tv CNN This Morning CNN April 6, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PDT
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consider, not in a way that it ruins the quality of these outputs. but at this point in time, misinformation, disinformation just got a lot easier, faster and more scaled with these symptoms. thank you sunny bevel. it's so good to see you. thank you for having me this morning continues right now. good morning, everyone welcome to the adm power of cnn this morning. don and i are here in new york. poppy is on assignment in atlanta. as you can see her there. this is just in to cnn. we have new video of protesters who are storming. the blackrock investment building in paris will tell you why we'll take you there. political chaos in north carolina. that's after a state lawmakers switches parties and gives republicans a veto proof majority what it could mean for abortion rights and future elections. also the special
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counsel investigating donald trump could finally get testimony from former vice president mike pence. that could be incredibly significant. you know, it's a month of pushback, and now pence, it appears, is going to finally testifying. the special counsel's investigation into trump and his actions on january. six. a spokesman for the former vice president says he will not appeal a judge's ruling in order that he must appear before the grand jury that's investigating the insurrection and trump's efforts to overturn the election. that means pence could testify about the one on one conversations he had with trump leading up to that day, including what we know is a heated phone call that happened the morning of the riot when pence, refused trump's efforts to get him to try to block the certification of president biden's win, plus a cnn exclusive this morning as cnn sources are telling cnn that former national security officials have testified that trump was repeatedly warned he didn't have the authority to seize voting machines as somewhere, encouraging him to do
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so. cnn's senior legal affairs correspondent paula reid, is tracking all of this, paula pence. going to testify could be potentially game changing in this investigation. it's potentially historic, caitlin him to go and testify under oath about this pressure campaign that he faced from the former president and his allies as they tried to get him unsuccessfully to block biden's victory. he can talk about conversations he had with the former president. and, as you noted, one of the conversations that's going to be a particular interest. was that really heated phone call that he had with the former president around the time of the insurrection? other witnesses we know have discussed that and the grand jury would like to probably hear that particular evidence from his perspective. now, this would be the first time that he would be cooperating in a criminal investigation against his former boss. it's interesting he has been given at least one carve out so questions that he won't have to answer. he won't have to discuss anything related to his
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official role as president of the senate on january 6th. that was something that his lawyers had fought for on constitutional grounds he considers getting that carve out to be a constitutional victory. it's one of the first times the courts have weighed in on this at this point, we don't know when he will testify based on my reporting. i don't expect the former president to appeal this on executive privilege grounds because, as you know, so far, they've been unsuccessful on that pursuit. yeah they basically lost all of them. and paula. we're also learning from reporting from zach cohen this morning at national security officials testified. trump had been repeatedly warned that he could not seize voting machines that came after he lost the election. what do we know about what these officials top officials from his white house administration told told investigators. yeah this is a great window into the kind of evidence the grand jury is hearing this exclusive reporting . like you said from our colleagues at cohen, we're talking about the really top officials in this administration department of homeland security chief chad wolf, one of his top
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deputies can cut anneli, as well as the national security adviser, robert o'brien, have all been asked about this and testified that the former president is allies. they were told repeatedly, the government didn't have the authority to seize voting machines. former attorney general bill barr has also spoken publicly and in his testimony to the january 6th committee about trump's interest in this, he's also said publicly look, we made it clear that was not an option, but this is significant because it shows us exactly what special counsel jack smith is interested in. and really the breadth and depth of information that the grand jury is hearing as they way possible charges. yeah we'll see what outcome with the outcome is what difference it makes paula reed thanks to those updates. with more on all of these legal threads. we're joined by the former u. s attorney from georgia's middle district. michael moore. nice to have you in person in your beautiful state. paula's reporting a significant on a lot of fronts, including she doesn't expect trump's team to appeal it. pence's him is just said they're
