tv CNN Newsroom CNN March 31, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PDT
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first this hour with cnn correspondent sarah scannell, who's outside the manhattan courthouse, keira, start first and walk us through what happens next. yes good morning, jessica and jim. so on tuesday, that's when we expect former president trump to appear in the courthouse behind me for his arraignment. what will happen first is that the indictment will be unsealed. that will be our first chance to see what specific charges he is facing and what kinds of evidence the da's office has included in that indictment. he will then be you know, this is a normal process. of course, he is not a normal person, so there's likely to be enhanced security will have the secret service involved. they may try to expedite this process, but there's only so much they can expedite. he will have his mug shot taken. he will be fingerprinted. they will read him his rights and then he will appear before a judge. the judge there will explain to him what the charges are that he is facing and asked the former president enter a plea. as you said his attorneys are saying
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he's going to fight this. to expect them to plead not guilty. question will be. will he be handcuffed one of his attorneys saying this morning on another program that he did not think that he would, but that could be up to the discretion of the district attorney's office. and then because this is a non violent crime, trump will be released without ballots. it's a standard thing in new york were expecting, according to our sources that there will be more than 30 counts in this indictment, and sources say that they have been exploring looking at charging the former president with falsifying business records that can be a misdemeanor. it can also be a felony if the business records were falsified to commit or conceal another crime. all these details will be made public. on tuesday when the india will be unsealed. we're told by sources that we do not expect to see these charges before then, although, of course with this everything is fluid. jess jim question well, credit as well to care for breaking this news yesterday. we are learning more about some of the specific questions that grand jury had as they made this
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decision. tell us what you know. yeah that's right. so sources tell us that you know, we have known that this investigators focus on the hush money payments around stormy daniels. that was just a few days before the 2016 election where we learned recently from sources that some witnesses were asked questions before the grand jury relating to another hush money deal that was to karen macdougal. she's a former playboy model who alleged that she had an affair with trump decades earlier. that was one of these catching kill deals that was executed by the national inquiry. and as we know, on monday, david pecker, the former glacier was back in before the grand jury. there were also told, according to sources that there was another witness that appeared briefly yesterday before the grand jury took up that vote. it's unclear who that witness is, but certainly prosecutors were providing more information until they felt that they were comfortable that they would get this grand jury to vote. yes on the indictment. jim jessica and we should note we will not find out the contents of that
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indictment until later next week . carol scandal thanks so much right now the former president is at mar-a-lago his home in west palm beach, florida cnn correspondent leila santiago is there, leila? i wonder as you're standing outside his property there. what is the situation like this morning? well you know, we really haven't seen much that is sort of out of the norm here at mar-a-lago this morning. would you see right behind me, but that's what we're seeing from the outside. let's talk about what we're learning from sources on the inside, given that this news came down last night as the former president was here and really what has been a unprecedented moment, we understand that sources are telling. cnn that they were his team was caught off guard by the timing of this. of course, they had been bracing for this, but we're expecting this to happen later on, like many people were, and so that timing was what caught people off guard. nonetheless the president did have lunch or excuse me dinner with gas, and
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his wife, melania, and in a statement said that this was political persecution. his lawyer this morning. echoing those sentiments. listen. he's not worried at all. i mean, he's upset, angry, um he is being persecuted politically. we shouldn't pick the person and then try to find the crime. okay so again, a lot of eyes will be right here on mar-a-lago trying to see if there's any movement any sort of insight on what the next move will be. for the former president. i can tell you i have spoken to local law enforcement who tell me they have not received any sort of requests for any sort of assistance and escorting the president anywhere. of course, that could change at any moment . but the other place where i have my eye on right now is the airport because that trump plane has not moved since he was in waco on saturday. today so you know, we're still waiting to see so much is still unknown. but in
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terms of what we're seeing here in mar-a-lago really just waiting to see what his next move will be. jim jessica. all right. leyla santiago for us in west palm beach this morning. thanks so much for that. update new york police officers are being deployed across the city to ramp up security following former president trump's indictment and internal department memo stating all officers should report in uniform and be prepared for mobilization starting today, and joining us now is cnn chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst john miller. john great to see you this morning walk us through the biggest concerns facing the department now. well they're obviously looking for threats and things coming across social media. they're obviously looking for any plans for big protests. today the way of protest is born and grows is usually over social media, so they're looking at that, so far nothing significant in the protest world, but their eyes are going to be on tuesday, which is the day they consider a
