tv CNN Newsroom CNN April 10, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT
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right. it's the top of the hour in the cnn newsroom. i'm fredricka whitfield in new york and we are moments away from an update on today's deadly mass shooting in louisville, kentucky. a gunman opening fire at a downtown bank, killing at least four people and wounding nine others. police responded quickly getting into a gunfight with the shooter. two officers were injured in the exchange, with one now in critical condition. the shooter is dead and police are still trying to piece together how he was killed and why the former bank employee may have gone on this shooting spree. officials are expecting to hold a briefing at any moment. of course, we'll take that to you, but before it begins, let's go first to cnn's shimon prokupecz. so shimon, what do we know about how all of this unfolded right so sometimes around 8 30 this morning after a 30 before the bank was open. the shooting took place police
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saying that they were there within three minutes. just think about that for the fact that they got there. so quickly and yet still not enough to save those four lives, and they encountered gunfire almost immediately on the exchange gunfire with the shooter and then they some point went in. it's unclear if they killed him. or if he killed himself. you know, they also say that some of the employees were hiding in the vault. it sounds like they were actually a lot of people already inside the bank. a lot of the employees were at work already, but obviously the big thing here is what is this person's connection to the bank? we've heard. the police say that this was either a former employee or a current employee, so hopefully in this press conference, which hopefully is minutes away will learn more about the connection . also the weapon here used of we've learned that it was an ar 15 style rifle, something we've heard. about so often and all of these shootings, it's a gun that sadly has been used in many of
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the mass shootings that we've covered. so perhaps we'll learn more about that. but obviously there's just a lot of lot of questions still remaining about this person about the weapon. and what else we can learn about the victims. you know, we saw the governor and that press conference get emotional saying these are his friends. friends of his that were injured and killed inside his bank. this is really hitting this community pretty pretty. roughly as one can only imagine, but hopefully we could hear learn some new information that could shed some light on the motive. the governor is saying two out of the four people killed, he knew and it's still perplexing is this he had an association. the gunman had an association with the bank. former employee current, um, you know, did he gain access because of that familiarity? everyone saw him. let him in. he make his way in by knowing some vulnerabilities of the bank, given that he had some kind of familiarity, so lots of questions. hopefully we'll get some of them at that press conference momentarily. alright. thanks so much, shimon.
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appreciate it. joining us right now. cnn senior law enforcement analyst and former fbi director andrew mccabe and cnn senior law enforcement analyst and former philadelphia and washington metro police commissioner charles ramsey. good to see all of you. so, andrew first we're waiting on this briefing to begin. the questions that you are hoping will get answered at this stage, still, very early on the gunman is dead. but what are the expectations that you have? well there's so much more that we'd like to know about the gunman to try to get at that central question that everybody has. which is why did this happen? why at this bank? why today what might have provoked this? what brought this individual to this moment of inflicting violence on on people who were sounds like probably his former or current colleagues. um law enforcement obviously knows a lot about him already. they we understand they were able to identify him pretty early on in the investigation.
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they have no doubt taken a look at, uh, as much information as they can find about him in terms of his social media presence, um, they are likely working on search warrants for his residents or for any vehicles. that may be, um, that may come back to him. they're going to be looking for things that he may have written things that he may have communicated to friends and family or his coworkers there at the bank. to try to shed some light on this issue of motive. um and so it'll be interesting to hear if they shall any of that with us at the press conference that's coming up. i think that's kind of first on my list. and commissioner ramsey you know if this gunman was a familiar face to these bankers, he may have also known about the vulnerabilities of the bank. video cameras obviously will reveal a lot, but so will eyewitnesses in and around the bank what people heard or saw even before the gunmen got there, right? yeah you're right . i mean, that's gonna be
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important to find out how you gained access as he current employee, former employee that he just follow somebody inside. i mean, we don't know that and hopefully we'll get more information at this press conference. one of the things though i think it will be covered as well as the rapid response of the louisville metropolitan employees. to the scene. three minutes is incredible response time. uh, i heard andrew actually mentioned this earlier and he's absolutely right. you know, people need to also consider the fact that it takes time between the initial call 911 dispatcher getting the information and dispatching to the police and investors circumstances. you're talking about adding another minute to that as unavoidable, but it's going to happen and someone with an a r 15 or any kind of assault weapon. a lot of damage can be done in a very short period of time. so this is really tragic. in many ways, it is indeed i mean, and obviously, you know,
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andrew people, um, you know, could heard what what was happening? i mean, that helped illicit you know the calls to police, but even when police were to get there, perhaps they already had some kind of inkling about what kind of firearm may have been used as simply by the sound of it. and you know how, um, you know equipped. are they to respond to something like this, andrew? yeah well, there's no doubt that as a law enforcement officer, especially if you've trained around these weapons if you have an ar 15 style rifle, which many patrol officers have issued to them now they carry them in their vehicles. you fired that weapon ? you know exactly what it sounds like, and you can just you don't have to be. you know, an expert firearms person to distinguish the sound of an ar 15 from let's say this not about handgun report. so when police officers arrived on that scene, they hear shots being fired what is likely a high powered rifle.
