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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  March 31, 2023 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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ahead. it was a busy night and you are waking up to history. america waking up to the historic news that president donald j. trump has been indicted. he is the very first president. we've never seen this before in history. so here's the latest on this friday, march, 31st 2023 sources tell cnn trump faces more than 30 counts related to business fraud. this case prosecuted by the manhattan district attorney centers around the accounting of hush money payments made to adult film star stormy daniels. as of now, this is how it's supposed to go down because multiple sources say trump will turn himself in next tuesday. he is expected to appear in court for his arraignment in new york. the nypd getting ready for any sign of trouble. all officers are being told to report to work in uniform people prepared for deployment today. meanwhile republicans in the house senate and even some 2024 rivals are rushing to trump's defense, calling the case political and outrage and even one of them saying quote it's legal voodoo.
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the white house on or expectedly is not commenting. as of this morning, reporters will have a chance to ask president biden about it as he leaves from mississippi shortly cnn morning. special coverage continues. right now. this morning. as you were waking up. the united states is entering uncharted territory. donald trump has now become the first ex president in the history of the u. s to face criminal charges. not only that he is running for re election right now, as he is preparing to turn himself in and be arraigned here in new york on tuesday, cnn's senior legal affairs correspondent paula reid, is here with us now, paula. obviously the biggest part of this is that we don't actually know what the charges are here is still under seal. but we could learn what it is very soon. what are the other details? what are we expecting? next that's what's so surprising is even the former president's legal team doesn't know what he
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has been charged with, but that is standard for this district attorney's office and i am told there is this desire to try to treat the former president the same way they would treat any other defendant. so we're told even just moments ago, i was speaking with one of his lawyers. he is still expected to appear on tuesday, and they are going to put them through a process that anyone else would go through. appearing before a judge being fingerprinted, photographed, but look, even if they want to treat him like anyone else. this case is like nothing we've seen before. yeah, it's like nothing we've seen before a manhattan grand jury voting to indict former president donald trump thursday , while the case is still under seal sources tell cnn he faces more than 30 counts related to business fraud. the former president, responding to the indictment, calling the manhattan district attorney alvin bragg, a disgrace and claiming the entire investigation is a witch hunt to fight. you know, he's the toughest guy. no. he was shocked
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because we really were. i was shocked today. the rule of law in the united states of america died. indictment concludes a years long probe investigating a hush money payment to adult film star stormy daniels to remain silent about an alleged affair with trump and affair. trump denies the case relies in part on the testimony of trump's former personal attorney, michael cohen, who has in the past pleaded guilty to nine nine federal crimes, including lying, convicted felon. i am a disbarred lawyer, but i also brought the documents. there's plenty of testimony corroborating testimony to go around paid daniels $130,000. just weeks before the 2016 presidential election, according to court filings. the trump organization reimbursed cohen $420,000. it's a fight against his rejection of truth and his
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manufacturing of stories that really motivated her. the manhattan district attorney's office was also asking questions during the grand jury proceedings about karen macdougal. she was paid $150,000 by the company that publishes the national enquirer to stay silent about another alleged affair with trump. trump has denied any affair with mcdougal. trump's longtime friend and then chairman of the national enquirer's parent company, david pecker, is believed to have orchestrated the payment and was one of the last witnesses to testify before the grand jury monday. but even trump's potential republican presidential rivals criticizing the indictment. governor ron desantis tweeting, it's american and trump's former vice president, mike pence, telling cnn. i think the unprecedented indictment. former president of the united states on a campaign finance issue. is an outrage.
