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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 12, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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say gps projectile at vehicles. and these five robots will patrol predetermined paths and use a i to give a real time notifications. did your dog is ready to go? the other two will have to spend a little more time in the academy pilot programs. good launch. this summer. just you're putting dogs out of work. real dogs. maybe. humans, too. there we go. astro and the jetsons. we are in we live in the future. the future is now we're so glad that you could join us today. have a great day . we'll see you tomorrow. new central starts right? now. a view from the eyes of police of the chilling encounter with a
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mass shooter. heart pounding footage is now taking us inside that louisville bank body cams rolling as officers rushed towards the gunfire, one official saying. there's only a few people in this country that can do what they did this morning. the killer's family is giving insight into his mental health challenges. will donald trump's sexual assault trial be delayed? the former president's attorneys are now using his historic hush money indictment. as a reason to postpone the assault and defamation case that trial now just 13 days away. this smoke is definitely toxic and alarming warning from officials after this huge fire break saturday recycling plant in indiana, thousands of people ordered to leave their homes. they say this could burn for days. these stories and more here on cnn news, central.
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alright let's get right to richmond, indiana, and the eastern part of that state. there was a press conference moments ago about this huge fire toxic fire at a recycling plant there. let's listen in. richmond mayor dave snow. we want to provide information this morning about a fire that began yesterday. at the site that you're seeing behind me. this is a very large sign. that previously was a business that collected plastics and other materials for the purpose of recycling and resell great indoor and outdoor site and so when this fire broke out, it spread through both the structures on the site and the outdoor storage that was on site. we have been working throughout the day yesterday and throughout the overnight to get the fire under control. we have a lot of information share with you. i have here city county and state officials that will each provide you with updates from
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their respective offices. i want to begin with richmond fire chief tim brown to give you an update on the current containment of the fire and next steps and continuing to put the fire down. good morning. we received the call yesterday morning or yesterday afternoon at 14 40. 3 58 northwest f street and reference to the structure fire. our efforts yesterday were to contain the fire. to the complex that the fire started on. we come back at the winds and the intensity of the flames. our efforts were successful. it did not get into the residential area as far as the fire is concerned. it did not get past the complex that it is in so our efforts there were successful. today our plan is to get the excavators in. and pull apart and make access. to the burning areas yesterday. our
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access was very hampered by the rubbish and the piles of plastic that were surrounding the complex. yesterday we only had one way into the entire structure. today we're going to use excavators to gain access and to get to the deeper seat of the fire. any questions? chief you said that this property was known to you all. before that there were some issues that were cited are able to provide any more details about the nature of those issues. well, the issue was a unsafe building and unsafe grounds. the city. had cited them for and just to be clear. what does it mean? or what are some of the factors that go into unsafe grounds? and okay for that to the mayor, okay? so yes , this business owner had previously been cited by our unsafe building commission and given an order to clean up the property that order was ignored. we had been through a court case
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over that order are unsafe building order was upheld in that court case. we have been through several steps since then , to order this particular business owner to clean up this property because we were aware that what was operating here was a fire hazard. so this this was a fear for us and why we've taken so many steps to prevent this from happening. that business owner is fully responsible for all of this. we have the unsafe building order and the recorded court documents. and everything that's ensued here. the fire the damages, the risk that our first responders are taken, and the risk the citizens are under are the responsibility of that negligent business owner. today my concern is with our first responders and our citizens, but once we get this fire under control, and i'm positive that everyone is safe, we will turn our full attention to continuing that process to hold this person responsible. what were you requiring from this property sprinklers. what what did you want them? there were a list of requirements that included cleanup and other safety
