tv CNN News Central CNN April 11, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PDT
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that's. wellcare medicare. done well. natasha chan in los angeles, and this is cnn. new details just in on the shooting rampage in louisville live stream by the killer. this is we're getting new information about the wounded police officer fighting for his life and back on the job. a tennessee lawmaker expelled from the statehouse sworn back into office just days after being ousted what he now says he refuses to give up. a last ditch effort to keep abortion medication pills on the shelf after a federal judge's ruling in texas the justice department is stepping in the clock is ticking down to a friday deadline when those pills made no longer be available to women nationwide. following these major developing stories,
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and many more all coming in right here to see in a new central. i witnessed people being murdered a manager with old national bank in louisville, describing the moment she watched a gunman on video begins shooting her coworkers during a virtual meeting. this morning. at least five people are dead. several others remain hospitalized after a 25 year old opened fire inside a bank conference room. this was the nation's 146th, mass shooting this year. we are now learning new details about the gunman, including that he recently found out he was going to be fired and that he streamed video of the shooting live on the internet overnight. cnn also learned more about the victims, including a 26 year old rookie officer who was hospitalized after being shot in the head. we're gonna have much more on that in just a
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moment. first cnn's adrian broadness in louisville for us with the latest on the investigation. adrian bring us up to speed on what you've learned this morning. you know, john, i'm going to follow the lead of the interim chief of police and only say that shooter's name wants connor sturgeon. investigators say he was still firing that a r 15 style rifle when they arrived on scene officers responding within three minutes of the 1st 911 call. we know the shooter worked here at the old national bank for more than a year, according to his linkedin profile. before he became a full time employee. here he interned with the bank now, a law enforcement source tells cnn. the shooter learned he would be fired. it's unclear why he was going to be fired, the source says. the 25 year old tutor, wrote a note. for his parents and a friend detailing his intentions. now it's not clear when that note was found.
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and this is also tough news. the shooter livestreamed, the shooting or the attack on instagram. he also streamed it to monday morning bank meeting, and that is, according to a manager who works here at the bank. this manager says she watched her co workers. begun down from her laptop from her computer. physical sign to the shooting have started to disappear outside. we can no longer see the shattered doors here. they've been covered with the. the bill, not the billboards, but they've been covered. i want to go back and just think about that manager. she may have not been injured physically, but the emotional scars run deep. can't erase those images from her mind. she can't put up wooden board. so our thoughts are with those people who survive. they may have not injured, but they
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survived the shooting, and obviously they are dealing with something to drive. it is the names of the victims, adrian, as you say, that are important for us to remember this morning. thank you so much for being there. please keep us posted in case the details are tragic and infuriating all at the same time, and while the need for answers in this investigation is urgent and necessary, we know as you were saying keeping the focus on the victims is where the community is, as their focus is on their unspeakable. and sudden loss. now we are learning more about the five people who died in this tragedy to show you. this is 40 year old josh barrack. he was a husband and father of two. he coached 1st and 2nd grade basketball at his church, and i want to play for you what his pastor said about him yesterday. he's a big guy, big guy and just had a bubbling personality and you could tell he loved his family. he loved his faith. he loved this
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community and he just loved life. and this is 63 year old tommy elliot. he was a senior vice president at the bank. he served on multiple nonprofit boards, and we've learned that he was also a close friend of both the louisville mayor and kentucky's governor, andy bashir . the governor spoke very emotionally of his personal connection and the loss of his friend yesterday. listen to this. tommy elliott helped me build my law career. help me become governor. gave me advice on being a good dad. it's one of the people i talked to most in the world and very rarely. are we talking about my job? so many friends lost so many lives so many families shattered 45 year old juliana farmer. she was a mother and grandmother, who had just moved to louisville to start her job at the bank as a loan analyst. her aunt, telling local news that this was only her third week on the job, and
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64 year old jim tut. he'd been working at old national bank since 2015. he was a grandfather and served in the downtown louisville development board. he was also known to be a huge university of kentucky basketball. a fan. and 57 year old deanna eckert was the final victim to die in this tragedy. she passed away at the hospital last night. now one of the three victims who remain in the hospital today is 26 year old louisville police officer nicholas wilt. he was sworn in just 10 days ago. he remains in critical condition after being shot in the head, but in a sliver of good news, the interim police chief told cnn this morning that there's hope. absolutely still in critical condition, but he's stable, but he's looking better. and so we're hopeful and we'll continue to pray. and we just think you know everybody for all the thoughts that have been sent our way as we deal with this tragedy. officer wilt and two
