tv CNN Newsroom CNN March 31, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT
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the resilience and your bravery. town of rolling storm will be back. and we'll be with you every step of the way and i when i say i didn't i said rolling forward rolling stone. i got my mind going here. we'll be back and we'll be with you every step of the way. so god bless you all. and god bless our first responders. thank you. there we heard the president reflecting on the 13 lives lost in the terrible tornadoes in rolling fork, mississippi this week, reiterating his support federally for debris removal there, and fema there also to help people in the community as they rebuild and as they recover, reminding them that they are not alone. it is the
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top of the hour and you were live in the cnn newsroom on boris sanchez and i'm beyond golodryga. today the secret service is meeting with the district attorney's court officers to discuss security logistics. this of the arrangement of the former president, two sources tell cnn that former president trump is expected to be processed at 2:15 p.m. on tuesday. his detail will be with him as he has fingerprinted and photographed from mug shots. at this point. the former president isn't expected to be handcuffed as he will be surrounded by armed federal agents for his protection. sources tell cnn that the indictment involves more than 30 counts related to business fraud. the new york grand jury has been investigating trump's role in that alleged cover up the $130,000. he made in a payment through his attorney, michael cohen to adult film star stormy daniels during the 2016 campaign . now that former attorney and
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fixer michael cohen has been a key witness in this case, he has this message for critics of the grand jury's decision to indict. this notion of oh, this is a weaker case than the january 6th acknowledge that january 6th was an insurrection but doesn't make this any less of a crime. you know, i always call this the capone theory. the al capone theory. they couldn't get him on murder, extortion, racketeering , bootlegging, etcetera. they got him on tax evasion. if that crime done was enough for me to be charged. find convicted and sent to prison. why am i any different than donald trump? oh, by the way for donald, since we're talking about convicted felons c on tuesday, pal. let's take you to that courthouse where trump will turn himself in. on tuesday. cnn's kara scannell is there, karen, what are we anticipating is going to happen that day. well i mean,
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michael cohen knows just a little bit more than what donald trump will be experiencing. but when the former president arrives here on tuesday he will surrender to the authorities here to the district attorney's office. and they then they will get a copy of the indictment once it is unsealed, and that will give him and his attorneys their first look at what charges he is facing specifically and what types of evidence the district attorney has included in that in that indictment, so they will understand the breath of this case now are reporting is that this indictment will include more than 30 charges. and sources tell us that they have been looking into among the charges. the falsification of business records all relating to those payments of hush money payments, as well as the reimbursement of those payments to michael cohen. now when once trump arrives here, as you said, it will be a high security environment. he will be processed. he will have a mug shot, taken, be fingerprinted and then appear before the judge , and that point the judge will ask him if he's aware of these charges. ask him if he wants a reading of the indictment and
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then ask him for a plea now, donald trump said. attorneys have said that he will fight these charges. they're already teeing up. sarah various legal motions that they may make whether it has to do with the statute of limitations or the level of criminal intent that prosecutors would need to prove here, so they're already teeing up that they're going to take this head on. the trump attorneys have been aggressive in all of their litigation. this investigation which really started back in 2019, you know had different. parts of it that went all the way up to the supreme court twice. but once donald trump is arraigned here, and we expect them to enter that not guilty plea because he is not being charged with a with a violent felony, he will be allowed to leave again, though under the protection of the secret service. we did not expect this court hearing to last very long and obviously they wouldn't want this to be an event that does drag out. um and as you said, you know that donald trump has been very vocal. since he's learned this indictment. he has begun attacking the judge that is overseeing this case because this judge also oversaw the prosecution of the trump organization on this tax fraud
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charges last fall, but you know again, this is just going to be an unprecedented event with a lot of security. and while this is an ordinary process, donald trump is, of course, an extraordinary defendant, boris fiona. and carol a quick follow up. do we know if all of this is going to play out on camera? is this arraignment going to be public? so all of this is still being worked out and what we're learning from sources within the administration system. they're trying to figure out the best parameters what they've done in the past, they will allow of cameras lining the hallways. it sounds like they're going to continue or at least try to follow that same pathway, so there will be cameras there that will catch donald trump walking down the hallway. other these high profile defendants. his former cfo alan weissberg, steve bannon. all taken that same walk. sometimes they've been handcuffed. and then sometimes they allow for a pool that just one photographer in the courtroom to catch those snapshots of donald trump's