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measures to prevent this from happening. we will cover all of that. once we make sure everyone is safe. i don't want to turn my attention just yet to the litigation behind this. i want to really keep my attention right now on the safety of our first responders and our citizens question, mr mayor because are there others not only in this city, but other cities where you're going to court. you asked for something to happen, and here we are. days later disaster in your hand, which then impacts of first responders, your citizens, other other properties here in richmond and state. i can't speak to situations and other cities. i don't want to speak on their behalf. but i appreciate that the court upheld our ruling. and so we just wish that the property owner and the business owner would have taken this more serious from day one. this person has been negligent and irresponsible and it's led to putting a lot of people in danger today. yes. yes sir. one of our fire investigators made contact with the business owner last evening, but i it's an
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ongoing investigation, so i'm not going to get into any more of that right now. we don't speak on ongoing investigations , but that contact was made last night. person lives here in richmond. i do not believe there are richmond resident but in nearby i'm going to bring up state fire marshal steve jones to speak from the state fire marshal's office. hello i'm steve jones, the state farm marshall for the state of indiana. been here about 18 hours working with chief brown and the fire department. this has been a challenging fire just because it's plastics and my understanding whenever they pulled out of the firehouse, they immediately could see they had a substantial fire already, and i just want to i guess they did a great job is this fire because of the nature of the contents of the building was a fast growing fire, and so they got in, surrounded it and cut it off from the residential neighborhood, which just speaks volumes of the work that they did yesterday is getting their
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troops in being able to deliver the water where it needed to cut this fire off because ah! he was going to be a total loss, but it could have grown further than just these buildings here and so just kudos to the fire department and their efforts and their tactical decisions to cut this fire off again. this fire it takes a lot from the community, the mayor, the street department, emergency management , a lot of different agencies, and they've done a wonderful job communicating pulling their team together. to deal with this and currently it's in the short term, but it will go into the longer. another thing i want to cover two is media questions. um after this press release. um that indiana homeland security piau will be a contact for the media. and you can call 463. 202
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. 4063 and that will be your contact. for a while because the local agencies were busy trying to manage an emergency situation and we're getting tons of phone calls from the media. and so we need to focus on the community. focus on you have been watching the news conference from richmond, indiana, where this recycling plant has been on fire since yesterday afternoon. the good news is the fire is now contained to that recycling plant. the bad news is plastics. it's mostly plastics on fire at this plant, and they are concerned it is emitting a toxic smoke plume about 2000 people have been evacuated from the area. we were waiting to hear an update on the air quality in that region from that area in just. we were waiting to hear if we were getting information about the quality of that air there. we will find out more as
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this situation develops sarah, but again, the situation now is contained. the fire is to the plant, but they are concerned about the air quality and we are going to hear from the head of the epa in a bit, which will certainly ask him about that coming up. thank you, john. alright we are all now getting a look at the mass shooting at a louisville bank as it happened from the responding officers perspective, the mayor says his city is heartbroken as it prepares for a vigil today for the five people who were killed in that mass shooting in a downtown bank. louisville police released the body cam video from the responding officers. it includes images from slain officer nicholas wilt, the 26 year old rookie who just graduated from the police academy as well as video from his training officer. cory c. j. galloway you can see both officers charging towards the bank as they face gunfire watch. we're making entry from the in the east side at pressing the
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main. you can feel the danger they were in in your bones listening to that. we also have new images from inside that bank showing the gunmen walking the halls, officials say it took him just one minute to carry out that attack. we've also learned this morning that the shooter's family says he had mental health challenges. cnn correspondent adrian broadus is live in louisville for us, adrian, you're learning new details about the shooter's actions. after that, one minute firing what happened? sarah. after that, one minute firing, the shooter returned to the first
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floor lobby, and that is where he waited to ambush the officers . we received two still pictures one, which shows the shooter in the hallway of the bank before the shooting, and then another of the shooter in that lobby area where he waited. we also know he texted a friend. he called a friend, and he left a voice message saying in part he wanted to kill everyone at the bank and that he was filling suicidal. it was officer c. j galloway that fired the shot ending the shooter's life. we know members of law enforcement executed a search warrant on the shooter's home. and determine the gun that was used in the shooting here at the bank was purchased six days prior to the shooting. so that was last tuesday on april 4th. the gun was purchased legally from a dealership here in louisville, and it was the same weapon. he used to kill five people who worked here at the bank and later tonight. a vigil will be held to honor those five.
