tv CNN News Central CNN April 6, 2023 7:00am-8:00am PDT
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this is cnn. the world's news network. we are continuing following breaking news on multiple fronts. let's start with a major escalation in the middle east right now. the israeli military military officials say dozens of rockets were fired from lebanon into israel today. what you're looking at is what they believe is some of those rockets being intercepted by the iron dome. this marks the largest attack coming from lebanon. since 2006 officials in israel say some of them as i mentioned were were intercepted, but unclear how many lebanon now says that israel is also responding with artillery fire. all of this comes amid tensions over israeli police operations at the alaska mosque in jerusalem. cnn sadhus gold is back with us from jerusalem. tell me very latest
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that's coming in. we know now that kate to people have been injured as a result of shrapnel from the rockets. that's according to israeli emergency services this coming after what israeli officials say were dozens of rockets that were fired from lebanon into the northwest part of israel. and as you noted, this is the largest barrett of rockets that israel has seen from lebanon likely since 2006 when there was that massive war with hezbollah, and so i mean, it's been a very long time. we've seen these number of rockets. we've seen one off rockets, literally one or two fired over the past few years, usually in response to whatever has happening either here in jerusalem or in gaza, but this is new, and this is just massive on scale. when you compare to what's been happening in the past. now the israeli security cabinet will be convening what'e
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holy sites of the al aqsa mosque compound, also known as the temple mount to jews. israeli police have been raiding the mosque itself. now twice in 24 hours is what they did, they said. to remove people who are barricading themselves inside with fireworks and throwing stones, but just the police entering the mosque and then entering the mosque as we saw them do with violence with stun grenades and rubber bullets and violently arresting more than 350 people. that is a red line for many muslims and arabs, but especially for these militant groups around this region. the big question, of course, is who fired these rockets now? based off of where they were fired from that area of southwest lebanon. there's a lot of palestinian refugee camps and so it could be palestinian militant groups who are located there,
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but the israeli military believes that nothing happens in southern lebanon without at least the tacit approval of hezbollah. so the question will be will the israeli military hold has below accountable, and so will there be striking hezbollah targets? if they do respond? that is a major fear of that could escalate into a full blown war and the arsenal that hezbollah has the miss. sal's and rockets that they have much bigger, much more sophisticated can cause much more damage than what we've seen in the last few years with rockets and wars with militants in gaza. this will be on another level that we haven't seen here in decades. and had asked since we spoke last hour. i was looking back and what it what it seems, are a series of unrelated kind of clashes and events on a smaller scale coming from lebanon into israel. and it seems, is this is this something that that in israel they've seen as something building. this has been building up to this over the past few weeks. well. yeah i
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mean, listen, there have been one off. i'm talking about 12 rockets that would have been fired from lebanon into northern israel, usually in relation to what's happening here. actually one rocket was fired during very similar clashes at al aqsa at this same time period last year , when passover in ramadan overlap, but it was just one rocket. we're talking about dozens of rockets. now there's alarms going off in several villages and towns along the northern border. my app that tells me when the sirens are going off around the country here it was buzzing sort. incessantly for at least 20 minutes there, so this is on a new level. it's not clear again . if this is a palestinian militant group if this is hezbollah, what is the connection here? but it is definitely on the level not seen before, and i think we should expect to see an israeli military response on the level we have not seen before. and then there is a big concern that that will just further spiral into something even larger, potentially even a full blown war when that response comes and what that response is, that's
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the critical question. in this moment, let's see what happens in the next few hours had asked. thank you very much for the update. sarah. a big question this morning is whether these three tennessee democratic lawmakers will actually lose their jobs today, not by the voters they represent, but by their colleagues, the republican majority in the state house next hour, the chamber is set to begin voting on whether to expel democrats gloria johnson, justin jones and justin pearson. and here's the reason that republicans are giving for this. the three protested on the statehouse floor last week calling for gun reform after six people, including those 39 year olds were killed in a shooting at a tennessee elementary school . cnn's ryan young is following all of this from nashville. republicans have have been talking about this, and i need to find out from you. you're with the crowd out there who has been protesting what's happening at this hour because we're getting close to this vote. are we not and you were here. to
