tv CNN This Morning CNN March 28, 2023 3:00am-4:00am PDT
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ticketmaster wants to make the prosecution to settle out of court. right night sky lovers looking forward to catching a glimpse of the planetary parade this week. it's a stunning display of planets that occurs in late march as mercury, venus , mars, jupiter and uranus. line up be beneath the moon. experts recommend you try spotted just after sunset. the alignment starts tonight. but as expected, the most visible friday and over the next couple of weeks, you will not even need any special equipment. it will be visible to the naked eye, even in urban areas. all right out of this world, literally. thanks for joining us. i'm christine romans , cnn this morning starts right now. it's hard to say good morning on a day like today. yeah i had honestly had trouble sleeping last night thinking about all those people who died and just what's behind it, and my honest thought was. how long
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is this going to be in the news? because this would have been. usually we keep these things in the news would have been in the old days, right when these things first started taking notice of him 1 to 2 weeks and then sadly, unfortunately, we've gotten all too used to it because it just happened so much, and we should saying so much crossover with people who have been at one mass shooting and now or on site for another, that's the situation here. good morning, everyone. poppy is off today. we're gonna get started with the five things to know for this tuesday, march 28th as we are covering the shooting out of nashville. in nashville and the nation there all morning after another deadly school shooting that has happened overnight, police have released new video of the shooter entering the school were killing 39 year olds and three adults have extensive reporting on that. also tensions easing in israel after prime minister benjamin netanyahu backed off of his push to overhaul the country's judicial system. he says he is delaying the legislation after mass protests. also today, new unrest in france over the increase in the retirement age protesters
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vowing mass demonstrations to shut the country down. also here in new york, a crucial witness in the trump hush money cases testified again. david pecker, as you see here is the former publisher of the national enquirer. he appeared before the grand jury for a second time. as those jurors are set to meet again tomorrow. also today, a rare spectacle event in the stars. nasa says five planets will align starting tonight. no binoculars needed just look up. cnn this morning starts right now. we're gonna start this morning with the chilling new video that has been released from police overnight from inside the school, where yesterday three children and three staff members were murdered. we want to warn you that this is disturbing. it's hard to watch. it is surveillance video that shows the shooter who has now been identified as a 28, year old
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former student arriving at covenant school here, which is a small private christian school elementary school outside inside nashville. the shooter is heavily armed with a handgun and two assault style weapons. the shooter blasted through the entryway glass doors and then climbed through before roaming the hallways, eventually taking six innocent lives. the attack unfolded over about 14 minutes. the first call we're told about the shooting came in at 10 13 am shooter was dead by 10 27. cnn has also obtained audio from the dispatch. and again we want to warn you that it's disturbing. so that they get all the active shooter out of school. all units vise. we're under a mass casualty alert. multiple victims down. and we are learning more about the attacker at this hour . this is what we know. right now. 28 year old audrey hale was described by police as a female to male transgender person who previously attended the school and we are getting brand new
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information this morning, according to our affiliate, w. t v f, the shooter reached out to a former middle school teammate. at about 9 57 am just minutes before the first shots, and then that person says that hail messaged her on instagram. that hail plan to die by suicide and that she would see it on the news. one day this will make more sense i've left behind more than enough evidence behind, but something bad is about to happen , the message stated. now this person tells w t v f that she called police at 10 13 am at that point the shooting had already begun. cnn's sandra walker is covering all of this line from nashville. mj lee standing by at the white house first we want to go to you camera as we are learning more about this learning more now about these messages that the shooter allegedly sent to someone in the hours before this actually wouldn't happen. what more are you learning this morning? well this is just
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adding to the evidence that this was an attack that was thoroughly thought out and planned as police pointed to the maps of the school that the shooter had. and of course, those writings that were found in that honda fit the shooter's car that police are still going through. i do also want to talk about the victims. you are getting new information learning more about one of the younger victims, nine year old halle scruggs. according to the new york times, she was the daughter of a pastor here, a covenant presbyterian church as you'd imagine katelyn polantz such a deep sadness here in this community, you can feel it. you feel it in your heart. so many questions as to why this happened as police will be spending a second day processing this crime scene. biggest side. i don't know how somebody could go through with doing something like that, and especially children, like just it's disgusting. and i yeah. i just i