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meanwhile the shooter's family releasing a statement saying that they are working with members of law enforcement, his family also saying they knew connor struggled with depression and they were actively according to them, working to address his mental illness, but they say they saw no signs. and they did not know their son was capable of such violence. i want to read to you part of that statement that was released from the family. it says, in part quote, no words can express our sorrow , anguish and horror at the unthinkable harm our son connor inflicted on innocent people. the officer. the rookie officer who was only on his fourth shift that day is still fighting for his life. sarah wow. harrowing details. thank you so much. adrian brought us there live from louisville katelyn polantz talk about the timeline of how
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this played out. yes. how this has played out. it took officers just about five minutes to take down the shooter once they arrived on the scene dispatched at 8 38 am the first two officers pull up to the building at about eight. 40 a m and immediately faced gunfire. they're forced to back up in the patrol car park, and then they get out of the patrol car as you see. at 8 41 officers nicholas wilt and cory c. j. galloway they're out of their car. they're going up the steps toward the lobby area of the bank, and that is when officer will is struck. officer will now down officer gallery was also shot. he falls down, then gets up and he goes down the stairs and he hides
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here behind this large planter in order to get his bearings, alerting other officers that he's unable to get a good view on the shooter at that time, and then take a look at this at 8 44 additional officers arrive on the scene. but from this bystander footage, you can really see how galloway's trying to get a good vantage point. before finally getting getting a shot, shooting and killing the suspect. they are going down. i think he's down. you're doing after off now. yeah, you can down the stairs. take him down the stairs. he's telling the other officers. to get out of there at 8 45. about five minutes after arriving on the scene officers, galloway walked officer galloway walks into the building and confirms that the suspect is down and the suspect is dead. that's the timeline john, but there's so much more
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to it in terms of what all plays out within these five minutes. that's a really good explanation of the full events there. we're going to dig in to a few of those moments. a little deeper now with me now is cnn chief law enforcement intelligence analyst john miller. john this is officer wilkes body came. i'm just going to play this for a second more and freeze it almost right away. the first thing i want to point out to people is the guns. officer wilk is carrying a handgun officer galloway the long gun the importance there. so this is the glock 17. it has a 15 round capacity. this is what officer will has been trained on in the police academy. he's just four tours of duty out of there. cj has the colt m four patrol rifle. that's a 30 round magazine firing essentially military round 762 type rounds. ironically this is the same weapon that the shooter inside has, but they don't know that yet. as kate explained these two officers and only these two
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officers because they're the only ones there right now, as far as we know. they charge they go in explain what we're seeing here, so he's putting it over the police radio where they're approaching and what direction for other incoming officers to know their position, but they are moving towards the gunfire. they heard when they pull up, but they're blind. they don't see the shooter. and now they come under fire. you see, c j falls back. he's been hit grazed in the side. he knows his partners down. he puts that over the air as well. and the only other thing to mention here is that these two officers unlike you, validly they're going in. they're not waiting right there. but there's still charging the suspect. and i mean in your active shooter, training your pretty much told, you know, wait for a couple of units form a team of four. that's a contact team. move forward. they're not even waiting for the next unit. they're moving towards the gunfire. extraordinary courage is down. officer galloway then takes cover, which we see from this bystander footage. explain
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here what he's doing, so he's got a position of cover, but the shooter has a position of advantage. he is behind the glass. you can't see through it. he is in the dark. he's exposed in the light. what is trying to do is shifting sides between where he's taken cover to say, can i get a view of the shooter? and there's a moment here where you see glass break out right there, and that's where he says. okay, now i have a direction of at least where i think this person is standing, and he's trying to get that shot through his optical sight. he's got a direction. he knows where the shot is coming from, and it's about here and you can see it right over there. these other officers arrived in. that's a significant moment because he's got some assistance. after this point, he then you can see engages directly with the shooter right? and his concern as he's yelling to those officers is get to my partner tried to get him out of here. and he opens fire. he takes a shot. and here you can hear him