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paula you're getting new reporting about when the manhattan district attorney actually wanted trump to turn himself in. what are we learning? so i'm just learning from one of the former president's attorneys that the manhattan district attorney wanted trump to turn himself in today, which would have been a really tight turnaround, but because, of course, all the security concerns in preparations that was not possible, so he is still expected to appear next tuesday , one of the biggest outstanding questions here that i don't think it's been answered is why now? this is conduct that occurred seven years ago. this has been under investigation for five years, and in recent months we've suddenly seen this case heat up, and it's unclear why so that is something that manhattan district attorney is going to have to help people understand as he begins to talk about this publicly, which, as we understand, will be during the arrangement that likely wouldn't be included when this indictment is unsealed, because generally unless it's a speaking indictment, right, it's going to be very bare bones listing those 30 plus charges we expected that time. that's when the district
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attorney will start speaking about this. it's probably not about everything, but at some point he's going to have to answer questions. and this is the big question because in the court of public opinion, the former president his allies are seizing on. this is politically motivated, but it could be that there is new evidence or some other reason that caused this to all come to a head. now that arraignment where the d a will ask for the indictment to be unsealed, and then we'll find out what's in there once he has granted that, but again in a clip, it'se last night, you said. he's gonna be treated. they're trying to treat him just like anyone else, except they'll probably expedite his arraignment. when he sees a judge. he probably won't be in a lock up and i said no fingerprinting earlier. definitely fingerprinting. but possibly no mug shot is what, but we still we don't know it's unprecedented, couldn't start the negotiations until there was a possible indictment and i was told, look, they don't have all the details nailed down. if there is an indictment, they would begin the negotiation process and that we've learned started last night, hillary. great reporting. thank you, paul
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. i appreciate that. so we're going to move on and talk about where the former president is now it is believed that mar-a-lago and there's a live look at mar-a-lago, now the former president overnight, blasting the indictment, calling it a political persecution and election interference at the highest level in history, despite his defiance, so sources are telling cnn that trump is expected to turn himself in. and just days from now, on tuesday, as you just heard the reporting from paula, they wanted him to turn himself in, according to her sources to today, that did not happen. so let's check in now with christian homes, christian how exactly is this expected to go down? good morning, by the way. good morning dot well, that's the big question. i'm told by a source that that's exactly what his team is working on. now this is going to be a huge security undertaking. it is going to involve cooperation and coordination between the secret service as well as law enforcement officials in new york, which is why it's really stunning that they were trying to have such a quick turnaround
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, knowing the security concerns now, while those entities will be working on security in terms of law enforcement, we know that trump's team will be looking at the optics as we know former president trump cares about the optics. i've talked to a number of sources who say they're trying to figure out exactly what this looks like. from a media standpoint. where will the cameras be? where will trump be walking? is he able to give a statement? should he give a statement? is it safe to stand out there and give a statement now i am told by a number of sources who have spoke to trump in the last 24 hours that his demeanor has been relatively controlled. that he went to dinner with melania in front of guests and greeted them at mar-a-lago last night that he met with advisers and as we reported last night, several members of trump's team and the former president himself did feel blindsided by the timing of this indictment. they had spent weeks on edge getting ready for this, but they had seen the media reports saying that they grand jury was likely not to hear trump's case before they
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went on hiatus, so they thought they had some time. and in fact, some advisers actually believe that perhaps d a brag was considering not bringing charges, but obviously that was wasn't the case. so what you're expected to see now is surrogates rolling out. the trump team tells me that they're putting out people on the airwaves doing podcasts, social media blasting out this message in support of the former president defending him, and they are certainly keeping track of who is defending the former president at this time, don alright in washington, christian homes, christian thank you so much. also this katelyn polantz on what some in the president's in our circle. their camp actually thought right thinking that maybe this wasn't gonna happen just before the indictment came. is that right? yeah they were a little bit surprised. it's weird because they're surprised or not surprised because they've been bracing for this. obviously. trump had that post last week, saying he was going to be arrested on tuesday that didn't ultimately happened. and we're told that people in trump's garden his camp were caught off guard because his legal team and