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have no words this morning. another community is in mourning after what police are calling a targeted attack by 28 year old audrey hale, a former student who showed up on campus to execute a prewritten plan indicates that there was going to be shootings at multiple locations. and the school was one of them. there was actually a map. of the school detail and surveillance entry points and how this was going to be carried out on this day. metro nashville police releasing more than two minutes of surveillance video showing the moment hale arrived on campus in the video, hale is seen driving through the parking lot of the covenant school in a silver honda fit the security camera footage, then cuts to video of hail, opening fire on glass double doors at an entrance of the school before climbing in as the video continues, you see, hey, we'll start roaming the hallways. police say hail had three
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weapons and a ar style rifle and our style pistol and a handgun along with significant ammunition. police say they believe two of those weapons may have been obtained legally, officers say when they arrived on scene, hail fired on them from a second story window. one patrol car taking a bullet to the windshield. police say two officers confronted hail on the second floor, and hale was killed during the shooting. avery myrick was texting with her mother. a teacher at the school. i texted her and i said, just like what was going on. she said she was hiding in the closet and that they were shooting all over. she later spoke to her mother by phone and learned she was safe this morning. we're learning more about the victims 39 year olds. who were killed. evelyn. dick house. william kenny. halle scruggs also killed 60 year old katherine coons, who are, according to the school's
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website, was the head of the school police also identifying 61 year old mike hill, a custodian and 61 year old cynthia peek a substitute teacher. police continue to investigate a motive but say they have a theory. there's some belief that there was some resentment to having to go to that school. don't have all the details to that just yet. and that's why this incident occurred. and i do want to point out the names of the two metro nashville police officers who heroically shot and killed the shooter of on the second floor. that is where the shooter died of the school. michael collazo, a veteran of the police department of for nine years, and rex engelbert veteran officer there for four years. look, they responded within 14 minutes of the car coming in. but sadly that quick response wasn't enough to prevent those
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six deaths. guys absolutely, just on unbelievable to see what the timeline looks like, and just how quickly things can happen. and walker thank you want to show you now live pictures right now of the white house, where flags are being flown at half staff to honor the nashville victims. the president addressing the nation in the hours following the attack. it's heartbreaking family's worst nightmare. we have to do more to stop gun violence. it's ripping our communities apart, ripping a soulless nation, the very soul of the nation. and we have to do more to protect our school so they aren't turned into prisons. straighten out mj lee see her live there at the white house. j hello to you. what else have we heard from the president after yet another national tragedy. well don this morning and until friday evening at sunset, the flags here at the white house and all federal buildings will be flown at half staff, the
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president saying this is to honor the victims of the senseless acts of violence in nashville yesterday, we saw the president have an experience that so many americans have, and that is to learn of another mass shooting in this country and this time at a school and administration official i was speaking with last night said that when the president was initially be briefed about the shooting, and he was told that six people had died and that among the victims were young children that he had a quite visceral reaction. we of course, saw that when we saw him delivering remarks at the white house yesterday afternoon, and he said that a shooting like yesterday's really is every american family's worst nightmare. don i've got to ask you about the president because he has repeatedly mj called for an assault weapons ban. virtually no progress has been made. is there anything more that he can do it that he's planning to do you hearing anything from the administration ? yeah, you know, don. i think