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not going to appeal. this pence is gonna talk before a grand jury if you were the prosecutor questioning him before the grand jury about january 6th in the conversations with trump leading up to that. what would you want to know? you know, i'm glad to be with you. i will tell you that. i don't think there's any chance in the world. he could have won an appeal if he moved forward, and so the prosecutor really has never been trying to get information about what he shared on the senate floor while he was working for he simply wasn't that what was trump's what directions were you getting? what was the discussion? was this a conservative plan? and i imagine there's probably some some interesting finding out where a lot of the ideas coming from trump or these things that were being funneled through trump by counsel. i mean because of the intense traps intent, and it goes, you know, there's nothing illegal about a client are in a former president. talking with lawyers and then exploring ideas that's not illegal. what's your legal is, if they do something, you know, with the intention to violate the law, and so is this going to be something where they
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were having an open discussion, or was this something where he said? look i don't care what the law is expected to do this. this is where we're going, because that tells more about trump's state of mind at the time and his it team. pen still would retain the right reserves. the right not to answer some of those questions. it would. i mean, he's got more spin on this and a basketball in the hands of the harlem globetrotters. i mean, there is the only guy i know that could lose a case and turn around and act like he won it. it was never a question about what did they want to talk about the senate floor and what was going on? so he may try to say, look out. this is the speech and debate clause. there may be something that's that's going nowhere in the court has been very clear. you know, you can't hide behind privilege is to try to conceal criminal conduct. so this is in the process of a grand jury hearing very secret proceeding anyway, so there's already some protections for the court. they don't have to worry about this getting out of the public domain about what's going on here in georgia, the fani willis here and what is going on in terms of her probe and to, uh the call the famous trump call etcetera,
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etcetera on this. you think that in indictment is coming soon do i think it's probably within the next month or two. some of it is just the nature of the clock. we already know that the judge was this motion filed by trump's lawyers to sort of disqualify the findings of the special grand jury and do away with those things that blocked that. and i think that finally going to have to respond to that judge is given a timeline for that. but i also think she's just watching the clock and we're getting closer into an election season. this is a trial that will take months if not a year to complete. there's no way frankly, i think at this point we could ever be through the trauma before the election. given them do not think we could not that we did. i just think it's going to be impossible. i mean, um, you already know. and if you just look at the new york case, the next hearing is in december. i mean, we're then in 24. so what gets right into the thick of it, and no judge in my mind is going to tell a candidate for president come off the campaign trail so that you can answer charges that the
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prosecutors could have brought years ago. so i think that's gonna be an interesting and that's why i think it's she's all the way all the way to bring us some some case, michael. thank you going to be in person with you guys back to you and poppy. thanks so much this just in israeli defense forces say rocket fired from lebanon into israel was just intercepted. it happened just after israeli police storm jerusalem's al aqsa mosque for a second time. last call in jerusalem with more this morning had asked. hello? what's happening right now? well done. it seems as though a barrage of rockets apparently is being launched from lebanon into israel as we speak. i'm just getting alert after alert on my phone, saying that sirens are going off in the western part of northern israel near the border with lebanon. this is an incredible escalation to what we've been seeing here over the past few days. the big question is who is behind these rockets? how many of them have been fired, whether they have caused any damage or injuries? but this is literally happening as i'm speaking, i can feel my phone
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vibrating with these alerts going off now. i do have to say a lot of people when they hear southern lebanon they think of hezbollah but in that part of southern lebanon, southern western lebanon, there's quite a few palestinian refugee camps for these could be coming from palestinian militants. but these in the israeli military's eyes, anything that happens in southern lebanon happens with the tacit approval of hezbollah , of course, which is very much backed by a random militant group and its own right. and whenever i speak to israeli security officials that their biggest concern about security in this region is hezbollah and is a major confrontation with hezbollah, so there is a big question right now, who is behind this will be israeli military respond and not even will they? but how will they respond? and could this escalate into the full out war with hezbollah that all the security officials i speak to are so concerned about the reason being hezbollah's arsenal is much more powerful than what we see with the likes of the hamas militant group from gaza. this is the major consent. i cannot overestimate how this is the major concern. for israeli security officials is an all out war with hezbollah. so we're going to be watching the space
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very carefully. but as i as i'm seeing it right now, a barrage of rockets coming from southern lebanon into northern israel as we speak, don had asked all joining us from jerusalem. keep an eye on it. thank you, dallas. well this morning. fbi and military officials are apologizing after a training mission went horribly wrong and the wrong person was detained. the fbi says it was assisting the military with an exercise in a downtown boston hotel, but because of what they're calling an accurate information they were sent to the wrong room. the hotel guest was handcuffed and interrogated for an hour. before the agents realize their mistake . natasha bertrand turns aside at the pentagon with more my goodness, can you imagine being that person? yeah poppy, just really remarkable here. so what we're told is that the fbi and u. s. army special operations command were conducting a training exercise and downtown boston at the revere hotel there , and they ended up reading the wrong hotel room and detaining someone who actually was not the person that was role playing in