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others have been speculating over the last several days, but what the manhattan district attorney was doing wondering, was this case falling apart? why they don't hurt anything. sources said that trump's legal team had been kind of arguing amongst themselves that the d a is trying to prove trump committed this crime of falsifying business records that he was potentially missing a key element when it came to the intent to defraud. they were talking about that. they also questioned the timing. a lot of the political aspect of this political allies of trump's were asking what's taking so long. trump had that rally in waco, texas, over the weekend when he told reporters on his plane on the way, quote this of the manhattan district attorney's office. i think they've already dropped the case. it's a fake case, some fake cases they have absolutely nothing. obviously that did not happen. trump has now been indicted when news of the indictment came down yesterday, the four president was at mar-a-lago. they had been prepping these political attacks. on florida governor ron desantis. they were caught off guard when it actually came out. they saw it in news reports before it actually been confirmed to them by the d. a s
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office. but even as trump and his legal team have been speculating that the case may not go forward may not have a ton of merits. they still been bracing for an indictment. we should know they have not actually seen the indictment yet either. it is still under seal. they're kind of basically as in the dark as the rest of us at this point. of course, we are in these uncharted waters with a former president of the united states now being indicted. this has never happened before. so help us put all of this in context. i want to turn now to elie honig, who is the scene in senior legal analyst and former assistant u s attorney in the southern district of new york. you know a thing or two about how all of this is going down behind closed doors, but the historic nature of this can't be understated. we are living history. this is the kind of thing they will be teaching in law schools decades from now, so let's start with the facts here because any a good legal analysis. you have to start with the facts. this all circulates around to hush money payments that were made by donald trump, or people around him to two women who alleged that they had had affairs with donald trump. stormy daniels was paid $130,000
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karen macdougal was paid $150,000. now it's important to note these actual alleged affairs happened years before 2006 for stormy daniels, 6 4007 for karen macdougal, and nearly a decade later, we all remember that moment in june of 2015 when donald trump came down that elevator and announced his presidential bid now really important meeting happens two months after that. august 2015 donald trump meets with michael cohen, who will be important witness in this case, and david pecker, who also has testified in the grand jury. now, david pecker is in charge of am i, the company that publishes the national enquirer, and they talk about how they need to catch and kill these damaging stories, pay for these stories and then not run them. and then a couple months after that, karen macdougal story is paid for. by am i buy the enquirer by pecker . it is caught and killed. they pay for it. they do not run it. then we all remember that moment about a month before the election when the access hollywood tape came out, donald
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trump caught on tape making inflammatory comments. and then just days after that, they work out a catch and kill arrangement with stormy daniels. the way this one works is michael cohen. pay stormy daniels $130,000. and then he gets reimbursed by a series of checks that get paid by donald trump and the trump organization over about a year after the election, so that's the way these payments were all set up, and that's what leads us to the case. here. now um ellie, let's talk about michael cohen, right? he is the start witness. it is believed at this point. we don't know it is still sealed. right? so we don't know exactly what the charges are. we don't know what's in the indictment. i asked him about last night. people are saying, you know, this is the weaker case. not sure why they're indicting him on. this is a misdemeanor, they said that was raised to the level of a felony. it's early, so i want to hear what he has to say, and then get your response. so here it is. this notion of
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oh, this is a weaker case than the january 6th acknowledge that january 6th was an insurrection but doesn't make this any less of a crime. you know, i always called this the capone theory, the al capone theory. they couldn't get him on murder, extortion, racketeering, bootlegging, etcetera. they got him on tax evasion. if that crime done was enough for me to be charged. find convicted and sent to prison. why am i any different than donald trump? what do you say to that? so i think michael cohen's right. this is the least series of the cases. but that doesn't mean it's an unserious case. important to keep in mind. michael cohen was prosecuted federally by the southern district of new york. that's a different office. we're talking now. this indictment of donald trump is by the state prosecutors across the street, but back in 2018 michael cohen was prosecuted. federally he ended up pleading guilty to campaign finance crimes relating to these very same payments to stormy daniels and karen macdougal. michael cohen also pled guilty to unrelated perjury. tax fraud and financial