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protest. you may have to go. yes sarah, you can look behind me and see just thousands of people have lined up here since the last time we were talking in pouring in, and they really passionate about what they want to know here because they want to see some change when it comes to the gun laws, and on top of all that you can see what's happening in the capital. right now. the protesters here really want to make it inside as well because they want to be a part. of this process, but of course, when you think about this, this all comes down to those three lawmakers using the bullhorn on the state floor. that's not a part of the core. um after republicans want those three members out, they can certainly make this happen. but when you come back outside, you can see the thousands of people who are still lined up and try to get inside. now if you see here, sarah, these are teachers who have lined up today. who are obviously very upset about what's been going on in the state and deborah europe first grade teacher. yes, yes. what is this week been like for you as a teacher to see the emotions behind all this and what do you want people to tennessee. i want people to know that this is not
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a political issue. it's a child issue. if you if you wash away democrat republican, it's about kids. and do we want them to be safe or not? i will stand in front of children and protect as many as i can with my body as well, all of these ladies, but we shouldn't have to. and those kids shouldn't be afraid. and you just need to drop your pride and decide what you really care about. that's what i feel. and if you had to look at those little kids every day and know what they deserve, i think people would feel the same way. this conversation. you're almost you are very upset that it seems like it's turned into a republican democrat issue instead of being about the kids should be about the children, and that's why we originally came and wearing red to stand for the covenant school. and it should be about that issue. i respect people exercising their freedom to demonstrate. but i think it's a distraction. and it's that's what always happens.
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we're sad and then we get distracted and we move on. and just like everyone else says when will it? stop teacher? you mediate a lot of fights. if you could talk to the children, i guess at this point, what would you want them to know about how we should move forward and how we should handle the situation? and say to speak the truth and love and respect one another. are you worried at all being a teacher at this point going to school every day, maybe even thinking that tomorrow could be your school. i have been for a long time. i was a teacher. when sandy hook happened, those teaching kindergarten and all the parents look at you, like would you do it for my kid? yes, i would. but it's scary, and the moms who are here with little babies and children, my kids are grown now. um you know, they're scared. are they going to come home to their kids are their kids going to come home? how hard should we fight for this in terms of trying to make our kids even safer than what they are? i think we need to fight with
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every fiber of our being with. we need to look at it as a humanitarian issue. not a political issue. and when you know when are people going to be done looking at it as a hard left or hard right, but we need to look at it. what you know, not be distracted and look at it as it's for the kids. it's for the children. you know, and i don't know how you could face a child and say what i think politically is more important. my demographics are more important. my political future is more important than your life. that's wrong. appreciate you. thank you for your service. and thank you, ladies. i want to show some of the signs here. banned guns, not books. teachers don't want guns. there's been a big conversation all over this state, especially here. after what happened. you got to think a week ago. you had six lives lost. you had officers go in. really neutralize the situation . hero officers on the news here . people are talking about trying to put bulletproof glass up at the school. so this is a
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conversation where today there are a lot of teachers who have an administrative day so they are coming out here to show their support, not just for what's going on in terms of inside with lawmakers. they want to make sure that something gets changed here in the state. to make them all safe passion out here. all right, ryan, i know that you're outside of the state house. we are looking inside the state chamber and what you are seeing are some of the protesters who were outside there with you inside. they've made their way in. you can see, there are troopers that are standing state police sort of standing in between them and the ability to get all the way. inside where the lawmakers are. you see the deaths where it says reserved for starting at arms that is empty. he is quite busy at this time. can i get a sense from you as we're looking at these live pictures inside the statehouse? can you give me a sense of how people feel about this expulsion? i know that you
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talked to that teacher who was very, very heartfelt in her saying, look this is about the kids. why is this turned into this political battle? but there is this expulsion and it is extremely unusual never happened before and more than 200 years. i think that's an excellent point. that's what some people have been talking about. they've been frustrated with the idea that this is going to this battle because we're not focused on the issue here in terms of trying to make kids safe. in fact, i'm going to turn around and ask. i know you ladies are still here. sarah was just asking. are you guys frustrated with the idea that now we're talking about three lawmakers being maybe thrown out of the house instead of worrying about the kids? yes. what bothers you the most about that if you don't mind sharing um, i think it's being done purposely because they think if everybody is going to worry about that, then they'll just stop about guns will be sad. will protest for a couple days and move on. but we're tired of it, and we're sick of it. and we're sick of