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catalyst here. today what they're doing is really working on the mechanics of how the wheels of justice will actually turn here. a meeting this afternoon with the district attorney's investigators, the new york state court officers. those are the people in charge of courthouse security, the nypd and the u. s secret service. literally on expecting donald trump to arrive here. late tuesday or early monday. and how to do that move to the courthouse and then a walk through in the courthouse. which is what door will they bring him in? how will he be taken in hallways to the district attorney's office to be booked in there detective squad and then to an arraignment court will that be done and back hallways that are not accessible to the press and the public. or through public areas who will handle the magnetometers. a lot of logistics there and, uh and that's really kind of them. moving at the pace. you know,
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there has been reporting that they wanted donald trump to surrender today. based on yesterday's indictment, which i think was more the district attorney's office using a strategy which is to send the signal that they don't want to stretching out into a couple of weeks. they wanted him to appear at the first time. practical and possible, which at this point is going to be tuesday. john you've seen a lot of bookings in your time on the four. certainly none like this former president. he has a secret service detail, but he's going to have to do the things that other folks who are booked do and that is get fingerprints. get a mug shot it , etcetera. i wonder beyond those details what security preparations are necessary here ? not just given the secret service detail, but but the possibility of threats of protests, violence. so that's all of what they've been monitoring on social media and doing threat assessments. um and you know those threats aren't
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just around the arrest of donald trump. but threats to the district attorney's office to the district attorney himself to the staff to the courts. so all of that's occurring. one of the big questions is, you know, um and jim, i think you brought this up. it's going to be an arrest like any other arrest, to the extent that they can make it that way. but they're going to be things that are just different because this has never been done before. never has someone under the protection of the united states. secret service been through the process of being booked for a series of criminal charges in new york or anywhere else so one question is, is he handcuffed? that is standard procedure, handcuffs behind the back and then taken to the courthouse. that, of course, would be quite a spectacle. on the other hand, if i'm the head of the secret service detail that might be responsible for moving him out if there was a threat or some kind of attack, i don't want my protect the handcuffed so you
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know, it's very likely that arrangements will be made that he will be in the joint custody of the manhattan district attorney's office detectives and the secret service and probably not handcuffs. so uh, there's a lot of details that are being worked through today that have never been worked through before. goodness and that's one very big details right there the possibility of being handcuffed , although the likelihood of some sort of arrangement john miller always good to have you on and in the last hour president biden was pressed on trump's indictment as he was leaving the white house. take a listen. and no real surprise there, jim that he had no comment. president biden in the white house, not really wanting to get involved with this at all. no and that that's been a consistent policy as it were with this white house not commenting on ongoing investigations. let's dig in a little bit. former federal prosecutor elliot williams also
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cnn presidential historian douglas brinkley lot of law here a lot of history. let's begin with the law. elliot the indictments under seal, so there's so much we don't know. and we have to state that very clearly here. sources are telling cnn the possibility of 30 charges, um, related to business fraud. can you explain to folks at home? for this case as we know it, what law or laws did the former president allegedly break important words there jimmer as we know it, because we don't know. now it appears that there might have been records keeping violations with within the trump organization as a means of concealing personal affairs at the former president, and that could explain the multiple charges right, so each ledger entry or each payment as it were . each ledger payment, each entry or just a few ledger entries or payment that are charged for different crimes so one could be attacked. campaign finance crime. one could be a tax crime and so on each time they entered and so on, so, yes, it may not be 30 different crimes, maybe a handful of different crimes but charged
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differently. a few different ways understood. and douglas brinkley is here with me in new york, and i saw you kind of nodding your head while john was walking us through just this like incredible image of a former president who has been covered by secret service. will he be handcuffed? will he not? how are historians like yourself and the ones that come after you going to take note of this moment? because we are we are making history. now i see it as the decline of the republican party. i mean, we think of the gop is abraham lincoln and theodore roosevelt, ronald reagan and it's descending into donald trump, who is being indicted. and this is the first indictment with maybe others to come. yet the republican party seems to be backing him for reelection. one would have thought jane gnu eri six, and trump's involvement with that would have been enough to derail trump that would have been the end of his role in politics. now we're set up to see the biggest reality show that's actually real. come to life and watching a the can't even think of an