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fraud and really important moment. the justice department, the southern district of new york when it came time from michael cohen sentencing. here's what they said in their letter to the judge in particular, and , as cohen himself, has now admitted with respect to both payments to daniels and mcdougall. he acted in coordination with at the direction of individual one. of course, we know individual one is donald trump. so one of the arguments that you're hearing is michael cohen went to prison in part for this shouldn't donald trump as well? that was my question. if he faced consequences, question trump. i mean, there are some fine distinctions here. let's remember because michael colin was prosecuted federally donald trump. we're now looking at a state prosecution. we could have some different laws with important differences. let me walk you through what some of those state laws could be here, donald trump. first of all, we don't know we have not seen this indictment. but if they are based on these hush money payments important, understand? hush money payments are not criminal themselves. the potential state misdemeanor here is for falsification of business records. were these payments
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falsely logged as legal fees. now that's a misdemeanor. that's a low level offense, however, if prosecutors can tie the falsification of business records to some other crime, then it becomes a felony, a much more serious offense maximum of four years, although the sentence could still be nothing . so what could that other crime be? one of the theories is that it could be related to campaign finance violations, a little bit of a legal question about whether state prosecutors can charge something relating to a federal election. the election for president. we have not seen that indictment. what we do know thanks to our outstanding reporting team is that there are over 30 charges in that indictment. we haven't seen them yet. we are all waiting to see that when, when the arraignment when the indictment gets unsealed at the arraignment on tuesday, let's talk about what happens now. so tuesday, trump supposed to come appear in court, like any other defendant is unlike any other defendant. let's be clear. okay what if he doesn't come because he's in florida and the governor of florida ron desantis tweeted out last night? affordable, not
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assist in any extradition, so we could also be in another set of uncharted territory, which is what do you do if a governor of a state won't extradite you do another state where you're wanted in court. there's two ways this could play out either donald trump shows up on his own, and then we'll go through this court process. if there is some resistance here by ron desantis that will be political feeder. ultimately the law is clear in the constitution , there's a federal law. there's cases on this that say a governor cannot ultimately block extradition of a person from one state to another when he appears when donald trump appears in court, as our reporting is on tuesday, he may be fingerprinted . there may be a mug shot, the indictment will be unsealed, so we'll see it. the charges will be redhill enter his plea, which will be not guilty. and then the judge will let him out on bail. what we call released on his own recognizance, meaning? go home. come back next time we need you. hoenig fascinating lot of slides . you'll be breaking down over the coming days. i'll be back. thank you. so republicans are
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rushing to defend the former president this morning. it's interesting, who right and their relationship to the former president what kevin mccarthy and some of trump's 2024 rivals are saying and as we continue to cover this indictment of former president trump will speak with lawyers from both donald trump and michael cohen. republican congressman brian masse also joins us and democratic lawmaker daniel goldman, who was the lead counsel on trump's first impeachment trial. also mike pence's former chief of staff, mark short is here, so there's a lot to unpack. back when i had a working circulatory system, you had to give your right arm to find great t talent. but with up work, there's highlhly skilled talent from all over the globe. right at your fingertips. it's where businesses meet great remote talent and remote talent meets great opportunity. mm hmm.
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sooner? okay we're back now, with our news on the former president donald trump blasting the case on his social media platform last night and fundraising off of the indictment. he was also calling key congressional allies to shore up support. for the most part, house republicans circle the wagons, house speaker kevin mccarthy, calling it an unprecedented abuse of power. his number two congressman steve scalise called it weaponizing government. jim jordans republican conference chair, at least a phonic blasting it as well and his former vice president and potential 2024 rival mike pence, calling it an outrage and saying this. no one is above the law, including former presidents. be clear on that point. and the american people know this. but in this case and controversy over
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campaign finance, i can't speak to the merits of this case at all. but i can speak to the issue emanating out of the question over campaign finance. should never have risen to the level to bring and unprecedented and historic prosecution against the former president. all right. there was an interview last night with wolf blitzer. so cnn political commentator and political anchor for spectrum news, errol lewis joins us now. thank you very much. so you see the folks there? kevin mccarthy. these are you know, top tier republicans, the former vice president there. obviously they have ulterior motives. some of them have presidential aspirations. and what have you but is this really good for trump? is this unifying the entire party? i'm not so sure about that. no, there's no way there's no way this is not good for donald trump. donald trump is in a lot of legal trouble. he's in legal hot water that is very real. and people should keep in mind. i don't know why folks are rushing to his defense without you know, at least recalling that the trump organization to companies within it. were found guilty of extensive tax fraud. they should
