tv CNN Newsroom CNN March 30, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT
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you understand what it's actually worth. then they auction it to their network of professional buyers. get more for your jewelry with worthy .com bill. we're in antarctica and this is cnn. it is the top of the hour and you are live in the cnn newsroom onboard. sanchez and bianna golodryga new developments in last night's deadly military helicopter crash near fort campbell, kentucky, were nine service members were killed, officials say two black hawk choppers crashed over wooded field during a routine training mission. the service members were aboard an hh 60 helicopter and belong to the 101st airborne division. the officials say they are still notifying next of kin and that an army investigation team is en route to the scene. pentagon press secretary karine jean pierre said there are no immediate plans to ground military aircraft, but added
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this about the dangers of military exercises. when it comes to military training. we're always going to try to take into account mitigating some of the risks associated with that training as i mentioned before. a lot of the training that our service members do is by nature dangerous right? whether it's live fire exercises, whether it's aircraft training, whether it's you know, training on ships at sea that there are many dangerous aspects of that. and of course, that was pentagon spokesman brigadier general patrick ryder, not karine jean pierre. joining us now is the governor of kentucky. andy bashir. governor thank you so much for joining us. this is a tragic day for the state for the country. you noted that this morning and i was really struck by your comments where you said, we must remember that the freedom relies on those who are willing to serve, some of which pay the ultimate price. and that, of course imply applies to those who are serving this country overseas and here on
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routine training missions like the service members. what more can you tell us about what transpired and the process of notifying their next of kin? in kentucky. we love fort campbell and its troops. they are a part of us team kentucky who we are part of our community and today for campbell, 101st airborne and the commonwealth of kentucky are all morning. nine children of god, that that chose to serve our great country and today, um , are lost. their families will be grieving. um children of god that are irreplaceable. i know that the facility in and in the general in charge of taking it very seriously and also very hard and we think of our military and the army is being tough and they are, but they also love their fellow service members as brothers and as sisters and, um i have full
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confidence that they want more than anyone else to get to the bottom of what happened to make sure it won't happen again, and i have full confidence in their abilities to continue to carry out their missions as needed. governor there have been over the years a number of accidents at ford campbell specifically pertaining to this kind of helicopter, the blackhawk in 2021 senator kirsten gillibrand sent a letter to defense secretary lloyd austin asking that the slate of choppers in the armed services be reviewed for safety. is that something that you would support as part of this review and this investigation, given that very often these training exercises have resulted in death. well we never won an accident like this to happen, whether it is in our military or civilian aircraft.
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the specialized unit has been traveling to fort knox at 24 campbell, um, that that will be reviewing what happened. there is something akin to a black box that is on each of these helicopters. and i think before we jump to any conclusion about the aircraft itself that they get that information so that we don't start running in a direction that may have not been a causal factor here. but again , a trust the leadership at fort campbell. in fact, i got on a helicopter right after that briefing to survey the scene. i'm a dad of two young kids. i would not have done that. if i didn't believe that they follow the best practices, and i wanted to make sure i showed my support for every single person on that base. you know, they've got big deployments to europe right now . a very dangerous place. and so while we need to figure out what happened, we need to make sure
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it doesn't happen again. we need to make sure we are also supporting those that especially right now, with everything going on around the world. and when they're hurting, we need to be there for them behind them, making sure they know how much we care about them and love them. governor we know this investigation is just underway. just looking at potential causes . the weather seemed to be clear, so that didn't seem to be a factor that we know of. at least as of yet, what are the main questions that you yourself are asking investigators? well certainly the specialized team that comes in has a lot more experience than than i do, having never flown a helicopter . now i look at this from a place of compassion. we lost nine individuals and those are nine individuals who gave their life in service for this country . so i think we have to figure out the why. i believe that everyone from leadership on the base to leadership in washington
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, d. c wants to see that happen and then to make sure that the next group is safer in whatever training exercise or in any combat exercise that they are in . we do need to continue training provided that it's safe , though, because when you look at how important these jobs are , whether it's evacuating individuals and in conflict or or whether it's transporting people to where we would need them to keep us safe. it is critical that we have the best trained military out there, but we listen these these are people's sons and daughters. these are, um husbands or or or wives. it's really important that we honor those that we've lost that we find a way to find the reason and address it but again. that we make sure that that base today knows that were with them. governor randy bashir . we appreciate your compassion
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and your dedication to getting answers for those who as you put it, protect our freedom. thank you so much. thank you, governor. thank you. or the white house just condemned today's arrest an american of an american journalist in russia. wall street journal reporter evan gets. covic is being detained in moscow on accusations of espionage covers russia, ukraine and the former soviet union for the paper. in a statement, the wall street journal said that it vehemently denies the allegations from the fsb and seeks the immediate release of our trusted and dedicated reporter. we stand in solidarity with evan and his family. look espionage charges in russia can carry prison sentences of up to 20 years accord has ordered the 31 year old reporter to be initially detained until at least may 29th we should know. this is the first time in american journalist has been detained by russia since the cold war in 1986. ivan gorshkov itches.