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for a lot of people, the short answer would be no, there's just nothing that he can do that. there isn't a path to get this done. i think what the president would say is actually washington has done this before. there was an assault weapons ban in place in this country. until expired in 2004. he would certainly say washington can and should do. this again asked for sort of the impossible math on capitol hill for something like this. we've heard the president saying this before that. that is what everyone said to after the you baldy school shooting, but then what we saw happen was capitol hill passing legislation, the first bipartisan gun safety bill to pass the country in several decades, so i think he would certainly argue. you that if there is a political will, there is a path i heard you talking with katelyn polantz. this shooting is going to be in the news this time, right? that's sort of where our head goes. so we don't know if there's going to be the political will after a shooting like yesterday's don,
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you're absolutely right. that's just candor and the truth that you're speaking right there, mj and it is up to us to continue to put a focus on this to figure out what can be done. whether it's gun legislation, mental health or whatever it is. so thank you. we'll get back to mj lee at the white house were waiting more words from the witness the matter. fact we're going to speak with the white house press secretary queen john pierce, who's going to join us on president biden's plan of action. for more now, though, i want to bring in cnn's senior law enforcement analyst andrew mccabe, as well as our cnn national security analyst julia kayyem. thank you both for being here this morning. i want to start with you on this, sabrina reporting that we're just getting in on what this message that a former teammate of the shooter received right before the shooting. this came in at about 9 57 local time, according to this, former teammate in the shooter, said one day this will make more sense. i've left by more than enough evidence, but something bad is about to happen. the person who received that message said that they called the suicide prevention helpline that they also caught a non emergency number as well.
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what do you make of this message that we're learning about? you know, i mean, initially came into just impacts us just yet another tragic layer on an unbelievably horrible situation . um, it's not clear that that that message could put could have resulted in interdicting the shooter before they got to the location they'd already targeted. the timing is very close. but nevertheless, it is absolutely an indication if as if we needed another one that this person like many other mass shooters, planned, this activity out carefully conducted some sort of surveillance activity, or at least the creation of maps that indicated surveillance points and entry points into the building obviously went through the process of acquiring weapons becoming proficient with them. so these are things that happened. they don't happen overnight. mass shootings aren't typically, um, you know,
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committed in a sudden rage. we've seen time and time again mass shooters. they make plans. they acquire weapons. they take a look at the place that they're attending to go, and they oftentimes leave statements or manifestos. behind is this is this person did so all of that period of planning and all of that period of thinking and talking and reaching out to other other individuals sometimes leaves clues for family members and friends and others to actually reach out and try to contact the authorities. before these things happen. that's one of the messages. we have to get out to people today. if you have someone in your life you're concerned about please reach out to the authorities to make it known to them. juliet let's um, talk about the thing that everyone is talking about. everyone is thinking, but they don't want to talk about and that is the identity of the shooter. okay the lgbtq community. i think this is important to bring up and you as a parent can talk about these issues. so the police are
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identifying the shooter as a trans woman would actually be a trans man, so they're sort of misidentification there, but this is all new i'm just wondering the identity of being a transgender person and also being identified as a woman. does this pose any sort of difference or difficulty for the police because it's not typically a woman, regardless of how they're identifying. so there are a couple of things here that are different and that we're going to have to talk about and delve into right, so each of these cases is always going to have a particular difference, right whether it's someone is angry at their father or someone had something happened at the school, and this is a unique case, and we have to be sensitive about it to the extent that audrey hale identified as a woman, we do not see mass shooters who are female , especially in particular school, shooting murderers. those that is that is, uh, this is actually i think the first time that i can remember. i know i was on air yesterday, stating
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the same. and so that uniqueness is obviously going to go to only one part of this right? each of these school shootings has motive and means motive goes to the particular person. what's their mental health situation? what happened at the school? why did they choose that target? as andrew was saying, what clues did they leave behind? what was their community scene and then the means and then that's when you get the connectivity, right? that's when you start to see these are all starting to look the same, right? i sort of think now, like we don't own guns in this country gun zone us at this stage, and this is where we have to now focus on an important part of an agenda, which includes mental health, protecting our kids fortifying schools, but also the connectivity, which is a certain kind of gun, you know, look, pronouns. pronouns do not kill children, right? people with guns, kill children, and it's going to be a distraction in our coverage and keep us from what we now know which is. each of
