tv CNN Tonight CNN April 5, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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promotional products from four imprint dot com imprint for certain. cnn news central tomorrow at nine eastern. closed captioning brought to you by invent help. call 1 807 100020 invention idea but don't know what to do. next call invent help today they can help you get started with your idea. call now. 807 100020. the next hearing in donald trump's hush money criminal case is not until december. 4th that's eight months away. but there is a trial involving donald trump coming up much sooner this month . in fact, on april 25th donald trump goes on trial here in new york for the battery and definition of e jean carroll. she's a former columnist and magazine writer. she alleges that donald trump raped her in a new york department store dressing room in the mid 19 nineties. here's what she told me about that incident just a few years ago. the minute he
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closed that door. i was banged up against the wall. he slammed you against the wall. i hit my head really hard boom. i was stunned, right? and then he tried to kiss me, which was it was so hard, but so my reaction was to laugh. to knock off the erotic whatever he had going on, because the man when you laugh at him, he's like, no, you know, he just went at it. and when you say went at it you know, i mean, my tights. and, uh, it was a fight it was. i want women to know that i did not stand there. i did not freeze. i was not paralyzed, which is a reaction that i could have had because it's so shocking. no, i fought carol sued trump after he posted on social media last year that her accusation is a hoax and a lie and writing quote this woman is not my type. we have a lot to discuss with my new panel here. we have mr maris. she's a defense and trial attorney. we
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also have john hart, former communications director for senator tom coburn, lauren leader is a political analyst and jessica washington is senior reporter for the group. great to have all of you here. misty as our attorney. what do you think of this case? i mean, let me just start by saying that because i think we've all been consumed with what the manhattan d a is doing. and with the stormy daniels saying, i think that we've given short shrift to this e. jean carroll all case which she has been talking about for years and now and we will talk about that, and that will be next. but in terms of the case, tell us what we need to know this case is really been overlooked in light of everything else that's going on. but i've been following this case very closely. so what? here's what we have. we have a defamation case and the defamation case is that donald trump went and said she's a liar. she's mentally ill. this is a hoax. all of these defamatory statements will now there's also another claim. it is an adult survivors act claim that is for the underlying battery, which is the alleged
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rape. so in general, look, this case goes back to the nineties. she's the plaintiff. this is a civil case, so she has to prove this case by a preponderance of the evidence. that's very, very difficult when you go back so far in time, and this is a new statute in the york so we're looking back to these older cases. let me ask you. why is it battery, not rape, so that's the in a civil charge in a civil case, it's going to be battery in a criminal case, it would be rape. but look, there's some evidence that's going to come into the courtroom. in an evidentiary decision that just came down. there's going to be two other women who claimed to be survivors in similar circumstances with donald trump , the judge says. that's going to come in both of those instances where he isolated them and did the exact same thing. same type of thing this is coming in is what's called propensity evidence and another one. the old access hollywood tape that's coming in to show that he, in his own words has touched women without their
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consent in the past, so the scales have really changed from what is usually a big hole for the plaintiff to having some corroborating evidence on their behalf. so i'm really interested to see how this plays out. allison you're right to point out that we should be paying more attention to this case, and i've been saying this for weeks, actually, and we talked about it a little bit when i was here last time. i mean, it is profoundly important when you look at sort of what is happening in donald trump's world this week, and the number of cases that involve abuse of women fundamentally that are closing in around him right. the stormy daniels case ultimately was about him trying to silence women and going to extraordinary lengths to cover up to the public. his abominable behavior and treatment of women, especially right after the access hollywood case, and then in the same month, you've got jean carroll's incredibly important case. and you know you really have to feel for jean carroll because she has had everything working against her. in trying to bring this case. she's been at this for decades, and it is thanks to this survivors act in new york that there isn't even an opening for
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her, and that also speaks to the number of people women children , etcetera who've had sexual assault cases experiences in their lives, and it has taken them years to be able to talk about it, and it was an incredibly important legal precedent in new york. that allows these cases to go forward so we should not be overlooking this. it's important and one of the women that misty was just talking about that's going to be allowed to be. part of this trial is a woman named jessica leeds. she's not accusing donald trump of rape, but she does say that he groped her on a plane. so here's what she told anderson in 2016. he was grabbing my breasts and trying to turn me towards him and kissing the then after a bit, that's when his hands started going. i was wearing a skirt and his hands started going towards my knee and up my skirt. his hands were everywhere actually kiss you. yeah. on the face on the lips