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arrest comes as tensions between the united states and russia are already high amid the ongoing war in ukraine. we want to go back to cnn's arlette signs who is at the white house for us our lead detentions of other americans have led to lengthy negotiations we just heard from press secretary karine jean pierre from the podium. what did she say about how this is going to be handled? well boris and bianna. the white house is trying to stress that this is a top priority for president biden and they are also pushing back against these allegations of espionage against that. wall street journal reporter evan herskovits now white house press secretary, karine jean pierre flat out called those espionage espionage charges ridiculous and said that they have no reason to believe that they are accurate. the white house has also started to provide a very limited timeline about when exactly that they became aware of this. detention the white house has said that last night, the white
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house officials and state department officials spoke with garcia vic's employer, the wall street journal, and the state department has also been in contact with his family for president biden's heart part, he was first informed and briefed of this matter this morning as he received his president's daily brief. that was something that was scheduled at 10 45 in the situation room, and we've also heard corey jean pierre really trying to warn about some of these tactics that they've mean russia using as they're trying to stress to americans not to travel to the country and to leave immediately. we don't have any specific indication that journalists would be targeted. as we know this is incredibly sadly common for russia to detain americans, and that's why we've been very clear about about americans are not going to russia. it is not safe for americans right now. in russia, it is a level four. now one thing that is key for the administration at this moment is trying to obtain consular access
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to evan herskovits. they are in contact with russian officials, and the state department has said they believe that it would be a matter of days before they're able to reach him due to some security and administrative procedures that need to be followed. officials want to be able to have that access to him to see what his condition is like, so that they can also relate that to his family, additionally, something as the white house and state department have been talking about this to 10. they have simply referred to it as a detention. in other instances where americans have been detained, you have that additional description of the us saying that they have been wrongfully detained. the white house has said that that is currently an evaluation process that is being determined whether they can designate this a wrongful detention. that is something that is being evaluated over at the state department, but certainly still so many questions facing this administration over the detention of this wall street journal reporter at a time when to a tension between the us and russia are incredibly high, not
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only when it comes to ukraine but also the detention of other americans like paul whelan. arlette signs from the north lawn at the white house. thank you so much. let's get some perspective now from cnn national security analyst steve hall. he's the former cia chief of russia operations and also with us is jason rezaian. he is an opinion writer for the washington post, who was wrongfully imprisoned in iran is actually the author of the book prisoner my 544 days. in an iranian prison. jason and steve . thank you so much for being with us, jason. i want to start with you. you were arrested and convicted for espionage. here. we have. another reporter detained under somewhat similar circumstances. what was your reaction to this news? yeah boris. thanks for having me on my reaction was well, i know this storyline. very well. i've lived this storyline. um you know, i appreciate our let's reporting from from the white house. i would say that the
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wrongful detention designation it's only a matter of time before we hear that being the official line of the state department. there's some, you know, checks and balances that have to go through before they can come out and say it, but it doesn't seem like there's a there there in this case, and i would caution anybody to repeat the charges against them. because it just further um, you know, dig seven into a ditch. that's already gonna be hard to get out of. and steve. this comes at a time when russia has really cracked down on journalists, both russian and international, and now they seem to be targeting specifically international journalists and americans who were off limits. up until now, this is a big red line for vladimir putin to cross we heard from korean jean pierre that americans should not travel to russia. but at this point do you think that it is safe? for journalists, even accredited journalist like evan just doing routine work, as his colleagues