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children dying and nothing you do is going to distract me. i will be loud and i will be here. always. have you been encouraged by all the kids who've actually shown up here as well. i'm so proud of them. they really are the future because they're going to change the world. they're not stuck in their ways yet. thank you. so they there you have it. sarah. look some people are calling it a distraction. so you have the idea that they wish lawmakers would come out and talk to them, maybe about coming up with some sort of reform. not just talking about prayers. people don't want to move on from this topic. they really want to have this discussion. how many school kids is enough before something changes, and then you have folks on the other side. this is not the way to do it. and of course, that's going to be the battle back and forth, but at least they're here to have their voices heard. ryan excellent reporting from you. and just again. we're looking at pictures now from inside of the chamber where this vote is going to happen, but you can hear people chanting over and over and over again inside that chamber as well, john. alright, sarah. we want to go across the atlantic now to breaking news
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from the streets of paris. i believe yes, there it is. live pictures again of this standoff between law enforcement there and protesters. the streets are packed with thousands and thousands of people protests over pension reform, raising the retirement age basically from 62 to 64. but these have been violent over the last several minutes and we've been watching this situation developed. let's get right to melissa bell, who is on the streets of paris. not too far away from where this is happening. melissa, bring us up to speed. i was telling you remember to go towards the front of the market tend to see that violence beginning this afternoon the last couple of weeks every time as you can see just over here, the more peaceful protesters and this march goes way back. we don't know the figures of the number of people who turned up but it determined many today in paris and other french cities as well, but it is further down there. you're already seeing some remarkably violence because john , what we saw last couple of
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weeks are the more far left extremist elements really taking center stage to these protests, and that is happening up there again in front of that cafe projectiles being thrown week after week. tear gas from the part of police also accusations last couple of weeks of some pretty heavy handed tactics. the exaggerated use of targeted targeting of the press. john as well, there are some 45 investigations underway here looking into police violence, and there is that ever more friends than ever more vocal ever more violent four. call them direct confrontation with the police, and that has happened again. alternate on. i don't know if our viewers can see this race. if you can back up a little bit. we can see melissa here on the streets a few blocks, and then you can see we have actually have a different camera angle right now. the lead point of these protests, and this is where the situation is tense where you can see things being thrown at this law enforcement there that chance back and forth. we saw
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smoke bombs being rolled right at the enforcement a short time ago. others we saw their shields again. you can see how their shields there are clean before we saw them spattered with paint. and other things, and we also know that a nearby cafe a nearby cafe was lit on fire briefly, although that fire was extinguished very quickly, but clearly the situation there. very sense. hang on, melissa. we're watching the law enforcement now move in. they have sped up the pace of their marsh. sometimes this is what happens, enforcement moving very quickly to push demonstrators out of an area. let's watch. alright where you can see is law enforcement. they're making a line trying to prevent sort of two groups from getting right into each other and intermingling. but people are walking fairly safely here even as they're confronting that
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police in another location. and there you can see the smoke. smoke bombs unclear exactly who set them off whether it was the protesters or police clearly now police trying to move some people out of the area. melissa i'm sorry. i just saw you there. give us a little more of a sense. of how long police? i don't know if the right word is will allow this to happen to these protests, play themselves out or police say okay, enough. what we've seen as we've seen those protests get more violent as you're seeing right now. just beyond we can see the smoke from here. you can feel the tingle of the tear gas that is now begun. there is this obligation that they have to allow these protests go and bear in mind that it is unified unions who got the most people out on the street. that violent minority that you're watching square off with the police. these are far left activists point to engage with the police week after week for the authorities delicate tyrone. they have to allow these
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demonstrations are going on. there is all that popular anger. against pension reform the unions out here protesting ordinary people as well, the cost of living inflation, the government determined to push ahead with its reform, and yet week after week, there is much more violent elements hussein is to take on the police and take on capitalism itself. actually john, we saw those remarkable images earlier today of some of the rail workers occupying the northern rock bank for about 10 minutes. there is a very political edge. and melissa further down the street towards the sorry. i didn't mean to interrupt you, melissa. but you were saying that these protests have become more violent and clearly we can see them violent right now, with smoke billowing in flames here and there. you were telling me that there have been police give us a sense of how many injuries in the results that is violence what they caused. let me show
