tv CNN Newsroom CNN April 5, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT
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because hundreds of what they called rioters and mosque desecrate ear's barricaded themselves inside in a violent manner and quote fireworks hurled stones and cause damage. the authorities arrested more than 300 people during the incident, palestinian red crescent saying at least two dozen palestinians were injured. israeli police say two of their officers were also wounded. the holy sites behind me are known as the al aqsa mosque compound, or haram al sharif, the third holiest sites in islam. you can actually hear the call to prayer going on right now, but it's also known as temple mount to jews, and it's the holiest site in judaism. now there is a status quo that governs these holy sites, and he is really police entering the al aqsa mosque. which is this building right here with the black roof behind me that is considered a violation of the status quo and then not only them entering, but then them entering in the way they did firing stun grenades and rubber bullets that brought it to a whole other level. egypt
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jordan and saudi arabia have denounced israel for what happened, the jordanian foreign minister, saying the world must clearly condemned the attack. shortly after the raid rockets were fired from gaza into israel , the militant group hamas, saying israel's actions in jerusalem wouldn't go unanswered. the israeli military said it had struck hamas weapons sites in gaza in response. and the u. s officer. palestinian affairs says that violence has no place in a holy site and during the holy season calling for restraint and de escalation , guys, there's a lot of concern. this will spiral even further in just the last few minutes. the idea of says two more rockets were actually attempted fire from gaza into israel. they didn't cross the border. but as we speak, we can say that it is calm at the al aqsa mosque compound where islamic authorities say 20,000 worshippers. are praying at this very moment, guys. i had asked gold. appreciate it. thank you. this is cnn breaking news. it is
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a top of a very busy hour on cnn newsroom hello, everyone. i'm bianna, golodryga and america hill breaking news for you right now. former vice president mike pence will not appeal a judge's decision that would require him to testify to the grand jury about trump's actions leading up to the january 6th insurrection . cnn's katelyn polantz joining us now with this breaking news, kaitlin what more do we know what specifically is the former vice president saying. well. this announcement today comes from in a spokesman for former vice president mike pence. and he is saying that trump i'm sorry the pence will comply with a subpoena that he received from january 6th investigators based out of washington, calling him to the grand jury operating out of the federal court. here they are wanting to ask him about conversations he had with donald trump from the election on the whole way leading up to january . 6th at that time that donald trump was putting pressure on my pence. to try and block the
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election. a crucial piece of what the special counsel's office is looking into, as they're investigating january 6th now the way we got here is that there had been an unprecedented subpoena of the former vice president testify about the president that he served under and initially there had been to court challenges over this. donald trump had tried to challenge and mike pence had also tried to challenge in court. this subpoena. we know that the judge ruled essentially that they but that he needed to show up and testify that donald trump couldn't claim any secrecy around the presidency over their conversations and also that mike pence would not be able to not give testimony he would need to go into that grand jury. now pence did win a little bit here, and he in his statement today is underlining how the principle prevailed that he had argued in court that the vice president can be covered by constitute constitutional protections for members of congress because he
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was acting as the presiding officer over the senate on january 6th. but even so, at the end of the day, the announced mint is that pence is not going to appeal the judge's decision, saying he must go testify and thus he is agreeing to do that, as required by law. he says trump could also try and appeal some things. but he keeps losing in court every time he has tried to block testimony in this criminal investigation. we don't exactly know when pence is going to go into the grand jury, but the special counsel's office has been very aggressive in getting witnesses in and right now, mike pence is going to be a key witness. yeah. we've been waiting for this decision. we've been told by people around him that he will make the decision soon. and now we know that he will not be appealing this judge's ruling and that he will be testifying to at least some of his actions. not on what he did on january. 6th. he views that as a victory, but on any conversations that he had with the former president, the days leading up to it.
