tv CNN This Morning CNN April 10, 2023 3:00am-4:01am PDT
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adjunct faculty and guaranteed funding for graduate students among the sticking points. right the super mario brothers movie, scoring a huge hit in his debut week. that sicko. raking in a whopping 204.6 million bucks since wednesday, bringing in families two theaters in droves and making it the most successful video game adaptation. ever. not sure. all right. thanks for joining me. i'm christine romans on early start this monday morning. a cnn this morning starts right now. yeah. your morning like dressed for easter spring. was here at cnn seventh birthday today. things are happy birthday. good happy belated to you. did you
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have a good one on friday? great one party. you are matching the mood. your name and the spring poppies. great we're so glad you're with us. i'm clearly in a great mood. good morning, everyone. hopefully that goes for all of us started. i'm gonna make it. so let's get started with five things to know for this monday, april 10th 2023. the department of justice has appealed a federal judge's ruling halting the fda approval of a widely used abortion pill. this case will likely head now soon to the supreme court. also, the pentagon is now investigating a leak of what appears to be classified intelligence. when it comes to russia in the war in ukraine, the alleged documents reveal spying efforts on russia and us allies. also today nationals city council is set to hold a meeting to discuss potentially reappointing justin jones to his house seat. jones and his colleague justin pearson, were expelled last week for breaking rules during a gun protest first
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for rutgers university faculty going on strike today for the first time in the schools 256 year history workers demanding better pay and job security. and the green jackets club has its newest member, john ross. finishing 12 under to win his first ever masters. nobody wearing green this morning this morning starts right now. just 28 years old. i loved watching the masters. it's so fun. it's like soothing to me to like. listen to think it's a i mean, it's the announcers and it's the colors. everything is so green and predicted for the rain. there's a little nuts saturday saturday, but it's like and he's honest, whatever. and it's a par six. and you're like, oh, this is kinda it was really clear he was gonna win from like, right, but they're the final round. it
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was pretty clear that he had overtaken the lead with brooks cap covid. it was awesome to watch, obviously, congratulations to him, but a lot of people congratulations. well, let that play out. but you know, everyone's talking about tiger right to drop out what this means. look at that. very nice. very nice. i love when his wife and they become up. these two kids are there they were so cute. cute somehow we didn't get any food from the masters. i thought we were promising to us with him about that one, and a lot happened over the weekend, especially in the national security front. because the pentagon this morning is scrambling to try to find out how these highly classified documents about the war in ukraine and a lot else leaked onto social media photos of those documents. if you can believe it looks like they were posted last month. we're only learning about it. now. the documents are filled with us intelligence, it could be valuable to russian commanders, including ukrainian troop numbers and weaknesses as they gear up for a major counter offensive. this leaked set of documents also give us a glimpse
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into how the united states spies on its own allies like ukrainian president vladimir zelensky or cnn. national security reporter natasha bear trend has reported this at all weekend joins us in the pentagon. there's so much stunning before we get to how this got there for so long unnoticed. what's key about what's in it. poppy a ton of highly highly classified top secret information in these documents that include information about the us spying on south korea. israel other allies, including ukrainian president vladimir zelensky, as well as information on how the u . s buys on our enemies and new information on just the depth of the intelligence and the penetration that you had us has of the russian defense ministry as well as the russian mercenary organization, wagner group, which of course, is carrying out operations. inside ukraine. so this is very sensitive information that the us never wanted even its friends to know about, and it's already sparking outrage in places like israel because of one document that
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says that the mossad, israel's intelligence agency was egging on is really protesters, something that assad has vigorously denied. this could cause a lot of friction between the us and its allies, and importantly, it could cause some sources to go dark because the documents which are again top secret they do describe how the u. s has been able to eavesdrop and listen in on russian officials as well as bogner officials. and of course, it has sensitive information about ukrainian combat deployments that has information on their training schedules, as well as a timeline for when weapons will get there. so all of this extremely concerning to us officials, poppy, so obviously the u. s has a lot of repair work to do here with its allies and the key relationships. how do they begin to do that? well, at the same time trying to get to the source. of how this was leaked to leaked it and how on earth it went unnoticed for weeks online. the us has already started to do some damage control. the department of defense released a statement last night saying that they have