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wherever you could find a landing spot. i'm jessica. more than a dozen women over the years have accused donald trump of some kind of sexual misconduct. it is truly horrifying, and i think what eugene carroll said is not outside of the pale of what we've heard from these other accusations in a previous job that i had part of what i was doing was keeping track of trump's allegation the allegations against trump all the credible ones. and you just kept hearing patterns that were so similar so we can talk about the politics of this at a certain point, but we also just have to say this is someone who was a former u. s president who is now a presidential candidate and has this many accusations and the fact that it hasn't moved. the needle in some ways is also really concerning john your thoughts. look, i think it's perilous for republicans to reflexively support donald trump and defend him. you know, members of congress were elected to the house of representatives, not the house of defense
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attorneys, and the response they should give to these allegations is to say that's where trump's defense attorneys to handle. he deserves due process, but republicans should focus on their agenda the same day he was indicted. the house passed. hr one, the lower energy cost act, which is the republican vision for how to how to do energy innovation, how to help the climate had helped the economy grow, and that's what republicans ought to be focused on there, not i mean, you hear them. i mean, they want they want to be wagons they want to be, i suppose, but i mean, it's hard to see that when they as you point out, yes, of course. reporters asked them questions about this. so i understand that they wouldn't want necessarily that to be their first order of business. however they're not distancing themselves from donald trump. well not enough are but but, you know, look the house if you took a private poll of republicans, vast you from supermajority would rather be talking about hr one. they don't want to be talking about donald trump and the more members make courageous decisions to not defend him, the easier it's
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going to be and the more they're going to be rewarded politically for doing that. republicans have a very serious woman problem, and they've had a serious woman problem for the last three election cycles, and that is by aligning themselves with donald trump. they have alienated suburban women voters who have voted aggressively against them for now, three cycles and have handed a huge number of elections. the democrats and the problem with you know the this sort of unwillingness to ever come out in public and condemn behavior that they know is repellent to women voters is that they continue to repel room and voters and i think this is another one of those cases if they want to be talking think about it or when they should really be talking about hr one and not be talking about, you know, not be trashing every prosecutor in every witness and every person involved in these cases do you a great job respond? do you agree? it's not. it's not. it's not a totally partisan she look, there are plenty of democrats like bill clinton. who have a very troubled history with women. but right now, do you agree that republicans still have women? absolutely republicans have a very serious challenge, winning not just women voters, but
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suburban voters. because they have pandered to trump's vision of populism, and that is not conservative. it's not constitutional, so republicans have a path forward if they go back to reagan conservatism, trump was successful when he when he deferred to the reagan coalition, and that coalition is still a lot more powerful than people give it credit for. mr i want to go back to the e jean carroll case. so is donald trump have to testify. he really is because keep in mind this is a civil case, and that's a really important distinction. in a criminal case. a defendant considered the table and choose not to testify and you cannot hold it against that individual in a civil case, they are compelled to testify if he were to not testify and adverse inference, which is a negative inference can be taken by the jury, and they can assume whatever he would have said would have been to his detriment. so he's already testified under oath, though there is a deposition out there. so i would expect his lawyers to be prepping him within the confines of whatever came out in
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the four corners of that deposition, but keep in mind when you get on the stand credibility is king. so now we're going to be talking about challenging his credibility and it might go outside the scope of this case. i would expect the plaintiff's attorneys to push for catching him in all sorts of untruth, the veracity of anything, he said. even outside of this case and the defense to try and narrow it, and that's the right. we're going to see go into the courtroom. i know this judge. he's very fair. but he will take that step if it is, if it is within the confines of the law and again, credibility is a central issue in a case especially one where it really is both sides of the story without a lot of corroborating evidence, since it happened back in the nineties and politically, one thing i am interested in seeing from this case is what happens when republicans have a choice because a lot of these things happened came out after the primaries. so we're actually seeing these allegations are going to be talked about in court. trump is like you said,