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katelyn polantz keep us posted on any developments specifically on timing when you get them. in the meantime, we want to take you to california, where house speaker kevin mccarthy is giving remarks alongside taiwan's president sigh after holding a meeting together, let's listen. we will honor our obligations and reiterate our commitment to our shared values. behind which all americans are united. today was a bipartisan meeting. republicans and democrats united together in a place that symbolizes freedom. and the commitment. and the bond. it's only become stronger. the president with us today. president side two. speaker mccarthy. french. i am delighted to visit the ronald reagan presidential library once again. this time was speaker mccarthy
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distinguished members of the congress. i want to thank speaker mccarthy for his warm hospitality. and for his invitation. two bipartisan congressional leaders. who have taken time out of their busy schedules. to join us today. their presence. and i'm wavering support. reassure the people of taiwan. that we are not isolated. and we are not alone. it is especially fitting for us to meet here. to pay tribute. to a distinguished american precedent and world leader. a man who also played a crucial role. in partnership with the u. s. congress. in protecting and fortifying. us taiwan relations
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at the time of changing diplomatic realities. president reagan's six assurances of 1982 on top of the landmark taiwan relations act passed by the congress. leader foundation for a strong and unique partnership. both over. for decades. during which we have maintained peace. and promoted prosperity. and welcome the event. of taiwan's democracy. however. it is no secret that today. the piece that we have maintained. enter democracy, which have worked hard to build. facing precedented challenges. we once again find ourselves in the world where democracy is understanding. and the urgency
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of keeping the beacon of freedom shining cannot be understated. president reagan president reagan. said it best. freedom. it's never more than one. generation away from extinction. it must be fought for and defended constant really by each generation. in the discussion with congressional leaders this morning. i re iterated taiwan's commitment to defending the peaceful status quo. where the people of taiwan may continue to thrive in a free and open society. i also highlighted believe which president reagan champions. that to preserve peace. we must be strong. i
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would like to add that we're stronger when we are together. for this. i also express our deepest gratitude on behalf of the taiwanese people. two members of the congress on both ill on both sides of the aisle. a number of initiatives that have helped to make taiwan and i'll partnership stronger. specifically initiatives in the rooms of enhancing taiwan's self defense capable of chase. fostering robust trade and economic ties between us and supporting taiwan's meaningful participation in the international community. also have to seek or shared interest in peace and prosperity. across the indo pacific. taiwan.
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strives to be a reliable partner to the world. a cornerstone for stability. in the region. and the force for good. there is saying in the confucian analysts that is one who is virtuous. we're not stand alone. in our efforts to protect our way of life. taiwan is grateful to have the united states of america but all the side we confront the unique challenges. of our time. let us be mindful of the principles that have forged of great partnerships and bear in my lessons. president reagan's during like a c. once again thank you, speaker mccarthy. for your warmth. and for your friendship. thank you to all our
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friends in congress. for standing by taiwan. thank you. and there you heard there a little bit from super mccarthy and, of course from presidents, either talking about the appreciation for the unwavering support, noting we're stronger when we are together. we had heard, of course, from our report. there would not be questions back with us now. will ripley joining us from taipei, taiwan, phil mattingly is at the white house. will that message that was delivered there anything surprising in those words to you? not surprising, but i you know, as someone who's interviewed sign when and who knows how well prepared. she is. how much thought she puts into every word that she speaks. how careful she is not to say anything that could cross a line that could, you know, push beijing or give beijing an excuse to go further than they
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already are going with their military activities near this island. this is a this is truly the pinnacle, i would say of her of her two term presidency. she has worked over the last almost eight years. now she's entering the last year for second term to elevate taiwan's international status and to tell the story of taiwan and taiwan's democracy. a lot of people don't realize that taiwan's democracy is only 27 years old. it actually you know, came to fruition in 1996 after decades of a brutal dictatorship under the u. s ally. a dictator shanghai shek, who was the losing side of china's civil war , you know they were they were throwing some of the people some of the politicians in signing wen's party who are now in control. they were throwing them in jail for having these underground meetings and accusing them of plotting against the government. taiwan went from that to now a young, vibrant democracy with a thriving economy producing, you know, more than 60% of the world's ah, you know, advanced