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artifact except maybe wanted john wilkes booth after the lincoln assassination of a wanted poster or a mug shot that's going to be circulating around the world in the kind of way that this one of donald trump is his finger, the finger printing the booking of him. it's really dramatic stuff, and it's never happened before in american history. we're all going to be glued, leaning forward to our television sets on tuesday of all of this unravels as it looks like it is, it is. it is dramatic. it's a good word for it. doug brinkley . the word historic. i think these last several years we've had so many historic moments. we've had two impeachments. we've had the events of january 6th. and now we have the first indictment of former president here and as you mentioned the possibility of further indictments, whether from georgia class handling of classified documents role in january, 6th. has the system. shown itself capable of holding
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up withstanding through these very real strains. that is the big question and let's hope the rule of law holds up here. i mean, the real point. the good news is here. it's our legal system and action, saying nobody is above the law. there is an accountability even for a president or candidate or an ex president. and so in many ways, just like watergate, people are wondering with the system hold and of course it did in america went on to thrive. this is going to be one of those tinderbox moments where you know if we can make it through this, and we all have to be clear. just because president trump's been indicted doesn't mean he's been convicted . nevertheless this is stirring the pot of america's neo civil war. like nothing else. i could, uh imagine it. it's all about which side are you on right now ? yeah civil war. quite a phrase to hear goodness it surely is and i want to go back to elliot
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for a second, because i think elliot people i'm talking to and for so many people that are tuning in. i think if they zoom out they want to know does this mean he can be president again? does this mean he can keep running? what does this mean? can you help people understand? what is the law say about all of that? what the constitution is very clear that in terms of laying out the standards for who can run for president who can't gotta be 35 years old and the native born, natural born citizen of the united states and so on they don't say that you you someone who has been charged with or convicted of a crime. can't be president now work the united states senate. in an impeachment proceeding last year, could have barred the former president from running for office again. had they convicted him. that was a political choices, you know, and that's the that's the choice made by the u. s senate. but that's really the only way to bar somebody from office for committing a crime. so yes, no, absolutely the former president can run for president again, despite having been charged or even convicted of a crime. mhm
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brinkley. before we go. the indictment itself is already a historic moment here. that's surrender on tuesday of the former president, surrendering surrendering to authorities to the court in new york. getting fingerprinted, getting a mug shot. ah even the possibility of john miller was describing of handcuffs, although he seems to think that there would be an arrangement there. describe what tuesday will look like for this country. well while it's going to be a surrendering donald trump's going to spin it as no surrender. you know his big hero really is douglas macarthur. and he's going to take this idea that you know, we, um, onward. we're gonna i'm gonna win. this is a witch hunt against me. i'm standing up for the american people against corrupt, big state. he's going to try to use this as his pivot moment. to both fundraise for 2024 try to get a lot of republicans just backing his action right now and
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make himself the nominee of the party simply because all the other republicans are afraid to say they're not standing with trump, so the stakes are really high this tuesday and elliot before we go, we're looking ahead to tuesday what that might look like what that might feel like, but you've said that the indictment being sealed right now and just for everyone, just to remind everyone it is sealed. don't know what's exactly in it at this moment gives trump a huge opportunity. why is that? it's enormous opportunity because of former president trump is as good at media strategy is pretty much any criminal defendants are potential criminal defendants in american history. and he has this 96 hours or, however long to shape the public narrative around his debate now around the criminal charges as john miller , our colleague was on saying a little bit earlier. what law enforcement probably wanted was to get him charged and answered immediately to avoid that lack of time so all this. period
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while it's out there gives the former president a chance to shape like, think of all the folks who have been on air using the words political prosecutions . some of that's coordinated and coming directly out of the president. look, it's not uncommon. it's a high profile defendant and everybody has the right to a media strategy. but at the end of the day, this amount of time does give him a little bit of an advantage well and speak of history. douglas brinkley mentioned douglas macarthur, he was eventually removed from command. brinkley williams. great to have you on where we're discussing this a lot in the future. i'm sure thank you. well, trump's former right hand man, mike pence. he called the indictment and outrage in an interview with cnn . we're going to dig into how this impacts the 2024 race. we're in it that's coming up. plus a number of other major stories we are covering this morning, including the first funeral today for one of the children killed just a few days ago and that nashville school shooting nine year old evelyn dick house. we're live in nashville as new 911 calls are
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released and later the kremlin claiming it's still safe for foreign journalists to work in russia despite the arrest of the wall street journal reporter live in moscow with the latest on his case. allergies don't have to be scary. defeat allergy headaches fast witith new felons , headache and allergy relief to pills relieve allergy headache, pain congestion that causes it. headache and allergy reliefs. all good queion can greatly impact your future. are you qualified to do this? especial when it comes to your finances? are you a certified financial planner? cfp professional professionals are committed to acting in your best interest. that's why it's got to be a cft . guys made up work way back when. feel free last teams with more. working is deader than me.