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yelling in a moment. after he gets that shot. see the rifle is above where his body camera is so we don't see that. but he's looking through that site trying to get that shot. i think he's down, so he thinks he's got him. and what does he do then? is he advances alone instructing the other officers. take care of the officer. get my partner. he advances alone into the building , and you can see all the glass that we saw over the last couple of days. it turns out this glass was shot out of the windows by the exchange of fire. just one other thing. i want to point out about the suspect here. he looks like, you know, i'm not making light of this casual friday. he's not wearing tactical gear, which is something different than we've seen in past mass shootings. that's right. he didn't you know, bring the tactical vest with all the spare magazines. he came there for two purposes, one to kill everyone in the bank for whatever reason, and we're still delving into
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what was his issue with his bosses at the bank. he goes into the conference room and kills them. but his second reason is why return to that lobby and wait with the weapon for the police response. there's two things one as he demonstrated he was willing to engage with police and tried to kill them, but to as he said to people in text messages before this feeling suicidal. what he was looking for was suicide by cop want to go back to the moment where officer wilken officer galloway? they're they're they're the only two there and they've made the decision that they are going to charge. what's going through their heads at this point. what's going through their heads is let's take this wall. let's use that for some cover and get up there and assess because they can't see the shooter. they can hear him. and at this point, they don't know that in that position. they're exposed, but they're headed for the door. they come under fire. and there's two things that can happen here. officer wilkins down. what cj can do is he can keep firing and
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moving towards the target, but he doesn't know what he's shooting at, so the option would have been. you could have had two officers down as opposed to one. he's running that operation . they also have to know that they're the only two people there. i mean, it takes a certain amount of courage and bravery and training to do what they're doing here thinking about the deputy chief paul humphrey said yesterday, which is there's only a few people in america who can do this. there are actually tens of thousands of police officers who are trained to do this. but you never know how you're going to react to this call and the call to courage, the call to move forward into the gunfire until that moment is upon you, and they showed us a tremendous amount. and now one of these officer, officer wilkins, life hangs in the balance because of the courage and bravery. he showed there. john miller. thank you. this is a great explanation of what we saw there. sarah remarkable and terrifying video
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now to president biden, who touching down and dublin and just a few moments from now after wrapping up a visit to northern ireland, also, a new 2024 presidential hopeful is set to throw his hat into the ring. everything we know about senator tim scott's exploratory committee. biden administration just unveiled its most ambitious climate policy yet proposing major new emissions rules that would accelerate the nation's transition to electric cars. that's all coming up. still not confident about whichch used car to buy. why not ask the most confident person? you know my old high school coach? this one's got talent, toughness the will to win. let me coach you on this. just say, show me the carfax value, you'll get the most accurate price based on the vehicles accident history, look
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and ceo of keeps saying the mobile app that makes it easy to have your photos printed, framed and shift to your doorstep. you just choose a photo that you love. you can preview it and over 100. frames and in a couple of days, you're going to receive your photo in a beautiful handmade frames. so if you've got a special photo on your phone, install the free keepsake app we would love a chance to frame it for you, jill and i've lost £56 on go low. um barry and i've lost £42 and our a team is she tells me to do something i usually jump on board was doable . it's realistic and it's something we can do the rest of our lives. on our radar this morning, president biden called the parents of evan ceviche, the wall street journal reporter who has been detained in russia, which is family says they appreciate the president's assurance that the u. s is doing everything possible to free their son. now he faces 20 years