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remember that his organization is facing up to $250 million in additional civil charges from the new york state attorney general. this is serious stuff goes back a long, long time. and ultimately, although there are a lot of titillating details that are out there involving porn stars and so forth. this is a business fraud case. and this is an organization led by a man. they've already been found guilty of criminal conduct in the operations of the business, so it is not a far step to imagine that it's going to go just a little bit further, and all of the republicans who are rushing to defend him without having seen the indictment are risking looking very, very foolish at the end of this one thing that's interesting, and i think it's an important nuance for us to point out. our jeff zeleny was reporting it last night is that a lot of these republican defenses are not necessarily defenses of trump. they are against the indictment and the charge and jeff's reporting was you can be republican and be you know in in congress would be against the charge but also against trump,
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right. it's not in a lot of these statements it's on in the desantis street. trump's name doesn't even come up. what do you make of that? they're trying to thread a needle that in my opinion cannot be threaded. i mean the idea that somehow it's not serious in this case, where again allegations of extensive business fraud or what we are very likely to see in this indictment to say that, oh, that's no big deal when michael cohen, among others, have actually, you know, served time for this not saying it's no big deal. they're saying for this to be the basis of the first time ever in american history to indict former president. well i mean, you know, i, um i was the first i wouldn't. well, there had right. somebody had to be first, right. you also, i think would have to ask them. um when have we ever had a president or an ex president, whose company was convicted of criminal tax fraud going back 15 years. when have we ever had an ex president who pleaded the 5th 400 times in
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connection with that? alligator with these allegations of extensive criminal fraud, really glad you said that because i think there's so much unknown here and you know, we can speculate until the end of the day until tuesday's we will. we still have to wait to see what happens. but the nature of this peter baker writes this on the front page of the new york times today, and it's so accurate, he says, so many unthinkable first have occurred since donald j. trump was elected to the white house in 2016, so many invaluable lines crossed so many unimaginable events have shocked the world. it's easy to lose sight of just how astonishing this particular moment really is that that really is true. meaning going back and i've sat here. we've talked about this over the years. i mean, you know, the first unprecedented thing was to have a nominee, a major party nominee for president, who had never served in government. who had never been elected to any other office would never served in the military, you know? and so we've been, you know, venturing into new ground and that's okay. americans made a decision. we made a decision in 2016 to go in
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an unprecedented direction. americans voted for trump knowing about the stormy daniels hush money payments. kind of, yes, kind of know there were so much turmoil and i mean a lot of the political fallout from this expected indictment is really going to turn on that because you know this. this all happened and what was in october 20. the eighth. it was in the closing hours practically of the campaign. and it's not clear whether or not that little additional piece of information after the access hollywood scandal would have made much of a difference, but certainly people within the trump campaign close to the ex president thought it was important enough to hurry up and get the hush money paid and get the thing signed and make sure that nobody would talk about it. so, um, you know, in a very close election, perhaps it made a difference. perhaps it didn't will never will never know what we know for sure, though, is that you know people are going to have to make a decision. does this matter? does it not matter? does criminal business fraud? make a difference or not? are we going to take one more step and say we're going to re elect someone
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who has been found guilty has been impeached, twice found run , an organization that was found guilty of criminal tax fraud has been criminally indicted. personally are we going to take that new step into the unknown? um, it's that's a very different question from you know, sort of trying to smear alvin bragg trying to smear the rule of law trying to downplay the idea that you know, criminal business fraud is no big deal. i think for a lot of people, it is kind of a big deal. you bring up a very good point. remember we talked about this before we were on the plane when he came back and talked about michael cohen. i think it was katherine lucy from the associated press. that was the seminal moment in this and this was after the election. if i'm correct where he comes back on the plane, and he goes, he talked to michael cohen. everyone's like, oh, my gosh. he's admitting that something happened. so you're right. they did vote for him knowing but not all the facts. i love that clip. i remember i was i was doing some commentary. in fact, with some of you folks here here on cnn when that happened, and i remember, you know, putting