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hedges. obviously we got termites. first thing is, you gotta know what they're biting on. i told you to hire a pro. i did get a pro organ pro. i got this termites don't call any pro call the organ pro the best in pests. this morning. former president donald trump getting some support from his former vice president and potential 2024 rival mike pence, telling us although he thinks no president is above the law, the charges against trump are targeted and unjustified. i think the unprecedented indictment former president of the united states on a campaign finance issue. is an outrage when you have an attorney general in new york manhattan, d a. that targeted one particular american in their campaigns. i think that offends the notion of the overwhelming majority of the american people who believe in fairness who believe in equal treatment before the law.
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joining us now discuss republican strategist and cnn political commentator alice stewart and democratic strategist cnn political commentator paul begala. paul alice. good to have you on just a little bit of news to discuss today, the former vice president there he's not alone in terms of coming to the president's defense, and by the way from folks who don't particularly like this former president, let's go through some of this ron desantis calling this indictment quote a weaponization of the legal system. nikki haley , who's are, of course, already announced her candidacy in 2024 says, quote this is more about revenge than justice. tim scott, possible contender says that this has quote weaponized the law against political enemies and hutchison also someone who's criticized trump says elect presidents at the ballot box. not in the court system. are you surprised to see the republican party rallied around trump here ? even republicans who are very critical of the former president . to the degree there are circling the wagons. it's quite surprising, but if you look at what what the republicans are interpreting. look, we don't know the full facts of this
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case. we do not know what the d a will present next tuesday with regards to documents and data and information. but what we do know based on what we have heard. this does not seem fair. to many republicans. this is unprecedented. this is unfair to many people, and it's also an american, and i am hardly here to defend donald trump and the merits of this case, but when you step back and look at the overall narrative of what donald trump has been saying, and telling republicans that the judicial system is unfair, and there was an unequal system of justice for political adversaries. this plays right into what donald trump is saying, and what a lot of his supporters believe. and look, no one would rather donald trump get off of the political stage sooner than myself. but this is not the way to do it. let the voters decide this. and when you have d a brag campaigning and vowing that he is going to take down down, donald trump this right here. what we're seeing here just plays into what many people are saying is the weaponization of the legal system to attack a political
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adversary and really to advice. chance of political agenda. that's the way republicans are seeing it, and they are doubling down on this. that's how they see it. that's the narrative. uh say it. is that are those the facts? no. if they were every one of those republican politicians needs to be asked this what did you say? when michael cohen was prosecuted for the same crime prosecutor michel combes, not a partisan d a. in new york, the trump justice department, the trump selected us attorney for the southern district of new york. the trump administration indicted mr cohen for the same operative facts indicted him, convicted him with a guilty plea and incarcerated him now they're squealing like a pig stuck under a gate. but if there is one system of justice if you get in take bonnie, you've got to indict clyde. now. i'm not a big fan of this case. actually i'm not. i think it's far more consequential what he's alleged to have done wrong in georgia, allegedly pressuring people to turn over overturned the election. far more
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consequential would he's alleged to have done it. mar-a-lago stealing classified documents, including nuclear secrets, far more consequential to january 6th allegations of inciting insurrection. more consequences with the mueller report has obstruction of justice. so i'm not that big a fan of this case, but by golly, if all those distinguished republican politicians had said the same thing when the same case was brought against michael cohen by the trump administration, they'd have a little credibility. what's your response to that? when we're looking at the same case in the same facts? this was over, overlooked by the department of justice and the federal election commission, which i view this as a federal election offensive, based on using campaign finances for this they decided not to pursue these cases. these charges against donald trump. now we have a breck with a case based virtually solely on a convicted felon and michael cohen and media mogul dirt bag and david pecker with the natural requirement, actually, having not seen the evidence. we don't know what other witnesses they have. that's exactly that's exactly my point based on what