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the scenario now the fbi did tell us in a statement that the boston division was assisting the military in this training exercise. that was meant to quote simulate a situation their personnel might encounter in a deployed environment and quote based on inaccurate information they were mistakenly sent to the wrong room and detained an individual, not the intended roleplayer. thankfully nobody was injured. now. this all went down at the riviera hotel in boston, as i said, and police were called at around 12:20 a.m. on wednesday. here is that initial police call. by the revere hotel. delta pilots. had people claiming to be fbi agents barged into their room and handcuffed them to the bathroom. so as you heard there, there is a sense that these were actually two delta pilots that were detained wrongfully by the fbi. we're still trying to get clarity on that we did reach out to delta for comment. they are investigating this as well, but
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the army is apologizing this morning, saying that they would like to extend our deepest apologies to the individual who was affected by this training exercise. noting that i was just meant to enhance soldiers skills, bobby wow, natasha. thank you for that update. nothing like that rude awakening . also there is a new update in the legal battle between fox news in dominion voting systems . a judge now says that dominion will be able to force rupert murdoch and his son lachlan murdoch, as you see here to testify. it's a billion dollar defamation suit. the jury selection in the trial is scheduled to start one week from today. if the two parties don't come to an agreement before, then and settle joining us now is cnn senior media reporter oliver darcy over i don't think it's a total surprise, but just the idea that they could force the chairman and his very powerful son to come and testify is so notable and very bad news for the murdochs. they did not want to testify in this trial. fox lawyers basically did
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everything they could to try to persuade the judge not to compel them to come to wilmington's and have to testify. in this case. the judge really didn't buy any of it, and throughout, we saw him being very skeptical of the arguments, fox but forward and yesterday he made it official, he said, basically, if dominion wants these guys in court to testify i'm not going to stand in their way. they just need to issue a subpoena, which it seems like they will and they're going to be summoned to wilmington's delaware at some point in the next several weeks if this does go to act trial to testify in this case, this is the most fascinating you could qualify it as a media story, but it's beyond that. it has monumental repercussions to, you know, for first amendment, so on and so forth. why is it so important for dominion to have the murdochs testify here? the buck , ultimately at fox stops with the murdochs, they can put their executives in place at fox news. but at the end of the day, rupert murdoch, lachlan murdoch . they call the shots and we've actually seen this in a lot of the private emails and text
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messages that have come out the murdochs call the shots, and that's why dominion wants them on the stand, and we've also seen murdoch say. he conceded in his deposition that some of his top host. people like sean hannity did endorse those were. that's what murdoch said that endorse the election lies and that's obviously different than reporting on election lives. and so dominion is very interested in bringing them to the stand, letting them say that in front of a jury whether it was directed from the top posts are gonna be testifying. also what house fox responding to this new development. they're they're not happy. i'll read you what they said in statement yesterday, another statement blasting dominion. they said dominion clearly wants to continue. and generating misleading stories from their friends and the media to distract from their weak case , demanding witnesses who had nothing to do with the challenge . broadcast is just the latest example of their political crusade in search of a financial windfall. obviously a lot to digest their most legal experts would not say it's a weak case. question in case i don't think i've talked to a legal expert that said, this is a weak case.
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they have all indicated. it's a pretty strong, very strong defamation case. and like i said, at the end of the day, they might not have their hands like in the dirt, you know, planting the plants or what? never but they are responsible for what happens on fox news, and that is why dominion wants to put them on the stand. we're watching. i mean, it's if it does happen. i know we're getting closer and closer last time for a settlement. it will be fascinating to watch, oliver. thank you. thank you. oliver is being called a political earthquake in north carolina. democratic state lawmaker flips parties granting the gop of veto proof majority white house now weighing in on that, yeah, fascinating to watch. also in paris, protesters have just stormed into the blackrock investment building. we're live on the ground as these demonstrations as you can see here only in tens and five. pepperoni on pinera's new toasted baguette sliceded a lite thicker to hold more flavor. so when fresh mozzarella melts over it, that detail will be big.