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other officers injured in the shooting. they are being called heroes for their quick action in that initial response to the shooting, sarah kate desantis to talk about all of this is keith taylor, adjunct assistant professor at the john jay college of criminal justice. good morning to you, professor. i can't help but ask this we are all sick and tired of feeling helpless. of being heartbroken of seeing this happen over and over and over again. i think this is the 16th shooting since just two weeks ago that shooting at the covenant elementary school in nashville, are we just simply going to have to live with this as americans? is that where we are now, that's actually a two part question. the answer is, if we do nothing as americans then we absolutely will see an increase in these types of unfortunate and preventable crimes. however it is my belief that there are americans of goodwill regardless of their political parties or affiliations that want common
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sense solutions that are effective evidence based and have the results that we desire. most western countries don't have the kinds of issues that we have school shootings. active shootings are a mostly american phenomenon, and we clearly can do much better. we talked about doing better but time and again when it comes to actual legislation. it doesn't happen in a big way. and it certainly doesn't happen the way that americans have asked for it because the vast majority who are polled always say there are certain things they want, like universal background checks. what is it going to take to move politicians forward to do something that is a very helpful legislation to try and stop this? or at least try and mitigate this politicians as well as other stakeholders dealing with this situation. have to look at the evidence and look at the facts. they have to look at different aspects of this problem. it is a multifaceted problem dealing
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with many different aspects of how guns are used for crime. they're used for killings many different ways in which this can be addressed. alright the gunman had been notified that he was going to be fired. there were clearly some vengeful something vengeful. he took part in this he actually livestream this on instagram, according to our sources, and so does this tell us about where he was as he is going about doing this? this horrible shooting social media certainly has does play a role in how some of these motivations for notoriety can accept, can express themselves so social media can be the vehicle. the platform by which people can show. why they are doing what they're doing, and perhaps get others to emulate them as well. it's a really disturbing trend, because it's something that of
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course, before there was social media. we didn't see that there was no vehicle for that. now there is everybody has basically a television in their hand. i just want to ask you one last question. was there anything that could have been done here? we now understand from our sources that there was a note that he wrote. to his mom and to a friend that he was going to do something like this. we're not sure whether or not they saw it beforehand, but this happened in in minutes. the investigation is going to make plain all the different circumstances and possible opportunities for preventing it. but we have to remember that the adversary is intelligent and as we create and adapt laws and processes and methods to deal with them. they are going to be looking to actively defeat those, and so we have to constantly be vigilant and consulate work to defeat this type of threat. thank you so much. keith taylor joining us on this really another mass shooting in this country, and we are all sick and tired of it,
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john. sarah thanks so much. you know, you asked the question. is this something we're just going to have to live with? i want to put some statistics behind. what we are living with this new survey from the kaiser family foundation that found 54% of u. s adults have either personally experienced or had a family member. experienced gun violence 54% that includes witnessing a shooting being threatened by a gun or being injured or killed by a gun. about one in five adults say they have been threatened with a gun at some point in their life. but the same percent say a family member has been killed by a gun, one in five that includes suicide. 17% say they've witnessed someone being shot, and these experiences are especially common among black adults. they are twice as likely as white adults. to have lost a loved one to gun violence, sounding numbers, kate right right there . i mean, you can see the evidence of how it has hit every corner of our society. and just what you laid out, john. thank
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you. also at this hour, we are keeping a close eye on the white house where president biden will soon be departing and headed for northern ireland. the president's going overseas to mark the 25th anniversary of the good friday agreement, which mostly and two decades of sectarian violence, but there are still real concerns about the potential for future unrest . northern ireland's terrorism threat level was recently raised to severe ahead of biden's visit , and just yesterday, masked men were seen throwing molotov cocktails at police during a pro irish republican march in northern ireland. cnn's nic robertson is live in belfast as they prepare for president biden's visit. and nick just on this note of concerns over future violence. we're also hearing just new reports of northern ireland. are currently responding to reports of a suspicious device in dairy. what are you hearing about this? yeah it's in exactly the same area where that parade took place. yesterday the parade ended in a cemetery. the police have gone