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we know right now, and that is why we're seeing the outrage but to paul's point this is not one of the biggest legal issues that donald trump is facing, and republicans right now are rallying behind him based on this, but what they are doing is they are setting the stage and setting the narrative that no matter what prosecutors and the legal system are going after donald trump unfairly, there was a double standard and when, after this shoe falls, however, it may fall. there is going to be subsequent legal issues against donald trump with regard to what's happened in fulton county in voters in my home state of georgia if they feel their election was not done fairly as well as what we're seeing on january 6th. those are i think, biggles legal issues, but by then, in many republicans mind they're going to see this as nothing more than prosecutorial misconduct. well, listen as you mentioned that this may be the first of more than one indictment of this former president, georgia looking to attempt to overturn the election. the way there's a telephone call there. involved you mentioned classified documents. january 6th, etcetera
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. i wonder, i mean, in the simplest terms were already in the 2024 race. he's announced for his candidacy for president . this is one indictment. we may see that the others simplest question is, can the process withstand this? oh, yeah. hmm i think so. i mean the fundamental foundation of anglo american jurisprudence. go back to 12 15 . the magna carta is no one is above the law. and so when, when the trump administration brought the charges against michael cohen that trump justice department said this i'm quoting the trump justice department. mr cohen acted in coordination with and at the direction of donald trump. so in common went to prison where he belongs right? he committed a crime. we have short memories in washington, but the system i think it can hold up for this, and the question of two systems of justice is going to be the center of this. so you lock up one guy because he's not powerful and rich and well connected. the way trump is, but we're just gonna take a pass on mr trump again. i'd rather the cases moved to the more consequential places than the new york case. i'm not very
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interested in this right. that's that's not how it works. right individual prosecutors in each case they make their decisions are just quick thought. before we go quickly. you know, from a political standpoint, we're all looking forward to 2021 talking about real issues that real americans care about. um, this is certainly not one of them, but i truly believe, and it appears this will help donald trump in the republican primary because he is rallying the base like never before, but this is not what general election voters want and the independents and undecided voters are not going to rally behind someone with such legal jeopardy. this was opening day of a very long season. oh goodness! there was another opening day yesterday as well. more fun to watch. alice stewart public allen, thanks so much to both of you. up next. we're gonna go live to moscow, where the kremlin is responding to safety concerns for foreign journalists. the latest is the us fights for access to detained american reporter evan ceviche. what does it mean to be ever better? it's yourur customers
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start under 600 make on time payments of 49 point bump in their credit score, on average, download the app today presents a max original heaven's gate sunday at 10 on cnn. the first funeral for a victim of monday. school shooting in nashville will be held today. this as new audio of the heart wrenching 911 calls is released. it can barely bear to say it. funerals for little children and this little girl. those 911 calls provide a glimpse into the fear and desperation as that massacre unfolded. everything you need to make sure that if he comes there, you're going to have to either find a way to get out safely or fight. do whatever safest for you to do. okay, but try to barricade yourself in the room. it's best you can. how
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many more shots did you hear? so many church right by the young, um, fire station, ma'am. okay it's such for on the side of the fire station children here. there's children here. cnn correspondent carlos suarez is in nashville and carlos. it is hard to imagine and wrap our hands around the grief that these families and that community are experiencing today and will be for weeks and years to come. you are outside the location of the first funeral for nine year old evelyn today, tell us more. jessica and jim. good morning. that's right. i'm outside the church, where later this afternoon that service is going to take place. the pastor here tells us that this church is able to accommodate well over 1000 of people. as you mentioned today is going to be the first funeral. it's going to be for a