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have said he has been doing do you think that it is safe for them to be there, knowing the fsb is following them and knowing that at any time they can accuse them of espionage? you know, bianna? absolutely not. there's no reason for any american, in my view, any western or to be in russia right now. i mean, the state department has a very strong travel advisory out, which has been referred to a number of times. but let's be clear. the russians this is simply a kidnapping. alright, this this isn't we can call it an attention. we can call it any number of different things and arrest but what it is. it's a kidnapping. there has been a russian illegal that was detained last weekend in brazil with american ties, which is he was recently charged last week in the united states. so what the options are doing is they're joining that club of these rogue nations. iran north korea. that's they're looking more and more like those folks when they simply detain people kidnapped them and hold them for things that they want in return, and that's exactly what's happened with this young american journalist operating in russia. jason the journal's editor in chief, emma tucker, said that
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she is concerned for evan's safety. obviously your experience may be different, but i'm wondering what kind of danger you think he might be exposed to. and also from your story. i know that your loved ones went through a grueling period when you were incarcerated. what would be your message to those close to evan, given well, the situation. well for me. i'm always on the side of being as as loud and persistent as possible in defending a colleague or a family member's innocence and also calling for their release. you know the threats to his his physical and mental health are are many. in my case, my wife and i were arrested from our home. we were thrown into solitary confinement. i was kept in solitary confinement for seven weeks. she was kept in solitary confinement for 10 weeks. you know, this is a treacherous thing that that
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these states do to innocent individuals simply by virtue of our citizenship. as steve correctly pointed out, we are we , you know me in the past, even right now. are being held because we're americans and we are deemed as valuable leverage potential negotiations, and it's also designed to astound, uh, be honest question about whether it's safe for journalists to go to russia is a really good and important one. no, it's not, and they are sending a clear message that they don't want us there. yeah and it's steve in terms of what the next steps are. what should the us do? i mean, we've got paul whelan who they're still working to free as well. now you have. evan what would you advise the bided ministrations to do to not incentivize vladimir putin and empower him. it's clearly this is a sign of weakness, but also to bring these americans home. yeah absolutely. brown. it's
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definitely a sign of weakness. these are the small, you know, it doesn't feel obviously small and petty to the people who were involved, but from a geopolitical perspective. i mean, if this is all putin's guide is to kidnap americans and other westerners, you know, is there being journalists or whatever the reason is in russia, you know, that's that's not gonna change the you know the situation with the united states and russia, ukraine all of that. um you know the administration has already done a lot. they have tried to convince people they have tried to be vocal about how dangerous it is for americans to travel to russia, so they need to continue to hammer on that. and that's why i think you heard the state by the white house spokesman and state department spokesman talk about this travel advisories, but the reason that they do that is because once once you're there once you wear paul weiland is right now, once you're aware this journalist is right now it's extremely difficult for the administration because you get caught into a barter situation. you get caught into these difficult discussions that we saw with brittney griner, for example, exchange for this arms trafficker viktor, it's just a
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no win situation for the administration, which is one of the reasons that the russians like to do it so much because they know it causes political chaos and sense of very, very strong message to the west and especially to journalists and others who are trying to do legitimate work. yeah it's completely heartless, and i can't even imagine what evan's parents are going through. having left the soviet union and now seeing their son detained there, and i'm sure we will now be able to say and lawfully so very soon by the state department, but of course we're thinking of them. jason we're thinking of you and hopefully some of the encouraging messages you have sent in your family had sent while you were detained as well will help them through this time. thank you. both jason resign and steve hall. the vatican says pope francis has been diagnosed with infectious bronchitis. he remains hospitalized right now. and we want to take you to rome right now with cnn's delia gallagher and delia what more can you tell us about the pope's condition?