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into the cemetery where they say there was a suspicious device that community around there were. the parade itself was organized by a political wing. that of the new ira. that's the police's belief. they sell themselves the ira, the irish republican army, carrying on what they see as the violent struggle against british rule here in northern ireland, so the police have gone into the cemetery there in derry today, they say they found a suspicious device. it is a contentious neighborhood for them to go into. they say they are respectful of that. if you're in that neighborhood as we were yesterday, you see signs that say, ira, you see signs that the side of the road that have a silhouette of a gunman this signs of saying support the ira in the cemetery yesterday, one of the speakers said, this is time to recruit to the ira. i think as the police are in there, this will be contentious and it could be a flashpoint is not unusual in derry for the
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police to find suspicious devices that they would attribute to the new ira. this is very unlikely to affect president biden's visit in any way. but there could be trouble in derry later today. alright we're gonna be tracking this as we are tracking president biden's important trip to northern ireland and ireland as he's about to depart, nick. thank you. sarah. thank you, kate just days after being expelled from the tennessee state house, one of the two democrats expelled has a seat back how it happened, and his message to the republicans who kicked him out. senate democrats are demanding answers about those luxury trips that supreme court justice clarence thomas failed to disclose that tips. the trips excuse me were worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and paid for by a republican mega donor. also the doj is asking an appeals court to keep a key abortion pill on the shelves after a texas judge's ruling will have all that just coming up. sunday night. we're
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chance to frame it for you. on our radar this morning, president biden has signed a bill immediately ending the covid 19 national emergency legislation passed the house and senate with broad bipartisan support the separate public health emergency is actually still set to end on may 11th in virginia, the mother of that six year old who shot and injured his first grade teacher in january, has been indicted. asia tailor faces criminal charges of felony child neglect and child endangerment. special grand jury will also investigate the shooting to determine if additional charges against anyone are warranted in that case and a looming strike in hollywood. thousands of members of the writers guild of america begin voting tonight on whether to authorize the walkout. if they vote yes, they will go on strike a new deal with the alliance of motion pictures and television producers. it's not reached by may 1st. the writers are fighting for higher pay residuals from streaming and
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increased health fund contributions. okay? so first expelled and just as quickly reinstated, one democratic tennessee lawmaker is now back in his seat after being kicked out by republicans for protesting on the statehouse floor. nashville city council voted unanimously to return to return justin jones to his seat. he was sworn back in on the steps of the state capital surrounded by supporters. he was one of the three democratic lawmakers who had faced expulsion over their protest. justin jones and justin pearson were expelled. gloria jean johnson was able to keep her seat. cnn's isabel rizal is in nashville for us. isabelle justin jones. he has now has his seat again. so what's next for him? hey kate. good morning to you. jones says that he intensified gun reform legislation. and since technically, he's a new member. he can file up to 15 bills. he tells cnn that every single bill will have to do with common sense gun reform, and he plans
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to file those by the end of the week. he doesn't have a lot of time here, though, because summer break for the legislature is coming up here in three weeks, and kate that's why yesterday that council vote to expedite the nomination process. for jones was so important because if that had failed, it would have taken four weeks to put him back in his seat. he would have missed the legislative session and shortly after that council vote yesterday, jones delivered a fiery speech calling for the resignation of republican speaker of the house. cameron sexton, who led the charge to expel jones and justin pearson. listen. today we send a clear message to speaker cameron sexton that the people will not allow his his crimes against the marks of that happen without challenge. the people of nashville have spoken today through their council members. and this morning, representative
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gloria johnson, who survived that expulsion vote. she is also calling for section to resign. meanwhile tomorrow, the tennessee three could be reunited. shelby county commission will decide the future of justin pearson and whether to send him back to his seat. kate isabelle. thank you so much for that, john. new fallout over luxury trips. supreme court justice clarence thomas accepted from republican mega mega donor harlan crow for years and did not disclose the senate judiciary committee says it will hold a hearing in the coming days. the panel's democratic chair and 10. other democratic members are also urging chief justice john roberts to open investigation. in a rare statement friday, justice thomas said he was advised early in his tenure that quote this sort of personal hospitality from close personal friends who did not have business before the court was not reportable. cnn's lauren fox joins us live from capitol hill. lauren what does the judiciary committee had planned? yeah i