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then. start now by going to balance of nature .com and don't forget to use discount code cnn. this is just into cnn. video you are seeing here. these are protesters in paris who have stormed the offices of the investment firm blackrock in the middle of the city. in the video you can see protesters are chanting, waving flags carrying flares. smoke is filling the building. it is the 11th day of nationwide demonstrations against the country's new pension bill. if you're unfamiliar, it raises the retirement age from 62 to 64 has infuriated parisians everywhere . cnn correspondent melissa bell is live in paris. can you tell us what you saw on the ground here? well this is where the main marches just preparing to get going, katelyn polantz saying just within the last hour, so they stand united. they
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intend to continue their protest action at the 11th stay here. there are strikes going on nationwide and this march. we'll get going shortly. the government for now. ago. those were rail worker union workers who managed to occupy that building for about 10 minutes, and it's a reminder of what we've seen the last couple of weeks. what had been largely protest peaceful protest since they began in january, really turning a lot more violent and a lot more confrontational with the police. that's something we expect to see against 11,000 policemen that are across the country. keep the peace, but some groups determined to turn these as violent as they can. for now, we're waiting to go the talks that took place between the unions last night in the government collapsed once again , both sides failing to agree with the government, vowing that it will push this retirement age up from 62 to 64 that it will not back down. even in the face of these repeated strikes and
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marches, caitlin so far, they say they're sticking with the plan. melissa bell, please keep an eye on those developments there on the ground. we'll check back in with you. thank you. just incredible to see those images out of paris. meantime, here in the u. s a political earthquake bubbling in the north carolina statehouse this morning after representative tricia cottam who was voted into office as a democrat won by 20 points as a democrat, made a stunning announcement at gop headquarters in raleigh yesterday. listen i'm no longer a democrat party. that best represents me and my principles and what's best for north carolina is the republican party. that move now grants the state gop veto proof control over both legislative chambers. someone serfaty joins us live from d c. that means, right? that in the tar heel state. the democratic governor there, roy cooper. they can override any veto by him. that's right, bobby. these are very real political implications of her
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move in a very rare political defection in announcing that she's going from democrat to republican, it gives much more control to the republican party in the state now in her making this big political announcement was interesting to note that she somewhat blasted the democrats in the state, saying she would felt alienated from the democratic party felling, saying that she felt like it was unrecognizable to her intimating essentially that the party she believes has gone too far to the left. now, this does hand republicans much more power in the statehouse. this now secures republicans having a veto veto proof super majority in the house. they already had that situation in the senate. so this assures now that both chambers the house and senate and the north carolina state house has the ability to override vetoes from the democratic governor. this essentially sets republicans up on a glide path to get their legislative agenda passed. and we'll see that power dynamic really start to shift very quickly. republicans have
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rtc signaled that they intend to move on big ticket items like abortion rights, gun rights in the states voting laws, so certainly big implications going forward, poppy. well, what are democrats saying? well there are angry about this move, and it were surprised even though it had been talking about for some time that democrats saying that she misrepresented herself and her policies to her constituents that voted her into office by a big majority, and it was also notable that the white house came out with a statement after this announcement, really acknowledging the big legislative ticket items that are up for grabs that north carolina's will have to vote on now, and with these new super majorities, it makes it much harder for them. kratz has stopped some of them. the white house, saying bedrock american freedoms are at stake in votes in north carolina. and they're calling on those who are in the state house to vote. they say their consciences rather than the politics of the moment. fascinating someone. thank you very much. north carolina. we go
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to tennessee this morning. lawmakers in that state are set to vote on whether to kick three democrats out of the state house republicans accused the lawmakers have breaking house rules when they led this protest for gun reform on the chamber floor. this is just a week ago. so yesterday on this very program justin jones, one of the lawmakers facing potential expulsion, slammed republicans. it's morally insane that a week after a mass shooting took six precious lives in my community here in nashville, my colleagues on the other side of the aisle. their first action is not to take action to rein in this proliferation of weapons of war in our streets, but it's to expel their colleagues were standing with our constituents now live to cnn reporter ryan young and natural. ryan. what's the latest here? dad just a lot of motion here. i can tell you even since the last time we joined you on the show, people