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you again. let me show you. the pictures of the crowd again is the much more peaceful majority that have been demonstrating marching week after week. days name. leave that they will continue to come out here. this is about pension reform. but again further down and mixed with them. these elements. they call themselves the black bloc. they cover themselves up and they're aimed at direct confrontation. 700 police officers injured and the majority of the john in the last two days, there's been a definite ratcheting up the tension. fastening off of the desire their extremist elements to make themselves heard and to take on the police. so now the government being absolutely clear, john. they're going to see this through for as long as it takes. their code is that this will at some point run out of steam in the end, and in the meantime, it is a lot of damage that you're seeing. most of these streets of paris are turned into battlefields. you're right. police trying to keep
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order. i was trying to take them on. what you are seeing now is this group of wine force mint police appear to be converging on this one area. two types of things and demonstrations like this for people who have been in the u. c. police occasionally marching along with protesters trying to stay with them to make sure that even as its violent it doesn't escalate to a point that is but i would call unacceptable. the other thing. you occasionally see his police make lines to prevent the groups of people from going down one other or another to try to keep control of where the demonstration is. it's hard to tell how much in control this is. although i will say these police while they're standing very much attention appear to be standing with a certain sense of calm. they appear to be doing this quite deliberately. again you can see them making this line quite deliberately across the street to try to keep this group of protesters from going anywhere else. this is you know,
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you are seeing law enforcement here. at work. this takes a certain amount of training to do what they're doing and calm. you can see there demonstrators. i don't know if they were trying to provoke one forced, certainly going right up next to them again enforcement on the streets there. french president emmanuel macron, melissa are these demonstrations overwhelming his agenda? is this the only thing he's thinking about? and i ask you that because i know he's got other business today. this is remember john, a president who came in vowing to reform france . he has a whole bunch of other reforms. given the trouble he's had with this one, which will undoubtedly become law was created upheaval that you've seen. remember that it isn't just the protests and he's very violent image that you're seeing the strikes across the country for the 11th days since the
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protests began in january, and it is without crippling effect, locked down the airports, train stations, schools, hospitals, the refineries. lines now beginning to form in french gas stations. protesters in this wider movement really hope that they're going to force the government to listen what we've been hearing both from president john and from the interior minister is that they will carry on with this country. to revive confrontations more head on, and that's why the last couple of weeks have been a difficult as they can. a lot of consultation as you're seeing right now. in this march. marches and the riot police determined to keep a handle on it and the accusations for days after week. also john growing number of wounded not just amongst the police ranks amongst the protesters. people have lost fingers. they have been extraordinarily violent. many hundreds of protesters
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winding up in hospitals again. this is once again a protest that appears to be turning from the very joyful that it has. much more violence, much more intensity, much more direct. and i can smell it in the air. a lot more tear gassed. no it clearly is ratcheting up some and for americans looking at this. look it's springtime in paris. this is the time of year when i think a lot of tourists a lot americans like to go to that city. they want to take strolls down the boulevards, and you can see how difficult and challenging that would be the atmosphere in the city. the incredibly tense. the atmosphere in the city right now. and again. i can't stress enough the training that goes into this for law enforcement to be standing where they are trying to maintain this sense of calm. protesters have been out there for many days now for 11 straight days, protesting the policies of the government. they
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feel very strongly about. raising the retirement age from 62 to 64. i want to thank our melissa bell, who has been on the streets describing the situation to us as thousands of people pass her. we're going to keep an eye on this standoff on the streets of paris between police and protesters. we have much more news developing at this hour. stay with us. cnn. new central continues for a quick break. used cars look the same, b but carfax can show how damage history affects the value. your damages always been visible. twtwins stop paying shp at the all new carfax .com. identical twins. wo don's we know one thing, and one thing only backs strained backs from weend chores to pull backs doing your favorite hobbi. we even know quarterbacks. don's the experts and back pain relief for more than 100 years
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to the lawmakers who are right now looking at whether to expel three democratic state lawmakers . the republicans in this chamber are looking to expel them after they protested on the statehouse floor last week calling for gun reform. let's just take a look at what's happening now. speeches are going on now. you're seeing inside the chamber live pictures , and they are making speeches as they build up to this vote on whether or not to expel three lawmakers. the lawmakers are all democrats gloria johnson, justin jones and justin t. pearson the three of them came into the chamber and were protesting and what were they protesting about? they were protesting. about what happened at a tennessee elementary school where nine people were killed, including three excuse me. six people were killed, including 39 year old.