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nine year old evelyn dick out the obituary for this child described her as a beacon of joy to her family. it went on to say that her most prized possession was a collection of collection rather of stuffed animal tigers , all of them named tony. they described her faith as being pure and her prayers as being sincere on saturday. we're going to get the second funeral here in nashville, little nine year old haley scruggs is going to be remembered. she's going to be laid to rest. her father, chad scruggs, is elite pastor at the church with the school is at and in some 911 calls that were released yesterday. you can hear haley's holly's father, rather telling a 911 dispatcher that he heard that there was a shooting going on inside of the school. he tells the dispatcher that he's going to go inside of the building. and the dispatcher actually tells him that he should probably wait for police
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to show up to the school. it does not appear from any of part of that phone call that the father knew that his daughter had been shot, and then on saturday, we're also going to get a funeral service for 61 year old cynthia peak, she was a beloved substitute teacher. those are going to be the first three funeral services for the three people that died. the other three victims in this we're told are going to be laid to rest over the coming days on sunday, monday and then into wednesday. jim and jessica. just such a senseless, senseless loss of life. carlos wars thanks so much. well this morning. the kremlin says that accredited foreign journalists are safe in russia. those remarks come as u. s officials right now expressed deep concern. over the arrest of the american journalists who, by the way was credentials as well. evan gorshkov itch. russian authorities have accused the 31
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year old reporter of espionage. he's pleaded not guilty. cnn senior international correspondent matthew chance is in moscow, matthew as of yesterday. this had been marked top secret top secret case, which means we weren't gonna get a lot of details about it. what more are you learning today, though? well i mean that that top secret designation is still very much in in force, and so we're not getting any actual details from the russian authorities about the status of ivan gorshkov itch where he's being held. it's believed that is being held in a big jail complex in the center of moscow called the lefortovo prison. that's where the sensitive kinds of prisoners tend to be held. we are in touch with us diplomats in moscow there, saying that they've been trying to get consular access to mr yushkevich . but so far they've not been successful in doing that they have, and it's partly because of that security around him that they haven't been able to.
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actually have face to face meetings with this. u. s citizen is 31 year old journalists accused of espionage so far referred that to the kremlin about how they're giving assurances in this very bleak time that accredited journalists can continue to operate in russia, the kremlin spokesman peskov, saying that earlier today on a conference call to journalists around around the country but in the capital here , but of course, the arrest of evan gush covic does inevitably send a chilling effect through the press corps here, and so obviously there are a lot of concern has a lot of concern in moscow right now amongst the press corps, which i'm a member as well. um about what we should do about what? what limits? this place is on us as journalists. yeah understandable concerns for sure. please take care of matthew chance and your team.
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thanks so much. coming up next. the republican lawmakers donald trump, cold last night how they are now defending him and the chances we could soon see house lawmakers issue a subpoena to the manhattan district attorney, alvin bragg. next on behind the series p performance was legendy . they just piled it on roast beef, hamm oven roasted turkey all on the subway truck. repeat that's great. three meat. that's epic subway series, thgreatest nu of all time onhe next episode of tv dead kidare so expensive dadmaybe try switching your carnsurance too progressive. you canave hundreds. great idea. tv dad to your tv dead driver with progressive securely $700 on average to finally lose £80 and keep it off with gallo is amazing. i've been maintaining the weight is gone and it's never coming back below. i'm not
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correspondent lauren fox has been following all of this, lauren. i wonder who was on that call list. what was the message? yeah. i mean, it was just minutes before republican members of the house of representatives leapt really, to donald trump's defense and you started to see these statements rolling out. we know that you know, donald trump was in touch with some house republicans like you mentioned matt gates. we know also that this comes as there already was an investigation into alvin bragg, the manhattan d a. bikey chairman. that is something that lawmakers have been marching toward. they are trying to get more or information about that investigation, so that's one component of this. i would know that there's a massive split screen, however, between republicans in the house of representatives and their leadership and what we are seeing from senate leadership on the republican side. we haven't seen a statement from mitch mcconnell or from john thune. also while there are some rank and file members who are coming to trump's defense, there are