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aside all of the analysis and all of them learning and all the stuff that we know and i said, look, just look at that man. he's not telling the truth. you know he's standing there in the darwin he didn't know about the payments. you'd have to ask michael cohen. of course, we've seen how that saga google look at his body language. he wasn't telling the truth. everybody knew that. thank you so much. thank sarah. we will continue obviously to follow this historic indictment of former president trump. but first newly released audio reveals some of the chilling 911 calls from the elementary school shooting in nashville as funerals for the victims begin. also russia has arrested an american reporter and accused him of being a spy. how the white house says it is responding. that's next. s spot, does it? obediently. o oh, boy. wonderful pistachios get cracking. this is my coffee shop. and that's mend my
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i'm ben wedeman in eastern ukraine. this is cnn. funerals begin today for the victims of the nashville school shooting as that city and the entire nation more on the deaths. the murder of three children and three teachers killed that covenant elementary school, a service for nine year old evelyn dick house will be held today, guests were asked were pink or other joyful colors in tribute to evelyn's light and love of color were also this morning hearing for the first time, just chilling 911 calls from that day. i
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thought was a man holding an assault rifle speeding to the in his early in the second grade hallway. second grade scares white man. a man came across the best on in a sport like going down the hall shooting glass his glass in the doors through the glass in the doors. carlos suarez joins us live outside the church where the service for evelyn will be held this afternoon and just a picture all the people who will walk in and bright colors in honor of a little nine year old girl. i would love that. that's exactly right, poppy. good morning. family friends loved ones as well as members of this community here in nashville are all expected to take part in this funeral service for nine year old evelyn dick house, according to an obituary for that child, she was described as a beacon of joy to her family. her faith was pure and her prayers were sincere, according
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to that obituary. the child's most prized possession was a large collection of stuffed animal tigers. all of them named tony. the last time the family was at this church, we're told was earlier this week the night of the night of that shooting. we're told the family had gathered here after that shooting happened in the morning. they gathered here at night. for a vigil, poppy. carlos unimaginable pain for all of them. thank you for being there, and we'll continue to watch as the services are held. security concerns escalating in new york after the historic indictment of the ex president donald trump help police are preparing that straight ahead for his arraignment. at the end of the a age, i'm afraid i feels right upon us. this is considered a mass suicide investigation. never mind. t ando were the second comings.
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, look at that's new york city, right? so uniform. new york police officers deployed all across the city after the story . trump indictment, the department's internal memo states that all officers should be prepared for mobilization starting today. ahead of the arraignment next tuesday. we are joined now by cnn's chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst, mr john. miller john. good morning to you, so a source is telling you you have great sources, right? um confirm that the secret service the u. s marshals having conversations to continuing conversations with all of law enforcement to try to coordinate this because this is unprecedented. so what do you think they're most concerned about? is that unrest or what they're most concerned about tuesday. if you're going to bring donald trump and to be booked on criminal charges, they're not worried about how to get him in and get him. about as much as they're worried about. what kind of crowd could be generated? so what are they
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looking at? they're looking at social media platforms. they're looking carefully at statements from donald trump and supporters about rallying people, but the new york city police department is unique in this regard and that you've got 35,000 police officers. it's not like what we saw in washington, d. c. where there are finite limits to that. i mean when they thought he was going to be indicted tuesday, the week before last, their first effort at that was 10 mobile field forces on monday, 14 on tuesday that comes out to 752 cops. um mobile field force is one lieutenant. five sergeants 40 cops. these movies group. um but you know you can keep pressing that button and you can order another 1000 cops or another and another. so what you're seeing today is a layering a show of presence, not of force, um, to say we're in we're in place, and they have