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have been showing up in mass to start this protest. if you look behind me over here, you can see the folks that are starting to gather. we've also had state troopers arrive here that normally happens when protesters are going to be outside. folks are interested to see what happens with justin jones, gloria johnson and justin pearson. all going through this situation in terms of effect that they could be expelled from this house body. at this point, of course they took to the floor use that bullhorn and they thought that was not a part of decorum. so as you see all the folks who are gathering despite all this rain, the emotions run high because when you think about this, you're talking about six victims who were killed in a school emotions have been running high because of course, you don't want to see some change, and maybe some of these high powered weapons pulled off the street. the other side of this. the republicans are saying it was not the way to do it. they were not given the opportunity to go up and use that bullhorn in chambers a lot of conversation that this could happen later on in the in the
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afternoon because of all the house resolutions, they have to go through first, don 11 more thing of ryan, representative justin jones actually fouling a police report over an incident on the floor. remind us of what happened, please. yeah the drama hasn't stopped here don and again, the motion just filling over on the floor. in fact, take a watch at this video and see what happens as there was a sort of a tussle right there on the floor. justin lafferty and justin jones apparently had a scuffle over that phone. he wants to pull out a pollution police report on him . but look today, the focus on is whether or not these three lawmakers will be pulled from
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their jobs and their seats after going on and having that emotional outburst there in the middle of the floor. as again protesters are gathering here, don, this could be a very long day here. this hasn't happened very often here in tennessee, so people are wondering how this is going to play out very long and obviously a very rainy one as well. ryan young in nashville this morning. thank you, ryan. well to new zealand. we go former new zealand prime minister jacinda ardern, delivering a deeply personal farewell speech on wednesday or during announced her surprising resignation. don't remember in january, she said she had no more in the tank. after five years of leadership, she was the world's youngest female had government when she became the prime minister at age 37, only the second world leader to give birth, an office and her final speech to parliament. she got emotional as she sent a very encouraging message to those hoping to leave the country in the future. no i cannot determine what will define my time in this place. but i do
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hope i've demonstrated something else entirely. that you can be anxious, sensitive kind. and where your heart on your sleeve. you can be a mother or not. you can be an ex mormon or not, you can be a nerd, a crier, a hugger. you can be all of these things. and not only can you be here you can lead just like me. i mean, i think we all love that love that so much. obviously i love the fact that she said, guys, you know, you can be a lot of different things that want to lead. but what i love the most is that she walked away. and said i did this. it took a lot out of me now i'm going to do something different with my life. you don't have to always be in the spotlight to be deeply meaningful, shocked the world when she announced that she was stepping down it just just remarkable back in january. when
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that happened, she made history and as we talked about it yesterday when it comes to tiger woods. your priority. sometimes they just change and you move on. and you want to do different things. you don't always have to do the same thing for your entire life. your entire career. totally that's exactly what i was thinking. yeah good for her on her part what it means to her party or party was lagging in the polls will see. thank you, poppy. also we're learning today. npr has now been hit with a state affiliated media label that's from twitter. it puts it on par with foreign propaganda outlets. broadcaster is not happy. we'll tell you how they're responding next and as we go to break right before astronauts who will lead the first crewed moon mission five decades they made their last day be late late night debut. i should say there they are in the late show with stephen colbert. jeremy elephant in the room. you're a canadian. which is and that's not why we made you sit
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at the end. you're just the biggest guy out here. how how did this happen for you? how did you end up at nasa? there's probably a couple of reasons you could, whichever one you like. yeah if something goes wrong in this mission, then nasa can blame canada. canada will just say sorry. my most important kitchen tool, my brain choose new areva plus, unlike some others, areva plus is a multitasker supportingg six key indicators of brain health. keep me sharp, areva think bigger booking .m i'm going sowhere. anywhe beach house treehouse. honestly i don't care. llo humidity hotel with a sexy garden landscape architect, tiny home with aggressive leg hair somewhere. anywhere. as long as they have