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well, boris important new details coming out from the vatican this evening. they have diagnosed bronchitis, the vatican says, and the pope is receiving antibiotics intravenously. he is responding well to that treatment. they say there is a clear improvement in his health. this is added to what they told us this morning that he had slept well overnight . he was able to have breakfast, read the newspapers this morning and even do some work. so a good picture for the pope. remember he's 86 years old. he has a prior history of respiratory issues. when he was 21. he had part of his lung removed because of respiratory illness. so certainly important news that we know there is a diagnosis and that he is responding well. to the treatment, boris. deal with gallagher. thank you so much for that update from rome. thanks. republican senator john thune is accusing the white house of trying to quote run the clock
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out on the debt ceiling negotiations will have the very latest from capitol hill. that's next and it's far from just the debt ceiling that lawmakers are at odds over gun laws are once again under fierce debate in the wake of the national school shooting earlier this week, some fireworks on capitol hill straight ahead. thanos. family of long island brewers harvestst their own ingredientss on their own turf. there's a story in every piece of land with us on a john deere mower and start tellin yours, check that that's pretty good. yes crying. a you taking that? and what was that? that no, don't worry about that. here weo. the right question can greatly impact your future qualified to do this. what specially when it comes to your finances. do you have a question ? are you a certified financial planner? yes i'm a cfp. professional professionals are
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advisors can provide you with the tools and expertise. you need to bring out the innovator in you. my most important kitchen tool, my brain, so i choose areva plus, unlike some others, plus is a multitasker supporting six key indicators of brain health. keep me sharp, areva. think bigger. and this just in to cnn. house speaker kevin mccarthy says that he and other gop lawmakers are actively preparing to move a party line plan to raise the national debt limit if president biden doesn't meet them at the negotiating table. cnn chief congressional correspondent manu raju is live on capitol hill for us, manu. this is a move that does not come without risk. what are you hearing? yeah this is a this is a risky move, and it shows the stand off to the white house and house republicans are now in to avoid the nation's first ever debt default. i think that could happen as early as this summer
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if there is not an agreement to raise the national debt ceiling , the white house has said that they will not engage in negotiations with house republicans over spending cuts that would be paired with a debt ceiling increase. they want the republicans in the house to simply raise the debt ceiling without any conditions attached . republicans in the house say that is not going to happen. they say there needs to be negotiation. and there need to be spending cuts tied with raising the $31.4 trillion borrowing limit. but if there is no negotiation, or or possible fallback plans that house republicans are now currently dealing with the house gop leaders, along with his other top lieutenants are drafting a fallback plan that they believe that they can move along straight party lines sometime this summer. that will be difficult in a narrow house republican majority not to mention getting it through the democratic led senate. but the belief is that they could pass a bill out of the house after weeks of internal months of internal discussions that that would put pressure on the senate to add in the white house, ultimately to negotiate. a deal with house republicans. now
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there is a consensus among republicans in the senate and the house republicans to ratchet up pressure on the white house to begin those talks, and also, there's some support from senator joe manchin, who is calling on joe biden to sit down with kevin mccarthy. i think the white house is going to try and run the clock out. i mean, i think that's going to be their strategy. but in the end, um they're gonna have to come to the table because nobody wants to see a default. that would be catastrophic. i agree that we kept, mccarthy said. we need to sit down and talk about it makes sense to me that we should sit down. i have said this president and kevin mccarthy got in the room. as i know they could do, they could find a pathway forward. mccarthy sent a letter to joe biden earlier this week detailing some areas of spending cuts that they would pursue as part of raising the national debt limit that includes rolling back domestic discretionary spending for the 2022 levels, also providing some so called work requirements and certain social programs such as food
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stamps and as well as energy projects, streamlining how the permanent process is done for energy products, something that some democrats and republicans support but that can also cause significant pushback. among democrats, even as republicans are coming around to consensus around what some spending cuts could look like it had to attach that to a plan to raise the debt limit, expect fears pushback from democrats who say they the country should not be at risk of potentially losing. it's credits to status, seeing any other major economic and economic ramifications, and congress is simply raise the national debt limit would no strings attached , but it's clear that there is no consensus between the white house and house republicans as they barrel onto very risky summer with a debt default, potentially looming. yeah it is coming down to the wire as was expected. another thing is clear. it's not going to be a quiet summer as you alluded to manu raju. thank you. so fdx founder sam blankman freed was back in court today to enter a