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microchips having relationships , albeit informal ones with some of the most powerful democracies in the world. and none, of course, more important to taiwan in the united states because of this bipartisan support and also the billions of dollars in the sale of defensive weapons in the event that china did try to invade, so they have signed when standing there right now, with kevin mccarthy side by side that legitimacy it is a huge win for sai and her party, the dpp after they lost the local elections to a another party, the kmt, which is viewed to be pro beijing, in fact, incidentally, the former president of taiwan and kmt official mayan joe. he was invited by china during signing one's time that she's transiting through the united states. because because china is hoping that in the presidential elections size party will lose, which is very much moving towards the united states. and this other party that can t could win, which might bring
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beijing closer government that they feel that they can work with, even though even the kmt cannot support what she jinping has stated is inevitable, which is that china will someday control this island. you know, they talk about hong kong, one country, two systems. people in taiwan watched what happened in hong kong and a growing number of people. certainly young people here not only don't identify as chinese, but are absolutely unwilling to accept a chinese takeover without a fight , and that's why people are taking self defense classes and they've expanded the military conscription or the process of doing that, so people instead of serving for a couple of months are going to have to serve compulsory military service for a year in taiwan is bracing itself. for the worst, but they're hoping that this relationship with the united states and discussions and plans about how to prevent a chinese invasion will deter she jinping will make him think that it's going to be just too problematic to try to invade taiwan that said china undoubtedly probably
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will show some sort of military display. as a result of this. the question is, though, how far they're going to push it, they they have their own diplomatic headaches to worry about, and they have the french president and the eu commission president. in beijing right now, what would she overshadow? you know that diplomacy and potentially potentially further alienate the west over this issue of this meeting in california? we don't know because china is so completely non transparent. when it comes to these sort of things, it's going to be anyone's guess what the military and what beijing does, and we know that president macron is hoping to pressure president xi two to use his influence over vladimir putin to bring it into this war. obviously that didn't happen when president macron attempted that same diplomacy with vladimir putin in the months leading up to the war. i want to get to phil mattingly on that point, because phil, we heard president side earlier in the first leg of her trip, mentioned in a speech in new york again this trip, they're calling a transit stop in the
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united states on their way to central america say that russia's invasion of ukraine was a wake up. call to the country. they increase their military budget. it's about $20 billion. still uh, fraction of what china's budget is. but where does the united states stands specifically filled with regards to this meeting? i know the language out of the white house has been not to overreact for china. it was notable that there were no questions. hmm during this pressure between the two, but how is the white house viewing this meeting? yeah, i think that the most public messaging has certainly been directed towards beijing and making very clear that this should not be viewed as out of the norm. that shouldn't be viewed as something that should drive any kind of escalation and that they want to maintain open lines of communication, something that's also been communicated behind the scenes at the highest levels as well. but there is a reality here, and that is one that this has happened before, and there's always a balancing act between whatever the current us
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administration is attempting to convey publicly as it relates. of the bilateral relationship with china and the reality of where bipartisan lawmakers in a large swath of them at that stand on this issue and have stood on this issue, and i think the momentum behind taiwan or behind assistance toward taiwan, both on the economic and defense side of things for self defense purposes, has only grown in recent years, and i think in large part, you know it's interesting will and what you guys were talking about in relation to russia's invasion of ukraine. there's not a person inside this administration you talked to. that doesn't view what's happening in ukraine through the lens of what that may mean for china and taiwan. how that may shift or maybe drive any calculations in the future made by by xi jinping and china. military leaders are certainly discussing that in publicly in public more so in private administration officials are as well, i think all of that. kind of converges into this very unsettled moment, unsettled just on a simple bilateral basis between the us