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these cases has a similarity of more than any difference. police are identifying the shooter as a trans person. just so you know, right? just so you know, and you're right. it shouldn't matter the pronoun but it is something that is different and people are discussing and i think we should discuss it also be sensitive about it. but it is important part of the of the conversation talking about the profile of the shooter and as we look at this surveillance footage that we've gotten overnight that shows the shooter driving up to campus. obviously one we're told the shooter is a former student so likely knew the campus well. and then entering through a building a door that we're told, was locked, shooting through it and then and then stepping inside of it. you know what you seem to see from this is that it shows that even a well coordinated police response like it appears that we have here. a locked door is not enough to stop something like this. yeah i think that's exactly right. caitlyn there's a number of indicators here to show that the police response was particularly good. you know, it was very quick. they had a
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fairly large tactical team. enter right away. five person team, three people took the ground floor. two people went to the top floor. they were integrated with fire department assets to be able to provide emergency medical assistance right away. they engaged the target and eliminated it quickly . but it doesn't matter how quickly police respond. they will always be behind the shooter. they're always reacting to what's already happened. and we also know that in mass shootings of majority of casualties take place in the first minute or two, so um it's a real contrast with what we saw in you've all day. we spent a lot of time talking about the insufficient or incompetent police response. and you've all day here seems to be the exact opposite example. but tragically the same result you have, you know you have six innocent victims who couldn't even be helped by this. very rapid, very professional. well coordinated response. i think to some degree
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it puts it shows the myth behind this idea that if we get more heavily armed and you know, more police and being more places quicker that we're going to stop this, um law enforcement alone cannot solve this problem. yeah discuss. thank you, andrew. thank you. juliette appreciate that. we're gonna continue to follow this story throughout this program to tell you that the former national inquirer publisher david pecker, testifying again the trump hush money probe where the case stands now. plus after weeks of massive demonstrations that we saw covering them closely here yesterday, the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, says he will delay his judicial overhaul. but will that be enough for the protesters will take you live to jerusalem? next on behind the seriess. let me tell you about the greatest roster ever assembled monster the outlaw and you can't forget about the boss sometimes. i just want to eat your heroes subway
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temper pedic .com. i'm jill and i've lost £56 on goal. oh, i'm very and i've lost £42 on our a team is she tells me to do something i usually jump on board was doable. it's realistic and it's something we can do the rest of our lives. i don't know whether it helps or hurts. i can tell you. in my opinion, it's a new way of cheating on elections . it's called election interference. people are pleading. with the prosecutor. don't do it. don't do it. it's wrong. even democrats. even people that traditionally are not exactly my fans are saying don't do it. because i didn't do anything wrong. i did nothing wrong. that's former president trump, in his own words weighing in on fox news, as he called the manhattan district attorney's probe into hush money payments, quote a new way of cheating in elections. cnn's paul reed joins us now she's been covering this story. so we're hearing from trump on this as we have been
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also watching the movements of this grand jury. we do know they met yesterday. they did here. from a witness someone they've actually already heard from before. that's right. david pecker. he is the former head of the company that publishes the national enquirer. we know that he met with investigators back in january, but here is really a key witness for prosecutors. let's go all the way back to october. 2016 at that time, a representative for stormy daniels reached out to am i saying that she was willing to go public with her story of an alleged affair. of course, the former president denies that affair. packer takes that information to then candidates then personal attorney michael cohen and they arranged for this $130,000 hush money payment, and that's what the grand jury is looking at right now that payment and it's interesting to hear the former president say that this this investigation is the new way of stealing elections because the prosecutor's office is amplifying the argument that yes , this may seem like a smaller crime on the spectrum of things that he is being investigated for, but they argue that this was done to impact the outcome