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go. going to have to testify and discuss these things ahead of a primary when republicans will actually have a choice between candidates and not necessarily when they'll feel like it's either a democrat or republican . and i think this is a test. this is a true test of where the party is at. if trump were to win the nomination after having this trial, it's so interesting as we were talking about lauren because we were. we also talked so much about what's going on in georgia, and that scene is very high stakes high legal jeopardy for donald trump, of course, january 6th and what's happening with the special prosecutor. this case that has consumed so much energy this week in manhattan. but this one is where he will have to theoretically be on the stand. i mean, this is also a very vulnerable moment. i think we really underestimated actually. how powerful and important this case maybe. i mean, we as media and those covering it. i've been saying this for a long time. i mean, especially in this sort of like post weinstein world right. there is a new level of accountability in the public. i think for, you know, attacks on
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women. we're going to see how far that accountability goes, you know? clearly trump has never been held accountable for his misogyny. um we knew about the access hollywood tapes. but of course, now it does all sort of fit together. and to your point about the fact pattern, right? you look at the dynamics of the stormy daniels case that he was, in fact trying to cover up. you know the allegations that he was hiding this information for the public specifically so they wouldn't know who he was and what he had done in order to win the election, right? and it's not that dissimilar in the jean carroll case, right? just denied deflect attack. it's all the same pattern, so i think it's an incredibly important case. she deserves a ton of credit for her courage and persisting, which is not easy. i said the same thing about stormy daniels. about karen macdougal, the women who are involved in these cases they have it is hell for them, and it should be played out in a court. but you know, we need to take it seriously in wins. what happens to donald trump its monetary damages? it's a civil case. i do
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think one interesting point quickly before we end. all of these cases do have impacts on each other in this particular case, the judge has already said the jury is going to be anonymous. why because of the statements that donald trump has made against the judiciary against other jurors related in two other cases, by the way that's unheard of in a civil case that's usually held for terrorism cases and cases involving organized crime. so that's the bucket that this case is in. that's incredibly remarkable given that we have a civil case in in a federal court , and it's being treated with that type of with that type of care to ensure that the jury is protected. really interesting. thank you all for the perspectives and all that information. alright next, there's a deadly mystery in san francisco, the tech entrepreneur who founded the popular cash app is dead after an apparent stabbing and san francisco residents are worried what it says about crime in the city. that's next. i can't believe
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liberty, liberty liberty. a deadly mystery in san francisco tonight. cash app founder bob lee killed in an apparent stabbing attack in san francisco on early tuesday morning, police found the 43 year old with stab wounds later died at a local hospital, but no arrests have been made. yet death is again raising questions about crime in san francisco. my panel is back. also joining us is felipe rodriguez. he's a professor at john jay college of criminal justice and a retired nypd sergeant and detective professor. thank you for being your put on your detective. hat if you would, and i know the details are scant. but what do you which? what are your hunches tell you about this crime? well at this time, we're going to have to actually, you know, go back and see all the clues at the crime scene. one of the things that we do. look for now, constantly is, you know cctv forage ring footage, but at this point, what we're seeing is
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without having additional information like the number of stab wounds at this point, i can say it's just, you know, random act of crime due to the time that the crime actually occurred at 2 35 in the morning. uh if now we get a higher level of stabbings or wounds that we can say maybe it was something think of a more personal level, so we're gonna have to actually, you know, start getting some of the clues together to better determine but what we're seeing is part of the larger crime wave that the whole us is facing. so basically meaning. if you saw a lot of stab wounds that would tell you that it wasn't a random attack. correct usually, you know when individual has a deep seated hatred for one person, then we see a large number of rooms. okay um, but they police were called to 35 a m. this is not a particularly dangerous neighborhood. i don't think where this happened are stabbing attacks are those often, uh, in terms of random crime of strangers. is stabbing often how
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it works. uh we're starting to see not as much as we have the proliferation of firearms, so it is very rare once again. like i said, we're also gonna have to take a look at the you know his phone because right now, forensic information is, you know these forms are constantly giving us more and more, but you have to have an individual that was worth over. you know, over $10 million in a relatively low primary, a what they say one of the best areas of san francisco. so you know, this is one of those murder mysteries that you know the officers are going to have to start canvassing the area and seeing what kind of you know footage they could pick up or maybe any noise that could have been heard in the middle of the night by some of the residents in the area. this is definitely a little bit harder until we get to cctv or any additional, you know evidence. let's look at the statistics have san francisco so in terms of from 2021 22 23. homicide has gone up a little bit. if i can pull these numbers up, it was 10