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been in touch with us allies on this issue. try to basically do damage assessments along with those allies to try to figure out whether any sources and methods have been burned here. what kind of intelligence may not be usable now and what may be valuable for us enemies, and so they have made those calls. they're also in touch with congress, the relevant congressional committees who are going to be looking into this very closely, but look, this is all has been online for over a month now without anyone noticing? it is a very big deal, bobby. huge great reporting on this all weekend, natasha. thanks very much. also this morning, the head of the health and human services department is now slamming a federal judge's decision to suspend the fda approval for what is a widely used abortion pill in an interview yesterday on cnn's state of the union secretary javier becerra said that everything is on the table and the fight to protect access to the pill known as mifid. preston. when you turn upside down the entire fda approval process you're not talking about just never. presto you're talking about every kind of drug
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you're talking about our vaccines. you're talking about insulin. you're talking about the new alzheimer's drugs that may come on if a judge decides to substitute his preferences, personal opinion for that of scientists and medical professionals. what drug isn't subject to some kind of legal challenge. we should note that a spokesman for his department later walked back comments after he said everything was on the table when it came to whether or not hhs will ignore that ruling within an hour of the texas ruling on friday, though, a separate one came from a federal judge in washington state. there was a competing decision. that decision blocked the fda from rolling back access to the pill and at least 17 democratic. let states and the district of columbia we should note that for now. access to mifid preston is unchanged as the doj is going to appeal the texas ruling. legal experts say that the dueling rulings could quickly land, though, and the issue the issue in the hands. of the supreme court. joining us now for perspective on this is cnn
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supreme court analyst joan biskupic, whose new book, nine black robes inside the supreme court's drive to the right and its historic consequences is out now, joan. obviously these conflicting decisions. it was a little bit confusing on friday to see them come down so quickly within within an hour of one another. what do you make of where this stands now? and the idea that it might ultimately go to the supreme court? i think definitely the issue will katelyn polantz this morning. here's the thing. this is the first big abortion set of cases that will be heading on a path toward the supreme court since roe v. wade was reversed last june. that was a stunning decision by a narrow 5 to 4 vote , but there is something that the justices said in that decision that will probably affect how this texas case is handled. when it is appealed to the supreme court, the justices said. that this should now be a matter for the states that it's that it's the states that should handle it any kind of moral policy issue is something for
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elected officials and brett kavanaugh wrote separately after he had joined the majority to say the court was not outlawing abortion nationwide. if this texas decision is allowed to stand and medication, abortion is not available in the states that now allow it effectively. the supreme court would be outline significantly significantly prohibiting abortion in states that i say. do allow it. now i wonder what this means for the fda and what it does to its power and legitimacy because secretary but sarah argued that if the texas ruling where to stand it could impact the fda has ability to approve other drugs. is that a concerning or potential consequence here? that is exactly right down. in fact, that's why this case is so much different from what we had last summer. this goes to the authority of the food and drug administration to use its own expertise to review drugs to decide what should be on the market. uh kristen was first approved by the fda going back
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to 2000 as attorney general america, ireland said when he announced that they would be appealing it, the agency had found it to be a safe and effective for the use of as one of two drugs and the two drug protocol to end pregnancies early in early early stages, so it again it's not the kind of large looming constitutional question we had in the summer, but it's a very practical question, not just for access to abortion medication, but access to all drugs. dogs you know what kind of difference judges would be required to give to the experts who would now know how to screen drugs and one last thing done in this judge's ruling. there was just a lot of contempt for the fda that i don't know would be as high a level as judge kaczmarek had in his decision and other judges will have down the road. yeah that that was striking in reading that that decision