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of the 26. 16 election. this is just a few weeks before the election with the access hollywood tape. we have hillary's emails. they argue that this could have potentially made a difference, and that's one of the reasons that they believe this is righteous, interesting argument that he's making in the fox news interviews you would you call yourself a reformed attorney recovering recovering attorney fans? people who aren't even fans of mine are saying don't do it. fans don't decide legal matters right? it's up to the evidence and whoever's possibly be on the grand jury and who the prosecutor is. that's who decides to doubt. any fans, non fans whomever were criticizing the district attorney for not bringing this case, so right? he's in a he's in a tricky spot here. but as katelyn polantz. aro, we don't know if they're going to hear evidence in the trump investigation. we don't know if they're going to hear another witness. we don't want to speculate because unexpected things can happen. peckers appearance comes exactly one week after robert costello appeared at the request of defense attorneys, and we know from our reporting that following his appearance, attacking michael cohen's credibility. prosecutors thought
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we may need to bring someone in to rebut, which is a fancy way of saying cleanup. that testimony and david pecker is the exact right person to try to do that, because only a few people really know how these hush money payments were arranged was not clear, though, is if he is the final witness the timing of a lot of this. i mean, it's obviously done in secret, and so i think everyone has been watching this since trump said. he was going to be arrested, which we later learned he had no like inside indication of that, but how long have you and i have been reporting? it's he's saying it's going to happen. i mean, i think you first reported he's saying it's going to happen on tuesday, although there's no evidence he hasn't been told. and then they said, well, what could possibly happen wednesday and then it could possibly happen at the end of week. it pops. no one knows when it happens. it's been like a five year investigation exactly for conduct that was seven years old. so just the combination of it is read. we know you will be tracking it. so thank you very much. i will we're also this morning still tracking the devastating news that is coming at a national. we're learning new details by
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the moment after a shooter took the lives of six innocent people, three of them just nine years old, nine year old children, police are still searching to learn more about a motive as we are learning more weapons have now been found at the shooter's home. when you get that call that your child didn't make it or they were one of the victims of a mass shooting. it's the worst feeling ever is the most devastating losing your child. it's devastating. no parent should have to go through this. huh oh. hmm. he does it. with a great fall. wonderful pistachios. get cracking. i can't believe this is how you kids talk to your friends. this is talking. diyou have a nice day? look at the size of tse butterfly shrp. enormous for shrimp. what she's talking. i
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code. don't wait code now and get the permanent solution protected by the bosley guarantee. a miserable results in rolling fork, mississippi, and this is cnn. beautiful sound for such a tragedy there. christian singer lauryn haggle at a vigil in nashville. this was last night after postponing her concert to host prayers for the victims of the covenant school, shooting nine year old students. and three adults master lives and police say the 28 year old shooter was heavily armed, carrying three firearms, including two assault style weapons. overnight police executed a search warrant at the
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shooter's home, where they seized a sawed off shotgun and a second shot. gonna bring in now stephen gutowski use a safety instruction and firearms reporter for the reload .com stephen. thank you for joining us this morning. we just we got the new information on what they found overnight and the, um, weapons that were allegedly found at the scene. what more can you tell us about the weapons the shooter had yeah. so the weapons that were recovered at the scene there's actually seems to have been some sort of misunderstanding from police about what they are. as you can see in these pictures here, you have a nine millimeter handgun and air 15 style pistol and then a sub 2000, which is a pistol caliber carbine that shoots nine millimeter as well and then what's interesting about those guns you mentioned being recovered at the shooter's home is the shot off shotgun because if it is indeed a shotgun, there's a barrel shorter than 18 inches. that would actually be