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in 2021, 10 and 2002. it's now so far already up to this is for this time frame for this exact time for him. it's up to 12, then robbery robbery has ticked up from 594 2 years ago to 6 60 assault. has gone up from 5 25 to 5 91. so how do you characterize what's going on detective in san francisco right now? well as you see it international level and like i said, you know, i started looking at a lot of different reasons, and what we're seeing is one of the contributing factors is the idea of bail reform while it was a great idea in the beginning these over corrections that sometimes that are done, you know, for political purposes sometimes undermined the actual good of the criminal justice system. as we see these overcorrection is now ended up where we have these high level criminals which we call like the top 6% there are other predators out there and they're basically just committing continuous crimes, which are therefore elevating our criminal, you know, acts and
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our statistics when we look at our national level. um professor , if you would stand by, i want to bring in my panel now to talk about all of this, because obviously, crime is a conversation that comes up politically all the time, and it's very real, in some places, not as real as some people fear in other places, john, but san francisco is mentioned, often politically and otherwise, because there's a feeling there that something has changed in recent years. right? there is the absolute perception that that san francisco is kind of the focus of a soft on crime trend. and we're entering a new phase in the crime debate. you know, my late father actually was the head of the organized crime squad in kansas city during operation strongman which was the basis of the movie casino. so i grew up having a dinner table conversation about the war on drugs, war on crime. and what happened is we overreached. we over reacted and had too many laws that were tough on crime, and then we went the other direction, so i think
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there's a correction happening. i think he talked about the use the word overcorrection. that's what's happening right now. we're in some cities, particularly san francisco, the d a was recalled because of the soft on crime stance. and so i think we're moving into a different direction. now, mr ethos. yeah, i mean the d a. has been under scrutiny in san francisco specifically, but i do think it's such a complicated issue. it's hard to say. hey. what the answer is in this particular case. we don't really know anything about this particular individual to make an assumption about whether or not there's a criminal history or anything like that, uh and there is a need to scrutinize the laws on the books and make changes and determine that balance between fairness and public safety, and it's not an easy process, and there's not just in one answer that we can all employ relative to the last 20 years. crime rates are still very low. they've started to pick up and i think the pandemic we know that the pandemic has contributed to that and then it city like san francisco. there has been this kind of erosion of the city for a long time, partially because the extreme
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wealth has mostly left the city gone to the suburbs gone out to silicon valley. and it's left the city sort of under resourced and under invested in and there's been issues for years, but i think i think you're right and i worry very much about this. like immediate backlash of oh, it's because of the bail reform. there's absolutely no definitive evidence that the bail reform laws have contributed to an increase in crime. that is a very knee jerk reaction. and the fact is that we have had a mass incarceration issue for years, locking people up for extraordinary. we incarcerate more people per capita than any nation on earth. places like new orleans, the state of louisiana incarcerates more people per capital than anywhere else on the planet. like we have an incarceration problem. crime rates have generally been low, but this stuff hits personally for people and we want solutions. it's scary, but i think we got to be really careful about suddenly saying that, like these hard fought reforms to keep our prisons from being warehouses are the reason why are the reason why we're seeing these increases would completely agree . i get worried that cases like this where it's just random act
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of violence, potentially, we don't know. but where people assume this is a random act of violence, and then they get scared. and then how do we create these reactionary laws? we see that constantly in the criminal justice system where one thing happens to someone and it gets publicized and then all of a sudden we need all these laws and like you said. you know the folks who study that's like the vera institute. we have looked into bail reform. and you know, is there any connection to recidivism or increase in violent crime? and they have found none. so i think when we're looking at this, we can't just say, well, we think that bill reform would do x y and z. we have to actually look at the data and we can't just let events that make us feel scared . make us do things that harm people on a mass scale. thank you very much. really appreciate it. we need to talk about this next story. imagine voting for your state representative. and then your state rep changes parties once she's in office that's happening to voters in north carolina right now, we'll tell you about it after this.