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and china for any number of reasons that have escalated tension over the course of the last several years, but certainly on this issue specifically when military leaders go to capitol hill, they say in public forums that conflict is seems to be coming to some degree that certainly they are planning for that. certainly, they are aware of that reality. and i think what's been most interesting. when you talk to white house officials is publicly they make clear that shouldn't be viewed as escalatory. no administration officials are meeting with the taiwanese president or anybody in her delegation while they're here, but they also acknowledge the reality of lawmakers get to do what they want to do in this issue. they certainly consult with administration officials, and it's not just speaker kevin mccarthy. this is a bipartisan delegation. the president size meeting with in california. she met with the house democratic leader hakeem jeffries. in new york. she met with bipartisan groups of senators as well. and so that balancing act that dynamic at a very, very tenuous moment from a geopolitical perspective is something the administration has attempted to balance and certainly is aware
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could lead to some type of escalation in the days ahead. their biggest question right now is a what would that be and be. they hope it's kind of contained to some degree and not reflective of what they saw in the wake of speaker nancy pelosi's visit last year. be interesting to say we'll be watching for all of it. phil will i know you both will keep us updated as well. appreciate it. the family of the 17 year old shot and killed by park police officer is now speaking out what they're saying about the body camera footage that's been released. that's next and an arrest may be imminent. in the murders of three teenagers in central florida stay with us. my most impoportant kitchen too, my brain choose areva plus, unlike some others, areva plus is a multitasker supporting six key indicators of brain health. keep me sharp, areva think bigger. mm. hmm. love is bigger
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disturbing, and it all began after police responded to reports of a stolen vehicle last month, officers say they found 17 year old delaney. oh, martin, asleep inside. and then approached the vehicle they say to try to pull him out. at one point. the video does show a parks police officer jump into the back seat before the vehicle suddenly drives off. but. don't move. don't move. don't move. stop. something out. stop! oh, shoot. seconds later, the vehicle crashes into a nearby home. officers then pulled martin out, called for medical assistance and began doing chest compressions. let's bring in
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cnn's sunlen serfaty for more on this someone the family of the teen and is now speaking out. what are they saying? the family is devastated by this video, they say, just opens up many more questions they have about the circumstances of his death. like why did the officer get in the car? why did he stay in the car? and they referenced this a few times a specific portion of the video of the body cam video where the police had this long discussion outside the car while he slept inside, and they're discussing ways to get into the car and how to arrest him and at one point how metropolitan d c police officer specifically says to the others. if he flees. let him go. and they're questioning why that did not happen, and they feel that this deadly interaction that ensued was in their words, murder and his mom spoke very emotionally today. just a few hours ago here in d. c about how she wants the officers identified, prosecuted in ultimately fired. here's what she had to say. my son. she's still be here. but instead the
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officers i want all the offices punished for all their roles. this pain hurts so bad. i just want justice for my son. and i need the officer to be locked up all of them that played the role. now. none of the officers involved have been identified either by police police agencies in the park place. they still have not even confirmed the status of the officer who shot martin, the mpd. they have launched their own investigation . and as you said today, the fbi and justice department did open a civil rights investigation, they say quote from the u. s attorney's office in coordination with the fbi, washington field office, the united states attorney's office. um they have opened a civil
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rights investigation into the circumstances leading to mr martin's death. that investigation which we are committed to conducting diligently and thoroughly is ongoing. so a lot many more questions here today. of course , bianna and erica so much to still learn about this incident that happened in d. c last month. yeah absolutely. someone appreciate the update. thank you. well investigators in florida say an arrest is imminent in the shooting deaths of three teenage friends and marion county. the first victim , 16 year old leila silver nail was found shot on the side of the road last thursday. she later died at the hospital from critical conditions. the next morning, deputies found the body of her friend, a 17 year old boy who had also been shot in the days later, authorities found a third body, the body also for friend found inside a vehicle that had been partially submerged in a body. of water. cnn's carlos suarez joining us now. so what are investigators saying about this case and how
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things are connected? well erica and bianna investigators say that they have been able to identify several suspects in this case, but they did not want to say exactly when they believe they're going to be making an arrest a team of about 15 detectives since this case got underway last week. as you all said, the bodies of these three teens were found last thursday, friday and saturday. the only team that's been identified so far has been 17 16 year old rather leila silver nail. it's important to note that the third of body that was found in that car submerged in that body of water, we're told belonged to silver nail. the sheriff's office just earlier this afternoon. told us they give us an update on this investigation again. they don't believe that there are any more victims out there and a large part of why they decided to provide. some of this information is because there has been some concern in