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mean, senate democrats, simply one answers. the first thing they are asking for from chief justice. john roberts is an investigation into whether or not clarence thomas should have been disclosing the trips that he took with that republican donor. harlan crow, who thomas said was a close personal friend, and therefore he did not need to disclose those trips. but democrats say that they also want to see the supreme court strengthen its ethics requirements. it's reporting requirements to ensure that the american the public has faith in the supreme court's independence , and it's very interesting because senate democrats note in the letter they sent yesterday to the chief justice that they had requested a similar change back in 2011 when they asked chief justice john roberts to accept and implement the judicial conference code of conduct at the time. the argument from chief justice john roberts was it wasn't necessary . like you said. democrats are going to hold a hearing on this. they have not released the list
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of witnesses that they expect to invite to that hearing, but they say it's coming in upcoming days . we expect that this is going to take center stage when lawmakers return from their easter recess, john it will be interesting to see where the accountability comes from. lauren fox. keep us posted. thank you so much, sarah. right now, several states are stockpiling millions of abortion pills as a fight over the drugs. fate now hangs on an appeals court plus leaked classified document reportedly reveals egypt was secretly planning to send rockets to russia. that war with ukraine, details ahead. morgan stanley old school hard work bold new thinking. to help you see untapped possibibilities and relentlessly work with you to make them real. for people
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at the white house. and this is cnn. all right, just in to cnn. new details in fact, grim new details about this mass shooting in louisville investigators who have looked at an instagram video say the gunman in the shooting fired his ar 15 style weapon inside the bank for about a minute. he then appeared to wait a minute about a minute and a half before police arrived. this is according to a city official again has seen the video. it's not clear why the gunman stop shooting. officials say that a worker inside the bank said good morning to the gunman. the government could then be heard telling the woman quote you need to get out of here. he then tried to shoot her in the back. but failed because the safety was still on the gun and wasn't ready to fire once he
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had the weapon, ready to go and took the safety off. he did shoot her in the back in her condition is not known this morning again. these are new details. as i said. grim new details just coming in, and we're gonna have much more on this throughout the hour. sarah. now to the battle over abortion that is widely expected to end up at the supreme court this friday. aqui abortion pill will be taken off shelves nationwide if an appeals court does not side with an emergency request that has just been filed by the justice department. cnn supreme court reporter adrian de vogue is joining us now, adrian. what is the doj saying at this point about this? ah appeal and arianna, forgive me. i was thinking adrian over there. thank you for joining us. you're right, sarah, the department of justice right now it's an emergency mode. it is trying to get this federal appeals court to block that lower court ruling , and that's because that lower
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court ruling as you said, we'll go in effect on friday and the way the federal judge wrote his opinion, he did not leave much room for the fda to sort of look at the issue and maybe unwind it in a timely fashion. that's why i? there is such that there is this urgency and in these new briefs, the department of justice basically said that that judge got it wrong. he got it wrong on threshold issues, and he got it wrong when he was talking about the heart of the case. here's what they said. they said in the brief, the district court order would thwart fda, scientific judgment and severely harmed women, particularly those for whom mr preston is a medical or practical necessity. and we've seen doctors here signing these sworn declarations, and they say this is safe. it has been on the market for more than 20 years and addition. they say that the
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fda here has authority and medication abortion right now is used in the majority of the abortions that are being carried out. also used in miscarriages as well. arianna vogue. thank you. so much for spilling that out for us is a lot of complications there, but a lot of people waiting to see what the decision is going to be by this appeals court and then eventually, the supreme court. appreciate it. kate of the texas judge's ruling washington state actually began stockpiling these abortion pills. california and massachusetts have since followed their lead and followed suit. and washington's governor jay inslee, now says that the state was able to purchase tens of thousands of pills, enough for a three year supply of mifid kristen delivered just on march 31st democratic governor jay inslee joins me now from washington governor. thank you so much for being here. so stockpiling these abortion pills
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. do you see this as the fix? do you see this as the direction that access to reproductive care in this country is going well, listen to this is a freedom. there's a freedom of choice for women in america. it's been assaulted by the republican party. and we have to be vigilant. the price of freedom is eternal vigilance, and so that's why we went ahead and stockpiled medford, kristen. like you said three or four years supply and we did so because we believe that regardless of what happens in texas, even if this texas judged misguided decision was affirmed by the supreme court under our state law. we still have the right to distribute this through our state agency to health clinics and two women in the state of washington. so that's why we took this action so that this right would be guaranteed. and as you indicated, this has been a safe, effective method to exercise the right of choice. now for two decades, we're not going to give up on this issue.