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um they are gonna arm themselves with the best the strongest, most lethal weapons they have in their vehicle. and we haven't heard these details about the this this level of specifics about the response, but it's my strong suspicion that some least some of those officers who responded likely had long guns rifles that they brought to the response which is absolutely necessary in this day and age, when every day as an officer on patrol and you get in your car. start your shift. you run a pretty pretty, uh, scary like the hood of coming across an individual who might be armed. that kind of lethality, whether it's a mass shooting, or just, you know, straight up criminal gun violence issue on the streets. um the fact is that in this arms race that we currently have in this country where perpetrators are more more and more often armed with, um, with
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military style weapons within, you know, we have to have an equivalent response. we have to arm our police officers with the sort of weapons that will enable them to handle. you know, someone who is armed and potentially protected in that way. and chief. this is still an active crime scene investigation still in its infancy, so talk to me about how widespread the crime scene is, including the residents, perhaps of where this gunman originated. well yeah, i mean, obviously you have the bank this the site where the incident actually took place, vehicle or motivate transportation. individual took to get there any apartment home or any place where that person resided is also now a crime scene. i'm sure it warrants are being executed. they're trying to get they'll take computers. they'll take any other kind of ah, items from the home that can
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give them some indication as to why as more about this individual, uh so that they can try to determine a motive there also in the process of interviewing people that norm whether it's family, friends, coworkers, whatever it may be, so you've got a lot of things going on right now that are taking place and it will continue for a period of time. but we'll find out more. i see that i'm gonna stop you there. let's go to this press conference in louisville, kentucky. at 8 38. there's report of shots fired at all national bank. officers were on scene within three minutes. the suspect shot at officers. we then returned fire and stop that threat. the suspect. yes, deceased. this is the only time that i would mention the suspect name in this case. the suspect has been identified as connor sturgeon. white male 23 years of
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age who was employed. at the national bank. his weapon of choice was a rifle. we have. five total disease, which includes him. but i want to acknowledge. with heart felt condolences. prayers to the family of those who lost their lives today. tommy elliott. 63 years of age. jim tut. 64 years of age. josh barrett, 40 years of age and juliana farmer. 57. we have a total of nine victims who were treated and are being treated at a university. the local hospital. three which are in critical condition. including our officer. three who are listening, non critical
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condition and three who have been treated and released. the two officers who has struck an exchange of gunfire. one of the officers he was grace to the left side and the other officers suffered minor injuries to the elbow. i just want to let everyone know that the officer who was in critical condition today. officer nicholas wilt. 26 years of age. just graduated from the police academy on march 31st. i just swore him in and his family was there to witness his journey to become a police officer. he was struck. in the head. engaged in this incident. nick has come out of brain surgery. and is in critical but stable condition as we speak. i've been down there with the family and given my love and
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support been with all the families today to show our love and support for them. and if anything else that they need from el npd, we will provide that. the next few days are important and very critical for nicholas is recovery. this will be a long complex investigation involving local state and our federal partners. i would be remiss if i did not acknowledge. federal partners who have just been just outstanding. our local partners. a t f f b. i thank you. our local partners. university of local police. e. m s. emergency management services. thank you. thank you for everything. and for my l mpd officers. who took it upon themselves and that weight to assess everything but just went in to stop the threat so that more lives would not be lost. thank you. thank you for showing
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up. even when sometimes you are just felt like you're not appreciated, but i asked my officers when i addressed them today. if we don't do it, who will? and so they're very chameleon committed and their resiliency show today and their professionalism show today. i want to thank the governor. i want to thank the mayor who has been with us every step of the way through this trying and critical time. but i want to encourage the public. if you have any additional information. please call 574 l m p d and his sisters this should not continue to happen. evil should not try to prevail and take over our city and we let it happen. so i'm encouraging everybody that we united and that we continue to do the good work and l m p d will continue to keep this community in this city safe.