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marion county that the sheriff's officer might be dealing with a serial killer. the town that we're talking about in marion county is relatively small. it's only about 1000 2500 people, and it's about a 90 minute drive north of orlando. the sheriff's office came out and said, look, we are now. looking at any more possible victims were not looking for a serial killer here. in fact, we have identified the folks that we believe are responsible for this , and we hope to make an arrest soon. here now is what the sheriff told us earlier today. where we are. there was still working on a lot of leads that are coming in going through a lot of digital and forensic evidence at this time we do have some leads good leads into a couple of suspects. that hopefully will lead us to an arrest. alright erica and bianna . the sheriff's office tells me they are looking into the possibility that at least one of
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these teenagers may have been involved in some sort of gang activity and that the others were not aware of it. so tragic . well it must be reassuring for the community there that know to know that that arrest may be imminent now. carlos suarez. thank you. former vice president mike pence, says he will not fight a subpoena to appeal before to appear before the federal grand jury investigating donald trump's actions leading up to the january 6th attack on the capital. we'll talk about it with our legal analyst norm isn't up next? i g got into debt in college and no matter r how much i paid followowed me everywhere. so i've consolidated it into a low rate personal loan from sophie alone with low fixed rates and borrow up to 100 k so far to get your moy right, ever better disruption hits your supply chain and writer. make sure you're everelivering freight brokera to transportation management capacity and dedicated trucks and drivers. the abbot pandemic
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with joy. bird free design services at joy bird .com will ripley off pearl harbor, hawaii on the uss mississippi. and this is cnn. continuing to follow the breaking news that we brought you at the top of the hour. former vice president mike pence we have learned, will not appeal a judge's decision that requires him to testify to the grand jury about trump's actions leading up to the january 6th insurrection . as for when that testimony could happen, we do not yet have a date for that grand jury appearance back with us is norm eisen. he is a cnn legal analyst and was the house judiciary special counsel in trump's first impeachment trial. norm what is your reaction to this decision not to appeal this ruling by the judge. and how soon do you think we could actually hear or find out that he went to speak before the grand jury? i think the judge's ruling was correct. so i welcome the former vice president's decision not to appeal it. the judge made clear
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, although we don't have the actual ruling, it's under seal. but based on cnn's reporting, the judge made a distinction when it comes to the vice president everything before january 6th when he was acting in his vice presidential role as part of the executive branch, not protected by speech and debate. some january 6th conduct , for example, when the vice president was acting as the president of the senate presiding over the january 6th meeting of congress that is covered by speech or debate protections, which say in the constitution, you can't question a participant in congress. for any speech or debate on the floor in congress. so it's a good decision, and i think pants saw that it was a good decision. he got some protection, and now he's going to appear as for when nobody knows nobody knows. but,
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boy, wouldn't we love to know? so as we wait for that one of the things that stood out to me in the statement that we got from a spokesperson for the former vice president, he notes that he has sworn oath to support and defend the constitution and his claim that the and hear the words that stood out to me. norm quote biden special counsels unprecedented subpoena the fact that the former vice president in as beyond, and i were discussing what feels like fairly trumpian language. call this the biden special counsel. obviously words are chosen for a reason. important to note. this is actually not the current president's special counsel. no, it's not. ah it's a far cry from that political jab that is beneath the dignity of vice president pence. it was such a hero on january 6th, but it's a far cry from that to the kind of ah! ah flamboyant trumpian and dangerous. ah rhetoric that we
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saw last night in the mar-a-lago . uh remarks still, um, this represents the rule of law. i wish the vice president hadn't said that. i wish mr pence hadn't resisted. this subpoena, i will say in terms of timing, jack smith has been moving extremely quickly. on both of his cases, the mar-a-lago documents katelyn polantz. and he's been getting a lot of positive rulings and in his favor as well, norm is there any legal avenue that former president trump can take or attempt to take now to potentially sort of last minute emergency way? block? former vice president from testifying now that he's agreed to. um uh, the prospects of doing that our remote whatever the debate about