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in prison on espionage charges that the white house calls the charges baseless, as does his company and the top u. s official is demanding access to him. a fast moving wildfire in new jersey grew to 2500 acres overnight, and it's not showing any signs of slowing down. dozens of buildings have been evacuated in manchester township. fire officials say the blaze is only 10% contained right now. also brittney griner is writing a memoir about her detainment in russia. the w. n b a star spent 10 months in russian custody. breiner says she wants to bring attention to other americans still wrongfully detained overseas. her book due out next spring, john thanks, sarah at this hour, president biden is wrapping up his visit to northern ireland, where is marking the 25th anniversary of the good friday agreement that peace accord mostly ended decades. aides of sectarian violence. but the president's day far from over. in moments, he scheduled to fly to dublin, and then he will continue on to
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county louth on ireland's northeastern coast. the county was home to his maternal ancestors in the 19th century. then, just before noon eastern time he's going to visit a cemetery where some of his family members are buried. people also tour castle where his great grandfather was born. before taking part in the community gathering in the town of dundalk. he then heads back to dublin, where he will spend the rest of the evening. okay so many moments to see. i want to go on a trip like this. it's fun and exciting. and also, this is real. this is a real diplomatic moment that i think is also important. there's a lot there's a lot to watch this morning. so while in northern ireland president biden met with british prime minister rishi soon knock , and this morning president just wrapped a speech at ulster university. cnn's nic robertson is live for us watching all of this play out in belfast. what did we hear from the president this morning? so far, nick kate . i'm going to get right to that. but i just got a reference
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while you and john were talking about john saying that he'd like to be along on a trip like this and laying out the president's plans for this afternoon. the weather is about to change here. it could change the president's travel plans this afternoon, and i would say, look back here in a couple of hours, john because the weather may not be so likable for standing around outside. the president, of course, will will endure that. he's got those irish roots but the importance of his speech here sensitive diplomatic for sure. the united states, he said, is fully committed to support neither northern ireland on its journey to ensuring and stabilizing the piece that it has. he talked about the importance of the good friday agreement, and he tried to sort of get over some of the concerns of the pro british unionists community here. that perceive him as being sort of two pro, the irish pro irish community here, the nationalist community here, he said, look, you know, one of my ancestors was english captain george biden. he said born he couldn't quite remember if he was 18 28 or 18 42. but he said, you know, i have english roots. that message was to that
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pro british community. i understand you and he here you too. i am not partisan in this, and i think it was significant that he named checked very high up one of the significant hardline loyalist paramilitaries who had become a politician to help push the peace through, but it was aspirational as well. listen about how he framed how much belfast has progressed. the dividends of peace are all around us. and this very campus is situated intersection where conflict and bloodshed once held terrible sway. the ideas. i said to have a glass building here when i was here in 91 was highly unlikely. so aspirational, but i have to say his where that building is. you never could have imagined buildings could have gone up there a few years ago, however, just a short distance away. belfast big peaceful that are bigger and longer than they were before. the good friday peace agreement
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are still standing there still dividing the communities. really a fascinating moment, nick. thank you. sarah. presidential candidate donald trump may have another republican challenger in 2024, gop senator tim scott, launched an exploratory committee for president this morning. the south carolina lawmaker will be in iowa today meeting with voters before heading to new hampshire. scott the only black republican in the senate, has been testing the waters for months. now cnn's even mukendi is joining us now give us some sense of what senator scott said about his committee that he just launched today. good morning to you, sarah, an exciting time for us political reporters as the field here is starting to take shape. this is just an exploratory committee, not a formal announcement as of yet, senator tim scott, though really very inspirational message here. it's a real contrast to former president donald trump.