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subject to stricter federal regulations under the national firearms act. and stephen. i mean, you're a firearms expert. that's why we have you on this morning and to talk about these things because it is such an important part of this as we learn more about the shooting and what was brought to the actual school with the shooter. three guns were told two of them assault style weapons. one handgun. what do you i mean, that is a significant amount of firepower power that this person had with them at the at the scene of the shooting. yeah it absolutely is. i mean, i think it indicates that they were prepared to wreak a lot more havoc than they were able to actually carry out thanks to relatively quick action from the police in this situation, you know that 14 minute response time where police immediately engaged the shooter, as they were still shooting indicates that this person was trying to kill more people and, thankfully was was stopped. at that point. can we put the full screen of the guns back up? you can explain to us and why they're
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why such a different why are you making such a distinction? explain to us again what the guns were, and you said one has. that would be much stricter. had much more restrictions on it. can you please explain that? i think it's important. yes certainly. so in these pictures you can see one is a nine millimeter handgun. the one on at the other end is a nine millimeter. carbines so it has a 16 inch barrel, but it shoots that same ammunition and the one in the middle is an ar 15. now we don't have a picture of it. but you described that they had recovered a sawed off shotgun. what the police have reported that would be subject to a law called the national firearms act, where you'd have to have registration with the to own one of those firearms and you have to pay a $200 tax as well. so that potentially if the shooter hadn't registered that firearm if it is, indeed a short barrel rifle a shotgun, then you know they would be breaking federal law in that situation, which
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could, you know? have a penalty of a federal felony up to 10 years in prison? it's be interesting to see more details about that farm, even if it wasn't used in the actual attack. yeah and what we know is to or purchased legally. we don't know more about the third. stephen thank you for sharing your expertise with us this morning. philadelphia residents still worry if their tap water is safe to drink after chemical spill in the delaware river. why they're skeptical about what officials are telling them. a at the end of the age, i'm afraid i feel is right upon us. this is considerered a mass suicide investigation. never mind. t ando were the second coming killing themselves, they ensure your mortality. to live easter. very. cnn presents a max original heaven's gate sunday at 10 on cnn. not flossing. well
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now flooring your expert from inspiration to installation right now get up to $500 cash back on hardwood, solomon and new york and this is cnn. closed captioning brought to you by flexible family of products fill swift here this is flex superglue get flex superglue and the entire flexible family of products at flexible products .com. zuma we are the income out of the desire to prevent a rift in the nation decided to suspend the 2nd and 3rd reading of the law in this session of the knesset to give time to try and reach a broad agreement. that is israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu are now sitting there that he has pressed pause on the pause button on a plan to
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overhaul the country's judiciary. it follows weeks of mass demonstrations and growing international pressure. labor leaders have called off the general strike that swept the country after netanyahu fired his defense minister for speaking out against the legislation, but there are warnings of more strikes if netanyahu proceeds. as planned. cnn's hadas gold live in jerusalem forest hadas hello to you a bit quieter than when we saw you yesterday. what has the reaction been to delaying the overall? well don benjamin netanyahu emphasized that this is a temporary pause, and he promised that these reforms, which i'll remind you what will give the israeli parliament unprecedented power over the supreme court to even possibly overturn supreme court decisions that it will happen in one form or another when parliament comes back into session in just about a month. however, he did say that he is open to negotiations to bring the other side to the table and talks and opposition leaders. they welcome the pause, but they're being cautious about it. circumspect they say that they are happy to engage in
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negotiations if they're done correctly, with the israeli president, isaac herzog. as media we've heard no word yet of when these meetings will take place, but the next parliamentary session supposed to happen in just about four weeks with the passover holiday in the middle, so there's not a lot of time there. meanwhile itamar ben revere, the far right wing minister of national security, saying today the netanyahu promised me that if we don't pass reform through negotiation, we will pass it as it stands. keep in mind that that itamar ben gvir as part of agreeing to this pause, was promised his own national guard. that's a whole other issue in itself that this right wing minister was promised essentially his own national guard. but meanwhile, the protesters they say they are not stopping. they do not believe that this nihal will engage in real negotiations. they will continue protesting, they say, until these reforms are completely off the table done called thank you so much. this morning. as you're waking up, we are monitoring new developments and new details that we are learning out of nashville after the school shooting that killed 39 year old children and three