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sitting behind the defense table horse. as we know that we don't expect to see handcuffs. uh and we also don't expect to see the former president of mug shot as well. keras canal. thank you. well, let's go to where trump is today, and that is his florida estate. mar-a-lago cnn's christian homes is there for us and kristen, even though the former president predicted he was going to be arrested last week. last tuesday, a source says that he was caught off guard by yesterday's indictment. so how did all of this come down? well where is indiana? that's right. so what we have learned in this? my colleague elena, trina and i both reporting that we heard from sources that they were blindsided by the timing of this so much so that advisors were essentially believing at least some of them that the charges might actually be dropped. and this is, of course, because of those media reports that said that the grand jury was not going to take up this case before they went on hiatus. they thought that this meant at least they had a month, but they might
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even have more time than that. we heard specifically that the former president himself was shocked and that we heard confirmed by his lawyer, joe tacopina, take a listen. despite all the scuttlebutt and rumors and whatnot, we believed and hoped that rule of law would have prevailed. so he initially was shocked after we got over that, um, he you know, he put a notch on his belt and he you know, he decided we have to fight now. and donald trump and his team are at mar-a-lago. he has been meeting with advisors there they are preparing for tuesday. we know that he has been contacting allies on capitol hill talking about how he's going to fight this charge, shoring up his support on capitol hill. we also know that he had dinner last night with melania. this is something that sources described to us as him being in, essentially in a good mood. he was talking to guests there reason why that's interesting is from so many sources we have heard throughout this process. is that he has compartmentalized this event so
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he might have been shocked, but he turned around and then started having dinner with his guests at mar-a-lago with his wife, so that team is still figuring all this out. you heard karen talking about the security assessment, talking about the media access there. that's all trickling down to the trump team. they are trying to figure out their plans now for tuesday, but a lot of this information is going to end up coming from the secret service when they finish that security assessment because as we continue to say, this is completely on precedented. so this idea of having the regular security on top of having a secret service detail that is going to dictate a lot of what trump does, including media access and optics. kristen homes reporting from west palm beach. thank you, kristen on that note of this being unprecedented, let's put some context around the historic news in 1921 president warren g. harding was about to be charged in a bribery scandal. it was known as teapot dome, but he died in office
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before an indictment came down. in 1974. president nixon was destined to be charged during the watergate scandal. but he, of course resigned and then his successor, president gerald ford , later pardoned him. which brings us to today. the washington post. writing this quote, the expected prosecution of trump shatters an unwritten american political norm. and brings the united states more in line with dozens of other nations, including democracies, such as south korea, brazil, france, italy and israel. joining us now to help put this in historical context is cnn presidential historian tim naftali. he is the former director of the nixon presidential library. tim is always great to see you. um this is unprecedented. the indictment of a former american president, potentially the trial of former american president. um well, boris, the closest this country ever came. to an indictment of a
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former president was actually in uh um 19 in was in 2001. when president clinton was facing the possibility of an indictment over perjury and the special prosecutor robert ray had to be persuaded not to seek an indictment of the former president and in the last full day of bill clinton's uh, second term, his representatives and the special prosecutor then called the independent counsel came to an agreement where bill clinton admitted to having been evasive and, um, under oath of evasive and unhelpful and roll perjury. but so for us to actually experience this does represent, at least for many, a sense that we've broken the norm that somehow a former president because of the office that they once held is behind is beyond the reach of the law. but under
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our law and our constitution, it's never been the case. so donald trump is actually experiencing a power that the founders expected us to use, but which we've been reluctant to use up to now. and part of the reason that we have been reluctant to use it. for example, in the case of richard nixon is because of the politics of that gets messy and for former president ford. part of it was his desire to move the country forward after watergate compare and contrast the two situations now it doesn't seem like the country. can move forward from trump if he's obviously trying to run for another four years. well 11 of the key reasons why the special prosecutor in 1974. his name was leon dworsky did not seek an indictment was he didn't think that that richard nixon could get a fair trial because of the publicity surrounding the impeachment proceedings at the