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before you go june just the constitutional issues at play that will decide not just the future of this drug in the high court. but of all of the fda has ability to do what it does without state intervention would be what the supremacy clause argument and the and the commerce clause argument right now, in this particular case, poppy it has to do with just straightforward kind of administrative law authority of the food and drug administration processes it was using when it when it did decide that this abortion medication was safe and effective. what judge has, merrick said in his ruling is that he fault and he was really down in the weeds. it wasn't as i said, it wasn't a big constitutional question here. it was that, he said the way that the fda approved this did not sufficiently account for the psychological oh, and physiological effects on women. so he was down into the processes that the fda had used . that was the bulk of his ruling. would the high court be considering those bigger issues when looking at the fda is
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authority? yes i mean, it could for the supreme court. everything could be on the table, including papi. a threshold question of whether these anti abortion physicians and medical groups even had no legal standing to even bring this case, and i'm sure that when we see the department of justice appeal, they're really going to hit that strong too. okay? thank you, joan very much . thanks a lot. so the nation's attention captured with that story and this one as well, of course. national city council set to huddle today, possibly vote on reinstating ousted democrat justin jones back to the tennessee house of representatives. jones is one of the so called tennessee three. they were expelled thursday night for staging a protest on the house floor, demanding stronger gun reforms following the mass shooting at the covenant school, which killed six people with justin jones told us this is on friday. if the natural city council next week wants to appoint you as an interim representative district, you would do it. most definitely
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, yes. straight now to our correspondent isabel rozelle's live in nashville this morning. good morning, isabel. what roadblocks could be standing in the way of jones and his supporters. good morning to you don the goal of metro council today during its special meeting happening later on in the evening, is to appoint jones back to his seat. now i spoke with the city council member jeff syracuse, who tells me that he is confident that there was enough support within the council to appoint him but there is a tricky part right before that appointment vote in order to get to the appointment vote, they first have to vote to suspend a council rule that prohibits someone being nominated and appointed within the same meeting. it only takes two council members to object to the suspension of the rules for it to fail, and then we don't get to the appointment vote and we're told by syracuse that if it fails, it could take four weeks until they are able to
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appoint jones back to his seat. so that is something we're keeping a close eye on and that will be a pivotal moment within this metro council meeting. meanwhile there's a real sense of urgency here from the council members that we've spoken with to reinstate jones and that is because there are 70 nearly 70,000 people under jones's district currently have no representation within the statehouse. listen. justin has a very important voice on this topic that we've been talking about, which is uncontrolled school safety and whatnot. and so we need him back there. there's an understanding that decorum was broken for sure, but it was an egregious act to actually expelled him and justin pearson from the legislature. that was that action did not meet the transgression that occurred. and that civilians are organizing a day of action here before the metro council meeting there are rallying here and
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support of the reinstatement of jones and then afterwards are going to march over to the state capital. don quiet there in nashville, you can hear the birds where isabelle rose alexis, let's see if that stays today. thank you. isabel. appreciate that in our next hour . we're going to be joined by the vice mayor of nashville. jim showman. you see his photograph there on your screen. he called for today's special meeting to fill justin jones seat. we'll see what happens when mom in new jersey is recovering this morning in the hospital after he was stabbed during ramadan services at the omar mosque in paterson. this happened early yesterday. and, according to his spokesperson, the suspect lunch for the imam, stabbing him at least two times and try to escape. because of the swift action of the omar mosque congregants. the attacker was swiftly and immediately apprehended as he tried to run out of the mask. until he was placed under arrest by paterson police department. alright jimenez joins us now terrifying. do we know how he's doing this morning? well thankfully, he's in stable condition, so it seems like he's going to be okay. but