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sometimes who has a very dark tone in his messaging and focusing on grievances. senator scott really forward looking arguing that america is a land of opportunity, not oppression, sort of aversion from what we heard of from nikki haley when she argued that america is not a racist country. he also suggests that he has no appetite to take on his fellow conservatives that he doesn't want to make this race about trump or other republicans also vying for the presidency. he says that the field of play is focusing on president biden's failures. he spoke to fox news earlier this morning. take a listen. the field of play is focusing on president biden's failures. what americans want to see is the contrast between the radical left and the blueprint to ruin america and why our policies actually work as opposed to trying to have a conversation
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about how to be the republican. i think we're better off having a conversation about beating joe biden. so in response to this democrats argue that senator scott has an extreme record and that when it comes to policy differences, there are none between him and trump. sarah. even 10. thank you so much with all the immigration john. they may not want to talk about donald trump. but he is the front runner right now, so that's going to happen if they are not sure that's how primaries work. they what tim scott is saying there he may have to deal with the front runner in that race, speaking of former president trump, he wants to delay his sexual assault and defamation trial, his lawyers say. his recent indictment could taint the jury pool and the epa is unveiling a potentially huge change to emission rules. it could mean you will be driving an electric vehicle. sooner than you thought. i'm driving those people right now. yes. subway
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start at just 7 99 a month 775383882 or visit homeserve .com. natasha chan in los angeles, and this is cnn. welcome back to cnn news central . here's some of the top stories that we're following right now. police in louisville, kentucky, released the truly harrowing body camera video from the bank shooting that left five people dead and two officers shot. the video reveals new details on how quickly things unfolded and also how officers took down the suspect, neutralizing the threat in just minutes. we're keeping a very close eye as well on indiana, a massive toxic fire that officials say could be burning. still for days. it happened at a recycling plant and you can see it is just engulfed in flames. it forced
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nearly 2000 people to evacuate and new this morning, local officials say all of the blame falls on the owner of the plant , and also that the business had previously been cited for unsafe building conditions. listen to this. the issue was a unsafe building and unsafe grounds. this person has been negligent and irresponsible and it's led to putting a lot of people in danger today. local officials, adding quote. we knew this was a fire hazard. sarah all right. thank you. kate joining us now e p. a administrator, michael regan, we asked you here to talk about emissions in the in the new policy that's going to come forward when it comes to vehicles. but first i want to talk about this. this fire. we have seen some a couple of accidents that caused toxic air . is the epa going to be involved in this and checking the air to make sure it's safe for residents? absolutely we will, as a matter of fact, for
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this particular incident. we were on the ground just hours after we are providing support to state and local officials during this emergency response. we've also activated our air monitoring assets as well, to be sure that we understand what those air quality implications are. our goal is to ensure that this community stays safe. and so we've been on site since the beginning, and we're going to stay there until we can assure that this community is not seeing any threats from the air quality implications here, mr again. you mentioned that you do have the folks out there from the epa checking the air quality. do you have any sense how dangerous it is? how toxic it maybe at this point. potentially for residents. you know, we're awaiting for some results to come back. we've been monitoring the air quality overnight and so we're going to keep the emergency response group on the ground up to speed on what those results are. alright i'm going to move now to when we're just looking at these
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pictures. i want to remind people from richmond, indiana, where you see that huge plume of smoke billowing over what is obviously both business and residential areas. i want to move on to this big announcement that you have made about vehicle emission standards. this is a big shift. can you give me a sense of what you're hoping to accomplish? well, listen, we're driving towards a clean energy future. uh you know, we're following the market first and foremost, this proposal will follow the investments that we've seen from the private sector just the past two years over $120 billion invested in electric vehicles and batteries. we're going to save consumers money. you know, these vehicles don't require as much maintenance. obviously, the gas prices are a little steeper and electric vehicles will be cheaper over the lifespan, but we're also protecting communities and this planet. listen 10 billion tons of c 02