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idea was that it would be very hard to find a jury that hadn't already come up. had that not already made up its mind about richard nixon. this case involving trump is a lot easier. because the details are not known to most americans. they may know a little bit about it, but the actual details of apparently a 2030 count indictment or not known, so it'll be a lot easier to find a fare. um, a jury of his peers. um and so that particular issue does not is not, uh, there for alvin bragg. the way it was for leon dworsky and arguably would have been for robert ray if he had sought to indict bill clinton. tim we've heard from various legal experts well respected who? obviously as you noted, this is still a sealed indictment. we don't know what the details but the experts that have connected the dots of speculated that this case has some weaknesses and it it's not exactly a slam dunk. so given that this is a very low level
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felony if trump gets convicted on it if he goes to trial to begin with and some of the other major things he could be facing the investigation into classified documents. his involvement in january 6th what's going on in fulton county , georgia, if this d a fails to get a conviction? what do you think that would do to the trust that americans have? and institutions like our justice system. well boris is a great question and there is a feeling among many of president trump's supporters that there is a conspiracy against him. if there had been some coordination of the indictments, putting the strongest one first. that would be evidence of a conspiracy. but the grand jurors of georgia and new york and perhaps washington, d. c. uh, i have to make up their own own minds on their own timetables, and they have to
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think about the law and i think it's a very it's the strength of our system that a group of ordinary citizens in new york city can indict a former president. if the president, the former president is found not guilty. that is a sign of the strength of our system. the point is, the system should look at you as an ordinary citizen, and then you'll be judged on the evidence presented by the prosecutor. the issue shouldn't be. don't bring a case. if you can't win it the present the issue should be do the grand jurors believe that a case there's a probable cause for a commission of a crime. that's how our system works. so let's not play politics. in other words, let's not say well, why didn't they go to georgia? first one? that's not how works. these three grand juries have to decide on their own. that's how our system works. and it donald trump is found not guilty. that shows the system works to the system isn't supposed to work
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only when it finds people guilty in an indictment, the system has to allow for indictments to occur when they're required and reasonable and for people to be found not guilty. when the system finds that there's not enough evidence to convict a jury to convince a jury, so there you go. that's what's at stake here. our system is being tested, but so far it looks strong. tim. unfortunately we ran out of time for my dozens of questions about teapot dome. maybe fortunately for some of appreciate your perspective. tim, thanks for the expertise. thank you, boris. my pleasure. what we're joined now by cnn's brynn jin grass. she's outside the courthouecseity measures taken by the nypd. also with us we're not oh mariotti. he is a former federal prosecutor and cnn political commentator errol louis. he is a political anchor at spectrum news. welcome all of you. so brent, let's start with
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you. what are we expecting? from the new york police? it is an unprecedented and huge tests for security. not only obviously for today. but specifically for tuesday. as of today, we heard that they were all ordered to wear their uniforms. and we've been seeing a presence here at the courthouse beyond i can tell you security teams have been walking around this building here behind me. 100 center where the arraignment will happen on tuesday, doing security measures . we actually just saw a mobile camera being installed. of course, there are lights as well , all around this building that light up at night to make sure that this area is well seen at all times and again. we're several days away from tuesday, but these measures will stay intact inside the courtroom. i think karen mentioned it there. that's floor where the arraignment will happen will has restricted access, and that's going to continue into tuesday as well. that means only certain people can be on that floor. at the moment. we're also hearing when tuesday comes, it's very possible they made stop put to a halt all other cases that are
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happening at the time of the former president's arraignment to avoid any more foot traffic in the building. just get a sense. we're talking about a new york city courthouse kind of coming to a standstill when the president comes in to make that arraignment. all these security measures continuing to have discussions between all the parties involved. we're talking nypd, the fbi secret service. the court martials here down at the courthouse. these conversations are fluid. their ongoing now also want to mention behind the scenes. of course, there's a lot that we don't know . with intelligence officials looking into the chatter that's online looking at social media chat rooms, trying to get a sense if there's going to be mobilization of people that want to come to this area between now and tuesday, or even after and create some court, some sort of chaos. of course, there is no credible threats right now. we're told by law enforcement but that is why, as you mentioned bianna, the entire nypd forces showing a presence in uniform today, able to work overtime shifts go into next shift. but you know, to work