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thank you very much, chief. today is a day that's heartbreaking for our city. for all of us. and especially for the people. who are in that office. old national bank. and their loved ones. we just heard the chief give the names of the people who lost their lives. in this mass shooting this morning. one of them. was tommy elliott. a very good friend of mine. of the governor's. tommy's family. to the families of jim tut. josh barrack. juliana farmer. rachel and i join you. and families across our entire city and beyond. in grieving this shocking and painful loss of
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your lives. the chief the governor myself. we visited in the hospital this morning with. several of their families to offer them our support. and our love. during these unthinkable day. we will continue. to offer our support. and love. and anything else we can provide. to help them. we were also there, along with several of my colleagues from metro council. to thank and support the officers of l m p. d. for their who will heroic work. today. and every day. and say thank you to the new graduating class. who was there to support their colleague officer will as he continues to fight for his life. let's be clear about what this was. this was an evil act of
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targeted violence. and to add to that tragedy. a few blocks away. shortly after this happened. another man lost his life. in a woman was shot in a completely different act. targeted violence. the two incidents appear to be entirely unrelated. but they both took lives. they both leave people scarred. grieving. and angry. i share all of those feelings myself right now. this is really difficult for all of us across the entire city. to process and accept. i asked that we respect the needs. of the families and loved ones of the people. whose lives were lost today. and the people whose lives will never be the same.
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i'm a survivor of a workplace shooting. to the people who survived. whether you were physically hurt or not. i know that you're hurting, too. we are here for you. as well. to the survivors and the families, our entire city. is here to wrap our arms around you. we've set up a family assistance center through the red cross. to provide support and services. to those families today. and in the coming. days, weeks and months ahead that we know will be challenging. to provide you with whatever you need to deal with the trauma of this moment. the same applies to our police officers and first responders. our city is here for everyone impacted. we are a strong fan city. and we will be here for
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support. as the chief mentioned. r l mpd officers went into that building, knowing that they were risking their lives to save their lives to save other lives , and that's exactly what they did. they exchanged gunfire with the shooter. the officer wilt and his family. will continue to pray and support you. to the other two lm p d officers who were injured. thank you and all of your colleagues for your service today. and every day. i also want to thank all of our other first responders. fire e. m s. jefferson county sheriff, state and federal agencies that are helping us at this time. and to dr smith to you and all of the other doctors and nurses and team at ufl health for your work today and every life and every
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day you two are saving lives in our city. and we thank you. for the rest of us in our city. let's hold each other close. and provide comfort where we can that's what we've done in the past. and that's what we must continue to do now. we've already received offers of assistance from people across this city and country. thank you. by the end of the day will be providing specific information on how to provide donations to those impacted today, if you would like we will also have more information by the end of the day. about a community wide. vigil. for the. targeted acts of violence that happened today. and mhm any day. in our city. we will continue to move forward with strength. prayer. with love support. and determination. thank you all now going to turn it over to
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governor andy beshear governor. today is a tragic day in louisville and for the entire commonwealth of kentucky. acts of violence like this hurt. they tear at the fabric of who we are at our society at our state. at our country. and the city. today. i'm hurt. and i'm hurting. and i know so many people out there are as well we lost four children of god. today. one of whom was one of my closest friends. tommy elliott helped me build my law career. help me become governor. gave me advice on being a good dad. it's one of the people i talked to most in the world and very
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rarely. but we're talking about my job. he was an incredible friend. we also lost juliana farmer jim tut, josh barrack, each amazing people whose families grieved them whose community will mourn and we'll miss them. these are irreplaceable. amazing individuals that are terrible act of violence tour. from all of us. we also pray. for rl, mpd officer and two others that right now, well, perhaps stable, are still fighting for their lives with i need for our care and yes, for our prayers because i believe i believe. and i believe that prayers lift all of us up and those families i would appreciate them. and while i heard today and while i will grieve when i'm able i'm also grateful. i'm grateful for an incredibly quick response from l
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m p d. the jefferson county sheriff's office. louisville fire and rescue louisville. metro e. m s getting to this scene in three minutes. i'm convinced saved other people's lives and i know saved two. other of my friends. one i received incorrect information this morning i thought was gone. and i started to mourn. and now i know he's okay. and when i got to see in the er that while it's going to take him a while to heal. it was so good. to see my friend. see him there with his wife and no. he is still with us. i want to thank k s p a. t f fbi, every single law enforcement agency that is going to bring their entire weight and their entire resources to bear so that we know exactly what happened in this situation. and you know, there are more first responders and the ones we've listed. because the team you