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code. don't wait code now and get the permanent solution protected by the bosley. guarantee. i'm jessica dean on capitol hill. and this is cnn. this morning. npr says it is disturbed by twitter's decision to label the public broadcaster as state affiliate affiliated media. elon musk social media platform is now grouping npr and with foreign propaganda outlets like the russian government owned and run rt and sputnik and the chinese communist party's people's daily newspaper. the ceo of npr is calling the decision unacceptable, adding quote npr and our member stations are supported by millions of listeners who depend on us for the independent fact based journalism that we provide . npr says it receives less than 1% of its annual funding from federal sources. the vast majority of comes from comes from sources like corporate
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sponsorships, npr membership fees. joining us now is cnn media analyst and access media reporter sarah fisher. sarah, i don't when npr first saw this label they thought it was just a mistake by twitter. it's not yeah. no it's not a mistake. i heard from their spokesperson tuesday night when this first showed up, and they said they were completely blindsided by it. they reached out to twitter, but they never really got a response. but this represents is a broader effort by elon musk to go after certain media companies that he wants to target, so if you talk about state owned media , we actually do have a state funded media arm in the us west america, but they don't have a label, whereas npr has a label. and then you also have pbs, the public broadcaster with a very similar funding. mom that doesn't have a label. so this is clearly an effort by elon musk and twitter to go after npr. so he's so this is happening. and then you also have, um elon musk . removing the new york times blue check. is he turning off
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the broader public or a broader , bigger audience than just people who agree with him? and perhaps even trolls? i think so . and i think the biggest risk is if you go after certain media outlets without a set of parameters, you can lose a lot of trust in the platform, especially because people leverage twitter in emergency situations. you know if there's a flood in your town and natural disaster, if there's a major political situation, you want to be able to go on the platform and know that the stuff that you're seeing is authoritative. if you want. musk is going to sort of cherry pick which outlets get amplified, which ones have labels. can you risk people not being able to trust twitter at critical times, and that's where twitter does it. it's working great gets his most engagement. and you see elon musk also into her weighing in on the decisions he's making, like this one npr but you know they're what twitter's policy is , is that state affiliated media outlet where the state the government exercises control over editorial content through financial resources, direct or
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indirect political pressures and or control over production? that's obviously not npr, npr. his great journalism. they cover the white house. they cover the hill. they cover everything they do great work. and so this idea that twitter is doing this to them. do they leave twitter? what are npr's options here? i don't think npr's gonna leave twitter and i'll tell you why. a couple of days ago i strolled through twitter for hours katelyn polantz every single news outlet that's still running on twitter. i found almost a dozen mainstream news outlets, including the athletic, which is owned by the new york times, days after elon musk remove their verified checkmark, and so i think media outlets are in this really difficult position where they of course feel frustrated by being singled out or their peers being singled out. but twitter continues to be a huge platform for them to reach new audiences and to promote new products. i don't think most reporters and outlets are going to unilaterally stopped using twitter. even though these antics are crazy. can we talk real quickly, and i know it's very important, but we only have a short amount of time
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about lemonade because lemonade is also owned by bite dance, which you know people have problems with tiktok because they're owned by bytedance, but eliminate is very popular and it is being promoted and being used as well. it's huge, don, and the thing that's important to remember is that tiktok grew its dominance here very under the radar by buying a lot of paid marketing on like snapchat and facebook, lemonade is coming in, and it's able to gain a lot of traction, even though it can't leverage all of those same tactics in the same way because there's a lot more scrutiny on its parent bytedance, which, as you mentioned, is also the parent to tiktok. lemony is kind of like instagram meets pinterest. it's catered to gen z , but we're watching it, don, because so many national security concerns about the sister app tiktok, and a lot of people are just sort of floored that bytedance is able to come in and launch something just as potentially big as tiktok at this really crazy time, where tensions between the us and
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china are escalating, we'll see all the administration and congress response. sarah fisher, thank you for joining us this morning. here we go all over again. thank you, sarah weekly jobless numbers out just moments ago. we're going to break them down next. also a new warning about staff shortages at several big airports what the faa is doing to try to save your summer travel plans remember last year? sunday nights. we're trying something a a little e differene whole story. what's startling is the sheer number o of migrants n this track. one whwhole hour. world's best journalists dig deeper is san francisco have failed city into the stories. they can't ignore the godzilla get mad and go kill that thing. go in depth every sunday night. if there are people willing to take risks. then they're gonna be people that left behind the whole story with anderson cooper premiere sunday, apl 16th at eight on c struggled with cpap every ght, but now that i get the ipire implant, it's making