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those extra shifts in case something should pop up. they're ready to mobilize guys. alright, bridging grass. thank you. big day there. yeah, go ahead, brianna. that would want to bring in the rest of our guests were not to let let's start with you everything clearly that this this indictment is under seal. so this is all speculation at this point. but when you hear 30 charges related to business fraud, um there's been a lot of anticipation for this moment. and yet 32 somebody sitting at home that that sounds like a lot. can you break that down for us and what that could entail? sure so, look how a case is charged is really something that , um is up to the discretion of the prosecutor they prosecutor can charge cases where they can take a fraud scheme, for example , in charge multiple instances of payments, for example, as separate counts. versus charging them as one count. there's also
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potential here that there is a there are charges not only for let's say the stormy daniels payments hush money payments that are at the center of this but also for karen macdougal. um and also potential. let's say conspiracy charges as well. so i think we have a lot of, um of leeway here that's given to prosecutors in terms of how they charged the case, which is why so many of us are are holding our breath and waiting to see what the indictment looks like one thing, i'll just caution. our viewers, though, is the number of counts while can be difficult for the defense because they have to get a jury to check not guilty 30 times, as opposed to five doesn't necessarily mean that a case is stronger or weaker. an error. i'm curious to get your perspective on the pressure that is now facing a alvin bragg. it's not just on the details and the work that he's done to focus this case. it's also at the level of congress, where top
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house republicans want him to come and testify about the case that he's built. it's a very interesting boris that the district attorney chose to fight back by issuing today's letter long overdue. by the way, there's been a lot of attempts really outrageous attempts, in my opinion and to interfere with the operation of local law and the local courts. i mean, a grand jury is just a group of citizens who are presented with information that a crime took place. it's not for jim jordans sitting in washington or anybody else. to try and interfere. get evidence, uh, intimidate the prosecutor or otherwise tamper with the process. and so the letter was well worded and very, very timely, reminding everybody that we've got a separation of powers here and congress as powerful as they may think they are, do not have the legal authority to come in and start meddling in a local case. so thankfully, we're gonna probably see sort of at least in the
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initial stages, a clean case in which we go through the regular asi jerseys where a defendant comes in, and he'll be booked and fingerprinted and we'll take what are called mug shots. front and side photos will be read his rights and so forth, and then we'll start to see the evidence will unseal the indictment will look at the evidence and will present that evidence in open court so that will all understand what is going on here. the only other thing i would say, though, boris is that this is a patail end of a ton of evidence that the trump organization's who have been found guilty repeatedly, over and over again. i mean, you know this same manhattan district attorney just got convictions, criminal convictions against the trump organization. two of the companies involved over tax fraud going back 15 years. it's not as if you know this came out of nowhere, and it is very much not just to campaign finance case it's about a company already found guilty of certain kinds of criminal behavior, doing other kinds of criminal behavior involving how they keep their records. how they keep
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their ledgers what they attest that they have and have spent and why they have spent it and you know, you can't just go around making stuff up. we're gonna really get to the bottom of all of this, but it's not the first time donald trump has faced these kind of questions. yet renato with regards to this specific case, it's worth noting that the doj decided not to pursue it. alvin brags predecessors i advance decided not to pursue it in alvin bragg recently also decided not to pursue it until he finally did. so does that make you question what specific new evidence he may have gotten hold of? yeah it does. bianna i have to say that this is the million dollar question or $64,000 question of years old as i am. remember that , um, this is really the issue here. i mean, we obviously, um, there were there were charges that might go. cohen pledged to that we're federal charges related to federal election crimes. uh regarding his hush
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money payments. the obviously while trump was president. the doj has a policy that they don't charge the city president, but there has been reporting that the southern district of new york the federal prosecutors, there did consider whether to bring charges. um after trump left office, they decided against it primarily because of concerns about the credibility of michael cohen, who, of course , has been convicted of fraud and lying to congress and you know, it is made a bit of a living since over least over the last couple of years, uh, criticizing the former president. um now, obviously, these charges are different, right? these are falsification of business records related to those payments. we don't know all the details, but i have to say that there are serious questions about the legal theory here, and there are also questions about the sufficiency of the evidence, and i think there's a lot of scrutiny that's going to come once the indictment is released. i'm withholding judgment until i've read the indictment and i understand what the evidence is.