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avoided that's almost like having no emissions from the transportation sector for a four year period. in the last point i'll make is we're shoring up our energy security. if this proposal becomes final, we will see our dependence on foreign oil imports decreased by over 20 billion barrels. and so this is a really exciting proposal that codifies the president's vision for an electric future. a lower carbon future. but the future that wins the day in manufacturing and jobs as well. i want to ask you what this might mean. for the average american. many of us drive cars , especially those of us on the west somewhere. public transportation isn't as readily available and the spaces are long and large. can you give me a sense? what this means for? you know someone who's just taking the kids to work. you know, this is a future for everyone, and we're starting to see all of the auto industry move in this direction. they're
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working on creating products that span the entire, um, gambit of those who purchased vehicles and you know, the president didn't just, you know, wake up and think about this today. this has been part of his vision. from day one. if you take a look at the bipartisan infrastructure law, billions of dollars invested and charging stations all across this country to reduce that range anxiety billions of dollars in the chips and science act to bring battery manufacturing and manufacturing back to the united states and then with the inflation reduction act. a $7500 credit tax credit for those who want to purchase these vehicles. so in addition to that $7000 7500 dollars tax credit, uh folks who purchase electric vehicles will see a cost savings over the lifespan of the vehicle because they're not having to buy gas because they're not having to ah , pay for maintenance. and so this is a huge opportunity for
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everyone in this country. all right, i got to ask you because there is a new gallup poll out that was released just night. just last night. you talked about the 7500 tax credit. but 41% of americans said that they would not buy an electric vehicle, while 12% said they were seriously considering it. some of us i myself and my family. we keep our vehicles for 10, plus years and buying a car is extremely expensive is specially now more expensive now than we've seen in a very long time. how do you convince americans that they need to go forward? are they going to be punished? say if they don't go ahead and buy that vehicle in the amount of time that you have given absolutely no punishment. sarah listen, we're thinking out for the future. this proposed technology standards for automobiles. it doesn't kick in until model year 2027 beyond so
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, what we're looking at is a ramp up period. we know that in the next couple of years, we're going to see automobile manufacturers offer a suite of products. that will be attractive to consumers. we know that we'll see charging stations all across this country so that we can reduce that range anxiety and those who are concerned about where they can charge and people will have a number of years that they can take advantage of these tax credits, and so we're going to see a massive build up over the next couple of years and listen. we're starting to see those electric vehicle sales numbers grow already, so we anticipate that all of this will line up and when we start to look at mar-a-lago 2027 beyond i say that folks should fasten their seatbelts because this electric future has taken off. can i get a quick? yes or no from you? are you going to go after industry as well because the general public is being told that you have to do it. industry going to be told. hey, you guys have to
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transition. listen this is a proposal that provides options and we are in the proposal phase. we're going to continue to engage with the automobile industry. we're going to continue to engage with union and nonunion workers. we're going to continue to engage with the environmental stakeholders. uh this is a proposal. it kicks off a process by which we can look at these numbers. we can look at this ambition and together we can pursue a path that is good for this country, not only from a climate and pollution standpoint, but good for jobs, good for manufacturers and good for consumer choice. alright epa administrator michael reagan. thank you. so much for joining us on cnn news, central kate a new key inflation measure was just released this morning. the clues that it is now offering about where the economy is now and also is headed. that is next. also ahead for us kidnapped and now speaking out the americans abducted by mexican cartel
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talked to cnn about what they went through and how they tried to escape. that's ahead. if youu have diabetes, it's importatanto have confidence in the nutritional drink you c choose. try boost glucose control. it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support. scle health. tryoost today double check that that's prett good. yes crying. are you takg that? and what was at? that no, don't worry about that. here we go. the right question can greatly impact your future qualified to do this. what specially when it comes to your finances. do you have a question? are you a certified financial planner? yes i am a cfp. professional professionals are committed to acting in your best interest. that's why it's got to be a cft. find your cfp professional it. let's make a plan .org. fast signs create custom deep sea signage that
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of secure sd wan connections in minutes so you don't have to bend over backwards. i thought i was flexible. good morning, everyone we do begin with breaking news. joining us now are two lawmakers from different sides of the aisle also live in ukraine, dr sanjay gupta award policy in denmark. we are just getting word this morning that the most important measure of inflation is cooling off the consumer price index out just a short time ago, showed the price prices rose just 5% compared to this time last year. that's down from a 6% increase in january here to explain what this all means in making her cnn news central debut. the cheapest correspondent christine romans. hello come with some good news. excellent look, it was 9.1% this cp i number last summer and that really hurt and were quite