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the vice president's protection under this speech or debate clause of the constitution that he can't be questioned when he's for example, sitting in the chair as the president uh of the senate presiding officer. donald trump has no such protection. so i don't think donald trump has standing. we call it to raise these claims. i suppose he could try a last minute executive privilege claim just as a desperate, stalling tactic. he's lost. all of those. i don't know . those claims may have been waived already because they weren't raised sooner. we're a little handicapped and knowing the contours because we don't have these grand jury related rulings there under seal, but we do know this. donald trump doesn't have a legal leg to stand on. so if he tries something at this point, he's doomed to fail. norm eisen appreciate you joining us. thank you. well donald trump's next
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court appearance in his federal felony criminal trial is not until december. 4th meantime, the former dormant at trump tower, who was mentioned in the unsealed charging documents, is now speaking out for the first time, saying he was in complete shock to learn that he was actually cited in the case. cnn's kara scannell joining us now with more on this. what helps is he saying kara? yes our colleague mj. lee spoke to the former dormant of trump world tower who was included in the statement of facts here, and he told her that he was in complete shock by his inclusion in this and that he was never contacted by the district attorney's office. now they're not required to do that, and they used him as an example of a pattern to say that the former president was involved in this so called catch and kill deals to stop negative stories from going public before. the 2016 presidential election, and the way that they use this year is that the
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national enquirer who is part of, you know, run by david pecker at the time, donald trump's longtime friend, they say that he paid the storm in his company paid the doorman $30,000 so he wouldn't go public with an allegation that he knew that trump had fathered a child with a former housekeeper. now cnn has never verified that allegation. to be true, but in order to stop it from going public am i paid the doorman $30,000 and prosecutors saying that's one of several payments that they made, including the one to the former playboy model. karen mcdougal, who story they bought and she never went public with her allegation of a long time affair with the former president. and also, of course, the stormy daniel payment. that was the $130,000 payment that michael cohen had facilitated to stormy daniels. and that's really the heart of this case because the 34 charges are focused on the false shil or the false business records that were involved in the reimbursement of those payments through checks and faulty invoices to michael cohen. all right, harris canal bringing us this latest development. thank you. three
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tennessee lawmakers are now facing expulsion. from the other side of the aisle. why because they participated in a protest to end gun violence. stay tuned for those details. divided tonight on cnn prime time. following former president trump's h historic arrest anand arraignment. pamela brown examines t the facts in the indictment and trump's next legal moves. cnn primetime tonight at nine. oh, miss flores pet wrangler to becoming ay and impossible. tional university is here to support all of you. national university supporting the whole you this is a keepsake frame. this is actually a photo from my wedding. i'm adam weiss , founder and ceo of keeps saying the mobile app that makes it easy to have your photos
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this week. the protests, of course, coming in the wake of that deadly school shooting in nashville. a vote on the expulsion has been called for tomorrow, with republicans claiming the three lawmakers engaged in quote, disorderly behavior. jake tapper joins us now. and jake, this is quite controversial. i know. you know you're going to speak with one of the democrats who faces expulsion, and that's representative justin pearson. that's right. state representative pearson was just elected this year. he's 28 years old. he represents parts of memphis. and look, i mean, this was a moment of one could say civil civil disobedience. it certainly was disruptive. i would not call it violent in any way, shape or form. but the three democratic state representatives you know, joined protesters and said, no action, no peace. at that point, the house speaker cameron sexton, had them removed by state troopers. on monday, they were stripped of their committee assignments. and then tomorrow
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there will be a vote on whether or not they should be stripped and expelled from the state house of representatives. the speaker compared their actions, believe it or not. to the violence, the deadly violence we saw in january 6th saying, quote what they did today was equivalent at least equivalent, maybe worse, depending on how you look at it, doing an insurrection at the capitol, and obviously, one can have opinions about what happened at the tennessee state house. but it bears absolutely no resemblance to what happened on january 6th. no it's certainly doesn't think it raises a lot of questions for people to in terms of was it a disturbance where they're also free speech rights involved? i know part of this is tied to that state's constitution as well, jake really fascinating. looking forward to that interview. thank you. thanks so much, guys good to see you. and of course, you can catch that interview on the lead with jake tapper, which starts right here at the top of the hour. today a judge ruled the dominion can force the murdochs to testify in the defamation trial against fox news have the latest details ahead.