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as we heard some of those details, this is a situation that unfolded pretty quickly early sunday morning. this is the first prayer of the day this suspect who was unknown to the congregants, lunch, ford stabbed the imam multiple times and then tried to run, but the congregants grabbed him. held him until police were able to arrive and this person was arrested in the investigation goes from there, but take a listen to one of the spokespeople for the mosque about why this time period was so significant. this is a holy time for muslims, and actually, you know other religions as well. we're celebrating easter was celebrated passover but for ramadan is the holiest month of the year, and typically, there are more congregants than other times. it's a it's a spiritual time for us and naturally, something like this, you know, is bothersome and we naturally don't expect it to happen. it has not happened at our congregation before. so
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obviously in the middle of ramadan, and the mayor says that moving forward, especially through this period, they do plan to have some increased security presence just to give people up fairly peace of mind. it's unbelievable. luckily he's okay and he's recovering. yeah, definitely. alright also this morning he was convicted of murdering a black lives matter. protester coming up why the texas governor is now going to pardon him. thanks so much, and good morning, , stanley old schl hard work k bold new thinking. o help you see untapped possibililities and relentlessly work with you to make them real. you founded your kayak company becaus you love the ocean, not spreadsheets you need thire need indeed, indeed, yodo indeed, instant matchnstantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visiting .com/ higher. we just
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governor greg abbott is pushing that states patrol parole board to recommend a pardon for daniel perry. he is the army sergeant who was convicted of murder on friday for shooting and killing a protester during a black lives matter. demonstration in 2020. this is what abbott tweeted on saturday. i'm working as swiftly as texas law allows regarding the pardon of sergeant perry. i'd lavender joined us. from dallas with more so it has to go through this process. i wonder how the victim's family is responding because this this happened right after the jury verdict came in. yes all of this happening very quickly. in fact , this trial isn't even fully over yet. they're entering the sentencing phase in the district attorney in austin, texas, says that the government the intervention from governor greg abbott, in this case already is quote deeply troubling. guilty of the offense of murder and
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austin jury convicted daniel perry on friday for the murder of garrett foster. the army sergeant broke down after hearing the verdict. perry shot and killed foster during a black lives matter protest in the summer of 2020 after the trial, foster's family expressed their relief. we're happy with the verdict. we, uh. very sorry for his family as well. just there's no winners in this. had just glad it's over. but this case is far from over the very next day . texas governor greg abbott tweeted his vow to pardon perry as quickly as possible and argued texas has one of the strongest standard ground laws of self defense that cannot be nullified by a jury or a progressive district attorney. in the weeks after the murder of george floyd. black lives matter . protests erupted all over the country. garrett foster joined the protests in austin. got it out tonight. don't let us march
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in the streets anymore, so i got to practice some some of our rights. daniel perry was a rideshare driver and had just dropped off a customer near a blm protest on the downtown streets. prosecutors said perry ran a red light to turn into the crowd. this is where accounts differ at the time. some witnesses say perry deliberately instigated the altercation. the driver intentionally and aggressively accelerated their vehicle into a crowd of people. that is extremely clear investigator testified that video showed perry did not accelerate but slowed down. perry says garrett foster was carrying an assault style rifle , which he was legally allowed to do and pointed the gun at him. very fired his handgun several times at foster killing him. perry's lawyers call it self defense. but in the trial, prosecutors pointed to texts and
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social media post daniel perry made that summer that suggested perry was looking for a fight. in one, perry wrote. he might kill a few people on my way to work. they are rioting outside my apartment complex. someone wrote back. can you legally do so? perry responded if they attack me or try to pull me out of my car, then yes. the texas jury didn't buy this self defense argument and issued a guilty verdict on the murder charge. perry's lawyer says they're disappointed and will appeal. and poppy. no. daniel perry's cases also gotten the attention of right wing media where that has become a cause very similar to what we saw in wisconsin in the kyle rittenhouse case. however, in that case, rittenhouse was acquitted by the jury to fox news host tucker carlson was pushing governor abbott on friday night to pardon daniel perry. and the governor here in texas issued that statement the very next day. the timing. it's this comes before even the