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will hospital our first responders to the first battle was stopping that gunman the second is doing everything we can to keep those that have been wounded alive. and i want to say to it's good doctor behind me, and we have worked together through pandemics. and now this, but i'm really proud of what his team is doing. i was in a room where one of those families that are rightfully worried. got an update it was one that was specific but also provided with compassion. these doctors and nurses are fighting for the lives of our friends. of our family, and we are deeply grateful to them. i think what we need most right now in a word is love. i mean, just love. love for these families. they're gonna need it. i can tell you i've talked to them. i'm very close with one of them they are going to need that love and we need love for each other. it
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seems like we argue so much. in this country so much anger. but i still believe that love and compassion. and humanity can lead us to a better place. this is hard. it's really hard the day after easter. easter is about a rebirth. a better world one where we're all supposed to work together. to get there. one that's supposed to teach us love from a savior that came the world fell in love with him, not because of his power. before his compassion. and i believe what we can do, whether it's any faith or just your values is ensure that today. more than anything. it's about these families is about those families that are afraid they're going to lose their loved one about those that have been through the worst and while may have survived, are going to bear the scars inside and outside today. it's gotta be about them. and the heroic actions of everybody who
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responded. and yes, i know. in the days to come. we'll talk about issues. but i think the thing that people get wrong after the most difficult of times and days and as governor of had to see a lot of them. is it today ought to be focused. my friend. everybody else's friends and loved ones. there are no longer with us. my faith teaches me that while the body is mortal soul is eternal. and so i know that i will see tommy again. and i know that all of these families and friends in this community. we will be reunited in a better place without violence. without the senselessness and hurt that we feel today. we will get through this. we'll get through this together. it's the only way march forward and my hope. is it an honor of those that have fallen today or that may still fall? we can be better. and we can do better. care about love
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each other, just a little bit more. today. um. to honor those who have fallen and asked so many families grieve. i'm ordering our flags statewide. fly it. half staff. until friday. um friday evening. to make sure that we are paying tribute in every single part of this commonwealth to those that we have lost. we are one commonwealth. united with the city. united with. these families. what we've had to do a lot in these last three years has wrap our arms around each other. and we need to do it here. thank you. and next um, we're gonna hear from dr smith, who is leading an incredible team to try to make sure as many of those that were harmed in this incident. get through it. and let me just again say that he and his hospital have my full
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support and confidence. i've seen it firsthand. what they're doing is nothing short of amazing and listen. i know they're gonna do their best. and while we don't know what that outcome can be we ought to be appreciative them for doing their very best. well, thank you very much for that. uh, as was reported, um, this morning university of louisville hospital received nine patients. three of which are currently in critical condition. uh three. they're in critical edition did require operative care and from our trauma team and our emergency department services. we were able to release three and three are currently still in our hospital with non life threatening injuries. um i want to say thank you to, um louisville, um, as a city i want to say thank you to our police officers are ems services. i
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have no doubt in my mind that they save lives today. i think they as many in the healthcare industry have been through a difficult time recently. but they have stood up and stand up. for louisville and the people of louisville constantly. and they have our thanks from you of our health. i also want to thank my nurses and the emergency department physicians and the emergency department. through all of this. they remained as the professionals that they are. they were able to care for a large number of people coming in severely injured in a very short period of time. we were able to get them to the services they need. now and as of now no one has arrived at the hospital has expired. no, i do not know what the days ahead will be. um, i do know that they are still injured. but i also know that we are all louisville, ians. and it doesn't matter where we come from. it does not matter who we look like. we are all part of
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louisville. helen p. d. e. m s. you have our health. we are here for everyone. and so i would like to thank everyone who's helped us today. i would like to thank all the well wishes i've received. both personally and from our health care system from around the country. support for people who have been through this around the country and know the pain. that my team is currently facing. no, the pain that the l m p d and e. m s teams are currently facing. and will be with us because as again we're, although villians um. i want to thank everyone again for what they do for us every day. we are um a wonderful and integral part of this city. and i am proud to be part of you of all health. and i am proud to be part of, um el hospital. um so with that, thank you, and i'll turn it over for questions. thank you very much. doctor smith, where prepared to take a