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but i will. i do think that if this turns out to be basically the same case that we've known about for years, uh, packaged differently with state court charges. i do think there will be a lot of questions, and alvin bragg will have a difficult road ahead. cheryl i am fascinated by the response from republicans. we already talked about house republicans going after alvin bragg, but there are some key republican senators that have not said anything at all about this indictment and at least one prominent republican governor who's calling on trump to step out of the presidential race. yeah it's interesting to see the reactions of the people who are think recklessly going out there and jumping in front of cameras and demeaning the case and arguing that it's somehow politically motivated and without substance. they're really taking a chance, because , as i've mentioned, there's abundant evidence of wrongdoing within those trump organization's remember trump
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university where they had to settle for $26 million after defrauding all kinds of customers. remember that he's scheduled to go on to the trump organization is supposed to go on trial, including donald trump and his three oldest children in a civil case brought by the attorney general of new york state that's supposed to go to trial in january around the time of the iowa caucuses, the state attorney general is seeking $250 million a quarter billion dollars from the trump organization. so you know the idea that everything is pristine there and they never lie in their records, and everything is going to be fine. and this is politically motivated. i wouldn't advise any republican or any other politician to jump out there and say that everything was hunky dory in this world. because it has not been. it probably is not, and the fact of this indictment suggests that there's more they're building on the existing cases that have been brought and in some cases, one well, if
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anything is clear, this is perhaps the sorry, boris. i was gonna say this is the nail in the coffin i would imagine for donald trump's relationship with new york city. he left, he moved. it became a resident in florida, but i think this sort of signals the end of his history here in new york. renato mariotti and errol louis. thank you. well a pile of garbage. that's what one republican congressman is calling. this indictment will have more reaction from capitol hill just ahead. have you thought about your wish? i wish that shack was my real lilife. big b brother. , what's up, little bro? i'm not touching you. hearted nursing love me to the end. turns out some wishes do come true, and it turns out the general quality insurance company has been saving people money for nearly 60 years mom for a great low
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count as a dependent, right? no tax questions talking to an expert can help clear everything up. and when you file with tax act live help is easy, so you can really maximize your refund. expert help today, every stearns and foster using the finest materials like indulgent memory foam and ultra conforming inner springs for a beautiful mattress and indescribable comfort for a limited time, save $300 on select stearns and foster mattresses. republicans are racing to defend donald trump as he gets set to be arraigned next week after his historic indictment in new york city congresswoman marjorie taylor green tweeted that she plans to go to new york on tuesday, saying quote we must protest the unconstitutional which hunt. as for republican congressman barry more here is how he sees it. but
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you haven't seen any of the evidence or allegations yet. so are you jumping the gun on this? when you run and say you're gonna arrest the president, if you're elected, and then you arrest the president after you're elected and you fulfill a campaign promise it looks pretty political. so without seeing the indictment without knowing anything behind it. the motivation was there long before the evidence was so i mean, if you see the charges, and it looks serious. would you change your mind? could you could you are you open to thinking that this could possibly be a legitimate investigation? i'm open to thinking that, but i'm in the garbage business, you know, and so a lot of times i know how to spot a pile of garbage. and this thing looks like a pile of garbage. joining us now our cnn senior political analyst kirsten powers, and olivia troy, is a former adviser to former vice president mike pence. kirsten i want to start with you. um because the d a s office sent a letter to house republicans scathing and its language from the general counsel defending the alvin
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bragg. and saying that some of these top committee members calling for him to testify or acting like defense attorneys. yeah i mean, i think that they are obviously rallying around the president and or the former president, because, uh, he's still the big dog in the republican party. and this is the most predictable thing that would happen is that they would come to his defense say that it's a witch hunt without even knowing what the specific charges are. it doesn't really matter. this will always was always going to be portrayed as some sort of witch hunt by democrats. democratically appointed lawyers trying to destroy the president, and they're not going to look at the merits of the case. they're not going to consider the possibility that this indictment is valid. and of course, that you know the indictment was is the result of deliberations by people who were not elected by