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sore muscles. absolutely free text g a r d n +2231231. i'm ben wedeman in eastern ukraine. this is cnn. well, this just in a judge has ruled that dominion voter systems can force fox executives rupert and lachlan murdoch to testify on the witness stand in the defamation lawsuit that's set to start this month. cnn senior media reporter oliver darcy joining us now and monitoring today's hearing. so what? what more has transpired at that point, that's a pretty big development and it's something we expected. fox however, did not want rupert and lachlan murdoch to testify at this at this trial that's set to start just really next week with jury selection. but the judge was never really buying the excuses and today basically said
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you know if dominion wants rupert and lachlan murdoch to testify, which they do, he's not going to stop it, and he's going to compel their testimony. and so i think we can say with a pretty good degree of certainty at this point that they are going to be forced to take the stand in this trial unless there is a last minute minutes, settlements between now and really, uh, later this month when it starts from the murdochs , we could see some prominent executives and anchors take the stand as well. fox says that they're prepared to have them testify. who can we expect to see be a very high wattage trial . you're going to have some of the marquee stars over at fox. take the stand. it seems like tucker carlson, sean hannity, maria bartiromo. some of the top names over at fox. the network is saying that they're ready to allow them to take the stand in this trial, and so it's going to be really quite something because they're going to have dominion. cross examining these people, and they're going to ask about what they thought about
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trump's election lies and we know from their private messages that most of these people do not believe them. they really trashed them behind the scenes, but the network allowed them to take hold, and it's going to be very uncomfortable to say the least. for fox news over the next over the 5 to 6 weeks. this is in trial. when is it going to begin its so jury selection starts on thursday next thursday. and then the trial is set to start april 17th and i should know it's always possible. a lot of lawyers expected that this settles somehow before we get to the april 17th trial date. but it hasn't yet and i have talked about this for a long time. every time i feel like you're on we say, are they going to settle? are they not at this point? is there any indication or any reason? seems like dominion wants nothing more than for this to go to trial. i mean , there was so they they think fox was throwing a few hell mary's maybe. and so witness that there is a motion for summary judgment. basically, fox asked. the judge to declare them the winner before trial. the judge said no. and so the last,
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you know, real event before a trial as jury selection, so maybe they think they can get some favorable jurors on the trial on the you know for the trial, but hard to see. fascinating over. thank you. you know what else is fascinating. what's that? having spent these two hours with my good friend erica hill going to do it again next week, two of us, but for now, let's move on to the lead with jake tapper. you see what i did there? did you need to deliver new apps fast using the services you want in the clouds of your choice. with flexible multi cloud services that enable digital innovation and enterprise control. vm ware helps you innovate and grow. you didn't le this strong this long to get put on the shelf like a porcelain doll. but one out of two women over 50 will suffer a fracture from osteoporosis. you should know you can build new bone with a vanity for postmenopausal women with osteoporosis at high risk for fracture. ask your doctor if
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