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adults at an elementary school, but first we're going to talk about history in the making here is the first city in the us passes a resolution that has greenland reparations for black residents will take you live to evanston's illinois. old school wiwisdom. with a passion for what's possible. that's what you get from the morgen stanley client experience. you get listening more than talking, personalized plan. built on insights and innovative technology. you get grid vision. and the creativity to guide you through a changing world. old school grid. new world ideas, morgan stanley back when i had a working circulatory system, you had to give your right arm to find great talent. but with up work, there's highly skilled talent from all over the globe. right at your fingertips. it's where businesses meet great remote talent and remote talent
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you noted that guidance is only good until 3 30 pm this afternoon. we're still waiting for the answer of if the water is going to be safe to drink later this evening again, this all started actually back on friday when a chemical spill seeped into the delaware river. it's a little bit north of the city of philadelphia, where that spill happened while the delaware is, of course, a big source of water for the city of philadelphia on sunday, the city issued out of recommendation, saying folks should go out and get bottled water out of an abundance of caution. will that lead to an all out run on water in supermarkets? we saw empty shelves, but then later that same afternoon on sunday, they said, actually, you don't need to buy bottled water. the city water is absolutely safe to drink well. we press the city yesterday on some of those mixed messages and asking if that would lead to distrust well, city officials acknowledged to us yesterday, they said that they may have over communicated and elevated folks sense of anxiety. but they said it was a difficult decision because the alternative in this case was not saying enough if the emergency was greater or not saying anything at all done. standing
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do they believe what officials are saying to them? you know, it's really tough residents. we spoke with all day yesterday. they were not taking the city's word for it. they were still going up buying by the water. take a listen to what one resident told us yesterday as he was carrying cases and cases of water to his car. sound like they really don't know what they're talking about. you know , i don't trust the way they don't sound confident in what they tell us. how could it be okay by 12 o'clock this afternoon. but it's not ok. now it might be okay. six hours from now. you know, i just don't. it's too don't believe it. but again, the city is maintaining the water is absolutely safe, at least until 3 30. hopefully this morning we'll get more guidance and if the water will continue to be safe to drink after that done, alright, we'll be waiting and watching. thank you, danny freeman. also this morning, the central gulf coast in south georgia under flood threats after a series of thunderstorms battered the south east on monday that followed tornadoes
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that left a swath of destruction in the region over the weekend and f three tornado and troop county, georgia had winds of 150 mph. our cnn meteorologist, derek van dam is live in west point, georgia. i mean, derek, we can see the enormity of the damage behind you. so not only are they dealing with the clean up of the storms now president secretary worried about flooding. yeah i think just resonating with the residents here in troop county is that they're fed up with what mother nature has thrown their way. so far this season. you can see the damage from the tornado that occurred on sunday morning here , literally snapping trees, toppling homes and vehicles, tossing them in the air and believe it or not. this is the fourth tornado this year in troop county in south central georgia. that is incredible. in fact, earlier this year i was in lagrange, not too far from here, reporting on a similar incidents with a similar backdrop with destroyed homes with roofs
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complete ripped off and i want to show you just some of the damage that's been left behind by this ef three tornado, a lot of memories, children's shoes and painting painting kit. i have children. so this resonates with me as well. to see this type of material just scattered about the memories. now this has been an unusual season. so far. we're coming into the first weeks of spring, right and we are already 150% above average in terms of our tornado count across the country, scientists and people who study this are used to seeing tornadoes and tornado alley, right. the high plains, oklahoma, texas, but that has not been the case this year. a lot of the storms have formed across the south. and then to the east, and unfortunately we have yet another severe weather set up later this week as the storms that roll from the west coast, causing the atmospheric rivers. they're going to carry that energy inland. they're going to encounter a warmer than average gulf of mexico, which is five f above average for this time of