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they came into the chamber and that is a violation of rules. and now the republicans that are in charge of the chamber have said that they were going to be expelled for breaking the rules. this, by the way, has only happened twice before in the history of tennessee since the civil war. one was in the eighties, the other in 2016, but both of those were because of criminal activity or alleged criminal activity of one of the members. you are seeing everyone sort of gets set and coming back up and talking into the mix, making their points. made let's listen in to what is being said right now before they make this vote on expulsion.
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i can tell you from looking pictures that are coming out live from inside the chamber that there are people that are sitting just above the lawmakers . many of them are holding signs clearly upset they feel like and we've heard from ryan young and his interview with the teacher this morning. there are a lot of people upset that this is not about trying to make kids safer, trying to make teachers safer, but they see this as another political move that is just a fight between publicans and democrats and not about trying to solve the issue. this is another live shot. this is right in the state house. i am sure that you can hear these protesters inside of the chamber . they have come in from outside . there are hundreds of people outside as well. where are ryan young is? we're seeing those pictures right now. as they have made their way in what they are angry about, of course, is what
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has happened to our schools and the safety of everyone in our schools they feel like that is exactly what should be talked about. not politics. can you tell us a little bit more? about what? you're hearing? you know, a lot of the crowd was surrounding you, but it looks like they tried to make their way inside now. absolutely so. look. sarah people started queuing up here early this morning to get inside this building, they were actually told it may take three hours within the get inside, and they didn't care if it was writing like has been all day long. they want to make it inside. they all said to us they want lawmakers to hear from their heart. they want them to understand. let's not think about just the vote in terms of what's going on. three lawmakers. this is about the children. they have been shocked , and unfortunately just saddened by what happened here over the last a few weeks, especially with the shooting at that school. you can see. have been trying to press in to this building. lost. hearing with you
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guys at this point, but i just tell you from what i've been been told these people that they plan to be here all day long. actually go to some of the lawmakers districts and actually talk to them one on one if they could, because they don't feel like lawmakers are human. they want to see a change here. this really should be in terms of what happened over the last few weeks with these children and that's a lot of stress. thank you for that. i can still hear how loud it is inside of the state house where the protesters are. there is breaking news not only in the united states but across the world from paris. let's now go to israel. okay let's get back to israel right now. there is coming in on that dangerous and folding situation there. israeli israeli defense forces now say 34 rockets were fired from lebanon into israel today and israel's iron dome intercepting some of them. 25 of
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the 34. cnn's had asked is back with me. lebanon also says is that as we were just as you just brought us in our last conversation that israel retaliated if you will fired back in response to these 34 rockets, what are you hearing from israel about that? yeah the israeli military now actually saying that they did not respond with artillery and staying saying that they will decide on the place and time of its response, because clearly that is what they're contemplating. right now. we know the israeli security cabinet is now is about to convene to likely decide on the response but 34 rockets, kate, this is by far the largest barrage of rockets since 2006 when there was that massive war between lebanon and between hezbollah and lebanon and the israeli military, so it has been decades since we've seen a barrage like this 25 of them were intercepted and the rest of them likely fell in the populated areas. we are seeing images of one rocket that fell along what seems to be some sort
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of shopping center with banks. the windows are completely smashed out there, shrapnel all the way back to the wall. but luckily actually today is passed over the first day passover so people were not out. everything was closed. people were at their homes. and so it just seems to be stroke of luck that not more people were injured. the emergency services are saying that two israelis were injured by shrapnel, but they were injured lightly. it has since been calm. there hasn't been another more rockets being fired. we haven't heard of any more sirens going off. in the north. of course, there is still the unanswered question of who ultimately fired these rockets. it could have easily been palestinian. militants there's quite a few palestinian refugee camps in the area where these were likely fired from the big question is what is hezbollah's involvement in this? the israeli military believes nothing happens in southern lebanon without hezbollah's approval. how much were they involved? how much will they say they were involved? and then, of course, we are waiting to see what the israeli military response will be. they say they did not respond with artillery fire, although that's what lebanese media was reported, but there