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sentencing phase of the trial, which complicates things, the least at lavender. there was a fascinating report. thank you. very good report. it's. it. would it be gubernatorial overreach in this case they have . i mean, he's going through the process. i don't i don't know where i don't know where this is going to go. um, it's fascinating to watch. you know the limits of standard ground, but the jury has spoken. straight ahead. the move from environmental protection agency that could soon make a majority of the cars on the road electric and where is the money? comedian jon stewart pressing a defense department official atop one on their budget. i'm a human being who lives on the earth and can't figure out how $850 billion to a department means that the rank and file still have to be on food stamps like to me. that's corruption. i'm sorry. booking
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classified documents about the war in ukraine apparently leaked onto social media. they reveal ukrainian troop numbers and how the u. s buys on our own allies , retired army major general mike lyons. there he is, he's going to join us live next hour to analyze the fallout administration is vowing to protect access to an abortion pill after a federal judge in texas suspended the fda approval of that medication, republican congressman and nancy mace has criticized her own party over abortion shall join us live in the seven am our also talked to democratic senator tina smith. 80 m eastern hour she's been fighting to try to protect this access and also just a few hours from now there's a lot going on today. nashville's city council may reinstate one of those tennessee lawmakers who was expelled on thursday. the expulsion has sparked national outrage and accusations of racism. we're going to talk to the vice mayor of nashville in the next hour about what that vote could look like in the meantime. the e p a set to
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propose new climate regulation laws aimed at shifting the car market towards electric vehicles over the next decade. can that happen? we'll discuss now cnn's chief business correspondent christine romans. she's here with more good morning to you, so there's some very big goals. welcome back. by the way, i hope you had a great vacation. great holiday. very big goals. administration wants it. can that happen, so it looks like we could see this proposed new rules by wednesday, and these would be epa standards. very strict emission standards here. these would affect a light duty vehicles starting in the in the model year. 2027 the goal here by the year 2032 in just a decade, two thirds of new car sales would be electric vehicles . all this very key to the biden administration's climate goals and even more aggressive than what we've heard from the white house before where they were hoping to have maybe half of new cars sold over the next decade be electric vehicles so the u. s is behind europe. europe is behind china, china leading the world this these are global car
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companies. this is the white house, the epa proposing these roles. there would be a rule making period and there would be a public period of comment, but an aggressive emissions a standard here in the united states and mention his senator joe manchin, has been so unhappy about how the how they've handled this the implementation . all of this. we'll see how that continues. also the tax credit in particular. yeah i mean, it's striking. his criticism is not sparing anything. tesla is also slashing prices again. what's going on here time we've seen them do this. another tesla price cut between 2% in 6% over the model three. that's a price cut of another grand model white two grand for the model s and y about five grand here. this could hurt their profitability. but this is the fifth time it's clearly as those tax credits next month, maybe get more difficult to get the full tax credit. you've got some of these companies, specifically tesla cutting prices again to try to continue to generate interest in the car. and for these car
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sales, you know, the movement toward e v has been fascinating to watch. we have range anxiety . you and i have talked about that before, but this is getting better. you've got all the major carmakers really full throttle, but bump onto the tv bandwagon will see what this year looks like. but with these emission standards with these tax credits , there may be a tipping point. we're seeing in the us where you're moving more towards electric vehicles that are certainly is the bad administration goal, and that is kind of a reality for a lot of these car companies. ceos they know this is this is the u. s is behind on this cheap, though there's still no, i mean, no. but have you have you guys driven any of that? i drove a rivian truck, suv suv usb you think? and i liked it them the mustang, the marquis the ford mckee. i love that one, too. i mean, it's really it's interesting, but the thing is, i drive from the east coast to iowa, right every year for summer now, when i know that i can predictably get there. that maybe when i have to stop and