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few questions from the media. obviously great surgery. do we know about officer away? i believe everyone who had had surgery today are still sedated . no one is currently away could still very early in this process from any of that information. really the next 24 hours for all involved in this who required an operation are going to be the critical time period for us to understand really, how well they're going to recover from this acute part of their overall care. they've got long roads ahead of them. but if we can get through 24 hours, then we will take another 24 hours and we will keep doing that until they get out of the hospital. you mentioned nonlife threatening for those other things downs. for the efforts person. does that mean gun shopping's cannot be considered non life threatening? in this case? yes you can have gunshot wounds that are non life threatening. correct for these three we had we treated a total of five gunshot wounds today from this scene. one place you what is
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that moment like? here. not so was shot in the head and then ultimately to hear that put out is stable, but you got it appears you may make it through this. what are your thoughts there? that is one of the worst moments within any police chiefs 10 year being in this position. so here that any of your officers have been injured in any kind of way but critical injured. but it's also to rubs me and it's just rocks my world to have anybody being injured. um and losing their life. and so i am just truly. um i have so much respect for the families because they were still present. and we're very appreciative of what was done and how l m p d responded today. um and they were actually embracing me as i was embracing them. but let me
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say this. the evil that took place today. we shouldn't hear the tears were coming out. from these families. and that right there sticks because they are weeping. because someone decided that they wanted to take life today. and so, but with that, i'm very grateful and hopeful, and i'm thankful to the doctor for stabilizing so many that could have possibly lost their life. i don't know whether the shooter got the weapon from but i just can say that it was a rifle used as i mentioned earlier about building prior to this you make this morning. repeat that again about what happened inside the bank. so we fired again. this is an ongoing investigation and again as like, the government governor has stated we want to focus in on the families want to focus in
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right now what happened and as this investigation continues to unfold, then we'll be able to reveal a little bit more. just a gram down and was he communicating on instagram before the citizen? i will say this that the suspect was live streaming. and unfortunately, that's that's tragic. to know that that incident was out there and captured. um and so we're hopeful that we can have that. that incident removed that footage room. this shooter in this case been searched, haven't discovered anything manifest. again it's still ongoing within this investigation still unfolding, and so i don't want to get into any additional particulars at this time. and you realized who he was. he had any encounters with the police departments. his back. from my understanding right now, preliminarily wise. that may change but my understanding we
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have not had any prior engagement with this individual. he worked at a national bank. and so i am assuming right now that he was a citizen of laurel search warrant conducted on his home as of today. i want to get into particulars on that investigation portion of it, but again, it's ongoing. so i respect your questions or police say are you able to say? i'm not gonna take this? like poison the bank? yes, yes. yes and the officers? any officers? yes the suspect shot and killed by police. yes, sir. yes sir. your guards inside. i was this perfect. i'm not familiar with any other additional security with that inside the location, but again, let's focus back on this initial incident right here that we were responded in a timely, quick fashion, and we
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stopped the threat so that no additional loss of life could be taken. we will continue. we will continue to provide updates. as we have more information. this has been a very active day where we are, as the governor in chief said. we are using every resource available. from local, state and federal agencies to provide all of these answers to the entire community to the loved ones who lost victims today and so we are going to get back to work. we'll continue to keep you all up to date as we have more information. thank you all very much. tonight we will. we will let you know when the next update is gonna be shortly. thank you all. are you? you've been watching this live press conference coming out of louisville, kentucky. it's been a very emotional journey for everyone involved there from the governor who lost one of his friends in this shooting that has claimed five lives, including the gunman, who was just 23 years old and was an
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employee of the old national bank before using what the interim police chief said. was a rifle going in and firing upon people there. four people killed and you heard the mayor there who also was very emotional about all that transpired there. and among those who are injured and in critical condition. a 26 year old police officer who just graduated from the academy and the interim police, chief there, um talking about how she had just recently sworn him in on march 31st a very emotional day . so many lives, um, that have been impacted from the shooting that took place earlier today are omar jimenez is there in louisville? also back with us as our cnn, senior crime and justice correspondent, shimon prokupecz. so we began with you, omar. and of course, we've got a host of people. andrew mccabe and chief charles ramsey as well . marty you first there in louisville. when he said that