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plea in his 13th 13th criminal charge. this time he's being accused of bribing chinese officials. we have details on this straight ahead. overly competetitive brother. check sae . really dude, that's a foul. you're ready to settle a score. and if you don't have the right home insurance coverage, but you yourself. so get allstate. small to medm sized business. you may qualify for the emplor retention tax credit up to $26,000 per employee. not alone. the money is yours if your business suffered during covid with revenue drops or government shutdowns, time is limited to refunds. pro dot com now takes five minutes, and the average refund is $247,000 with refunds . pro dot coms, no refund, no feet. promise if you don't receive a refund, you pay
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what led to a shooting at a nashville elementary school that killed six people, including three children. listen to this. we want to talk about crime. and murder. let's have a hearing on murder in schools. it's murder. is there any any questions? i'll yield to anyone on this committee who disagrees that murder in schools is not murder . i yield. will you yield yield ? yes, please, to have a good talk about schools and protecting children. we need to talk about protecting our children the same way we protect our president. there are six people that are dead in that school, including three children , because you guys got rid of the assault weapons ban. you guys are worried about banning books dead kids can't read. cnn capitol hill reporter melanie's winona is here in melanie. and fortunately, these scenes have become evergreen. really in washington. every time we have a school shooting or a mass
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shooting in this country, what are you hearing about this one in particular? tensions are really starting to spill over into the hallways of congress. in fact, just yesterday there was a heated confrontation between a democrat and republican lawmaker right outside of the house floor. the two of them got into an exchange. it was jamal bowman. he is a progressive. he's a democrat. he's a former principal, and he started by talking to reporters and saying , why aren't you pressing republicans over their inaction on gun control and on gun laws? and thomas massey, a republican, then stepped in and said, if you want to protect children, children, you should sign my legislation that would end a federal ban on schools and god and guns in school zones. and that is when things turned heated. take. listen to that exchange. 12 teachers to care e terry, would you need some more time? look at the data. you're
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not looking at any data. for the double hobby like desk. open county lost him in every school day. hey open carry 1000 listening to what i'm saying. that's what are dying. every school teacher school counselor . i was a middle school principal. i was in cafeterias protecting kids every day of my career. there's never been a shooting. now we caught up with bowman earlier today, he said he's received an outpouring of support ever since that heated confrontation went viral, he said, this is a deeply personal issue for him. he is a former educator, and he continued to rip republicans for refusing to do anything in the wake of this school shooting. he said. everyone around here is quote too comfortable. and based on our reporting, there is little
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appetite in the republican party to do anything on guns. in fact , there was a press conference earlier today. where are manu raju asked. speaker kevin mccarthy. what is the gop plan to address gun violence? and he said melanie's and reporting live from capitol hill. melanie. thank you. outrageous pouring in over russia's arrested an american wall street journal reporter with the paper's editor saying about it, that's ahead. is this a cult if i ever heard, but yes, it is. by killlling themselves. they ensured.. their immortality. it's a god. i mean, it's the cult of cults. heaven's gate sunday at 10 on cnn. better disruption hits your suly chainnd writer. make sure you're ever delivering freight brerage to transportation management capacity and
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much more call 1 808 31 37 100. returning to our top story now. u s. state department spokesman says that the department is trying to establish some sort of connection or even a visit with american even gorshkov itch. he is the wall street journal reporter now under arrest in russia accused of spying. pam brown is with us. now she's filling in for jake tapper at the top of the hour, pam. great to see you. as always. evans arrest is bringing renewed attention to the longstanding detention of paul whelan, another american who has been charged with committing espionage in russia. right and we heard the state department today, saying that the two cases should not be compared saying that paul whelan's case a former marine us citizen, he's been imprisoned in russia since 2018 should not be compared to this case of this wall street journal
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reporter evan herskovits, but we are going to speak to the brother of paul whelan, david whelan and ask him what he thinks about that. what does he think about the state department and what has been saying about this? what is his reaction to the fact that there is another american that has been detained in russia on espionage charges. as you know, paul whelan has maintained his innocence. he has said he was framed by russian intelligence. his family has been trying over many years to try to get him out of russia, unsuccessfully, and so we're going to ask him about whether he thinks this might complicate their efforts to release their brother and also give us a window into what this reporter evan gershwin, which might be experiencing in a russian prison. of course we know the family, david whelan has been speaking to his brother from time to time while he's been behind bars in russia, so we're going to talk to him about what heaven might be experiencing, and his thoughts on this whole matter. it is believed that evan koskovich is going to be held at lefortovo prison that notorious prison the same prison where