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plug in plug in, but yeah, kind of drive themselves as a little. it's different than a traditional gas powered via combustion engine, right? oh yeah, having to break just kind of think about it. it does it at least a rivian. i think you have to break electric. um you take your foot off the gas and it'll stop. i have a 12 year old toyota. don't talk to me about but literally. i mean, our kids are not going to allow us to be buying for the rest of the talks about the tax. generational is it's amazing. the kids the kids are their station wagons, you guys. thank you, christine. president biden big trip ahead said to visit northern ireland this week as the terror threat level rises there how police are ramping up security that's next. it was cool, but expensive like it's's sunday nights. we're tryg something a littltle different e whole story. what's startling is the sheer number o of migrants n ththis track one whole hour, the world's best journalists dig
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the dentist call now or go to send info kit dot com physicians , mutual physicians mutual. i'm lauren fox on capitol hill. and this is cnn. closed captioning brought to you by flexible family of products will swift here this is flex superglue get flex superglue and the entire flexible family of products at flex seal products .com. police in northern ireland this morning are preparing for presidents. biden arrival. president biden's
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arrival profile visit has prompted a major security operation that is costing more than $8 million due to heightened fears of a terrorist attack. president biden is expected to land in northern ireland tomorrow to mark 25 years since the good friday accords brought peace after decades of violence. cnn's nic robertson is live in belfast, northern ireland with more obviously, nick, this is a hugely significant trip when it comes to bind himself and his strong irish identity, but when it comes to the actual logistics of what's happening on the ground, what are you hearing about these concerns about an attack and how they're preparing for that? i think the real concern at the moment an additional 300 police officers brought over from mainland uk is that one of the small splinter groups republican dissident group they call themselves a new ira that have a persistent track record here. they didn't sign up the good friday agreement and over recent years have had a track record of trying to kill police officers with roadside
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bombs, mortars at police stations. and just recently, they almost killed an off duty police officer. the police here say that they've got strong intelligence that this group today actually want to create a public disturbance and north of here there is a belief by the police that this group will draw the police into a neighborhood where they will try to attack them. and that's the sort of genesis of the idea that this terrorist terror ist organization would try to create a big high profile event on the eve of the president's visit. the president won't see any of that here in belfast, says high security, the president is going to attend a ribbon cutting ceremony at a new university here in belfast is likely to speak about the importance of business and education for peace. and he will spend time tracing his roots county louth just in the republic of ireland county mayo there as well as going to dublin, the capital, and speaking to the parliament. there, so a pack trip not so
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much time here in northern ireland, but yes, on the fringes and the margins there will be groups trying to create what they would call. spectacular caitlin. we'll see how they handle that he's known you notice those irish president since jfk. we'll see how that trip goes and track it closely. nic robertson. thank you. next we're going to take you live to beijing or china just wrapped up a third day of military drills around taiwan. the island nation is now issuing its strongest condemnation yet. hey, man, you could save hundreds for safe driving with liberty mutual. they customize your r car insurance. so you only pay for what you need. who we gotta go again for what you need. liberty. liberty liberty liberty . being dt was just such a challenge as a workg single mom was working tee jobs just to make end meet new. i wasn't gonna be able to get out of debt
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president's meeting with house speaker kevin mccarthy and that bipartisan group of lawmakers last week. you know selena wang is live in beijing with the latest sienna. uh this is just striking to see selena. what else can you tell us? walk us through what happened? poppy. we'll we were expecting some sort of military reaction. we got it after the taiwanese president left her meeting with house speaker kevin mccarthy launching three days of military drills, china says these drills simulate precision attacks on key targets in taiwan, and for the first time it appears chinese simulated strikes with more planes that took off from an aircraft carrier. now. beijing has not launched any missiles this time, but its military did release this animation. it shows missiles fired from land, sea and air er to taiwan, two of them exploding into flames, and i also want to show you this video released by taiwan's ocean affairs council. take a listen here. you are now seriously damaging regional peace, stability and safety.
