nothing. nothing. joanne winston lost her two year old great niece, aubrey, when an ef four tornado hit mississippi late
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friday night, impacting the towns of amory, rolling fork and silver city. winston says she found aubrey among the debris. and i didn't see no house. no nothing. and i looked around. i think the baby lying a little bit from her mom. i mean from her, grandma. you saw them doing cpr on aubrey? yes. that must have been horrible to see had walked away. mother was in the hospital when the storm hit giving birth to a newborn just hours after losing her two year old daughter, even though my money's gone i'm glad you're not suffering. it could have been worse. my whole family was here . jessica drain also spoke to cnn drain says her eight year old son was in the same mobile home as two year old aubrey with her parents. he is now in critical condition on a ventilator. he has a severe brain injury. they had to go in and take parts of his skull out. he's been through surgery. yeah
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he's been through surgery more. they say he gonna need about three or four more. other families also torn apart by the deadly storms. ethan hernan and is one year old daughter, riley were both killed when a tornado hit their mobile home, his wife and their two other children survived. david brown's parents were killed after their neighbors 18 wheeler, landed on their rolling fork home during the storm wars can express feeling broken and i'm not there in heaven. right now. and i was told that they passed away in each other's hearts drain and joanne winston, hoping their family and others can get help can say is for people just to pray for us. and just pray that we get through this and start a new life start over. and isabel russell's joins us now from silver city, mississippi. i
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mean, it's just those scenes are just awful. we saw in your piece of caleb was only eight years old, still in critical condition, understand? this family is seeking medical help were more can you tell us? anderson this family is just going through so much. caleb is seriously hurt. he's still in the icu. he's on a ventilator. he's got a severe brain injury. as you heard he still needs a couple of more surgeries. so as you can imagine, these medical bills will be starting to add up. that is why his mother started a go fund me page to try to help and raise money for those medical bills. so she is asking anyone who is able to help. to consider donating anderson. it's on the screen there. caleb's expenses as bill russell's appreciate it. thank you when we come back more breaking news from police in nashville, some late new details and pictures just released by the police there. what will you do? will you make something better? create something new
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