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paul whelan has been detained as well. pamela brown, thank you and be sure to join pam at the top of the hour for the lead. closing arguments are underway in gwyneth paltrow ski collision trial have you been watching it? it's getting intense. we have details straight ahead. nearly 6000 stores and over 17,000 auto care centers across the country has america's largest network of parts and care fuel that keeps you firing all nators. mm m active story. attic. arthritis can slow me down now helps m get going by treating my skin and joints along with significantly clearer skin. scary helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling and fatigue carries is just four doses a year after two starter doses. scary attaches to and reduces a source of excess
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have the tools to prevent another deadly pandemic. if we're not proactive we will relive history. with long. john silver's $10 shrimp shares. you can enjoy growth trip hand battered trip or popcorn trends . your choice for just 10 bucks because now it's not the time to scrimp on trimming long, john supers this year. good morning, everyone we do begin with breaking news. joining us now are two lawmakers from different sides of the aisle in ukraine, dr sanjay gupta direct today at9
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to 7600 or visit coventry direct .com. vice president mike pence , joins wolf blitzer, cnn primetime tonight at nine. disgraced fdx founder sam blankman freed was in court today and pled not guilty to multiple financial charges. cnn's kara scannell joins us now live from outside the courthouse , keira 13 count indictment and
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one of these has to do with a $40 million bribe. yeah boris. that's right. so sam blankman freed, the founder of ft x was back in court today. he entered a plea of not guilty to these new charges and among those charges include securities fraud , commodities fraud, but also conspiracy to commit foreign bribery. that's what prosecutors say that he allegedly had helped transfer $40 million in cryptocurrency to at least one chinese government officials so that they would unfreeze an account holding as much as a billion dollars in digital assets. blankman freeze attorney said that they do intend to challenge these new sets of charges that came after he was extradited from the bahamas. that's because bank winfried agreed to the extradition on the initial eight charges, so they're singling today that they're going to legally contest these additional charges. embankment freed is charged with prosecutors say is one of the largest financial frauds in u. s history he has released on bail
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at his parents' home in palo alto, california, and the judge has set a date in june for him to return so they can go over some additional pretrial motions before his trial. well later this year, boris. another busy day at that. manhattan courthouse. kara scannell, thank you so much. well this just in closing arguments have wrapped up in the gwyneth paltrow civil trial stemming from a 2016 ski collision. a man is accusing the actress of crashing into him and inflicting both physical and neurological damage. she is countersuing, claiming that he's the one who hit her. cnn's jean casarez is here with me. so jean what comes next? the case is just about to go to the jury. the evidence is in closing arguments are finished, and there could be a verdict at any time after they start deliberating, but you know, in closing arguments that just finished the focus really was on credibility all the way around because this is a he said. she said. there is no video of this collision and the facts are basically very simple. gwyneth paltrow in 2016 was with her
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kids. they were also skiing with their skiing instructor, and they were skiing down the mountain and all of a sudden there was this collision between gwyneth paltrow. and terry sanderson, who is a retired optometrist, and so there were injuries, according to terry sanderson. some are very documented and but the issue is he is saying that gwyneth slammed into his back. she is saying no, i was skiing and you slammed into my back. and so that's the issue. the issue is negligence. now one of the things he is alleging is traumatic brain injury. he did break four ribs, so that was quite a hit right, but he's claiming traumatic brain injury , severe traumatic brain injury and he is saying that it will be there for the rest of his life, her medical experts said. mris from before the collision and after the collision showed the same white matter damage in your brain. this didn't cause anything and then her attorney
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on before closing arguments. some of their last witnesses, they went cold terry sanderson and asked him you love to post pictures on facebook. don't you watch this she said. terry hit me in the van. and she believes it is a sincere belief. she's not a liar. sincere belief doesn't make it so he hit her. key hit her. key hurt her. and then he asked her for $3 million for the pleasure. that is not fair. and today it was almost $3.3 million that the plaintiff asked for and as far as those facebook pictures. what what the what the defendant did, which was gwyneth paltrow is they showed all the trips he'd taken the whitewater rafting that he has done being on a camel, so
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many things after the collision. and they're saying with brain damage you did this, but now it is in the hands of the jury, and they will decide exactly where the damages are who they should be allotted to, and we'll see what they decide. you'll be watching it for us. thank you so much, jane. thank you. some say baseball games take way too long . so this year, major league baseball has adapted. some rule changes to speed things up. we'll take you live to houston for opening day in just moments. next on behind the seriess that run wiwith the champ was magica, tender chicken, the peppercorn ranch. i love my rings cherish that lunch forever. subway series the greatest menu of all time asking the right question can greatly impact your future qualified to do this, especially when it comes to your finances. are you a certified fancial planner cfp professional professionals are committed to acting in your best interest.