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this was an evil act of targeted violence. as you mentioned this was an emotional press conference where we heard from a number of public officials here , but also we learned the names of the victims to four that were killed here again outside of the shooter and those names joshua barrick, tommy elliott, julianna farmer, james tut, tommy elliott in particular. ah we had heard there may have been a connection between the governor andy bashir here in kentucky, and at least one of the victims here while the governor laid bare exactly what that connection was calling tommy, one of his closest friends that tommy helped governor andy bashir build his law career early on that that obviously he is the governor of the state and has public capacity to govern and to help law enforcement agencies and others run the state and respond
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here. but clearly he was feeling it. at a personal level as well , and it was summed up when he said while i will grieve when i'm able, also incredibly grateful to the law enforcement that rushed in and you mentioned the other critical aspect of this, there are people that were injured, one of them at least critically. so we know one of the law enforcement officers that responded name's nicholas wilt. he 26 years old, just graduated from the police academy, as we learned from the interim police chief was shot in the head here, and as we understand he is out of brain surgery but is still in critical and stable condition. the head of the university of louisville health center said that at this point, every single person they've received, none of them have expired or have have died progressive that level at this point, though he does not know what the days ahead will hold. and that last part is what will keep people in this community here on edge trying to see will my loved one returned from the hospital? how will we move
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forward? of course with those that were killed, remembering those that were killed but also for those that survived trying to process what happened in just a matter of minutes this morning before the bank open, fredricka alright. omar and shimon. we heard in that press conference. it took only three minutes before officers were there to respond to the shooting that took place. we still haven't learned much about the shooter, except that it was a current employee of that bank. we didn't hear anything about the access that he had to this old national bank or even what they believe the motivation was. so i think what we're seeing here from the police department and the mayor and the city officials to focus on the victims. hmm. the fact that you have a governor who knew one of the victims. you have the mayor who knew one of the victims and, um this city you can really tell it's affected so many different officials. so i think one of the things that they're doing here is they're they really want to get everything together and
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focus more on the victims at this point, and what we've learned is 23 years old, some significant information in the sense that um, he is a current employee, so that's significant right so easily should have access to the building. the other thing that we've learned that i think is significant. we've been hearing rumblings of this earlier that the shooter was live streaming this so law enforcement appears to have this . they appear to be reviewing it, so that is going to provide a lot of clues. but i also think what's so important in all of this is this officer nicholas will 26 years old, um, just 10 days on the job and just to understand what's going on in louisville is, you know this police department in louisville is reeling. i mean, they've had a lot of problems. they've been investigated by the federal government for civil rights. uh, violations so for them to see their officers react this way in such forceful manner in such a speedy manner? an officer who
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put his life on the line got shot in the head and the police chief. they're saying that does officer's actions saved lives and time and time again. this is what we're seeing. in a lot of these mass shootings, the officers have to be on the front line and really the only hope to preventing more murder, more violence and the fact that i was certainly struck by the fact that when the police chief took to the podium there and that she was thanking her officers for showing up, she said, thank you for showing up. if we don't do it, who will? and then, she said this should not continue to happen. mm hmm. so many police departments across the country now having to deal with this having to face such horrific violence on a daily basis, and the fact that a police chief is thanking her officers for showing up. i thought it was the kind of pretty significant especially there because they
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are definitely definitely suffering. and obviously there's still so much that we need to learn about the motive here and what was going on inside that bank that brought this horrific event, but it really i thought it was really interesting that what she said there and with the mayor said, and the governor is just a focus on the victims here today and what happened to these families. it is powerful and a chief ramsey. well the focus publicly. we're hearing from all of these representatives. the focus is on the victims and again, those who died ranging in ages between 53 64. side from the 23, year old employee of the old national bank, who was also killed still unclear whether the government shot himself or whether police shot him. but while publicly that is the sentiment focus on the victims give us an idea of what is taking place behind the scenes right now, with the investigation to learn access to the gunman had to the bank. the motivation any kind of footprint