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anybody, but by a jury. olivia your former boss, the former vice president was asked about this indictment last night on cnn, and he began by saying that nobody is above the law. but then, he said this the unprecedented indictment. the former president of the united states on a campaign finance issue. is an outrage. and it appears. for millions of americans. to be nothing more than a political prosecution that's driven by a prosecutor who literally ran for office on a pledge. to indict the former president. so it didn't he just contradict himself and basically described the former president as being above the law, because if it was anybody else if it were you or i were charged of the campaign finance violation things would i would imagine be different in his view. yeah, that's exactly what he did. it was actually painful to watch
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that town hall last night. i unfortunately did tune in i was hoping that he would perhaps have a moment of reflection and perhaps exhibit. leadership for the republican party, which i feel is greatly needed. but he fell right in line with the talking points that have clearly been circulated around because everyone right now appears to be on message and i was really disappointed to see someone that i worked for someone that i respected and at times i've defended undermine the judicial process while trying to claim that no one is about the law. well, which one is it? because are we a country of laws? i don't care how long ago this happened. what i care about is the fact that someone broke the law and they should be held accountable. and if we want to be that vegan of democracy around the world we need to start behaving like it. and olivia staying with you. obviously mike pence, considered a potential 2024 candidate, so
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he is trying to have it both ways, slightly criticizing donald trump, but then defending him and as you noted, um, going after the process, uh, i'm curious to get your perspective on how the other 2024 candidates and potential candidates. have addressed this. i think they're all responding in the same manner. i think they all know that they need trump space. so what? regardless of whether trump is in the picture or not, and he very much will be. that is evident regardless of where he is. i believe he'll still be in the picture. even if he's in a jail cell. he has. he himself has said that he would run no matter what happened. so here we are, and i think all of them realize that this is the base they are courting. they're telling everyone that this is who they believe the republican voters are. i disagree with that i think that there are a lot of republican voters and independents out there who are watching this and shaking their heads and wondering what happened to the party of honest
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abe lincoln and the party of reagan. is this really who we are? and so i think, you know, i think there's been one person that has actually come out and said, let's let the judicial process play out. and that's ah hutchinson so thank you. thank you. to him because that is respectful. let's see how this plays out and let's not make false accusations and spread disinformation. um and let's not encourage protestors. which is what marjorie taylor green is doing right now, right? i mean, she's doing the january 6th playbook all over again, which is what she did back then, and she's doing it right now as she sits on the homeland security committee on the hill. so you have a psa hutchinson kirsten saying, let's see where the law and follow the law and see where it takes us. and then you have someone like ron desantis, who is expected to announce that he is also running for president. and he, um, without even i think having to step in and weigh in on this just said that that he would not extradite. the
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president and thus defy the constitution if the president refused to go for this arraignment tuesday himself now that's not the case. but what do you make of the fact that he spoke out and suggested that he would in fact, do that. i think this is what they have to do that you have to if you want to run for president, which or assuming ron desantis does or you even want to stay popular with the republican base. you have to rally around donald trump. i'm just talking about the primary. i'm not talking about what happens in the general election. when you get more different kinds of republicans in the mix, but for the primary, anything less than taking the side of donald trump against the evil democrats. you have to understand this is just as much about as being against the evil democrats and their which hunts and their persecution. they have no other choice. and that's why donald
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trump is so popular is because he taps into that agreement and that so it's basically the persecuting me just the way they're persecuting you. that's sort of the message. and so that's why i think that this is actually going to end up working out pretty well for donald trump in terms of the election because he he is going to be in the news. every day is going to be the thing that everyone's talking about and all of these people, even the people who are running against him are going to be forced. first to basically say that he's being mistreated because that's what the republican base wants to hear. what what is it? the former president, trump said. i'm your retribution, right? and that sort of alluding to your argument there. kirsten powers and olivia troy. thank you. we have breaking news that we're following into cnn. the national weather service says there is a confirmed tornado moving through little rock, arkansas. we have the latest on that straight ahead. of the sizzle. this
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kids. custom ink has hundreds of products to help you feel connected. or start your design today .com cnn presents a max original heaven's gate sunday at 10 on cnn. breaking news this hour. we're following a confirmed tornado that's moving through little rock, arkansas. these images getting to the newsroom just moments ago. in the next few minutes. this tornado is expected to move through that area and we're tracking the latest from the weather service . bianna warning is in effect