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please turn around immediately and leave. if you keep proceeding forward, i will take eviction measures. that video, really highlighting the real risks of any accident or mistake leading to a miscalculation. remember beijing sees democratically ruled taiwan as part of its territory. beijing claims that these drills are a warning to taiwan separatist forces and is necessary to defend its national sovereignty . poppy striking to see and hear what you just played for everyone. selena wayne. thank you very much for the reporting. comedian and television host jon stewart, accusing the defense department of corruption and waste. stewart confronted the pentagon's deputy secretary, kathleen hicks, during an interview on thursday. he asked her why the d o d keeps failing audits. we don't have an accurate inventory that we can pull up of what we have. where that is not the same as saying.
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we can't do that because waste fraud and abuse has occurred so in my world that's waste. how is that waste if i give you a billion dollars and you can't tell me what happened to it? that to me is wasteful. that means you are not responsible. but if you can't tell me where it went, then what am i supposed to think we got out of 20 years of war and the pentagon got a $50 billion raise. like that's shocking to me now. i may not understand exactly the ins and outs and the incredible magic of an audit. but i'm a human being who lives on the earth and can't figure out how $850 billion to a department means that the rank and file still have to be on food stamps like to me. that's corruption. i'm sorry. he gets a lot of leeway with the comedian thing, though. so stuart
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question why some veterans are facing food insecurity despite the defense department's massive budget, hicks acknowledge it has been a problem in the past, but said that biden administration has made it a major priority. we're just discussing like jon stewart is so much more than a comedian is one leader needs no introduction and has stood up for so long for veterans rights and fought so loud and so hard and uses this big platform to keep doing so well. i mean, none of it. i mean, the questions for the she's the number two at the department of defense. those are important questions, and there weren't really a ton of sufficient answers, i think, and that's going to be the big question for them going forward is not just what he said. there is how they're responding. we were saying when i said comedian and television host, he's so much more than that. i don't even know if you need to qualify. jon stewart is that but good interview there, all right. we'll see what depending on says about that. also up next, a conversation about the greatest of all time. this year's master, be masters be the last for an
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injured tiger woods, who left on saturday and also, how is history going to look back on lebron james, who better to talk about all of this with the jeff benedict, who has written about tiger and now has a new book out tomorrow on lebron. he'll be at the desk with us next. asking the right question can greatly impact your future. a are you qualified to do this? especially when it comes to your finances? are you a certified financial planner, cfpp professional professionals are committed to acting in your best interest. that's why it's got to be a c f p. oh this one is perfect. not as perfect athis one. that is not a mango, lenny. no but this mango hint. water tastes just like mango and with no calories of sweetness. how can water taste just like fruit? how can i look just like our hands just like that. ent water with a
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i'm dr sanjay gupta. and this is cnn. closed captioning brought to you by garlic cholesterols natural enemy. my blood pressure is borderline garlic. healthy blood pressure formula helps maintain healthy blood pressure with a custom blend of ingredients. i'm taking charge with garlic. he is one of the greatest athletes of all time in the reigning king of the game, lebron james, who needs no introduction in a new biography , the author jeff benedict, tracks the nba stars epic origin story from living in a public housing project in akron, ohio,
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appearing on the cover of sports illustrated is just a high school junior to then joining the nba at 18 years old. other jeff benedict joins us now his book goes on sale tomorrow. we were just talking about epic. the cover is you put so much work into this. you did two. it's two years. three years of research more than 200 interviews. i mean, we are we are obsessed with lebron james. we went to the lakers game when they played the knicks here just to watch how he operates on the court is amazing in and of itself. but what's it like to do all of that research leading up to this? would you learn the interview? part is actually the easiest part to me. it's the thousands and thousands of pages of transcripts and books and hundreds of hours of video archive that you look at it. i mean, i literally have to watch every game that you mentioned in a book. and so that's what takes the most time. but what it does is, it gives you such a deep appreciation of a full immersion in someone's life. and in lebron's case, it's 20 years in the n b, a four years in high