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will be some sort of a response from the israeli military. the question will be. what will that level of that risk? want to be and who will they target? will they be targeting specifically these palestinian militias? if this is who it was, or will they target hezbollah as well? and that really has the dangerous possibility of exploding into something much, much bigger. stick with me. i just want to give some context for our viewers. come with me, mike. this is what we're where we're talking about right here. the rockets firing, according to israeli forces from southern lebanon into the northern, northern israel and over in this monitor, this is some of the new video coming in which is of the iron dome, intercepting some of those rockets 25 of those 34 rockets. you said they're minor injuries reported. what does this mean for civilians on the ground right now? because where we are in this moment, as you said, it's a moment. actually, i will say a moment of tense calm right because we're waiting for the israeli cabinet security cabinet to convene to decide their response. in the meantime , israelis standing by to figure out what's going to happen next.
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yeah it's a very tense common. i don't think many people in the north were expecting this. i think people were more expecting what we have seen over the previous night's militants from gaza from the south firing rockets into israel. the north doesn't get a more sort of regular barrage of rockets in this way, and it's a holiday today. and so when those sirens go off, depending on how close you are to the border, you potentially have seconds maybe 20 seconds, 30 seconds up to a minute or longer to get into a shelter of some kind. now the israeli military is telling the citizens of the north that they don't have to take any more special precautions right now, because when things are very dangerous, they essentially tell people to stay home. stay as close to your shelter as possible. they're not telling people to do that right now, so that could be an indication that the israeli military don't believe that there will be more rockets fire and they believe it should be come for now, because when the home front when the israeli homefront command tells citizens to stay as close to their shelters as possible, that's when you know things can escalate in a very dangerous
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fashion and people in that region all over israel. they're very familiar with what they have to do in those moments when those sirens go off, hadas standing by for us 5 37 in jerusalem right now, lot that we're going to be picking up from hadassah in the coming hours. so that's thank you very much. and as we see we have following breaking news on three fronts will be right back to bring more more of that to you. t mobile. your business will save over r 1000 bucks. what are you going to do w with it? i cod use a new sign t mobile for bubusiness save more than 1000. bucks versus verizon and with our price lock guaranteed will never raise your rate plan ever. morgan stanley old school hard work. both new thinking. partnering to unlock new ideas to create new legacies to transform a company. industry economy generation because great envision working in lockstep
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breaking news stories right now the major escalation in the middle east, israeli military officials say dozens of rockets were fired from lebanon into israel. 34 rockets is the latest report marks the largest attack since 2006 from lebanon. israeli defense forces say they have intercepted 25 of those rockets . israeli officials are also just now denying reports coming out of lebanon. that we're saying israel had returned fire with artillery rounds. we'll have updates on that story. also violence and chaos in paris. crowds of anti pension reform protesters are filling the streets of the city, clashing with police. we have been and continues to be playing out live before our eyes right now and also we're watching very closely the breaking news out of tennessee. tennessee lawmakers. they're scheduled to be voting on whether they will expel through democratic lawmakers
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over breaking house decorum rules in the state legislature during a gun reform protest, but things have come to a halt and seemed paralyzed as protesters have entered the building as well, john so many things going on all at once. katelyn polantz right now, actually, let's go right to the pictures. because i just saw some very fast movement there from this group of law enforcement rider joke there. fire officials from what they are, but they're being conference stations on the streets of paris now for several hours between protesters have been out there for 11 days protesting pension reform in paris, raising the retirement age from 62 to 64, but the protests have become more violent. over the last several days. those are firefighters who moved into place very quickly. why? well because there are these smoke bombs that have been going off and off and off being thrown by protesters, largely again. this is what it's looked like now for some hours tense
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confrontations between in this case firefighters in other cases it was law enforcement are melissa bell is standing by a short distance away from where this standoff is taking place. we can see smoke behind you, though. melissa so clearly this is happening over something of a wider area. that's why john it is always towards the front of the march that it tends to get violence, but as you can see just a little bit further this way. this is what it looks like, just a little bit further down, and this is something that you tend to see these protests. along the side of the last few weeks. we're going down many tens of thousands of people on the streets, not just a paris, other french cities with those elements you're saying at the very front of the march the most violent and determined confrontation with the police once again, facing off of them and tear gas lying around and