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until 3 15 central daylight time. chad myers in the cnn weather center with the latest chat is exactly what you warned about just a few minutes ago with us. how bad could this be? well we know it's on the ground, and it was on the ground and moved across the river across bernes park over i 40 and very close to the airport. right now. this is the northwestern part of little rock, not particularly downtown itself. but the northwestern suburbs and we did have actually pictures of the tornado on the ground. so we do know that there was contact with the ground with this storm nearly every storm today, especially for the next few hours will have the potential to rotate. here is the next one that i'm worried about. moving toward peoria, illinois, you'll be under a tornado warning rather quickly. if you're not depending on what part of the town you're in the city will be under a tornado warning as the storm has been rotating to the southwest, and we do know i've looked at it. i've looked at the radar. there was debris in the air, which means this tornado was was picking things up from the ground. we have tornado
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watches all the way from chicago , which was our latest tornado watch all the way down into texas. this is a wide area of severe weather. today we go 12345 when it comes to risk the risk. today is five out of five. we don't get even get these every year. five out of five here and another five out of five risk down to the south near memphis. this is the area where most concerned with but if you are in the red or in the orange, you could certainly get a tornado on the ground as well. a big risk for you as well as we move this ahead until tomorrow, there will be some severe weather that could roll through all the big cities of the northeast, not tornadoes likely. but certainly the potential there is the storm that moved through little rock. it is moving very quickly. and you need to keep this in mind today, if you see or hear a warning for your town, your area, your friend. the mph. you won't have
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long before that warning gets to you directly overhead because these storms are rapidly rotating and rapidly moving as well. boris piano. chinese you mentioned getting out of the way as soon as you can. but what if you are in the path of that storm right now? and you know, it may be difficult to predict where it's going to go. any advice on what to do. they are moving in a fairly straight line right now. following the jet stream pattern, the wind moving on to the northeast from the southwest, you can easily see there from havana, right up to the river and into peoria. so these are wobbling around. these are fast moving storms. think about trying to move your steering wheel at five mph. you can do it, but you can't do much when you're moving, 60 mph. you're not going to wiggle that car very much. we're not going to wiggle these tornadoes very much you need to be in the lowest level of your home basement is obvious always preferred. but if you can get if you don't have one, get into the
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interior part of your home and away from all the windows as many walls between you and the outside is possible. a closet on the inside is always preferred than someplace. let's say upstairs if you're in an apartment complex, get to know your neighbor get downstairs, not upstairs apartment. you want to be down below. these are storms that will be so quick to form and the warnings maybe five or 10 minutes, you know, best case scenario. a 15 minute warning. that's what you need to worry about. today in a large area. it's really difficult to describe how large the area is. we were talking about chicago to texas, and many of these storms are going to be on the ground for many hours, maybe many miles in a row. we'll have to watch this. chad, and you're not one to overreact. it's rare. i see you speak with such urgency, so we urge people at home to really heed those warnings that they are getting right now from their local officials and buyers. it is thanks so much, chad myers we'll be right back. is this a call to fiber heard, but yes, it is. by killing themselves. they
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thousands of improved their online reputation. get your free reputation. report card at reputation. defender .com or call 1877866 85 55. closed captioning brought to you by meso book .com. we offer a free book on mesothelioma call for the free book and receive so much more call 1 808 31 37 100. president biden had a single message for russia about its detainment of the american journalist. even gersh devic. let him go. the president says he has no immediate plans to expel russia's ambassador to the us, though, nor any russian journalists working in the united states as a response. but leaders of more than 30 news organizations around the world signed a letter demanding the wall street journal's reporters release. lawyers for the paper have not been able to see him and nsc spokesman john kirby
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told me that us officials have also been denied access. we have not been able to achieve consular access and away from our embassy has been able to meet with him. we are continuing to work on that, of course, and will until we can get that consular access to ascertain for ourselves how how he's doing and make sure that we have that connection. this is not the time for americans to be in russia. if you're in russia now, whether it's on business or leisure, whatever kind of travel you need to leave now, this is not a good place for you to be in russia, even if you are a working journalist, russia is a is a hostile environment for american citizens right now, and it's time to go if you're there. the wall street journal's editorial board released an op ed denouncing the arrest and russia's claim that evan gorshkov itches a spy. it said in part, the fsb could have expelled him long ago. if it really believed he is a spy. the timing of the arrest looks like a calculated provocation to embarrass the u. s and intimidate the foreign press.