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retail banking in california by j.d. power. card, and it was crazy. i don't have to worry about interest fees. credit checks. my scores of 80 points. join me at chime .com. solomon in new york and this is cnn. so released just moments ago. i checking the weekly job numbers, but i don't really need to check because we have cnn's business correspondent solomon i just put it down. like, why am i gonna check? kind of handle that for you? what do you got for us? good morning. so these numbers just crossing a short time ago about 12 minutes ago. so this is a look at how many americans are filing for unemployment benefits. for the first time. so this is a proxy for layoffs. right? so what we see is that the number of initial claims was 228,000 and the level from the week prior. that is for the week ending april 1st. i should say the level for the week prior was actually revised up by 48,000 from 198,000 to 246,000. i want to put this in context based on
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what we're seeing here. and you can see that we have been sort of hovering in the 200,000 level for quite some time. so this is a bit of a jump. but goldman sachs actually put out a research note yesterday, saying, don't be surprised if we see a jump because of some seasonal factors, saying that this is really the end of a technical distortion. if we do see a jump, which we now have, rather than a sharp jump in the true pace of claims. let me tell you why this is so important in this environment where we've honestly all been waiting for the shoe to drop in terms of, when are we going to start to see some weakness in the labor market? the weekly jobless claims is the first look right because all of the other data that we get from the government about the labor market its monthly. this is a weekly look at how many people are filing for unemployment benefits. and so this would be the first place that you would start to see some weakness. i want to show you also all of the companies. i mean, how often have we talked about all of the companies announcing layoffs, right there have been a lot exactly, but do you notice anything when you look at all of those companies tech, mainly tech. a lot of them are big companies. some of them are not
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but mainly tech, and that's what we're seeing that we're still seeing really strong job creation. it's small firms. it's medium sized firms. the layoffs are really concentrated so far, and tech and financial industry so a really quite a difference. we're seeing interesting. can we put that back up? i'm sorry, can we just can we put that back up and look at because it's like big companies we saw like ibm. amazon, i believe is on their on their those are. yeah owing. yeah meta, of course. disney definitely notable. and poppy. you're in atlanta. you're there for a reason, because you were going to be interviewing jamie diamond. i mean, and rachel's just know we've got another report coming out tomorrow. that's going to be significant. last one we're getting before that fed meeting. you know, i wonder how he's viewing all of this because obviously he is such a leading voice and what their analysis of this means. for sure. i mean, he's he is one of the most prominent voices not only on wall street just on the economy around the world, and he came out with his annual letter that is read by everyone on the street this week, and in that
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annual letter, which jamie diamond writes every word of himself, which is pretty rare for ceos he talks about caitlin pretty good economy, but in his words, some storm clouds ahead, so i want to know from him. what are those storm clouds? what do they look like? are we gonna get this debt ceiling thing resolved or are we going to default as a country? he's super worried about ukraine and thinks it's so pressing. so we're going to talk about all that. and then the first time we're going to hear from him on the banking crisis, like what do we do so we don't have another svb and signature bank collapse. what regulation works. he's talked about some whack a mole, his word regulation, politically motivated regulations. so what does he think the system needs so see what he thinks very timely, poppy. i mean, it's the perfect time for this can't wait to see it. you'll be back tomorrow, right? and we'll talk about it tomorrow. we'll see in a little bit later on in the show and thanks to her help, those answers from jimmy diamond will be fascinating. we'll see what he says. also this morning, we're tracking a new warning
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that is coming out about staffing shortfalls and some of the busiest airport. what does it mean for your summer travel plans? bus white sox closer liam hendriks celebrating a victory that has nothing to do with baseball, calling it one of the most emotional things he's ever done. g get refunds .com powered by innovation, refunds can help your b business. get a payroll x refund. even if you've got p p p and no, it takes eight minutes to call if i went on their website uploaded everything, and i was blown away by what they could do get refunds .com has helped businesses get over a billion dollars and we can help your business to qualify your business for a big refund in eight minutes. go to get refunds .com to get started powered by innovati refunds. hello. fresh has everything from family friendly meals to fit and hold something quick and easy options like this 25 minute black beans and peppe case idea when it's all said and done. hello fresh