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those smiles. that's why i do what i do. that and the paycheck. to deliver new. yes wow. love it now four imprint dot com or imprint for certain solomon in new york, and this is cnn. political bombshell in north carolina tonight, state representative tricia gotham, who won by 20 points as a democrat in her blue district last fall, announcing at a press conference today, she's now a republican. as long as i have been a democrat. the democrats have tried to be a big tent. but this now where we are modern day democratic party has become unrecognizable to me. and to so many others throughout this state. and this country. i'm no longer a democrat. but i remain
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a public servant. that is what i am called to do the party that best represents me and my principles and what's best for north carolina is the republican party. her switch means that republicans now have a veto proof majority in the state house and the senate. i'm back now, with our panel also joining us we have comedian and princeton fellow may soon zayed. great to have you. um lauren, this is a fine how do you do for her voters who just voted for her a few months ago. first of all, she was endorsed and paid for her campaign was supported and underwritten by organizations like emily's list and the human rights campaign. she represents a district that is over 60% long time democrat longtime democrat. i mean, this feels just so i mean, listen, people are entitled to change their views. and i would never, you know, i would never criticized that in another kind
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of situation, but she literally was just elected and she was elected based on a set of understandings with her constituents and i career of service on the democratic side and in a state like north carolina, where the margins are so critical. this is devastating for that community. there is no recall option in this state. they the voters cannot get her back, even though she completely missed misrepresented herself. and i think to me this is a lot like the jorge santos case completely pulled the wool over the eyes on her constituents. we're not talking about like a years long evolution. it was like three months. she clearly had this planned may soon here is what the governor of north carolina democrat says is now on the line. representative coffins votes on women's reproductive freedom election laws l g b t q rights, strong public schools will determine the direction of the state we love. it's hard to believe she would abandon these long held principles. as she should still vote the way she has always said she would vote when these issues arise, regardless of her party affiliation. she's not going to
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vote the way that she said she was going to vote because she's not even representing her constituents. so you were talking about changing your mind. you can change your mind. but honestly, i think if you were elected as a democrat, you have to serve as a democrat. i know it's a little fun thing where we are all like, oh mansions against which parties and then all the majority switches inaudible. switch that's not representative. you're representing the people. you're not representing yourself . you were voted in as a democrat. you could actually vote however you want as the democrat. you could vote against every bill. you said you would support but giving them the supermajority. that's guy be fraud. it's got to be applied and either it's a long game for 10 years or three months ago. somebody found something because you don't just wake up one day and go. no i don't want equality. i want women to die. and emojis. that's my favorite part about that. here she is.
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here's what she says was a bridge too far. this is what the tipping point was for her and why she switched. one of the absolute worst moments, which was a deal breaker. a turning point for me was when i was criticized for using the american flag and the praying hands emoji on almost social media platforms and even on the back of different vehicles that i have, i really could not believe that was the conversation that was happening. at that time, and i was deeply offended to say that that is wrong and not to be able to show off a flag because the others hijack it for something else. why are we at this place in politics? that jessica would just say. i'm incredibly skeptical about that. as a reason to change parties. i would also imagine there are plenty of people who are christian or who like an
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american flag, who are democrats in north carolina. i can't believe that's like a party decision kind of thing. um i do think i mean her constituents must be incredibly concerned because republicans now do have this veto proof majority. and that means that all these issues that she ran on publicly ran on was endorsed by emily's. list those are all at threat. and so i think they must be incredibly scared about what this means. john your thoughts. she's not the only democrat who is concerned about the party being unrecognizable. you know, joe manchin is concerned, and the fact is the democratic party is not so much the liberal party is becoming ill liberal party. that's increasingly intolerant of different views. you know, we'll cancel culture and so on is hardly mr wilk. yeah but here's that's that's actually good example. because look at donald trump and joe biden since 2016. i've argued that donald trump represents the gop's personality crisis. donald trump is not policy. there is no trumpism apart from the man, whereas and trump plagiarized reagan and all of his policies,