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projectiles being thrown one way or the other and what we've seen these last couple of weeks, john protests violent colleagues now accused of some pretty heavy at the time. people are part of those protests. termine hard left protectors already aiming to do is to get that violence to the very center of the protests doing it successfully this afternoon. so what is the 11th day of marching and protests and strike action against the country on the reform of the government says it's determined to most of all standing by on the streets of paris again. we have other views of people walking in a different part of the city. actually just a short distance from where melissa is. we've seen smoke bombs. tear gas going off there. you can hear the bags in the distance. one thing i do want to make clear. we just saw that group of firefighters moving in unison, seeming to run at one point. it's not totally clear, at least to me whether those firefighters
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were part of the protest. often firefighters do care deeply about things like pension reform , raising retirement, so i don't know if they were marching in support of the protesters, or they were there, perhaps to help keep the peace as it were, especially with smoke bombs and things being lit on fire. at one point, the banner of a cafe was lit on fire causing concern but it was put out very, very quickly. you can see the smoke going off there. a lot of people . i mean, at one point over the last several days, a million people on the streets at once there go the firefighters again looking more and more like the firefighters might be part of this rather than trying to keep it in control. melissa bell. if you're back with me, i know we were having some audio issues with you. if you are back with me now, maybe you can tell us about these firefighters who appear to be behaving somewhat differently than the law enforcement or the firefighters with the protesters. but what? we've seen a protest in the past
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. i'm not sufficiently far in franchise to be able to tell you exactly, but what's tended to happen is that firefighters unions do come out and they set out these controlled fires all around. protests themselves can be difficult to tell. my guests will be there. probably part of the protest there in mind that the what we expect to be many hundreds of thousands protesting across the street from today they really represent. public sector workers, private sector workers. you've got teachers out here. you've got firefighters. you've got many different walks of life. a lot of young people a lot of students as well that have been taking part in these protests and want to continue to bring the pressure on the government so that they will stand down and what they hope seems like this and specifically the ones you're seeing now, with the very front of the process, the most violent ones will in the end, so crippled the country that that the government will have to think about. you mentioned tourism a moment ago. i have to say that these last couple of weeks i've seen many of them used towards wander into
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these protests. given how violent they get, you can imagine they're astonished money. ultimately will harm the image of the country. the point of the unions is essentially john cause as much trouble as they can. the government is forced back to negotiating table. it doesn't look likely that that's going to happen. we saw the talks between the unions and the government breakdown again yesterday, one side determined to see the retirement age raised. the other is determined that it will do so. and i think another thing that's interesting here john is how much anger has coalesced around the person. the french president. but you'll see here at the front of the march where that violence is happening, but also further down. here are a lot of signs and a lot of chance. very personally focused on emmanuel macron. remember that his push to reform the country to change some of its labor laws now to address its pension system has proven so controversial. also bear in mind that these protesters are also picking up where the yellow vestment and let's go. when paris is extraordinary pictures we saw for a couple years
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burning saturday after saturday in protest of the positive living and inflation that has only gotten worse, and that is also what these protests about not just the pension reform itself, but the cost of living inflation in the fact that a lot of people are finding it really hard to make ends meet. that's what's at the heart of so much of the anger that you're seeing here in paris today, john was the bell. thank you so much for that. thank you so much for the context. it's great to have you there explaining exactly what we're seeing, because these are extraordinary images, including we did see those firefighters there before and it wasn't clear at least to me at first, whether they were there working the protest or with the protesters, and you can see this video again now. ah the protesters there. and the firefighters marching, but they apparently are marching with the protesters. they are against the pension reform. and they are there to voice their displeasure. with the government of emmanuel macron. now you can see they're walking quite peacefully there and elsewhere.