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fewer of them. one of them, however, is senator lindsey graham of fierce defender of the former president. here's what he had to say. this is legal voodoo . you got a misdemeanor that's been made of felony. nobody in the history of new york city has ever been prosecuted under this theory, except for donald j. trump. this case will follow, like a cheap suit under legal scrutiny. how does this end sean trump wins in court and he wins the election. that's how this wins. and you can expect more forceful republican responses when lawmakers return, but they're gone now for a two week recess. obviously that is going to change the dynamics up here a little bit on capitol hill, given the fact that this is all going to transpire next week, and lawmakers aren't going to be in washington to react to it. jim jessica and lauren. you make such a good point. it tells us all a lot that we have heard
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nothing so far from senate minority leader mitch mcconnell. that tells us a lot, right. lauren fox for us on capitol hill. thanks so much, and we have brand new data this morning on what's driving inflation what the fed's favorite inflation gauge is telling us about the state of the economy. that's next. i remember when i first started flying. and we would experience turbulence. would watch the flight attendants. if they're not nervous, then i'm not going to be nervous financially. i'm the flight attendant in that situation. the relief that comes over people once they know they've got a guy to help them through. i definitely feel privileged to be in that position. my a one. c stayed
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40163 or visit homeserve .com. this is cnn. the world's news network. this morning. the fed's favorite inflation gauge cooled back down last month after an unexpected uptick in january inflation now standing at about 5% cnn chief business correspondent christine romans is here. christine what are these numbers? tell you welcome cooling. remember it was last month's number of this pc that really caused a freak out and cause people to think the fed might have to keep rates higher for longer and then the banks showed signs of stress. because of all of these rate hikes, the fed is in a really uncomfortable position here. i think this shows that all of that fed medicine may be starting to work. 5% is the overall number down from a revised 5.3% in january and month to month. price gains were about half what they were in january. so it's cooling. this is still too high , but cooling and i'd like to
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see another couple of months of this, but when you look at a line chart, jim jim knows that i love to say the trend is your friend and the trend here clearly does show some peking there after that freak out last month, you guys alright, so you often look to the markets to see how they're receiving this news the markets are up today. they don't seem to be frazzled by the news of a trump indictment. tell us what? what you're hearing, so the most important factor for the markets today was that pc number that i just showed you. there are three stocks that are related to the trump world that have all jumped this morning. those stocks are up simply because when the president former president of the news, they tend to go up, and then when the spotlight's off him, they tend to go back down. so those aren't really representative for the overall stock market. jimmy jessica, where i think trump indictment could become something that overall investors care about is if somehow the politics become toxic, and you have house republicans at the urging of the
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press former president who don't want to raise the debt ceiling without a lot of conditions, and we have a debt ceiling problem. that is where the trump indictment could could. so you have to kind of extrapolate a little bit and kind of look way ahead there, but it's not really that far in the future, the debt ceiling drama and so it's something for investors to keep in mind. great point. christine romans. thanks so much. you're welcome. coming up. next we return to our top story go live outside the new york courthouse where we're learning more about just how the manhattan d a had wanted trump. actually to surrender the court today. security considerations underway. as the former president faces indictment that's coming up. back when i had a a working circuculatory sm , you had to give your right arm to find great talent. but with up work, there's highly skilled talent from all over the globe. right at your fingertips. it's where businesses meet great
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thanks so much for being with us. i'm jessica dean. and i'm jim sciutto new this morning, and it is quite a morning. former president donald trump will not, he says, accept a plea deal this after trump was indicted. on multiple charges by a new york grand jury. that refusal to accept a plea deal, according to his lawyer, joe tacopina. trump is the first former u. s president to face a criminal indictment. it's never happened before. all this connected was connected to his alleged role in a hush money payments scheme and cover up involving the adult film star stormy daniels. cnn has learned . trump is expected to appear in a manhattan court tuesday sources saying that's when he set to be arraigned. the former president and current candidate for president in 2024 is now facing more than 30 counts related to business fraud, and if convicted, trump could be sentenced to a maximum of four years in prison are reporters, correspondents and guests are all standing by
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