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whereas joe biden is stealing ideas from bernie sanders so by nationalist biden shows how the democratic party has veered to the left on energy and climate issues that the public is with the republican view on hr one, the lower energy costs act they want permitting reform. they want more nuclear energy. they wanted all of the above energy students of this, but you can't get that here because the numbers hold on hold on a second represented in terms of this. do you think that this particular one tricia gotham. do you think that she has misled her voters? and do you think they have a right to be angry today? i think i think voters always have a right to be angry. i think i think any politician has the right to change their mind and changed affiliation, and those politicians will be held accountable in the next election. that's how our system of government works, but but to not acknowledge if you're a democrat, that your party has has problems you're not dealing with reality. didn't say i hear you, but she didn't say that. she said it was because people were criticizing her for the american flag and praying hands
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emoji and i just don't know. i wish she had said and explained if she met on social media or her colleagues in the state house, so i don't know what she means. when she says people sorry. go ahead. no please. i also just like have to push back on all this. and say, i'm looking at a woman who's crying about flags and emojis when we are women of color living in this country gained death threats every single day being told we don't belong here. i'm a muslim. you want to talk about praying hands. i lived for a presidency that wanted to ban my family and ban me. so when we talk about oh, it's not a big tent, and it doesn't resemble. i don't know. i feel pretty comfortable and pretty safe around the democratic party and i don't feel american safe or welcome around the jlp. so even though i feel her being like, oh, they didn't like my bumper sticker. that's why you're abandoning women's rights. that comment describes why donald trump is such a toxic person because the american idea is the
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opposite of everything you just described is that our founders believed that freedom of religion and that your your rights and your dignity does not depend on your religious affiliation, your ethnicity. that's the american idea. that's what our country was founded the problem in north carolina and in many states around the country is that it is becoming, it is essentially a tyranny of the minority. you have a state legislature that has super majorities of republicans in places where actually there is much closer to a 50 50 or 40 60 split among the voters. it's not just there. it's in kansas. it's in wisconsin. it's all over the country where voters, and by the way, even republican voters are saying they do not want extreme abortion bans. it is the highest number measured in american history. 63% of americans are saying abortion laws have gone too far. republicans are not getting the memo. so in a place like north carolina, this decision has deadly consequences for millions of women. and so it's not a joke and to mock her voters by talking about emojis when her voters sent their sent
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her there to protect their fundamental human rights. it's very disturbing. it's not about party. that's just pure rhetoric quickly. just i was just yeah, when you're balancing everyone's right to their own bodily autonomy and whether or not you're going to get made fun of for prayer hands it is it does feel like a silly conflation of those issues. okay thank you all very much, something for everyone to weigh in on next. the latest trend is apparently being messy. thank goodness it's finally come around to our way. we'll explain after this. out here. you're more than just a landowner. you're a gardener. a landscaper. hunter. because you didn't settle for ordinary same goes for your equipment. versatile powerful durable
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yes, yes. i am worried. glad you're calm. i'm worried f okayr house and span or a dumpster fire? if it's the latter, you're in luck. it's the latest thing on tiktok the rise of the messy home. what i needed was not someone to try and turn me from a messy person to a neat person, but someone to teach me how to clean as a messy person. someone to give me the freedom to just live my day. the way i want to deliver it without thinking about things. she's basically giving people the freedom permission to have a messy home because she says that messi home can be shaming. you know you feel guilty when your house is messy, and so there's a way she suggests to, um clean it up sort of rationally. so let's talk about whose innate freak here, mason me. and why are you a neat freak? and does that give you pleasure? it gives me a ton of
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pleasure. first of all, i'm muslim. we like bathed five times a day. we're just clean like we're a clean people. but i love order. i love having my house clean and i feel like again if the palsy chicken clean her house, so can you can't mop ? i'll fall on my face, but i can put the towel under my butt and scooch my gosh. wow i believe in clean and let me make like a disclaimer. if you're neurodivergent if you have mental health problems that don't allow you to clean. i'm not shaming you. i'm talking about the people who came clean and don't who go on to talking or like no filth and license, the new black like no, it's not . and also i have the best tip. okay what is it? you have chaos? magic this is what you do you have one room or one closet in your house that you throw all the stuff that has no place five minutes before people come, you pick up the cat, the golf club the food and you put it all is