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your state is part of the part of the lawsuit filed with washington and other states, your state is asking a judge to essentially tell the fda or forced the fda to loosen restrictions on access to this medication. and while the intention is the exact opposite of what of the texas case, you're intending to increase access. are you worried at all governor that you could also be setting a precedent here of undermining the authority of the fda with this case? no listen. uh i'm confident we're going to come out of this with a decision based on science, or at least we should in the science of this is quite clear. women have been using this by the tens of thousands now for 20 years without significant adverse consequences. it has less side effects and some very, very other typical medications and we have such a strong scientific background. uh we are just would
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be totally outraged if the courts did not recognize that another court as you know, a district court judge in washington state issued an exact opposite ruling, which required the fda in the 18 states subject to this lawsuit. to require the fda to continue the approval process. but as i indicated in our state under our state law, regardless of what the supreme court does, we intend to continue to distribute this product under state law. we believe we're confident in that and our ability to do it. that is why we went ahead and acquired the product so we would have it under state law to distribute to women in the state of washington. some democrats, even one republican in congress . since this texas ruling has come out, says that they said that they believe that president biden should tell the fda to ignore the texas ruling. i want to play for you what the white house said about this yesterday. listen to this governor. the
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administration is going to comply with this federal judge's order. we are going to always follow the law always but doesn't mean that that we're not going to fight. it doesn't mean that we're not going to you know, as you know, doj has continued to is appealed. do you think the white house governor should tell the fda to ignore the texas ruling if it takes effect and stays in effect? no i believe democracy still is on a foundation. we've gotta follow judicial decisions as appropriate. but we've also got to be extremely creative, vigilant and aggressive and these actions and that's why we acted in washington ahead of the curve when we saw this coming at us, and there are going to be many, many instances where we have to be creative in this hydra headed effort of the republican party to take away this important right for women. this is not the only challenge. we have a challenge in idaho or
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neighboring state, which is trying to interfere with a constitutional right to travel across state lines that is going to be come a front in this effort as well. and so what i would say is, we've gotta follow democracy but also be creative and aggressive. we have been washington state glad other states are joining us. women need this right to be protected. let's see where this goes from here. very likely straight to the supreme court governor. thanks for your time. thank you. a newly revealed leaked pentagon document reported by the washington post shows egypt's secret plan to supply rockets to russia. the country's top military leaders reportedly discussed. it is best. 12 now. stay tuned nights and get 8000
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captivity for the first time on cnn, anderson cooper 3 60 tonight at eight on cnn. i'll look for you now, with the international stories making headlines, a massive rescue operation is happening in the mediterranean. the italian coast guard has spent days rescuing hundreds of migrants from overcrowded boats. one had about 800 people on board. another had 400 the coast guard first received a distress call on sunday. one ship was in danger of capsizing. you're looking at that rescue there. china has sentenced to civil rights lawyers to more than a decade in prison. one was given 12 years, the other received 14 1 of the longest ever sentences for civil activism under president xi jinping, is crackdown on dissidents, too, were tried separately behind closed doors almost a year ago. and a volcano is erupting right now in far east russia spewing ash more than 12 miles into the air. look
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at those pictures. there's a cloud now hovering over the region as ash covers nearby towns. scientists have issued a red hazard warning because of the risk that hot lava flows could block roads in that area. john sarah, a newly revealed leaked pentagon document shows that egyptian leaders discuss plans to secretly supply rockets to russia amid that country's ongoing war invasion of ukraine . the washington post was the first to report on this document. cnn's natasha bertrand joins us now with the details on this. this is a delicate matter, natasha. extremely delicate john and what the post is reporting is essentially one of the documents from the many that appeared to have been leaked online within the last month or so. and cnn has not actually seen this document. but according to the washington post, it does describe a conversation between egypt's president and other senior egyptian officials about providing russia with up to 40,000 rockets, potentially for
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russia, of course to use in ukraine. now, this would be extremely potentially damaging to us egyptian relations. and if the egyptians actually went forward with providing this kind of lethal aid to the russians, of course, because the united states is currently supplying the ukrainians and has been opposed to any kind of lethal aid going to the russians. now we should note that the us egyptian relationship has been strained. in recent years because of the biden ministrations, pressuring the egyptian government on issues like human rights, but it would also kind of be a slap in the face to the u. s government if the egyptians went forward with this because secretary of state antony blinken just visited egypt in late january and spoke to the president, they're talking about the damage that has been done by russia's invasion to ukraine. of ukraine for the entire world, and just after that egyptian, egypt's foreign minister actually visited moscow for talks. so clearly the egyptians trying to kind of keep a neutral position here publicly, but privately,