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still working in russia, mr gorshkov itches. arrest comes days after his byline was on a revealing in widely read dispatch documenting the decline of the russian economy. the kremlin doesn't want that told. joining me now is david whelan, the brother of american paul whelan, who was currently detained in russia. david thank you so much for joining us. i really long for the day when we get to join each other on better news in your brother being home that having been said your fight continues, and i wonder what went through your mind when you heard of yet another american. who was effectively kidnapped in russia. i was terribly disappointing. just immediately imagine what he must be going through being put into the ford of a what his family is going through, experiencing the same thing that we did four years ago and really a little bit of disappointment that the us government still isn't an imposition where they can successfully deter the kremlin from arresting americans and charging them with espionage. you mentioned your brother is in
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lefortovo a as well. and that is a notorious prison. just give our viewers again a sense of what life has been like for him and how he's doing right now. he was in the cordova for about 18 months. it's a it's a and awful existence. i've heard that the pretrial detention centers in moscow now are about 20 to 25% overcapacity, so i can't even imagine what it would be like now for mr covic. paul's been in a labor camp for the last two years, and we learned today that he was moved suddenly yesterday to a medical facility. he doesn't have any medical issues, but it sounds like the ministry of defense's again recruiting in the prisons for, uh, conscripts to go to the ukraine war. this is a terrible club that you and now evans family have joined as well. and that is those family members who are seeking the release of the wrongfully detained loved ones in russia and another places around the world. what is your message
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right now to evans family? and what would you tell them to do in the days ahead? and should they be publicly out there speaking the way the way you have been i couldn't advocate for a family to make that choice . i think that's a choice that only the family would have the information to know whether that was in their best interests are in the interests of their loved one to do. um i hope that they are resilient and i hope that they are able to retain hope. um because if they're going to have to go through the it's been 51 months, 1550 days for paul and for our family, uh, it can take a real toll on your family on on your resources, and so i hope that they are able to withstand it. you said that that you're disappointed that the administration isn't doing enough to prevent these types of events from happening. you heard what the wall street journal said, and they believe that the united states should expel russian diplomats and russian journalists. the president was asked whether he would do that today. and he said, no. what do
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you think about that? i thought that was a remarkably, uh, poor insight by the wall street journal's editorial board. uh expelling diplomats is not going to help mr gorshkov it and it's not gonna help my brother. we need to have people in moscow who can advocate for them and provide counselors support. i think the u. s government thanks to president biden's executive order from july 2021 should have the tools to start to engage in deterrence against ronald. attention's uh and i think that they need to move more quickly to have those well, listen, i just want you to know that when i spoke with john kirby, he said that there are still a priority for them to get your brother home as well. and so we will continue to cover this and talk to you and really, really pray for his release as well as evans now as well. david whelan. thank you. thank you. we'll be on a it was lovely to spend the week with you. a pleasure as always,
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stay tuned. don't go anywhere because the lead with jake tapper starts after this short break. m my most important kitcn tool, my brain, so i chohoose doriva plus, unlike some others , plus is a multitasker supporting six key indicators of brain health. help. keep me sharp, areva think bigger. have you thought abt your wish? i wish tha shack was my real life. big brher. aw, what's up, little bro? i'm not touching you. hearted nursing. turns out some wishes do come true. and it turns out the general quality insurance company has been saving people money for nearly 60 years mom for a great low rate in nearly 60 years of quality coverage, make the right call and go with the general covid is still out there and so are you and you could be out there with fading protection, but an updated vaccine
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