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year, and that is going to add fuel to the fire. allow for more thunderstorms thursday and friday. you can see across the nation's midsection. that's where we have our severe weather threat later this week surely will be covering those storms as well. katelyn polantz just keep on coming. derek van dam thank you for tracking for us. yeah they do. so there's another classroom in america. that's now a crime scene. we're talking about nashville mourning the deaths of six innocent victims. we have new video of the moment the shooter entered the school police seized at the shooter's home and a new dispatch audio of how all of this unfolded and we're also learning more about the nine year old children who were killed, including halle scruggs that you see her here. this is a photo from 2019 with her father all smiles. he is now the lead pastor of covenant church. halle was his only daughter. be right back with more details on those we lost. not flossing. well, then add the wowoe of listerine to your route
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live tonight at nine. closed captioning brought to you by meso book .com. we proudly help veterans with mesothelioma. call for a free book 1 808 220400 or go to meso book .com. and 2019. levinson illinois near chicago, became the first city in the united states to pass a reparations resolution for black residents at first program is only for mortgage assistance and renovations will last night. that changed to include a cash option. cnn's adrien brody's has the story. this is the black that i grew up on. this was my place of refuge. it was our retreat. it was our sanctuary. it was our castle. it was home. and you didn't know this is the only place your family and families like yours could live. i didn't know robin ruth simmons grew up in evanston's fifth ward . this is the red line map just
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north of chicago, where banks in the city refused to give mortgage loans to black families . until 1969 there were specific anti black zoning laws. housing practices that. are responsible for our racial segregation. not only our physical segregation but our wealth gaps and homeownership gaps, discriminatory housing policy led simmons, former alderwoman to push for reparations, which is highlighted in the documentary the big payback, senator mitch mcconnell and others oppose tried to deal with our original sin of slavery by fighting a civil war by passing landmark civil rights legislation. i don't know why they would be given more status than any other group of people under her guidance, and 2019 became the first city in the united states to award reparations for black residents who qualify. it is a $25,000 direct benefit to build wealth
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through home equity. black residents that lived in evanston's during the period of harm, which was 1919 to 1969 or their direct descendants are eligible, and on monday, the city council approved the cash option to the program with little fanfare, nine voting in favor and non voting against the motion carries. initially funds were restricted to mortgage assistance renovations or down payment on a home. i wasn't planning on buying a new home at my age slide used it for renovations. ramona burton is among 14 who have received the $25,000 grant. i had eight windows replaced. a new roof chimney. so far, the city says it has only spent about $326,000 of the 10 million promised long time kimberly homes ross is among 124 approved but still waiting. my parents weren't even showed houses in this ward in 1962. everything was over in the
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fifth ward that they were shown in allowed to buy, so we're looking to either build a whole nother pals or add on to my garage. it has taken longer, um than than we expected, and some of those challenges have been really underestimating operational izing the word from asheville, north carolina, to detroit, michigan, cities across the country are trying to repair harms caused by institutional racism. in san francisco, a reparations committee is seeking payments proposed of $5 million to every eligible black resident . how will they pay each resident? i don't know. and so those are the challenges that we all have as municipalities. meanwhile back here in evanston's, a spokesperson with the city tells me more than 650 applications have been submitted , but the staff is still sorting through those applications to
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verify eligibility. meanwhile six people who did qualify died before receiving their payments. don adrian brought us and levinson, illinois. thank you. adrian appreciate that. and we're getting a ton of new information about the deadly shooting rampage in a school in nashville, cnn this morning continues right now. we're under a mask alert. multiple victims down children and three adults. staff members shot and killed at the covenant school in nashville, tennessee. we have a manifesto. we have a map drawn out of how this was all going to take place to step up and we have to stop this. you know, thoughts and prayers. don't do anything. massive protests in labor strikes across israel countries and battle prime minister benjamin and yahoo to delay a controversial package of judicial reforms. he hasn't said who's going to replace the defense minister, but he has said that anyone that takes that position needs to be loyal to
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