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or any kind of red flags. that led up to this. well i mean, that's all part of the investigation, but this occurred in the bank and banks have cameras everywhere. and so i'm sure they're reviewing of video footage. it was mentioned that this individual's life streaming so they're looking at that as well. uh so there are a lot of things going on right now, behind the scenes in terms of trying to really paint a picture . get a timeline together of what took place and so forth. um i also want to commend the chief for taking time and recognizing the difficulty that it is that this taking place for police not just in louisville, but around the country, and i, too want to thank them all for showing up because without him who knows what would take place, and this is an example that despite all the different controversy and criticisms and so forth, when the call goes out, they respond
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and they responded in a very heroic manner. and you gotta young police officer less than two weeks on the job. uh shot in the head and my prayers are with him and his family, but he is able to recover. but again, they're just extraordinary courage shown by the men and women of louisville. that's right. all of our prayers going out on those on the front lines, particularly the this young man, nicholas will believe i heard that properly will 26 year old officer is recovering from that head injury, you know, um, too often after all of this, i mean, no one can ever explain. andrew mccabe. why things like this happen, and that question continues to be asked to following this because there are own team of investigators here at cnn. we have learned that this 23 year old told, you know, had worked for more than a year at the bank. um and apparently, he wrote on his linkedin profile that he interned at old national bank in louisville for three consecutive summers between 2018
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and 2020. so there's a real relationship between this gunman and this bank and the people working there and no one not even a former high school classmate. who has known him for a long time, including family members said there were none of them said they were any sort of red flags or signals that this could ever happen. so now how might investigators try to get to the bottom when already people who know him are coming out to say we didn't see any red flags? what will they be looking for? what are the stones that will be turned to determine what may have provoked this? what preceded this? sure so it's that that is the question that's top of mind for investigators not only in the louisville metro pd but also in the in the fbi and 80 f everybody who's helping here, so i think the one thing that really, um maybe maybe
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points towards the significance of this person's potential social media accounts and postings is the fact that he live streamed this attack. we don't know all the details about exactly what was put up on the livestream just yet, but clearly like just to engage in that that is an act of expressing to the world what you're doing and why you're doing it. and if he was that committed to making a public display of his violence since then, it's also likely that he's left a trail of writings or statements or communications to other people be they on social media or in journals or in private emails and text messages and things like that. so those are some of the things that investigators are trying to get access to. right now they'll be serving legal process on internet service providers and email providers and uh, phone companies if this person likely had a smartphone or or mobile
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device, um, they will be trying to access any electronic devices that are found at his residence or in his vehicle. computers telephones, ipads things like that, um, and really looking for statements that would shed some light. over why this target? why are these people why today? um and i should also say, fred, the live streaming is once again we're seeing a mass shooting that is showing clear connections or echoes to prior mass shootings infamously the christ church, new zealand, mass shooter, livestreamed his attack on two separate mosques in christchurch. um then we had the tops supermarket shooter in buffalo, new york, who also live streamed his attack and in his own manifesto copied some of the language from the christchurch shooter's manifesto, so you may see the same sorts of themes echoing with this individual is possible. the live streaming with some sort of a connection
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to an awareness of others who have gone before him down. arbol path, the trails and the blueprints of pretty many station. alright thanks to all of you, andy mccabe chief charles ramsey sherman program pits and omar jimenez. appreciate it. thank you so much. and a stunning suggestion in the wake of a controversial court decision on the abortion pill. could the fda simply ignore a judge's decision and let the medication stay on the market will speak to a spokesperson from the national right to life next? next on behind the seriess. let me tell you about the greatest roster ever assembled monster the outlaw and you can't forget about the boss sometimes. i just want to eat your heroes subway series of l time. hey i just got a text from my sister. you member rick, her neighbor. he's the 76 year old guy who's
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in the fight for abortion access in this country. in texas, a federal judge's halting the fda approval of the drug crestone by the end of this week, it's one of the main medications used to provide abortions for the past 20 years. the department of justice is arguing for an emergency. stay where attorneys right quote if allowed to take effect. the court's order with thwart fda as scientific judgment and severely harmed women, particularly those for whom mifepristone is a medical or practical necessity, this harm would be felt throughout the country. given that medford preston has lawful uses in every state. but there is a conflicting new court ruling out of washington state, the federal judge, they're protecting access to the drug in 17 democratic led states and the district of columbia, which sued to protect medication. abortion i'm joined now by laura chavarria. she is a