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school. his high school career was was more starstruck than most anybody's colleges college career so it was just the appreciation deepens. the further you go. one of the things that i admire most about. lebron is not what he does in the court. it's what he does off the court specifically for children and a lot of this as you detail in the book all the way at the beginning page 14 you say all roads lead back to gloria james in akron, ohio, and you talk about his desire to please his mother being the driving force in all he did. seeing how crucial she was to him, and now him trying to do what he can for other children where he came from. i thought the narrative of lebron being fatherless and growing up with a mom in financial, dire straits. to me is the bedrock of his story. there's something to be said for the history that you live really defines who you become as a man. and i think
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that lebron traveled pretty lonely road when he was a kid. he was a hard road and i wanted to sort of live in that orbit. as long as i could really try to understand it so that readers could really understand the gravity of what he became. i mean, i was actually thinking when i was writing the book, it reminded me a little bit of the alexander hamilton's story. i was thinking like what are the chances that this kid when he is 456 years old, and they're bouncing like nomads from couch to bed, two apartment to somebody's displace and that what are the chances that this kid is going to become anything? anything at all. like even survive, never mind become one of the most successful and admired humans on planet earth, not just players. humans humans forget the basketball stuff, right? i mean, just that this guy would survive, and i think that's so much you have to. you have to recognize the mother and i thought a lot of the narrative around gloria james was just
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wrong. because the narrative started so in the beginning when he was in high school, and the more i followed that narrative, i thought i read all that stuff. and to me it was framed wrong. it was. we're looking at the wrong thing, and i think what she did with him as a mother was just phenomenal. and so much of what he is, is ingrained in in what they went through. i love that they were glow and brawn. yeah oh, and braun. it's very look. his story is relatable to a lot of people in inspirational but especially to men of color. even um, you know, he's here, right? but even if you're moderately successful, or if you stay out of prison or if you defy the odds and the statistics it is looked upon. it should be, especially in american society as being a success because there's so many factors that go against especially black men in this society, but i have to ask you when you were here and you gave me the book and i started reading it and i reached out to lebron's people and was like, hey, so happy and they said this is not we have nothing to do
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with this. don this is unauthorized. you should ask him about that and why he chose to do it. so i'm asking most biographies today, if well, if you're doing a biography on a living person. it's often unauthorized. i mean, especially for somebody like lebron or tiger. tom brady when you're in that category. you can do an autobiography and lebron did a memoir a few years ago, but i suspect someday he's going to write an autobiography. and he should. um but a biography that's unauthorized is pretty standard. when you're talking about someone who is successful and famous and alive, and i think it's better that way to be honest with you. why is that? because they'll say, well, how do you know? and how do we rely on you know that this is true? the information you received? i mean, that's the job of a biographer is to is to follow all the trails to be as comprehensive as you can. and to try to do that job, and i actually like the unauthorized means no cooperation at all. doesn't do an interview. i actually didn't feel that way about lebron's camp. there were plenty of people that i approached. who said, you know,
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we have to check with lebron first to see if you're going to be able to talk to me, and that's okay. but i think it's honest like nobody can say well, you wrote it this way because you were working with lebron. no, i wrote it this way because this is what i saw. this is what i see that the man that i've described in the book is what i saw with unvarnished eyes and i think it's the closest truest portrait i could i could paint um doing the job without sitting down and talking to lebron page 4 70 is my favorite. won't let them audience figure out what you're talking about time, jeff. congratulations to read it of work poring over gosh, endless amounts of information. good. thank you. thank you all. lebron's on sale tomorrow. and we continue right now. supporters of abortion rights are furious this morning over the ruling to block a medication
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