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hitting the field on opening day , the league is also rolling out some of its biggest rule changes in history, all of which are designed to make the game more exciting and faster. yes cnn's andy scholes has more on the new rule changes. baseball is back, and this year it's a whole new ballgame. we're definitely in the entertainment industry. we want to put the best product on the field for the fans. if they want a faster paced game, they're gonna get it in an effort to speed up the game for the first time ever, major league baseball will have a pitch clock. the pictures now have 15 seconds with no runners on 20 with runners on to start their wind up before the clock hit zero or the batter gets a ball. hitters meanwhile, i have to get in the box and be looking at the picture ready to go by eight seconds or they get a strike. there will be some freaky scenarios where games will be won and lost because of it, and it'll upset some people get a lot less of the batting glove fixing and stuff like that, and guys walking around the mound three times before
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they pitch, so yeah, i'm in favor of it. been making sure that i'm on time, and i think if anything, i have a little more time than i thought kind of changed my whole routine. i used to step out of the box and like, look for a sign or something like that, but now i'm in the box the whole time. major league baseball says they tested the clock and more than 8000 minor league games. and so far spring training games have lasted an average of 25 minutes less than last year. what are you gonna do with your extra 25 minutes? you get every night now. i don't know. i'm gonna get to hang out with my own son. it's going to be nice. i get home quicker, so i get to spend some time with my family. what else is new? the bases are all three inches bigger, which will give defenders more space and should lead to more stolen bases. have you noticed any difference from the basis being bigger? because we see a lot of bang bang plays at first base. who's got the advantage. now i think anytime you're starting up the distance between bases, it's going to go to the runner. i actually practice picking it up so i can take it with me. in case i have to get thrown out, so that's
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pretty big. yeah and gone is the shift no longer will a shortstop or third baseman be able to play in right field against left handed batters. they now have to stay left of second base is gonna cause teams to be more athletic. you don't be able to put just anybody here. anybody there and depend on the shift. to make up for whatever deficiencies that they may have talked to say. so far. they're happy with what they've seen. baseball is an investment of time. i like the way it was and i like the way it's going to be young kids aren't fans of baseball anymore, so i get it will make more fans come because before the game used to take too long, and people might have left early, either because of the heat, or just got boring kids being able to watch a whole nine innings now that's one way to bring the younger generation into the game. make sure more kids are going to the ballpark. there's a bunch of ways that we can make a difference and making a lot of kids love baseball and grow up wanting to be big
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leaguers. yeah here a minute maid park in houston, you can see the two pitch clocks out there in center field ready to go at 15 seconds. there's two more behind home plate. and, you know guys is someone who has three boys who love watching and going to baseball games. a 2.5 hour game. sign me up. sounds awesome. interview notice and the smiles a bit extra wide because he's a houston astros fan and probably still reeks of the champagne popping from the world series win. he was there that night in the in the room, enjoy the game. andy appreciate the report my hometown. i'm with you, andy, alright. the lead with jake tapper starts right now. for the first time since the cold war, russia has arrested in american journalist the lead starts right now a watery journal reporter accused of being a spy allegedly trying to steal russian state secrets
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