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spokeswoman for the national right to life. good to see you. so um there's a presumption with this question. why are you comfortable with a court deciding the availability of any drug that has already one fda approval. well as the court noted, and even the judge and the washington case noted, there are inconsistencies. in fact, judge rice specifically said in his decision, and this is the one coming out of washington state inconsistencies in this safety history or the safety, um , priorities or the safety profile of the drug. and so even the judge in washington state noticed that there were inconsistencies in the fda is record. we do know that the drug has the ability to harm women. it's certainly takes the life of an unborn child. but it has the potential to harm a woman and we're talking about a drug that is given to a woman. who is healthy and has a healthy
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pregnancy. and it's not a drug designed to cure an illness. it's not just a drug designed to cure a disease. it's not designed to save a life. the purpose of the development of the drug is to take human life. um and at this time, this drug only has one other use. it's used in cushing's disease and other than that the priority behind approval for the drug and the development of the drug was as an abortive patient. so its role is to take life and not preserve it. well the judge is not a doctor. and there might be some women who argue that it actually might preserve life because they maybe have a fetus that is not viable. uh it may not survive its entire term, and it may be that that drug is going to help save the woman's life. no, the drug is used. the conditions that frequently are cited, in fact, personally, all three of my pregnancies. i had a
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life threatening medical condition with all three of mine and each one of those instances the doctor determines to get you to a certain point in pregnancy and then we'll either do as a syrian or do induced in order to be able to do what doctors referred to as a separation event. so this drug, however, is used early enough and pregnancy that generally these conditions don't show up until later, one of which is preeclampsia or pregnancy induced hypertension. clamp cia. those usually show up later in the pregnancy, so the conditions that you're referring to would not necessarily present this early in the pregnancy. this drug is designed to take human lives. the problem is that as this judge noted, and the judge in washington state noted , both judges noted that the drug has safety issues and that is something that is a great concern because as i mentioned these are healthy women with healthy pregnancies. who are taking this drug. okay so it has. it has been used for two decades and our cnn medical team
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even was able to develop some research that shows that there are fewer risks that come with medford pressed own, then with penicillin or even viagra, and we even heard recently. there's a graphic we haven't heard recently this morning from a member of congress, nancy mays, who has gotten two endorsements from your organization committee , and she thinks otherwise. now about the availability. listen to what she had to say. this is an fda approved drug i support the usage of fda approved drugs . even if we might disagree. it's not up to us to decide as legislators or even you know, as the court system that whether or not this is the right drugs use or not number one, so i agree with ignoring it at this point. all right. so what's your response? she says. ignore that ruling and women should continue to use this drug doctor should
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continue to dispense it. i think first of all, um, the i know the administration, uh, secretary bessire said something along those lines as well. i think it is, um, it is foolhardy to move forward with a drug that does have these the safety profile issues. it is something that like i said, both judges noted, based on the evidence presented to them that this is an issue again. we are talking about a drug that has a safety profile, then. but puts women in harm's way. even the studies that have been done by abortion, the abortion industry you're looking at 5 to 10% there's a canadian study that used the found 10% of women have severe side effects that can put them in the hospital. so you take that and you extrapolate those numbers. we're talking 54% of all abortions and the last numbers. we have the abortion number in
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the united states is over 900,000 abortions per year. you take that number you could look at somewhere between 45,090. 80,000 women ending up in the emergency room. that is unacceptable for a drug that is not designed to cure disease not designed to cure an illness not designed to save a life and instead is designed to take human lives. it is unacceptable to bring women it is also being used in, uh in fibroid cases and also in some cases of treating brain injuries uses. there is a there is a drug called coral, um, that is used in the christians disease, and it is mitford kristen, but the dosages higher alright, we're going to leave it there for now, laura echavarria. thank you so much. alright. the lead with jake tapper starts right after this. why are these so bad? if i would
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left behind. the whole story with anderson cooper premieres sunday at eight on cnn, natasha chan in los angeles. and this is cnn. i could chart i could. i could start the show every day, saying this another mass shooting in america, another mass shooting in america. the lead starts right now. this is awful. our
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