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the entire police department in uniform today. if you're working narcotics if you're on the terrorism squad if you're in, uh , an administrative job, you were there in full uniform. all officers of all ranks as of seven a.m. today, so what they are is at the ready. secret service also will be here when trump does come if he comes on tuesday, as we're expecting at this point, polaroid is reporting that confirming simplify reporting political reporting that trump was actually asked to come and surrender today that this indictment came down yesterday. they wanted him here. his attorney says, oh, that the needed more time and that the secret service would need to coordinate this surrender. does that sound right to you? does it does the manhattan district attorney's office, uh, when they were preparing to do this a couple of mondays ago before they had to take a step back and re examine their process after the testimony of one of trump's attorneys who actually defended michael bob costello. ah they were pressing to, you know, have
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him in within 24 to 48 hours of the indictment. um they are trying to maintain this posture , the manhattan district attorney's office that he would be treated like any other defendant. you've been charged. and unless you know we're not going to go arrest you, but you have to present yourself. relatively quickly so they haven't changed that posture. tuesday is relatively quickly. you know you have a defendant who's in florida who's also as you point out under protection of the united states. secret service, um and you know who has stated tell me when and where and i'll be there. i just said, i wonder if wanting him to come right away on friday as bragg's office did today is also you know to not give time for a lot of people to mobilize to come to the city. but who knows? look, let me ask about your reporting last night. just fantastic. i was watching as you broke the news. fantastic reporting that this indictment, um is large, maybe not detailed unless it's a speaking indictment, but large in terms of 30, plus charges relating to falsifying business
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records. what more are you learning? i wouldn't read too much into the number of counts in the indictment because the number of counts and this is this is common in state prosecutions. if i stole your atm card that would be grand larceny, but every time i put it in a machine and took out $20, that's one count. two count three counts. so in a case like this, this is a paper driven case, every document that is filed in the case that's based on falsification of business records is potentially its own count. um, so it sounds like a lot, but in terms of, uh, in terms of the crime, it doesn't tell us much more than how many steps were involved in doing this allegedly unless there's conspiracy. right because then you would have a much more detailed indictment to be unsealed. well, that's right. if it's a conspiracy if they have cobbled together a web between the stormy daniels case and perhaps details from the
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macdougal case, and you know which lawyers were, you know, working with which newspaper publisher is being directed by others within the trump organization. then the conspiracy requires you to tell the story of the machinery of the and the participants and the steps of the conspiracy, and that's an indictment that requires a lot more storytelling . so bare bones indictment may be just the charges and each individual charge conspiracy will tell us much more wanting him to turn himself in today, um , the speed with which they wanted him to turn himself in. i don't think that we should discount that or downplayed because tuesday that's a long time for people to mobilize. donald trump loves the circus. there will probably try to get him to go in through right, the concealed place like underground , but he probably wants to be out there in front of people saying, look, this is a witch hunt. that's what have you that just ratchets this up. so i think that you know we have to go. but we shouldn't downplay that. that well, i mean, there's
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that, but the n y p d you know, has would would have wanted time to prepare as well. so tuesday is not that soon, and not that far off, either the first indication that something was happening. the nypd preparing downtown if you've been down there it is a circus. i was down there last week. it is a circus around. um the courthouse downtown. thank you, john. good to see you. we're going to continue to contact whoever this historic indictment of former president trump. but we're also following other news here, including a military investigative team now on the ground near fort campbell, kentucky for news we brought you yesterday morning. they're trying to figure out why two blackhawk helicopters crashed, ultimately killing nine u. s service members with a live report on the ground ahead. morgen stanley. we see the world with the wonder of new eyes. helping you discover untapped possibilities and relentlessly working with you to make them real. because great and vision
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help! oh, only pay for what you need. liberty liberty liberty, peace sized him out. that's it. i wrote my fingertips together like this. apply it like a lotion. fingertips pits under boob folds cracks feet about 98% of our customers use our cream deodorant on places other than pets. this water based cream i'm telling you, it rubs in like a lotion. it's invisible on the skin. it works like a dream. why didn't someone think of this sooner? sooner. well. this morning military investigative team is on the ground in fort campbell, kentucky, trying to find out what caused the deadly crash of two blackhawk helicopters. this happened during a training mission on wednesday night, and it claimed the lives of nine u. s service members are dan gallagher is