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worried about that. and now it's down to 5. look that's still way above what the fed wants to see. the fed wants to see it 2% number here but 5% less than last month, which was 6% less than people expected, and so that's a really important i think improvement here when you dig inside of these numbers, you can also see that gas prices energy prices down. over a year . that's really important. you can see that overall month to month only up 0.1% that's hardly at all. so that's the kind of number we want to see in. some of these sectors were a year ago, john they were just going up up up up now. year over year. energy prices down. this is food prices moderating and what i'm still concerned about here, though, is this number the shelter number shelter here still quote unquote sticky inflation harder to turn around. you can't switch your cuts of meat like you can for grocery store prices you like you can. you can just change where you live every month to try to find some place cheaper. so the shelter price is something i'm still concerned about. easier to change your cuts of meat. it is
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absolutely christine romans. thank you very much. bring more good news. really appreciate it, kate. none of us deserved it. that is what the americans abducted by a mexican cartel, telling cnn. they're sharing details of their terrifying ordeal after they were kidnapped in mexico, latavia washington mcgee and eric williams. they sat down with cnn's anderson cooper last night for this exclusive interview. the backstory you will recall early last month, they drove as a group to mexico with two of them. friends. so washington mcgee. could get a medical procedure while on their way they say that gunmen surrounded their van shooting williams and two of their friends before taking them hostage. a warning now this video may be difficult to watch. they say that their friends were still alive when their bodies were dragged onto the truck bed. they shared their goodbyes before they died. i want to play for you. washington mcgee how she describes the moment that they woke up in a dark room to see a man. standing over them. he was like there's
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nothing that we can do to bring your two brothers back. he was like, but we're sorry. somebody made the wrong call. they was high and drunk. and. i'm from america to i'm fighting with my boss for him to give you all up. he's like, i don't know how i'm gonna do this, but we're gonna try to get your back home. see your family just basically kept saying he's sorry. he's like when i give you my love. i'm gonna leave too, because they're gonna kill me for letting you all go. that is crazy right to hear from the abductors after they have killed your friends, your family the two survivors. they were eventually, of course , as we know, rescue, the two survivors say they were taken to several locations while they were held in cut captivity. blindfolded every time they removed and as you can very well understand, they're still recovering from the physical, emotional and all of the trauma that are dealing with from what they lived through. sarah was harrowing. vladimir putin is set to sign a law streamlining
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military conscription in russia . this is raising fears that more russians could be forced into putin's war in ukraine. the bill would ban those eligible for military service from traveling abroad and allow for the electronic delivery of military call up papers. cnn's senior international correspondent matthew chance is joining us now from moscow. matthew russian officials talk about laying the groundwork for this new bill. can you give us a sense of whether or not russians in general are concerned, especially those between 18 and 27? who can be conscripted. yeah, i think they are concerned because this this new bill, which is going to be signed shortly, i expect by putin basically means that russian men are going to be able to be drafted into the military by email, whereas previously there have to be physically handed a letter, um by by a recruitment officer, and so what they do is they wouldn't answer. if they
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don't respond within seven days to this electronic notification to face all sorts of sanctions are going to have their driving license was potentially suspended. they will be able to buy and sell staff and they're going to be crucially banned from foreign travel. now that's important because you may remember back in september when the russian president announced what he called a partial mobilization of 300,000 people to fight in the in the conflict in ukraine. we saw a max, mass exodus of russian men from the country estimate somewhere between 300,000 to 700,000 men sort of making a run for the border to try and to try and get out to avoid being sent to that bloody meat grinder conflict in ukraine. this law will effectively stop russian men from leaving the country once they've been issued this electronic notification and so it's raising all sorts of concerns. that if the russian
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government wants to quickly bring more people into the into the military and avoid the chaos of last year, it's now got the legal means of doing so. sarah. matthew chance. thank you. for all of those details there live for us. from moscow. john nuke body camera footage from the officers confronting the gunman who killed five coworkers at louisville bank. president biden is wheels down in dublin and just minutes after marking a quarter century of the good friday agreement during a speech in belfast. we're not the same thing for anyone, but we're something for everyone. packing shipping, printing and more. the one stop
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