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i will say over the last few minutes we have seen a somewhat more festive, less violent atmosphere on the streets. we heard some music. for instance, a second ago. you saw you can see crowds like this marching slowly and peacefully. a little less smoke a little less fire. then we saw just moments ago in those are the types of images. i think that law enforcement will be pleased to see a calmer situation on the ground now there in paris. um melissa bell again, 11 straight days. protesters say it will be 12 13 14. this will go on indefinitely. we're waiting to hear what happens to the law itself in front of constitutional council and the next couple of weeks, they will decide john on whether it's the government wishes and without a parliamentary vote, and much of the anger of these people, it is said to become law on the
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retirement age is set to be raised. in the meantime, the unions what they do is on days like this, as you say, the 11th day of protest and strike action . at the end of the day, they'll announce what the next day of action will be going to show you over here. maybe you can see the right police lined up. difficult job for them. they find themselves trying to control and police. these incredible violent demonstrations week after week with a lot of the protesters and specifically those who are the most extreme, thickly targeting them. you can see the debris and mr little, which they stand, and this is happening all along this march and all the way to tell you where it's due to finish tonight. week after week, the streets of paris really left in pretty miserable state. they are on each side street along this march, expecting to intervene whenever they feel they need to, and things get more violent than they have and again using, as i said, over the course of the last few weeks, according to student allegations too much
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force as they're trying to keep these events come in an increasingly difficult job and one that they've been managing increasingly difficulty with more and more difficulty to compete to achieve and just for those images of the front we had expected this march should be perhaps less well attended john, but even more violent than they had what's happening. melissa you're standing right by what i believe is the cafe to forgive my french seriously. that's right. this cafe, i believe, at one point had the awning set on fire. this was where some of the most tense clashes we saw. that's where they were taking place. can you give us a little more of a sense of the debris in the aftermath of this it was fairly extraordinary. how much junk there wasn't the ground. let me show you as you can see, pretty badly damaged one of paris's iconic restaurants associated with the celebration of presidents when they win
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elections pretty chic, and you can see the status in now. often this is what we see the process . banks are targeted restaurants that are considered pretty fancy . there is definitely a feel and when you speak to the black lots and those most extremist, far left this is about mostly taking on these symbols of the system that they would like to have overthrown and again. you can see her john, the riot police waiting to make sure that the piece of this side continues to advance peacefully and that we don't see a repetition of the scenes that have not just caused this fire damage, but as you can see a lot of debris lying around a lot of these proving stones gets thrown. towards the police by the protesters, and that's been a feature of these projects as well. these last couple of weeks, these guys really trying at this stage to keep this protest going along the street is meant to peacefully as they can. when you have the owners are the people working inside? i don't know if toned, and i guess
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there's no accident argue, so it's just a lot of time and i don't know if the people are still working inside. are these restaurant owner of the shop owners and they trying to tell people to stop, stop? you're hurting our business. have you see a lot of that? some of them do closed at 11 say open and you've had this really improbable scenes in paris in the last couple of weeks on essentially the city burning and people sitting in restaurants as they go about their daily lives, and it's a reminder, really, how regular these have become week after week. scenes of extraordinary violence, i think to the outside world that we've almost gotten used to. it's another day of protests and again today when you expect not just these kinds of physical degradations of the city, but a lot of the direct consultation that we've seen some of today. paris and the rest of france has gotten used to what the unions say will be a movement that they say will last for many more weeks. i think with the government's counting on at some point, this will run out of steam and order will be returned to the streets of paris this thursday afternoon. there's no sign of that. what was the bell
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for us on the streets of paris were maybe things have come just a little bit over the last several minutes. please keep us posted a great deal of breaking news on several fronts. cnn news central continues after a quick break. speaking. is this s a cal to fibiber heard, but yes, it i. by killing themselves. they ensured. their immortality. it's a god. i mean, it's the cult of cults. heaven's gate sunday at 10 on n. 1500 purchase allowance on a 2023 cadillac xt five and six.
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