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all right. welcome back. it is time for the morning moment. and this morning. it's a good one. chicago white sox closer liam hendriks is celebrating a major victory, but one that has nothing to do with being on the field. hendricks has just completed his final round of chemotherapy treatments. he had been battling non hodgkin's lymphoma for months. but yesterday he posted this video of himself ringing what is known as the victory belt. here it is. it is. it is expressions there. he thanked his family thanked his friends. you think his medical team saying in the post quote these past five months have been the quickest and slowest of my life being able to ring this victory? bell has been one of the most emotional things i've ever done. on opening day hendrix was listed on the 15 day
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injured list. it's a sign maybe he could return to the team before june. regardless we're all just so thrilled for him. it doesn't make you choke up. i mean, just listening to it. it does and seeing his expression good for him. congratulations congratulations. what were we saying yesterday? don poppy, you read my mind? you got it right. it solidifies what is important ? we think so many things important. if you don't have your health, then what else? right? your health and your family, your loved ones. and so men to that. alright new this morning spring break travel. but we are not on right now. but a lot of people are heading on it. it's at its peak. there is already a warning about cancelations and delays this summer. the causes shortage of air traffic controllers. pete mountain joins us live from reagan national airport. not again. not again. dot not again . you know, this is a big admission from the faa party that hiring for air traffic controllers is backlogged as a result of the pandemic, but now the idea is to avoid
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cancelations and delays this summer by having airlines scale back on the number of flights that they operate. american airlines says it's going to do it. jetblue and delta say they're considering it. this is an air traffic controller shortage. and passengers are going to pay for it. the latest challenge for your next trip is not enough. air traffic controllers to keep flights moving in a new notice. the federal aviation administration is allowing airlines to scale back summer service at new york's three main airports, warning staffing shortfalls could amplify delays by 45% we need more controllers, richard santa of the national air traffic controllers association says staffing shortages swelled during the pandemic, due in part to retirements and a hiring freeze. a union analysis shows the number of air traffic controllers has dropped 10% in the last decade, the faa says nationwide to in every 10
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controller jobs are empty air traffic control facility in new york is roughly one half staffed , critically staffed and most of our air traffic control facilities. the new admission comes after airlines delayed more than a half million flights last summer and put some of the blame on the tight before the pandemic, and they don't have enough people today and they need more. we are continuing to hire a acting administrator, billy nolan says the agency plans to add 1500 new controllers this year and 1800 next year, the agency says last june it was flooded with almost 58,000 applications to become an air traffic controller, though it's training academy remains backlogged. the relief can't come soon enough for airlines and passengers with another huge travel rush on the horizon system. doesn't have the capacity. we don't have enough air traffic controllers. right now. american airlines is contacting passengers it says will be impacted by these cuts. delta and jetblue say they will
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announce their cuts sometime later this month. there is one way out here for airlines to try and blunt the impact on you. it's a process called up engaging, that means swapping out the original airplane that an airline would fly with a larger one. but the bottom line here poppy is that there's all comes at a cost to consumers because it's an faa issue. wow not welcome news, but thank you for it. pete mountain. we appreciate it. meantime take a look at these protests in paris, carrying flares and storming and office building is nationwide. protests continue more news straight ahead. these that's more like itmy moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, the burning itching,
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.com. call 1 803 731891 order now mattingly at the white house, and this is cnn. it's time to update some of our top stories here. we have been following around the world this morning, starting with video that you have to see it out of paris. protesters in the french capital storming the blackrock investment building with flares . they say that they're protesting the government's pension reform plan. mom must go. israeli defense forces confirming dozens of rockets were fired from lebanon toward israel this morning. they say at least one has been intercepted by the iron dome. israel now closing its northern airspace for civil aviation, also here in the u. s three. democratic state lawmakers in tennessee are awaiting their fate. today republicans are set to hold a vote on expelling them. from the states house of representatives after their protests following
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