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these documents paint a very different picture of what the egyptians are considering. we should also note, of course, that the egyptians are currently denying that they have supplied russia with any of these rockets. john natasha bertrand, get the sense that we're learning more and more every day now from these leaked documents . thank you so much for that. and kate. asian so much very much underway the pentagon and far beyond so there's also this. the u. s government has now officially declared wall street journal reporter evan gersh ceviche as being wrongfully detained in russia, which is being held on the charges of espionage. but the biden administration and the wall street journal have forcefully denied those allegations. cnn's kylie atwood is at the state department for us with much more on this. this designation. kylie wrongfully detained. it is significant. explain why. yes significant because it means something, and it triggers action in terms of what it means. it means that the biden ministrations doesn't believe that there was any legitimate reason. for evan gersh covic,
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the 31 year old wall street journal reporter to have been arrested and then charged with espionage by the russian government. so essentially what it means is that they believe that he's being held as a political pawn we heard from the state department deputy spokesperson when he announced that the secretary had made this announcement made this too. termination yesterday, saying quote journalism is not a crime . we condemn the kremlin's continued repression of independent voices in russia, and it's and it's ongoing war against the truth. and then when it comes to the action. what this designation does is, it really gets the wheels turning in the u. s government to try and figure out the quickest way to get evan gersh devic home? as quickly as possible, and that work will be done here at the state department in the office of special envoy for hostage affairs. that office also working very much on another case, we know that there's news also new reporting out about paul whalen, another wrongfully detained american and russia right now, what are you hearing? yeah paul willen has been
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wrongfully detained in russia for more than four years now, kate and he was able to speak with his parents. yesterday his brother spoke with our colleague jennifer handler and describe that conversation. he has now been made aware that evan gorshkov, it has also been wrongfully detained, and it was clear in his conversation with his parents, according to his brother. that he is concerned about being left left. but back in russia. if there's any sort of agreement to get gersh covic out, and the reason for those concerns are quite legitimate because last year there were two americans who are wrongfully detained in russia, and both of those were released and individuals instances as part of prisoner swaps, but he was left behind. so of course, those concerns for him are quite palpable right now, kate. absolutely kylie. thank you so much for that update, sarah, all right now to a florida lawmaker who was under fire after making comments about transgender people. the disturbing comparison he made using the x men movie during the debate of a controversial bathroom bill will
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that's 184494200. wellcare medicare. done well. solomon in new york and this is cnn. this morning. health officials in michigan are investigating outbreaks of a rare and deadly fungal infection that's believed to be linked to a paper mill in the town of us scannable and so far more than 90 confirmed or probable cases have been identified. cnn health reporter jacqueline howard joins us now with more jacqueline, tell us more about blast. oh maiko, sis. it rolls off your tongue in the worst possible way. how do you get this? yeah and blast of my cosa sarah does not spread person to person. the way you get it, you have to inhale the fungal spores to become infected and then possibly to become sick . now symptoms of this include
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cough. sometimes you might cough up blood chest pain, fever, trouble breathing, and as i mentioned because it's not spread personal person that spread through the air. that's what authorities are specifically going to look at. when investigating this, this fungus is found typically and moist. soil decade would decayed leaves, so this is really causing concern because of the symptoms because of words typically located and all eyes right now sarah are on this paper mill and escanaba, michigan, which has been linked with this outbreak. moist soil, decaying wood or leaves. i mean, i played in that as a kid all the time and never heard of this . what is the cause of this outbreak? or have they figured out why this has happened? they're still looking into the exact cause. and like you, said , sarah, we often are exposed to this fungus, but you don't become infected until those spores are inhaled. so i know that how these fungal spores are then enter into the airspace is
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something that authorities are going to look into closely. we did hear from the head of operations at this paper mill. it's the bill you wrote rude. excuse me, bilirubin mill and escanaba, michigan, and they did say that they are taking a close look at this. they're taking it very seriously and they are taking steps to protect the health and safety of their employees, contractors and visitors, so this is an ongoing investigation. sarah jacqueline howard. thank you so much, kate . you're alone at that, especially after recent, you know new tv shows that have released. it's just all in all. another thing to be scared of. coming up for us. we have new details are emerging this morning after a gunman opened fire on his co workers during this morning staff meeting ahead . we're live in louisville as officials are getting ready to release new information in their investigation, plus preparations are underway to welcome president biden to ireland and northern ireland. ireland we're
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to 7600 or visit coventry direct .com. good morning, everyone we do begin with breaking news this morning. it lasted about one minute new video now revealing what happened in real time as the gunman killed five coworkers at that bank in louisville and new reporting about a voicemail left by the shooter were set to get a new update on the investigation from officials in kentucky at 11 30 this morning, florida state lawmaker is now walking back his words. after comparing chair and transgender people to demons. will
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