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live for us in fort campbell, kentucky. it's a tragedy and in training that this happened. what are you learning about this investigation? well, poppy, these special aviation safety team from fort rucker, alabama, arrived just before eight p.m. central time last night and we're told that they've been working through the night at that crash site trying to gather evidence and figure out exactly what caused those two blackhawk helicopters to crash on wednesday night. now we do have some weather that's moving in. so we're told that they will work thoroughly but are going to have to work quickly. they have lights up around that crash site and tarps as well to preserve that scene from the weather. er, but also to make it easier for them to work. according to the 101st airborne division. they were those blackhawks were performing a multi ship formation in a training with night vision goggles. these are medevac variants of the black hawk helicopter. when the crash happened, there was no radioing for help beforehand when it
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comes to those nine service members who were killed. we do not expect that we will have identification of them today, but it could come as a released tomorrow. diane, we're glad you're there. thank you for the reporting. also this morning, newly released video appears to show the wall street journal reporter evan herskovits, arriving at a moscow court yesterday after he was arrested on espionage charges. the white house now says it is fighting for consular access for the american citizen, saying that the charges are quote ridiculous. this is a priority for this administration, regardless of whether someone has received a wrongful detention designation, the state department seeks counselor access for all americans held abroad, and that's what we're waiting to do. that's what we're fighting for. to get get that council representation for evan at this time. cnn's matthew chance is live in moscow this morning, matthew. we talked about this yesterday. when this hit, we were just hearing and learning about these charges. what do we know about where evan is now and what's next for him?
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well, that video is interesting because he saw evan gagovic arriving at the lefortovo court house, which is in central moscow. it's part of a larger sort of complex of sort of prison facilities. when he was inside the court, the court designated his case top secret, which means details and not being made public. it emerged that he has not accepted guilt for the crime of espionage, which has been charged and the court arraigned him in pre trial detention until may. the 20 89th . so nearly two months from now, when he gets his next day in court in terms of where he is now. well, that's not being revealed publicly. but i think the expectation is probably at that lefortovo prison in that pretrial detention center. that's where lots of people accused of the serious offense of espionage are held in terms of access to him. well we know the united states is pushing hard, the russian authorities to get consular access to evan gorshkov itch but at the moment,
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at least the latest week no, is that that access has not yet been granted. and so obviously, when that happens, it will probably get more details about where he is and how he is as attorney wasn't even allowed in the courtroom yesterday, matthew chance i know you'll keep tracking this. we'll check back in with you. thank you. also ahead. the marine corps veteran trevor reid, who spent nearly three years and russian prison and has a rare insight into this tells us what he thinks evan gorski herskovits might be going through right now. taking a journalist. that kind of puts it into perspective for you how desperate the russians have become, i think you know the next step after taking our journalists hostage there is basically, diplomats is the next level. trevor reid says there's no doubt in his mind that evan is being held as a hostage. you can see more of my injury, whichever read in the next hour. historic moment. donald trump has been indicted. he is slated
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to appear in court next week. we have now entered unprecedented territory. his allies erupted in fury, the white house so quiet what will happen next? we have our cnn legal experts standing by lawyers for both trump and michael cohen will join us their reaction to the indictment. so stay close. vegas hotel. what you're thinking it's cool. i don't w want anything too serios , either. just a fun, spontaneous thing. i'm looking for someone who will let loose dress up a little. a show order the steak and the lobster. some people say i'm excessive, but who cares? i'm just looking for a saturday to remember. sunday up. wealth changing question. is your advisor givinyou incomplete advice. besides investing, there's also taxes, insurance, esta planning and otr elements that can be
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veterans with mesothelioma. call for a free book 1 808 220400 or go to miso book .com. no sitting or former president has ever been charged with a crime until now, so they're not coming after me. they're coming after you and i'm just standing in their way. i think the unprecedented indictment of a former president of the united states on a campaign finance issue is an outrage that crime was enough for me to be charged, find, convicted and sent to prison. why am i any different than donald trump? today the rule of law in the united states america died. i think this is a much stronger case than people recognize. you follow the facts doesn't matter. what party you are doesn't want your backgrounds. what did you do? and what does the law say? this is literally legal voodoo. this is political persecution. this is a combination of political hatred and selective pro


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