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not one. that's a great that's a great job. that's the way to do. why? why isn't that a good that it's there? and i would um you do they really filthy knowing knowing that there's matter freak too. yeah and that it's not a freak. that's the appropriate way to live clear. but also i have to say my one point about this. you know this. it is like torture for women because we need the dudes to start cleaning. live alone. i have zones of cleanliness. i like to create a little sections that are beautiful, right can reflect and contemplate. we have a 62 acre farm, so i have a lot to maintain. zone isn't this uses create a little area and i have boxes don't have. i don't have causes high boxes, and sometimes i discover a box that you know, i probably should. i probably should have gone through that in the bottom guide material, obviously, just like i like company coming over. you gotta you gotta you just toss it in a box. and where is that box lived then in the closet? well, it's like stacked up in a corner
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or in the closet. yeah i think that this is kind of the same thing about that. i mean, i like the idea, but i live in a two bedroom apartment in new york city. i don't have like a ton of just shoving things. space the sink. well, there's a lot of stuff on this. try that already . i had like that the big pan that i used for thanksgiving for my turkey like under the bed. carrie bradshaw with the sweaters in the oven, cleaned it. all right. thank you all very much for those helpful hints. meanwhile life in plastic . it's fantastic. the new trailer for the barbie movie just dropped and it shows everything is great. except for ken. what are you doing here? i'm coming with you. did you bring your rollerblades? i literally go nowhere without them. weeds have you susurroundd ? take your lawn back with
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it? big thing. wonderful pistachios get cracking. the barbie movie is coming out in july, and it stars margaret robbie and ryan gosling as ken. hi barbie. hi, ken. bobi barbie barbie barbie barbie barbie. hi, ken. i can radio blasting just as fast as she can. i might stay over tonight. why girlfriend boyfriend? to do what. i'm actually not sure the movies distributed by warner brothers pictures, which is owned by cnn's parent company. i'm back
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with the panel, so that looks like a riot. but what? i don't know the plot line, but i think that fromle they've released, i should say, is that it might be a sort of modern send up of ken. because well in barbie world, but all is not well with ken. well greta gerwig is like an incredible like feminist writer. and so you've got to imagine that, like all of the gender stuff that's wrapped up in barbie. that, of course, was my entire childhood. and by the way, my mother tried desperately, and my feminist mother worked for years to keep me away from barbie and she failed and it was all i wanted bootleg barbie. how did you get the barbeque? because my aunt would give it to me. she was like she wants the barbie. just give her the bar. maybe she's not going to play with the truck. so that was feminism was like barbies the worst and you know she's bad for girls, and she is, but then amazing. and then you've got greta gerwig, and i think it's going to be incredible. i mean, there's all been all sorts of barbie backlash, obviously, but this is seems like i don't know just a
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different way to do it. anyone can be barbie. if it in the movie. i mean, no, there's all these different parties that are supposed to be in the movie. so you've got pulitzer prize winner barbie got arthur barbie? that's good, and we have barbie, a future oscar winner. who is jessica? do we have the send up of jessica as a barbie? no wait. isn't this it is that oh, oh, nice. that's awesome. okay what do we have next? who do we have next? sure. okay, lauren here is you as barbie barbie barbie for this one. that's awesome. okay may soon john. ken yeah, stab like this. okay, let's see me soon. wording hold. please hold. please hold holt. oh my god. glamorous yeah, barbie have a love hate relationship with
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barbie like i would love to be a barbie like laverne cox, or, like misty copeland, but she scarred me for life because understand what becky the wheelchair using barbie when i was a child, and she didn't fit into the dream house, and then they just continued her because nobody wants to hang out in the driveway. this is an entire set. segment and can make it up by casting me in the sequel. take care of it. there you go. yeah wow, that there you go. michelle do that. all right. thank you all very much for watching tomorrow on cnn this morning, there's a dramatic pentagon. fbi mix up inside the training exercise gone wrong right here on cnn, starting at six. a.m. eastern. thanks, everybody. our coverage continues now. when it's go time. i don't like constipation. stop m me. great tasting doll collection of fruit
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